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And late information here good Afternoon Everybody on Martha Mccallum and this is The Story. Here we go again it is astounding that we are now covering a second Assassination Attempt on the former President Of The United States. The suspect Ryan Routh may have been at that scene for as long as 12 hours. Lying in wait essentially before the Secret Service spotted his Rifle Poking out through the trees. On the sixth hole of the trump international Golf Course. Is the former president was on the fifth hole, this individual police believe was positioned to be there when he got closer and closer into the range of shooting. So as we look at that image, you can see he was in an area that was close to a road and this all appears to be very carefully calculated in terms of this timing. Heres the new elite released police got a Body Cam Video at that Moment Routh was apprehended. This is astonishing itself thanks to an eyewitness and a secret Service Agent who spotted that gun. This is what happened after he fled the scene. Watch. Take two steps to your right take two steps to your right driver straight back keep walking martha that cleanly executed, that is what they train for. Here is the sheriff of the county, where that arrest went down. The bigger question is how does a guy whos not here, get all the way to trump international, realize that the president , former President Of The United States is golfing and is able to get a rifle in that vicinity. The part of the conspiracy of this whole thing really takes on a very ominous tone. This is a wants in a career someones in a lifetime event. How many people get a Shot Off at the former President Of The United States . The poor guy has already been shot once. Martha he is right about that. Its been 40 years since we have seen again that was intended to be fired at a President Of The United States. This is not something to be diminished in any way, its an extraordinarily serious event that took place yesterday. Weve got Expert Analysis from former fbi Special Agent Stuart Kaplan who was a lot of interesting questions that he would like to see answered and former Secret Service Special Agent in charge Frank Leverage, and davis walked with the very latest because hes been gathering for us all afternoon. Hello david. Ryan routh is facing two federal armed charges and more charges come from the department of justice. These two charges of the quickest way to keep him behind bars. They are possession of a firearm by a convicted Felon And Possession of a firearm within obliterated serial number. That means scratched off. Phone records place him at the scene for almost 12 hours from 1 59 a. M. To 1 31 sunday. We know he was taken to Custody North of Palm Beach and he made a quick escape from the trump Golf Course but according to a criminal complaint he was discovered on i95 after a witness saw him getting into the car and took down his License Plate. According to the Fbi Martha that License Plate was stolen and belonging to another call our car altogether and police confirmed it was the same man She Saw in the car. According to the producer in court in west Palm Beach, routh was laughing and looking around while talking to The Public defender and told the judge she understood the charges and im told more charges are possible. They doj and the fbi all taking different pieces of this puzzle in the fbi investigating ruth himself,s background in any conspiracy. The Secret Service once again looking in the mirror to doing selfreflection of how this happened. Several u. S. Officials have told fox the service not staff to handle trump the same they handled Joe Biden or Kamala Harris, thats a fact. Joe biden is the sitting president but there are growing calls for Donald Trump to be facing and having the exact same protection as Donald Trump. Martha. Martha make sense at this point and i think all of us would assume the extra protections would be put in place after butler, pennsylvania. Thank you very much. With spring and Stuart Kaplan former fbi Special Agent in criminal defense and Frank Leverage former Secret Service Special Agent in charge. Thank you so much for being here. Frank i want to start with you. Obviously everyone is relieved that this secret Service Agent saw that Gun Poking through the fence but the question is how was it possible that this perimeter was not completely covered, given that you have a former president , a current president ial candidate and a person who has been shot out in the last two months . Thank you for having neon. The first thing i want to say is on a Golf Course, ive been on the president s Golf Course with george w. Bush and president obama, its moving and we are moving with it as what goes hold a hole. Its very important you expand the perimeter to know when the president is on the hole you have to defend yourself against any attack from 360 around you and that was not done. That brush gave a perfect area for concealment and allowing him to get down and creep into that brush. If it wasnt for him putting his rifle and the muzzle of his rifle out of the fence it would not have been detected and that could have been a bad day for all of us. Martha frank i want to stay with you for a moment because i think back to butler and obviously we are not trained like you are to understand what you need to look at but even my, you know, uneducated i, looking at butler afterward over on the scene there is that one building in that building is really close to where he will be standing. I look at this Golf Course which has one area that is very close to a public road and probably, i dont know its difficult to tell the distance, but a good distance for love deep shrubs and trees. Why why didnt the agents secure that whole area that is close to that road, or even cut it off from that period of time that hes going to be going from the fifth of the eighth hole . Thats a good question in the honest answer is it should have been done. It should have been swept and held so nobody gets it through the area. It is such an obvious situation where they are in close proximity to President Trump. The one thing im concerned about is what our enemies are seeing, what our adversaries are learning from the potential vulnerabilities that have been identified through both of these asAssassination Attempt. Its because an organized attacker unlike the 20yearold from butler or the 58yearold from maralago, someone organized could have done that. Martha both of these guys could have gone through fairly reasonable Shooting Distance of this president and i think it is astonishing. It is absolutely unbelievable that just two months later we dont have something much more secure in place. Stuart kaplan your thoughts and concerns on the questions on your Mind Today . Thank you for having me. I mean look, the first concern i had as my colleague just said is i think obviously the property should have been swept and obviously hours before. I think my concern is remembering what the former president s itinerary was the day before is there potential breach in a sinister girl or is there something more sinister . Because the fact this individual new and anybody thats very, very hot and theres a Heat Advisory and first day in the morning. Whats the breach from the Inner Circle and thats first and foremost and i think its inexcusable the property was not swept. Think should underscore the united states Secret Service that showed operate at the highest level was able to identify and neutralize this threat to the extent also that this individual was now apprehended and i wanted to not take away and applaud them because they want to be able to keep safe any person that they protect and i applaud them. Obviously we need to reconsider maybe Donald Trump should be playing golf during this period of time where he is running for President Of The United States. Do we need to curtail his outdoor activities . Martha good luck with that. I dont think that is likely. I appreciate what you are saying and obviously we are all grateful to the secret Service Individual who saw the rifle in the fence. I just wish we had a system that had swept the area as you both point out. Prior to that he was there for 12 hours, this individual. Just off of that part of the green. It was absolutely inexcusable that this is the situation we are in. I current Candidate And Someone who was just shot at two months ago. We all need to do better we all agree and, you know, have more people. I would love to hear President Biden say this will never happen again. We will have the absolute top level a president has as well. Frank lovers thank you very much in Stuart Kaplan thank you both for Year Expertise and its wonderful to have you here today. Hopefully we dont have this conversation in a few weeks. All right so a book written by the suspect, calling on iran to assassinate expresident , former President Trump. Former Secretary Of State Mike Pompeo who is under a Warning Threat from iranian officials and agents, joins me next. Wait noom can design a personalized Weight Loss Plan for me . Woah. Im vegan. I have high cholesterol. Does noom have plans for us . Nooms plans can be personalized for both your needs yes how about Dad Bod . Get your personalized Plan Today at noom. Com martha to who is this man, who did he know and who is he in touch with. The suspect in this second attempt on former president Donald Trumps life and just about two months. Heres what he said in some of his writings. This man routh. He said you are free to assassinate trump, he wrote this of iran and apparently self published book that described trump as a buffoon for the January Sixth event and the quote tremendous blunder of leaving the iranian nuclear deal. That according to the Associated Press and with that lets bring in Mike Pompeo. Former director of the cia and he is currently a Fox News contributor, great to have you with us today. Your thoughts on this individual and its a publicly known that you receive protection from our government because iran has threatened your life as well. What are your thoughts on all of this . I see this fellow get so close to the president , someone who was articulated for the president s assassination, seems like he was urging the united states to do something fundamentally different and we did in the Trump Administration from iran. Its a systemic failure, two months to try into guys that dont appear to be organized or competent and i cant wait to see what we learn but it appears there is no evidence that there was lessons learned in butler that more material to keeping around the president. I heard guys say we need to have security that needs to be equal to the president the united states and i think when it comes to protection its about threats and i think theres No Doubt the president is the most threatened person on the u. S. Senior Leadership Team and he ought to have the security that is appropriate and is not yet. President biden did whatever he could to have whatever Teen And Department agency to actually secure the perimeter for the president of the unit states states and protect him and other american officials from not only what appeared to be the lone folks but also organize threats that would materialize in the weeks ahead. Martha its interesting you see glum folks because this is just a going and we dont know yet what aspired between knees others and we also know he was arrested and fleeing the country July 12th and he was a pakistani man with apparently connections to iran that was trying to assassinate the president , President Biden and Nikki Haley were on his list. Let me play the sound bite. This has to do with the interest in the war and ukraine. He went over there, the ukrainian Foreign Legion said he was never associated with them as a fighter but watch this, its 12 seconds long. He talks like a 20yearold Guy that sold everything he owns to fight. That is heroism. Hes coming here to risk his life for humanity, for the ukrainians. Martha what does it tell you is a former cia director, what questions would you have . First of all it does suggest that he was paying attention to world events and that was certainly driving him and motivating him. Its hard to make of what he was talking to in who he was working within ukraine but i did intentionally use the word appeared to be alone. Inspired by and connected to an external factor is for this martha. We want to chase everyone of those leads to the ground from the first incident and now this One And Martha The Public it doesnt know. And the Secret Service kept us from killing President Trump and we dont know how many others they may have foiled that have never made The Public eye that they have taken down that may have involved external threat actors. This now appears to be a systemic attempt on the president that is brought in deep in the security needs to manage this real threat against him. Martha what would you like to see today from President Biden or from Mr Mr. Acting head of Secret Service in terms of assuring the people these additional layers of protection he will get for this minute . Its really simple. You talk to your team and you build your team and you lay out exactly it is what you need. If youre showed folks to get for 1000 meters or 2000 meters, whatever it is the president is going to a rally or play golf or wherever the president may go you have the obligation to make sure he is secure and should they should lay down a marker. I dont want the bad guys to know exactly what our Security Plans and processes are but he needs to expand that deeply and double and triple down on the amount of security necessary to ensure that not only for the next 49 or 50 days but so long as there is a threat to the former president he needs to make sure he gets it right. Its his responsibility and he has the resources and he should demand them from the President Of The United States and he should be clear to the american people we will not let this happen a third time. Martha i think that levels of assurances need to be ratcheted up and backed by action because there is every reason for americans to think that the former president is not safe. We have seen it when we have been there twice and by The Grace Of God and some combination of whatever you want to call it, these were thwarted but these people about every ability to get a Shot Off. This is serious business martha. Martha it is very serious business and i hope we see some serious measures taken immediately to protect this candidate and former president. Mike pompeo always good to see you sir. Thank you very much. Have a good afternoon. Martha you as well. As i just mentioned a pakistani and national accused of having ties to iran is charges in the u. S. For plotting to kill political leaders here. The 46yearold pled not guilty in a federal court in brooklyn today. According to Senator Chuck Grassley documents show that the targets may have included former President Trump, President Biden and former u. N. Ambassador Nikki Haley. The judge ordered him to stay behind bars until his next hearing which is scheduled for november. So who is he working with, how wide is this effort, all of those big outstanding questions and that threat appears to continue as we go forward. And new calls for beefed up protection for the former president as weve been discussing after he narrowly escaped another brush with death. Florida Senator Rick Scott who calls what happened yesterday sickening and right he is, we will speak with Senator Scott next. Hi, My Name is damian clark. And if you have both medicare and medicaid, i have some really encouraging news that youll definitely want to hear. 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The president was 70 yards away but was moving closer to the shooter on the next hole of the trump international Golf Course. President Trump Needs the most coverage of anyone. He is the most attacked and threatened and even probably more than he was in the Oval Office. We keep hearing they dont have enough money and i think that is absolutely true by the way, how that money is deployed needs to be taken a look at. They are working double overtime, these folks are burning out and they need new resources and we need to get them help so they can do the job the american people expect them to do. Martha House Speaker Mike Johnson happen to have a meeting with the former president at Tamara Lago that was scheduled right after this close call and of course the former president went through with the meeting, there he is speights speaking with Speaker Johnson Yesterday afternoon and he said he felt completely fine and was worried with the people he was playing golf with and wanted to make sure everyone was okay and wanted to finish his round. A spring in florida republican Senator Rick Scott who serves on the Homeland Security and he oversees the Secret Service, Senator Scott great to be with you here. I want to start if i may with his comment from earlier from President Biden about all of this and get your thoughts if i may. President Joe Biden this service needs more help and i think congress should respond to their needs. I think they may decide whether they need more personnel are not. Martha your thoughts on this senator . Clearly we need to provide whatever resources President Trump needs. I texted back and forth with him and im glad he stayed safe and i talked with the sheriff of Palm Beach and Martin County and i want to thank the Secret Service and have a lot of great Law Enforcement in florida. The rhetoric of the democrats have to stop, they cant continue to say trumps a threat to democracy and expect these crazy people out there not to take action. There is vital rhetoric that the democrats that are causing this. I have a bill that would make sure that President Trump gets the exact same resources as was the Vice President today. We need to make sure we stay safe with an election and 50 days and hes got to win and hes got to be alive and be able to perform his job. Martha either these are individual efforts or they could but ten chili, Law Enforcement has said to, be a part of some conspiracy to kill the former president. We dont know yet. The investigation is ongoing. You bring up the rhetoric around this and im thinking back to the debate which we covered the other night when there was so much pressing about anything that former President Trump said that was seem to be not accurate but the questions about him and hearing to project 2025 and wanting to ban abortion the country which he has not said he would do. All of this went completely unchecked and you wonder why people have a skewed understanding of where he stands on some of these issues. Watch this, this is Cnn Anchor Dana Bash who did one of the interviews and she had to say about this attempt. We dont know much about this guy yet at all other then he was somebody here was trying to find a way in his midtolate 50s, to go and serve on the front lines of ukraine and he obviously had some antitrump posts. But thats has nothing to do with Kamala Harris and Joe Biden. Martha your thoughts on that senator . Of course. Theyre never going to blame biden, harris or any democrat. Jeffrey said white after weirs we have to stop republicans right after the second attempt and 65 days. This has got to stop. He is fighting to save democracy. Clearly what the threat is as socialism or what the democrats are trying to do. Weve got to win in november. Weve got to keep the president safe. Weve got to tell the truth. What make you so mad about that debate is they were completely onesided. All they had to do is hurt Trump And Help harass. Harris would be a horrible president she gets elected. Martha that was very unfortunate. Thank you very much senator for being here tonight. Its always good to see you and we need to make sure this protection is in place and be great to hear from the president in the Oval Office and the actions they take to do what he can. Thank you senator. Coming up at the top of the hour just a few minutes away now we will hear from a live News Conference from the Secret Service and the fbi. Well get some new information in an update until the investigation to the now second Assassination Attempt against former President Trump. We will bring you their life as soon as that gets underway. Go straight back keep walking its odd how in an instant things can transform. Slipping out of balance into freefall. Im glad i found stability amidst it all. Gold. Standing the test of time. The Darkness Of Bipolar Depression made me feel like life was moving on without me. Then i found a chance to let in the lyte. discover caplyta. Unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta is proven to deliver significant Symptom Relief from both bipolar i ii depression. And in clinical trials, Movement Disorders and Weight Gain were not common. Caplyta can cause serious Side Effects. Call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts right away. Antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. 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They are saying that it is linked to dozens of investigations across the country. A former u. S. Marshal in texas is standing by with information related to all of this but first to correspondent Brooke Taylor reporting live from dallas. Hello brooke. Governor Greg Abbott were texas governor here emphasize just how dangerous this venezuelan gang is. He says that everyone should be paying attention to this and he even called them Ms13 Gang members on aids and said this was the biggest threat right now. As he mentioned there at the Gang Members are linked to about 100 crimes across the country. We have video from this spring, is that aftermath of a Border Ride in El Paso and it immigrants rush the Border Fence and abbott said 100 people arrested have ties to the tda. This isnt just a texas problem, that gang has connections to cases in new york, georgia and a recently in Colorado Security Footage went viral seeing arms men breaking into apartments in Law Enforcement has said have a trend there and Governor Abbott says he is declaring the Gang Of Four foreign terrorist organization. Tda is notorious for their brutal Violence And Murder and their kidnapping, extortion, bribery, trafficking, drugs and weapons and even humans. And the governor said theyre creating a database to help Law Enforcement identify and confirm and officials right now are working on common traits to identify them like certain tattoos and even stars. And since 2021 there have been 3000 illegal immigrants from venezuela arrested but because of the database its hard to determine how many are actually tda members. Martha thank you very much broken with that we bring in Robert Amonte former u. S. Marshal for the Western District of texas visited aurora, colorado. Great to have you with us and i want to play for everyone this comment from Chris Cabrera the national Border Patrol Council spokesperson talking about how serious this issue is and what it could turn into here. Watch. It is an infestation and is taking hold, not just in colorado or new york. Its up in michigan, florida, texas you name it. If people dont wake up and see it for what it is we will be in a lot of trouble in this country. Martha tell me robert tell me about this group and what kind of people are they . Why did they move from venezuela to chile and now they are in the united states. Thank you for having me. There and extremely dangerous transnational gang. They originated out of a prison in the state of our agua in the country of venezuela. And basically the Government Official there basically told the Gang Leader that you cant take over the prison. There were no Prison Guards and the Gang Members were actually running the prison and then they released from prison and they were called to leave venezuela. So thats why they started going to other countries in peru, columbia and now there in the there in the united states and there were so many reasons for them being here but the main one is theyre coming across the border and basically reputation, they wont be embedded and basically its impossible to back down because the united states does not have a relationship with the country of venezuela. Venezuela will not share any information about them and they are extremely dangerous. I agree with a comment he just made and as a matter of fact i think we are already in trouble because theyve been here for a while. They are more organized and more structured and they are involved in so many different crimes. You name it they will be involved in it. I am concerned because a lot of people are not taking this seriously. I am talking about our Government Officials and im talking about elected officials. Im talking about mayors that are denying the problem because they dont want to give their city a bad image. And the way to tackle this problem is the way that they are doing which is going headon for a record after them and we need to stay on their heels and not let them catch their breath. The whole idea is to make it as difficult as possible for them to operate in the united states. Martha absolutely. Its going to be tough. That piece a read about this organization and the Wall Street Journal talking about one wave of immigration we served of got imports of the mafia from italy and they took hold in so many places across the country and they compared them to that end talking about how they would shake people down for Protection Money in Venezuela And Chile and if they dont pay had people would find their parts of their body and a bag outside the next day right . That is absolutely correct and im glad you brought that up. Because they are extremely dangerous and violent and brutal and barbaric. What theyre doing in other countries as they have houses what they moved into they call Torture Houses. They bring their victims and brutally tortured them and dismember their bodies. If we dont get a handle on this we will see the Torture Houses the united states. Martha they can basically just drop in walk in and Rob Pls and Wont Play put in jail. Robert amonte thank you i have a feeling really talking about this more unfortunately. Former white House Secretary who was with the President Maralago following the frightening close call of the Golf Course joins us next for whats ahead of the campaign. Is anything going to change next. My psoriasis was all over. Then psoriatic arthritis. Who knew they could be connected . For me, cosentyx works on both. Cosentyx helps real people find clear skin. 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And it is the latest in a series of huge jolts to the 2024 president ial election. For more on how this could shake up the Trump Campaign potentially with more events that they have scheduled for this week lets bring in the former Deputy Press Secretary for President Trump now vise chair of the center for Election Integrity and he was with former President And Maralago yesterday. What was it like when you got word of this end now saw him back in his home . I have to tell you it blows me away because at that time we were talking about a former President Of The United States, this is his home. If you cant be safe in your home what are we talking about here . The mere fact that this point of time in the race we have to distinguish between the first Assassination Attempt and a second Assassination Attempt shows that we have been in a very dangerous and dark place and i would argue when the left attacks Donald Trump and when Kamala Harris calls him all of these horrible names, she knows none of these attacks are real. She doesnt even believe it but they use that nasty rhetoric to attack someone just because Donald Trump wants to make it easier for you to afford gas and groceries. He doesnt want our women and children by illegal aliens, somehow thats wrong for the country. We can debate the policy but when you call your political opponent, you demonize them by calling them a threat to democracy, its not going to get you votes Kamala Harris but it could potentially get someone killed. Martha dragging up rhetoric from charlottesville which has long been did bunked. Project 2025 which he has long separated himself from. If youre going to call things that you have to call them out on both sides and i think everybody would feel better about that situation. Let me ask you this. In terms of the plans going forward for events and i think any of us who have had any time with this former president know he doesnt want to cancel things and he wants to live his life the way he likes to live it. I wouldnt bet on him not playing golf and i wouldnt bet on them not doing rallies but what the discussion on the campaign about how to deal with this . He is the toughest, most courageous man i know. To stand there and get potentially killed two times in this race and still wanting to be out there and still wanting to be working for the american people. How many times have we had discussions the past several years, Donald Trump is focused so much on making peoples lives better he doesnt want to get on the Campaign Trail because he understands this is so vitally important for the future of the country. You mentioned the rhetoric and you said Kamala Harris lied about the bloodbath and lied about charlottesville but she even called Joe Biden a and a racist on debate stage. You know its not real because Joe Biden put on a mega hat the other day. If you really believe the things he was. Would he do that . And Kamala Harris the same, she doesnt care who it hurts or who it affects. Donald trump is not going away, he is too tougher than a determined to see. Martha will there be additional security in place and will the campaign consider bringing in additional private security they cant get it from the federal government to make them safer . I dont work for the campaign and i will speak about the Security Protocols i do know about having working with the Secret Service for a long time. How many times we have a narrow mess of the former President Of The United States before we fix the problems and make sure they never happen again . It seems like to Assassination Attempts by two different people in two months and we still havent have fixed of the loopholes that get this to happen, something has to change. Martha its clear their people that are out there that want to kill this president. Theyve done it twice and we hope it can be shut down and never happen again. Thank you very much hogan. It is cu. You to martha. Martha President Trump says the rhetoric has put them in danger. Telling Fox News digital that their comments are causing him to be shot at. The Book President and Vice President condemned political violence after the Assassination Attempt on the former president. 20 me now the Wall Street Journal editor at large and the cohost of the five. Great to have both of you with us. On this issue of the dangerous knack and forth here and the fear that is put into people as they listen to this and what it might drive someone who is not stable to do. I dont have a lot of ideas to the political rhetoric is committing acts of violence like this. Weve always had very tough political rhetoric, our very Terminology And Campaign itself is a Military Term that we talk about battlegrounds and talk about targeting and people using harsh rhetoric. Lets not make a mistake Donald Trump used extremely harsh rhetoric about the press and his opponents and so im very leery about this idea that somehow theres a direct link between something Joe Biden or Kamala Harris said and something crazy person going to shoot Donald Trump. The bigger problem i do have is when we are constantly being told by authorities in the media, the big threat to American Political Stability is from right wing violence, from we keep being told that white supremacists are the biggest Terrorist Threats and we keep being told of trump loses the election the right wing white supremacists and the proud boys and everything else will arrive in the country is going to be in chaos. But actually the two main acts of political Access Weve seen so far this year, fortunately think got neither of them successful, but both have been acts committed against Donald Trump. We dont know for what reason or what political causes these people were pursuing but it does worry me the authority seems to be on some idea that theres whright Wing Threat when there seems to be people out there who primary interest is taking down Donald Trump. Martha point well taken. I want to switch gears a little bit jessica and talk about the interview, i believe it was on friday in philadelphia and theres been a lot of Pr Pressue on Vice President harris to do more interviews and this one has got criticism over the weekend, lets play some of it and get your thoughts on it. When we talk about bringing down prices and making life more affordable for people, i wanted specific things in mind for that . I will start with this. I grew up a middleclass kid. I grew up in a community of hardworking people. Construction workers and nurses and teachers and i grew up in a neighborhood of folks who are very proud of their lawn. Martha jessica, a lot of play on Social Media over the weekend, your thoughts on how that went and if she needs to be more specific. She did Go On to list elements of her plans i should point out after that including a 50,000dollar Tax Deduction to start small businesses and a 25,000 Down Payment for houses. Those are core parts of her plan and the Tax Deduction has been praised by people on the right and left. You have to call a Spade A spade thats a really good policy and i was interesting to see a spate of polls coming out over the weekend including the one from the ft and the Ross School of business and they ashley said that Kamala Harris was pressured more on the economy then Donald Trump and people knew very clearly that she was out there for the middle class and that Donald Trump was interested in protecting the wealthy. Of course she has talked about raising taxes on wealthy people who cant afford to do that. The unrealized Gains Proposal is something that has been panned by people who are the strongest supporters but the american public is hearing her and they are acknowledging the fact that she is putting herself out there and ordered up to protect them versus the impression of Donald Trump was more concerned with people going to be using a lot of these loopholes to continue to maintain their vast sums of wealth and not looking out for the little guy on this. I want to add to jerrys comments about the shooting or the attempted assassination, i am so glad he is all right but i dont understand how there isnt a bipartisan bill on the table right now, you know, save Donald Trump or whatever you want to call it. Everyone would sign on to it the Secret Service has a lot of explaining to do and weve heard that report from the first assassination, i believe it was Senator Blumenthal who said that. I do find it really unfair to put this Rhetoric Conversation on both sides. Joe biden and Kamala Harris and other democrats have called Donald Trump a threat to democracy, thats because the men tried to overturn a free and fair election and Donald Trump uses that and he goes out and fundraisers on exactly the same thing. Hes only person thats called democrats human. Martha i dont think its fair to say that weve seen difficult rhetoric on both sides but i think jerrys point that, you know, i think of these turn out to be two crazy people that were triggered by whatever they were triggered by is difficult in politics is a roughandtumble visits as you pointed out. I want to get your reaction to how shes doing with this interview and also put up this. This is of one pole and we will get more, after the debate. General Election Preference shows that there was no change. This is September 11th to 13th, today is the 16th so i think we will get more polls in the coming days that might be more helpful to us at this point but your thoughts on how she is doing and whether or not shes leveling off. Jessica neatly avoided the question much more elegantly than calm a harris managed at the debate last week. She just blows these bubbles up or acuity which are absolutely meaningless. And she has, Fox News did a great digital analysis of how that answer she gave to that question from a reporter in pennsylvania was exactly the same as the answer she gave end as equally as meaningless as the answer she gave in the debate last week against Donald Trump in terms of what her policies would do to bring down prices or inflation. She hasnt got a clue what shes got with these what she trots out is very disturbed her. Partly because Donald Trump once again set a lot of rather things he shouldnt have said but also because she was allowed to trot out these completely vacuous meaningless statements about the economy or the state of the World Or Anything else. When shes challenged in any serious way on these issues she hasnt had an answer. Martha what about as you say putting fine points on it maybe in a better way, in terms of taxation and this idea that she would be more helpful to middleclass people in that trump is only interested in the wealthy. The 2017 Tax Cuts passed by Donald Trump in a republican controlled congress is not true. Its the great sort of fictions and the many fictions that arent properly fact checked by the media, and included Tax Cuts for everybody and what Donald Trump wants to do is extend the Tax Cuts which expire next year. As it happens she hasnt want to extend them and she wants to confine the Tax Cuts to lower income people but it is simply not true that trumps policies and republican policies back in 2017 only feature the rich. Thats not true, everybody got a tax cut. If you listen to Donald Trump and these Donor Meetings whether hes on big oil or a bunch of rich people he is telling them youre going to be better off with me then you are going to be with her. And everybody knows if you look historically democratic precedents have been incredible for the economy, i dont need a republican who dont wish a bill Clinton Presidency biden has been able to turn around since he took office and whats going on with the Stock Market with job gains. Martha as an analysis biden added fewer jobs than trump did over the course of those four years according to our greenroom and break down the statistics but we will talk again about this. Thank you. Sleeping because were about to get this News Conference. Thats The Story right now. Continuing for coverage on fox, well see you tomorrow. Neil were indeed liv

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