BrIan I feel lIke we never left. Were back. Fresh outfIts, shower. At least three of us have. Steve I smelt IrIsh sprIng. BrIan absolutely. Its change of pleas. I lIke to smell IrIsh. 6 00 a. M. On the East Coast, wednesday, September 18th and thIs Is Fox FrIends. Fox news alert. You are not goIng to belIeve thIs. Israel reportedly rIgged. Hezbollah pagers wIth explosIves months ago and sent them off wIth messages ImpersonatIng terror leadershIp. A lIve report from tel avIv. Speaker MIke Johnson on that and more. AInsley plus, trump makes hIs fIrst publIc appearance second AssassInatIon Attempt as he rallIes new York Voters today. And as Kamala HarrIs fInally shows up to talk to the black journalIst group, lIke trump dId In july, they seem a lIttle more welcomIng for Kamala HarrIs. Have you attacked black journalIsts callIng them a loser sayIng the questIons that they ask are, quote stupId and racIst. Why should black voters trust you . Why Is joy Important to you to Insert Into thIs electIon . [laughter] be. BrIan great one. Im so Im goIng to come up wIth It. Im goIng to use joy In a sentence. Steve look at thIs Dash Cam vIdeo. We are showIng you the vIdeo because an 8yearold GerbIl took her Mothers Car for a joy rIde. BrIan joy agaIn. Steve stoppIng at target. And she Is wInnIng over the Internet for It. AInsley how dId she touch the pedals . Steve she mowed down at least one maIlbox. Lawrence she fIgured It out. AInsley she got her latte. Thats where they caught her. Lawrence Fox FrIends starts rIght now. Remember, mornIngs are better wIth frIends. Steve all rIght. 6 02 here In new York CIty on thIs wednesday. Former PresIdent Donald Trump Is holdIng a Rally TonIght In nassau county, New York. BrIan nassau county, where Is that . AInsley thats where you lIve, brIan. BrIan thats rIght I lIve there. SecurIty Is top of mInd sInce thIs CampaIgn Event comes days after trump was targeted second AssassInatIon Attempt promIse the arena where the rally Is held wIll be the safest place In the country. CommIssIoner ryder wIll take care of that. Brooke sIngman joIns us wIth all the detaIls. Good mornIng, you guys. The rally Is set to start at 7 00 p. M. Eastern tIme nassau colIseum. Local polIce are workIng Hand In hand wIth the Secret ServIce to make sure securIty Is aIr tIght. The arena where the rally Is beIng held and the ParkIng Lot were completely locked down last nIght. For Law Enforcement to conduct a sweep. And everyone who was attendIng thIs rally wIll be screened through a sIngle Entry PoInt for added layer of protectIon. Now, trump says hIs team has long requested more securIty at hIs events, lIsten. We have long requested more people, more Men And Women. But more people. And because, you know, we have rallIes, 50, 60,000. In New Jersey we had 107,000 people show up. There has never been anythIng lIke It. And we have longrequested more people, thats true. Thats true. Thats the weakness. We need more people here for securIty. And we never seem to get that, and I thInk we are gettIng It now. Somebody told me that they wIll be provIdIng more people now. Trump made hIs fIrst In Person Remark sInce the second AssassInatIon Attempt at a Town Hall In mIchIgan last nIght. Wesley routh to federal authorItIes talked about her experIence wIth the suspect whIle In ukraIne. LIsten. He had very bIzarre and volatIle tendencIes. After knowIng ryan for a whIle that he was a threat to others. I felt that It was necessary that he be reported to the proper authorItIes. It got to a poInt where I ended up leavIng ukraIne early on my fIrst vIsIt there because of ryan and I felt that I was In danger after a conversatIoned that I I had wIth hIm the rally wIll focus on the ImmIgratIon PolIcIes of VIce PresIdent harrIs and mayor erIc adams. AInsley dId you all see the vIdeo of Donald Trump wIth the maralago wIth the Law Enforcement offIcers from MartIn County . Steve It was great. AInsley gIvIng hIm the handcuffs that they used to detaIn the man who allegedly trIed to shoot hIm the second tIme. Steve In fact, there you see hIm In the bIg Room Maralago ShakIng Hands of the MartIn County sherIffs department, deputIes and whatnot. Thanked everybody. Apparently the handcuffs that they used to detaIn the suspect In the AssassInatIon Attempt they autographed them. Lawrence the BIg News also Is that Ron DesantIs Is conductIng through the State PolIce hIs own InvestIgatIon. So, If they dont do It In the rIght way, fbI, department of justIce, just know there Is goIng to be a second hand thats goIng to have theIr own InvestIgatIon as well. BrIan I cannot waIt to fInd out If she wants her anonymIty kept. I guess we wIll never fInd out. Who actually had the State Of MInd to take the pIcture and then they pushed her rIght over and they brought her over to the assaIlant, the suspect and they saId Is thIs the person you saw . Absolutely. Thats great thInkIng. Great cooperatIon. And she followed all The Way through. AInsley jesse had soundbItes of the lady who went over to ukraIne wIth the suspect. Lawrence the nurse. AInsley the nurse. She was very brave to go on jesses show. We wIll show soundbItes throughout the mornIng. You just saw the one wIth brooke. She was sayIng I watched the full IntervIew. She had crazy thIngs to say about thIs guy that he wanted to kIll everybody. She was scared. She met wIth others to say to say you need to InvestIgate thIs guy. BrIan too crazy to fIght wIth the ukraInIans so sent back. Who Is supportIng hIm . It looks lIke hIs wIfe, If that Is hIs wIfe. AInsley Is that hIs wIfe . Because the neIghbor saId he moved to hawaII wIth gIrlfrIend. Steve could have been dIfferent people. BrIan she has the checkbook. Steve speakIng of checkbooks, lets talk about Interest Rates and the amount of money we pay on stuff. At 2 00 p. M. ThIs afternoon the federal reserve Is goIng to dIscuss a Interest rate cut. How much a Quarter PoInt or half a poInt . AInsley lIke 6 . LIke 5 . Steve If they down It a Quarter PoInt It just looks lIke they are doIng somethIng. But If they do It by a half a poInt, Its goIng to look lIke they are In charge. They have got a plan and they realIze the sItuatIon Is dIre and Its tIme to do somethIng. BrIan and that plan Is to get Joe BIden not Joe BIden Kamala HarrIs elected . Because that would thInk you would thInk the market would really respond to that experts have saId Its baked In. 25 cut. But maybe If he goes half a percent It wIll put you upfuelIng the economy. ThIs Is what the expert say we only cut rates when we feel InflatIon Is under control. They say InflatIon sunday control. RIght now as you look at the prIces, where thIngs are, from where they were four years ago. Lawrence IncredIble. BrIan havent really moved. Went up 9 . It just Increased less ever sInce. Lawrence when you look at the bIg Wall It really tells the story, Gas Up 35 . GrocerIes, thIs Is every day you are seeIng 21 energy costs. 32 . Thats your lIght bIll. Day care you are takIng your kIds there, 18 . AInsley, want to get It from there . AInsley sure, rent Is up 23 . Car Insurance I mean, these are thIngs we have to have up 56 . TransportatIon, If you take a Bus Or Subway or even your car, 28 . And yesterday, you had Donald Trump In flInt, mIchIgan and then you had Kamala HarrIs talkIng to the NatIonal AssocIatIon Of Black JournalIsts. They had dIfferent answers when they were asked what are you goIng to do to fIx our economy. Hers was a bunch of fluff. NothIng specIfIc. HIs was talkIng about that energy costs. Its up 32 and you saId thats where we start. LIsten to the dIfferences In theIr answers. Im a mom of three, a grandmother of seven, and three great grands. [applause] a regIstered nurse, retIred retIred nurse. So I know the cost that goes Into raIsIng chIldren and runnIng a household. Yeah. People just cant survIve now. How are you goIng to brIng down the cost of food and grocerIes . We have to start always wIth energy, always I dont want to be borIng about It, but there Is no bIgger subject. It covers everythIng. If you make doughnuts, If you make cars, whatever you make, energy Is a bIg deal and were goIng to get that Its my ambItIon to get your Energy BIll wIthIn 12 months down 50 . If I can do that. [cheers and applause] we have done a hell of a job. Is the prIce of grocerIes stIll too hIgh . Yes. Do we have more work do . Yes. And I wIll tell you I do belIeve that I offer a new generatIon of leadershIp for our country. And so my plan for the economy Includes what I ImagIne and belIeve and call an opportunIty economy. Lawrence unbelIevable. The Word Salad, the not answerIng the dIrect questIons. But It also hIghlIghts where Donald Trump Is very well. When he Is talkIng dIrectly back and forth wIth the voter, the amerIcan people, they need do more of the Town Halls. And Its so funny because the Kamala HarrIs pIece that they contInue to say Is the reason why she doesnt do many IntervIews Is because she Is goIng dIrectly to the voter. You thInk the voter understands that type of polIcy . Im not sure we even understand what she Is sayIng. BrIan she Is not takIng questIons from the audIence. TakIng questIons from three handpIcked journalIsts. Lawrence thats true. Steve what we have seen wIth her appearances and second IntervIew she has gIven. The challenge runnIng as a sIttIng VIce PresIdent where you really dont want to dIsagree wIth the boss, the current presIdent. Because breakIng wIth the presIdent In publIc would be problematIc. So, on x yesterday, polItIco posted a lIttle tease of a story they have got. And The Way they depIcted It. HarrIs formula for natIonal News MedIa IntervIews dont make news. Thats and thats exactly what If you watched them backtoback you would realIze she dIdnt have so many facts as she had feelIngs. She had feelIngs about thIngs because she Is not gettIng Into thIngs. We hear the verbIage Is exactly the same because the campaIgn has focus grouped It. They know exactly what works. They can say somethIng that sounds good. People dont know exactly what It Is but It kInd of sounds good. Thats what we are goIng to get from here untIl november 5th. AInsley I know what you are sayIng you dont want to break wIth the boss publIcly. Steve you dont want to make news. BrIan. AInsley they already kIckIng hIm out and puttIng her In It. She has to prove I have better solutIons for the economy because under our AdmInIstratIon EverythIng was up. We showed you the prIces. She doesnt have solutIons Its all a Word Salad about she grew up In a mIddle class. Lawrence lawns. AInsley opportunIty economy. GIve me specIfIcs what you are goIng to do. Donald trump says Is he goIng to brIng back the salt what do you call It the Salt Tax or deductIon so you can deduct your state and local tax from your Income. WhIch New Yorkers would love. ConnectIcut would love. All the hIgh tax states would love. He gIves specIfIcs. He talked about energy. Is he goIng to lower your Energy BIll by 50 In the fIrst 1 months. She Is talkIng In Word Salads. OpportunIty economy, what Is that goIng to do for us . Steve It sounds rIght we dont have the detaIls. BrIan thIng wIth her Is very sImple. If you say I want to have a dIfferent dIrectIon on the Economy Break wIth your boss. DescrIbe the people you are goIng to hIre. We are goIng do get people wIth dIfferent new economIc mInd I wIll be brIngIng hIm In or her In. I wIll be lookIng to push It. It wIll be dIfferent In 2024. Also call up Joe BIden, joe, Im goIng to separate myself a lIttle from you. Im lookIng to get elected. RIght now people have a dIfferent feelIng about the economy than you. Do you understand that . Good. Thats how sImple It would be. I dont thInk she Is quIck on her feet. Has really no confIdence. But The Way she was handled at the black JournalIst Conference compared to how trump was handled, you have to see It, you have to hear It to belIeve It. Watch. So I was raIsed as a mIddle class kId. I grew up mIddle class kId. I grew up a mIddle class kId. I belIeve In the ambItIons, aspIratIons, the dreams of 9 amerIcan people. You know, we have ambItIons and aspIratIons and dreams. The ambItIon, the aspIratIon, the dream. I started my career as a prosecutor. I was a Career Prosecutor for most of my career. HavIng a background as a prosecutor. I Intend to create an opportunIty economy. DevelopIng and creatIng an opportunIty economy. What I ImagIne and belIeve and call an opportunIty economy. Lawrence Its the same exact way every tIme. Look, Im not Im used to polItIcIans havIng a Stump Speech. Steve rIght. Lawrence the good polItIcIans have the same speech they gIve but you tweak It a lIttle bIt when you go to dIfferent states, dIfferent cItIes, make It more relatable. Include a lIttle sound more relatable to the sound but verbatIm the same thIng every sIngle tIme seems more of a scrIpted moment and not a Stump Speech moment. Steve remember when she went to Debate Camp In pIttsburgh, obvIously they hammered In her head okay, these are the slogans and thIngs you need to say to connect to people. People feel lIke they dont know enough about you. Just repeat these thIngs and we wIll be fIne. And that Is why she has not veered off scrIpt because they thInk, accordIng to theIr research, Its a wInnIng recIpe. BrIan rIght now we are In a dead heat. So we wIll see. Mark penn yesterday. Im not sure If you have to say somethIng new at some poInt. I thought, well see. Lawrence thats typIcally how the races are won. AInsley race Is less than 50 days ago. Steve 48 days. AInsley she has to do Introduces. If she contInues to say the same message It gets old after a whIle we need specIfIcs. Lawrence does It ever resonate wIth the voter thats what we are waItIng to see. Steve we wIll know november 6th. Lawrence hezbollah Is vowIng to punIsh Israel after accuses them of WoundIng Thousands across lebanon by detonatIng explosIves hIdden InsIde pagers. BrIan yeah. I have never seen anythIng lIke It and probably never wIll. MIke tobIn joIns us lIve from tel avIv. It happened, what, around 3 30 local tIme yesterday, mIke . Exactly and lasted about an hour. Pagers started explodIng all over lebanon. We know some of them exploded In syrIa as well. All tolled 3,000 pagers exploded yesterday. They beeped before they exploded. As a result a lot of the InjurIes are to the fIngers for feel reached for pagers, some are to theIr eyes. They looked at the pagers a lot are to the West Pocket Area where people carry theIr pagers. Hassan nasrallah ordered the use of pagers he thought It was too easy for Israel to track or hack Into smart phones. SecurIty experts say the explosIons were more powerful than just a battery. So at some poInt the pagers were sabotaged. ExplosIve charges and swItches Installed In each devIce. The pagers were a taIwanese brand. The chaIrman of that company says he lIcensed the name to a company out of europe bac. He says bac made the pagers reached out to that company. NothIng back yet. The u. S. Says they dIdnt know anythIng about the attack In advance. I can tell you that the u. S. Was not Involved In It. The u. S. Was not aware of thIs IncIdent In advance and at thIs poInt we are gatherIng InformatIon. Now hezbollah has blamed Israel for the Pager Attack wIth a statement that reads In parted treacherous and crImInal enemy wIll surely receIve hIs just retrIbutIon for the sInful aggressIon from where It counts from where It doesnt count. The north of Israel remaIns on aFox News Alert RetalIatIon from hezbollah. Already evacuated from the north as rockets and drones are fIred almost every day. Israel predIctably Is sIlent about thIs attack. Guys, back to you In New York. BrIan so, mIke, the company, we thought, apollo, Gold Apollo was from taIwan. He saId no. We sold that entIty over to another Company Bac thats addressed In budapest. So, when It dId arrIve, somehow It seems as though the masad got to It, put some lIquId Into It and a swItch. Then sent a sIgnal at 3 30 It would heat up. And the heat would IgnIte the explosIve lIquId that would blow these people up on the battery. 3,000. So nIne kIlled. But 3,000 people had theIr hands blown off. GroIns blown off. AInsley some dIed. BrIan some dIed IncludIng an IranIan offIcIal. What Is the reactIon . I mean, thIs Is stunnIng. If really Is stunnIng. Israel people are proud of that sawed operatIves who at some poInt sabotaged that shIpment of pagers that went off to Israel. At least It Is belIeved that the that sawed was Involved In It. In lebanon pretty InterestIng attack. It does mInImIze not elImInate entIrely. Hezbollah poIntIng out the fact one lIttle dIller was kIlled when all the pagers startIng explodIng. When you have 3,000 damage. Why net Is reportIng that hezbollah had become suspIcIous of the pagers. So the reason the detonatIon happened Yesterday Afternoon was sImply because Israel was faced wIth a choIce detonate these pagers at that tIme or dont dont detonate them at all If the hezbollah became suspIcIous of pagers and got rId of them. Steve In addItIon to ImpactIng close to 3,000 members of hezbollah now they have taken out the central means of communIcatIon they have gotten recently. Beyond that It softens the battlefIeld If you wIll. If you take out a bunch of the fIghters dont necessarIly have to kIll them. Jury them make all the medIcal staff busy dealIng wIth them. Second front goIng to open up ImmedIately followIng the Pager Attack. HospItals overwhelmed and a lot of staff busy. Of course that dIdnt materIalIze though. BrIan some exploded In syrIa. AInsley thank you so much. BrIan man, they got to be freaked out In lebanon. Not only knowIng where these hIgher ups were through IntellIgence. Thats the attack from a month ago. ExplosIves In Iran blowIng up the head of hamas. Lawrence what a massIve wIn for Israel though. Steve brIllIant. AInsley how would thIs work put the explosIve devIce InsIde the pager . BrIan It was lIquId. Steve the boss saId no more Cell Phones so they ordered 3,000 from thIs company In budapest. AInsley It would have to be put In prIor to them gettIng the pager. Steve somewhere along the lIne they put one or two ounces of explosIves next to the battery accordIng to the New York tImes who has spoke to amerIcan offIcIals who spoke to people who wont actually tell them what happened we werent aware. WhIch Is why It came off. ThIs admInIstratIon would have stopped It. Lawrence 100 percent. Carley Today House republIcans are holdIng a hearIng on the Border CrIsIs and how the BIdenharrIs AdmInIstratIon polIcIes are effectIng amerIcans. Lawmakers wIll hear from multIple wItnesses, IncludIng A RetIred chIef Border Patrol agent, Aaron HeIke who joIned Fox FrIends fIrst earlIer. The number of IndIvIduals comIng across the border, the the numbers just contInued to Increase to the thousands and thousands each day. And we struggled mIghtIly to return them back to theIr home countrIes. There Is a sIgnIfIcant threat out there that we dont know. There were tImes entIre sectors across arIzona, texas, and calIfornIa that had no Agent Presence at all. Carley there have been over 8 MIllIon encounters under the BIdenharrIs AdmInIstratIon. And check thIs out. BumblIng burglars fallIng through the ceIlIng of a Cash Advance Shop In atlanta almost landIng on the store manager. PolIce belIeve the thIeves cut through the roof usIng Power Tools before droppIng In and not stIckIng the landIng. The crooks grabbed around 150,000 from the store safe. They are stIll on the loose. QuIte the vIdeo there Dash Cam vIdeo, speakIng of IncredIble vIdeo out of ohIo shows an 8yearold gIrl behInd the wheel of her Moms Suv on her way to run some errands at target. LIsten to thIs 911 call from the drIver who spotted her swervIng all over the road. It looks lIke a kId. Okay. Its a whIte NIssan Rogue . Yeah. Yeah. PolIce say the chIld took her Moms Car and drove 11 mIles to target. OffIcers found her InsIde shoppIng. The gIrl dId confess to polIce that she hIt a maIlbox along The Way. OffIcIals recapped the event on SocIal MedIa addIng some humor to It sayIng not sure what she bought or able to use target app. To save 5 . We dId let her fInIsh her frappuccIno. We are not mean. They are sayIng kIds are growIng up faster and faster but thIs Is rIdIculous. Steve apparently she drove the car for 25 mInutes. ThIs goes to show you that kIds dont understand how thIngs work. She left thE House on a sunday at 7 00 a. M. Target Is not goIng to be open at 7 30. BrIan what was she thInkIng . Steve accordIng to wewstv she walked In 400 Bucks shopped around and checked out. AInsley shy she had 400 Steve I dont know. That kId Is awesome. BrIan Tooth FaIry under theIr game. AInsley we need to hIre thIs chIld because I have an 8yearold Im tellIng you she wouldnt be able to drIve I dont know If she would have access to money. Steve I dont know If we can hIre her because she Is grounded. Lawrence how dId the kId know how to get to targets. BrIan Is thIs story true . Steve I hope so. We are a news channel. AInsley Im glad she Is okay. Took out a maIlbox. BrIan I have a lot of questIons. AInsley 23 mInutes after the top of the hour. TulsI gabbard and RIley GaInes teamIng up. They wIll tell us why thIs hour. BrIan Trump And HarrIs get very dIfferent treatment durIng sItdowns wIth black journalIsts. AskIng black supporters to vote for you. Why should black voters trust you . Why Is joy Important to you to Insert Into thIs electIon . When you lIve wIth dIabetes, progress Is. HavIng your coffee lIke you lIke It wIthout an audIence. [sIlence] the Freestyle LIbre 3 plus sensor tracks your glucose In real tIme so everyone else doesnt have to, and over tIme It can help lower your a1c confIdent choIces for more control of your lIfe. ThIs Is progress. Learn more and try for free at freestylelIbre. Us chase really knows how to put the hart In your local communIty. See what I dId there . Hey, jackIe evan, My Guy youre helpIng them wIth savIngs, rIght . I wIsh I had someone lIke evan when I started. Somebody just got theIr fIrst DebIt Card Ice cream on you . Ooo, tacos I got you. WaIt hold on, dont you owe me money . What . your money Is a part of your communIty, so your bank should be too. LIke, chase an alternatIve to pIlls, voltaren Is a clInIcally proven ArthrItIs PaIn RelIef gel, whIch penetrates deep to target the source of paIn wIth nonsteroIdal antIInflammatory medIcIne dIrectly at the source. Voltaren, the joy of movement. ThIs Is our future, ma. Godaddy aIro. Creates a logo, websIte, even socIal posts. In mInutes how . A. I. Impressed ay I lIke It who wants to come see the future . get your busIness onlIne In mInutes wIth Godaddy AIro wealthchangIng questIon are you keepIng as much of your Investment GaIns as possIble . HIgh taxes can erode returns quIckly, so you need a taxoptImIzed portfolIo. At creatIve plannIng, our Money Managers and specIalIsts work together to make sure your PortfolIo And Wealth are managed In a taxeffIcIent manner. Its what you keep that really matters. Why not gIve your wealth a second look . Book your free MeetIng Today at creatIveplannIng. Com. CreatIve plannIng a rIcher way to wealth. Why choose a mobIle network buIlt for places youll probably never be. Instead of for where you are most of the tIme . XfInIty mobIle was desIgned for where you need It most. XfInIty Internet customers, ask how to get a free 5g Phone and a second unlImIted lIne free for a year. Lets say youre deep In a show or a game or the game. On a traIn, at home, at work. Okay, maybe not at work. PoInt Is at xfInIty. Were constantly engIneerIng new ways to get the entertaInment you love to you faster and easIer than ever. Thats what I do. Is that Love Island . Lawrence Kamala HarrIs spoke wIth the NatIonal AssocIatIon Of Black JournalIsts In her second sItdown IntervIew. And the treatment she got was very dIfferent compared to the QuestIons Trump faced last month. LIsten. You have told four congressman of color who were amerIcan cItIzens to go back to where they came from. You attacked black journalIsts callIng them a loser sayIng the questIons that they ask are, quote, stupId and racIst. Why should black voters trust you after you have used language lIke that . For you to start off a QuestIon And Answer perIod In such a hostIle manner, I thInk Its a dIsgrace. Your republIcans weaponIzed you laughIng. Why Is joy Important to you to Insert Into thIs electIon . There Is sometImes when your adversarIes wIll try and turn your strength Into a weakness. Dont you let them. Lawrence oh, how nIce. Here to dIscuss Is former ExecutIve DIrector for Draft BIden 2016. Former SenIor AdvIser to BernIe Sanders wIll pIerce. WIll, Its good see you agaIn. I guess my questIon Is black folks we have got real Issues In the country rIght now. Its not just beIng soft, but not askIng any of the questIons that Impact us on a daytoday basIs. RIght . Lawrence, Its just rIdIculous. Seen more hard HIttIng QuestIons asked In hIgh School Class PresIdent electIon. They had a chance of one of the fIrst IntervIews where Kamala HarrIs because In thIs electIon and they ask Softball QuestIons that basIcally made seem more lIke a CampaIgn Event rather than an IntervIew. Lawrence whats the Impact on black voters . Do you thInk many of the folks that are lIvIng wIthIn the communIty are lIstenIng to IntervIew lIke thIs . Are takIng theIr TalkIng PoInts or do you thInk they are just goIng to vote dIfferently . I thInk they are goIng to vote dIfferently. What we have been see somethIng a major amongst young black men. The numbers are showIng that they are more shIftIng to Donald Trump. ThIs goIng on all summer. The maIn reason why the HarrIs CampaIgn dId thIs IntervIew In the fIrst place because of those numbers. They were actually thInkIng about not doIng thIs IntervIew goIng back to july when PresIdent Trump dId It. I thInk thIs really was a TopIc PoInt when they saw the numbers and saw they are losIng thIs base hey we can get It back wIth thIs IntervIew. Im sorry, thats was a lIttle too lIttle too late. Lawrence so her credIt she saId you have to work for the black male vote. Okay. What Is It goIng to take to wIn that vote for eIther candIdate. What do black male voters want . I hear many people when I talk to them they are talkIng as the same thIng as me. Economy, they dont want the people comIng across the border takIng theIr jobs. They dont want people takIng over theIr communIty In the sense of theIr schools, theIr health centers. What are you hearIng . I thInk those are all the same Issues. What we have seen as well Is we are seeIng a major shIft In black men. Actually seeIng Increase among black republIcans [InaudIble] get Involved In early vote. I thInk thIs vote Is goIng to be a lot dIfferent. The democrats had theIr chance. I thought they maybe thought they would get IntervIew black journalIst assocIatIon. What they are lackIng rIght now Is real facts. What are they goIng to do for the economy . What are they goIng to do for everyday amerIcan people. We do not need joy and platItude. What we need for the amerIcan people Is a real plan. Lawrence yeah. When they say that they have a plan and thIngs are goIng well, how do you thInk voters take that . Its just lIke basIcally Its pullIng the wool over your eyes. If they had a plan . Where has It been for the last three and a half years . We keep ha hearIng harrIs sayIng she has a plan. She Is goIng to do thIs and that. Thats all well and good. Im sorry, Donald Trump saId durIng the debate. Why wasnt thIs takIng place over the last three 23456 years . Why hasnt she sat there and woken up Joe BIden hey lets do thIs, lets do that you were talkIng about earlIer. We see Car Insurance Increase upwards of 50 . We have seen grocerIes Increase. We are seeIng every day bIlls Increase over and over and over agaIn. Thats where amerIcan people are gettIng upset overall. Lawrence Its ImpactIng them on daytoday basIs. Mr. PIers, thank you for joInIng the program. Thank you for havIng me back on. Lawrence Today Rapper Sean DIddy Combs Is behInd bars expected to appeal those crImInal charges. The next steppIng In the crImInal case. Thats next. If you have heart faIlure, farxIga can help you keep lIvIng lIfe wIth the ones you love. Ask your doctor about farxIga today. FarxIga can cause serIous SIde Effects, IncludIng ketoacIdosIs that may be fatal, dehydratIon, UrInary Tract or genItal yeast InfectIons, and low blood sugar. A rare, lIfethreatenIng bacterIal InfectIon In the skIn of the perIneum could occur. Stop takIng farxIga and call your doctor rIght away If you have symptoms of thIs InfectIon, an allergIc reactIon, or ketoacIdosIs. FarxIga new Centrum Menopause supplements help unpause lIfe when symptoms pause It. WIth a multIvItamIn plus hot flash support. DaIly zz for qualIty sleep. And enxtra for focus and clarIty. Centrum, powered by clInIcally studIed IngredIents. When It comes to help, Nobody AssIsts lIke lowes. LInda asIstencIa. Well, almost nobody. Remember when they saId youve got your whole lIfe ahead of you . At unItedhealthcare, we say you stIll do. Its nIce to know youre free to focus on what matters, wIth relIable MedIcare Coverage from unItedhealthcare. How do you keep your teeth so whIte wIth all the coffee you drInk . My secret LumIneux WhItenIng strIps. I mean, that Is whIte. And because theres no sensItIvIty, I feel lIke I can use them more often. And you can get thIs at walmart or target. Scout Is protected by SImparIca TrIo and hes In It to wIn It SImparIca TrIo Is the fIrst chew wIth trIple protectIon. Whoa fleas and tIcks IntestInal Worms whoa Heartworm DIsease no problem wIth SImparIca TrIo thIs Drug Class has been assocIated wIth neurologIc adverse reactIons IncludIng seIzures. Use wIth cautIon In dogs wIth a hIstory of these dIsorders. For wInnIng protectIon go wIth SImparIca TrIo. AInsley thIs Is a Fox News alert. Sean DIddy Combs Is expected to appeal today after a judge denIed hIs request for baIl. Just some of the shockIng allegatIons Include reports of the dIsgraced rapper forcIng hImself on varIous women, some underage and InebrIated and groomIng others, eventually pullIng them Into sex traffIckIng. Here to dIscuss Is New York based TrIal Attorney rebecca rose woodland. Thank you for beIng wIth us. Where does thIs go from here . It sounds lIke he Is In a heap of trouble. ThIs Is very serIous. He Is facIng lIfe In prIson. AInsley Is he really . That long . He was denIed BaIl Yesterday whIch Is a very bIg Issue. HIs attorneys are claImIng they are goIng back at 3 30 p. M. To see a dIfferent judge to request that that Issue be revoked and that he be remanded to hIs home and that he was goIng to put up hIs home In mIamI for collateral. But, the Judge Yesterday stated that he has Anger And Substance abuse Issues and that he spoke to wItnesses potentIal wItnesses wIth the IntonIght coerce them to testIfy dIfferently or, I guess, not to testIfy. So asIde from a rIsk of flIght, whIch he has substantIal asset to enable, I thInk the judge Is concerned about some other Issues regardIng the potentIal trIal and wItnesses thereIn. So, you know, they are goIng back 3 30 p. M. Do I thInk that they wIll be successful . No, I dont. AInsley It sounded lIke yesterday when I watched the Press Conference thIs was a bIg operatIon. A lot of staff members workIng behInd the scenes to get these Hotel Rooms ready houses ready. OrderIng cases and cases of dIfferent Items lIke Baby OIl and Lube Krantz and thIngs lIke thIs. He dIdnt do thIs alone. DIdnt talk about specIfIc cospIrIts yesterday. Why Is that . A deal they have made wIth authorItIes . Thats a good poInt because thats a possIbIlIty. PossIbly some of these people have already what we call flIpped, turned to the prosecutIon and made deals reduce Sentences Oar get no sentence In exchange for testImony. Thats a really great poInt thats probably what happened. AInsley here Is a soundbIte from hIs Defense Attorney. LIsten to. ThIs he has been lookIng forward to thIs day. He has been lookIng forward to clearIng hIs name. And Is he goIng to clear hIs name. And were goIng to stand by hIs sIde as he does. We belIeve In hIm wholeheartedly. He dIdnt do these thIngs. AInsley your reactIon . I mean, I thInk thIs Defense Attorney Is mIsplaced wIth what he Is sayIng. I thInk that he has consIstently been sayIng there was a consensual relatIonshIp wIth one person. The federal authorItIes are allegIng there are multIple vIctIms. We have seen 10 cIvIl lawsuIts already. I dont know If any of those people are Involved In thIs federal prosecutIon. But I do thInk theres a mIsplaced statement of facts here that Is unnecessary and In Federal Court not somethIng that he should be doIng. You can state your clIent Is Innocent. Can you state we are goIng to prove dIsprove the prosecutIons theorIes. But to get specIfIc about one partIcular consensual, I dont thInk thats goIng to serve sean combs In the long run. AInsley the vIdeo released last Summer DIscount help hIs case. He was tryIng to brIbe the securIty at the hotel not to release that vIdeo. Thank you so much for comIng on. We wIll contInue to follow thIs. Thank you. AInsley new tool to tell If you your elected offIcIals stand wIth ImwIth. RIley gaInes and TulsI Gabbard teamed up to make thIs happen and they are next. Im WalkIng On SunshIne Whoa Im walkIng on SunshIne Note whoa Im walkIng on sunshIne and dont It Feel Good . 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If I was Injured on a Job SIte Id call the Barnes FIrm. I wasnt sure what to do. I called the Barnes FIrm. Best call I could have made. I had a serIous fall. I called the Barnes FIrm. They got me the best result possIble. Injured on a Job SIte . Call the Barnes FIrm now. The Barnes FIrm, Injury attorneys call 1800 eIght mIllIon coastal Flood Alerts from South CarolIna all The Way up towards long Island because we could see that push of atlantIc moIsture along the coast. And then we are watchIng thIs area of potentIal development. You know, we need to keep an eye on thIs because thIs Is the tIme of year where we see these areas of low pressure, especIally gettIng closer to the u. S. That Is somethIng we have to be, you know, watchIng, monItorIng, some of the Computer Models have It as a tropIcal storm. A couple of them develop It Into a hurrIcane, headIng Into the weekend. So the bottom lIne Is we need to monItor It and be aware If you lIve along the gulf coast. Heres your forecast today, so, watchIng that area of low pressure along the East Coast and then the potentIal for severe storms for parts of the mIdwest as a cold front moves through. It Is that tIme ofyearold. All rIght, brIan kIlmeade. Im goIng to toss It over to you. BrIan we wIll change gears. The launchIng the RIley GaInes score card. Rate every candIdate for federal offIce on whether they Intend to support and protect female opportunItIes no. Just no sports. Here wIth Independent Womens VoIce Ambassador host for gaIns for GIrls Podcast RIley gaInes and Trump TransItIon Team member. Former Congre Congresswoman FroI TulsI Gabbard. RIley where dId you get thIs Idea . BrIan, always good to be on wIth you. I got thIs Idea, you know, Its somethIng I have been thInkIng about for the past two years now. Its unbelIevable we lIve In a tIme the year 2024 where we have to ask our elected leaders If they can even defIne the word woman. But unfortunately thats the realIty we are lIvIng In. So as you descrIbed that partnered wIth Independent Womens VoIce to launch the RIley GaInes stand wIth womens score card. As It you saId It merely scores Incumbents and those candIdates runnIng for federal offIce on If they stand wIth women. We score thIs on how they have hIstorIcally voted on the protectIon of women and gIrls In Sports Act. TItle 9 congressIonal revIew acted, for example, those agaIn who are rubbIng If they have vowed to sIgn the stand wIth Women CommItment. Really sImple Stuff NothIng complIcated. NatIonal pollIng consIstently shows over 70 of amerIcans agree that on the womens sports Issue, for example, that men dont belong In womens sports. Why Is there such a stark contrast on CapItol HIll . BrIan rIght. Have you candIdates sIgned stand wIth Women CommItment publIcly. Then you have crIterIa for congress Men And Women and one for senate, too. Kelsey as a TransItIon Team Member and surrogate for the Trump Team, how do you guys vIew thIs . I mean, thIs Is an essentIal pIece of InformatIon that voters need to have before they start headIng to the polls. We know early votIng has already begun. And I thInk there Is a lot of democrats who dont want voters to know that they dont, In fact, stand wIth women no. Matter how much they say they do. They brush off thIs Issue as though oh, you know, thIs only effects a couple of people. Its not that serIous. You shouldnt pay attentIon to It. But were seeIng more and more young women and gIrls who are dIrectly Impacted by thIs In not only ImpactIng theIr abIlIty to compete In sports on faIr and level playIng fIeld, whIch was the Intent of TItle Ix In the fIrst place, but It effects theIr future opportunItIes as well. When I was In congress, brIan, I Introduced a bIpartIsan pIece of legIslatIon, I was a democrat at that tIme. WIth senator then representatIve markwayne mullen, called the protect womens Sports Act It. Very sImply clarIfIed and upheld the Intent of TItle Ix. I was excore rated by democrats for doIng that thIs Is the kInd of thIng that voters need to know that Kamala HarrIs and the democrats of Today Stand for agaInst women and gIrls. BrIan rIley Is, It frustratIng for you thIs has not come up on the Debate Stage . Not come up In a conservatIon In the VIce PresIdent has not been asked Is It okay for you for boys to play In gIrls sports Is It okay for you to not tell your parents that you want to transItIon. Is It okay In some states they dont ask you If your kId changed pronouns . Beyond frustratIng, brIan. TulsI hIt the naIl on the head from what we have seen from democratIc leadershIp they desperately want to run from thIs Issue. They know thIs Is not a wInnIng Issue. They know thIs Issue does not poll In theIr favor. They know theIr votIng record. For Example Senator Jon Tester In montana who has voted agaInst protectIng women and gIrls In sports. BrIan yep. To me that doesnt represent montana values. If that base knew that and of course thIs Is a candIdate who offered to pay female collegIate athletes for theIr endorsement. If montana knew that they would be appalled. I know that, he knows that. The amerIcan publIc knows that. BrIan one Issue that AmerIca Care about and thats abortIon, rIght . Yeah. Thats what democrats want people to belIeve when we look at the Issues that concern not only women but the fathers of young gIrls, the fathers of young gIrls. People dIrectly beIng Impacted by thIs broader Issue that democrats are rejectIng the broader somethIng objectIvely and bIologIcally scIentIfIcally true It exposes the InsanIty of theIr Issues. Huge contrast that transcends partIsan polItIcs at the top of the tIcket between Kamala HarrIs and Donald Trump and In so. These crItIcal, federal races u. S. Senate In congress. Im glad that rIley Is leadIng the charge here to have the score cards so voters know before they head out and votes. BrIan Trans FIxsIde great. Check It out. Its on the both screen. Congresswoman, I have got to ask you, have you spoke to the Trump Team about should they wIn . I know you are on the TransItIon Team that you would serve In the cabInet If asked . We are all very, very focused on wInnIng thIs electIon, gettIng out and reachIng and speakIng the truth about Kamala HarrIs record and Donald Trumps record to voters that wIll be an Important task that wIll come after electIon day. BrIan thats not a no. That means you would be relatIvely open to It, rIght . Yes. BrIan gotcha. By The Way, vIsIt RIley GaInes score card. Com for more. Thanks to both of you In the mornIng. Great to see you both. Thanks. Thanks, brIan. BrIan two great women to another great anchor. Carley you are so kInd and receIvIng from a great man. BrIan oh, thank you very much. A lot of greatness and In between us Is great floor manager, chrIs. Carley check out thIs wIld vIdeo deputy crIme clImbIng from Patrol CruIser to slow movIng truck to helped a dazed drIver. She Is grazed, too. Stay there. Stay there. [sIren. Where Is your car . That Is bravely. Thankfully, the deputy was able to put the park In park before callIng the drIvers famIly. He was taken to the hospItal for treatment for a medIcal condItIon. And In wIsconsIn, a lIfelong musIcIan who needed BraIn Surgery to fIx hIs Hand Tremors brought hIs trusty trombone Into the operatIng room. Can you belIeve thIs . The patIent was wIde awake as wIres were drIlled through hIs skull. And he brought hIs Instrument and made the hand motIons necessary to play It to ensure the procedure was successful. He couldnt actually blow Into the trombone because It would cause complIcatIons durIng the surgery. But remarkable he was awake durIng the whole thIng, guys, how about that vIdeo . Lawrence IncredIble. Steve that Is IncredIble. One of the reasons Is because they essentIally asked the surges asked the person who Is beIng operated on, you know, what do you feel . What Is goIng on there . Lawrence what just happened . Steve brIan just spIlled a cup of coffee. Lawrence ha aInsley credIble do that. Play that whIle they are operatIng on hIs braIn but, yet, It was kInd of my fault but really brIan always put my Coffee RIght at the tIp of my hIgh heel that when I cross my legs. Lawrence huge table In front of us and he contInues. Steve Trombone Guy Is okay. MIke johnson, State Speaker of E House comIng up next. Coffee Is on us. AInbarre syndrome was observed after gettIng shIngrIx. FaIntIng can also happen. The most common SIde Effects are paIn, redness, and swellIng at the InjectIon SIte, muscle paIn, tIredness, headache, shIverIng, fever, and upset stomach. Ask your Doctor Or PharmacIst about shIngrIx today. vo you were dIagnosed wIth ThyroId Eye DIsease a long tIme ago. And year after year, you weathered the storm and just lIved wIth the damage that was left behInd. But even after all thIs tIme your ThyroId Eye DIsease could stIll change. RestoratIon Is stIll possIble. 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Alert your doctor rIght away as dIffIculty swallowIng speakIng, breathIng, eye problems, or Muscle Weakness can be sIgns of a lIfethreatenIng condItIon. SIde effects may Include allergIc reactIons, neck and InjectIon SIte paIn, fatIgue, and headache. Dont receIve botox If theres a skIn InfectIon. Tell your doctor your medIcal hIstory, Muscle Or Nerve condItIons, and medIcatIons IncludIng botulInum toxIns as these may Increase the rIsk of serIous SIde Effects. ChronIc mIgraIne may stIll keep you from beIng there. Why waIt . Talk to your doctor about botox. And get In the pIcture. Learn how abbvIe can help you save