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Already detained more than 2,300 people in connection with the propalestinian protests that continue on University Campuses across the country. On friday morning, Manhattan Police officers ordered protesters to leave a tent camp at new york university. Those who did not do so were detained. The fiercest clash between the protesters and the police. Happened on thursday at the campus of the university of california, los angeles, where hundreds of protesters refused to comply with orders from Law Enforcement officers to leave the tent city, resulting in numerous arrests. Khrystyna shevchenko will tell what the protesters are demanding from the universities and authorities. For a week , a tent city of propalestinian students existed on the territory of the university of california, los angeles. And what they consider their right to freedom of speech, about israelis. Students interpret as oppression their rights. Ellie teves is a student of the faculty of acting. With the flag of israel, he walks next to his opponents. He says that he does not feel safe because of his position. Many times people wrote words of hate on my door. They know where i live. They call me a racist. They call me a white colonizer. My family told me to carry peppermint with me. Balloon look at this, who s taking my flag . Eli says that now he is in conflict not only with students, but also with some teachers of the university. I dont understand what you are are you doing look, this is a professor. Yes, i am for the truth, it is genocide. What is your name . What is your problem . Dont you understand what the definition of genocide is . Eli says he tried to walk through the tent city to the library. I was not allowed to go to this part of the campus, they blocked the passage there. They, supporters of hamas, created their own checkpoint there, where they themselves decided who could. Students who support the palestinians call ellies actions a provocation, assure that they are only for a peaceful protest, and people like ellie they are trying to bring them out of balance, they say that they created a roadblock for security reasons. Izmail, a 22yearold student of the faculty of microbiology, lived in the town of navmet from the first day, until his dispersal. Everything was peaceful, we had a program, various courses, selfdefense lessons, art and postermaking classes, but their opponents, says ismail, tried to break into the tent city, he tells how a group of masked people attacked them at night. They began storming our gates, trying to dismantle the barricades, and for in a matter of minutes this nato increased to 500 people. Violence began to escalate. I was closest to the gate, standing face to face with the masked man. He took something out of his pocket, pointed it at my face, and sprayed me with a spray can. University students with israeli views say that among the participants in the clashes were jews who do not belong to the educational institution. Many jews are outraged by one of the slogans of the propalestinian protests. From the river to the sea, free palestine, many people interpret it as a call to erase israel from the world map. Ishmael explains to us how he sees this slogan. This means from the jordan river to the sea that washes the land of palestine, which was and remains under occupation. We stand for the freedom of these people. Does this mean that you want israel to be erased, because in the territory from the river to the sea there is a state of israel. No, but again, the state of israel illegally occupied palestinian lands. We only call for liberation and freedom of palestinian life. Lets step back. Students for justice in palestine, an association that advocates, as described in their missions, the liberation of palestine. Ally tevez calls the position of his opponents antisemitism. If they were for the palestinians, they would. Constantly call for peace, call for the release of the israeli hostages held by hamas. We have a very, very strong Jewish Community here that supports me, and they all help, and not only the students, the jews, but also the nonjews who are zionists and believe that israel has a right to exist. In total , propalestinian protests were organized on the territory of at least 65 universities across the country. Khrystyna shevchenko, bohdan shevchenko from los angeles for voa. A free press is an Important Pillar of democracy. Us President Joe Biden made such a statement on World Press Freedom day and called for the immediate and unconditional release of all journalists who were behind bars simply for doing their jobs. Journalists go to Great Lengths to expose corruption, document wars, and provide citizens with the information they need to fully participate. In the life of society, the statement says. President biden emphasized on the fact that journalism is not a crime and drew attention to the fact that in 2023 a very large number of journalists died and the largest number of reporters in a decade, 300 , were put behind bars. He separately focused on the imprisonment in russia of american journalists Evan Hershkovich from the wall street journal and alsa kurmasheva from radio liberty. President biden also promised to take action in the coming weeks in response to the global crackdown on press freedom. He, in particular, promised to introduce sanctions and ban the issuance of visas to those who try to force the press shut up. The famous phrase addressed to the ship ruskava, which sounded from zmiyny island at the beginning of the fullscale russian invasion, became a symbol of ukrainian resistance. One of the defenders of the island, marine roman hryb, recently visited the united states. He was invited to the presentation of the film life on the edge, within which funds are collected for prosthetics of Wounded Ukrainian soldiers. Roman spent more than a month in russian captivity, and told my colleague iryna shinkarenko about what happened on the island, hourly on the first day of great war marine roman hrybov left the kherson region, where he serves, for a few days to participate in Charity Events in the usa. The most popular lots at auctions in support of ukrainians with a picture. Which cruiser moskva, to which defenders of zmeiny responded on the first day of a fullscale war. Among the defenders of the island was roman, who remembers that day every hour. It will probably never get out of your head. We were all already in combat positions at 1 00 a. M. , on the 24th , we were expecting their aircraft first, it was supposed to go in our direction, but the aviation somehow went astray. And we were already informed that their ships were slowly starting to move in our direction, well, around 6 in the morning, when it had already gotten a little light, we saw the first ship in the distance, we did not know then what kind of ship it was, because it was a very Long Distance away, around there i dont know 15 km, maybe when it got a little closer to us, this was the famous cruiser moskva, and leading it to the left of. From it at the same distance was vasyl bykov, this is their landing ship. Russians, he says roman, the civilians who were on the island were allowed to evacuate, after which the cruiser moskva delivered the first blow to the serpent, and the ukrainians had no antiship weapons. There was nothing we could do against the cruiser, we just had to hang on. And somehow we lasted until 5 oclock in the evening. Thanks to this, odessa was given the opportunity to prepare for the invasion of russia. Well, first of all, they tried to land on the island, we didnt let them do it, but after that we had. Aerial bombs came, their aircraft, and the cruiser controlled it all, in at any moment, he could launch rockets at us, just such a fighting spirit, maybe, you could say thats all that kept us there, we had a shooting range, we had nothing else. Words became the weapon of ukrainians from the first minutes recalls roman. It was to him at the beginning of the war that the famous phrase about the russian ship was attributed. Then the Border Service announced that its authorship belongs to another person. The novel does not tell. Details, why the discussions arose, but he says that he addressed the ship, although this message was in the mind of every defender of the island, but no one even paid any attention to this phrase, it was so from the heart, you could say it was sent to them, it was a powerful weapon at that moment that we could use together with the boys, my brothers on the island, so no one paid attention i did not believe that this phrase could be. Such a prophecy and give impetus to the ukrainian people that they should not surrender to any of their attacks. Roman recalls that after several hours of unequal confrontation and loss of communication with the mainland, 82 ukrainians, marines and Border Guards were forced to surrender. In once again their landing ships approached. They put the record back on us, its. A warship, we suggest you surrender, and elder ostrova, after consulting with us all, took it upon himself to surrender, thereby saving the lives of all the boys, and all those who has returned from captivity, is there anyone who has not returned until now, they are still in the formation and continue to protect the homeland, we were lying on the pier, it was very cold then, they put us face down on the floor. And we were until 4 in the morning on the 25th th number just lay on the iron, c why were they dressed and lying like that. The prisoners were taken to the crimea, and then they were separated. Roman visited kursk, in a tent town in shebekkino in severe frost, then in a highsecurity prison in old oskol. The chaining of the dogs, of course, like a scoot, its basically a moral crush with food, because we were given food like pigs, in order to get us over. On their side, this repeatedly sounded from their side, since according to their words, ukraine was already surrounded on three sides, and it made no sense to us to return home, we couldnt contact my relatives, because we didnt have the right to do so, the only thing i wanted to do was somehow reach out to inform my relatives that i was alive, thats all i wanted to do then, in captivity and information isolation roman stayed for 33 days, in the end, he recalls, he and other ukrainians with ropes around their necks and tied hands were taken to the zaporizhzhia region for exchange. I was shocked because i was captured in the first hours , and i did not see what this racist attack did to ukraine. In the zaporizhzhia region, the guys have already given us phones, me called, said i was alive. Well, it was screams, emotions. Roman recalls that since he was one of the first released prisoners in ukraine, psychologists did not know how to keep him morally strong, he says, the saying that came from the snakes mouth helped. I quickly came out of this depressed state, because i realized that i am needed here now in my right mind, because it is a great benefit, it also brings this phrase closer, i could not even think, but it also helps a lot in the victory over the orcs , simply without my confirmation, they came to see me. And british journalists were waiting for me, so i somehow got out of this state very quickly, the footage from the snake and the prorussian ship were included in the film life on the edge, which premiered in the usa. The tape, in addition to its charitable purpose, informs american viewers about the prerequisites for a fullscale war. Its director, pavlo peleshok, a veteran of the russianukrainian war , says that he invited the novel to support the premiere in america, this is the most apt formulation of the national idea. My daughter knows this phrase from her, well, that is these fragments are the formation of dna nationality, thats why roma is here, i, when we met him, talked, i say, here we need to support the guys who are in rehabilitation, skasha, what should be done, i say, come, support the fund, after the trip to sha , roman grybov will return to the service again, the experience he has gained helps him now as a chief sergeant, in particular, to provide moral support. Other fighters, as well as mentally he sends words of support to other defenders of zmiiny, 25 of whom are still in captivity. He says that they would be happy to hear about the destruction of the cruiser moscow, just like him. It was a joy for all the boys, i telepathically conveyed to all those who were still in captivity, and for us it was a great joy that it was our main enemy at that time. Iryna shenkarenko, kateryna besidina, dmytro melnyk, voice of america. Orthodox ukrainians are preparing to celebrate easter, including at the front. Along with the military, hundreds of chaplains serve there. In addition, a number of priests provide not only spiritual, but also material help to the military. Volunteers deliver cars, firstaid kits and body armor to the soldiers. About the service of priests during the war and freedom of religion in ukraine are told by anna kostyuchenko and pavel sohodolskyi. Mykhail predko, against the priests of the church of st. Nicholas, Orthodox Church of ukraine in the village of khotivobiv district, kyiv region. And in addition, the chief chaplain of the state Border Service. Countries. His two older brothers are fighting at the front. Every month, the ancestor goes to the front not only to perform chaplain duties, but also as a volunteer. We constantly carry everything from simple goodies to cars, quadcopters, and thermal imaging cameras. Well, ours the parish cooperates with other parishes of the Orthodox Church of ukraine, with foundations. We collect a lot of things, but we recently brought in tablets for the third and stormtroopers. Tank brigades special tablets that are needed for tankers, and before that we imported cars and cars, imported a quadrocopter, but now we are planning to return to liman, the National Guard asked us. Among the regular parishioners of the church of st. Nicholas in khotov, the founder of the local voluntary Territorial Defense formation, former border guard ihor hryb. At one time he was 5 held the position of deputy head of the synoidal military clergy of the ocu, nonprofit. Support, and this shows the spiritual practice necessary for a serviceman. According to the armed forces of ukraine, there are currently no more than 730 atheists, and in any case , no more than a third of military chaplain positions are occupied, this is because recruitment is ongoing for vacant positions, says parto yerei predko. We cannot take everyone in a row. Because as for government work or any structure, you hire anyone, you need more efficiency, you need a quantity, that is, we select, we conduct interviews with them, we check them, who they are, where you come from. Volodymyr kovalchuk, a 43yearold priest with 20 years of experience, is not a chaplain, but volunteers for the front of the russian invasion of kyiv region in february 2022. He says that during this time, 16 cars and. Firstaid kits, body armor and other equipment worth about 30 million hryvnias were handed over to various brigades. This is called working on the go. Come on, come on everything is partly bought with donations from those who care and thanks to cooperation with charitable foundations, among which the california Global Initiative yukain now. And a big thank you to father volodymyr fedorovych. For the help that he constantly helps us from the first day of the war, as well as his arsonists of the anastasia temple. The temple, where Volodymyr Kovalchuk is the archpriest, belongs to the ukrainian Orthodox Church, the socalled moscow patriarchate. According to the article of the law of ukraine on freedom of conscience and religious organizations, a chaplain cannot be a representative of a church centered on the aggressors ukraine. Religious center of a religious organization. In the country of the aggressor, what we can observe now, he is in moscow, so in the appropriate way , how can you take it, well, nonsense comes out, because kovalchuk says, he does not feel pressure from the state, in his temple , no, i dont feel it, there is no oppression in our temple, i will tell you such an interesting fact that a fullscale war just started, we carried a yellow flag near the temple. Cat our state flag and eight parishioners who actively left our church, knowing their accomplishment, since the beginning of the fullscale invasion of russia, 15 dioceses of the ukrainian Orthodox Church with more than 50 stopped mentioning the name of the head of the russian Orthodox Church volodymyr gundyaev or the socalled Patriarch Kirill in the service, say the uoc. Since march 2022, according to official sbu data , proceedings have been opened against about 70 clergymen of the uoc. Seven of them were sentenced for collaborating with the enemy. I myself criticize my church authorities, i am an opponent of my church. If there is a person who there is. Ee, well , she handed over ukraine, that is, yes, she did, well, she went over to the side of the enemy, yes, well , thats why there is control over the ksbu, but to destroy on today, several Church Structures with several million parishioners, i consider inappropriate. The Security Service also came to see kovalchuks counterpart, he says, and we talked a lot with them. We help, we help code intelligence of the sbu, the Security Services of ukraine, as we call them, the services of gods ukraine, we help, for example, in the Kharkiv Region , we help them with ammunition, with bulletproof vests and so on, that is, we cooperate, we understand that the protection of our statehood it is a priority for us. Currently, there are about 8,000 in ukraine churches of the socalled moscow patriarchate. Since february 2020, about 600 of them have transferred to the diocese of the Orthodox Church of ukraine, however , priest kovalchuk is not going to transfer to the ocu, but believes that after the war in ukraine, a Single Church will be organized. It will be a selfsufficient church, it will be full of people, a church in the world, probably more, the largest Orthodox Church in the world. About this, the priest said, there are people of different faiths among the military, and he respects their freedom. For voice of america from kyiv and donetsk regions. There are discounts, presented by koko discounts in may on eden, 20 in pharmacies plantain, bam and ochad. Exclusively on the air of our channel. Congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. The most relevant topics of the week russias war against ukraine, the war in. The middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland, topics that resonate in our society drone attacks on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. Analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. The country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. Vitaly portnikov and guests of the project we are bored because there is nothing. What to argue, lets win helps to understand the present and predict the future for the world, the second Trump Presidency will be terrible. Project for those who care and think politclub. Every sunday at 20 10 at espresso. Join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. Protect yours. The result of their robots are your and our safety, they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, they are strong in spirit, they value the ability to stand side by side with their brothers, right up to the holy victory everyone who pilots a uav, understands it, prepares, treats. Today in the program verdict with serhii rudenko. With indiscriminate weapons in the cities of millionaires. Russia is intensifying missile terror against the civilian population. When the western partners will be ready to deploy an antiaircraft umbrella over ukraine. From defense to culture. Great britain started negotiations. With ukraine on a centuryold partnership, how the kremlin reacted to camerons statement about strikes by british weapons on the territory of the russian federation. Paranoid fear, i think american intelligence. Putin is panicked about the weakening of russias influence. What decisions of the kremlin dictator accelerated the events that he tried to avoid. Glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. For the next two hours , we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our country. I can today we will talk about putins paranoia, russias missile terror, when the f16 planes will finally fly to ukraine and be in ukrainian skies, and british weapons will fly to russia federation. Thats for sure. We will talk about all this over the next hour with the spokesman of the air force command of the armed forces of ukraine, ilya yevlash, public figure oleg rybachuk, and the executive director of the world institute. Politician yevgeny magda. However, before starting our big conversation, i suggest watching a video of how special Operations Forces destroyed the launcher of the russian buk m1 complex in the sumy direction. The target was hit by strike drones. The occupants tried in vain to put out the fire and save technique lets watch this video. Throughout the broadcast, friends, we are conducting a survey, today we are asking you about whether Artificial Intelligence is needed in government communications, yes, no, if you watch us on youtube, everything is quite simple, either the function is yes or no, write your comment , if you have your own opinion, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think Artificial Intelligence is needed in government communications. 0800 211 381 no 0800 211 382 and we have our first guest ilya yevlash, major of the armed forces of ukraine, spokesman of the air force command of the Ukrainian Armed forces. Mr. Major, i welcome you, thank you for being with us today. Good evening, mr. Sergey, good evening audience. First of all, mr. Major, lets analyze what russia is currently using in. During the last, last, at least a month, carrying out terrorist airstrikes on the territory of ukraine, what is their special feature now, what are the russian occupiers shelling ukrainian territory with, well and most importantly , how we counter this, well among the main features, is what we capture over the last few days, for example, today was a rather rare event, the complete absence of any. Missile, yes or drone strikes, of course the enemy continues to constantly attack with guided aerial bombs, in particular the frontline cities, but we see now the absence of shaheed mostly in the air space and more emphasis on ballistic weapons and guided air missiles of the kh59 type, which the enemy is actively trying to use on its planes. It is also interesting that the enemy is very active now uses unmanned aerial vehicles, reconnaissance, it is most likely that he adjusts his missile strikes, so quite often we manage to see a large number, in particular in the south, near kherson, in zaporizhzhia, and near kharkiv, we almost all the time fix these unmanned aerial vehicles, also the enemy used

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