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As it should and so that russia does not defeat ukraine, and now the coordinator of the National Security council for strategic communication, john kirby, during an interview with abc, it seems yesterday, talked about the fact that they, that is, we are running out of ammunition in donbas, now they are already retreating there to second and third lines of defense, as the russians continue to try to advance westward said kirby, i dont know exactly which lines kirby meant by the second and third, but. I understand that this rather interview was aimed specifically at an american audience, at american politicians, because now the Us Administration is conducting this dialogue or discussions with the speaker of the house of representatives and his associates in order to approve such allocations of aid to ukraine and accelerate this allocation. At the same time, there is some progress from the europeans, and i think there will be scaled in ramstein, it is primarily about projectile initiative from honor. President petr pavel, we know about 800,000 projectiles of various western and soviet calibers there, but the other day it became known that the Czech Republic has discovered another 700,000 units around the world, which can be delivered if funding is available, that is, in general, we are talking about 1. 5 million shells, and this is actually a colossal amount, and even the first batches that. Arrive in ukraine, they actually, well, relieve hunger from our and artillery units and the projectile diet for our artillery will, i hope, be eased. And then we will talk about what is happening on the front line, where ammunition and various Weapons Systems are needed. Over the past day, there were 72 clashes, and the lion, part of them. Fell precisely on the avdiivsky direction and novopavlivskyi, these two directions remain the most difficult, so about these directions, about other areas of the front, what affects them and the situation front line, we will talk about this with our guest, who is joining us viktor kevlyuk, a reserve colonel and an expert of the center for defense strategies, mr. Viktor , i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you, good evening, mr. Sergey, we already have, we already have such a tradition once. Every two weeks to conduct such a review, based on your experience and your detail of what is happening on the front line. There are many questions from me and from our viewers, and i would like you to start with an assessment of what is happening right now on the front line, where russia has actually been conducting another offensive campaign since october, and how can to assess the Current Situation as a whole and for two of these on. The hotter direction, it is just west of avdiyivka and the novopavlivskyi direction, where now, as we can see, there are the most combat clashes. No, you shouldnt call it a campaign. This is an offensive operation on a separate operational direction. The situation is now as follows avdiivskyi direction, battles continue on the border, berdichi, orlivka, tonenko, pervomaiske, nevilske, in the direction of the steppe. Berdychi attack the 15th and 30th motorized Rifle Brigades of the enemys second army, but their advance is very serious complicated by the fire control of the Defense Forces, which defend themselves there at the highest heights, and very often counterattack effectively. The 114th brigade of the First Army Corps and the 55th brigade of the enemys 41st army captured the village of tonka, advanced a little. Westward they reached the outskirts of semenivka, but were stopped there by the Defense Forces and are not advancing now. The ninth motorized Rifle Brigade of the First Army Corps and the 35th and 41st Army Brigades are trying to break through to pervomaiske, but they still cant. The 10th brigade of the enemys first corps captured it nevilske the situation is even more dynamic in the novopavlovsk direction. Fighting continues along the border. Georgiyivka, victory of novomykhaivka. The enemy brought the 20th motorized Rifle Division of the eighth army into battle in almost full formation in this direction. Most of the 150th motorized Rifle Division, most of the forces of the 155th brigade of marines of the Pacific Fleet and the 1219th motorized rifle regiment of the territorial troops were in reserve here, it was transferred to the 20th division and has already been fully deployed in battle. All this is done with the aim of opposing the command the enemy is trying to maintain the pace of the attack. Here, additionally from the pokrovsky direction, the 10th tank regiment and its units have already been moved here north and northeast of novomykhaivka, together with the 33rd regiment of the 20th division, the 1219 regiment of territorial troops, are actively attacking the positions of the Defense Forces in the novomykhaivka area. For the enemy, the capture of novomykhaivko is extremely important. And they are actively risking their planes here, which are said to deliver from four to six hits with guided aerial bombs, and some days even 10 blows the 242nd255th regiments of the 150th division of the enemy captured the settlement of pobeda, the 110th motorized Rifle Brigade and parts of the forces of the fifth brigade of the First Army Corps are trying to break through to krasnohorivka. But the Defense Forces there carried out several very successful counterattacks, the situation was stabilized, the enemy was stopped. The 39th brigade of the 68th army corps is the Coastal Forces of the Pacific Fleet, attacking in the direction of slavne novamykhaylovka and sweet water. Make your way to road o50 0532 marinka vugledar, here it is on your map in white, it is clearly visible, they they cant, its. A very important logistical route of the Defense Forces, thats why ours are quite active there, and the defense continues successfully so far, all these actions are definitely connected by a single plan and plan of the enemy command, regarding the prospects, the enemy will be in the avdiiv direction try to advance in the direction of pervemaiskyi nitailovo in order to bypass the right flank of the Defense Forces in the area near nitailovo. On novopavlivskyi, the enemy will try to cut off the same maryanko ugledar road and enter the left flank and it is desirable to get behind the Ukrainian Group that defends ugledar. This is the situation. Mr. Viktor, you say quite categorically that they will try to advance, that is, they understood backwards, but do they have the strength and means for this. If we say that the enemy has been conducting offensive operations since october, theoretically he should have. Would already be exhausted, or go to regroup, this does not happen, and after this, questions arise about russian reserves, that is, relatively speaking , whether it is determined whether this hidden mobilization is enough to renew the losses and whether there is the enemys variations now, in order to accumulate some more operational or more Strategic Reserves, in order to support these offensive actions or plan others . In response to your question, only mr. Bohdanovs department has clear and accurate data, accordingly we can scroll through open sources, the picture that consists of this scrolling, the losses of the enemy every month this year amount to 2225 thousand servicemen, the procurement system supplies somewhere every month 20,000 to the troops, that is, talk about. There is no reason to accumulate, but the enemy maintains staffing at a level that allows the continuation of combat tasks. If we talk about reserves, the enemy has practically no Strategic Reserves today, in order to deploy and form them, it is necessary to mobilize, which should be expected in the near future, now at the base of the 20th first motorized Rifle Brigade of the Central Military district, the enemy is deploying the 27th motorized Rifle Brigade division, and the formation process is very interesting that. 433 motorized rifle regiment of this division is being formed at the Training Ground in the area of ​​the three banks of the luhansk region, Everything Else is at the totske Training Ground, in the Central Military district, well , lets see what they will get out of it , in terms of operational reserves, most of them have been spent , at least in the groups that are conducting active combat operations, for example , in the turkish direction operational reserves for today. Are estimated at one motorized rifle battalion, but in the pokrov direction the enemy has three motorized rifle regiments, three rifle battalions of the mobilization reserve, recruited in donetsk, luhansk regions, and somewhere up to two units of the combat army reserve, so to say that the enemy has something to strengthen his offensive, these are extremely limited possibilities, in you. Such a breakthrough of our defense, he actually has nothing to develop his tactical potential success in the operational one, it is definitely not worth calming down, but the picture for today is like this, in addition to this , then questions arise about how we should behave on the battlefield, because, relatively speaking, i cannot not to mention the publication in sandy times, based on the results of his stay there in kyiv minister of defense and commander. Of British Forces there mr. Shabs and radakin, where sandy times wrote that they advised the ukrainian side to abandon the plan of offensive actions there on the front line, instead to maintain defense on the northern and eastern fronts, they are afraid that syrskyi will not be there was too fond of land operations, and that the main emphasis should be placed on carrying out strikes on the crimea with the help of missiles both there and on the black sea, and then it was presented in sufficient detail in the british to the press, why are these tips being heard, what are they related to reality and why are the british putting such emphasis, perhaps hoping for their historical experience, what are your assessments of these tips . First of all, britain is currently one of the leading partners and allies of ukraine in the fight against russia. Certainly, the officials of the Defense Sector of Great Britain make a huge amount of effort in order to collect, generalize, analyze the situation, look for optimal options for actions in such a situation, they have appropriate mechanisms for simulation of combat operations, and according to the results of this simulation, certain ones are likely to be given. Council of the security and Defense Sector of ukraine. What can i say about this . Why is the first advice to focus on a strategic defense operation in the first place . All parties perfectly understand that ukraine does not have the necessary resources to carry out an offensive operation today. There are no prepared reserves, there is no adequate supply of everything from ammunition to heavy weapons. And in general, conducting a largescale offensive operation requires considerable time, therefore, defense is a kind of natural way out of the situation, general zaluzhnyi spoke about this before his resignation, this point of view, as i understand it, was supported by general syrskyi, the new commanderinchief, so there is no miracle or any such big news here, why is it about the domination of the black sea . The chief of the Defense Staff of Great Britain, Anthony James radakin, is primarily an admiral who has served the navy for more than 30 years. He understands this deeply, he is one of the shapers of the new naval accounting forces of ukraine, and the fact that we received certain, well, for example, antiship missiles, is his merit, preparation for the handover of the minesweeper. From the fleet of Great Britain to the naval forces of ukraine in the same way, er, and plus all this can be multiplied by the unmanned actions of unmanned boats of the naval forces, the armed forces of ukraine in the black sea, which gave an unexpectedly high effect. The enemy does not send, for example, carriers of cruise missiles to the black sea, there is no rotation. Ships in the sea of ​​azov, alternate squadron in the mediterranean, which we still cannot get, accordingly, such a method, such an asymmetric option. Creates a huge threat on the southern flank, which is relatively safe for the enemy, after its antiaircraft capabilities in the crimea are destroyed, extremely limited by its forces and means on the black sea, then access to conducting air operations against aviation bases in krasnodar krai , rostov region, and Stavropol Krai opens up. Accordingly, so i think i said, admiral radakin had in mind exactly this development of events, perhaps in an operational or strategic perspective, well, in fact, they are probably ready technically to provide these concepts that they are currently offering to the Ukrainian Armed forces, but in any case, we need not only the means, but also forces, and here we somehow come close to. The question of our mobilization, it is taking place according to the current legislation, and the new law on mobilization is still being discussed in the parliament, what consequences will this delay have with the adoption of the new bill, how do you assess these risks . First of all, the parliament is not presenting a new version of the law on mobilization, but a draft law on amendments to the law. Legislative acts, of which there are 12 pieces, regarding the procedure for conducting mobilization , that is, the very mechanism that was, and remains, to talk about the fact that something prevents us today from equipping the armed forces with personnel, well, it is hardly possible, because all the necessary mechanisms yes, because starting in 2014, we conducted six rounds of partial mobilization with. From february 2022, general mobilization continues, and the draft law is focused on creating more favorable conditions and giving certain structures, and it is not the armed forces, to be more effective in assisting. In general, it should be understood that mobilization is the transfer to functioning in wartime conditions, primarily of state authorities, the National Economy and the National Transport system, the armed forces are mentioned there right at the end, so it is necessary to separate the staffing of the armed forces and, as a matter of fact , the mobilization to which the armed forces are related by and large, they do not have any threats delaying this draft law entails, if we lose, and the enemy overtakes us, firstly, in demobilization. Secondly, the deployment of our Strategic Reserves, the situation for us along the entire front line will be very difficult. We hope that this will not happen, and your evaluations will hear ours on politics, thank you for your time, for your professional evaluations, i would like to remind our viewers that viktor kevlyuk, a reserve colonel and an expert of the center for defense strategies, was in eteriso. These are the main points of emphasis in the military results this day, more international and economic news, further on vasyl zimis big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. I thank serhii zgorets, i thank him and his guest, these were the military results of the day. Good evening, we are from ukraine. What is bakhmut . Bahmud is a place of fear and a place of bravery. No matter what anyone says, bravery is not the absence of fear. Bahmud is an adventure that will stay with us until the end. Our day. The children were born in the era of independence. Who are they . There are many of them, and they are strong and brave, they are the guardians of their traditions and martial arts ancestors, they are boys who never cry. Lemberg, mother, dont cry. A book by the writer olena cherniyka, a book by a mother about her son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine and went missing. Wide expanses of donbas. Bosnia and herzegovina, ukraine namego. The victory will allow to play in the match for the exit to. Euro2024, so our teams need your support cheer on march 21 at 9 45 p. M. With megalogo. There are discounts on lyzak, 10 in pharmacies plantain, you and savings. There are discounts on mebicar ic tablets 10 in plantain, bam and oskad pharmacies. There are discounts on valeriana bolgarska, 10 in the pharmacies of plantain, pam and oskad. The premium sponsor of the National Team represents. United by football, stronger together. Soldiers, go home. 10 years ago, march 16. In 2014, the russian occupiers held a socalled referendum in crimea under the muzzles of machine guns. The operation to seize the peninsula began on february 20. It was on this day that the armed forces of the Russian Federation first violated the procedure for crossing the state border of ukraine through the kerch strait. Russia since the same year 2014 began to spread the narrative that the peninsula was allegedly taken peacefully with the consent of the crimeans. However, the participants of the action. Test is a living refutation of this myth. Very different people went out on the street, they were not even politically connected with politics in any way, well, until the 14th year. It was, i dont know, kindergarten teachers , it was some teachers , it was journalists, it was just people who didnt work, pensioners, i saw a lot of people too, that is, it was just people who disagreed with that that russia is capturing theirs house. These votes were not shown to the general public. Some kind of television, because at that time the radiotelevision transmitters in crimea had already been seized, and only russian was spoken there, russian tv channels, accordingly, they broadcast only prorussian rallies. Voting during the socalled referendum took place with numerous violations, the whole world recognized this, except, of course, russia. The main scheme for falsification was a simplified procedure for entering people into additional lists, right at the polling stations. Therefore the number of persons who apparently voted was abnormally large. In addition, in the ballots printed on ordinary white sheets of a4 format, there was no clause that would allow voting for crimea to remain part of ukraine. At the same time, to say that crimea was taken with the consent of all crimeans and apparently not by military means, but by peaceful means is simply untrue, at least untrue, at most just propaganda, with which they are trying to deceive ukraine and the whole world. While the whole of ukraine was reeling from the shooting by the berkuts unarmed protesters on the maidan in kyiv, the russian occupiers acted very quickly. They understood that, in order for the truth not to flow beyond the peninsula, it was necessary to silence all mass media. Near the broadcasting centers of crimea, russia landed machine gunners and machine gunners. The last time we had a broadcast just on the birthday of Taras Hryhorovych shevchenko, on my shift on march 9, she announced the program at 10 20 before his birthday, somewhere she lost, well, maybe 5 minutes, maybe 6 minutes, if not less, and i heard that in Something Else is playing on the air, not our program at all, when i went to the air, i heard that radio vesti russia was already playing there. Separate crimean communities. Tried to work for a while longer to talk about what was really happening, but it was risky to do so, because apart from threats, you could get in and play. I worked underground in crimea for two years, from april 14 to 2016, until april 19, when a spy program was installed on my computer with the help of a provider. In 2016, at 6 00 a. M. , i was approached with a search warrant the purpose is to find in the computer all these materials that i sent to the ukrainian mass media. The policy of the kremlin has not undergone any special changes since that time. Today, as in 2014, repression and persecution continue in crimea. According to the data of the crimean human rights group. During the 10 years of occupation, at least 1,400 crimeans suffered from russian repression, at least 200 citizens are behind bars and do not receive medical care. During all 10 years of occupation , russia has created such an island in crimea, where there really are no laws, where only some criminal principles of the russian government. For 10 years in crimea, the civil population of the peninsula has been subjected to exceptional lawlessness, the population is kept in. International organizations have long recognized the occupation of crimea as illegal, today the entire World Community knows that crimea is ukraine, and sooner or later it will return home. Tatiana golonova, oscar jansons, espresso tv channel. Hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. Who is visiting every day . This is the shipping district, kherson. Turn on live. We are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. We tell the main thing. On weekdays at 9 00. See this week in the Collaborators Program. How a doctor from mariupol treated Wounded Ukrainian soldiers. During hostilities , many ophthalmologists left mari. But which of the teachers in kherson worked for the russian fsb for years . Each of us, to the extent of our strength and capabilities, brought this union, the union with russia, closer. On tuesday, march 19, at 5 45 p. M. , watch the Collaborators Program with Olena Kononenko on the espresso tv channel. Greetings, this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur, vladimir putin. Continued his over 20year rule of russia. The west says the elections are not transparent, but no one has dared to officially call putin illegitimate, at least so far. Why . We are talking about this now, as well as the situation in sumy oblast, where the evacuation of the civilian population is ongoing due to the russian threat. Lets start. In the sumy region , russian shelling has become more frequent and intensified, because of this , the local population is being evacuated from the bottom settlements of the region. For the sixth day in a row , evacuation from settlements in the okhtyr district continues, the National Police from velika reported all the children were evacuated from piserivki, which is under almost continuous shelling by the russian military. This was reported by journalists of the local publication kordon media. It is not known for certain exactly how many people are in the villages near the border, in particular in the fivekilometer border strip, there is no communication with them, our sources report. Colleagues, local journalists, and besides, there is no transport connection with these villages, several hundred guided aerial bombs were dropped on the region in a week. Ukrainian ground Defense Forces have intensified shelling of sumy oblast associated with the raids of volunteer battalions on the territory of russia. Could there be a breakthrough of the border by Russian Troops from the sumy region . In a minute we will talk about it with the head of the Regional State administration and with a military expert, but for now, see how things are going

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