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And political expert volodyr tsybulko. In the second part of our program, which will start in exactly one hour, we will have political experts oleksiy holobutskyi, Ihor Reiterovych and volodymyr fisenko. However, before we start our big talk, lets watch a video of the consequences of the terrorist attacks of the russian occupiers on highrise residential buildings in kryvyi rih, sumy and myrnograd, died at least. Seven people, this is how the rescue operations took place in these cities, we are conducting a survey of our entire airwaves, we are asking you today, friends, about this, are russian, russian informational and psychological special operations capable of destabilizing the situation in ukraine . Yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone and vote if you think that russian ipsos can destabilize the situation in ukraine 0800 211381, no 0800 211 380. All calls to these numbers are free, call us, we will be glad to hear your opinion and tally up our vote at the end of our broadcast. I want to introduce our guest, our first guest, this is yevhen dykiy, a veteran of the russianukrainian war, former platoon commander of the aidar battalion, head of the National Antarctic scientific center, mr. Yevhen, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, glory to ukraine, heroes of glory first of all, mr. Yevgeny , lets talk about what is happening in the northeast of ukraine in the sumy region, as we see how over the last few weeks the situation there has deteriorated sharply, the sumy region is being shelled , the sumy region is being shelled more densely than it has been so far this night, shahed of the occupiers hit a fivestory building, there are dead people in sumy, 10 people escaped under the rubble, what. Is this ironing by the russians of sumy region, the russians are preparing to open another front . It seems to me that the situation is a little different, well, im sorry in general, i would take it out of hand, the fact is that the shaheds are a longrange radio weapon of the judge, and well, no matter how you feel about the russians, but strictly speaking, for military and economic reasons, they would not deliberately spend shaheds on the impression of housing. Shaheds usually go deep into the territory of ukraine, they try to lay as many, lets say, difficult routes for them in order to reduce the probability of their being shot down, because the effectiveness of their interception is currently low. Our air defense is high enough, and most likely just something crooked hands died while laying this route and, unfortunately, the house just happened to be on the road, that is , well, the russians dont specifically hit highrise buildings with shaheds, not because they are good, but because there are not so many of those shaheds yet released, it went somewhere much further, probably not at all in the amount , well, but unfortunately it does not make it easier for people, but as for these. Close border shelling, i would say that the russians are not like that they are preparing to open another site there of the front, er, how they were very afraid that we would open the next part of the front, that we would finally transfer the war to their territory, well, what actually happened, what actually happened, albeit in very limited quantities, but well, i think that. Everyones attention is now focused on the operation of Russian Volunteers who are fighting on our side, and who entered the territory of the Russian Federation, as they say, this is to free them from putins regime, but actually this is our northern border, it is not a day was not quiet and peaceful, but not a single day, in fact, just behind that front, in the east and south, where there is a huge scale of hostilities, where. Hostilities, well, on the scale of the second world war, against this background, simply the north was somehow lost in the media , lost information. To be honest, i have a lot of information from there, because it is precisely there that units are sent on rotation, lets say , to restore forces after the battles in donbas, so you know, the restoration of forces is quite relative, because over there in the north all this time there was a war, well, Something Like that intensity, as in the year in the 15th. In donbass , a different scale of comparison just appeared, but there was a relatively small war going on there all the time, and in particular, a huge number of sabotage and Intelligence Groups crossed the border in both directions, and our drgs were actively working on the territory of russia, but much more their drgs tried to break through the border and, to be honest, fairly regularly caused serious losses, primarily to our own border guards, to a lesser extent. Parts of the armed forces, because they, lets say, are more ready to deal with it to fight, but in fact all kinds of things happened, units of the armed forces of ukraine are also suffering losses there, that is, there was a small border war there all the time, we can immediately answer the question that may arise in one of our viewers, why this border is not closed completely, we are talking about a sparsely populated forested area, a sparsely populated forested area, well, it is simply physically impossible to fence it off with such a wall. There is a border line on both sides, these are actually lines of support points, with dozens of kilometers between them a very rough terrain, through which you will certainly not march in a parade with tanks, but the drg will seep in absolutely calmly, and there it is exactly the daily reality, that is, all these shellings, which also affect the civilian population , they must also be understood in the general context, there simply in principle, all this time there is a war going on, well, finally, the latest news is that everything. After all, we are finally transferring this war from exclusively from our territory to theirs, although no, well, for the sake of justice, our drgs are the same all the time operated on the territory of russia, but this time it was not the drg that finally left , normal combat units finally left , just units consisting exclusively of citizens of the Russian Federation. Which borders, well there literally. To a village or to a village to a settlement in the sumy region , the fighters of the legion of freedom of russia reported this morning that they continue to hold part of the village of teotkina in the kursk region, lets hear what they say. We are fighting in tetkin. Legion of freedom of russia, the name of the village is a little further there, we will move on later. The streets are heavily shot through, further on are the district streets. Waiting for us , with whom we must communicate, and the local residents, who must be freed , we are alive, we are tired, but we are with you, together we are strength, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, the wolf battalions warned in a joint statement that they will to strike military positions located in the cities of belgorod and kurtsk, in connection with this they called on the civilian population to leave these. Cities, as you, mr. Yevgeny, will you describe the zone that begins after the border with ukraine, of course, because the most interesting thing is. Not only kurshchyna and bilhorodshchyna, but what happens next, whether the russians have the resources there to oppose these small volunteer battalions, to which citizens of the Russian Federation go, who return home, well, about further than kurshchyna and belgorodshchyna, lets not talk about it, there are still some even to the Regional Centers of these two regions, well , closer to belgorod, to kursk is generally me there i looked on the map to kursk 180. 7 km away from belgorod, it is several tens of kilometers closer there, but to be honest, i dont think that this is the march that starts from there and continues like a knife cuts through russia, like butter cuts through russia. Will go to moscow, well, unfortunately, this is not the same situation yet, eh, but another thing , what is the impression that the forces to fight back, even those sufficiently limited local attacks in that direction, the russians do not have, because what about the fs border troops . Sat that subversive groups are playing, which were used there against us, well, this is not what is used to stop exactly a general military attack , and there is an allarmed attack with the support of armored vehicles, this is as it should be, and therefore, lets put it this way, my prediction is that no one will allow the Russian Volunteers to gain a foothold there, it would be too painful for the putin regime, it would be so just frank humiliation, which even in the swamps it still caused. Social reaction in the style that the tsar is not a priest, so of course they will be forced to withdraw from there, but for this they will have to transfer some combatready units from somewhere on the front, the most probably from the kupyan direction, because it is geographically the closest there. By the way, the American Institute for the study of war says that russia uses conscripts to protect its border with ukraine, and they are preparing for new invasions by Russian Volunteer units. He also spoke about this. Putin in an interview with dmitry kisilov, he said that behind the actions of russian rebels in the belgorotsky kursk region are attempts to disrupt the elections and get a visor, he said for the exchange of territories during possible negotiations. Lets listen to what he said putin. The main goal, i have no doubt about it , is to, if not disrupt the president ial elections in russia, at least somehow disrupt the norms. To get some chance, some argument, some trump card in a possible future negotiation process, we will return it to you, and you will return it to us, but you already said before that it is not impossible to hold these large territories, but putin Still Believes that ukraine can seize territories. And then already at possible negotiations, that is, putin is already allowing such negotiations that there may be talk of exchanging them territories, about the liberation of these territories, or is it even realistic . Well, it would be just wonderful, and in fact , there is only one thing that stands in the way of this, and strangely enough, it is not the power of the russian army, but not at all , what stands in the way of this, unfortunately, is the consolidated, absolutely incorrect, absolutely false position of our western allies. We are still categorically forbidden to cross the border of the Russian Federation, we are, perhaps, the first country in history whose hands are tied by the allies with an absolutely stupid obligation firstly, no weapons provided by the allies use on the territory of russia, only on its own, and secondly, our regular troops should not cross the border of the Russian Federation in the same way. From a Military Point of view, this is an absolutely absurd demand, this is a demand, well, this is the binding of the movement, and yes. Hard binding, every military man knows very well that just moving the war to the enemys territory is the key to victory , this is what they have always sought in all wars, and our western allies themselves, by the way, in all wars have always sought to fight against themselves, exactly, but to fight with the enemy, but we are prohibited from doing so, and while this prohibition is in effect , why are we forced to play in the eye, well , in fact, hybrid operations, well , it is not a secret for anyone who is arming the Russian Volunteers, it is clear to everyone that and arms and. Coordinates them and cooperates with them in the planning of operations, of course, our group, but still only citizens of the Russian Federation can fight there, about them we, as it were , legally throw up our hands and say sorry, they are in their own at home, who can forbid citizens of russia to go to the territory russia and fight against putin, and here our allies are forced to swallow it, lets put it this way, and we are also forced to arm them with weapons or trophies. Russian or old soviet from our warehouses, by no means the new western one that we will receive, and both of these limitations are very significant, and first of all, of course, we are limited by the fact that the number of russian. And volunteers, it is by no means not an army, its still a couple of battalions, and an operation of such a scale can be afforded on russian territory, if something will happen, but we still see that the world is changing, and the position of the western allies is also changing, if it ceases to be so unambiguous and they admit that after all, we are forced to actually, really forced for a long time, to conduct hostilities not only on our. Territories , but also on the territory of the aggressor, in that case , of course, the situation will change dramatically, and in that case it will be absolutely logical for us to launch fullscale military operations precisely on the territory of the kursk, belgorod, and bryansk regions, and since then this is putins option regarding the exchange of territories, it can become absolutely real. Well, meanwhile, on the night of march 13, drones of the Security Service of ukraine attacked three Oil Refineries in russia, in ryazan, kstovo, and below. Horody oblast and kirisakh of leningrad oblast. According to the Russian Ministry of homicide, russia was attacked by dozens of ukrainian drones, supposedly there were 65 of them, and it seems that they succeeded, like 58, then they already increased, yes, yes, yes. But yesterday, as a result of attacks by ukrainian drones , an oil depot in the russian urals was on fire oil refinery in the Nizhny Novgorod region. They, mr. Evgeny, cant do anything. To act on this and since the country is a gas station, they have a lot of oil refining capacity, and it is, stop, stop, stop, stop, not so much, they are here, we attacked their weak point, they are a country of gas station, you are absolutely right, the whole world does not buy anything russian made by their hands, because my mother made a snowball for me, but it is all useless, they only buy what Mother Nature generously gave them, in fact. Not even to them, to the peoples of the north and siberia, which they, unfortunately, conquered and destroyed, here is neftushka and gazik, natural gifts, but there is a lot of neftushka, gasik even more, but processing capacities are not a wagon, and transport arteries with Bulk Terminals are also not a wagon, and that is exactly why i say that we felt their weak point, for example, the factory that was on fire yesterday, here is one, or rather, as far as i understand, it may still be burning even today, at least yesterday, i did not follow up today. For yesterday they couldnt repay it like that, even there overturned fire trains, so yes , this one yesterday, this plant, it provided 5 of the oil refining of the Russian Federation, that is, the point is that they have these plants, they are very large, that is, they do not have many small plants, they have several very big ones , and this is precisely their very vulnerable place, in general, this is our tactic, or rather the strategy of precisely hitting the e. This is probably the best thing that we have invented in recent times, that is, in the last period of the war, i call it sanctions from budanov, here they are prove to be far more effective than bidens sanctions, because if the west simply forbids you to buy russian oil there, it turned out that half of the world spat on this ban, that china, india, and brazil calmly buy it at a discount, the more it became profitable for them, that s right, but if this oil. Uh, it just wont be physically shipped to you because the terminal burned down, then it doesnt matter how you feel about the sanctions, you still wont buy it, and if you still have your tanker burned down at this bulk terminal, then you will think five times how profitable these discounts that russia gives are, or it is still better to switch to another market, that is why, yes, in the month of january alone, the total export of oil products of russia decreased by 4 in one month, and the export of. Diesel decreased from the first by 25 , and then in march they in general, the export of diesel fuel was completely banned, that is, they were even forced to ban one of the key sources of their currency income, in order for their army to have enough diesel fuel, after our first strikes, in two months of this campaign, they were already faced with a choice, diesel for currency or diesel for tanks, they dont have time to produce both, that s why its just very successful. Strategy , i hope that it will continue and develop, there is another interesting nuance here we do not primarily hit the tanks, because the tank is such a thing, well, it is a tin can in principle, it burns beautifully, yes, but we first of all, we aim at the processing columns, and the processing column is a very complex, very expensive technique, and moreover, it is not produced in russia, and now even under normal conditions the restoration of such and such a processing column, as it is now shown on the screen, even under normal conditions , it would take six months or more to restore it, under sanctions, when a significant part of the equipment is simply not supplied to the russians, and not the fact that china produces analogs, because here it was exactly highquality western, but in this situation the question is whether it is possible to restore it even in a year, so yes, we are like there with a gas station by a gas station, president zelenskyi, mr. Yevgeny did not announce stabilization front and that the front line stabilized, how and what do you think can destabilize the front again . Well, look , first of all, she still. With all due respect to the words of the commanderinchief, which in general correspond to reality, but still , the concept has stabilized, should not mislead, the offensive of the russians is still continuing, it has not stopped anywhere , its just that recently they have managed to suppress very little, but their progress has been slowed down a lot, in many areas it has simply been stopped, but, sorry, please be healthy, yes, yes, yes. Ill try, thats their promotion it was possible to slow down a lot, to release in many sections, but not in all , in fact, both in the avdiiv direction and in the bakhmut direction, they had some progress even yesterday and today, its just that now its not in kilometers, they are already very proud, that on bakhmutsky, on the bakhmutsky site, they advanced 200 m, well , they are still crawling, but in general, why was it possible to stabilize the front line, because it seems that it is called, god forbid. But it seems that one of our two most painful problems has been solved. We are with you more than once these ethers were told that we had two critical problems at the front. This is a lack of ammunition and a lack of people. So the shells arrived. I am already hearing from many areas of the front that the situation has radically changed. Arta spoke again. The god of war is back. It was extremely difficult to fight without artillery and we survived several months of this projectile starvation. This, this. Really, it was a different war, actually, and arta comes back, arta spoke again, and it immediately had a dramatic effect on the pace of the russian advance, it actually decreased many times, er, we dont really know where the projectiles came from, because the guys at the front are not told where the antitank missiles were brought to them, and in principle, thats not even the case for them, the most important thing for them is to use the antitank missiles immediately against the enemy, but let s say this, there are reasons to believe , that its arrived, as im joking, delicious czech dumplings have arrived. It seems that peter pavel not only found 800,000 shells for us, but also very well played the Information Support of this operation, the impression is that while there they are collecting the entire amount, which even still is not all the way to the end, it seems that they have collected it, but that they did not wait for the collection of the entire amount , but began to buy these projectiles in batches, and as they found money there for 100 00, they bought it and they left, meanwhile they are finally collecting, and apparently the first batches. Just arrived and changed the situation , but answering your question, is it possible to change the opposite for the worse, unfortunately, yes, because one of the two critical problems was solved the shells appeared, but the people did not, but the shortage of people still remains critical problem, and ill tell you, i talk, i talk with guys constantly from there, and now no one says anything about shells, on the contrary, except for happy things, that oh, thank god, everything is there, we live, but the question is, what do you have in the rear with mobilization, what does your highness think there im glad, thats really what i get asked from there every day. Thank you, mr. Yevgeny, for the conversation, it was yevhen dyky, a veteran of the russianukrainian war. Friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. For those who are currently watching us on youtube, please take our survey, today we are asking you about whether russian information psychologists are capable. Special operations to destabilize the situation in ukraine, yes, no, this is the same question on tv, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphones or phones and vote if you think that the russians are capable of destabilizing the situation in ukraine with their ipso, 0800 211 381, no, 0800211382, all calls to these numbers are free. Next , we have ivan stupak, a military expert, a former employee of the Security Service. Ukraine, mr. Ivan, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. Greetings, greetings to the studio, thank you very much for inviting me. I will ask you as a former employee of the Security Service of ukraine. So, can russia destabilize the situation in ukraine with its informational and psychological special operations, as is currently being talked about quite actively in the Main Intelligence Department of the ministry of defense. If the question is yes or no, then yes. Of course they can, if you ask the question how strong, there are already many, many components that are contained here, well, lets conceptually, they have possibilities, the capabilities are there, the more so because , unfortunately, we, the ukrainians, give them many excuses, that is, many, many things are done internally without the help of the russians, but they simply monitor the airwaves, monitor the public, they draw out the right problem, they wrap it in the cover or wrapper that they need and throw it in, return this ball to the ukrainian space again and then it explodes, that is, once again there is capacity, but how strong is another question, some moments from. Is at the stage of only being thrown into the Ukrainian Information space, some points, some operations go astray at the distribution stage, then some proofs are revealed, i dont know, objections are visible, and this is this, for example, this is last years shooting, or here you can see photomontage, photoshop, and of course, it was all a fake , turns off, and some, some moments, unfortunately , are apt, because they. Once again use internal problems, for example, the release of mr. Zaluzhnyi, well, here the russians did not have to invent anything, in addition, they simply used it, they used ukrainian profiles ukrainian people, they threw out viral information, it spread, well, and plus , of course, the last thing that i liked, and from the russians, zaluzhny received a payment of 53 Million Dollars to leave his position, and so on and so forth, it really was its already funny, well. They can guess the putsch, especially as part of a special operation called perun, because the Main Intelligence Department of the ministry of defense says that this special operation aims to destabilize the political situation in ukraine and the countries of the west, and this special operation, for according to the data, gur is in an active phase and will continue not only on the day of the president ial election, or the socalled president ial election of the Russian Federation, it will continue until. June 30, however, against this background, we see how Russian Volunteers are preparing for the president ial election in president ial elections in the Russian Federation, they are attacking the territory of the Russian Federation, what will be, or what are the consequences of this attack for putin and for russia, how vulnerable are the regions in russia from the point of view of conducting hostilities there, because there are fighting actions, which are conducted by Russian Volunteers who are citizens of the Russian Federation, say that they are returning home in order to, well, conventionally speaking, take part in this way in the election of putin. Yes, lets note once again to your viewers, listeners, that there are no citizens of ukraine among the rdk, there are only russians there, only with passports of citizens of the Russian Federation, all this is important to note so that there is no inspiration there, and these are ukrainians disguised, no, there it is. Purely principled, how does it affect the kremlin . I think it is strong does not affect, i will explain why, because even if belgrade, i dont know, was under constant fire there, so that it turned into kharkiv, the overwhelming majority of the population of the Russian Federation, and maybe 90 percent sneeze at belgrade, everything is okay in moscow, everything is fine , they are preparing for the weekend, they have a weekend according to the plan, someone will go on some shortterm vacation, everything is okay in peter. And Everything Else they just dont care about banal sneezes, but we have to understand it, the problem of the belgraders is the problem of the belgraders, they have to solve it, of course putin already reacted, and there he accused such and such, and the attack, unfortunately, on sumyshchyna, the sum was strong, a rocket, unfortunately, in a residential building, hitting, unfortunately, people died, i think this was such a response for that , that it was from the territory of the sumy region that this group entered, of course, it did not do shoroga. Of course, i found cracks, and you cant say that the border is dirt, anyone can come in, no, well, it was serious work, the russians are also doing work, they are concrete, they mine, cement, plus there are technical means observations, cameras, sensors, sensors that record the potential advance and try to prevent that advance, i. E. Found, now this group has found a gap. Entered, two slits, entered , made a ruckus, destroyed certain equipment, destroyed a certain number of people, well people, russian military, and judging by this , they already retreated last night, because the video we saw this morning, where the representatives, it seems cerd was, well, some of these formations held the flag, they held the flag, we say here in the aunts house, but unfortunately, your colleagues journalists, sinters, they found out, they say and they dont. Its not, its not russian, its not russian

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