Have you . You you wIll all be mIne tonIght. Happy monday, everyone. Okay. Democrats supporter IdentIfIed as ryan ruth was arrested for tryIng to assassInat aree Donals Trump on a Golf Course.whatever happenedsa. AskIng If you can playough through It seems IT Would be assassIn was able to gett jut just a few hundred yards away from trump. Apparently the shooter found the only Golf Course wIth a Slanted Sand Tra tp. Too soon. As You Know, thIs Is the second tIme trump has survIved multIple You K shots and accordr to an expert, hell just need for more lIke that. ImmedIately, pundIts trIed to blame It On trumps rhetorIec regardIng sprIngfIeld, ohIo, but the accused shooter wasntsh. We know thIs because he wasnt eatIng a Cate Accur W now youre loosenIng up. He needed a catch to get started. Of course, the medIa claIms the motIve cats of the Trump Hag Suspect are unknown. But thIs Is stranghee. Hares campaIgn has already asked hIm to moderate the next debate Is stra. Thankfully, the would be assassIn Is now In custody, and they already found hIm. A cell wIth a hIgh thread count, a broken securItyavd hI a and a helpful new cellmate. Of course, IT Was Joe BIden. Wao recently saId that Donald Trump was a threat to our democracy. The ruth used sImIlar word ts. If you are any more connected to joe, hed be a colostomy baag. Yeah h, thats an Ileostomy. I know you added Ileostomy. Thats an Ileostomy. Hes beIng remInded and. FInally, the Emmy Awards aIred last nIght. I asked If I wanted to see a bunch of bent, talentless AttentIon Seekers pat themselves wante see the ba. Ill Watch Fox and frIends. All rIght. Now, I know I was on the show. S we dId It all for a joke. Lets do a monologue. ShsIf Donald Trump survIve another attempted assassInatIon here, I thought Kamala HarrIs was the luckIestvIve Person AlIs faIled AssassIn Ryan Ruth Is a regIstered democra t, a donor wIth a BIdenharrIs StIcker on hIs truck, and he went to ukraIne 2022 and encouraged other amerIcans to joIn hIm. But so hIs far, the MaInstream MedIa has been unable to fIndIcn a motIve. MaI clearly, he must be a fannsen of Taylor SwIft and. So were back to the same drIll. The QuestIon Tas to how It could have happened agaIn. Where was the protectIonaske an . WhaT Was the motIvatIon . BuT We can sum U P the entIre S ThIng In one word. Trump apparently wIth that magIc word, all government up and competence go out the wIndow as well as professIonal. Goe buT When you heard the news, were you really that surprIsede. I mean, was anybody fIred after butler . Was thers We Thate AccountabIlIty . Re the only person the dems 86 to after a Neardeath ExperIence was Joe BIde n. Its clear no ones In charge, and thats the real reason. Anothea ExperIer RIfle could bea aT Trump. And god forbId one of these attempts are successfurl, The Legacy MedIa wIll have more blood on Its hands that nancy pelosIs surgeon. Cruel audIence. YoU Probably heardnds than the statement from former presIdent BIden Alread y by now. Maybe joes heard It, toobI. E perhaps from the vIsItIng angel tryIng to get beat. Sand out of hIs ventIlator. But as joe wrIteacs, the clock wIth one foot In the sand and the other wearIng a tot ewen tag, My YorkIes wont send enough agents to secure a mInIature Golf Course where T Trump would actually be safer. Good luck gettIng a shot Off Aroundsecure thaT WIndmIll. Ea but If the ShootIng Attemptfe feels lIke a bad flash back to you, thInk of the poor medIa. They barely fInIshed SpInnIngk O and then IgnorIng the last one. Remember how they saId Thomas Crooks ambIguous polItIcal leanIngs . Theyre sayIng that noInnIng awn about thIs creep. I dont know. When you try to kIll had n trum, that doesnt leave much room for ambIguIty. Its lIke when Larrynow Kudlowlv InvItes me alone to hIs hot tub. I know the pla It but IT Wasnt Itng I after the fIrst attempt on Trumps LIfe that the MedIas InsIncer w lone calls te lower the rhetorIc dIsappeared. Mes back to beIng the DevIl Incarnate RIght up untIl sunday. S backtrump was a threat to democracy. A whIte supremacIsT Who would end western cIvIlIzatIon. But asIde from that, not a badte guy. As trumpnd wes to take the leadT Was clear theIr empathy was about as sIncere as a strIppero at you before the lap dance. So what does the medIa do . The InsIsT We lower the temperature agaIn . Of course, the MedIas Idea . Of tonIng down theIr rhetorIc Is shuttIng up trump. Of anchornbcs alex wItt. Im guessIng her mIddle name Is nIt. Okay, we do not know. AgaIn, the source of any gunshots or gunshots. We dont know who Is ResponsIbl E for thIs. W the whole thIng has yet to be 100 confIrmed. From start to fInIsh how thIs all played out. But do you expect to hear anythIng from the Trump Expec CampaIgn about tonIng down the rhetorIc, tonIng down the vIolence, or would that BeeI AtypIcal of the former presIdent . WeIrd If shes not sure It even happene . Rdd. Then how could she knowow trump caused It . Of cours e, the medIa wont Take Cours the blame for braInwashIng mIsfIts Into achIevInge,sfIts a greater Infamy And Infamy gIven after achIevIng the medIaand reaters Instead os on the real problem. Achyou wIll Ignore real bulleto flyIng toward Trump And Daydreaml Ignore abouT What dId hIs supporters mIght do In response. WhIle the real crImInals memory holed lIke that MovIe Dana th. That. In tIjuana ask me about It. MeanwhIle, Nbc Anchor Lester Holt offered hIs 0. 02, whIch Is what he should be gettIng paId for lIke thIs. Todays apparent AssassInatIon Attempt comes amId IncreasIngly fIerce rhetorIc on the CampaIgn TraIl Itself. Mr. Trump, hIS RunnIng mate, j. D. Vance, contInue to make baseless S RunnIn about haItIang ImmIgrants In ohIo. HaItIa we saw what you dId there,n leslIe. CreatIng a Falsen OhIo for leslI the attempt thaT Trumps words atgardIne. G 20,000 HaItIans Movd to a town unprepared to support them made hItem deservIng to be shot. But Its not hIs fault. Duck, Duck Goose went from a ChIldrensunpreparemm Deserv D a menu. Is It me or Is lesst sayIng trump asked for It . For the dems, trumps Wordss Trm of the MInI SkIrt and heels of rhetorIc. You go out lIke that. Are the to get assaulted. G meanwhIle, theyre braInwashIng the most unstablt lIe of theIr n In a trump Is hItler gstrIng. Heres the washIngton post. Just days the second AssassInatIon Attempt. TalkIn. Ngg about the fIrst one quote, trump stoked suspIcIons about assassInatIon attempassassInt, RaIsIng Fears T vIolence. So youd better KnocIon Attempke Trump or well do It agaIn. Its funny, sInce I HarrIs loves venn dIagrams. I got one for her. Heres the CIrcl E contaInIng the Democrat MedIas rhetorIc abouT Trump. Heres the cIrcle contaInIng the shooters. It presents a problem, herea cIrc. Erlap Is when the overlap Is total. So wIth the polls dead even, nothIng else workIng, the leopards realIze theyre out of optIons. Trump Coul D actually thIS ThIngtIons so all bets are apparently offtr and luckIly so Is theIr aIm. Lets welcome. Yes, hes sIx books and someday he hopes to sell one host of One NatIon and cohost a fox app. Read brIan KIlmead F one. HIs beard Is thIcker than the cast of the vIew, producer of the greast ot new am I racIst and host of Thent Matt Walz show madar wall. Walshh he looks your back up Weede Dealer ComedIan Adam Hunter re. To lead cheek mohammed. What Is IT WIth the school and theIr currIculum. I thInk we should examIne It. So he Is out of hIs mInd and I thInk that the one bIg not beIng talked about Is at the Press Conference you can have everybody there you can show great good bravery but can Somebody Stand In front of a ChaInlInk Fence where presIdenT Trump would have been eventually 50 yards away . DId that not occur to anybody . Even gettIng a CrossIng Guard to sIt there and say do not shoot . Greg good poInt, I thInk. I kInd of zoned out after a whIle. Im kIddIng. Mats, Welcome To The Show congrats on the new movIe. Number 3 In the country I saw. Actually IT Was number 4 buT We wIll call that number 3. Greg yes to number 3. You were hearIng thIs whole thIng wIth both sIdes. Both sIdes engage In thIs rhetorIc do you buy that argument at all. I really do not buy It at all. I do not buy from the medIa what they are tellIng us, we cannot know thIs guys motIve, also he Is just crazy. He Is not lIberal he Is crazy. That Is not mutually exclusIve for one thIng. Also I thInk here Is the Important poInt. ObvIously the left rhetorIc Is leadIng to thIs when you claIm that somebody Is hItler, you are InvItIng people two kIll hIm. The crazy thIng Is not these people goIng to shooT Trump. They are not crazy because they should trump, they are crazy because they belIeve he Is hItler. If you belIeve that somebody Is hItler It makes sense. Of course you are goIng to shoot hItler. So they are tellIng People SomethIng that If they are crazy enough to belIeve It Is InevItable they wIll go and do It. Greg In fact, If he dId not shoot hIm he would be Immoral because he Is hItler. You would go back In tIme and kIll the HItler Baby whIch I trIed to do, adam. It must be great to be as obscure as you are because you never have to worry about people who want to kIll you because they do not know who you are. I google my name and It says who cares. Look, I do not thInk IT Was an InsIde job. I thInk If they really wanted trump that they would move have hIm do a movIe wIth alec baldwIn. But I do thInk It Is weIrd wIth the medIa because he could have gotten shot durIng the debate wIth kamala and they would have been lIke kamala, our you okay . The guy needs protectIon. He Is thIcker than dave gIrls. I lIked that one. But how do yoU Plan thIs on people sayIng that haItIans were eatIng cat. FIrst off, trump has nIne lIves. But, they saId they dIdnt have protectIon because he Is not a sIttIng presIdent but they protect the guy he was a sleepIng presIdent. Greg nIcely done. Thank you. Greg well done. Kat, how are you doIng . That Is great. You are glowIng. I keep hearIng that, It Is rosacea. Greg I do not care what anybody says rhetorIc wIse say whatever you want but It Is InterestIng thaT When there Is a commItted repetItIon of a certaIn kInd of rhetorIc over tIme you are goIng to get thIs. Can I be honesT WIth you I am actually not great . I know thIs Is supposed to be a Fun Show and I promIse IT WIll be fun later, and I dId read a whole book about the stuff, my new book Is about the dangers of polItIcIzatIon, and IntImIdate demonIzIng people based on polItIcs, and I feel hopeless at thIs poInt. I really do because In my book there are solutIons, I offer a guIde to thIs, however, the problem Is we are truly beIng condItIoned agaInst It because It makes polItIcIans way more powerful when thIs Is happenIng. It makes MedIa Way more money when thIs Is happenIng. So no matter how hard It gets we already have an AssassInatIon Attempt before and now we have another one. No matter how bad It gets people do noT Want to change. There was all thIs motIvatIon In terms of Power And Money they want to stay the same. They system Is powerful and Its In It Its condItIonIng. I am saddened by thIs. Greg way to brIng us all down. What hurst fIrst heard about thIs I was lIke what more Is there to say shortly there Is not another one agaIn. And there was. I really hope that for our sake we can wIse up to the way thaT We are beIng manIpulated and terms of hatIng each other. What . Of course, and agaIn, both tImes, agaIn both AssassInatIon Attempts he has handled very well. Greg yes. He walks It off. When he posted hIs zero2 I dont know how to pronounce It In not a Sports Person thaT Was great. Greg buT We wIll have fu mIssIng out on the thIngs you love because of asthma . Get back to better breathIng wIth fasenra, an Addon Treatment for EosInophIlIc Asthma on the thIngs you love because of asthma get back to bettereat breathIng wIth the sentra and. Add on treatment for EosInophIlIc Asthma. ThIs don once every eIghT Weeks for sentra Is not for sudden BreathIng Problems or othe teIf your cI condItIons. AllergIc reactIons may occur. Dont stop your asthma dont stop your Asthma Treatments wIthout talkIng ve a n. WIth your doctor. Tell your doctor If your asthma worsens, headache and sore ask r If It. Tell your doctor If you have a parasItIc InfectIon. Step back out there wIth the. Ask your doctor If Its rIght for you. LIberty mutual customIzed my Car Insurance so I saved hundreds . But the money I saved, I thought Id get a Wax FIgure T f. After cool, rIght . Cool, rIght . Look at th I mean, even got my nostrIls, rIght . Its just nIce to knowoh gaa years after Im gone, thIs guy wIll be standIng the test. I. T hIgh. LIbert hes nothIng. Oh, jeez. Noy,y, lIber, Its only Pay Foru need day. Every day of every famIly. IT Wont. Hard to fInd someone to fIx thIs. But before I started angIes lIst story, a lot has changed for us that angIe sInce then. But the Issues homeowners are the same. And the solutIon to skIlled local pros get started at angIe tor. Com. You cannot go In and try the patIence early thIngs a bIt dIfferently. Theres method to my madness Is stubborn, unapologetIc, allergIc to authorIty. You just lIsted my best qualItIes. So brIllIant mInd. Check your local lIstIngs. 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XfInIty Internet customers, ask how to get a free 5g Phone and a second unlImIted lIne free for a year. Get 15 off plus free shIppIng wIth DIscount Code Tv 15 at fIeld of greens. Com Its come,n go. Hey, hey, hey, Its meg your. Hey, hey, hey. Cams fIrst solo IntervIew stInks lIke doggy doo. Our vIdeo of the day comes to us from Kamala HarrIs In phIladelphIa. Thats pennsylvanIa, a cat. The dId her fIrst SIt Down IntervIew all by herself lIke a bIg gIrl. BuT When we talk about brIngIng Downd D prIces and makIng lIfe affordable for people, what are one or two specIfIc ThIngs ShefI has In mInd for that . She k about brIngIng down prIces and makIng lIfeIngI more affordable fongr people, ae what are one or two specIfIc thIngs you have In MInd Foe Orr that . Well, Ill starT WIth thIs. I grew up a mIddle Class KId. My mother raIsed my SIster Grewme and I grew uplass In neIghborhood of folks who were very proud of theIr wIth, You Know, and I was raIsed to belIeve and to knowan that all people deserve dIgnIty and thaT We as amerIcans have a beautIful character. We a have ambItIons and aspIratIons and dreams. But not everyone necessarIly has access to the resources that can help them feel those Hl Dreams and ambItIons. Sop th when I talk about buIldIg an OpportunIty Economy, Itd Is very much wIth the mInd of InvestIng In ambItIons and aspIratIons and the IncredIble Work EthIf Gcamec of The AmerIcan people that meant nothIngan. But heres a rule of thumb. If a polItIcIans answerle to prIces Includes lawns, youll probably end up sleepIng on one. MeanwhIle, she Introduced a new accent at the congressIonal black Caucus DInner over the weekend. Watch hello to all my dIvIne nIne brothers, sIsters and amateur. And to all my hbcu brothers and sIsters, I got to hand It to. Shes the woman of A Thousand voIces, and theyre all. Matt, can you decIpher what she saId In that response about the EconomdecIphery PrIce . Not really. I lIke the the accent. She does. I Its supposed to sound urban, I suppose, but It ends up soundIng lIke suppod a almose a PlantatIon Owner In the Antebellum South or somethIng. Yea butth. WhIch I dont thInk Is what shes goIng for It. Yeah. Yeah. But Foo TthInk r the rest of ItI I dont thInk Im the fIrst porson to poInt thIs out, but oI ,I see myself In her when she gIves answers because thIs Is lIke when I was In eIghth grade tryIng to fIll out the Word Count on a BookI Wa yeah. Epor and know, Its lIke she doesnt know what shes goIng tot. Whens shes In the mIddle. You could watch her when shes In the mIddle of a sentencen. Know she doesnt know what the next sentence Is goIng to be. Yes. Sentence TtrIes To Stretch Ou the sentence for as long as she can so It doesnt end, but she has to start a new one. Ye ant dos exactly. Rt a thats the process. Yeah, Its funny. K, lIke sometImes I thIn. Adam, that shes sayIng the thIngs I to that the people who are coachIng her tell her, lIke, heres what you should say nexte. And shell say, and Im shlnexto say next, and shel actually the thIng that you would do, lIke the actual dIrectIves. Yeah. No, I heard lIke sometImes In the bedroom she has a Teleprompter And Sayeard ss. Oh, but Is that goIng to make the shot . Yeah, of course. D that but You Know how low our audIence. Ow but Its lIke she keeps sayIng hope and change, whIch descrIbes my wallet, and Itshoe lIke, was I better off w four years ago . Yes, I was sIngle. No, but I mean, look lIke votIng for her after bIden I fs goIng to the dentIst to get rIdo of your hemorrhoIds and. And that accent she put on a fake southern accentthat a. O ca then she went to calIfornIa, put on a thIck mexIcan accent. You know, and then she wentrrIe to mInnesota wIth Ilhan omar I shmarrIed her brotheher. I should have stopped three jokes ago. But You Know what . They apprecIated greg craIg, rIght . Yeah. Can you stop havIng Standupu St ComedIan doIng a whole Setopa RIght after mestan . That makes me look borIng by comparIson. Now youre. LIke, go to someon makes mlookee yeah, your movIe Is number four. I cant make a homemade. Okayt, were talkIng about rIgt . These people kat, Is. Does thIs topIc make you smIle . Do You Know thaT Was actually edIted to make her look better . That gobbledygook She Spoutedak Greg . Yes. I grew up a MIddlee R Look kId. Yeah. Is that not good enough of an answer . Itd Is a presIdent Ial oc. P also, lawns. Yeah, I guess people have lawns and lIke they what she son she was lIke okay she saId specIfIc so shes . SaId she grew up a mIddle Class KId people cared about theIr Lawn Upn she started lIker what the OpportunIty Economy whIch Is her thIng. Yeahlaan but Im stIll really unclear on what that Is. Yeah, I, I thInk Its InterestIng because bIden set the bar an InterestIn I thInkg place for ws acceptable In an IntervIew E fo but hes all lIkeus that there was that hes I dont know wIth her what the excuses and I why Knr T there these follow up questIons of lIke thaT WasnT What I asked you at all rIgh TheseestIons T You Knoo you If people In your neIghborhood had lawns that Iass actually that Is very low on my lIst. N my lIs and I agree. Fro and, You Know, I really expected more from BrIan Taft from, phIladelphIa actIon news. I would If I were. I woul BrIan Taft, Id be lIke, thIs Is my bIg moment. Exactly. BrIan tafte thIs, you really drb the ball on that one from actIon news. DonT WIsh you were lookIngou at actIon actIon news. You jusT Want to be part of a News TeatIon Newm you want to bk a story on whIle runnIng. Exactlym,. Exactly. I dont know what they thInk. You break storIes. Exactlyg, but theresyou every promo. A couple of thIngs comarggIng. E. Number one Is when youre set up Is the Punch LIne Is what you rolled In. Im sayIng to myself, youll probably play the begInnIn g, but yoU Play the whole thIng. It Is so astoundIngly Inanoued N and. Then you wonder why DavId Plouffe and all these experts say, I dont care what the crItIcIsm you wIl Yl Nt Y SIt Down wIth anybody, you wIll not do an IntervIew. And If you sItouno down wIth somebody, I want the other guy whos not allowed to have an opInIon d wIt. Ed anythIng sIttIng next to you happens to be your runnIng mate. So thIs Is t opo me. R really scary because I actually Ideat thIn. K that she has any Idea what she would do If she was presIdent. Ill tell you exactly whaT Trumpdo do. T you guys mIght not lIke It or, O But Everyone In thIs room knows exactly trump would do. S ex trah, Its goIng to pIck upac where he left off, You Know, where he stands In hIsum polIcy. Hes goIng to offend some people and please some other people when shes polI get that oval offIce, therell be somebody else runnIng the country thaT We haven s T W yet. And that should be a lIttle scary. That Is all rIght yet. Greg good for I you. All Is sympathy. Applause. Okay. Up next, maggIe gave offIcIals a thrIll whIle we put the bIll. If youre lIvIng wIth hIv, ImagInod to goe beIng good to go wIthout daIly hIv pIlls, good to go off the grId. Good to go nonstop wIth CabIn Fever. Theres No PausIng for DaIlyIt HIv pIlls for adults are undetectable. CabIn feve from a healthcr, onlg actIng HIv Treatment you can actIng HIv Treatment you can get every other mont Its two InjectIons fromce a Health Care ProvIder just sIx tImes a year. Dont receIve CabIn Fever If dont receIve CabIn Fever If youre allergI Ic Reactc to Its, IngredIents or If youre takIng certaIn medIcInes whIch may Interact and de. 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Just turn It On, close the lId and hang ouT WIth your dInner. And the GrIll Bar does all the cleanIng for you. The quIck release brushes are dIshwasher safe, and wIth the rechargeable lIthIum Ion battery, Its easy to make sure your GrIll Bar Is always ready to clean. Check out the GrIll Board avaIlable In black or red. The GrIll Bar makes the perfect HolIday GIft for the grIll or In your lIfe. Try the grIll. But rIsk free for 60 days wIth our No QuestIons asked SatIsfactIon VIsIt get grIll a story In fIve words yoU PaId for dIsney TrIps Ad and thIs story Is almost as InfurIatIng as your face. the sIx New Yorkst EducatIon Department employees allegedly scammed a Government Program meant for Homeless Studentsamme In order to take theIr own KIdse OrderIpsrnme to dIsney world. They also took multIple FamIly Members on trIps to resorts and ranches and campground s. The country all on your dIme. YoU PaId for theIr bratsyoU Pa. ThIs Is dIsgustIng. Its horrIble. ItwIth the work, You Know, you can keep goIng. Oka youy. Cuba by word. No, no. Its horrIble I mean, I was there that day when they had and IT Was crazy because I the MagIc Castle had tents around I t because. But. But, You Know, joy saId, no, ththInk Its I thInk Its wonderful that theyre lettIng Homeless KIds go to dIsneyland. Thats beautIfulhee lettIng ho. Wonderful. But then they got to go back afterwards to beIng homelessful. Wonderfu so whIch wn I mean, you gIve them jobs at the hauntedwItche, You Know,o thaT Would be so scary, lIke. A all rIght. So buT Whats sayIng Is, You Know, who dIdnt takm sayIne theIr kIds there . Who . Hunter bIden. Yeaht take. Hunter bIden dId not. He yeah. Y he actually has a kId wIth. Whats crazy . Hes a kId wIth a strIpperha, rIght and hes never met the kId. Yeah, and that kId has the crazIest LIfae Hae In schoo, but people lIke, whats your famIly lIke . Dk l, my my dads a crackhea my moms a strIpper. My grandfather was a presIdent. You knowheom, but he doesnt knw It. You know . Kat, are you lookIng forward to trIps to dIsneyland . Are you thInkIng of other optIong ts lIke, You Know, the LudwIg Von mIses InstItute . Im goIng to do my best thebt to have my kIds. Never know dIsneyland. Exactl ty. Otect you want to break Into them . Yeah, exactly. I want to protectht them from dIsney. I donT Want to go. Yeah. No , I want to go there at all. Gr thIs has got to you off, t too, of course, Becauss Yoe yout Its not just thaT Were payIng for It Is that you get so many people who jus you youl a horrIble person and you complaIn about taxes because that means you dont Card U Ibl people who are strugglIng. And I always say, guys, the money doesnt reallyuto go there a lot of the tImehe and the money doesnt really go. Its a combInatIon. Th of twon thIngs that me off. So Its that that me off. And then also what Mofmee Off Is that these people, If you crItIcIze these people about anythIng, that It Meano S You hate kIds. Yeah. You crItIcIze any of these educatIon bureaucratat. Thats that means you dont care about educatIon when really If you do care about educatIodo notabout edn, n you should be crItIcIzIng these people. I mean, look aT What happened durIngtIon covId. T happ Its almost as If they care more many and nothIng. Ite people doof thesenovId19. Care more about themselves than they do the kIds rIght. S Is so thIs Is just another example of that. Were stIll goIng on wIth thIs same tragedy. ThthIs Axa CombInatIon of two thIngs that me off. But I would lIke to stay quIet about DIsneylandha Cause I thInt the babys old enough to hear. Yesause I, cryIng. And they agree. Your baby can hear. Yes, bryan. Just. E . I wIth thIs Money Wasb Intended for dIsadvantaged students. Probably would have qualIfIed. DId you have you ever been to dIsney . Ive been to dIsney way too much. Yeah. Yeah. I He Beenmy loves dIsney. Im holdIng out a lIttle bIt,une but theyre younger. Its great to go. But heres the thIng about Theds E New York of educatIon. Remember, they went on vacatIon durIng CovId Andnew york they bg Zoom Calls from the Islands, talkIng about these kIds. Cant get back In school. Its too dangerous. These are not teachers. Dont the Teachers Schoo get pad enough . These are these kIds goIng through Metal Detectors before they gee do not pat to s were not puttIng down teachers, but the people Involved In thIs, theyre Name G s all over It. They are manIpulatIng the system, forgIng PermIssIon SlIps In order to get slots over homeless chIldrenfo. You cant do anythIng more hellacIous than that. I mean, you go t to kIddIng me. Ve I mean, you cant do more of a combInatIon. Orse thIs Is a thIs Is what youre up agaInst In New York cIty, Wher E one every nIne kIds Is somehow homeless durIng the year. Want they jusT Want to gIve these kIds. And Its kInd of weIrd. Adam, youre rIght. I mean, we thesekIds at Shouldk KIds for the entIre year, rather gIve them one day, entI, for three days. The magIc kIngdom. Now go back to your pup tent. Hey, that doesnt make any Sens Bac ye. S they really just really homeless or are they, You Know, Outdoor KIds , huh . They prefer outdoors. Youre rIght. Y pref we had Outdoor KIds when I waser growIng up. Well, that steve lIves was outdoors. Get hIm some moIsturIzer. Yeah, a lIttle chapped. Hes a cowboy. So , matt, what Is thIs, a hopeless sItuatIon . Pretty much. We cant all our money. Al we have no Idea where It m goes. And It always goesoney thIs. Yeah, well, thats what happens when youve gotto a government that that a Is wastIng all thIs money. Its one of the reasons whyg It people complaIn about should wed Cut Taxes for the rIch people . Curs onwe Cut Taxes fo on tIps . Should we just cut to Im In favor of all tax Cuts Tax because we know what happens when the government has that money. I am we know wha more InteresteI more from brIan about how Its great to brIng young kIds to dIsnen he froy. Junke It Sounds LIktse the worst thIng that I brought my kIds to Amusement Parworl k tIme. Yeah, the worst experIence of my entIre LIfe Madet Park aly on one lIne. Yeah. Youre waItIng In lInes. Its hot. AIt all d ong whole tIme. Y ar Cant FIgure out the fastpass. RIght . RIght. You have no Idea when you should Com E back. I have sIx kIds, so probably I have an Insane number of kIds to brIng to. RIght . You want to know. E sIx kIds s t . Oh, It depends on the day. As much sleep. I goIt ot, I guess. G rIght. Okay. So you thInk Its bad goIng to dIsneyland wIth kIds . ImagIne whennk you go wIth NoId KIds and you just sIt On lIne by yourself. Dont eveen youn me startedt on those. No, hes rIght. I went to unIversal studIos. The lIne for MarIot Rted Is 4 hours was long. One tIme I got to the prIncess had menopause. The star fhours long . E oh, yeah, yeah. Were waItIng. You were waItIng. Put Itouea agaIn. Ere. He always has to follow Itfow back. Yes, he dI back. D. Yes, he dI back. D. All rIght, ComIng Up For Tampon TImmy BuggIng Shoppers Is a gImme. My psorIasIs was all over then psorIatIc arthrItIs. Who knew they could w rthrItIse consent . LergIc r works on both coasts. AntIques helps real people fInd clear SkInn ReactI and In psorIc arthrItIs can mean less joInt PaIn And Help stop further JoIneased RIt SerIous AllergIcnc reactIons. Severe SkIn ReactIons that look severe SkIn ReactIons that look lIke eczemtIon of InfectIons, some fatal have occurred. Tell your doctor If have an InfectIon or symptoms, have a VaccIne Or Plan to or If IbdIte . Symptoms develop or worsen. Wery. Why dId we choose safely . Were always workIng on a projecT WhIle loadIng up our sufelIte. Cv. And one extra Push And Crack skno we schedule that safe. Slate. Com. We were able to track our TechnIcIan SynthsafelIte Ay when hed arrIve. When hed arrIve. 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Only weeks left to geT WaIved, InstallatIon and no Interest, no payments for up to one year. Go to jacuzzI, Bath Remodel Ecomm Or Call 800 9912603. Danm adthats 890 912603. D feet call now. Dan made progress wIth hIs Mental Health, but hIs Mental Health, but hIs medIcatIoN Caused unIntentIonal In hIs face hands and feet called tardIve dyskInesIa or td. O so hIs Doctor PrescrIbed Strokes are a once daIly strokes are a once daIly extended Release Treatment for adults. Adults. As yoth austeu go by, strokes are sIgnIfIcantly reduced dans td movementsr . Ughts, some people saw a response as early as two weeks wIth all strokeor actIogtons are. Dan can stay on hIs Mental Health meds, cool HaIr Aceto caN Cause depressIon, SuIcIdal Thoughts or actIons In patIents wIth huntIngtons dIsease. Pay close attentIon to and call your doctor If you become depressed. Have sudden Changeay Cause or fr SuIcIdal Thoughts dont take If you have LIver Problems, are takIng research beIng tetro Benzene Or Val benzene basato Benzene Or Val Benzene Basato Xr may cause Irregular or fast or abnormal movements seek help for fever, stIff muscles, problems, thInkIng, sweatIng. Common SIde Effects Include InflammatIon of the nose and throat, InsomnIa and, and throat, InsomnIa and, sleepIness ask your doctor for us. Detox. Are steroIds. We got another clIp. You. Its vIdeo of the day. Hey. He we hay. HI. To. He ran from a war buT Wants you to fIght at a Grocery Storer. Second vIdeo of the day comes to us from the poor mans rIp taylor, knowore. S ton as TIm Wak recenT WIsconsIn rally. Tampon tIm Encourageylor Knod TI dIffIcult polItIcal conversatIons wIth strangersll. Boost voter turnout. L watch. ErsatI onIts goIng to be one doorturnu to door callt. To call 5 donatIon. TryIng to have that Hard ConversatIone Do Cal and In thee aIsle wIth the person you saw there at the Grocery Storethre and ask, have you voted yet . Yeah, thats a good Idea. Go wasnt thIs the guy who saId, mIndd your own busIness . Maybe thaT Was only for people askIng about hIs mIlItary record. Oh, count It. YeahaskIng a mIlIt. Cat, whaT Would happen If somebody came up to you In the C Grocery Store and started askIngam If youre votIng for kamala . I would assume they were on drugs. Yeahf yo. You know, Im over startIng havIng polItIcal conversatIons ,but Im beIng completely serIous. If somebody came up to me at Grocery Stores are talkIng about polItIcs, I would start lookIng around and say, Gre An see thIs personf Is on drugs and why are you on drugs at the Grocery Store . Its lIksoe the worst place to e on drugs. So thats what I would thInk. Yeahe thIs. Wou I mean, nobodys goIng to doo thIs, though. Thats the thIng. Yeah, nobody Is to do a drug. If youre on drugs, you mIght. You have to be neaugs you r theu youre tryIng to. You. Why do you want to want to hang there . Yeah at th. Two you want to go there . GeT What . You need to leave and leave. You want to go home and Order Food . Gntd exactly. Its true. I waste more money at the Grocery Store and. I get home, I look aT What I order. Youre lIke, who dId I thInk I Wa Store Is . Are I bought It. LI yes. Brad, you thInk hes hopIn. Gs that thIs wIll dIstract you from the prIce of eggs, You Know . And thIs. Ng Tha Wl DI well, thats InterestIng. I dont even thInk hes thInkIng that deep. He prIdes hImself on on not usIng a teleprompter and rIffIng, Ss HImselo He Wenth there, and hes wIngIng It. And thats what you got. CongratulatIons. YoU PIckedg It. You skIpped overon governor shapIro. ThaT Would have delIvered yoU PennsylvanIas yo. Y and You Goout that the guy who Cant Control hIs arms or hIs wIfed If you saw own the IntroductIon. And the other thIng Is, If you dont vote, the he wants, do you call the SnItch LIne . If yezause he has a SnItch LIn whIle askIng for freedom. MInd your own busIness. He Is the Strangese Haa LInet gy who wIll not do IntervIews. J. D. He vance does three Sunday Show IntervIews. T he has not done one yet. He dId three In one day. How Is thIs Allowe D . I dont know. You brought up hIs wIfe, though. Oh d brIn, a lIttle pre Applause F do we have that . InterestIng. E have sort of. HIs wIfe. What On HarrIs told us we had to do was we had to turne to the page. RIght. But I kInd of lIke turthd when e dId thIs. Turn the page. You that. Okay, so I need you todo be wIth me. W practIce wIth me. What are we goIng to do . Were goIng toh me turn the page. Tu oh, pretty good. Do It agaIn. Were goIng to Turrn Pn the pagy and no One Elsoue that looks lIe bubba. I got that I handed over. You ImagIne. Oh, I guess theyre a lovely Couple I. Thats one word you could use to descrIbe and ThInk D of other words I cant say. I mean, Its veryes Its very sImIlar to Kamala HarrIs Is very patronIzIng. LIke sheer talks to the audIenc, lIke theyre a bunch of preschoolers. Yeah, Its InsultIng to the IntellIgence of the audIence. LIke she thInks that theIr voters are a bunch of braIndead ,whIch actually they are so I I guess I dont object h. T muc adam, whats your take on eIther . ThInks T Waltz well, I mean, k hes rIght about the IntervIews lIke he does no IntervIews. ThInk h lIke hIs CampaIgn Manager Is BrIttany Spears dad. So the because when he talks about hIs polIcy, the guy leads to the left more than forests to whItakers I. That Is such that Is usual analogy. Thank you. Is that goIng to make the show . I dont thInk the show. I mean, he say show. S I mean It la he saId he served In the army. IT Was softt Is a served. Thats good. I mean IT Was lIke he not only left the army, he walked of the old navy. You know, so and the relatIonshIps Its a lIttle lIke, You Know, he made a speech and then shook hIs wIfes hand. A h. T and then she grabbed hIs. Ohen she g. And then he her hIs tampon. IT Was. Oh, yeah. Thats all I got. Thats all you got. Good fors al, though. Thank you. Thank you so much. Good for you. Tall rIght. Reg up next, A Closer Look at matT Walshs new FIlm Oo armyes doe raIsessn. ThIs Is our nIght tIngles. Doesnt. But shIngrIx protects but shIngrIx protects only shIngrIx Is prove 90 effectIve. ShIngrIx Is a VaccIne Usedpr to preventevIous shIngles In ads 50 years and older, she thInks does not protect everyone. It Is not for Thoswas Obsee wIte allergIc reactIons to Its IngredIents or to a prevIous dose. An Increased RIsk Syndrome was an observed after gettIngn shIngrIx. FaIntIng can also happen. FaIntIng can also happen. The most common sIded h. Redness and swellIng at the InjectIon SIte. Muscle paIn, tIredness, headache, shIverIng, fever and upset stomach. Ask your Doctor Or PharmacIst about shIngrIx today, a natIon event. The war on kIds three new show Is exposIng the your kIds face transfIxed wIth rIley gaInes female. Athletes are not the bIggest vIctIms In thIs story. Its the chIldren whove had theIr bodIes mutIlated. A new season of kIller apps onlIne dangers only IntensIfy the war on chIldren. Our kIds are beIng traffIcked, transfIxed wIth rIley. A new season of kIller apps and the war on chIldren. All part of the war on kIds streamIng now on Fox NatIon. Where routIne meets remarkable wIth unexpected moments of InspIratIon around corner and through every wIndow. QuIet mornIngs In The Sun wIth portals to new worlds and fIne dInIng wIth a vIew. Your wIndow treatments as InspIrIng as your home and the remarkable routIne of your daIly lIfe. Three Day BlInds. Jalen hurts leads the eagles agaInst the saInts. Then In AmerIcas Game of the week. Lamar and the ravens on deck and the Cowboy Touchdown dallas. Its a huge doubleheader. Sunday on fox. Check for the game In your area. The stage Is set. ErIc whos everywhere. I got It back. You guys are all mIssIng the bIggest group group. The headlInes, the events, the story. Martha maccallum breaks down every angle. In recovery, hope must be hes known for hIs beard and beard. The weIrd You Know hIm as a successful author, podcaster and fIlmmaker. MatT Walshsyo new documentary, am I raIsed Is Is In theaters now. Its a bIg hIt. Res now. Lets take a look. We thInk every space belongs to us because webI lIve In avery WhIte SupremacIst socIety. Is amerIca an Inherently RacIsts Country . I thInk the word Inherent count Is challengIng there. RyIf we say fundamentally, fundamentally, yes, AmerIca RacIst to Its bones, all of these so Inherently, yes. Matt, there are a lot of moments lIke that In the movIe and I squIrmed In an of them because you are lIkehe you are undercover. And Im just lIke, so worrIed that youre goIng to get found out. WhaT Was It lIke . Theres the fIrst, I guess you would call It a SemInar SymposIu . E fIrst,m In a cIrcle wIth these people. And Its all about how whIte people are. Yeah. And, well, how whaT Wa hows that lIke for you . That. There It Is. F yeah, thaT Was a Supportor Youtr people that are strugglIng wIth theIr whIteness. Yes. That arand are worrIed about tt that a whIte. So they sIt around. Its lIke an Aa MeetIng fo r whIte people. Yeah. And thIs Is a real thIng. Whest of all, the wholetIng Is real. And all thIs stuff Is real. Yeah. And these are whIte people that sIl that Stu T and they talk throughey theIr whIteness. And In real tIme I was In that CIrcle Tal for lIke, 2 hours lIstenIng to these people, and they saId, Its HIlarIousd T In the movIe. In real tIme, Its pretty depressIng becauses the. These people that are there, they take thIs stuff serIously and theyre there are people that are cryInthat a the thIg. I started cryIng at one poInt. I had to leave to the Cry Room. YeI es, I was so emotIonal about It. But for these people, they take It very serIousl wasop thIs stuff, thIs kInd of the racIal Ideology of the left really gets deeaken soInto theIr soul and they hIt the polItIcal Is personal for them. Greg t Its number one thInn you left for the Cry Room two, they ended up startIng you. Y en they they trIed they trIed to fIgure ouT Who you were sta. IT Was a strategIc mIstake as soon as I was In the room. I mean, Im In the Cry Room and theyre over there lIke gangIng up on me. And they dIscovered who I was. Ertoand they started googlIng. They looked It up on wIkIpedIa. They saw my. O pIck and my WIkIpedIa ArtIcle Is not very flatterIng to me at all. So I camt e out and they and e they kIcked me out and they called the cops because ou wasaId theIr physIcalcked m noT Was In jeopardy. I dIdnt do anythIng. I was. I thought Itn very nIce In fron of a frIendly guy. Yeah. I lIke the guy when he came up and Offeredndly Guyd hIs hand tt you out, you saId I dIdnt asko to be touched. The another classIc scene from the movIe was gettIng RobIn Dangelo to actually pay reparatIons 1 to 1 to your black dIrector. Yeah, because she was up to shoot. She was talkIng the game of systemI. C racIsm. And then you saId, okay, well, lets gIve money rIght now to macIsy lIghter the. Yeah, we kInd of I was because at thIs poInt, Im ono o a journey myself to become a dea consultant, an experT WhIcmeh I whIch I dId become on. And by The End of It, I was able to teach robIn to angela because we one. O through thIs C Wentg and, and, and I gave her because we were talkIngng a In theory, I saId, lets letsnd put thIs Into practIce rIght now . TIce r and I called my black FrIend Ben out, whos a producer on the fIlIgs beenm, and I saId You Know, hes black. Lets pay hIm ReparatIonI SasrI rIght now. I paId reparatIons. And then eventually we convInced robInon to to pay as well. Yeah. Although I wIll say that once the camerao paas well. S were ofe take my reparatIons back. Re I Im You Know, I look, I e that uncomfortable sIlence where you handed money to ben. And then she was lIke, should I get my purse . Yeah, yeah. Well, maybe the other one of the other one of the great scenes, too, was the other symposIum or wherever wherewher you brought out your racIst uncle. Yeayoought ouh. And my favorIte part Is what you saId to hIm when he leftha. I donT Want to spoIl that for everybody. But IT Was. Yeah, thaT Was. ThaT Was earlIer In the movIe. EI we learned that If you have a racIst relatIve, that you leat confront them andconfront Its never too late to confront them. So by the enIt Is never d of thm Im doIng my own semInar and we we allowed M My Uncle who told a racIst joke 20 years ago, and I screamed a at hIm In front of the whole In front of that, In front of the class. Ntand guess I donT Want to gIv too much away. But but I wIll say that Theha Class reacted In a way that I dIdnt. I thought they would draw a LIne Way there and they woulds say, thIs Is too far. Youre streamIng at thIs old guy In a wheelchaIr. Yeahyou wemIng. Wheelch and they dId not they dId not say that. As thats not thaT Was notn. The reactIon. No, no, not at all. He walked ou t, but they were a few even stayed to be whIpped. Yeah, we. We are. Okay, well, our fInal exercIsee was selfflagellatIon wIth the whIp, so I brought up Boxa Bo of whIps, and I InvIted all the whIte people to grab a whIp too. There were some thaT Were quIte eager. Yes, therese one guy thaT Was kInd of choosy about the type of whIp he wanted. He was very specIfIc tue about. N It, whIch Is a lIttle bIT WeIrd, but yeah, well, the new movIe Is a hIt. LIke we saId, Its Its LIkea Number four or number three. NatIonwIde haslIke a 99 AudIene Score at rotten tomatoes. I bet theres a zero score In crItIcs because they dIdnt revIew It. DIdnt revIew It at all. N atoeno revIews. Ro there you go. S scor well, check It out. You can see It anyway. E Theyd Noyou can see It In ther you can It. Its three theaters rIght now. Yeah. Okay. Awesome dont go away. Well be rIght back. Back. You cannot go on a joy rIde. The patIents that do thIngs a bIt dIfferently. Theres a method to my madness. ThIs stubborn, unapologetIc, allergIc to authorIty. You just lIsted my best faIlu qualItIes. So brIllIant. MInd. Check your local lIstIngres. If you have chronIc kIdney dIsease, you can reduce dIsease, you can reduce the rIsk wIth procedure. Because there are places youd lIkenary tra to be more secure N Cause serIous SIde Effects, an. The per that may be fatal. DehydratIon. UrInary Tract Or Yeast urInary Tract Or Yeast InfectIonsr. A rare, lIfe threatenIng a rare, lIfe threatenIng bacterIal InfectIon In the skIa,. The perIneum could occur. Stop takIng pharmacy. Could call your doctor rIght awayarxIga. If you have symptoms of thIs InfectIon, an allergIc reactIon fo okay. Okay. You saId Ir need. Then. As I spIke It, Ill tell themge how LIberty Mutual customIzes Car Insurance. Car Insurance. Sothat they only pay for what ty need. LIbet. DId you get that . Only pay for what you need. Every day. LIterally every day. EveraIdsy. When lIfe spells heartburn. How do you spell relIef . RolaIds. RolaIds. Dual actIve formula begIns to neutralIze acId on contact. RolaIds spells relIef. And here we go. Consumer cellular uses the same towers as bIg wIreless, but then passes the savIngs on to you. So I get the same fast natIonwIde coverage If I swItch you. Yup. For unlImIted talk and texT WIth coverage startIng at just 20, Call Consumer cellular reIgnIte your passIon wIth Customer AnnIversary bands from the Jewelry Exchange to carat fancy lab bands. 1491 carat classIc natural bands 1990 Half Carat natural for 99 unlImIted choIces guaranteed to appraIse for double the Jewelry Exchange. DIrect. I can take the deed to your house and I can transfer that deed Into my name. The crIme of theft. What Is that . What that means Is that a crImInal . Theyre able to steal the tItle to your home, typIcally by transfer It to another person. And then sellIng or borrowIng money agaInst the house. So they dont really want the physIcal property . No, they jusT Want to borrow agaInst It or sell It. The great thIng from a tItle ThIeves PerspectIve Is that nobody realIzes that Ive sold your House Or RefI announced It and borrowed money agaInst It untIl I stop makIng those mortgage. So It could be sIx months later they start gettIng foreclosed on. Most People CredIt cards and the CredIt Card generally protects fraudulent charges on It and so on. BuT What about your home, though . Thats where your bIg equIty Is. Thats not the way IT Works wIth tItle theft. Thats not the way IT Works at all. Nobodys helpIng you. Nobodys lookIng out for you. Whats a homeowner do . I mean, when they fInd out theyre a vIctIm, what can they do next . They would have to go to maybe theIr local sherIff or the local polIce, and they would have to notIfy them of thIs crIme and try and explaIn what happened whIch Is a mess In Itself. And nobodys prepared to do that. The thIng about Home TItle Lock Is that never has to happen. Why Is that . They notIfy you when theres any change to your tItle so you get notIfIed that your deed was transferred or your mortgage was satIsfIed and youre able to contact Home TItle Lock contact the authorItIes and hopefully catch the thIef In the mIddle of thIs whole process. And even If the tItle has been transferred out of your name, Home TItle Lock has a RestoratIon Team thaT WIll come In, fIx your tItle, and place the property back Into your name. TItle fraud Is real. Its scary, but now theres a way to protect yourself. GIve us a call or go to Home TItle Lock Icon and start your trIple Lock TItle ProtectIon today. I never expected to fInd anyone alIve. We thInk that all murderers look lIke a murderer. Most look. NothIng of the sort. IT Was a way for hIm to be able to put It ouT WIthout puttIng It out there. The Amazon RevIew KIller only on Fox NatIon at a tIme. BrIan kIlmeade thaT Was Adam Hunter, Kat TImpf Laura good evenIng, Im laura mcfalls, thIs Is the Ingraham

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