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Telegram. We have created a resource. Thanks to which you can report any crime against a child in any city at any time , just go to the site and report. With Economic News on espresso tv as usual in the morning after the new one at 8 10 a. M. We are working live with you today. If you watch us on youtube, please like it. Comment on the episode. Send the link to your family and friends. Let them also know the truth about the agricultural economy. Milled more than 16. 5 million tons of grain, the largest in the mykolaiv and odesa regions. This was reported to the head of the government by Denys Shmyhal , the Prime Minister notes that there will be enough food both for domestic needs and for export according to him, the ukrainian state will continue to be one of the key guarantees of global food security, and in this it counts on the help of partners, we need more air defense and stable land logistics routes with high throughput, a Government Program has been launched to support the victims of the russian explosion of the kakhovka hydroelectric plant, residents of the kherson region or their gardens with impressive flooding, they can receive compensation for each hectare, they will pay more than uah 3,000, the maximum amount of assistance is uah 99,540. This was reported by the head of the region oleksandr prokudin, for this, it is necessary to submit an application and a copy of the documents for the ownership of the land by september 1. They are also conducting an inspection of the plots of land on which this crop was lost, and the composition of the decision on the assessment will be adopted by october 1. The Verkhovna Rada finally banned the sale of tobacco and alcohol in duty free is such a point without customs trade, the initiative is designed to destroy the tax evasion scheme , it is about the sale of excise goods in such stores, the peoples representatives hope that the innovation will allow to bring a decree from five to seven billion hryvnias per year, and now lets talk about other Economic News with serhii fursheu, investment banker, representative of Dragon Capital, mr. Serhii. Congratulations , one of the interesting news last week was the work. Ua company, which is looking for personnel for ukrainian business. Well, only ukrainian registered in ukraine of business announced that it was terminating contracts for 5 million hryvnias with Companies Whose representative offices in russia still continue to work, that is, they decided to pay hryvnias for their beliefs. Is this fair in relation to ukrainian the daughters of these Companies Still have ukrainian citizens working there and they pay taxes to the ukrainian budget, and i saw a discussion about this, what is your position . Well, look , first of all, work. Ua will not suffer much because uah 5 million. This is, of course, money, but marketing is also expensive you see how many weeks this has been talked about and everyone mentions work. Ua, so in fact they will not be in the negative regarding this decision, well, emotionally, most likely, i certainly support it. And from the point of view of the effect, i do not expect that there will be any effect, that is, it will not affect it is on the decision of these Foreign Companies that, in order to improve their image, leaving the russian market, of course, will not affect because if the company has already stayed in russia there, they deliberately made this choice and they are being elected, even if this is still a question of such a blow to prestige in ukraine, but in principle, when choosing between the ukrainian and russian markets, did the company choose the russian market, well, among other things, i have a question about the effectiveness of exiting the russian market , because we know an example when producers of such elite alcohol as ours sometimes say ah although, as far as im concerned, alcohol is alcohol, they left the russian market , but some companies remained, such as the Bacardi Company , for example, who make greiguz whiskeys and parole there. And they say that their revenues on the russian market have increased, well, in their reports, they report that their revenues on the russian market have increased due to the fact that the competition has simply decreased and all their competitors left. Well, it turns out that they even won materially, at least from the fact that they did not leave the russian market, and in this case, from the point of view of income, they of course, they won the russian market, and it turns out that the strategy of exiting the russian market is not effective. If so, be pragmatic. For example, if you are an american or European Company and your shareholders put pressure on you and say show your profits, show them. In order for our shares to grow, it is pragmatic ee manager decides to stay in russia despite all the reputational risks no, it is incorrect because reputational risks also cost money and yes , revenues on the russian market may increase but may lose on others the markets actually of those who came from where they went on the basic markets of such britain, the united states, the business was pressured by the shareholders and the market was pressured , because it is the reputational risks, and we have the example of Raiffeisen Bank in russia, which from one thing earns crazy money, the truth is that it cannot withdraw it, but from on the other hand, the banks shares are worth twice as much as the shares of the fanalog bank. It is precisely because the bank is present on the russian market. Therefore, reputation also has its value. We continue to put pressure on companies that have not left the russian market. Once this skoda from reputational risks and losses will exceed their incomes and what is happening in the russian economy in general, they say that there are already 100 russian rubles for one dollar, the Exchange Rate of the russian ruble is so low, this means that russians have become worse off or not, well, theoretically , this will lead to an increase in inflation in the future. Will really affect the standard of living of ordinary russians now for now it is just a pleasant fact and it is rather not a problem for them and it is a reflection of problems i. E. The ruble why is it falling mainly due to the outflow of stable capital strong from that capital, which intensified against the background of the porhozhiv riot, which greatly frightened the residents of moscow city and robulovka, probably uh, it is precisely from that capital that it is a problem for the economy, and the reflection of this problem is the fall itself. The Exchange Rate of 100 or 120 will not change much, because in reality the russian economy not so sensitive to the level of the Exchange Rate, because they did not service their external debt with such sleds and they had quite a lot of dedualization over the last 25 years before the war, right now, their economy is like this the fall does not affect the psychological factor without conditions and i hope that maybe because it is a psychological factor it will lead to certain political decisions regarding the leadership of the russian central bank, we would very much like to have the central bank of russia headed by from the point of view of economic thought on bigun, and some er or someone from the adepts of the handle of the economic thought of the russian world and so on conditional smoothed in conditionally zhudinov you know there are such beards there duhin vodokanamyki who came in the new just right lazev, i think it would be good, as i remember his economic statements, well, i havent heard such a thing for a long time, to be honest, since soviet times, maybe no, well, i hear it very often in ukraine , lets print hryvnias and there will be happiness, a lot of ukrainians and even deputies. I remember yatayu before covid do you remember how they said that inflation is 10 . This is very little, lets print active hryvnias, go to the imf and we will be happy, he always said that , there are a lot of hodops, and in fact, in turkey, they played with the central bank and erdogan for 10 years, and as a result, now they have fallen and ardakan is forced to return to normal Economic Policy and appoint normal people, but whether or not. We will see it later, so this is silk even for russian propagandists. I have already seen some excerpts where they say what happened. How did it happen . There is also the russian ruble, one of the three weakest in the world, one of the three weakest currencies in the world , as of now, i hope that it will take the number one place in this race, lets talk about ukrainian news in our country, well, actually not very optimistic news, here is ukrainian business , in particular, the owners of the nova poshta outlet announced that the pressure on business is increasing. Well, Many Companies have not only created such a Business Trade union, where they are going to create a register of corrupt individuals and raiders, in particular businessmen say that well, of course, the pressure is not yet as powerful as under yanukovych, but it is already noticeably stronger than before the fullscale russian invasion. Do you really feel Something Like that . Do you work with Foreign Investors with ukrainian investors . Talk to them, do you know more if they really increase the pressure, by the way, it is very natural because war is still humus for corrupt people , the role of the state in the economy is less, there is less transparency , as well as democratic processes , therefore, unfortunately, the pressure of the security forces, especially the security forces, on businesses is being saved, that is, it is increasing unusually tax rent and the corruption rent is increasing, and in fact the business is trying. So, after some processes after the maidan, when the risk of corruption decreased , corruption decreased in principle. Light, he wants to play by the rules or not by the rules, and very often he had the opportunity of such a case, but now men often come and do not leave elections for business, and they say that in any case you have to pay me corruption rent, there are some innovations there, for example, first, the tax official hacked the automatic vat refund, eh. This is the story with the tax invoice. I am the sbu, which for some reason still comes to the business. Despite all the creation of beeps, yes, and the sbu came up with another trick in addition to the standard chips, they come and they say that you had cooperation with the russians here a year ago. You paid yours, and yours once paid five, but petya, its definitely the russians, so since you paid yours , lets give you a slipper. This is exactly some kind of corruption. Is it just the states efforts are so weak to fill the budget, because we understand that we have a problem with the budget. And we really need to collect more money for it. The budget has no age. That is, it is about private budgets, rather about private earnings. We will monitor this in the program. We support honest business and we protect him from the fact that he did not travel from some such unfair ones, in particular, and there is good news, maybe there is a drop of our contribution here, the management of the bureau of economic security, which you mentioned, has resigned we criticized them a lot. Maybe you have a different point of view. Well, look, this is the sixth resignation of the beck management in the last how long has it been since it was just created, it already reminds me of such a funny story. It was only necessary to create a website correctly once from scratch, how was it created we will have fair competitions with the selection of professionals and so on. And what did we get . We then received competitions named after timofey timofey, who actually sanctified a simply chosen candidate. In this way , we did not see chesny shorter. And now we see the result of the lack of fair competitions, because without the baby is actually a stillborn organization, it just needs to be destroyed from scratch and created again, returning to the ideas of how to properly create an organization, a service from scratch, that is, to create the right institution , the right institution begins with procedures registered and with a high salary from fair competitions in which under the control of the public under the control of our western partners choosing the leadership or services and then its composition is formed through the same competitions and then the Service Begins to work but this did not happen and now the relocation of these beds yes, almost the sixth, i advise, although i just had to spend time once on one competition with them, timofia is worthy. We invite you to the broadcast. If he sees this video, we will always be happy to talk. We will ask about b and about other things. Timofey is dealing with andrii kobolevs case, and finally there is a question about the case of andriy kobolev, here is the higher anticorruption court, which again ordered him to be remanded in custody for another two months in the case of ee milliondollar rewards to e. P. Koblevo for the epost of the head of naftogaz well, here is the reformed body bucks, please, there everything was done correctly. Everything is objective, but you see, the person who actually defeated gazprom in the courts is still being prosecuted. Well, just look, victory does not give anyone indulgence like after the war. If you fought , it does not mean that you can rob yourself. The kobolev case really, like the pivovarsky case , raises many questions, and these questions, unfortunately, negate a lot of the positive things that have been going on lately. From this trio, the sap Anti Corruption court is a problem. Even only as koblevo , rather as a brewery, er, significantly less than the potential quality of the future attraction of people in the state, but we talked about bek, we said that it is necessary to invite a quality person there, but why do you need as many quality people entered the competition and one of them won, but when they look now at the case of kobolev, in fact , the brewery is quality people who can now the state is not involved. They think where did it all go . I have a life and here, unfortunately, there is a question about chitos logic or the political influence on nabu and sap its something p serhii, we will wait for the verdict. On monday as always p serhiu thank you investment banker representative of Dragon Capital and i Andrii Yanitskyi host of this program see you tomorrow morning at 8 10 after the news we will win together there are discounts on elcet tablets 5 in pharmacies podorozhnyk vam and oschad turn on the championship on megogo invincible Oleksandr Usyk vs. Daniel dubeau speed and intelligence vs. Destructive power who will win in clash of the titans find out august 26 exclusively on megogo im back i missed you just not combispasm go combispasm the power that tames your pain july 2023 espresso channel continues to lead the top of ukrainian informational tv channels greetings dear tv viewers, its time to learn about the most important thing according to the measurement data, the viewers choose the ukrainian view from espresso, congratulations friends Mykola Veresen Vitaliy Portnikov good health to all thank you ukrainians for trust espresso works for you Andriy Yanitskyi keeps the economy under control yes we are talking about Economic News on the espresso channel, but it is not about dry numbers and clear terms, it is about the economy, it is about the ability to analyze , forecast and profit, but what there will be currency Exchange Rates, salaries and pensions, and how product prices will change , information about everything that affects our wallet, and informed means armed. Watch the economy news project with andriy yanitsky on weekdays at 8 10 on espresso. Two hours of your time to learn about the war and what the world is like 2 hours to keep up with Economic News and new sports two hours in the company of favorite presenters presenters who have become likeminded to many as well as distinguished guests of the studio events of the day in two hours big vasyls air in the winter, a project for the intelligent and caring in the evening, nayspresso, the war in ukraine, the main topic for ukrainians, victory and loss, analysis and forecasts, politics and geopolitics , Serhiy Rudenko and the guests of his program will talk about all this, people who have information and shape public opinion, people who defend ukraine and create the future is now the most important and interesting thing in the program verdict Serhiy Rudenko from monday to friday at 20 00 repeat at 12 10 my dad was my sniper in the tankers, he stood so well that no org could sneak up on our positions, he even received an order, and mine knocked out two enemy tanks and destroyed an entire warehouse of ammunition. And my dad served in air defense and shot down missiles over kiev. Finally, i can tell about it, oh , cool, this week you are in the program of collaborators who rolled out the red carpet for the occupiers in ash trees. This city of oleshki in the kherson region had the name tsyurupinsk until the 16th year. But after decommunization , it was returned to its historical name. Of iodine lakes, this is an ancient city with an amazing history, unique nature and cossack spirit. At the beginning of the 18th century, oleshkivska sich was located here, but on the mighty cossack land, the dirty boot of the aroshests stepped on it. Since february 24, 22nd, the city was under constant fire and was later occupied when the russian army blew up the kakhovka the hydroelectric power station almost completely flooded the city. Unfortunately, the water of the dnipro was not taken away, the traitors and accomplices who initially attacked the occupation are a new enemy. The founder and head of several public sports clubs of martial arts jiujitsu sambo and judo and the District Federation of sambo and judo since 2007 worked at the olezhka communal enterprise since the 15th year he regularly nominated his candidacy in local elections and in the 19th on the parliamentary boards of the program as the liquidation of the monopoly and the formation of a competitive environment, as economists as a producer here in our country, she always talked a lot about the fact that it is necessary to create equal conditions for small and Large Businesses in their he did not convince the crane and did not get into the parliament. However, this did not stop his political ambitions already in the 20th year, he simultaneously participated in the elections to the Kherson Regional Council and to the post of oleshkiv city mayor from the block of volodymyr saidu and once again flew and zhaga to power was so strong that when the city was resolutely occupied, this petty politician was the first to run to the killers , for which he was appointed the fake mayor of oleshok , the oleshki did not enter then, here, to this day, they insist on being part of the russian federation, there we live according to the russian it is interesting to kill grabui and the removal of toilets while there is a possibility. When olezhka flooded, according to the information of the National Resistance center, a hundred people died in the city, this treasonous woman did not belong to the authorities. She refused to evacuate those who did not have a russian passport. Instead, they attacked the cameras. Then by 17 00 people were evacuated. There is no technical refusal. People are going there. The armed forces are known there. They banned the departure of people from kherson. They blocked the report of the ukrainian people. Ukrainian black earth by the way, it is there now that the nephew of heorhiy zhuravko, Oleksiy Zhuravko, was the owner of several orders of merit of the second and third degrees, as well as numerous awards for cooperation with the internal Affairs Bodies of ukraine, a deputy of the fifth and sixth convocations of the parliament, and fell to a traitor , but there is a nuance of a dead traitor Oleksiy Zhuravko was born in 1974 in zhovty vody , dnipropetrovsk region, was brought up in a Childrens Home and the oleshki childrens boarding school, since 2006 he has been a peoples deputy of ukraine from the party of regions, the party of the platform мира а эtо россия мы можеtе не видей, when zhuravko was not elected to the Verkhovna Rada in 2012, he became an instrument of russian propaganda in february 2015. He joined the rally in moscow against the maidan. In addition to zhuravko , the traitor expeoples deputy oleg tsarev was also seen at the rally. This is just 8 years lost bondarization in 2015, zhuravka collected his money and flew to russia , from there he began to give numerous dirty and frankly commissioned interviews about ukraine , the upa ukrainian spill and all kinds of scumbags this is russia and you and our Law Enforcement authorities proved this in 2018 during a pretrial investigation conducted by the Investigative Department of the sbu in kherson region. It became known that zhuravka financed terrorists of the socalled lpr and dpr in 1415 years , when kherson region was occupied by the rashists, this patsyuk returned to kherson and continued to lead his youtube channel, which has almost 70,000 subscribers, he called the occupation liberation from ukrainian nationalists , called on russia to bring the special operation to an end , you to the western borders of ukraine, you work for the special service of ukraine, эtо tоже есtь оны tоже they should be punished and they should be severely punished in a correctional colony until their own experience in the correctional colony zhuravka will not reach the zsu, they sent him to the other world on september 25, a year ago, as a result of cotton in one of the hotels in the center of kherson, the traitor died, he paid the price for serving the murderers and cats voted in the referendum for joining the region to russia and illegally exported ukrainian children, another collaborator from oleshok, vitaly oleksandrovich, 53 , originally from poltava region, until february 24, about not much was known about this traitor, he had a driving school, was a driving instructor and spoke ukrainian, but after the attack of the russian federation, he forgot again. And he changed his profession by occupying olezhki. The rashists appointed vitaliy suka as the director of a boarding house for children with disabilities. Well, really, driving a car and boarding with special children are one and the same. The same was the case, uh, skadovsk, so it s a presented gift or a like to them all the best, its a bright holiday, its nice to receive gifts from such people who dont forget us, they inform us that this bitch yes and i would like to add the letter a to the end of this surname, involved in the abduction and removal of ukrainian children to the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea and their subsequent transfer to russia. At the same time, he was thanked by a deputy of the russian state duma for gifts and assistance to the boarding school. Say a big thank you to the elderly member of the ldpr party, a deputy to our profile minister. Thanks to your help, your tongue wont dry up from such intensive work. Ukraine turned its children back, and you are waiting for punishment. And finally, i will tell you about malashkevich Olena Mykolaivna was born in 1983. She and her husband support the occupiers, they received russian passports and positions, elena was made the director of the oleshkiv lyceum. I hope on the internet that now everything will be different. Parents will stop submitting or to school for this desk and other vetebrazovanie in российской федерация this is a single sirendirected process, passing on russian standards of education, obtaining textbooks with a rewritten history the stay of teachers and children, the burning of ukrainian books, all these are new duties of the headmistress of the lyceum, money for tulle is definitely not paid by anyone now, because the school actually does not exist , which you praise so much, expelled others , killed, destroyed homes, cities, villages, created an ecological disaster, but you did it in our eyes the truth is, unfortunately, the city of oleshka is still under occupation, and although there are almost no residents left, it is important to remember who created carpets for the rashists in krasnaya and worked with them, forgetting about their conscience, the whole kherson region suffered with torment. The rashists were welcomed with bread and salt, so now wait for the punishment, everything will be strictly vile traitors and traitors release is coming soon , despite the large number of traitors throughout the country, we remain united and unwavering in our pursuit of victory, we keep in line, we believe in the armed forces and destroy evil, everyone on our front help us expose

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