The same person hit the market near the market yesterday, by the way a 16yearold girl also died. Now she is in a very serious condition, the doctors are fighting for her life for the next two days because she has an open brain injury and she is now on Artificial Life support devices, we will hope that she will recover. But this is the situation for yesterday only 20 people in kherson, three of them will die, oleksandr, what is the situation with demining, are there any successes or is there an opportunity for farmers to farm, more than 70,000 hectares have already been demined by our brave ee rescuers it was technical and pyrotechnics the police ee and a large area are taken and ee sappers of the armed forces of ukraine work every day without a day off and every day they clear about 500 hectares in each of them is very helpful and the equipment that provides ee and provides various funds such as eholoda bahata that use it protects our rescuers and serpers. Thank you for the latest information. Oleksandr talakonikov , spokesman for the kherson Regional Military administration. If we sum up the latest shelling, we can see that the russians are purposefully hitting hospitals and gatherings of people, etc. It is civilians who are beaten where there are no military or military facilities, well, thats how russia is. Thats how they wage war against civilians, and we continue. A ghost town without people and not a single surviving building. This is bakhmut. After a year of fighting , the russian invaders wiped it off the face of the earth. They stayed there. The ruins themselves will have to be rebuilt from scratch after the return of bakhmut under control, but first the occupiers must be expelled from there. Operations to capture the city e tell us how the event around bakhmut developed, thanks to whom, apparently, why did the russians manage to capture the city then, and where to start, yes, indeed , one of our battalions was in bakhmut , the guys were as motivated as possible. Here are the guys who were mostly from bakhmut or from that region , by the way well, to say that it was a battle or battles is not to say anything. That is, it was one continuous slaughter, the lever was that it was not a day there, not a week, but it was constant attacks, constant the attacks of mainly wagnerites or even the regular ones on the army here and at the expense of this attack in principle and they were able to take some part of the positions here, including due to the intensity of hostilities and the intensity of shelling, the life of the embankment for their soldiers is nothing ere command about the language about it, every dead person is a tragedy, a tragedy for the unit, a tragedy for the armed forces, of course, after weighing it all , i think that the command made a decision on the partial withdrawal of the armed forces from the bakhmut direction, but here i will say a few points, first of all, first of all, there is a significant amount of the territory of the districts that are considered, lets say, a gray zone. That is , it is impossible to dig in there. There is nothing to dig there. Just ruins, ruins of the earth, ruins of concrete. Here it is. Well, as they say, erased from the face of the earth, thats why it is considered gray and er, diversion er, as a rule. The number of enemy forces. I think that for the battle for bakhmut, the fact that we held on at such a high cost and for so long, i think that tens of thousands of enemies lay in this land , that is, bakhmut fulfilled his mission. By the way , the bakhmut direction continues to fulfill this mission in because gradually he sharpened the enemys teeth, so to speak, and in principle continues to stabilize. Well, we are now watching the counteroffensive of ukraine , cheering and holding on, but heres your forecast. Under control of ukraine, what are the conditions for this, what should be the conditions for this combat action, this is the advantage of the enemy, this is the taking of the initiative tactically, including the strategic one, and not only in bakhmut , but in this direction, so that the enemy binds the enemy, hides his reserves, well, that is, a huge number of e i can tell you that the armed forces surrendered many , many cities and positions, so that otherwise it would have happened to the enemy , this is war. It is difficult for me to say the necessary conditions for this. I would not like to make any predictions. I know what is happening now, and bakhmut, we are now in our unit in the bakhmut district. Including at the strategic and tactical level, to not only return bakhmut, but to return a significant amount of that area of ​​the region in general, which in this case we were formulated that bakhmut remained. Unfortunately, only the name and the city are erased from the face the land of the start of the architecture, there is not a single house that would not be kissed by an enemy projectile, by the way, this also applies to the sand and maryan and avdiivka, avdiivka, which is holding on, it is being destroyed, but the armed forces continue to fight there every day. I would even say that battles are being fought every minute eh for breaking through and eh taking away a significant pass on the ground, mr. Igor, but it is important i also think to remember at what price everything this is given eh a city of which there is actually no longer left and to lose tens or there hundreds, i dont know what number of our military e i think it is important to return all these ukrainian cities and all ukrainian territories and e with minimal losses e what is our actual wish for you and your brothers and sisters to return ukrainian cities and all ukrainian soldiers with minimal losses and return home to their families. Thank you very much for joining our broadcast and for what you do. Yehor firsov, a military serviceman, was on our broadcast later, and here is the photo between these two pictures. The photos were released by the maksar company in the spring, one photo was taken in may 2022, before the russians began storming the city, the other in may of this year, when Russian Troops took control of most of bakhmut last year , on august 1, Russian Troops intensified airstrikes on the city and carried out massive ground strikes , and the Russian Ministry of defense announced the beginning of the ground operation in bakhmut during the fall , the russians are intensifying the pressure by organizing infantry assaults and continuing shelling of the city , the governor of the donetsk region, pavlo kyrylenko, said in the reports of the general staff on december 22 stated that only 60 , thousands of residents, these shots were taken by the correspondents of the public in bakhmut last december, the supply of water and gas in the houses continues to live, people continue to live inside in january of this year, ukrainian troops leave the soledar that on the outskirts of bakhmut , the general Staff Reports on facebook for isa and in april, the russians take control almost all of bakhmut reports the American Institute for the study of war ukrainian soldiers are advancing on the approaches to the city deputy minister of defense hanna malyar said during the briefing that two square kilos were released last week meters of bakhmut zabakhnuti fierce battles are still going on in the community, the head of the bakhmut city military administration, Oleksandr Marchenko, said that out of more than 600 highrise buildings, not a single one has survived, he says the enemy used scorched earth tactics on the locals about their homes and Favorite Places of rest, only memories of what bakhmut used to be are left by its residents honcharuk told september 2021 on the Central Square in bakhmut in front of the city council, a festive orchestra marches with the flags of ukraine, dancing in blue and yellow costumes, two years ago the city celebrated 450 years, the plaque was in april this year, this photo was published by the deepstate analytical center, it can be seen that the City Council Building was destroyed , we met in the capital with nikita bezmen in bakhmutiv, born and raised in fact 25 years from birth to the beginning of the fullscale invasion of us, a very beautiful city, always very kind people were with smiles and a good mood. Nikita, a historian and tour guide, says that since 2014, the city was a few tens of kilometers from the front line, although tourists came here, and bakhmut was developing, and the temple of st. Ivan chrysostom he was it was built on the embankment of the city, built according to ancient technologies, where Construction Materials were not used , there were nails, staples, the champagne factory, says nikita, was one of bakhmuts business cards, the enterprise was opened in 1950, and the bottles were stored underground at a depth of 72 m. In march, russian propaganda serhiy prudnikov reported that in the dungeons factory, wagnerites set up a headquarters, control points, barracks, a hospital and a shooting range of the world war, many jews died because of fascistfascist cats, there were excursions in this mine and diagostats all kinds of things, i counted the city, we had a dam like that there, and my father and i very often went there to fish when i was little. There were thousands of people. This is the data for 2020 of the state statistics service. Angelina left the city in may. Last year, when we communicate, first of all remembers the celebration of the 450th anniversary of the city here it is intact here are the flags in these flags they are destroyed and a warm cozy city the womans family liked to visit the peoples house they organized there really ukrainian events with songs dressed in costumes here is the embankment which they did it here, and all the evenings, everyone was there with their children, they were in love, they rested, there is usually no apartment there, she saw her destroyed home on the video of the occupiers, angelina says she tries to fill the void with other emotions. Memories of this photo and again you understand that a lot of the city will have to be built from scratch , the head of the bakhmut military administration Oleksandr Marchenko from 614 told the public about this in june none of the highrise buildings survived, 12,000 private houses were destroyed, he says the enemy used scorched earth tactics, they passed and left nothing behind in the fortress lilia honcharuk andriy khrystalov serhii hunda public news maybe the danger of air attacks has passed in all regions of ukraine, anxiety remains only in zaporizhzhia oblast, as well as traditionally in luhansk oblast and temporarily occupied crimea and another base of wagners mercenaries was discovered in belarus , the Monitoring Group of belarusian gays was informed in a telegram from midjuly militants began to use old military warehouses located near the village of poplavy, this is the territory of a former military town, there are 15 buildings, 10 of which are warehouses, their total area is more than 1,000 m². There is also an old warehouse for equipment on the territory. Vacations to the camps of the belarusians. They must arrive by august 5th, this is what the official page of the National Resistance center, created by the forces of special operations for the recruitment of new fighters in the company was stopped. Prigozhin himself announced this, in addition to belarus, according to him, the wagnerites are also in africa. Wagner is not the only Russian Private military company, as the russian propaganda publication interfax writes, for the minister of defense of russia, mykola apankov, at a meeting in june, said that there are more than four dozen of them on the territory of russia at that moment, more than half of them signed contracts with the ministry of defense, prigoshen refused to do it, where did the wagnerites fight, how did their functions change, and what do they do in belarus olena kurenkova says that the first iconic russian antitank missile system, which was called the slavic corps, appeared in 2014, then contractors were invited to it for the protection of Syrian Energy facilities during the war for 5,000 a month , former Russian Special forces with combat experience were preferred how says liliya eparova, who has been researching the activities of russian mercenaries for years, they were not united by any ideology, first of all , the desire to make money, what do we know about the famous narrow circles of the company in slavuta , the corps that actually served dmytriutkin, who then spoke to wagners friend dmitri ochen became a key figure who determined the further development of the slavic corps, soon this structure turned into another, better known as the pbkvagerskaya structure, subordinate military intelligence, all receipts, perfect, fine progress of the state of russia, with the words of gostkoy, in the years 1415, wagners function on the battlefield was significantly different from the 22nd 9 years ago, wagner was not the leader of the assault. Of such a number of forces, the sbu suspects the wagners in the sale of the ukrainian plane and in 76 near luhansk, and also confirms their participation in the battles from the luhansk airport. The fullscale invasion changed the command of wagner, first of all, in the number of beauties. He was really able to use the failures of the russian army on the battlefield in his interests to increase the grouping of his own forces he launched a relatively successful recruiting Campaign Across russia last summer that specifically targeted reservists late last year , Us Security Council representative john kirby reported that about 50,000 wagnerians can fight in ukraine, of which 40,000 are former prisoners, these figures were also confirmed by the russian fund sitting russia, and there were 42 or 43,000 recruited and sent to prisons and colonies by the crimean envoycontrol for he allowed the conflict, and between the ministry of defense and the worrisome, it develops along the most unpredictable wasteland, this is what is called a slaughter, there is an individual beauty as the personality of the person himself, and there are collective fighters, collective beauty, these are the people who are in control of you from the military intelligence of russia, there is a strong confrontation between the er russian rumble and the fsb, and recently the prigozhina has been flying between belarus and st. Petersburg. And now at least 5 convoys of bannerets have arrived at the camps in belarus, according to the Monitoring Group the belarusian district in ukrainian intelligence indicates that most likely the main function of the wagnerites there will be the training of the Belarusian Military and probably mobilized russians , now the wagnerites without their weapons are assault infantry at best, and they had really good weapons when they were on the battlefield, so i dont think there is a threat of any wagner invasion of ukraine from the north from belarus until july 1, the kremlin obliged all socalled volunteer formations to sign a contract with the ministry of defense of russia, most of the pbk in particular more unknown redoubt patriot and the russian authorities have been controlling it for so long prigozhin refused to do it and this became a new turn of the conflict between him and shaygu, but now part of wagneris will most likely be forced to sign contracts for in the dnipropetrovsk region, the head of the regional procurement and social support center was searched. In a telegram from the National Police , it is said that during the martial law, he purchased 350,000 worth of property. For his father, he registered several cars and two apartments in dnipro. And for another family member, according to the investigators , the suspect registered a company that purchased nonresidential premises with an area of ​​about 500 m². In general, Law Enforcement officers conducted almost a hundred searches in the Procurement Center of 11 regions prose in a telegram, the Office Reports of the prosecutor general, Law Enforcement officers are investigating a scheme to evade military service during mobilization , medical documentation, logs of medical reports, certificates of outpatients and other documents have already been discovered and seized, as told by marathon, the only news is the secretary of the nsdc, oleksiy danilov, the decision to check all Procurement Centers on the territory of ukraine without exception the rates were approved at the meeting. We received the report of the first deputy minister of defense, general pavlyuk, regarding the work of the group that was directly headed by you 11 oblasts today is in the zone of special attention, now 100 searches are underway in different cities, connected specifically to assembly centers, which, unfortunately , in an inappropriate way, engaged in things that during the war definitely should not be engaged in , nor were russian attacks killed, six people were injured more than 80 are in one of the city hospitals, 11 injured from 25 to 60 years old say the medical director sergi is at the site of the impact and further dismantles the rubble , 15 emergency teams are working , the deputy mayor told the public Oleksandr Katrychenko deployed two headquarters, they issue Building Materials to people, they accept applications for Financial Assistance , according to katrychenko , more than 2,000 apartments were killed, 600 applications were registered from owners of damaged property, children were damaged by fragments of Building Construction elements, that is, concrete, glass, damaged metal upon admission, they were in severe condition, but better, we already estimate them as of medium severity, and the Police Identified a person who filmed the impact of a Russian Missile in in kryvyi rih, as minister of internal Affairs Ihor Klymenko reported in a telegram, the video appeared in the local public almost immediately, and from there it spread in russian telegram channels in a matter of minutes. The collected materials were handed over to the Security Services of ukraine. Points for reconstruction, for which the architects assured Lyudmila Pavlenko that they had thought out everything down to the last detail, except for the houses, designed the infrastructure, planned to arrange Recreation Areas, a stadium, to create a lake, to build educational institutions and about the reconstruction of pokrovsky posts, i hope that tatuchenko is not here through the thickets to the house of culture of posadpokrovsky, she worked here for 35 years, more than 50 people were a choir, there was a brass band, a female vocal ensemble, lubystok, here is a fragment of their performance, thats all all that is left of the Cultural Center is to build a new one on this site , they do not plan to save only the basement space, they will set up a Memory Center here , residents of posadpokrovsky say that for them this place is a reminder not of fear, but of resistance it says to olena and leads to the basement, located under the stage, here the locals hid during enemy shelling, people lived here , each family had its own little room , air bombs were dropped on us, and it was about five or six oclock in the morning on march 15, the same day the Mass Evacuation of the population began, and before the liberation of kherson, the pokrovsky posts were on the front line, this is local , there is a book with the inscription why nations are declining, and inside we can see how the wreckage passed through the pages in the village , there was almost no surviving building until the posts about 800 residents of pokrovsky have returned, says the village headman. And this is a third of the total population with their husbands. They sat as it flew into that room from the other side and we left. Natalya is the only one who shows what is left of her oneroom house. She and her husband currently live in a modular house. Get out. Our kitchen, we set it up for this little house because i had no place to cook, eat, somewhere, we will go , god knows where, everyone is in a house, only there is no roof, one little room like this can kill pokrovske, the government determined one of the of six priority settlements for reconstruction, the Architectural Company in which oleksandr stolovy works received an order for the design of the village in april, when he first came there and brought a souvenir of the 19th century from there, the tile is its surface, exactly how it is laid on the roof. The tiles of posad pokrovsky were made in france under marcel , oleksandr decided to design houses as outwardly similar as possible to those that the residents of posadpokrovsky once had a tiled roof and white walls. This house is a utility building. God will live to see such a house and such a european yard. In the yard there will be a hayloft , a greenhouse, a cold storeroom, and also a barn. Local resident nataliya explained to alexander how important it is. Because of the shelling, she had to release the cows, the cow returned a year later with a calf , as the ladder says. She is satisfied with the project, the woman says she is concerned about the size of the shed, because now she has three cows and two calves orysia oto oto zorka and this and when we already left so there is nothing about them on the street with pedestrian zones , park, stadium, church, market, they designed all the necessary infrastructure for the life of the villagers says oleksandr stolovy, we proposed that we make a single complex of a schoolkindergarten and a building and a Cultural Center, they are all in one building, he understands that the school will not be completed well, this year, because it is colossal a big project well, sometime in april, as previously said by the builders, they will already hand over this one and everything else. It depends on the people who you will transfer the rights of the customer to us , and the company that will build the educational complex is called here at this place there used to be a school, everything from what was left was taken to this landfill, next to it there is a dry quarry, if hydrological tests show that there are springs under the layer of earth and clay, wells will be built here and a Recreation Area will be built. And in the center of pokrovskys posts, one large the administrative building will be rebuilt, the head office will have a post office and a police force, fire safety will be better than it was. Moreover, the project is called the village is better than it was previously. The reconstruction of pokrovskys posts will last until the end of next year , the leader says, the war will end and we will again. We are like this, we are like this. Lets do a concert Lyudmila Pavlenko bohdan zayka and valery ratushnyuk public news in ukraine the rules for paying aid to internally displaced persons have changed, the government decree praised july 11 and today it entered into force, now two and six tenths of a Million People receive money from the state, which of them will no longer be

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