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Of use clouds warnings of was it consumption could double in some parts of the world, despite there being nosy enough to meet demand. A new report on whats a stress . Sams, we have the, im so gay. Welcome to the program. Ukraine says it has started to send ships across the black sea along what it describes as humanitarian caught. It was the 1st that left a desa on wednesday morning carrying an unspecified congo. The hong kong flags contain the ship is one of many that have been stuck in ukrainian fords since the beginning of the war. Russia said that it considers a would consider all ships in the area to be possible military carriers in july, moscow. Thats the new agreement thats allowed the safe passage of grain shipments. The resumption of ship movements raises the possibility of intervention by russian warships comes and made a rising tensions in the black sea. To the summer sun send and see the beaches of odessa reopened this month. For the 1st time since rushes innovation, it may look identical, but this ukrainian black, c, c, c is now at the house of the battle of the military and geopolitical interest. Russia has long been the prominent naval power in the black sea with its fleet stationed in crimea. But the western shows are controlled by nato allies. Romania and bulgaria, and parts of the Eastern Shore belongs to nature popular georgia. In the south nato member techie is the gatekeeper of the black sea, controlling the only access point through the bus press straits. In the early days of the war, russia started mining ukraine, invoices, and blockading exports, including odessa, the blockade disrupted, ukraines great exports, leaving millions of people affected, particularly in african nations. Jr, often months of uncertainty techies, president , richard, ty of ad one and the United Nations broke at a d last summer for russia to allow ukraine to export its grain. But in july this year, ahead of the russia, africa summit, Vladimir Putin pulled out of the deal with most co announcing ships. The 7 ukrainian ports would no longer be saving it when they got blown they were gonna go in. The tensions continue to rise as rush up again. The Bombing Campaign and targeting Ukraine Support infrastructure in odessa that forced ukraine to find alternative routes, sending its exports to smaller ports along the river. Done you on its west and boulder, but that to russia took action bombing the ports of rennie scene has failed in just a few 100 meters away in romania and nato country law. Ukraine also ramped up its attacks targeting navy vessels in russian poets and several russian ships in the black sea us. And then last week came another clash with rushed us. Navy is firing warning shouts at powwow flag vessel after it failed to stop for inspection. It was bought it in a dramatic rate, but lights were allowed to continue to ukrainian. Done, you porch rush as president has said he is open to returning to the great deal, but only in exchange for better conditions for russias own exports, but vital ukrainian gray and ex both remain stuck in Storage Facilities and in trucks waiting to be picks out as the black sea stand off as fast reaching the boiling point. Lets pick this up with dr. Sebastian bruce, who has a sense of amount of time strategy, kale Universities Institute for security policy. Welcome to the w. Im what do you think . Then its the ukranian thinking, sending cargo ships across the black sea, despite those russian warnings grafting fil, um, yes, this is a very important point that ukraine is making, is trying to defy the russian threat of thinking or attacking those the ships and who is a very important sign also in the military inspector because these ships that are currently passing on the 1st one of which is just, are to happen to obtain ive been detained in ukraine since already over a year since the war broke out. So all of this is diplomatically and strategically the report. The humanitarian aspect at the excuse is a bit send, isnt it, given that the, the condo on board, the ship is on specified. No one knows whats on as well by the looks of it. Thats true. Um, you know, the toggle has been in the, in the containers in the port from, from my telling since february at least february of last year. And so, you know, whatever is let is left that could be sold on the market. Its probably, you know, not a whole lot. Are there any does, is there anything that is the green in there or Something Like that . We dont know, and im sure the opinions wont tell us anytime soon. So what happens then . Theyve rushed that does into sap, to an attack. One of the ships. Well, you know, its, its, its always a question of how does such and such an attack go forward. Is it a mere boarding that weve seen with the other freighter that was mentioned in the report . Is theres some shooting is theres, you know, is, is the, is the, should going to be targeted with mines with special forces with the entire ship myself, these kind of things that would really be more of an escalation to remove and could really uh, yeah, raise up the risk in, in the region and quickly fault of humanitarian arguments as well as ukrainians efforts to, uh, to use the c routes. Uh, once again. Uh, the escalation factor of course is increased because the, we have 3 native countries board in the block c. Im not, escalation doesnt even have to be deliberate. Does it could be entirely accidental. Absolutely. Right. This is, this is an issue that needs to be addressed up, not individuals and policy makers, militaries need to think about the scenarios and the possible consequences, you know, anything from up to an optical size issue, but to me. But its not just a natural issue, any time for any nation thats interested in the freedom of the seas and in open an open waters. And the high seas should be trying to support, you know, the sailing of, of cargo ships and military ships into the black sea, because the back seat is not the russian lake. So as far as we know, all ukraines hands completely clean. Have they been suspicions that that key fits use cargo ships for military purposes in the past as well . I dont have any inside of it to that i, i wouldnt completely roll it out because as it should be clear, ukraine is under a direct threat in a, in a, in a full scale war with his, with his neighbor, russia. And so they might be finding ways and finding reasons to circumvent certain rules, the rules of the rules that usually work in the maritime domain. But i, i would have to speculate, i dont, i dont know. Thanks for that. Doctors advice in the bronx, from cube universitys institute for security policy. I thought that lets take a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. Ukraine says its false as a re taking the village of human shanie and they didnt ask region from russian. Occupies, gave says its made slow progress and pushing button russian units from the face, the contested area in a region of eastern new credit. And thats a rush that claims to onyx last year. Timelines constitutional cortez blocked a bed by the Progressive Move Forward Party to nominate to a new Prime Minister. Despite winning the election in may, the pos is confident up to them. John, over the rock was rejected by the mother to dominate to parliament. The quotes decision of the page to wait for the appointment of a military lawyer as to the post. Millions of people have been added to safety in northwest and canada went wild. Pfizer threatening several times. Roads out of the area had been closed after becoming engulfed by flames. In the past weeks, reco defiance of spread across the country, scorching millions of hector has more than a 1000 files of still, but its not to hawaii where officials are working to identify the victims killed in the wildfires on the island of maui. The governor confirmed the children among the 106 fatalities as the 1st names of those who lost their lives if they were released. It is raising the island. These donations are being unloaded to help residents made homeless by the disaster. The federal government has promised its full backing and peasant bye and has said he will visit the areas so many on my we still without pilot and running low on supplies. Nearly a week after the play survive is every call in some terrifying experiences directly across the ship, best effect saved and then the school growing of life and of where this man is walking, just minutes before the fire burned hook guard and the lease as a neighbor its not running escape into the ocean. Well, im for washington. Theres rocks got her and legs. But you didnt use cobra. Barbara, for what . She kept her stats from much up to her neck in the cold water. We got as low as a cub. At that point at 9 i both started to lose consciousness. We began to hallucinate. I would kind of pass out into the water and thats my face. Hit the water. I would come into again and realize where i was. And what was going on and how i needed to keep myself safe for any decent edna had finally arrived. So many others did not escape the rapidly moving flames. The tragedy has left around a 100 dead and more than a 1000, missing a massive search operation. Its under we the for dogs, a working to read through hundreds of printer homes and the he, cuz the intensity of the police and state of destruction have made it difficult to find and identify human to me a week after the fire. Only a few of the dead has been identified using the fingerprints. The exact number may not be known for weeks driven, his cabinet has approved a draft bill to liberalize the use of cannabis. It said to be the 1st and i to part plot will need approval by parliament. It would allow individuals to possess up to 25 grams of kind of useful Recreational Purposes and to grow up to 3 plants at home. People will also be able to join kind of use clubs a to exchange model. Want to move from the top is Political Correspondent to Benjamin Alvaro screw. But welcome ben. So talk us through the main points of his bill. So this draft bill was discussed in the german cabinet. It was unveiled by Germanys Health a minister cut, allowed to above the coalition cabinet, aimed to legalize the drug by the end of the year. But it pers, as you just said, needs to get through the parliament through the button to start. So we expect the discussions to continue. The. The 1st step is that people over the age of 18 will be permitted to process up to 25 grams either pay today or up to 50 grams at a month. That amount will change if the people who want to buy it are on the 21. 00. And another main aspect is the one that you mentioned that people will be able to grow 3 up to 3 plants for personal use in the homes. And that will be the so called kind of a social clubs that will be non profit cloths that will allow members to buy this substance for Recreational Purposes. But however, it, these products cannot be, will not be allowed to be use in this clouds. That will also be reduced around in the old will also be restrictions around playground schools and also kindergartens to, to protect minors and why they doing this. What sort of benefits as jim expecting from this . So what the government is expecting is that this will allow him officials to push back the black market, protect consumers against contaminated products. Thats something that helps minutes to also is during that press conference, reduce drug related crimes and also, and thats something that theyve been stressing in it over the past weeks and months to is that they want to see for the countries Law Enforcement agencies, quotes in prison also costs when it comes to that, but of course there are a controller sees and also there is criticism with this law and not only from, from the position you had talk us through some of those uh criticisms. So someone to use the Health Ministry of under estimating the risk of the criminalizing kind of a is a warning of a complete loss of control. A great danger for mine is it, but also that this might lead to a heavy additional policy. But thats been criticism from the German Police union, some jet joseph also warned about if they say it is not clear if they will need more technical, more personal assets by the police, by the authorities. A to manage that a, that the disputes also within the, the government parties to see government parties. The per business ftp potty has said that this will create too much for christy and the others who say that they are under estimating how easy people will be able to get this truck. And also if it will be enough for children for minus who will not be allowed to buy this truck if they will also a get in touch, easier with the drug and then go to the heart of drugs as well. So that to the deputies, that Benjamin Alvarez group out of the west African Regional book eco ass. Well meet again tomorrow to review. Its response to dish as ministry to the Economic Community of West African States, a sofa avoided administrative response. August instead using sanctions to pressure the magenta who sees power 3 weeks ago and the countries have closed that long voyages we can use. Yeah. And the thing, hundreds of trucks stranded cargo includes that relief. Material agencies are seeking a resolution to try to get supplies to people in desperate need. A date of news that told me a lot of folk in thomasville. Welcome. Tell me how effective have sanctions be . The sanctions of sofa been devastating for fun is yeah, food prices of sword because media is a landlord country and thats why these so they the, the neighbors which are mostly coastal West African States have sealed off that borders. And so inputs going to come in the Sahara Desert to the north, obviously. So theres not Much Movement that comes from that. Nature is not just any low income country, its in the top, its in the 10 poorest countries in the world. So this kind of an action is having quite the effect on it that you know, it depends very heavily on age. And agencies are worried that people are going to suffer. Okay, so people are stuffing that say factors happening. The point of a so is to change the minds of the ministry john to and so whats the response . But theyre digging the heels and they are painting face as a new share against the world they, they are trying to riley up to people that are appealing to the public saying that the outside walls trying to interfere with, with that with what theyve done. So they describe the sanctions as a legal, as on that they call and they all obviously look to the world and, and they and not finding support. So they feel like the only place they can find the support is among the public. And thats why they want to make it look as if the so the support that they have is organic from the public. An echo, as a has tended to use sanctions against the many crews in that region without any apparent success that restoring democracy. So is there any indication that new guy will be any different . You know, as i mentioned is there is, is, is that kind of country which is, which is the old off. So across the hopes that these kinds of sanctions will push the, the, the on to, to, to act. And, you know, media is one of these countries where for example, they had the elections just to 2 years ago. So it was the 1st time in the history that theyve had a successful democratic transition. Democracy struggle in west africa, but a lot of countries of what was very hard to get to this point and the worry that a trend could develop. What weve had, this is what the 4th country, 9, west africa and the military rule. And so thats really worrying for a lot of these neighbors. And they feel like they need to do their best to secure democracy because it affects what happens and these are affects them as well. But of course, its not just the west african neighbors. Its also the outside world. The us friends have troops in this year as well in bales. So pushing from behind the scenes to see if there is a piece of resolution. Okay, so tomorrow seems amazing of military leaders from the echo house in the garden and capital. Does this look like a possible military intervention will be on the table . Thats difficult because 1st of all, whats this military intervention going to entail of a going in . Thats a 3 president resume. Are they going to take over the campus on the . I mean, thats difficult to see, so they will have this meeting. There is whats called the africa stand by force, which is got 5 brigades representing the different regions of the african continental. This is the west africans done by force which already exist in theory, and theyll have to discuss, you know, whos contributing what, how many troops do they need. But my guess is that this is part of them buying time, so that the diplomacy can carry on. They will flex their muscles, obviously to, to sort of show the building to that, that they, they mean business. But i think this is part of them a trying to, to extend the period with which they can have a peaceful resolution. Okay. Thanks a lot. Tell me, deputies tell me a lot about meanwhile, new jazz agenda appointed Prime Minister isnt chad on his 1st visit to a foreign states ends up being appointed last week. Hes holding towards the childs transitional leaders on regional security. I mean is a match with the chats president them. How much of debbie who stacys onto in 2021 is the same, said the totes were 9 to resolve the regional crisis stemming from them rise to power junk. The representative said done. Jasmine should be this, were open to talks, but said that condition for dialogue would be maintaining news as independence. Heres a little headlines at this hour. Fighting between 2 factions in libya as capital triple a has left to 27 people, dad and around a 100 injured residents. Were trapped in the homes as the city was wrong by gun 5 and explosions. Tensions flat. Remember, leisure commander was captured by rival Group Fighting east when he was released as a 1st to the west of violence, tripoli has seen this year. Both korea has officially acknowledged as detention off a us soldier, travis, king, he was on the civilian, tore off at the fedex between north and south korea when he crossed into the north, becoming the 1st american confirmed, detained by telling me on in almost 5 years. United states is wanting, but more than a 1000000 people or 5 so down to neighboring countries after the civil war broke out 4 months ago. More than 3000000 have become internally displaced. Un says people in that are running out of food and that dying because of a lack of health care. So when you report to solving the alarm about access to volta around the world, the world, the result is, institute says, a quarter of the worlds population doesnt have enough water to meet the demand for drinking agricultural industry. And that number is set to increase a burning cold oil and gas is fueling the climate crisis. The earth is not only getting warmer with more intense heat waves. The droughts are also an increasing threat. Water is becoming increasingly scarce worldwide. Were going to see a lot more competition over the water resource. And that means in years where theres less water and were seeing more and more of those years, someones task will be turned off, right . Someone wont be able to access that water when they need it. And that could either be water for, you know, Power Production for thinking of the men or region that could be water for households, a water for food. So the, the sticks are really high here. 25 countries are already affected by an extreme lack of water. Its having severe consequences for people access to food at local economies. Countries in the middle east and north africa are the hardest hit by 2050. All people in the region will suffer from extreme water stress, india or bangladesh pockets. Don entry lanka are also on the hot spots besides Climate Change, excessive water consumption by agriculture and the industry is the main reason for the crisis. While water consumption in the global north will barely increase in the coming decades to will more than double in the drought stricken Subsaharan Africa region. This is mainly due to the expansion of agriculture for export to to prevent dramatic cross failures. A more sustainable use of water is needed. But this is lacking in more than half of all countries. So thats gonna have huge implications, especially on or, or Agricultural Industries which are so dependent on the timing and quantity of water. So i think this is a really important issue to keep in mind as were going into comp, as were going into these big kind of discussions. We cant afford to leave water behind, but we dont see it being mentioned as a, a priority. Something that we should really be thinking about in these conversations. Many of the hot spot countries will need Financial Support to better manage the water crisis. And time is running out to make sure everyone in the world has access to the water they need. That report was produced by i think the report of tim shown back of joins us now. Welcome, a 11 bit of good news, i suppose from this report from the worlds results institute is that protection that wants to be mounted in the us and europe will plot. So in the coming decades, does that mean those regions wont face want to stress . Know that youre not just because your and my tap is running regularly. It doesnt mean that these regions dont have what a stress at all. We have seen jobs in the us. We have seen severe jobs, extreme jobs in southern france, and Southern Spain in funds. Even with conflicts violent conflicts over water in spain, as well as protests, by farmers. So just because the, the projection that there wont be much more demands in, in these regions, doesnt mean that these regions, us and europe do not expect more water than they actually have. So how do we tackle this issue as well . First of all, the limits in Climate Change, let me think Climate Change means limiting more extreme jobs and more extreme heat waves. So secondly, theres a huge waste of water through bad water infrastructure. 30 percent off of global fresh water is wasted through leaks of pipes, meaning fresh water is already being treated on the way to the consumer isnt house or, or industrial production. And just through a leak, its basically wasted. Its a waste of money and energy and certainly what the treatments i think going to be in the global south and low Income Countries. This rich potential to reuse the water which is already in the system. And by that also preventing to contaminate the natural or what the resources that we already have rivers, lakes, through sewage or industrial waste. What is the those resources are essential to secure future water supply . While the country is most threatened by water stress investing more in sustainable was the use as well. Low Income Countries as shoot stepped there, basically facing a debt crisis. And that makes it difficult for them to Access Financial resources. Money on the, on the International Financial markets, and therefore they are demanding from International Financial institutions like the International Monetary fund, like the world bank, which are dominated by which countries to give them more financial space. They call it to basically build up the financial capacities to it, at least invest, to adapting Climate Change and invest in sustainable development. Additionally, they ask richard countries for direct support. As rich countries are responsible to start being responsible for Climate Change. The mind give us derek. Money, so we got, we can build up the capacities this discussion has been going on for years now and will be once again one of the Top Priorities as the international trying to conference in due by taking place in december of this year. Is that to do the report the tim shown back, or is it data we use as a reminder of our top story . This, our ukraine has begun to send ships across the block, se along new circles humanitarians colorados despite increased risk of interception by russia. Moscow says it because all ships in the area as potentials to the treat best to best home from hawaii is devastating. Wong times has reached 0. 10 expected to increase as a search for human domains. Continue the next on dw made in germany. Why india is economy is taking all the background, the some of the with load with the profiting, forced to move to a ranking as the worlds 3rd largest economy. India is blasting all the country wants to catch up with the us and china by 2030. Some factors driving the swing digitization education and lofty ambitions made in german molded by traditions. Spirits and the c. Welcome to taiwan. Asia is treasure chests. A place of color for adventure and spoiled nature and unforgettable deluxe taiwan. Small islands. Thats big on diversity. The 45 minutes dw, the door and 6 oclock. Dont take mommy to my son, your mommys not coming back. Over february 2020 Russian Troops invaded the ukrainian city of the computer. It was recaptured. 6 months later the occupation was hard. How can life go on after all the terror . Not everyone can endure the fear we felt every day. When russia comes start to august 25th on dw, the, the india is booming and it aims to become one of the worlds biggest economies. India has come a long way since its independence from british rule. On august 15, 1947. After years of struggle, the indian independents movements succeeded large. Lisa

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