All rIght. WelcOme tO hannIty. N N Beaun beautIful harrIsburg pennsylvanIa. HellO, harrIsburl hag. A massIve crOwd. In just a mInute. FOrmer n In a PresIdent Trump wIll jOIn us fOr an hOur. In part, he wIll answer yOur questIOnsl be. ThInk abOut thIs. In just 13 days, early vOtIng3 s OffIcIally get underway acrOss the KeystOne State In a few daysgrOss just maIl In ballOtsl wIll gO Out In Other states. And wewIt In are Only 61 days fm what I belIeve Is an InflectIOn POInt fO dr the cOuntry thats less than twO mOnths away and thats the 2024 electIOn. The race, accOrdIng tO pOlls, I Is clOse In seven states. The latest Trafalgar POll has dOnalde Ins Trump up by twO In E State Of PennsylvanIa And State cOuld very well decIde the entIre race. NatIOnwIde, the Real Clear POlItIcs Average shOws statIstIcally It Is clOse a tIe In thesE States. MeanwhIle, left leanIng StatIstIcIans SIlver Is gIvIng PresIdent Trump a 58 Chancef Wn Of wInnIng the electOral cOllege. That tIn the O a man frOm trump Is nOw trendIng up. And Nate MOdel and multIpleer pOlls after camIlla s lOng lIved hOneymOOn phase. NOw fInally, FInally Appearser tO be Over. One and Only IntervIew was a whOppIng 60 mInutes and 30 secOnds Of talk tIme. Ive dOne a lOt Of IntervIews wIth DOnald Trump. I prOmIsE YOu, nOt One has gOnee under an hOur. She has ye at tO HOlnd A SInglel fOrmal Press COnference In 45 days after her cOrOnatIOa sIn. She She wOnt even take unscrIpted questIOns frOm vOters s tak at a tOwn hall. Later On, we wIll be takIngquesI questIOnOns, takIng questIOns frOm thIs audIence. She apparently pretended ph be On a PhOne Call tO avOId repOrters On the tarmac. That wasOn t yesterday. The truth Is, She dOesnt have a gOOd answer fOr her RadIca GOOl belIefs Or a Sun FlIppIng and FlOppIng And FlaIlIng Or her hOrrIbleen recOrd In the bIdenharrIs admInIstratIOn. She keep has sayIng, well,sayIng Im gOIng tO deal wIth InflatIOn On Sr Of mOn, 180. MOst peOple dOnt knOw that yOu have that many cOuntrIes. PeOplt knOw wtheyre EmptyIng T theIr prIsOns and jaIls. Theyre emptyIng Out theIr mental InstItutIOns and Insane asylums there enterIng theIr emptyIng Out the sIckest peOple, and theyre emptyIng IntO the unIted states. And yOu saId It better than anybOdy. Tha mOre terrOrIsts have cOme IntO the unIted states Inre terrO tht threE Years, and I thInk 50 years. A theres never been anythIng lIke It. These peOple are Sr O bad, theyre sO dangerOus. What theyve dOne tO Our cOuntrne ty Is destrOyIngg Ou Our cOuntry. And we cant let thIs happen. Ifrand we they One, yOud have t 20 mIllIOn. YOu have 100 mIllIOn peOple. YOu wOnt have sOcIal securIty. YOu wOnt have medIcare. YOu wOnt have anythIng already. Ifu wOn yOu take a lOOk at the numbers, theyre fIllIng up and lOadIng up sOcIal SecurIty D MedIcare wIth Illegal ImmIgrants that have cOme IntO Our cOuntry. Manyellegal ImmIgrAnt Them frOmy Of them frOm very bad places. Nyand were nOt gOIng tO destrOy Our cOuntry, shall we . Well, let Mt E Im gOIng tO play Kamala HarrIs Is Madey H abOut the bOrder, because I thInk thIs Is ImpOrtant. I wAnt TO I wAnt TO play her In her Ow N wOrds abOut thIs. YOure rIght. We have peOple, almOst 11 mIllIOn plus. We dOnt knOw hOw many gOt away as there are. We have Hundreds Ways There Of KnOwne COun terrOrIsts that have entered the cOuntry. We dOnt knOw what COuntrIes DOt Theyve cOme frOm Or allOwIng peOple In. Theyve cOme In frOm Iran, syrI allO a, egypt, afghanIstan, chInatOwns, and tens Of thOusands venezuela. RussI I dOnt thInk theyre cOmInga, here because they want a bettere lIfe, as maybe sOme Other peOple are. EOple arand we knOw NOthIng abO. We havent vetted them. I scrOlled the names Off and On thIs shOw. Yep. Of peOple that have been murdered, peOple that have been, peOple vIctIms Of a vIOlent crIme. And all thIs Is all happenIng by unvetted bIden, Illegal ImmIgrants. What Is yOur whIle . I can I play a tape . Ill play that maybe after yOur answer. But what Is yOur reactIOn tO thE YOuve spOken tO sOme Of the famIlIes. I saIdt at begInnIng I saId whn I heard they were gOIng tO have Open bOrders, they wantll tO Open bOrders. She wants Open bOrders. NOw Shes all Of a sudden sayIng, Oh suddeys, I thInk well clOse. The bOrders. She was the bOrders, whether yOu lIke It Or nOt. S R YObut even If yOu dOnt wann tO use that term. She was In charge Of the bOrder. Its theO us wOrst bOrder In Thh HIstOry Of the wOrld, nOt just here. Theres never been a cOuntry the that allOwed 21 mIllIOn peOple tO cOme In Over a threE Year perIOd. TheresOn tn never been and 21 mIllIOn peOple, many Of whOmprIn are frOm prIsOns, many Of whOm are murderers and Drug Dealers and, chIld traffIckers. And, by the way, wOmen traffIckers. YOu knOw, WOmen TraffIckIng Is the bIggest and theyre traffIckers In wOmen. OmIng nO and theyre cOmIng In nOw and theyre puttIng them In Our Puttalg SecurIty accOunts and theyre puttIng them In medIcare. 1 and Its just just One thIng, whIch If yOu take a lOOku Ta Tae a lOOk Over the last week, lanaId thIs was gOIng tO happe and Its happenIng because these peOple are tOugher than Our crImInals, crImInals are nIce peOple by cOmparIsOn. Thats the Only gOOd thIng were shOwIng hOw NIce Our crImInals are. They came frOm 22 peOple w recently, came frOm the cOngO In afrIca, where dO yOu cOme frOm . PrIsOn. What dId yOu dO . We refuse tO say were lettIng everybOdy In. Every In. In cOverybOd take a lOOk at aurOra. Yeah, In cOlOradlOO, where venezuelans are takIng OverldIns the tOwn, theyre takIng Over buIldIngs. The whOle tOwn. And the SherIff, whO can blame them . I mean, they have ak47. YOu saw It the Other day. Theyre knOckIng dOwn DOOrsle Ae and OccupyIng apartments Of peOple. The peOple are petrIfIed p and Its gettIng wOrse and wOrse. YOu lOOk at new yOrk, chIcagO, lOs angeles, and nOw yOu lOOk at all Over the place. YOu take a lOOk at IOwa LOOka I, places that never had the prOblem. Theyre pOurIn that nevg In 21 mIllIOn peOple. Thats bIgger than new yOrk. And we have tO stOp. And we have tO dO the largest depOrtatIOn In the hIstOry. Let me play fOr yOu. And thIs Is really a prOblem a fOr the campaIgn, In my vIew, sr Is early vOtIng Is abOut tO start. And I dOnt knOw hOw many amerIcans are truly famIlIar wITh Her pOsItIOnse famIlI Of decrImInalIzIng Illegal ImmIgratIOn and free hOusIng. POsI the care. EducatIOn TIm Walz wants free cOllege educatIOn, legal drIvers lIcenses. I was sO hOnOred that She wants a path tO Other me, my sOn and hIs whOle famIly. I saw the pIcture and hOnestly, It lOOked lIke It was a very nIce lOOkIng famIly. But hIs brOther endOrsed me and the whOle famIly endOrsed me. I saId, sure, I wIll. Let me, me. WIthes sOmethIng Theres SOmethIng weIrd wIth that guy. Hes a weIrd guy. WeI jd Is nOt weIrd. Rd hes a sOlId rOck. Hap I happen tO be a very sOlIdpe rOck. Were nOt weIrd. Wer Ba SOlIe thIngs perhaps, bs nOt weIrd. But he Is a guy. He walks On the stage. Theres sOmethIng wrOng wIth that guy. D an and he called me weIrd. And then the fake News MedIake T up. That was the wOrd Of the day. WeIrd. WeIrd. Where theyre all gOneand. But were nOt weIrd guys. Were very sOlId. Ane One cOuntry tO be great agaIn. I mean, Its very sImple. Thats lIke In Our Own wOrds On the Issue Of ImmIgratIOn, ut thIs whOle thIng abOut the bOrder. BOrderr. Been tO the BOrde Weve been tO the bOrder. YOu havent been tO the bOrder. Avand I havent been tO eurOpe. And I dOnt knOw. I dOnt understand the pOInt that yOure makIng. YOu suppOrt gIvIng unIversal Health Care a medIcare fOr all tO peOple whO are In thIs cOuntry Illegally. Let me jusg Health T very clear abOut thIs. I am OppOsed tO any pOlIcy Our that wOuld deny In Our cOuntry any Human BeInn beIng frOm acceO publIc safety, publIc educatIOn Or publIc health, perIOd. We have tO have a secure bOrder. But I am In favOr Of sayIng that were nOt gOIng tO treat a peOple whO are undOcumented acrOss the bOrders, crImInals. Thats cOrrect d the bOrder Is secure. LIsten, I thInk theres nO questIOn that weve gOt tO crItIcalle Y Ice and Its rOle and the way that It Is beIng admInIstered and the wOrk It Is dOIng. And we need tO prObably thInk abOut startIng frOm scratch, whIch Is what I wAnt TO dO. SO and nOw She wants nOw tO Offer a path tO cItIzenshIp,n whIch by any defInItIOn wOuld be amnesty. YOur reactIOn . But well, befOrE YOu even start wIth that, Of cOurse Its rIdIculOue s. Cant dO It. NO cOuntry cOuld sustaIn thIs. But She wantsustaIs nO frackIng In pennsylvanIa. She wants It. And She saId It 100 tImes. There wIll be nO frackIng. There wIll be nOl frackInbeg, wIll be nO frackIng. Then just recently, She saId, yes, I cOuld prOve frackIng. LOOk, thIs Is thIs Is a wOman whO Is dangerOus. I dOnt thInk tOO smart, but lets see. But lOses her traIn Of thOught a lOt. She gOes thats why She dOesnt wAnt TO dO IntervIews. Can yOu ImagIne her dOIng an IntervIew lIke thIs Or lIke anyO Of them . I mean, She dId an IntervIef. And She dId an IntervIewvI wIth Dana Bash On cnewn. Bas and, yOu knOw, I have tO tell yOu, Dana Bash dId the debate. WIth JOe BIden, wIth jake, I used tO call them fake tapper ,but I dOnt dO that anymOre. YOu knOw why . Because he was very hOnOrabldOue and sO was She. T and I thOught that She wOuld gIve a faIr IntervIew Baseshd On the debate because She was faIr. I was surprIsed, tO be hOnes sht wIth. YOu I dIdnt expect that. But She was faIr. I thOught I dId. Well, I dOnt thInk She dId tOO well, althOugh a frIend Of mIne saId, yOu shOuldnt have dOne the IntervIew. Hes nOt gOIng tO makyOOf dO. And yOu knOw what . He dIdnt make It. YOu knOw, I thInk It Is very unfaIr In a lOt Of ways. I cOmplaIn abOut It, but She the ran agaInst hIm In the prImary. She gOt nO vOtes, nO vOtes,y GO And Sh e the fIrst tO leave 20, I thInk, 22 peOple Or sOmethIng lIked that. D never and She She drOpped She was dOwn ten. NOthIng never even made IOwa. Th and She gOt 14 mIllIOn vOtes and they threw hIm Out. They saId, we want yOu Out. And he wasnt gOIng tO wIn. I dOnt thInk and I dOnt thInk he was gOIng tO wIn. But we dId a gOOd debate. A we had a gOOd debate and It was a faIr debate. And he was dOwn lIke 18 Orn 18 19 pOInts after the debate. But I hate mOsquItOes. Im surprIsed I dIdnt thInk we had. We dOnt lIke thOse mOsquItOes runnIng arOund. We nOthIng tO dO wIth them. But then we want nOthIng tO dO wIth bad pOlItIcIans that hate Our cOuntry, tOO. YOu wAnt TO knOw the truth. But he had they went tO hIm and they saId, we want yOu Out. YOure nOt gOIng tO wIn. And It was really a cOup when yOu thInk abOut It. And the wOman whO came In, the persOn that came In last I mean, She came In last year, the fIrst One Out Out Of all thOse peOple, yOu had many peOple that dIdnt pretty well whO was actually clOse at the end. And then In sOuth carOlInaOuth and by the way, New HampshIre was sO badly treated by the DemOcrat Party and by JOe BIden and her, I cant ImagIne In Newh HampshIre VOtIng fOr hIm, anybOdy In New HampshIre, because theyre watchIng rIght nOm anybOdnew hampw. W but anybOdy In New HampshIre that vOtes fOr bIden and kamala, I really thInk I call her cOmrade kamala, because thats what her IdeOlOgy Is. But yOu knOw that She dId sOmethIng after a decader and decades and decades. It was IOwa,decade the fIrst tO, New HampshIre. And thats the way I thOught peOple thOught It was gOIng tO be. He dIdnt wAnt TO gO tO New HampshIre. WAnt TO new hampsh the New HampshIre game. And sO he went tO a dIfferent state. We wOnt mentIOn Its a great state. I wOn It by a lOt. I lOve that state. O thatbut dumped New HampshIre. And I saId Td O peOple tOday, whO the hell frOm New HampshIre wOuld vOte fOr thIs guy . He changed the whOle prImary system. He changed the whOle system because he tOOk them Out Of the Order. And I thInk Its gOIng tO havetr a bIg effect. We really wAnt TO wIn New HampshIre. Ive dOne well there and we really wAnt TO wIn New HampshIre. Let me gO back tO the Issueyt. And Its a bIg Issue In thE State Of pennsylvanIa and. YOu mentIOned It. And let me just tell the audIence. SO everybOdyt tell Is fully awae Is that TOnIght FOx Offered a Marthas SuppO . SO I wOuld have preferred I fIgure I thInk hes a nIce guy, but I wOuld have preferre d a debate. Thanks a lOt. Set thIs Is the best we cOuld dO. Ansean, yOure stuck wIth me. All rIght, let me play. ThIs Is a bIg Issue In thIs state. Is the Issuen HI Of bannIng frackIng. NOw In that I I thOught It was a hOrrIble IntervIew and a mIssed OppOrtunIty, yOu knOw, fOr 16 mInutes She spOke fOr 16 mInutes and 29 secOnds. And that whOle IntervIew, the Only IntervIew yOu enjOyed ,vance, have dOne, thIs Is yOur 36th IntervIew Or Press COnferenceIntervIe between the twO Of yOu and we dOnt knOw If She suppOrts the Green New Deal She cOspOnsOred wIth bernIe sanders. That wOuld cOst 93 trIllIOn. We dOnt knOw If She stands by that. We dOnt knOw If She suppOrtsfOl medIcare fOr all. That wOuld elImInate all prIvate health Insurance. We dOnt we dOnt knOw If She wOuld really ban frackIng. NOw, In the Cnn IntervIew, She ban , wellaI, I saId In 2020 that I wOuld nOt ban frackIng. Cnn tO Fact Checker and say, nO, She never saId It. ThIs Is whatrIs She really saId, well, yOu cOmmIt tO ImplementIng a federal banIrd On frackIng yOur fIrst day In OffIce, addInayOffIceg the ud states, the lIst Of cOuntrIes whO have banned thIs devastatIng practIce. Theres nO questIOn Im In favOr Of bannIng frackIng. SO, yeah. SO wOuld yOu ban OffshOre drIllIng . Yes. IIve agaIn, wOrked On that. NOwd On, nOw, cOrrect me If Im wrOng, yOure a better busInessman than. I am. Isnt News AudIO On SIrIus Xm AmerIca Is lIstenIng. All rIght. UnfOrtunately, thats all the tIme we have left thIs evenIng. Thank yOu,u, y thatse PresIdent Trump thank yOu fOr beIng. Thank yOu. Thank yOu, harrIs. LOvE YOu. In the meantIme, say dvr sO we never mIss an epIsOde. Let yOur Heartu Neve be strOng. Greg gutfeld Is next tO put, a smIle On yOur face. Our true DOnald Trump tOmOrrOw NIgh

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