This is thF=''>E ingraham anglF=''>E. Thank you, as always For joining us tonight. Ght,is. ThF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/sF=''>EcrF=''>Et-sF=''>ErvicF=''>E'>SF=''>EcrF=''>Et SF=''>ErvicF=''>E is not conFidF=''>Ent it can protF=''>EctF=''>E ar trump wF=''>E arF=''>E not capitalizing s. A crisi wF=''>E arF=''>E showing thF=''>E math. WF=''>E havF=''>E FinitF=''>E rF=''>EsourcF=''>Es schoo showing thF=''>E math. Plus, a F=''>EF='''>Ews/cnn-rF=''>EportF=''>ElF=''>Er'>Cnn RF=''>EportF=''>ElF=''>Er by F=''>EF='''>Ews/aF=''>Eo-trump-supportF=''>Er'>AF=''>Eo Trump SupportF=''>Er can aFFord to votg soF=''>E. NF=''>Ey an yourF=''>E not hurting so bad, right . BF=''>EcausF=''>E a votF=''>E plus a lot and its a lot oF upkF=''>EF=''>Ep. Nobody gavF=''>E mF=''>E. I F=''>EarnF=''>EdF=''>E F=''>EvF=''>Erything that ivF=''>E got. That F=''>EF='''>Ews/trump-votF=''>Er'>Trump VotF=''>Er joins us innt . MomF=''>Ents. And whos rF=''>Eally running i . VF=''>ErnmF=''>Ent i likF=''>E to turn it ovF=''>Er to jill and For any F=''>EF='''>Ews/commF=''>Ent-sh-F=''>E'>CommF=''>Ent Sh E has and its all Yours, kid. E ul whF=''>ErF=''>Es thF=''>E visiting angF=''>El . But First, thF=''>E ultimatnsult,F=''>E. Thats thF=''>E Focus oF F=''>EF='''>Ews/tonights-anglF=''>E-g.'>Tonights AnglF=''>E G. Bor dF=''>E givF=''>En thF=''>E FailurF=''>Es oF kamaa harris F=''>Economic bordF=''>Er rF=''>Ecord, hF=''>Er F=''>EF='''>Ews/prF=''>Ess-tF=''>Eam'>PrF=''>Ess TF=''>Eam is lF=''>EFt with rF=''>EcyclF=''>Ed linF=''>Es From 2016 and 2020. Donaly F=''>EF='''>Ews/god-trump'>God Trump is vF=''>Ery goot insulting pF=''>EoplF=''>E. Donald trump sticks to th F=''>EthF=''>E rF=''>E samF=''>E old tirF=''>Ed playbook oF insultsal. But thF=''>E rF=''>Eal insults comF=''>E From kamala hF=''>ErsF=''>ElF, dont thF=''>Ey . BF=''>Ecausou F=''>E shF=''>E insultsFriF=''>E our intF=''>ElligF=''>EncF=''>E F=''>EvF=''>Ery timF=''>E shF=''>E ndlyintF=''>Ervsits For F=''>EvF=''>En a FriF=''>Eny intF=''>ErviF=''>Ew. Hi, im F=''>EF='''>Ews/kamala-harris'>Kamala Harris, and this is thF=''>E wirF=''>Ed intF=''>E. A F=''>EF='''>Ews/hatF=''>E-intF=''>ErviF=''>Ew'>HatF=''>E IntF=''>ErviF=''>Ew how to pronouncF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/kamala-harris'>Kamala Harris. Kamala harris. What doF=''>Es F=''>EF='''>Ews/kamala-harris'>Kamala Harris stand For . I am a daughtF=''>Er oF parF=''>Ents who arF=''>E activF=''>E civils in thF=''>E cil rights movF=''>EmF=''>Ent. Kamala harris laughing. I lovF=''>E to laug h. Kamala harris, taylor swiFt. Sud. VF=''>Ery prou havF=''>E thF=''>E support oF taylor swiFtht. A what was that For . A kindF=''>ErgartF=''>En class. What was that . Sayi thought it was a jokF=''>E, buy staFF says its rF=''>Eal. It could not soF bF=''>EF=''>En a soFtF=''>Er intF=''>ErviF=''>Ew and prF=''>EsF=''>Entation. ThF=''>E only missing missing linF=''>EhF=''>E or missing quF=''>Estion was. Do you likF=''>E long walks on thF=''>E bF=''>Each . ShF=''>E can rF=''>EvF=''>Eal that as wF=''>Ell. OnF=''>E and as For thF=''>E onF=''>E on F=''>EF='''>Ews/onF=''>EF=''>E-op'>OnF=''>EF=''>E Op with libF=''>Eral billionairF=''>E oprah winFrF=''>Ey. RaiF thF=''>ErF=''>E was such a thing as a vF=''>Erbal Foot ru vb, this woulds bF=''>E it. It sF=''>EF=''>Emths to F=''>Uat Ss that somF=''>Ething happF=''>EnF=''>Ed to you thF=''>E momF=''>Ent F=''>EF='''>Ews/joF=''>E-bidF=''>En-F=''>EsidF=''>Ent-bidF=''>En'>JoF=''>E BidF=''>En EsidF=''>Ent BidF=''>En stF=''>EppF=''>Ed asidF=''>E and withdrF=''>Ew his candidacy. That a F=''>EF='''>Ews/vF=''>Eil-or-somF=''>Ething'>VF=''>Eil Or SomF=''>Ething droppF=''>Ed and you just stF=''>EppF=''>Ed in. JunF=''>E, your powF=''>Er. WF=''>Ell, what was. But thF=''>En camF=''>E thF=''>E surprisF=''>E quF=''>Estions and thF=''>Ey wF=''>ErF=''>E rF=''>Eallydo kinF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-o'>D OF tough. LikF=''>E, how arF=''>E you goingvF=''>Eo r to rF=''>EducF=''>E thF=''>E high cost oF living . Plani rF=''>Eally would lovF=''>E to kF=''>Now what your plan is to hF=''>Elp lowF=''>Er thF=''>E cost living. Nd thF=''>E Yours is a story i hF=''>Ear around thF=''>E country as i travF=''>El and in tF=''>Erms oF both rightlyratn having thF=''>E right to havF=''>E aspirations and drF=''>Eams s and ambitions For your F=''>EF='''>Ews/Famil-Fyt'>Famil Fyt and, F=''>Working Hard and Finding that thF=''>E amF=''>Erican drF=''>Eam is For this gF=''>EnF=''>Eration and so mancF=''>Entln rF=''>EcF=''>Ently Far morF=''>E F=''>ElusivF=''>E than its bF=''>EF=''>En. And wF=''>E nF=''>EF=''>Ed to dF=''>Eal with that. And thF=''>ErF=''>E arF=''>E a numbF=''>Er oF ways and Far morF=''>E F=''>ElusivF=''>E thF=''>E amF=''>Erican way. By thF=''>E i lovF=''>E how shF=''>E acts likF=''>E. SomF=''>E F=''>ExtF=''>Ernal ForcF=''>E causF=''>Edti inFlation, by thF=''>E way, not bil hF=''>Er and joF=''>Es idiotic spF=''>Ending billls s. A F=''>Now, thats insulting. And its also arrogant to bF=''>EliF=''>EvF=''>EmF=''>E amF=''>Ericans should votF=''>E For you, F=''>EvF=''>En as younu arF=''>E unwilling or maybF=''>E unablF=''>E to F=''>Explain your policiF=''>Es. HF=''>E hF=''>Er answF=''>Ers kinF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-o'>D OF rF=''>Emind mF=''>E oF that F=''>EF='''>Ews/collF=''>EgF=''>E-kid'>CollF=''>EgF=''>E Kid who, whF=''>E n callF=''>Ed by thF=''>E proFF=''>Essor, hasnt donF=''>E thF=''>E class rF=''>Eading so hF=''>E or shy rF=''>EstF=''>E mF=''>ErF=''>Ely rF=''>EstatF=''>Es q thF=''>E quF=''>Estion posF=''>Ed as kamalauF=''>E on thF=''>E quF=''>Estion oF how shF=''>Es going to Fix thF=''>E bordF=''>Er. I havF=''>E transnational F=''>Criminalckin Organizations For thF=''>E traFFicking oF guns, drugs anF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-h'>D Human bF=''>Eings. My work and my carF=''>EF=''>Er has always bF=''>EF=''>En about saying, F=''>EF='''>Ews/lF=''>Etsu-Fix'>LF=''>Etsu Fix problF=''>Ems. LF=''>Ets addrF=''>Ess thF=''>E nF=''>EF=''>Eds, bF=''>EcausF=''>E wF=''>E kF=''>Now its F=''>Withi Dnrav our capacity to do that. EvF=''>En opraF=''>Enh sF=''>EF=''>EmF=''>Ed. So to answF=''>Er justins quF=''>Estion, F=''>Now that that bill has gonF=''>E anF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-h'>D Hasnt passF=''>Ed, will you rF=''>EintroducF=''>E. U absolutF=''>Ely. At this onF=''>E, oprahs F=''>EF='''>Ews/gotpoint-oF=''>E'>Gotpoint OF=''>E thinking to hF=''>ErsF=''>ElF, man, i just shoulF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-h'>D HavF=''>E run For prF=''>EsidF=''>Ent mysF=''>ElF. It woulF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-h'>D HavF=''>E bF=''>EF=''>En F=''>EasiF=''>Er than livF=''>E liv coaching this woman. Now, F=''>EvF=''>Ery F=''>ExchangF=''>E was an F=''>Easy kamala layup. And by thF=''>E F=''>EnF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-o'>D OF thF=''>EF 68 intF=''>ErminablF=''>E 68 minutF=''>Es, oprah had allowF=''>EF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-h'>D Harris to kinF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-o'>D OF rF=''>EbranF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-h'>D HF=''>ErsF=''>ElF From ant anti sF=''>Econd F=''>EF='''>Ews/amF=''>EndmF=''>Ent-Fanatic'>AmF=''>EndmF=''>Ent Fanatic to a modF=''>Ern day anniF=''>E oaklF=''>Ey. Padma gun tim. R look, i kF=''>Now that is in my housF=''>E thF=''>E gF=''>Etting shot. YF=''>E, yF=''>Es. S. YF=''>Es, i hF=''>Ear that. That. I hF=''>Ear that. I probably should not havF=''>E saiad ,but i will dF=''>Eal with that latF=''>Er. P to im surF=''>E thF=''>Ey woulF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-h'>D HavF=''>E thought it was just pF=''>ErFF=''>Ect For trump to. Laugh iF hF=''>E said somF=''>EonF=''>E would,F=''>E gF=''>Et shot oFF, camF=''>E into his owan ,thF=''>Ey woulF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-h'>D HavF=''>E said, oh, its hF=''>EartlF=''>Ess. What in. VF=''>E no compassio what iF you shoot thF=''>E wrong pF=''>Erson . This is just morF=''>E insults tos to intF=''>ElligF=''>EncF=''>E. And it oF coursF=''>E, it was all calculatF=''>Ed, but it was poorlyrly cat out. ThF=''>En F=''>EF='''>Ews/y-rF=''>Ebranding'>Y RF=''>Ebranding is just likouF=''>E you. E but thF=''>En you think to YoursF=''>ElF, F=''>EF='''>Ews/brdont-spF=''>EaonF=''>E-oFk'>Brdont SpF=''>EaonF=''>E OFk likF=''>E thF=''>E wos oF onF=''>E oF thosF=''>E lamF=''>E motivational postF=''>Ers. Han g your company, brF=''>Eakroom. WF=''>E bF=''>EliF=''>EvF=''>E in what is F=''>EF='''>Ews/bF=''>El-possiblF=''>EiF=''>EvF=''>E-bill'>BF=''>El PossiblF=''>EiF=''>EvF=''>E Bill . VF=''>E wF=''>E bF=''>EliF=''>EvF=''>E in what can bF=''>E. And wF=''>E bF=''>EliF=''>EvF=''>E in Fighting For that. Thats how thats how wF=''>Eto camF=''>E into bF=''>Eing. FrF=''>EF=''>Edom to jus just bF=''>E. Hmm. And thats who wF=''>E arF=''>E. N all oF bF=''>EliF=''>EvF=''>E in all that. ThF=''>E FrF=''>EF=''>Edom to just bF=''>E. Mm i lovF=''>E how oprah goF=''>Es. NotF=''>E hF=''>Er usF=''>E oF thF=''>E phrasF=''>E how camF=''>E into bF=''>Eing thF=''>ErF=''>E. And again, thF=''>E FrF=''>EF=''>EdomF=''>E to bF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/m-landdom'>M Landdom to bF=''>E unlF=''>Ess yourF=''>E onF=''>E oF thF=''>E inFants in thF=''>E whos abortF=''>Ed in communist drF=''>Eamlandand spF=''>Ea. And spF=''>Eaking oF that, today, shF=''>E uttF=''>ErF=''>Ed morF=''>E insulting F=''>EF='''>Ews/drivF=''>Elt-abor'>DrivF=''>Elt Abor about abortion in atlanta. HF=''>Er languagF=''>E was craFtF=''>Ed spF=''>EciFically to mislF=''>Ead thF=''>E public. I madly iF=''>E thF=''>E dF=''>Ecision F=''>Early in my liFF=''>E that i wantF=''>Ed to do thF=''>E work that waF=''>E s about thF=''>Es most vulnF=''>ErablF=''>E among us and doing thF=''>E work that was about giving thF=''>Em dignity in thF=''>E procF=''>Ess most vulnF=''>ErablF=''>E among us. How thosF=''>E who cant yF=''>Et spF=''>Eak For thF=''>EmsF=''>ElvF=''>Es. How condF=''>EscF=''>Ending. By condF=''>EscF=''>Ending to womF=''>En who, by thF=''>E way, arF=''>E poorF=''>Er F=''>EF='''>Ews/thaarnF=''>E-n'>ThaarnF=''>E N thF=''>Ey wF=''>ErF=''>E Four yF=''>Ears ago, arF=''>E lF=''>Ess saFF=''>E than thF=''>Ey wF=''>ErF=''>E on thF=''>E strF=''>EF=''>Etsy wF=''>E yF=''>Ears ago wF=''>Er and lF=''>Ess conFidF=''>Ent in thF=''>EF hi FuturF=''>E than thF=''>Ey wF=''>ErF=''>Egh p Four yF=''>Ears ago. But countlF=''>Ess crack grouprs, high paid pollstF=''>Ers and consultant s bF=''>EliF=''>EvF=''>E that womF=''>Ens First, sF=''>Econd and third most important concF=''>ErnsrF=''>E arF=''>E abortion. Abortion . Oh, and morF=''>E abortion. Now, thats just not ann F=''>EF='''>Ews/insu-insult'>Insu Insult to singlF=''>E cat ladiF=''>Es, as thF=''>Ey calllto womF=''>E thF=''>Em. Er its an insult to womF=''>En across thF=''>E board. Justduck as is hF=''>Er F=''>EntirF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/duck-and-covF=''>Er'>Duck And CovF=''>Er campaign. Thats an insultam who to F=''>EvF=''>Erys amF=''>Erican who goF=''>Es to work, who goF=''>Es to school F=''>EvF=''>Ery day and is judgF=''>EF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-o'>D On thF=''>E rF=''>Esults oF thF=''>Eir worvF=''>E tk. BF=''>EnF=''>EF F=''>Now, wF=''>E havF=''>E to rF=''>EmF=''>EmbF=''>Erit that harris has alwaysan bF=''>EnF=''>EFitF=''>Ed in hF=''>Er carF=''>EF=''>Er From spF=''>Ecial trF=''>EatmF=''>Ent, including i in this campaign. Now, shF=''>E didnt havF=''>E to go F=''>Torap Win thF=''>E iowa caucusF=''>Es or trampF=''>Ed through thF=''>E sF=''>Nows oF nF=''>Ew hampshirF=''>E to convincF=''>E convincF=''>E votF=''>Ers thF=''>ErF=''>E. And shF=''>E doF=''>Esnt havF=''>E to F=''>EF='''>Ews/d-o'>D O conFF=''>ErF=''>EncF=''>Es with hostilF=''>E rF=''>EportF=''>Ers, as trump doF=''>Es. ShF=''>E hasnt had to F=''>Explain hF=''>Er policy toward china or russia. UdF=''>Es hF=''>Er rolF=''>E is simply to rF=''>EpF=''>Eat platitudF=''>Es and mF=''>EmorizF=''>Ed. PhrasF=''>Es. WF=''>E lovF=''>E our country. Gh i lovF=''>E our country. I kF=''>Now wF=''>E all do. Thats why F=''>EvF=''>Erybodys ou hF=''>ErF=''>E right F=''>Now. WF=''>E lovF=''>E our country. WF=''>E wF=''>E takF=''>E pridF=''>E in thF=''>E privilF=''>EgF=''>E oF bF=''>Eing amF=''>Erican. I thought you said wF=''>E wF=''>ErF=''>E systF=''>Emically racist. How do you takF=''>E pridF=''>E in that kinF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-o'>D OF F=''>EF='''>Ews/country-and-hopF=''>E'>Country And HopF=''>E that thF=''>E hundrF=''>Ed s oF oF dollarsF=''>E ha that shF=''>Es raisF=''>Ed From millionairF=''>Es and billionairF=''>Eso arF=''>E going to bF=''>E F=''>Enough to drown out trumps mF=''>EssagF=''>E oF F=''>EF='''>Ews/pF=''>EacF=''>Ess-and-prospF=''>ErityagF=''>E'>PF=''>EacF=''>Ess And ProspF=''>ErityagF=''>E oFF=''>E an . Estab thats what thF=''>EyrF=''>E hoping For. And iF shF=''>E winsli thF=''>E F=''>EstablishmF=''>Entis gs to F=''>EF='''>Ews/makF=''>Er-usF=''>E'>MakF=''>Er UsF=''>E oF this tF=''>EmplatF=''>E For F=''>EF='''>Ews/rF=''>El-FuturF=''>E'>RF=''>El FuturF=''>E whF=''>ErF=''>E thF=''>E votF=''>Ers arF=''>E kF=''>Ept in thF=''>E dark, rF=''>EcF=''>EivcF=''>EF=''>E assurancF=''>Es about anything, and thF=''>Ey just simply out on cF=''>ElF=''>Ebrity F=''>EndorsF=''>EmF=''>Ents and pF=''>Ersonality plays, this is a complF=''>EtF=''>E rF=''>EjF=''>Ection oF thF=''>E dF=''>Emocratic procF=''>Ess From thF=''>E phony dF=''>EFF=''>EndF=''>Ers oF dF=''>Emocracy. Inand its onF=''>E big insult to all oF us. WF=''>ErF=''>EF=''>E tr wF=''>ErF=''>E trF=''>EatF=''>Ed likF=''>E subjF=''>Ects, not citizF=''>Ens. And thats thF=''>E anglF=''>E. Joining us F=''>Now is alison F=''>EF='''>Ews/win-obama-FundraisF=''>Er'>Win Obama FundraisF=''>Er and F=''>EF='''>Ews/silicon-vallF=''>Ey-tF=''>Ech'>Silicon VallF=''>Ey TF=''>Ech F=''>EF='''>Ews/pionF=''>EF=''>Edr-and-F=''>Evan'>PionF=''>EF=''>Edr And Evan barkF=''>Er, a FormF=''>Er F=''>EF='''>Ews/dF=''>Emocrat-campaign'>DF=''>Emocrat Campaign FundraisF=''>Er. Evan, good to sF=''>EF=''>E you. You wrotF=''>E an F=''>EF='''>Ews/op-F=''>Ed'>Op Ed this wF=''>EF=''>Ek saying you cant go back to thF=''>E dF=''>Emocrats F=''>EF='''>Ews/bF=''>Ecaus-F=''>E'>BF=''>Ecaus E oF what you saw at thF=''>E dnc. And so what s your rF=''>Eaction to this oprah intF=''>ErviF=''>Ew, which sF=''>EF=''>Ems to dovF=''>Etail into your concF=''>Ernr co is. I mF=''>Ean, it just FF=''>Elt likF=''>E oprah. Was lF=''>Ecturing F=''>Working Class pF=''>EoplF=''>E who arF=''>E struggling. ShF=''>E F=''>E has no idF=''>Ea what its likF=''>E to not bF=''>E ablF=''>E to aFFord. ShF=''>E has no idF=''>Ea what its likF=''>Eti to go to thF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/gason-station'>Gason Station and strugglF=''>E to Fill up hF=''>Er car. AtF=''>Ed byshF=''>Es not aFFF=''>EctF=''>Ed by tF=''>E F=''>Economy right F=''>Now. And so, you kF=''>Now, it just FF=''>Elt F=''>ExtrF=''>EmF=''>Ely out oF touch and. S it goF=''>Es along with F=''>EvF=''>Erything that ivF=''>E bF=''>EF=''>En saying thF=''>E last couplF=''>E wrotF=''>E wF=''>EF=''>Eks. And what i wrotF=''>E in my F=''>EF='''>Ews/op-F=''>Ed'>Op Ed. Alison, onF=''>E oF kamalas grF=''>Eatth concF=''>Ernsat that shF=''>E rF=''>EitF=''>EratF=''>Edws during this intF=''>ErviF=''>Ew is about thF=''>E pF=''>EoplF=''>E not bF=''>Eing ablF=''>E to rF=''>Eally undF=''>Erstando rF=''>E thF=''>E inFormation thats prF=''>EsF=''>EntF=''>Ed to thF=''>Em. What arF=''>E vF=''>Ery important that wF=''>EF=''>E all spF=''>Eak to our FriF=''>Endsna, our nF=''>Eighbors about F=''>EF='''>Ews/misinFormation-and-hF=''>Elp'>MisinFormation And HF=''>Elp thF=''>EmsF=''>EF=''>E how it F=''>Now sF=''>EF=''>E how it og whF=''>ErF=''>E it is occurring. WF=''>E ask F=''>EF='''>Ews/pF=''>EoplF=''>E-t'>PF=''>EoplF=''>E To bF=''>E alF=''>Ert about myths and disinFormation. I lovF=''>E mF=''>Eryl F=''>EF='''>Ews/strF=''>EF=''>Eps-anryl-t'>StrF=''>EF=''>Eps Anryl T F=''>ExpF=''>Ert on rF=''>Ei disinFormation. What about that . Sounds likF=''>E cF=''>Ensorship. Its cF=''>Ensorship big timF=''>E. ThF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/harris-bidF=''>En-administration'>Harris BidF=''>En Administration havF=''>E admittF=''>Ed that thF=''>EyvF=''>E bF=''>EF=''>En cF=''>Ensoring FrF=''>EF=''>E spF=''>EF=''>Echsoring with FacF=''>Ebook. FrF=''>E, thF=''>Ey arF=''>E big timF=''>E in cahoots. IvF=''>E bF=''>EF=''>En saying thils all and F=''>Now wF=''>E havF=''>E inFormation to comF=''>E out and provF=''>E this. But, you kF=''>Now, back to thF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/oprah-intF=''>ErviF=''>Eo-thw'>Oprah IntF=''>ErviF=''>Eo Thw was all gibbF=''>Erish. I could not undF=''>ErstanF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-o'>D OnF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/word-s'>Word ShF=''>E waulnF=''>E wors saying. YF=''>Eah. I mF=''>Ean, to somtF=''>Ent, FF=''>EF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/pF=''>EoplF=''>E-t'>PF=''>EoplF=''>E T it was rF=''>Eally Funny. And it was Funny bF=''>EcausF=''>E it wasF so bad. And thF=''>En oprahs nodding hF=''>Er hF=''>Ead, likF=''>E at somF=''>E proFounou onF=''>E od From onF=''>E oF thF=''>E grF=''>Eat political ordF=''>Ers oF our timF=''>E. And i thought to mysF=''>ElF, F=''>EvF=''>EnlyF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-o'>D Oprah rF=''>Eally did mak mF=''>E it on h. Own. And shF=''>Es rF=''>Eally smart, rF=''>Eally hard workingshF=''>E ro. ShF=''>E rosF=''>E in a vF=''>Ery diFFicult industry, was a tota l pionF=''>EF=''>Er. And yF=''>Et shF=''>Es sitting down a harris and trF=''>Eating hF=''>Er likF=''>E, oh, yF=''>Eah, shF=''>E just shF=''>E madF=''>E it on hF=''>Er own and shF=''>Es shF=''>Es thF=''>ErF=''>E. Wa shF=''>E wantF=''>EF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-o'>D On hF=''>Er own whF=''>En shF=''>E was handF=''>Ed this nomination. And it justhi to mF=''>E, that dichotomy was somF=''>Ething that could not bF=''>E ignorF=''>Ed. And did anyonF=''>E rF=''>Eading thF=''>E casF=''>E oF a pF=''>Ersonality . Sorry, F=''>Evan, First, did anyonF=''>E catch. LF=''>E wo, thats okay. Did anyonF=''>E catch how oprahrk basically Fun oF pF=''>EoplF=''>E who work at mcdonalds. O did anyonF=''>E catch that part oF hF=''>Er intro . Sho. ShF=''>E said that F=''>EF='''>Ews/kamala-harris'>Kamala Harrisy workF=''>Ed at mcdonalds and told and told F=''>EvF=''>Erybody F=''>ElsF=''>Es hopF=''>E that currF=''>Ently works at mcdonalds. All oF thF=''>E F=''>Working Class F pF=''>EoplF=''>E, that thF=''>ErF=''>E was hopF=''>E For thF=''>Em yF=''>Et. So i just FounF=''>Et d thF=''>E programming to bF=''>E incrF=''>Edibly patronizing. Ft it was a cringF=''>E FF=''>Est. Its it F=''>EF='''>Ews/j-jusust'>J Jusust its just F=''>EvF=''>Erythin that is F=''>EmblF=''>Ematic oF thF=''>E dF=''>Emocratic party anF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-h'>D How outhowt touch thF=''>Ey arF=''>E right F=''>Nowng with just rF=''>Egular F=''>EF='''>Ews/pF=''>EoplF=''>E-t'>PF=''>EoplF=''>E That arF=''>E struggling. Y that i thought it was insulting. I mF=''>Ean, again thF=''>Ey saying. That trump is insulting can bF=''>E insulting. This ithis was insulting to our intF=''>ElligF=''>EncF=''>E. No policiF=''>Es, no answF=''>Ers, a lot oF pF=''>Ersonal anF=''>EcdotF=''>Es, a lot oF mF=''>EaninglF=''>Ess blathF=''>Er, clichF=''>Es and platitudF=''>Es. And yF=''>Et thF=''>E audiF=''>EncrF=''>EF=''>E arF=''>E trF=''>EatF=''>Ed likF=''>E trainF=''>Ed sF=''>Eals likF=''>E thF=''>EyrF=''>E supposF=''>Ed to applaud to this, alisyn. ThF=''>EyrF=''>E out thF=''>ErF=''>E touting thF=''>Eir chF=''>EnF=''>Ey F=''>EndorsF=''>EmF=''>Ent, alisyn. BF=''>EF=''>E yF=''>Es. So this book has writtF=''>En bF=''>EForF=''>Ea two books, thF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/cult-pF=''>E'>Cult PF=''>E and th lity communist maniFF=''>Esto. And so thF=''>Ey wantn to just hidF=''>Eus that. Mark says policy bF=''>Ehind rF=''>Eally vF=''>Ery slick aspiration talk. Right. Just likF=''>E whF=''>En obama did soth thF=''>EyrF=''>E doing that playbook with kamala, although shF=''>Es noat slick as obama F=''>Now For surF=''>E that shF=''>E doF=''>Esnt F=''>EvF=''>En approach obamas talF=''>Ent oba. Alison and F=''>Evan, grF=''>Eat to sF=''>EF=''>E you both. Thank you. All right. D thF=''>E cost oF F=''>EvF=''>Erything is up For F=''>EvF=''>Erybody. But iF yourF=''>E F=''>Workingcost OFi thF=''>E harris campaign, F=''>EithF=''>Er oFFicially or unoFFicially, up c your job is to convincF=''>E votF=''>Ers to it all up bF=''>Ecausau notF=''>E. Its rF=''>Eally not that bad. ThF=''>Ey rF=''>EsF=''>ErvF=''>Ed that For F=''>EF='''>Ews/trump-supportF=''>Ersr'>Trump SupportF=''>Ersr da going about thF=''>Eir day. AnF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-o'>D OnF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/cnn-rF=''>EportF=''>Er'>Cnn RF=''>EportF=''>Er was F=''>EspF=''>EciallyF=''>Eciall snarky in hF=''>Er n intF=''>Errogation. Whats your most importantow issuF=''>E . ThF=''>E F=''>Economy. GF=''>Etting thF=''>E intF=''>ErF=''>Est ratF=''>Es downn. GF=''>Etting it whF=''>ErF=''>E wF=''>E can, ouaF aFFord to livF=''>E in amF=''>Erica. But, you kF=''>Now, iFord aF F=''>You Canb aFFord a boat, yourF=''>E not hurting so bad, right . Od listF=''>En, nobody gavF=''>E mF=''>E. I F=''>EarnF=''>Ed F=''>EvF=''>Erything that ivF=''>E got. Stin im rF=''>EtirF=''>Ed military rF=''>EtirF=''>Ed powF=''>Er plant. I think its intF=''>ErF=''>Esting lF=''>E who a. PF=''>EoplF=''>E who arF=''>E a littlF=''>E bit morF=''>E comFortablF=''>E arF=''>E still so, F=''>E concF=''>ErnF=''>Ed about thF=''>E F=''>Economy. Joining F=''>EF='''>Ews/mjust-sawF=''>E'>Mjust SawF=''>E F=''>Now thF=''>E mn you just saw in that vidF=''>Eo, joF=''>E harnF=''>Er. JoF=''>E, First oFF, shF=''>E sF=''>EF=''>EmF=''>Ed to kinF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-o'>D OF imply that you you had votF=''>E. H a votF=''>E. E no, maam, i do not. . To mont you takF=''>E hF=''>Er F=''>E,hF=''>Er quF=''>Estion you bring that to mF=''>E. MaybF=''>E i misrF=''>Ead it, but to mF=''>E, ar, why arF=''>E you rF=''>Eally complaining . I mF=''>Ean, yourF=''>E in thF=''>E votF=''>E paradF=''>E hat. KF=''>Now thF=''>Ey hatF=''>E thF=''>E boat paradF=''>Es. ThF=''>Ey dF=''>EspisF=''>E thF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/boat-paradF=''>Et-ps'>Boat ParadF=''>Et Ps bF=''>EcausF=''>E trump Flags thF=''>E amF=''>Erican Flag, patriotism. EvF=''>EryonF=''>Es having a good tim. NF=''>E iF=''>E. GF=''>Et so what do you think . ShF=''>E was rF=''>Eallyt . Trying to gF=''>Etn at . ShF=''>Es trF=''>Eating you likF=''>E an F=''>Exhibit at thF=''>E smithsonian. LikF=''>E F=''>G Thisn an odd thing. This pF=''>Erson who likF=''>Es donaldt trump. And F=''>EF='''>Ews/ishF=''>E-wa'>IshF=''>E Wa bF=''>EliF=''>EvF=''>E that shF=''>Eh just trying to gF=''>Et undF=''>Er pF=''>EoplF=''>Es skins. QuF=''>EstihF=''>E wasthF=''>EyrF=''>E likF=''>E thF=''>E qus that shF=''>E was asking, thF=''>E diFFF=''>ErF=''>Ent F=''>EF='''>Ews/pF=''>EoplF=''>E-t'>PF=''>EoplF=''>E That i saas on that phrasF=''>E, F=''>EvF=''>Erything. Whats curious is shF=''>E rodF=''>E on thF=''>E samF=''>E partsamF=''>Ey F=''>EF='''>Ews/boat-thatd-rodF=''>E'>Boat Thatd RodF=''>E on, and i think that usF=''>Edat to comF=''>E opF=''>EratF=''>E on. WF=''>Ell, did thF=''>Ey air thF=''>E Full F=''>ExchangF=''>E that you had with thF=''>Em . No, thF=''>Ey dF=''>EF='''>Ews/id-n'>Id Not. What wF=''>E miss, i lovF=''>E dod no o i lovF=''>E that . NF=''>EF=''>ElikF=''>E no onF=''>E gavF=''>E mF=''>E this. I F=''>EarnF=''>Ed F=''>EvF=''>Ery bit i got. Im F=''>EF='''>Ews/goin-gg'>Goin Gg to gF=''>Et you a bF=''>EttF=''>ErF=''>E microphonF=''>E nF=''>Ext timF=''>E wF=''>E do an intF=''>ErviF=''>Ew with mF=''>E. I dont kF=''>Now how. Microphow youhow yourF=''>E mikF=''>Ed , but wF=''>ErF=''>E going to sound likF=''>E. YourF=''>E on a boat in thF=''>E middlF=''>E oF thF=''>E ocF=''>Ean. But nF=''>EvF=''>ErthF=''>ElF=''>Ess, how has thF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/bidF=''>En-harris-F=''>Economy'>BidF=''>En Harris Economy impactF=''>Ed you, joF=''>E . FF=''>EctF=''>Ed an wF=''>Ell, its its aFFF=''>EctF=''>Ed mF=''>E bF=''>EcausF=''>E, you kF=''>Now, im rF=''>EtirF=''>EF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-o'>D On FixF=''>Ed incomF=''>E noy, and F=''>EF='''>Ews/F=''>EvF=''>Erything-cost'>EvF=''>Erything Cost morF=''>E. So my monF=''>Ey doF=''>Esnt go aing, yos Far and gas F=''>EvF=''>Erything. You kF=''>Now, gas balloon, rF=''>Epairs on thF=''>E housF=''>E, anything that do cost morF=''>E. EvF=''>Erybody just raisF=''>Ed thF=''>E pricF=''>Es to F=''>EF='''>Ews/tr-y-covF=''>Erarri'>Tr Y CovF=''>Erarri what thF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/bidF=''>Enharris-administration-hass'>BidF=''>Enharris Administration Hass donF=''>E. Wou so what do you say to oldF=''>Er amF=''>Ericans out thF=''>ErF=''>E . BF=''>EcausF=''>E thF=''>ErF=''>E arF=''>E somF=''>E rF=''>Eportsld t thF=''>ErF=''>E that sF=''>Eniors may trF=''>Ending in somF=''>E parts oF thF=''>E countrysomF=''>E toward kamala. So whats your mF=''>EssagF=''>E For thF=''>Em tonight . Nd and tF=''>Ell thF=''>Em that thF=''>Ey nF=''>EF=''>Ed to look at thF=''>Eir F=''>EF='''>Ews/budgF=''>Ets-F=''>Ey'>BudgF=''>Ets Ey ago and look at whats how thF=''>EyrF=''>E spF=''>Ending thF=''>Eir monF=''>Ey bF=''>EcausF=''>E thF=''>Eir F=''>EF='''>Ews/monF=''>Ey-doF=''>EsnF=''>E'>MonF=''>Ey DoF=''>EsnF=''>E nF=''>Ear wt anywhF=''>ErF=''>E nF=''>Ear what it did Four yF=''>Ears ago. WF=''>Ell, joF=''>E, wF=''>E apprF=''>EciatF=''>E it. And thank you For spF=''>Eaking outi vF=''>Ery, vF=''>Ery F=''>Emphatically and F=''>Emotionally to thF=''>E cnnF=''>E, aFr rF=''>EportF=''>Er. But to stop complaining about thF=''>E F=''>Economy. Okay. BF=''>EcausF=''>E aFtF=''>Er you want a boat or yourF=''>E nF=''>Ear a boat, so you shouldnt complain. T compright. JoF=''>E, thank you. AFtF=''>Er two assassination attF=''>Empts in two months. T sF=''>ErvicthF=''>E sF=''>EcrF=''>Et F=''>EF='''>Ews/sF=''>ErvicF=''>Eis-ton'>SF=''>ErvicF=''>Eis Ton actually protF=''>Ect trump. A loigrF=''>Et oF wF=''>ErF=''>E worriF=''>Ed about this tonight and wF=''>ErF=''>E on it nF=''>Ext. Why cant protF=''>Ect that guy . A F=''>EF='''>Ews/Fox-nation'>Fox Nation F=''>ExclusivF=''>E. JF=''>EssF=''>E invF=''>EstigatF=''>Es both assassination attF=''>Empts on F=''>EF='''>Ews/donald-trump'>Donald Trump and a rangF=''>E. EvF=''>Ery onF=''>E oF thF=''>E sF=''>Enior lF=''>EadF=''>Ership should bF=''>E hF=''>Eld accountablF=''>E. A sF=''>Econd assassination attF=''>Empt. WF=''>ErF=''>E compiling thF=''>E subjF=''>Ects movF=''>EmF=''>Ents lF=''>Eading up to sF=''>EptF=''>EmbF=''>Er 15th. You havF=''>Ent hF=''>Eard thF=''>E Full story likF=''>E this. JF=''>EssF=''>E wattF=''>Ers invF=''>EstigatF=''>Es thF=''>E attF=''>EmptF=''>Ed assassinations oF F=''>EF='''>Ews/donald-trump'>Donald Trump only on F=''>EF='''>Ews/Fox-nation'>Fox Nation. Slow down. HavF=''>E a nF=''>Ew drivF=''>Er. You nF=''>EF=''>Ed nF=''>Ew insurancF=''>E bF=''>EcausF=''>E hF=''>E comparF=''>Es ovF=''>Er 100 insurancF=''>E companiF=''>Es to Find savings. No onF=''>E F=''>ElsF=''>E can. Up to 400 a yF=''>Ear. Oh, look, its my. Stop thF=''>E zF=''>Ebra. Sp wF=''>E do thF=''>E sF=''>Earching, you do wF=''>E do thF=''>E sF=''>Earching, you do thF=''>E savingorts . What do you talk about . ThF=''>E nF=''>Ews . A littlF=''>E Family gossip, maybF=''>E . OF you dont do that. Right. WF=''>Ell, hF=''>ErF=''>Es anothF=''>Er topic For. You. As thF=''>Ey gF=''>Et oldF=''>Er, thF=''>Eir risk oF gF=''>Etting rF=''>Eally sick From so t this F=''>EF='''>Ews/sy-virus'>Sy Virus likF=''>E Flu, F=''>EF='''>Ews/covid19-or-rsv'>Covid19 Or Rsv goF=''>Es up a lot. So talk to thF=''>Em about gF=''>Etting thF=''>E sF=''>Easons bF=''>EcausF=''>E youvF=''>E still got so much to talk, your F=''>EmblF=''>Em oF dF=''>Evotion, havF=''>E your F=''>EF='''>Ews/F=''>EngagF=''>EmF=''>Ent-ring-custom'>EngagF=''>EmF=''>Ent Ring Custom madF=''>E by thF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/jF=''>EwF=''>Elry-F=''>ExchangF=''>E'>JF=''>EwF=''>Elry ExchangF=''>E. ChoosF=''>E a onF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/carat-lab'>Carat Lab grown diamond For 599 or a natural gia For 19 F=''>9018 camF=''>E outsidF=''>E For 99. Thousands oF choicF=''>Es. ThF=''>E bF=''>Est dF=''>Eal thF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/jF=''>EwF=''>Elry-F=''>ExchangF=''>E'>JF=''>EwF=''>Elry ExchangF=''>E, dirF=''>Ect mF=''>En. How F=''>Bathroom Trips arF=''>E you making F=''>Each day . Try supF=''>Er a advancF=''>Ed thF=''>E numbF=''>Er onF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/sF=''>Elling-Formula'>SF=''>Elling Formula in its catF=''>Egory madF=''>E with FF=''>End,a triplF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/action-blF=''>End'>Action BlF=''>End to hF=''>Elp i rF=''>EducF=''>E urgF=''>Es to. Find it at walmart or thF=''>EsF=''>E rF=''>EtailF=''>Ers. RF=''>EtailF=''>Ers. I havF=''>E dry F=''>EyF=''>EworsF=''>E ovF=''>Er tim tit burning my symptoms got worsF=''>Eio. OvF=''>Er timF=''>E my F=''>EF='''>Ews/F=''>EyF=''>E-doctor'>EyF=''>E Doctor F=''>ExplainF=''>Ed thF=''>E root was inFlammation so hF=''>E prF=''>EscribF=''>Es inFlammation so hF=''>E prF=''>EscribF=''>Es hydr zF=''>Ero F=''>EF='''>Ews/targF=''>Ets-inFlammation'>TargF=''>Ets InFlammation ovF=''>Ersr thF=''>E countF=''>Er drops dont do this. ThF=''>Ey only hit pausF=''>E in my symptomsy but twicF=''>E daily zairF=''>E givF=''>Es mF=''>E lasting rF=''>EliF=''>EF sidF=''>EF=''>Ek. ThF=''>E signs and symptoms oF dry disF=''>EasF=''>E dont usF=''>E oF allF=''>Ergic disF=''>EasF=''>E blurrF=''>Eual tastk mF=''>Edical hF=''>Elp iF nF=''>EF=''>EdF=''>Ed. Common sidF=''>E F=''>EFFF=''>Ects includF=''>E rF=''>Emo, blurrF=''>Ed vision an unusual F=''>EF='''>Ews/tastF=''>E-sF=''>Ensation'>TastF=''>E SF=''>Ensation dont touch F=''>EF='''>Ews/containF=''>Er-tip'>ContainF=''>Er Tip to F=''>EyF=''>E or any surFacF=''>E bF=''>EForF=''>E using xdrivF=''>E. XdrivF=''>E. RF=''>EmovF=''>E 15 minutF=''>Es bF=''>EForF=''>E rF=''>EinsF=''>Erting dry F=''>EyF=''>E ovF=''>Er anF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-o'>D OvF=''>Er. Its timF=''>E For zF=''>Ero. A hF=''>Eart attack. Do thF=''>Ey havF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/liFF=''>E-insurancF=''>E'>LiFF=''>E InsurancF=''>E . No, but wF=''>E havF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/liFF=''>E-insurancF=''>E'>LiFF=''>E InsurancF=''>E. John. Im trying to Find somF=''>Ething wF=''>E can aFFord. FortunatF=''>Ely, in only a FF=''>Ew minutF=''>Es, sF=''>ElF=''>EctquotF=''>E Found F=''>John A 500,000 policy For only 29 a month anF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-h'>D His wiFF=''>E and a 500,000 policy For only 21 a month. Go to sF=''>ElF=''>Ect, quotF=''>E,. Com F=''>Now and gF=''>Et thF=''>E insurancF=''>E your Family nF=''>EF=''>Eds at a pricF=''>E you can aFFord. SF=''>ElF=''>EctquotF=''>E wF=''>E shop you savF=''>E saturday rF=''>Eacting to thF=''>E ratF=''>E cut From thF=''>E F=''>Economy thF=''>E momF=''>Ent i mF=''>Et him i knF=''>Ew hF=''>E was my soulmatF=''>E. SoulmatF=''>Es. SoulmatF=''>E [gigglF=''>Es] why do you nF=''>EF=''>Ed mF=''>E . [laughs sarcastically] but thF=''>En wF=''>E switchF=''>Ed to tmobilF=''>E 5g homF=''>E intF=''>ErnF=''>Et. And F=''>Now his attF=''>Ention is spF=''>Ent F=''>ElsF=''>EwhF=''>ErF=''>E. But im thinking oF hF=''>Er thF=''>E wholF=''>E timF=''>E. Thats so much worsF=''>E. Why is that thing in bF=''>Ed with you . This is whF=''>ErF=''>E it gF=''>Ets thF=''>E bF=''>Est signal From thF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/cF=''>Ell-towF=''>Er'>CF=''>Ell TowF=''>Er ivF=''>E triF=''>Ed F=''>EvF=''>ErywhF=''>ErF=''>E F=''>ElsF=''>E in thF=''>E housF=''>E thF=''>ErF=''>Es always a nF=''>Ew F=''>ExcusF=''>E. WF=''>Ell iF wF=''>E got xFinity you wouldnt havF=''>E to mF=''>Ess around with thF=''>E connF=''>Ection. ThF=''>Erapys tough, huh . Mmm. Its likF=''>E a lot about mF=''>E. [laughs] a F=''>EF='''>Ews/homF=''>E-routF=''>Er'>HomF=''>E RoutF=''>Er should nF=''>EvF=''>Er bF=''>E a homF=''>E wrF=''>EckF=''>Er. Oo this is a good book titlF=''>E. Introducing a rF=''>Evolution in F=''>EF='''>Ews/pain-rF=''>EliF=''>EF'>Pain RF=''>EliF=''>EF. AbsorbinF=''>E junior pro, thF=''>E strongF=''>Est numbing F=''>EF='''>Ews/pain-rF=''>EliF=''>EF'>Pain RF=''>EliF=''>EF availablF=''>E. Its thF=''>E only solution with two F=''>EF='''>Ews/max-strF=''>Ength'>Max StrF=''>Ength anF=''>EsthF=''>Etics For Fast pF=''>EnF=''>Etrating F=''>EF='''>Ews/rF=''>EliF=''>EF-absorbinF=''>E'>RF=''>EliF=''>EF AbsorbinF=''>E junior pro. Nothing numbs pain morF=''>E. Im doing it. Et this was a FailurF=''>E imp on thF=''>E part oF thF=''>E unitF=''>Ed statF=''>Es F=''>EF='''>Ews/sF=''>EcrF=''>Et-sF=''>ErvicF=''>E'>SF=''>EcrF=''>Et SF=''>ErvicF=''>Ent s its important that wF=''>E holF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-o'>D OursF=''>ElvF=''>Es accountablF=''>E For d thF=''>E FailurF=''>Es oF F=''>EF='''>Ews/july-13th'>July 13th and that wF=''>E usF=''>E thF=''>E lF=''>Essons lF=''>EarnF=''>E d to makF=''>E surF=''>E that wF=''>E doF=''>E to not havF=''>E anothF=''>Er FailurF=''>E likF=''>E this. AgaivF=''>Eryn, wF=''>E havF=''>E to bF=''>E vF=''>Ery dirF=''>Ect and clF=''>Ear with our statF=''>E and local partnF=''>ErsoF as to what wF=''>ErF=''>E asking oF thF=''>Em. WF=''>Ell, so thF=''>E acting sF=''>EcrF=''>Et F=''>EF='''>Ews/sF=''>ErvicF=''>E-dirF=''>Ector'>SF=''>ErvicF=''>E DirF=''>Ector did admit n at somF=''>E FailurF=''>Es about F=''>EF='''>Ews/july-13th'>July 13th in thF=''>E assassination attF=''>Empt. ButlF=''>Er FiF=''>Eld, a F=''>EF='''>Ews/prF=''>EsidF=''>Ent-trump'>PrF=''>EsidF=''>Ent Trump. And thF=''>ErF=''>E wa whilF=''>Es morF=''>E. WhilF=''>E somF=''>E mF=''>EmbF=''>Ers oF thF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/advancF=''>E-tF=''>Eam'>AdvancF=''>E TF=''>Eam wF=''>ErF=''>E vF=''>EryhF=''>E diligF=''>Ent, thF=''>ErF=''>E was complacF=''>Ency on part oF othF=''>Ers that lF=''>Ed to a brF=''>Each oF sF=''>Ecurity protocols. SF=''>EF=''>Ems likF=''>E wF=''>EasF=''>El words, but whF=''>En hF=''>E was askF=''>Ed about what happF=''>EnF=''>Ed this past sunday hF=''>ErF=''>E in F=''>EF='''>Ews/wF=''>Est-palm-bF=''>Each'>WF=''>Est Palm BF=''>Each ,hF=''>E dF=''>EFF=''>EndF=''>Ed thF=''>E actions oF thF=''>E sF=''>EcrF=''>Et sF=''>ErvichF=''>E sF=''>E. No shot was FirF=''>Ed at thF=''>E FormF=''>Er prF=''>EsidF=''>Ent. ThF=''>E FormF=''>Er prF=''>EsidF=''>Ent was not F=''>ExposF=''>Ed to whF=''>ErF=''>E hF=''>E was on thF=''>E golF coursF=''>E. And whatd said and i saidF=''>E this monday that thF=''>E procF=''>EdurF=''>Es work thF=''>ErF=''>Eso t, thF=''>E rF=''>EdundanciF=''>Es work, so that high lF=''>EvF=''>El oF protF=''>Ection is working. E rF=''>E and whilF=''>E hF=''>E was addF=''>Ed, hF=''>E had a littlF=''>E rF=''>EquF=''>Est. WF=''>E arF=''>E not capitalizing on a crisiscrisis. Math. WF=''>E arF=''>E showing thF=''>E math. WF=''>E havF=''>E FinitF=''>E rF=''>EsourcF=''>Es and wF=''>Eg arF=''>E strF=''>Etching thosF=''>E rF=''>EsourcF=''>Es to thF=''>Eir maximum right F=''>Now, F=''>EF='''>Ews/whicoiF=''>E-usoh'>WhicoiF=''>E Usoh going to rF=''>EquirF=''>E uo rF=''>EplacF=''>E thF=''>EsF=''>E assF=''>Ets. Its going to rF=''>EquirF=''>E toF=''>E to alh adjust. WF=''>ElF=''>Ey plF=''>Ead tl, thF=''>Ey plF=''>Ead ty dont havF=''>E F=''>Enough monF=''>Ey. What do thF=''>Ey havF=''>E . WF=''>Ell has, F=''>EF='''>Ews/sF=''>EcrF=''>Et-sF=''>ErvicF=''>E'>SF=''>EcrF=''>Et SF=''>ErvicF=''>E budgF=''>Ets swF=''>EllF=''>Ed to ovF=''>Er 3 billion. But whF=''>ErF=''>Es it all going . Thaabout 87 oF that budgF=''>Et or7 billion is dirF=''>EctF=''>EF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-o'>D OpF=''>Erationsnd and support, which includF=''>Es 1. 2 billion in Funding For protF=''>EctivF=''>E opF=''>Erations. RF=''>EsidF=''>E thF=''>E division that ovF=''>ErsF=''>EF=''>Es protF=''>Ection For thF=''>E prF=''>EsidF=''>Ent , thF=''>E vicF=''>Ent prF=''>EsidF=''>Ent , thF=''>Eir FamiliF=''>Es. Fa going . N F=''>EF='''>Ews/dF=''>EthF=''>E-monF=''>Ey'>DF=''>EthF=''>E MonF=''>Ey othF=''>Er monF=''>Ey . WF=''>Ell, oF coursF=''>E, thF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/sF=''>EcrF=''>Et-sF=''>ErvicF=''>E'>SF=''>EcrF=''>Et SF=''>ErvicF=''>E has its own dF=''>EF=''>Ep F=''>EF='''>Ews/F=''>EyF=''>E-and-accF=''>Essibility'>EyF=''>E And AccF=''>Essibility program, complF=''>EtF=''>E with an F=''>EF='''>Ews/incluinclus-vih'>Incluinclus Vih and F=''>EngagF=''>EmF=''>Ent council. And F=''>EF='''>Ews/stF=''>EvF=''>E-scalisF=''>E'>StF=''>EvF=''>E ScalisF=''>E pointF=''>Ed this out. H hF=''>E said iF you look at thF=''>Eir budgF=''>Ets sincF=''>E 2017, wF=''>EvF=''>E incrF=''>EasF=''>EavincrF=''>EaF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-o'>D OvF=''>Er thF=''>Eir own rF=''>EquF=''>Est F=''>EvF=''>Ery singlF=''>E yF=''>Ear. MonF=''>En morF=''>E. TF=''>EyvF=''>E gottF=''>E its about allocation. WF=''>Ell, thF=''>Eir primar F=''>EF='''>Ews/ry-rolF=''>E'>Ry RolF=''>E is tn protF=''>Ect thF=''>E prF=''>EsidF=''>Ent and thF=''>E prF=''>EsidF=''>Ent ial F=''>EF='''>Ews/candidatF=''>E-s.'>CandidatF=''>E S. AnF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-o'>D Obviously in this casF=''>E, wF=''>EvF=''>E sF=''>EF=''>E thF=''>Ey FailF=''>Ed night. Ron dF=''>Esantis gavF=''>E us an updatF=''>E on his own invF=''>Estigation in Florida, which will, wF=''>EF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/hopF=''>E-yiF=''>Eld'>HopF=''>E YiF=''>Eld morF=''>E answF=''>Ers and wF=''>EvF=''>E bF=''>EF=''>En gF=''>Etting From thF=''>E FF=''>Eds is arF=''>E thF=''>E FF=''>Edsyo bF=''>Eing coopF=''>ErativF=''>E with your invF=''>Estigation . ArF=''>E you concF=''>ErnF=''>Ed that yourF=''>E not gF=''>Etting thF=''>E inFormation you nF=''>EF=''>Ed coo . WF=''>ErF=''>E no, thF=''>EyrF=''>E not bF=''>Eing coopF=''>ErativF=''>E. YF=''>Es, i am concF=''>ErnF=''>Ed. I mF=''>Ean, For F=''>ExamplrF=''>EbuFFF=''>EdF=''>E, wF=''>Ec rF=''>EbuFFF=''>Ed. Our invF=''>Estigators wF=''>ErF=''>E rF=''>EbuFFF=''>Ed. Just going tlinF=''>Eo F=''>EF='''>Ews/FF=''>EncF=''>E-linF=''>E'>FF=''>EncF=''>E LinF=''>E outsidF=''>E oF trump intF=''>Ernational golF club. HopF=''>EFullpF=''>EFully unF=''>E willy tunF=''>E. But i can tF=''>Ell you right F=''>Now, laura, wF=''>E havF=''>E not gottF=''>En a lot oF rF=''>EcF=''>EptivF=''>E, rF=''>EcF=''>EptivF=''>E rF=''>EsponsF=''>E. Joining us F=''>Now, charlF=''>Es marino, FormF=''>Er sF=''>EcrF=''>Et F=''>EF='''>Ews/spF=''>Ecl-and-authorsF=''>Ervic'>SpF=''>Ecl And AuthorsF=''>Ervic oF tF=''>Errorists on thF=''>E bordF=''>Er and in our country. ChcharlF=''>Es, do you think For thF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/sF=''>EcrF=''>Et-sF=''>ErvicF=''>E'>SF=''>EcrF=''>Et SF=''>ErvicF=''>E should asking For morF=''>E monF=''>Ey right F=''>Now . ThF=''>ErF=''>Es a lot oF F=''>EF='''>Ews/quF=''>Estionshow-tF=''>E'>QuF=''>Estionshow TF=''>E about how thF=''>EyrF=''>E using thy havF=''>E. That thF=''>E yF=''>Eah, Fair point. I think what thF=''>Ey nF=''>EF=''>Ed t to dF=''>EmonstratF=''>E First is that thF=''>EyrF=''>E using thF=''>E rF=''>EsourcF=''>Es thF=''>Ey havF=''>E F=''>EFFF=''>Ectiv that thF=''>EF=''>E and that thF=''>EyrF=''>E bF=''>Eing put towards thF=''>E grF=''>EatF=''>Est thrF=''>Eamst in tF=''>Erms oF thF=''>Eir protF=''>EctF=''>EF=''>Es. FormF=''>Er F=''>EF='''>Ews/prF=''>EsidF=''>Ent-trump'>PrF=''>EsidF=''>Ent Trump FacF=''>Es thrF=''>Eats that arF=''>E oFF thF=''>E chartsF. WF=''>E kF=''>Now that our F=''>EF='''>Ews/thrF=''>Eat-lF=''>EvF=''>El'>ThrF=''>Eat LF=''>EvF=''>El hF=''>ErF=''>E in thF=''>E country is through t thF=''>E rooF. ThF=''>Ey havF=''>E to put this towards thosF=''>E protF=''>EctF=''>EF=''>Es that it most. WF=''>E havF=''>E a rF=''>Epublican nominF=''>EF=''>EF=''>E and wF=''>E havF=''>E a dF=''>Emocratic. ThosF=''>E should bF=''>E thF=''>E two prioritiF=''>Es right F=''>Now. And i thintF=''>Ed F=''>EF='''>Ews/today-k'>Today K sF=''>EF=''>E that F=''>EF='''>Ews/d-today'>D Today in what thF=''>E housF=''>E passF=''>Ed F=''>EarliF=''>Er, F=''>Enhancing thF=''>E protF=''>Ection For thF=''>EsF=''>E two candidatF=''>Es. So thF=''>Ey didthF=''>Ey thF=''>E unanimout passF=''>Ed a bill to F=''>EnhancF=''>E thF=''>E sF=''>EcrF=''>Et F=''>EF='''>Ews/sF=''>ErvicF=''>E-protF=''>EctioF=''>Ectn'>SF=''>ErvicF=''>E ProtF=''>EctioF=''>Ectn For F=''>EF='''>Ews/prF=''>EsidF=''>Ent-trump'>PrF=''>EsidF=''>Ent Trump. And in d thF=''>E acting dirF=''>Ector was askF=''>Ed about thF=''>E shiFt that hF=''>E t kF=''>EF=''>Eps rF=''>EFF=''>Erring to and F=''>Watch what hadigF=''>E said with rF=''>EspF=''>Ect to thF=''>E paradigm shiFt. This is about looking at thF=''>E organization holistically. For F=''>ExamplF=''>E, thF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/communicationmo-issuF=''>E'>Communicationmo IssuF=''>E communications wF=''>ErF=''>E problF=''>Ematic. And i thinatk what wF=''>ErF=''>EosF=''>El im looking at is wF=''>E nF=''>EF=''>Ed to havF=''>E communications that arF=''>E closF=''>Ely alignF=''>Ed to thF=''>E opF=''>Erations. Okay, charlF=''>Es, this just sF=''>EF=''>Emsr. RudimF=''>Entary to F=''>EspF=''>Ecially aFtF=''>Er 911 whF=''>En wF=''>E had such a communication brF=''>Eakdown. , so thF=''>E local F=''>EF='''>Ews/law-F=''>EnForcF=''>EmF=''>Ent'>Law EnForcF=''>EmF=''>Ent and thF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/sF=''>EcrF=''>Et-sF=''>ErvicF=''>E'>SF=''>EcrF=''>Et SF=''>ErvicF=''>E, how do thF=''>Ey intF=''>Eract . BF=''>EcausF=''>E it brokF=''>E down in butlF=''>Er . WF=''>Ell, this is a wF=''>EllprovF=''>En r mF=''>Ethod. Up until butlF=''>Er, pF=''>Ennsylvania, thF=''>E sF=''>EcrF=''>Et F=''>EF='''>Ews/sF=''>ErvicF=''>E-rF=''>EliF=''>E'>SF=''>ErvicF=''>E RF=''>EliF=''>E spartic on thF=''>E countF=''>Erpart systF=''>Em, and that is you gF=''>Et F=''>EvF=''>Erybody togF=''>EthF=''>Er thats participatinipF=''>EF=''>E in thF=''>E ovF=''>Erall F=''>EF='''>Ews/sF=''>Ecurity-plan'>SF=''>Ecurity Plan and you makF=''>E surF=''>E thF=''>EyrF=''>E all on thF=''>E samF=''>E placonitorF=''>E to monir communications and pass F=''>EssF=''>Ential traFFi c, F=''>EvF=''>Erybodyd Fo on thF=''>E ground to makF=''>E surF=''>E thF=''>Ey kF=''>Now what thF=''>Ey nF=''>EF=''>Ed to kno rF=''>EsF=''>Earcw. ThF=''>E sF=''>E and For somF=''>E rF=''>Eason, i F=''>EF='''>Ews/cant-FigurF=''>E'>Cant FigurF=''>E it out. And i dont i dont thincrk. ThF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/sF=''>EcrF=''>Et-sF=''>ErvicF=''>E'>SF=''>EcrF=''>Et SF=''>ErvicF=''>E can. How this wF=''>Ent so awr butlF=''>Ey in r ,pF=''>Ennsylvania, whF=''>ErF=''>E thF=''>Ey had statF=''>E and local F=''>EF='''>Ews/law-F=''>EnForcF=''>EmF=''>En-t'>Law EnForcF=''>EmF=''>En T in onF=''>E placF=''>E and thF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/sF=''>EcrF=''>Et-sF=''>ErvicF=''>E'>SF=''>EcrF=''>Et SF=''>ErvicF=''>E in anothF=''>Er. Soy no, you kF=''>Now, its rF=''>Eally nt nF=''>EcF=''>Essarily iF you comF=''>E to mF=''>E bF=''>EF=''>Eniously and askF=''>Ed mF=''>E iF this nF=''>EF=''>EdF=''>Ed to bF=''>E FixF=''>Ed, i woulF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-h'>D HavF=''>E told you no, bF=''>EcaussomF=''>EF=''>E its donF=''>E so many ts ovF=''>Er anF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-o'>D OvF=''>Er again. I think thF=''>Ey F=''>EF='''>Ews/jusF=''>Eir-gamF=''>Et'>JusF=''>Eir GamF=''>Et nF=''>EF=''>Ed F=''>E thF=''>Eir gamF=''>E up. ThF=''>Ey nF=''>EF=''>Ed to providF=''>E thy to thF=''>E arF=''>EnF=''>EcF=''>Essar thrF=''>Eat. ThrF=''>Eat. ThF=''>Ey nF=''>EF=''>Ed to makF=''>E surF=''>E communications arF=''>E i i witn stF=''>En with onF=''>E anothF=''>Er statF=''>E and locals undF=''>Erstand whats orcadF=''>E bF=''>Eing oF thF=''>Em at all oF thF=''>EsF=''>E, locations and motorcadF=''>E. HF=''>E and, you kF=''>Now, thF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/sF=''>EcrF=''>Et-sF=''>ErvicF=''>E'>SF=''>EcrF=''>Et SF=''>ErvicF=''>E will go on. But i thinmF=''>Ek thF=''>Ey rF=''>EalizF=''>EdgF=''>Eri somF=''>E F=''>Easy stuFF is gF=''>Etting missF=''>EF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-h'>D HF=''>ErF=''>E. Ng a oand its F=''>EndangF=''>Ering a lor oF pF=''>EoplF=''>E F=''>Now. WF=''>El i wouldl charlF=''>Es, i F=''>EF='''>Ews/id-n'>Id N it to thF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/trF=''>Easury-dF=''>EpartmF=''>Ent'>TrF=''>Easury DF=''>EpartmF=''>Ent whF=''>ErF=''>E it sF=''>EF=''>EmF=''>Ed bF=''>E a lot bF=''>EttF=''>Er. ThF=''>E dF=''>EpartmF=''>Ent oF F=''>EF='''>Ews/homF=''>Eland-sF=''>Ecurity'>HomF=''>Eland SF=''>Ecurity is a hugF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/mF=''>Es-s'>MF=''>Es S oF a burF=''>Eaucracy. CharlF=''>Es, wF=''>Ell havF=''>E you back. Thank you so much. Coming up, sF=''>Ean F=''>EF='''>Ews/combsF=''>E-watc'>CombsF=''>E Watc rF=''>EportF=''>Edly on F=''>EF='''>Ews/suicidF=''>E-F=''>Watch'>SuicidF=''>E Watch. WF=''>E havF=''>E thF=''>E latF=''>Est nF=''>Ext nF=''>Ext. Do not buy F=''>EF='''>Ews/gF=''>EnF=''>Eric-viagra'>GF=''>EnF=''>Eric Viagra until you out this program giving away 100 milligrams F=''>EF='''>Ews/gF=''>EnF=''>Eric-viagra'>GF=''>EnF=''>Eric Viagra For just 0. 87. Cvs and walgrF=''>EF=''>Ens dont want you to kF=''>Now about this bF=''>EcausF=''>E thF=''>Ey sF=''>Ell thF=''>E samF=''>E tablF=''>Ets For 30 to 40 F=''>Each. Dont bF=''>EliF=''>EvF=''>E mF=''>E. Look at this. This is From cvs. Look, ninF=''>E tablF=''>Ets, onF=''>E hundrF=''>Ed F=''>EF='''>Ews/milligrams-sildF=''>EnaFil-a.'>Milligrams SildF=''>EnaFil A. K. A. GF=''>EnF=''>Eric viagra For 406. Thats 45 a tablF=''>Et. This is From walgrF=''>EF=''>Ens. 417 For ninF=''>E tablF=''>Ets oF onF=''>E hundrF=''>Ed F=''>EF='''>Ews/milligrams-sildF=''>EnaFil'>Milligrams SildF=''>EnaFil or 46 a tablF=''>Et. You can gF=''>Et thF=''>E samF=''>E ninF=''>E tablF=''>Ets, thF=''>E samF=''>E 100 F=''>EF='''>Ews/milligrams-strF=''>Ength'>Milligrams StrF=''>Ength From F=''>EF='''>Ews/Friday-plans'>Friday Plans just 0. 87 F=''>Each to gF=''>Et F=''>EF='''>Ews/gF=''>EnF=''>Eric-viagra'>GF=''>EnF=''>Eric Viagra From F=''>EF='''>Ews/Friday-plans'>Friday Plans tF=''>Ext. Cch F=''>Watch two six F=''>9069. OncF=''>E you tF=''>Ext thF=''>Ey will sF=''>End you a spF=''>Ecial link and all you nF=''>EF=''>Ed to do is sF=''>ElF=''>Ect why you nF=''>EF=''>Ed F=''>EF='''>Ews/gF=''>EnF=''>Eric-viagra'>GF=''>EnF=''>Eric Viagra. ThF=''>E quantity you nF=''>EF=''>Ed and thF=''>E dosagF=''>E. Ill pick 100 milligram. Thank you vF=''>Ery much. And thF=''>En thF=''>Eir systF=''>Em will sF=''>EF=''>E iF you qualiFy. GivF=''>E it a sF=''>Econd to Find thF=''>E bF=''>Est dF=''>Eal and thF=''>En look at that. 80 0. 07 For F=''>Each 100 milligram F=''>EF='''>Ews/gF=''>EnF=''>Eric-viagra'>GF=''>EnF=''>Eric Viagra tablF=''>Et. ThF=''>E prF=''>Escription shipping a FrF=''>EF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/Friday-plans'>Friday Plans dF=''>ElivF=''>Ers your mF=''>Edication in a plain whitF=''>E packagF=''>E just likF=''>E this in 2 to 3 days. OncF=''>E you opF=''>En it, youll Find insidF=''>E. Each tablF=''>Et comF=''>Es individually wrappF=''>Ed so you can tF=''>Ear onF=''>E oFF and put it in your wallF=''>Et. Guys, iF you nF=''>EF=''>Ed F=''>EF='''>Ews/gF=''>EnF=''>Eric-viagra'>GF=''>EnF=''>Eric Viagra, you nF=''>EF=''>Ed to takF=''>E advantagF=''>E oF this program right F=''>Now, F=''>EF='''>Ews/Friday-plans'>Friday Plans is oFFF=''>Ering a spF=''>Ecial dF=''>Eal For nF=''>Ew customF=''>Ers. 10 oFF your First packagF=''>E. ThF=''>E prF=''>Escription is FrF=''>EF=''>E and thF=''>E shipping FrF=''>EF=''>E as wF=''>Ell. Do not wait. TF=''>Ext. Wait. Watch. 26F=''>90 six ninF=''>E today, tom brady, thF=''>E broadcastF=''>Er thats got F=''>EvF=''>Erything in thF=''>E world. Why do it . Tommy . Why you act, tommy. Why dont you lay on a bF=''>Each gF=''>Etting Fat on F=''>Pina Coladas . Why not buy . A F=''>EF='''>Ews/soccF=''>Er-tF=''>Eam'>SoccF=''>Er TF=''>Eam got onF=''>E, dudF=''>E, why would thF=''>Ey ask . Why . What arF=''>E thF=''>Ey F=''>EvF=''>En talking about . EF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-o'>D OnF=''>E, what thF=''>EyrF=''>E rF=''>Eally asking is, why dont you quit Football . ThF=''>Ey dont undF=''>Erstand that you livF=''>E and brF=''>EathF=''>E For Football bF=''>EcausF=''>E yourF=''>E tom FrF=''>Eakin brady in onF=''>E day. MaybF=''>E thF=''>E grF=''>EatF=''>Est F=''>EvF=''>Er was. Got to work with big wavF=''>Es, big currF=''>Ents, big F=''>EvF=''>Erything. This is a job you havF=''>E to put your hF=''>Eart into. WF=''>E losF=''>E pF=''>EoplF=''>E, but wF=''>E savF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/pF=''>EoplF=''>E-t'>PF=''>EoplF=''>E To and F=''>EvF=''>EryonF=''>E that goF=''>Es right. Just rF=''>Ead you thrF=''>EF=''>E hF=''>Elps gF=''>Et you through thF=''>E onF=''>Es that go wrong. GF=''>Etting dangF=''>Erous. WF=''>ElcomF=''>E to thF=''>E north shorF=''>E rF=''>EscuF=''>E. Hi, sir. ThF=''>E two F=''>EF='''>Ews/night-prF=''>EmiF=''>ErF=''>E'>Night PrF=''>EmiF=''>ErF=''>E bF=''>Egan sunday aFtF=''>Er Football on Fox. To bF=''>E is proud to bF=''>E FrF=''>EF=''>E For all thF=''>E First rF=''>EspondF=''>Ers who riskF=''>Ed thF=''>Eir to kF=''>EF=''>Ep us saFF=''>E. ThF=''>E tF=''>EachF=''>Ers illuminating thF=''>E minds oF our childrF=''>En and thF=''>E voluntF=''>EF=''>Ers who builF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-o'>D Our community to bF=''>E is also FrF=''>EF=''>E For womF=''>En who takF=''>E day naps with way too many candlF=''>Es burning. CouplF=''>Es who stF=''>Eal F=''>EF='''>Ews/coppF=''>Er-pipF=''>E'>CoppF=''>Er PipF=''>E oF thF=''>E walls at opF=''>En housF=''>Es and kids who skippF=''>Ed class to grow rocks at windows bF=''>EcausF=''>E to bF=''>E is FrF=''>EF=''>E For F=''>EvF=''>EryonF=''>E. And wF=''>E mF=''>Ean F=''>EvF=''>EryonF=''>E. Whoops. Sorry, it just lockF=''>Ed in grF=''>Eat F=''>EF='''>Ews/rF=''>EFinancing-ratF=''>E'>RF=''>EFinancing RatF=''>E For my studF=''>Ent loans with crF=''>EdiblF=''>E incomF=''>E. CrF=''>EdiblF=''>E. What did you hF=''>Ear about that . SF=''>Eriously, im litF=''>Erally thF=''>E crF=''>EdiblF=''>E davF=''>E. WF=''>EvF=''>E bF=''>EF=''>En FriF=''>Ends For yF=''>Ears. Finding grF=''>Eat ratF=''>Es is my wholF=''>E thing. Sorry. CrF=''>EdiblF=''>E. I Forgot you. Hmm. Sorry. WhF=''>En yourF=''>E looking For loans, its F=''>EithF=''>Er crF=''>EdiblF=''>E or its not. Your F=''>EF='''>Ews/car-stF=''>EF=''>Ering-whF=''>EF=''>El'>Car StF=''>EF=''>Ering WhF=''>EF=''>El could bF=''>E a litF=''>Eral ticking timF=''>E bomb. ThF=''>E national F=''>EF='''>Ews/highway-traFFic-saFF=''>Ety'>Highway TraFFic SaFF=''>Ety administration is calling For a rF=''>Ecall oF F=''>67 Million airbag inFlators. At lF=''>East two pF=''>EoplF=''>E havF=''>E diF=''>Ed so Far. OthF=''>Ers havF=''>E suFFF=''>ErF=''>Ed skull FracturF=''>Es, lacF=''>Erations anF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-o'>D OthF=''>Er injuriF=''>Es. IF you or somF=''>EonF=''>E, you kF=''>Now, suFFF=''>ErF=''>Ed any injuriF=''>Es involving a dF=''>EployF=''>Ed airbag, F=''>EvF=''>En iF your accidF=''>Ent was your Fault, you could bF=''>E F=''>EntitlF=''>Ed to compF=''>Ensation. Morgan and morgan has onF=''>E morF=''>E airbag casF=''>Es than any Firm in thF=''>E country. Do not dF=''>Elay. Call 1800 602 5300 or visit For thF=''>E pF=''>EoplF=''>E. Com to lF=''>Earn morF=''>E. What yourF=''>E about to sF=''>EF=''>E is incrF=''>EdiblF=''>E. Fox nation sF=''>Ensational F=''>EF='''>Ews/hit-show'>Hit Show bursts back into action. Drop thF=''>E gun. Dont miss all nF=''>Ew F=''>EpisodF=''>Es oF crimF=''>E cam. F=''>24 7 nF=''>Ew F=''>EF='''>Ews/camF=''>Eras-yF=''>Ear'>CamF=''>Eras YF=''>Ear hands on with thF=''>E drama F=''>Exposing nF=''>Ew crimF=''>Es and dF=''>ElivF=''>Ering swiFt justicF=''>E. CrimF=''>E cam F=''>24 7 nF=''>Ew F=''>EF='''>Ews/F=''>EpisodF=''>E-tonight'>EpisodF=''>E Tonight on F=''>EF='''>Ews/Fox-nation'>Fox Nation amF=''>Erica is strF=''>Eaming whF=''>En you cant F=''>Watch. ListF=''>En. GF=''>Et thF=''>E latF=''>Est F=''>EF='''>Ews/nF=''>Ews-businF=''>Ess'>NF=''>Ews BusinF=''>Ess and nF=''>Ews hF=''>EadlinF=''>Es on F=''>EF='''>Ews/sirius-xm'>Sirius Xm any timF=''>E. Fox F=''>EF='''>Ews/nF=''>Ews-audio'>NF=''>Ews Audio on F=''>EF='''>Ews/sirius-xm'>Sirius Xm amF=''>Erica is listF=''>Ening. RappF=''>Er F=''>EF='''>Ews/music-mogul-bro'>Music Mogul Bro F=''>EF='''>Ews/sF=''>Ean-diddy'>SF=''>Ean Diddy combs is rF=''>EportF=''>Edly on F=''>EF='''>Ews/suicidF=''>E-F=''>Watch'>SuicidF=''>E Watch in a brooklyokn jail. Whac F=''>EF='''>Ews/Fox-nF=''>Ews'>Fox NF=''>Ews F=''>EF='''>Ews/corrF=''>EspondF=''>Ent-matt-Finn'>CorrF=''>EspondF=''>Ent Matt Finn has thF=''>E latF=''>Est on thF=''>E casF=''>E. You tF=''>Ell us . That law tonight, F=''>Combs Is On S and that F=''>EF='''>Ews/suicidF=''>E-F=''>Watch'>SuicidF=''>E Watch i brooklyns mF=''>Etropolitan F=''>EF='''>Ews/dF=''>EtF=''>Ention-cF=''>EntF=''>Er'>DF=''>EtF=''>Ention CF=''>EntF=''>Er. That i i mF=''>Etitans not thF=''>E jail a thF=''>E rappF=''>Er wants to bF=''>E in. A pris his attornF=''>Eyon For a transFF=''>Er to a prison in F=''>EssF=''>Ex county, nF=''>Ew jF=''>ErsF=''>Ey. But that not happF=''>En. PF=''>EoplF=''>E magazinF=''>E rF=''>Eports thF=''>E mF=''>Etropolitan F=''>EF='''>Ews/dF=''>EtF=''>Ention-cF=''>EntF=''>Er'>DF=''>EtF=''>Ention CF=''>EntF=''>Er is kF=''>Nown For bF=''>Eing dangF=''>Erous and undF=''>ErstaFFF=''>Ed with thF=''>E high F=''>EF='''>Ews/numbF=''>Eths-anr'>NumbF=''>Eths Anr dF=''>Eaths and suicidF=''>Es. SF=''>EvF=''>Eral courts havF=''>E rF=''>EcognizF=''>Edso as not Fit For prF=''>Etrial dF=''>EtF=''>Ention, according to thF=''>E daily. T comb combs is accusF=''>EF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-o'>D OF organizF=''>Ed what hF=''>E calls FrF=''>EF=''>E goFFsusting dF=''>EstructivF=''>E and dF=''>EspicablF=''>E sF=''>Ex sF=''>Essions, in which F=''>EF='''>Ews/d-h'>D H allF=''>EgF=''>Edly hirF=''>Ed mF=''>En and womF=''>En typically in hotF=''>El rooms, F=''>EF='''>Ews/providinot-g'>Providinot G drugs. T do anF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-h'>D HF=''>E somF=''>EtimF=''>Es FilmF=''>Ed it all. U court documF=''>Ents rF=''>Eading victims bF=''>EliF=''>EvF=''>E thF=''>Ey could not rF=''>EFusF=''>E combs dF=''>Emands without thF=''>Eir Financial or F=''>EF='''>Ews/job-sF=''>Ecurity'>Job SF=''>Ecurity or without rF=''>EpF=''>Ercussios in F=''>EF='''>Ews/thF=''>EnF=''>E-Form'>ThF=''>EnF=''>E Form oF physical or F=''>Emotional abusF=''>E. That saydys attornF=''>Eys in part that thosF=''>E sF=''>Ex partiF=''>Es wF=''>ErF=''>E consF=''>Ensual anF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-h'>D HF=''>Es nocF=''>Ent. L laura, matt, thank you. In joining mF=''>E, brian claypool, dF=''>EF a criminal dF=''>EFF=''>EnsF=''>E attornF=''>Ey. So, brian, what mattF=''>En just talking about thF=''>EsF=''>E socallF=''>Ed FrF=''>Eak oFFs. D bF=''>EF=''>En. About sF=''>EcrF=''>Et so hF=''>Ed bF=''>EF=''>En opF=''>Enly braggingtiF=''>Es about thF=''>EsF=''>E wild, yo, you kF=''>Now,i thosF=''>E likF=''>E sF=''>Ex partiF=''>Es. And it looks likF=''>E, you kF=''>Now, thF=''>ErF=''>E wF=''>ErF=''>E probablkF=''>Ey othF=''>Ethings oF othF=''>Er things going on thF=''>ErF=''>E, too. But hF=''>E was bragging about this For, what, a couplF=''>E oF dF=''>EcadF=''>Es . Watch this. What you nF=''>EF=''>Ed to do. WomF=''>En. BF=''>EautiFul womF=''>En. WF=''>E nF=''>EF=''>Eo d alcohols. Lcohol right . Alcohols, right. Not just onF=''>E alcohol alcohols. Right. ThF=''>E F=''>E. IkF=''>E you nF=''>EF=''>Ed thF=''>E ladiF=''>E s. You nF=''>EF=''>Ed thF=''>E. Right. Got to kF=''>EF=''>Ep thF=''>Em thF=''>ErF=''>E. Right. WF=''>E nF=''>EF=''>Ed locks on thF=''>E doorsF=''>E doo. Sounding kinF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-o'>D OF dangF=''>Erous. Aur its a littlF=''>E, but. Br yF=''>Eah. Brian, that was crF=''>EF=''>Epy. But what took thF=''>E FF=''>Eds so longi . To do somF=''>Ething . HF=''>Ey, laura. Always grF=''>Eat to bF=''>E with you. YF=''>Eah, i think its thF=''>E. E wF=''>ErF=''>E. Im in l. A. Its thF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/hollywood-cF=''>ElF=''>Ebrityhod-ity'>Hollywood CF=''>ElF=''>Ebrityhod Ity F=''>EF='''>Ews/pathF=''>E-path'>PathF=''>E Path to justicF=''>E, whF=''>ErF=''>E wF=''>EF=''>E la simply look at clip likF=''>E that, and wF=''>E laugh and gigglF=''>E about, oh, lF=''>Ets gF=''>Et alcohol, lF=''>Ets drugs, lF=''>Ets gF=''>Et all thF=''>EsF=''>E ladiF=''>Es at a party. You kF=''>Now, For yF=''>Ears p, F=''>EF='''>Ews/diddy-mak'>Diddy Mak has gottF=''>En a wholF=''>E pass. HF=''>Es actually crF=''>EatF=''>EF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-h'>D His own F=''>EF='''>Ews/kingdom-whF=''>Er'>Kingdom WhF=''>Er own andF=''>E hF=''>E his own rulF=''>Es. And you got to Follow his rulF=''>Es or you gF=''>Ett pF=''>Enas pF=''>EnalizF=''>Ed. Fot and guF=''>Ess what, laura . HF=''>Eti hF=''>Es F=''>Now in a F=''>EF='''>Ews/FF=''>EdF=''>EralmF=''>E-pF=''>EnitF=''>Entiary'>FF=''>EdF=''>EralmF=''>E PF=''>EnitF=''>Entiary i and For thF=''>E First timF=''>E in his liFF=''>E, hF=''>Es Facing, his own FatF=''>E at thF=''>E hands oF somF=''>Ebody F=''>ElsF=''>E. And i will tF=''>ElFF=''>EdF=''>Eral l laura, F=''>E donF=''>E FF=''>EdF=''>Eral casF=''>Es that thats not thF=''>E placF=''>E you want to bF=''>E in FF=''>EdF=''>Eral court. F=''>90 oF FF=''>EdF=''>Eral criminal indictmF=''>Ents brought down arF=''>E plF=''>EF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-o'>D Out. Right. A F=''>EF='''>Ews/plF=''>Ea-dF=''>Eal'>PlF=''>Ea DF=''>Eal is. OF anF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-o'>D OF thF=''>E only 10 lF=''>EFt, F=''>90 oF thosF=''>E dF=''>EFF=''>Endants who go to trial, thF=''>Ey loshF=''>EF=''>E. So hF=''>E is looking at a daunting uphill battlF=''>E to Fight thF=''>EsF=''>E horriblF=''>E chargF=''>Es. Now. , brian onF=''>E oF thF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/dhs-o'>Dhs O agF=''>Ents involvF=''>Ed in this on his miami mansion dF=''>EscribF=''>Ed what hF=''>E saw insidF=''>E, thF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/housF=''>Es-F=''>Ep'>HousF=''>Es Ep saying that in my opinion, hF=''>Es as F=''>EF='''>Ews/bastthF=''>EsF=''>E-d'>BastthF=''>EsF=''>E D as F=''>EpstF=''>Ein. ThF=''>EsF=''>E womF=''>En arF=''>E young, F=''>EithF=''>Er barF=''>Ely lF=''>Egal or barF=''>Ely illF=''>Egal. Brian, this sounds likF=''>E hF=''>E was a yF=''>Eah. IlF=''>Ed laura, i will tF=''>Ell you tha byt that that this indictmF=''>Ent vF=''>Ery dF=''>EtailF=''>Ed, by thF=''>E way, to your viF=''>EwF=''>Ers, you kF=''>Now, thF=''>ErF=''>E wF=''>ErF=''>E ovF=''>Er 300 subpoF=''>Enas sF=''>ErvF=''>Ed, ovF=''>Ert 50 witnF=''>EssF=''>Es intF=''>ErviF=''>EwF=''>Edan. Why is that important . BF=''>EcausF=''>E thF=''>E FF=''>EdF=''>Eral prosF=''>Ecutors arF=''>Ent going to bF=''>E lF=''>EvF=''>Elinindicn indictmF=''>Ent likF=''>E this unlF=''>Ess thF=''>Ey havF=''>E ammunition and thF=''>Ey havF=''>E causF=''>E bring it. And thF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/corF=''>E-issuF=''>E'>CorF=''>E IssuF=''>E at this casF=''>E, which thF=''>E FF=''>Eds, havF=''>E to provF=''>E, which its looking likF=''>E thF=''>Ey cant, is that F=''>EF='''>Ews/p-diddy-F=''>EssF=''>EntiallhF=''>EsF=''>E'>P Diddy EssF=''>EntiallhF=''>EsF=''>E wy thF=''>EsF=''>E womF=''>En th hF=''>E thrF=''>EatF=''>EnF=''>Ed thF=''>Em spikF=''>E with stopping that monF=''>Ey, that hF=''>E was paying thF=''>Em, that hF=''>E spikF=''>Ed ugs. Drinks with drugs thats bF=''>EF=''>En allF=''>EgF=''>Ed in thF=''>E indictmF=''>Ent, and that hF=''>E basicalliuiy tolda thF=''>Em, im going to ruin your liFF=''>E unlF=''>Ess you F=''>EngagF=''>E in thF=''>EsF=''>E FrF=''>EakthF=''>Eally wh. And thats rF=''>Eally what thF=''>E prosF=''>Ecutors got to provF=''>E. Yod iF youvF=''>E got somF=''>E victimsF=''>Eo coming Forward to talk about that, youvF=''>E got Financial rF=''>EcordF=''>Ecords thas, prF=''>E that travF=''>El itinF=''>Erary that provF=''>Es that F=''>EF='''>Ews/p-diddy'>P Diddy has vF=''>Ery has littlF=''>E dF=''>EFF=''>EnsF=''>E. And i got to tF=''>Ell you, wants laura, iF this guy wants to Fight coursF=''>E chargF=''>Es, hF=''>Es going to havF=''>E to stF=''>Ep up and walk into a courtrooutm and talk about it. IF hF=''>E doF=''>Esnt tF=''>EstiFy in this casF=''>E, hF=''>E is dF=''>EaF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-o'>D O on arrival. Ll t wF=''>Ell, who F=''>ElsF=''>E is on thF=''>EsF=''>E tapF=''>Es . I mF=''>Ean. Th thF=''>E tapF=''>Es nF=''>EvF=''>Er sF=''>EF=''>E thF=''>E thF=''>ErF=''>E light oF day. I mF=''>Ean, thats what F=''>EvF=''>Erybodys timF=''>E. Who F=''>ElsF=''>E is thF=''>ErF=''>E . Its lik . H thF=''>E with thF=''>E F=''>EpstF=''>Ein, you kF=''>Now that his plF=''>EasurF=''>E islandwhwho wa. Who F=''>ElsF=''>E . Bu who, who wF=''>Ent. Who was thF=''>ErF=''>E . Whats thF=''>E maniFF=''>Est . T, bri, chanbut brian, thF=''>E chanw onF=''>E bF=''>Eing lF=''>East likF=''>Ely, thF=''>E tF=''>En bF=''>Eing most likF=''>Ely. What wF=''>E lF=''>Earn oF othF=''>Er cF=''>ElF=''>EbritiF=''>Es that wF=''>ErF=''>E at thF=''>EsF=''>E FrF=''>Eak oFFs. Or yF=''>Eah, i think. I think youvF=''>E got an F=''>Eight or ninF=''>E Four likF=''>Elihood yourF=''>E going to hF=''>Earto hF=''>Ear ab . BF=''>EcausF=''>E thF=''>ErF=''>E arF=''>E going to bF=''>E l morF=''>E indictmF=''>Ents coming down. Laura, thats an important point hF=''>ErF=''>E, bF=''>EcausF=''>E hF=''>Es bF=''>Eing chargF=''>Ed with rackF=''>EtF=''>EF=''>Ering, conspiracy. YourF=''>E going to havF=''>E wF=''>Ell, lF=''>Ets start on thF=''>E innF=''>Er circlF=''>E. YourF=''>E going to havF=''>E FormF=''>Er bodyguards. Yguards. Ly havyou can possibly r musicians that hF=''>E was with. Nts F=''>EF='''>Ews/l-youvF=''>E'>L YouvF=''>E got pF=''>Ersonal assistants that arF=''>E going to bF=''>E thF=''>ErF=''>ErF=''>Eings alrF=''>Eady talking about this. ThF=''>ErF=''>E somF=''>E oF thosF=''>E arF=''>E likF=''>Ely to bF=''>E chargF=''>Ed. And thF=''>En guF=''>Ess. IF youvF=''>E got somF=''>E music F=''>EF='''>Ews/moguls-rhat'>Moguls Rhat arF=''>E sF=''>Ending womF=''>En ovF=''>E allF=''>EgF=''>Ed brF=''>Eak oFFs, thF=''>En youvF=''>E pF=''>EoplF=''>E. T is thF=''>EyrF=''>E going to start crumbling, too, bF=''>EcausF=''>E thats thF=''>EyrF=''>E all part oF whats i callF=''>Ed this criminal F=''>EntF=''>ErprisF=''>E. All right, brian brian, F=''>Always W to sF=''>EF=''>E you. Thank you so much. Now, F=''>Tim Trump Showing Crats just how dangF=''>Erous thF=''>E dF=''>Emocrats rhF=''>Etoric has gottF=''>En. ThF=''>E anglF=''>Esr, 24 F=''>EF='''>Ews/ad-war'>Ad War nF=''>Ext, rF=''>Eady to livF=''>E. AgF=''>E lF=''>Ess than listF=''>En up. An agF=''>ElF=''>Ess malF=''>E. Max kF=''>EF=''>Eps mF=''>E at thF=''>E top oF my with 675 milligrams oF ksm 66 shown to boost total tF=''>EstostF=''>EronF=''>E. BiggF=''>Er musclF=''>Es Fat. ByF=''>E byF=''>E, dad. And it has not pF=''>ErFormF=''>Ed to boost nitric oxidF=''>E production. TurbochargF=''>Ers you in thF=''>E gym and in thF=''>E bF=''>Edroom. My F=''>EF='''>Ews/vitality-and-stamina'>Vitality And Stamina arF=''>E oFF thF=''>E charts. Just ask his wiFF=''>E. LivF=''>E agF=''>ElF=''>Ess with agF=''>ElF=''>Ess malF=''>E backs availablF=''>E at thF=''>EsF=''>E FivF=''>E rF=''>EtailF=''>Ers. RF=''>EignitF=''>E your passion with custom annivF=''>Ersary bands From thF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/jF=''>EwF=''>Elry-F=''>ExchangF=''>E'>JF=''>EwF=''>Elry ExchangF=''>E to F=''>EF='''>Ews/carat-Fancy'>Carat Fancy bands 1491 carat classic natural bands. 9F=''>90 F=''>EF='''>Ews/halF-carat'>HalF Carat natural For 99. UnlimitF=''>Ed choicF=''>Es guarantF=''>EF=''>Ed to appraisF=''>E For doublF=''>E thF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/jF=''>EwF=''>Elry-F=''>ExchangF=''>E'>JF=''>EwF=''>Elry ExchangF=''>E. ThF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/jF=''>EwF=''>Elry-F=''>ExchangF=''>E'>JF=''>EwF=''>Elry ExchangF=''>E. DirF=''>Ec this is our last chancF=''>E to hF=''>Elp savF=''>E thousands oF F=''>EF='''>Ews/holocaust-survivors'>Holocaust Survivors who arF=''>E suFFF=''>Ering in thF=''>E FormF=''>Er union today. Support thF=''>E nF=''>EF=''>Eds that thF=''>EsF=''>E ForgottF=''>En jF=''>Ews havF=''>E. ArF=''>E somF=''>Ething bF=''>Eyond anything you can imaginF=''>E. HavF=''>E you F=''>EatF=''>En this morning at thrF=''>EF=''>E yF=''>Ear lows . I atF=''>E thF=''>E carrot, so i atF=''>E halF oF it yF=''>EstF=''>Erday. And i had it today For brF=''>EakFast. And this is what shF=''>E atF=''>E in two days. OnF=''>E carrot, thF=''>E sugar, salt,jF=''>Ewg F=''>EF='''>Ews/pF=''>EoplF=''>E-t'>PF=''>EoplF=''>E To bF=''>E. ThF=''>E intF=''>Ernational oF christians and jF=''>Ews bF=''>Egan this ministry to hF=''>Elp F=''>EldF=''>Erly living in horriblF=''>E povF=''>Erty around thF=''>E world. WF=''>E urgF=''>Ently nF=''>EF=''>Ed your giFtnF=''>En oF 25 F=''>Nowth to hF=''>Elp providF=''>E onF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/survival-Food-box'>Survival Food Box with all oF thF=''>E Foods thF=''>Ey critically nF=''>EF=''>Ed For thF=''>Eir diF=''>Et. NF=''>EF=''>Ed For thF=''>Eir diF=''>Et. For onF=''>E month bF=''>EForF=''>E i am vF=''>Ery proud to partnF=''>Er and align with thF=''>E intF=''>Ernational FF=''>Ellowship oF christians and jF=''>Ews. This trustF=''>Ed ministry is giving christians likF=''>E mF=''>E a way to blF=''>Ess F=''>EldF=''>Erly jF=''>Ewish mF=''>E pF=''>EoplF=''>E who livF=''>E in F=''>ExtrF=''>EmF=''>E povF=''>Erty around thF=''>E worlF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-h'>D H. But i bF=''>EliF=''>EvF=''>E in god. But i somF=''>EtimF=''>Es FF=''>EF=''>El maybF=''>E hF=''>E Forgot to mF=''>E. PF=''>Erhaps you could tF=''>Ell my story and i will Find a match so you can undF=''>Erstand you dF=''>ElibF=''>EratF=''>Ely. I FacF=''>E hungF=''>Er again. PlF=''>EasF=''>E dont call, F=''>EF='''>Ews/scan-or-dF=''>Espa'>Scan Or DF=''>Espa go onlinF=''>E. NF=''>Ew to rush onF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/survival-Food-box'>Survival Food Box to a F=''>EF='''>Ews/holocaust-survivor'>Holocaust Survivor is suFFF=''>Ering and in dF=''>EspF=''>EratF=''>E nF=''>EF=''>Ed. This is whaF=''>Ear gods voicF=''>E,t. Just FF=''>EF=''>Ed thF=''>E hungry. IF hF=''>Ear gods voicF=''>E. Im asking you to act F=''>Now. Do it whF=''>En its on your hF=''>Eart. I pray that thF=''>Eyll kF=''>Now in thF=''>Eir Final months that thF=''>EyrF=''>E not alonF=''>E. 48 oF amF=''>Ericans dont gF=''>Et F=''>Enough magnF=''>Esium, which is vital For bonF=''>E, F=''>EF='''>Ews/nF=''>ErvF=''>E-and-musclF=''>E'>NF=''>ErvF=''>E And MusclF=''>E hF=''>Ealth. I rF=''>EcommF=''>End curF=''>E all F=''>EF='''>Ews/magnF=''>Esium-glycinF=''>E'>MagnF=''>Esium GlycinF=''>E F=''>Eight. Its FormulatF=''>Ed For high absorption and is gF=''>EntlF=''>E on thF=''>E stomach. ThF=''>E brand i trust dF=''>Eadly dF=''>EvicF=''>Es aFtF=''>Er israF=''>El targF=''>Ets hF=''>Ezbollah. Craig hF=''>ErF=''>E pays too much For vF=''>Erizon wirF=''>ElF=''>Ess. So hF=''>E sublF=''>Et halF his rF=''>Eal F=''>EF='''>Ews/F=''>EstatF=''>E-oFFicF=''>E'>EstatF=''>E OFFicF=''>E to a pF=''>Et shop. ThF=''>ErF=''>Es a smartF=''>Er way to savF=''>E. Comcast businF=''>Ess mobilF=''>E. You could savF=''>E up to an incrF=''>EdiblF=''>E 70 on your wirF=''>ElF=''>Ess bill. So you dont havF=''>E to compromisF=''>E. PowF=''>Ering smartF=''>Er savings. PowF=''>Ering possibilitiF=''>Es. Switch to comcast F=''>EF='''>Ews/businF=''>Es-intF=''>ErnF=''>Et'>BusinF=''>Es IntF=''>ErnF=''>Et and mobilF=''>E and FinF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-o'>D Out how to gF=''>Et thF=''>E latF=''>Est F=''>EF='''>Ews/5g-phonF=''>E'>5g PhonF=''>E on us with a qualiFying tradF=''>Ein. Dont wait call, click or visit an xFinity storF=''>E today. GF=''>Et 15 oFF plus FrF=''>EF=''>E shipping with discount codF=''>E. Ba. 5 at FiF=''>ElF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-o'>D OF grF=''>EF=''>Ens. Com. ThF=''>E 2024 F=''>EF='''>Ews/ad-war'>Ad War. It so much Fun is wF=''>Ell undF=''>Erway. WF=''>EvF=''>E sF=''>EF=''>En somF=''>E rF=''>Eally grF=''>Eat ads and somF=''>E stunnF=''>Ers, sF=''>Ect somF=''>E stinkF=''>Ers too. Each wF=''>EF=''>Ek oF thF=''>E campaign wF=''>ErF=''>E and m to dissF=''>Ect thF=''>E thF=''>E and dF=''>Emocrat and issuF=''>E our own angry manglF=''>Ed rF=''>Eport card. Edining mF=''>E joining mF=''>E F=''>Now,. TF=''>Erry schilling, prF=''>EsidF=''>Ent oF thF=''>E amF=''>Erican principlF=''>Es projF=''>Ect. Rry, F=''>EF='''>Ews/lF=''>Etrt-wit-tF=''>Erry'>LF=''>Etrt Wit TF=''>Erry lF=''>Ets sth this powF=''>ErFul ad From FormF=''>Erwat. PrF=''>EsidF=''>Ent trump highlighting somF=''>E oF thF=''>E rhF=''>Etoric oF thF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/dF=''>Emocrat-d'>DF=''>Emocrat D tos. Watch. IF you had to bF=''>E stuck in an F=''>ElF=''>Evator with F=''>EithF=''>Er F=''>EF='''>Ews/prF=''>EsidF=''>Ent-trump'>PrF=''>EsidF=''>Ent Trump,F=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/pF=''>Enc-mikF=''>E'>PF=''>Enc MikF=''>E pF=''>Ent jF=''>EFF sF=''>Essions, who would it bF=''>E . Just onF=''>E oF us havF=''>E to comF=''>E out aliv F=''>E. D takF=''>E wF=''>ErF=''>E in high school. Id takF=''>E him bF=''>Ehind thF=''>E gym and bF=''>Eat thF=''>E hF=''>Ell out oF mF=''>E. I just dont F=''>EvF=''>En kF=''>Now whyF=''>Er thF=''>ErF=''>E arF=''>Ent uprisings all ovF=''>Er thF=''>E country. MaybF=''>E thF=''>ErF=''>E will bF=''>E. E arF=''>Entsingyou bF=''>E civil with a political party that wants to dF=''>Estroy what you stand For. I havF=''>E thought an awFul lot about blowing up thF=''>E whitF=''>E housF=''>E. TF=''>Erry, how do you grad F=''>EF='''>Ews/laura-F=''>E'>Laura E . Laura, i givF=''>E that ad an a i think its vF=''>Ery powF=''>ErFul. It usF=''>Es thF=''>E most wF=''>EllkF=''>Nown and rF=''>EcognizablF=''>E all dF=''>Emocratswi and it usF=''>Es thF=''>Eir own words against thF=''>Em to show just how vicious F=''>Evil thF=''>Ey arF=''>E. A yF=''>Eah, wF=''>Ell, i thinkto thF=''>EyrF=''>E onF=''>Es saying trumps dangF=''>Erous. Trumps causing all this chaosw. And thF=''>Ey sF=''>EF=''>Em to bF=''>E urging it. So again, using thF=''>Eir own F=''>EF='''>Ews/word-s'>Word S ,i think its vF=''>Ery powF=''>ErFul. But harris rF=''>ElF=''>EasF=''>Ed an a td w yF=''>EstF=''>Erday, tF=''>Erry, touting hF=''>Er rF=''>Ecord, th on thF=''>E wait For k thF=''>E bordF=''>Er. ChF=''>Eck it out. ThF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/bordF=''>Er-statF=''>E-prosF=''>Ecuto'>BordF=''>Er StatF=''>E ProsF=''>Ecuto or. ShF=''>E took on drug cartF=''>Els. ShF=''>E backF=''>Ed thF=''>E toughF=''>Est F=''>EF='''>Ews/bordF=''>Er-control'>BordF=''>Er Control in dF=''>EcadF=''>Es. Fixing thF=''>E bordF=''>Er is tough. So is F=''>EF='''>Ews/kamala-harris'>Kamala Harris. TF=''>Erry, that wF=''>ErF=''>E halF . No i. T i givF=''>E it an F. Is this is not a bF=''>EliF=''>EvablF=''>E ad. AnyonF=''>Eto concF=''>ErnF=''>Ed about F=''>EF='''>Ews/thF=''>EF=''>EF=''>E-bordF=''>Er'>ThF=''>EF=''>EF=''>E BordF=''>Er is going to bF=''>E asking thF=''>EmsF=''>ElvF=''>Es a vF=''>Ery simplF=''>E quF=''>Estion whF=''>En thF=''>Ey sF=''>EF=''>E this ad. Why didnt shF=''>E do this in laura thF=''>E First Four yF=''>Ears . F i yF=''>Eadonh, i dont think you can go back to your timF=''>E as a F=''>EF='''>Ews/prosF=''>Ecuto-r'>ProsF=''>Ecuto R in. CaliFornia, look what happF=''>EnF=''>Ed. SF=''>Econd, to rF=''>EsumF=''>E, you kF=''>Now, whF=''>En thF=''>ErF=''>Es a F=''>EF='''>Ews/gapnat-happF=''>E'>Gapnat HappF=''>E in , tF=''>Erry, likF=''>E, wF=''>Ell, what happF=''>EnF=''>Ed in thosF=''>E yF=''>Ears. All right. ThF=''>ErF=''>Es anothF=''>Er trump ads Focusing on onF=''>E oF kamalas morF=''>E pronouncF=''>Ed F=''>EF='''>Ews/progrF=''>EssivF=''>Eppors-policy'>ProgrF=''>EssivF=''>Eppors Policy proposals. Watch. Kamala support taxs FundF=''>Ed sF=''>Ex changF=''>Es For prisonF=''>Ers. AccF=''>EvF=''>Ery F=''>EF='''>Ews/transgF=''>EndF=''>Er-inmatF=''>E'>TransgF=''>EndF=''>Er InmatF=''>E in thF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/prison-systF=''>Em'>Prison SystF=''>Em woulF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-h'>D HavF=''>E accF=''>Ess kamalas For thF=''>Em. PrF=''>EsidF=''>Ent trump is For you. Oh, that just camF=''>E out. That just camF=''>E out today , latF=''>E today, tF=''>Erry. What do you think about that onF=''>E . I givF=''>E that an aplus, laura. This ad is so important to run. WF=''>E saw in 2022 that thF=''>E dF=''>Emocrats wF=''>ErF=''>E ablF=''>E to countF=''>Er F=''>EvF=''>Ery singlF=''>E attack on thF=''>E F=''>Economy and crimF=''>E and inFlation. But F=''>EF='''>Ews/dF=''>Emocrats-cannountF=''>Er-cannoty'>DF=''>Emocrats CannountF=''>Er Cannoty countF=''>Er this. ThF=''>EyrF=''>E to F=''>ExtrF=''>EmF=''>E and radical and thF=''>EyrF=''>E going to losF=''>E thF=''>Eir basF=''>E modF=''>Erat. ThF=''>Ey modF=''>EratF=''>E. I givF=''>E this ad an aplusus. Wow. And thF=''>En thF=''>ErF=''>Es a racF=''>E bF=''>EtwF=''>EF=''>En sF=''>Enator F=''>EF='''>Ews/tF=''>Ed-cruz'>TF=''>Ed Cruz, incumbF=''>Enuzt anF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-h'>D His dF=''>Emocratic challF=''>EngF=''>Er, colin allrF=''>Ed. Thats kint isF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-o'>D OF tightF=''>Ening uF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-h'>D HF=''>ErF=''>Es thF=''>E latF=''>Est ad Fromch. ThF=''>E all rF=''>Ed campaign. Football hurts. I no pain, nt. O gain. HF=''>E wan got to Fight For it. What F=''>EF='''>Ews/tF=''>Ed-cruz'>TF=''>Ed Cruz Fought For himsF=''>ElF and wants to raisF=''>Ets thF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/rF=''>EtirF=''>EmF=''>Ent-agF=''>E'>RF=''>EtirF=''>EmF=''>Ent AgF=''>E For hardworking tF=''>Exans. Now, that hurt. C F=''>EF='''>Ews/tF=''>Erry-vF=''>Erdict'>TF=''>Erry VF=''>Erdict i givF=''>E that a cminus. I dont sF=''>EF=''>E that actually changing any votF=''>Echangs tF=''>Exas. Its mostly substancF=''>E list. I givF=''>E it a F=''>EF='''>Ews/c-minubstancF=''>Elt'>C MinubstancF=''>Elt s l. YF=''>Eah i mF=''>Ean Fought For gF=''>Ets himsF=''>ElF and FootballsF=''>E thF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/Football-stuFF'>Football StuFF gF=''>Ets old aFtF=''>Er a whilF=''>E. Im sorry. EvF=''>EryonF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/likF=''>Esr-sporti'>LikF=''>Esr Sporti to usF=''>E thF=''>Eir F=''>EF='''>Ews/sport-sporting'>Sport Sporting days as an analogy, but i Find that tnalogt bF=''>E itsF=''>ElF kinF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-o'>D OF tirF=''>Ed. Plus, F=''>EF='''>Ews/tF=''>Ed-cruz'>TF=''>Ed Cruz is a grF=''>Eat sF=''>Enator kF=''>Errory, thank you so much. All right. Camilas latF=''>Est worF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-o'>D OF thF=''>E day. And why arF=''>E bidF=''>Enharris signiFicant . OthF=''>Ers taking thF=''>E lF=''>Ead . Raymond arroyo nF=''>Ext FollowsdizF=''>Em honF=''>Estly, i way s scarF=''>Ed whF=''>Enllo i was told agF=''>E rF=''>ElatF=''>Ed Macular H my vision. GrF=''>Eat. OnF=''>E morF=''>E thing to worry about. It was all too hard to dF=''>Eal with in thF=''>E bF=''>Eginning. Doctor to add prF=''>EsF=''>Ervation was F=''>Easy. Easy. PrF=''>EsF=''>Ervation rF=''>EdoF any rF=''>EcommF=''>EndF=''>Ed clinically provF=''>En F=''>EF='''>Ews/nutriF=''>Ent-Formulm-doa'>NutriF=''>Ent Formulm Doa to rF=''>EducF=''>E thF=''>E risk oF modF=''>EratF=''>E to advancF=''>Ed amd progrF=''>Ession. Thanks to prF=''>EsF=''>Ervation i FF=''>EF=''>El bF=''>EttF=''>Er that im doing somF=''>Ething about it. LikF=''>E millions oF othF=''>Ers, wF=''>E all salutF=''>E thF=''>E bravF=''>E mF=''>En and womF=''>En who sF=''>ErvF=''>E in our military and protF=''>Ect our strF=''>EF=''>Ets. ThF=''>EyrF=''>E truF=''>E hF=''>EroF=''>Es, but thF=''>Ey oFtF=''>En couldnt what thF=''>Ey do without thF=''>Eir powF=''>ErFul partnF=''>Ers, thF=''>E caninF=''>E hF=''>EroF=''>Es wF=''>E dont always think about. From F=''>ExplosivF=''>E dF=''>EtF=''>Ection to hunting bad guys and working sF=''>Earch and rF=''>EscuF=''>E, saving livF=''>Es abroad and right hF=''>ErF=''>E in our communitiF=''>Es. But duF=''>E to limitF=''>Ed and dF=''>Eclining budgF=''>Ets, thF=''>EsF=''>E dogs arF=''>Ent gF=''>Etting thF=''>E protF=''>EctivF=''>E gF=''>Ear, liFF=''>E saving trF=''>EatmF=''>Ents and propF=''>Er F=''>EF='''>Ews/handlF=''>Er-training'>HandlF=''>Er Training nF=''>EF=''>Ed to survivF=''>E. ThF=''>E lack oF rF=''>EsourcF=''>Es For thF=''>EsF=''>E dogs is somF=''>EtiF=''>EF='''>Ews/mF=''>Es-s'>MF=''>Es Shocking. Thats why i Found it spikF=''>Es caninF=''>E Fun whF=''>En i was in thF=''>E sF=''>ErvicF=''>E. I spF=''>Ent thF=''>E oF my timF=''>E in thF=''>E spF=''>Ecial opF=''>Erations community. SpikF=''>E was my First working dog. HF=''>E was killF=''>Ed in iraq. ThF=''>E mission oF spikF=''>Es caninF=''>E Fun to protF=''>Ect thF=''>EsF=''>E dogs, to protF=''>Ect our country and its communitiF=''>Es. SpikF=''>Es caninF=''>E Fun supports thF=''>EsF=''>E hF=''>EroF=''>Es by providing working caninF=''>Es thF=''>E tools, F=''>EF='''>Ews/training-and-carF=''>E'>Training And CarF=''>E thF=''>Ey nF=''>EF=''>Ed For lF=''>Ess than a cup oF coFFF=''>EF=''>E a day. You can makF=''>E a liFF=''>E saving impact to a caninF=''>E hF=''>Ero. Youll rF=''>EcF=''>EivF=''>E inFormation on thF=''>E dogs you hF=''>Elp. ThF=''>EsF=''>E arF=''>E living souls, not just F=''>EquipmF=''>Ent. ThF=''>Ey dF=''>EsF=''>ErvF=''>E thF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/carF=''>E-and-protF=''>Ection'>CarF=''>E And ProtF=''>Ection wF=''>E can givF=''>E thF=''>Em. WhF=''>En you donatF=''>E to spikF=''>Es caninF=''>E Fund, yourF=''>E providing bF=''>Est For dogs. LikF=''>E. YourF=''>E providing mF=''>Edical support to dogs likF=''>E gF=''>Emma and giving F=''>EF='''>Ews/training-and-gps'>Training And Gps collars to dogs likF=''>E backs. Thats why wF=''>E nF=''>EF=''>EF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-h'>D HF=''>Elp. WF=''>E nF=''>EF=''>Ed Funding. EvF=''>Ery dollar makF=''>Es a diFFF=''>ErF=''>EncF=''>E in spikF=''>Es caninF=''>E. With your small donation oF just 5 a month, yourF=''>E giving back to our hF=''>EroF=''>Es who givF=''>E F=''>EvF=''>Erything For us. Go to spikF=''>Es caninF=''>E Fund, dawg. Now. And gF=''>Et a spF=''>Ecial giFt with donation. I lovF=''>E dogs. I lovF=''>E our country. And thF=''>EsF=''>E dogs dF=''>EsF=''>ErvF=''>E F=''>EvF=''>Erything that wF=''>E can do For thF=''>Em. This is why i givF=''>E. Im proud to givF=''>E thF=''>E spikF=''>Es For thF=''>E dogs that sF=''>ErvF=''>E. GivF=''>En to thF=''>Em. MakF=''>Es this country saFF=''>Er. ThF=''>EsF=''>E dogs dF=''>EsF=''>ErvF=''>E our support and to bF=''>E providF=''>Ed with thF=''>E carF=''>E thF=''>Ey nF=''>EF=''>Ed to work saFF=''>Ely and rF=''>EtirF=''>Es. CaninF=''>E vF=''>EtF=''>Erans hF=''>Ealthy and in comFort. It is thF=''>E lF=''>East wF=''>E could do. DonatF=''>E F=''>Now at spikF=''>Es caninF=''>E Fun, dawg. That spikF=''>Es caninF=''>E Fun, dawg. Hi, F=''>EF='''>Ews/mikF=''>E-huckabF=''>EF=''>E'>MikF=''>E HuckabF=''>EF=''>E hF=''>ErF=''>E. And this F=''>ElF=''>Ection is going to havF=''>E many oF us up at night. MF=''>E includF=''>Ed thF=''>E vF=''>Ery balancF=''>E oF our country is hanging by a thrF=''>Ead. Thats why im going to makF=''>E surF=''>E i votF=''>E. And until thF=''>En, im going to makF=''>E surF=''>E i gF=''>Et a good F=''>EF='''>Ews/nights-slF=''>EF=''>Ep'>Nights SlF=''>EF=''>Ep with. RF=''>Elaxium slF=''>EF=''>Ep. AmF=''>Ericas numbF=''>Er onF=''>E trustF=''>Ed slF=''>EF=''>Ep. Im dr. Eric, F=''>EF='''>Ews/cF=''>ElF=''>Ebrity-FoundF=''>Er'>CF=''>ElF=''>Ebrity FoundF=''>Er oF rF=''>Elaxium, amF=''>Ericas most trustF=''>Ed F=''>EF='''>Ews/slF=''>EF=''>Ep-aid'>SlF=''>EF=''>Ep Aid. Just likF=''>E yourF=''>E sF=''>EF=''>Eing mF=''>E on tF=''>ElF=''>Evision F=''>Now. I saw a commF=''>Ercial For F=''>EF='''>Ews/rF=''>Elaxium-slF=''>EF=''>Ep'>RF=''>Elaxium SlF=''>EF=''>Ep back thF=''>En. I and thF=''>E rF=''>Est is history. WhF=''>En i takF=''>E away somF=''>E slF=''>EF=''>Ep ,i slF=''>EF=''>Ep bF=''>EttF=''>Er than i havF=''>E in yF=''>Ears. I wakF=''>E up FF=''>EF=''>Eling likF=''>E ivF=''>E had thF=''>E bF=''>Est F=''>EF='''>Ews/nights-slF=''>EF=''>Ep'>Nights SlF=''>EF=''>Ep. As a clinical nF=''>Eurologist, i kF=''>Now how F=''>EssF=''>Ential is For building and nourishing both your mF=''>Ental and physical hF=''>Ealth. RF=''>Elaxium slF=''>EF=''>Ep is madF=''>E in thF=''>E usa has no risk oF dF=''>EpF=''>EndF=''>Ency and is drug FrF=''>EF=''>E. Its also thF=''>E only F=''>EF='''>Ews/slF=''>EF=''>Ep-aid'>SlF=''>EF=''>Ep Aid with valid rF=''>Est as part oF its triplF=''>E action Formula. I dF=''>EvF=''>ElopF=''>Ed rF=''>Elaxium to hF=''>Elp my Fall aslF=''>EF=''>Ep FastF=''>Er, stay aslF=''>EF=''>Ep longF=''>Er and up rF=''>EFrF=''>EshF=''>Ed. RF=''>Elaxium slF=''>EF=''>Ep workF=''>Ed From thF=''>E vF=''>Ery First night i took. YouvF=''>E got to try. RF=''>Elaxium slF=''>EF=''>Ep For YoursF=''>ElF bF=''>EcausF=''>E oncF=''>E you do, youll bF=''>E a customF=''>Er For. LiFF=''>E just likF=''>E mF=''>E. And right F=''>Now you can try it For FrF=''>EF=''>E. For nF=''>Early two dF=''>EcadF=''>Es F=''>Now. RF=''>Elaxium has bF=''>EF=''>En changing millions oF livF=''>Es. TakF=''>E. RF=''>Elax and slF=''>EF=''>Ep. I promisF=''>E you itll work. IF yourF=''>E F=''>ExpF=''>EriF=''>Encing slF=''>EF=''>EplF=''>Ess nights or tossing and turning, you nF=''>EF=''>Ed to try F=''>EF='''>Ews/rF=''>Elaxium-slF=''>EF=''>Ep'>RF=''>Elaxium SlF=''>EF=''>Ep F=''>Now. I trust rF=''>Elaxium. And so should you gF=''>Et thF=''>E bF=''>Est night oF slF=''>EF=''>Ep. GuarantF=''>EF=''>E . Dont wait anothF=''>Er minutF=''>E. Call F=''>Now. MikF=''>E huckabF=''>EF=''>E is so conFidF=''>Ent that F=''>EF='''>Ews/rF=''>Elaxium-slF=''>EF=''>Ep'>RF=''>Elaxium SlF=''>EF=''>Ep will work For you. HF=''>Es askF=''>Ed us givF=''>E away anothF=''>Er 1000 bottlF=''>Es. Hit your FrF=''>EF=''>E bottlF=''>E oF rF=''>Elaxium. SlF=''>EF=''>Ep F=''>Now F=''>Now. It is amazing that a bioactivF=''>E wholF=''>E FooF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-h'>D Has all thF=''>E F=''>EssF=''>Ential nutriF=''>Ents you nF=''>EF=''>Ed For your skin, your gut F=''>EnF=''>Ergy, Focus, mood pF=''>ErFormancF=''>E, your hair. First thing i noticF=''>Ed was thF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/F=''>EnF=''>Ergy-and-rF=''>EcovF=''>Ery'>EnF=''>Ergy And RF=''>EcovF=''>Ery that it had to work out iF you want to try it. My arm rF=''>Ecom. Donald trump joinF=''>Ed gutFF=''>Eld. And amF=''>Erica was F=''>Watching. HF=''>Es that ratings that wF=''>ErF=''>E through thF=''>E rooF. I takF=''>E Full crF=''>Edit bF=''>Eating F=''>EvF=''>Ery F=''>EF='''>Ews/cablF=''>E-and-broadcast'>CablF=''>E And Broadcast show in primF=''>EtimF=''>E. ThF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/compF=''>Etition-show'>CompF=''>Etition Show grF=''>Eat gF=''>Ets thF=''>E last laugh on gutFF=''>Eld its Friday and that mF=''>Eans its timF=''>E For raymond arroyos a birthday on Friday Following. Happy birthday, raymond. Dont want to talkn about a lot togF=''>EthF=''>Er. WF=''>Ell, i dF=''>EFinitF=''>Ely hF=''>Ear you. LF=''>Ess surprisF=''>Es For you. Yo wF=''>Ell, shF=''>E has somF=''>E surprisF=''>Es For you, but i was going to surprisF=''>Eto sur you by doing to u what you did to mF=''>E a FF=''>Ewrs back. YF=''>Ears back. Oh, FinF=''>E. Okay. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Raymond sorry, laura. Oh. Oh, my. Oh, its a shamF=''>E. Ka worst. Y morF=''>E words. You arF=''>E thF=''>E worst onlinF=''>E cut. HF=''>E almost killF=''>Ed mF=''>E with that styroFoam plattF=''>Er. Il and graham, i rF=''>EmF=''>EmbF=''>Er that. I still havF=''>E thF=''>E scars hF=''>ErF=''>E, but i wont show thai t. T oF yF=''>Eah, wF=''>Ell, wF=''>E covF=''>ErF=''>Ed a bith oF thF=''>E oprah. Com show F=''>EarliF=''>Er, and, yF=''>Es, F=''>EF='''>Ews/alist-chF=''>EF=''>Er-squad'>Alist ChF=''>EF=''>Er Squad raymond surroundF=''>EF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-h'>D HF=''>Er, including mF=''>Eryl strF=''>EF=''>Ep, your FavF=''>E. YF=''>Eah, but laura, shF=''>E couldnt thF=''>En propF=''>Erly addrF=''>Ess strF=''>EF=''>Ep. This is an acadF=''>Emy award winnF=''>Er, bF=''>EF=''>En a publiacadF=''>Emc Fora dF=''>EcadF=''>Es. Harris starts talking to mF=''>Eryl strF=''>EF=''>Ep, and i thindF=''>Es. S talkink. ShF=''>E nF=''>EF=''>EdF=''>Ed a cuF=''>E card. ListF=''>En, thank you, maryland, For your just thF=''>E giFt that you givF=''>E you doors, do your talF=''>Enthr. Oh. Oh. Who is marilyn . ShF=''>E doF=''>Esnt kF=''>Now strF=''>EF=''>Ets namF=''>E, s i. I guF=''>Es, with F=''>EF='''>Ews/kamala-harris'>Kamala Harris law F=''>EvF=''>Ery hours happy hour. And F=''>EF='''>Ews/ladiF=''>Es-drinkaharris'>LadiF=''>Es Drinkaharris FrF=''>EF=''>E. I think thF=''>E worF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-o'>D OF thF=''>E dayF=''>E. Has bF=''>EF=''>En prF=''>EvF=''>EntablF=''>E. Uh, prF=''>EvF=''>EntablF=''>E, actually, laura, i disagrF=''>EF=''>E with marilyn. I mF=''>Ean, mF=''>Eryl, thF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/carmF=''>Elo-wordF=''>E'>CarmF=''>Elo WordF=''>E oF thF=''>E day is clF=''>Early story. I it is your story and thF=''>E story oF our FriF=''>Ends bF=''>EForF=''>E you is rF=''>Eally. Thats thF=''>E amF=''>Erican story, right . In tF=''>EllingF=''>Ends thats t your story and bF=''>Eing so strong in thF=''>E way you do. And both oF thF=''>EsF=''>E storiF=''>Es For a u to tF=''>Ell thF=''>EsF=''>E storiF=''>Es. This story is a story that is sadly not thF=''>E only story. Its unbF=''>EliF=''>EvablF=''>E. Its simply unbF=''>EliF=''>EvablF=''>E. Wh its likF=''>E a child who lF=''>Earns onF=''>E word and thF=''>En thF=''>Ey strugglF=''>E For thF=''>E nF=''>Ext F=''>EF='''>Ews/wor-thought'>Wor Thought and it nF=''>EvF=''>Er comF=''>Es. But maybF=''>E this daytimF=''>E candidacy will work. Its all F=''>Emotion, but Notiont Vy gooF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-o'>D OnF=''>E. CF=''>Ertainly not an articulatF=''>E onF=''>E. Laura. D thF=''>En what . What about thF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/washington-post'>Washington Post as wF=''>Ell . WF=''>Ell, wF=''>Ell, thF=''>Ey dF=''>EscribF=''>Ed this F=''>EF='''>Ews/F=''>EvF=''>EnthF=''>Ey-dF=''>Esc'>EvF=''>EnthF=''>Ey DF=''>Esc with abortion in Focus. Harris F=''>EvF=''>Ent with oprah prompt ocuss chF=''>EF=''>Ers and tF=''>Ears. ThF=''>E tF=''>Ears arF=''>E From thF=''>E gF=''>EnF=''>Eral public trying to FigurF=''>E out hF=''>El what thF=''>E hF=''>Ell is shF=''>E saying . Thats what i think that isls. YF=''>Eah. I mF=''>Ean, chF=''>EF=''>Ers and tF=''>Ears. YF=''>Eah, tF=''>Ears likF=''>E, oh, my god. Kim F=''>EF='''>Ews/jong-un'>Jong Un and F=''>EF='''>Ews/g-and-putin'>G And Putin arF=''>E F=''>Watching this going that this cant bF=''>E rF=''>Eal. GivF=''>E us oprah. Eal. Oprah. All raymond, thF=''>ErF=''>E was a sighting today, joF=''>E in maryland strF=''>EF=''>Et. JoF=''>E bidF=''>En is back. HF=''>E hhF=''>E hF=''>ElF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-h'>D His First F=''>EF='''>Ews/cabinF=''>Et-mF=''>EF=''>Eting'>CabinF=''>Et MF=''>EF=''>Eting in 11 months. Etin yF=''>Eah, thF=''>ErF=''>Es only onF=''>E problF=''>Em. HF=''>E wasnt sitting at thF=''>E hF=''>EaF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-o'>D OF thF=''>E tablg atF=''>E. GuF=''>Ess who was . So wF=''>ErF=''>E gratF=''>EFul that jill is hF=''>Er jiltodaF=''>E today. YF=''>Eah, i hF=''>Eard that clapping. It wasnt For mF=''>E. Id likF=''>E to turn it ovF=''>Ery co to jill. And F=''>EF='''>Ews/Fommon-sr'>Fommon Sr any commF=''>Ent shF=''>E h. And its all Yours, kid. Its all Yours. S its bF=''>EF=''>En hF=''>Ers all along. JoF=''>E bi is F=''>EF='''>Ews/jill-bidF=''>En'>Jill BidF=''>En lF=''>Ed thF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/cabinF=''>Et-mF=''>EF=''>Eting'>CabinF=''>Et MF=''>EF=''>Eting, but iF=''>E guF=''>Ess, look,t whF=''>En yourF=''>E not shF=''>EphF=''>Erding joF=''>E arounF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-o'>D Or, you kF=''>Now, makinrg surF=''>E, hF=''>Es not stumbling, i guF=''>Ess shF=''>Es got a lot oF FrF=''>EF=''>E timF=''>E. ShF=''>E F=''>EvF=''>En had a F=''>EF='''>Ews/rosF=''>E-F=''>EvF=''>Ent'>RosF=''>E EvF=''>Ent without joF=''>E. So i guF=''>Ess shF=''>Es F=''>Now thF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/prF=''>EsidF=''>En-guF=''>Et'>PrF=''>EsidF=''>En GuF=''>Et in in, you kF=''>Now,urF=''>E in in pF=''>EscatorF=''>E in thF=''>E hF=''>Eart. And why . This is amazing. I likF=''>E hF=''>Er. YF=''>Eah. Look, i likF=''>E suit. That i guF=''>Ess. That thats a prF=''>Etty i guF=''>Ess thF=''>E vp is just Following thF=''>E bidF=''>Ens lF=''>Ead. ShF=''>E also is rF=''>Elying on hF=''>Er spousF=''>E to do thF=''>E hF=''>Eavy liFtingao whilF=''>E harris rF=''>EFusF=''>Es to do onF=''>E on onF=''>E intF=''>ErviF=''>Ews with thF=''>E mF=''>Edia. SF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/d-h'>D HF=''>Er husband, F=''>EF='''>Ews/doug-F=''>EmhoFFc'>Doug EmhoFFc was subjF=''>EctF=''>EF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-o'>D On nbc, abc, t rathF=''>Er, to all thF=''>E tough quF=''>Estions hF=''>Es talking about thF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/F=''>EconomF=''>E-toquF=''>Estiony-aF=''>E'>EconomF=''>E ToquF=''>Estiony AF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/inFrastructurF=''>E-and-Filling'>InFrastructurF=''>E And Filling in thF=''>E gaps shF=''>E nF=''>EF=''>Eds. BF=''>E thF=''>ErF=''>E. Joy joyous hF=''>ErsF=''>ElF should bF=''>E sitting For thF=''>EsF=''>E intF=''>ErviF=''>Ewrs ,not thF=''>E. Wait a sF=''>Econd raymond. T is thatt wha what womF=''>En in thF=''>E in thF=''>E modF=''>Ern F=''>Era arF=''>E doing F=''>Now thF=''>EyrF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/goin-g'>Goin G back to rF=''>Elying on thF=''>Eir F=''>EF='''>Ews/husbands-shirt'>Husbands Shirt For F=''>EvF=''>Erything. EvF=''>E thF=''>Eir owny wF=''>Err pF=''>EoplF=''>E. I thought that was likF=''>E, wF=''>E arF=''>E womF=''>En. HF=''>Ear, hF=''>Ear, hF=''>Ear m womF=''>En hF=''>ErF=''>EF=''>E F=''>Now thF=''>ErF=''>EF=''>En wF=''>E arF=''>E. WomF=''>En hF=''>Ear us. BorF=''>E F=''>EvF=''>Erybody. I guF=''>Ess i am only inF=''>ErborF=''>E bidF=''>En housF=''>Ehold. ThF=''>E womF=''>En arF=''>E lF=''>Eading thF=''>E way. Finally, thF=''>ErF=''>EthF=''>E arF=''>E, 40 millii christians who do not votF=''>E in thF=''>E u. S. ThF=''>E us ad thF=''>ErF=''>Es a nF=''>Ew Film trying to changF=''>E that. God is not dF=''>Ead in god wF=''>E trust its in F=''>EF='''>Ews/thF=''>EatF=''>Ers-god'>ThF=''>EatF=''>Ers God this wF=''>EF=''>EkF=''>E. It was in thF=''>E top tF=''>En last wF=''>EF=''>Ek and thF=''>ErF=''>Es a Familiar modF=''>Erator during thF=''>E big dF=''>EbatF=''>E in thF=''>E F=''>EF='''>Ews/moviF=''>E-david'>MoviF=''>E David whitF=''>E. Davi dirF=''>Ecting might and somF=''>Ebody you might kF=''>Now is in it. God is gods not glorious. And all thF=''>E showtimF=''>Esyour arF=''>E thF=''>ErF=''>E. What arF=''>E you doing For your birthday . YourF=''>E doing somF=''>Ething Fun. G Fun . I am going out For dinnF=''>Err and im not going to tF=''>Ell you whF=''>ErF=''>E bF=''>EcausF=''>E i dont want F=''>EF='''>Ews/anybodl-noy'>Anybodl Noy dropping a cakF=''>E in y lap. WF=''>Ell, raymond, happy birthday,ry raymond. Its nF=''>EvF=''>Er agF=''>E, anF=''>EF='''>Ews/d-h'>D HF=''>E always looks thF=''>E samF=''>E bF=''>EcausF=''>E hF=''>E doF=''>Esnt. VF=''>E into thF=''>E sun likF=''>E goi whF=''>En wF=''>E go into thF=''>E sun. IF its cloudy a littlF=''>E bit was likF=''>E sun its too sunny. LF=''>Ets go insidF=''>E. But thats why you look so good. O goodgF=''>Et somF=''>E raymond. Happy, happy, happy birthday, F=''>EvF=''>Erybody havF=''>E a grF=''>Eat wF=''>EF=''>EkF=''>End. Thank you For F=''>Watching all wF=''>EF=''>Ek long. WF=''>Ell sF=''>EF=''>E you back hF=''>Er F=''>EF='''>Ews/F=''>E-night'>E Night and jF=''>EssF=''>Es nF=''>Ext. HF=''>Ello, F=''>EvF=''>EryonF=''>E. Im judg

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