Mold, coming up the hello and welcome to tomorrow. Today the science show on dw and later like this is full of activity, flowers blossoming fossil flies flying on, please humming. Scientists have proven that foam 9 meadows serve as a source of food. A habitat for polonaise is asked as coffin sinks and help to replenish gronvold. As i say, thats especially true when a wide variety of plans can be found there in large numbers. But this is my so where does the various thoughts on native species or come from other regions who walk on to biologist doing any god incentive and they dont even have god they are looking for whats on offer for guns and balconies. Julian, seger and english daughter are on a mission to safe native plants species. The idea of a concept is that we want to harness the numerous potential of millions of green areas that we have in germany in other countries like germany. So we have gardens and loc mens side walks balconies. Its all spaces where there are People Living intimately with these spaces where people are interested in planting things in the spaces. And what we want to do is re direct those efforts towards native plants that are threatened at risk of declining. Already all declining is most of the native plants that cultivated the oven areas around the world. It could help to slow the decline of biodiversity. But why is the focus on native plants so important . The currently recounts 13000 non native tons and the entire time diversity is 370000 plants. So see only supports new sites. So the non native tons, then we only support a small fraction and these plans already managed very well to disperse, so they are not at risk. Where as many native tons of are at risk in gemini, around 30 percent of native flaws are in danger. Landscape architect jodi effect until you go the next with trees, shrubs and flowers in high experience. Customers dont usually ask for a native park subject plans. They just want hottie plans that are resistant to disease and easy to care for them both does she prefer to plot your view and not to this sean . They are starting because of course, we make our selections based very much on the design, depending on what people want and most indeed. All right. So 1st we look at what people want. I can then we look at the location just because they are all really different. Its one of those to find those. Then we choose the right plan, advisors present, for example, that can tolerate sheet or loves. So for lifetime ecolog, for species that are able to cope with less motor, the infinity, well also to westcan, it boils down to a mix of native and non native plants. When people do ask about native plants, they usually amine plants that will support in 6 and betts saves claudia if it can take up and he into god and center they are a lot of insects, but not putting they just more attractive to exotic. Are native plants, guests of all gone to so as of us me, you cant really say. Now what we see here is that insects like going to non native plants live on defrances because sometimes these plans failed again. When need a plan starts taking a break from sun. Mm hm. No problem. So i am leaving on the stuff that probably makes most sense is having both variances and political. So native species supplemented by non native, once machine, i can think of different lenders and all that collects the x and the live station. Natural history museum. Use a specialist, an invertebrates which includes insect. The museum has around 300. 00 falls and in its collection. Does he think non native plants are a problem for native insects . When fits is complicated and its not a problem. When a new species appear is positioned, the question is always how they fit into an existing eco system, please pool. And that is very difficult to predict in advance one causes because in a new weaker system, they encounter many species of animals and plants that they are not prepared for size. So we dont know if there will be negative or positive impact, see or no impact at all. Kind of also cool have and what about wild beast . Comfortable if i need to put that depends on how good they are at dealing with the changing floor. Of course, so there are generalists among wild bees in, for example, many bumblebees can use a wide variety of plants for food. But there are also many beeson bumblebees that cannot vary depending on a small number of plans. And when those plans disappear, sort of the bees collect dorski is also a biologist. And he to is concerned about protecting bio diversity. What looks like a god. And when nature has been left to its own devices, its actually the result of god and in the emulates nature. A lot of the plans here, primarily native species like much to how to and deal with the on c. Gov want the like. So what does a funny thing, im sure, the non native plants we have here are mainly crops plans. For example, we have 6 you on pepper most pins, thats which can be used as a spice and scripts. And then we also have fig trees. Suffice to fight and we harvest the fruits on to the high mission flower. Native plants are primarily for the animals. So like these wild areas here by the pond to a non flashing and you have the semester presented ties. But of course, as i mentioned, there are also native plants that we use like ment, myself to you. I mean, so the mix of native and non native plants seems to book well for many animals like these dragonflies, these, it isnt an extra god and has many advantages. But it is a lot of look at god and is need to be knowledgeable about the plants, english, the inches in c, g, a like the nature of god. But does it lift up to the idea of a gun that supports native plants and equal assistance . I think the best racial is probably to have between 10 to 20 percent non natives new fights and the rest 80 to 90 percent native species. And especially for the new fights, it would be desirable that they kind of fits into our ecosystems as well. So that the insect pollinators recognize the spacing. This bill one big sticking point, according to research is peoples perception of what constitutes a beautiful god needs to change. But maybe its helpful to note that a god with such a mix of plants could better survive Climate Change or even a well planned and plans have got in thats equipped to combat Climate Change may be no match for snails. And no wonder why there are over 40000. 00 species of snails and they can be found everywhere in the sea in fresh water and unlocked ponds. I love to eat with the native plants or exotic species snails loved them. Oh, so do we stand a chance of keeping them most of all gardens . Now thats what you call moving at a snails pace. A smell, this big travels at 0. 003 kilometers per hour. Thats just 3 meters an hour. And its carrying quite a load. The show on its back, provide shelter when its too cold or too warm. And this hole in the front door allows the snail to breeze. Their eyes are also fascinating. An antenna extends outward like a telescope. Though the eye on top can only tell light from dark, but snails have an impressive sense of smell and can tell when something tasty is growing in a garden. Snails not only love to creep around, they also love to eat a lot. They consume their weight in food every day. Never races, appetite often causes conflict and makes them the bane of every garden. The but all smells are not the same. Those with a shell helped to keep gardens healthy. They feed mainly on dead plant and animal remains playing a key role in homeless formation while cleaning up the garden at the same time. Only slugs, essentially, snails without shells are considered garden past. Like the spanish slug. How can you combat slugs . Most methods focus on killing the intruders, but that effects both slugs and snails, the like household solve is especially brutal slugs die painfully from dehydration and beer traps are so attractive that they lower snails from neighboring gardens. Even organic slug pellets made from fair phosphate can be harmful to snails, natural enemies, such as hedgehogs, mice and birds. It all depends on how many sales they eat. Whats the right method . Covering plant beds with dry material is one alternative to gathering up and relocating snails each day. Sawdust, egg shells, sand ash or dry coffee grounds or tough to slither across. Slugs like a damp predators like run their ducks, are an especially effective but labor intensive auction a 1. 00 to 1. 00 mixture of chili powder and cinnamon works to at least in countries where snails arent familiar with the sand of settlement. It keeps them from smelling. Let us when she leave it, once a smug has tasted a plant with chile on it, it will never go back and where it gets out as quickly as was sprinkled and mixture over the bed. For some on the leave, some of this toil its non toxic, but im advertising for slimy. Let us thieves sales are a minor problem compared to the major threat posed by Climate Change. World wide droughts and dr. Periods are increasing, often leading to corrupt, say, new boss and the long term re ground also poses an extra central problem for micro organisms, plants and animals. And therefore, for us as well, Much Research has been conducted to find remedies. In switzerland for example, theyre looking for ways to make the best possible use of low set in agriculture. The water is a precious resource. Really phone a is research or at the switch center of excellence for Agricultural Research or agro scope. He has big ideas about how to preserve water is your 1st good on no more important goal is finding the right amount of water adapt so we can use as little of it as possible for irrigation plus to achieving the best possible while it was able to pull out the mayo objective, cutting that monique is working on a drip irrigation system. For orchards, each tree needs a little more than 12 leaders per day and using the right amount in the right places helps conserve water. Your thoughts reminds me of an australian publication which demonstrated that driven irrigation can reduce water us by 50 percent to discuss cycles or someone do. Other studies may be less optimistic, but all of them come to the same conclusion. Drip irrigation is an efficient method of distributing water to fruit trees, especially when used in combination with ground sensors to separate sensors at different depths and the ground measure its moisture. When the song gets to dry, the sensor send out the signal indicating that the tree needs water. The signal triggers the watering system up to 3 times a day. Monet has conducted trials on 30 different fields, and hes developed a fully automatic irrigation system. It prevents waste and guarantees high yields the just cause of where youre in a part of the orchard. A that for experimental reasons is like we havent irrigated at all. Is it due to how scholastic could the fortunately observe is that the fruit here is not only small, its not the best quality guntee the produce 0 in terms of 1st choice that would cost the grow or tens of thousands of frames per head during the income mass of what that deal to also a new port of the project of the drought is noticeable between the trees, the dry summer has caused major problems with these trees have died if they hadnt been irrigated over by the cold. Yeah, the to show you how long a treatment survive without the water. In fact, the tree has some mechanisms that allow it to survive without water. If you need them at the seal of you resort without water, they stop growing and cant drive quasi the prison. Digital p, the growth of the shoots, and the branches will be completely stopped as well. The growth of the fruit, a copay tool, a that costs of the if we so its the yields the quality of the production that is affected by the lack of water. The fix, the bottle of bodily moved aside from so improves. There is another way to measure of trees need for water, didnt draw matters, or Research Project by monets colleagues measures the diameter of the tree trunk. During the course of the day, the trunk expands or contracts. When the sun shines, the tree lose its water and becomes dinner when watered in the evening, it expands again overnight. If a tree doesnt get enough water and cap regenerate and experiences, whats known as water stress that has a negative effect on yields. The researchers irrigation system is faster and more precise and also more reliable. So when the irrigation is well adjusted, it ensures that human errors wont occur. Its often valves that people forget to close, that lead to water waste funnel these, oh, thats cool. No be. As water becomes a scarce commodity around the world, water saving technologies like these are more vital than ever. Mushrooms have been around for longer than humans. The oldest fossil fun guy discovered by researches is some 700 to 800000000 years old. Mushrooms pop up everywhere and can do amazing things. To us, the qualities even of interest to undertake his mushroom. I see him can be used to make things like bricks and houses that are really stable on. Some guy can decompose volcanic materials, including complex life phones, alive, codes, rubber gloves, safety glasses, some wood, shavings, and phone goes both from the laboratory. Mix them together, add water, and wait about so bump hendricks needs to do to grow well coughing. I think david s. Umbrella, i think david at ro and gratitude, burke would be fans of my mushroom. My celia, im coughing the stage, but its an invention for folks who think about the generations to come on nico, after theyre dead, want to be one with nature. And it rich, the soil is complex to not contaminated a human compost. Is that a disrespectful or brilliant . I did the young industrial design. It invented his mushroom, my cellular coffin almost by accident, by studying architecture. He dealt with living building materials. Since my cell, you can be used everywhere. Bearing at this level lay my celia brings life back to the soil, so it grows fast. It needs no electricity, heat nor light. In fact, even absorbs c o 2 while it grows only. So the more people who are buried this way, the better it is for the or 8 thats fundamentally different to our burial rituals, to date, bullet put of auto. And just 7 days, the mice selling them grooves in a pre formed mode. Forming a living coffin, whose surface feels like a velvet cushion. The coffin is then dried to stop the grace. The fun guy then lied to me in the coffin, looks like a star from books and its just as light. But its a completely natural product that is into psalms as well. What special is the Emotional Perception when you touch it . So it feels good. Its warm, soft and light, but also very stable. Yeah. So the coats inside can be will most to me to tool and way up to 200. 00 kilos for the barrier. Its placed on a bed of fresh moss to speed up the decomposition process. The moist most comes into contact with the, dried my cellular, bringing it back to life. More than 100 people have already been buried in my cellular coffins in the netherlands. Last year, a funeral director john phone test, a robot. So the 1st living, coughing for an a 2 year old woman, the mice selling them based versions cost 1500 year is cheaper than conventional coffins that they need to the main to i dont think people choose, im i, celia, im coughing for financial reasons, my rather they want to send a signal to the rest of the world. We almost do our part and only leave a small Carbon Footprint behind on this planet. And those are plenty of to live. Because around the world, some 160000 people die each day and they leave traces behind. Not just in the hearts of the loved ones, but also is toxic substances. One of the most recent most intensive burial methods is the classical christian ceremony with a wooden ca, skit each year, thousands of tons of wood steel, bronze, and copper buried underground cremation isnt much better in europe, around 70 percent, as people know choose to be true, bases however, this produces home full emissions and toxic ashes. At the symmetry, it can take up to 10 years or more for a corpse to fully decompose in a traditional wouldnt cost it. By contrast with the living coffin, it takes just 2 to 3 years. And at the same time, the myself and release is nutrients into the soil for new plants. So what about this duction . Invention had spread quickly. More than a 150 Funeral Homes took advantage of the opportunity to learn about the idea of who gunning burials from both. Hendricks himself he said to me convinced funeral director york few vague from que a flight of steps on towards with burials desk and warning light blows. And sustainability is a really big topic. Came up. Its also one that seen a huge boost in recent years. When you can, i think it will become even more important toys because the people who are barriers you and me are the ones who are on the streets demonstrating with credit every friday. But todays house as also stand in project, im going to be on even if some people arent yet ready for more sustainable burial culture. Both hendricks and other Funeral Directors expect that soon. Many would choose living coffins as that way of giving Something Back to the uh, the best. Uh, also posit this uh, club life. They help to spread plant seeds. They eat insects and keep the numbers and check some even thing quite nicely. And so often do that from as of the heights power lines are a popular place for flux of beds to land, which seems rather risky. That prompted view of jorge. Much say a to send us the question all the way from colombia why arent birds electrocuted by power lines. Busy power lines offer birds are lofty landing spot, but theyve chosen a high voltage look out more than 100000 volts flow through the cables. By comparison in europe, normal Power Sockets have just 230 volts. That means the voltage of their perch is more than 400. 00 times higher, and yet i was feathered friends. Dont even notice. Nothing will happen as long as the bird touches only one cable. No electricity flows through the bird because 2 neighboring points on the table carry very little voltage. Birds can relax and enjoy the view. Thanks to the principal of of electric circuits. They function like this. Lets use a single wire to connect a battery with a light bulb. Nothing happens. Electricity doesnt flow through the light bulb until we take a 2nd wire and complete the circuit causing it to glow. When a bird sits on a power line, its like a light bulb, with just one wire. Nothing happens because power lines are like positive poles. Electricity can only flow when they make a complete circuit together with the ground. A negative pole thats the reason power lines rarely pose a danger to smaller birds. The. Busy power lines and the transmission towers can be troublesome for larger birds. Busy like eagles, storks, geese, and even crows every year, thousands of birds die from electrocution in germany alone. That can happen when they touch 2 cables with their wings and create a short circuit, or when they touch both the tower and the cables. The circuit is then complete and high voltage electricity flows through their body the this, these appears to have been one of the lucky ones. It hopefully just got a minor shock because what is read . Why are they if you have a science questions, send it to us by video, text or voice message. If we answer it on the show, well give you a little surprise as a thank you. The just start thats it. So this edition of tomorrow today, the dw sign show, its nice that you can join us until next time, goodbye. And remember to always stay curious. The fighting exclusions are in germany. Foreign girls as committed to promoting integration. The group knows a Beautiful Day and makes girls both happier and more self confident empowerment through football. 6 a piece the beginning of a story that takes us along for the ride. Its about the perspectives culture information. This is the, the news w mines. Sometimes a seed is all you need to allow big ideas to grow. Were bringing an Environmental Conservation to life with learning facts like global ideas. We will show you how Climate Change and Environmental Conservation is taking shape around the world and how we can make a difference. Knowledge grows through sharing. Download it now for the door and 6, the con much the 3 minutes. Dont take money to my son. Your mom is not coming back. 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