This is thE ingraham anglE. Thank you, as always For joining us tonight. Ght,is. ThE SEcrEt SErvicE is not conFidEnt it can protEctE ar trump wE arE not capitalizing s. A crisi wE arE showing thE math. WE havE FinitE rEsourcEs schoo showing thE math. Plus, a Cnn REportElEr by AEo Trump SupportEr can aFFord to votg soE. NEy an yourE not hurting so bad, right . BEcausE a votE plus a lot and its a lot oF upkEEp. Nobody gavE mE. I EarnEdE EvErything that ivE got. That Trump VotEr joins us innt . MomEnts. And whos rEally running i . VErnmEnt i likE to turn it ovEr to jill and For any CommEnt Sh E has and its all Yours, kid. E ul whErEs thE visiting angEl . But First, thE ultimatnsult,E. Thats thE Focus oF Tonights AnglE G. Bor dE givEn thE FailurEs oF kamaa harris Economic bordEr rEcord, hEr PrEss TEam is lEFt with rEcyclEd linEs From 2016 and 2020. Donaly God Trump is vEry goot insulting pEoplE. Donald trump sticks to th EthE rE samE old tirEd playbook oF insultsal. But thE rEal insults comE From kamala hErsElF, dont thEy . BEcausou E shE insultsFriE our intElligEncE EvEry timE shE ndlyintErvsits For EvEn a FriEny intErviEw. Hi, im Kamala Harris, and this is thE wirEd intE. A HatE IntErviEw how to pronouncE Kamala Harris. Kamala harris. What doEs Kamala Harris stand For . I am a daughtEr oF parEnts who arE activE civils in thE cil rights movEmEnt. Kamala harris laughing. I lovE to laug h. Kamala harris, taylor swiFt. Sud. VEry prou havE thE support oF taylor swiFtht. A what was that For . A kindErgartEn class. What was that . Sayi thought it was a jokE, buy staFF says its rEal. It could not soF bEEn a soFtEr intErviEw and prEsEntation. ThE only missing missing linEhE or missing quEstion was. Do you likE long walks on thE bEach . ShE can rEvEal that as wEll. OnE and as For thE onE on OnEE Op with libEral billionairE oprah winFrEy. RaiF thErE was such a thing as a vErbal Foot ru vb, this woulds bE it. It sEEmths to Uat Ss that somEthing happEnEd to you thE momEnt JoE BidEn EsidEnt BidEn stEppEd asidE and withdrEw his candidacy. That a VEil Or SomEthing droppEd and you just stEppEd in. JunE, your powEr. WEll, what was. But thEn camE thE surprisE quEstions and thEy wErE rEallydo kinD OF tough. LikE, how arE you goingvEo r to rEducE thE high cost oF living . Plani rEally would lovE to kNow what your plan is to hElp lowEr thE cost living. Nd thE Yours is a story i hEar around thE country as i travEl and in tErms oF both rightlyratn having thE right to havE aspirations and drEams s and ambitions For your Famil Fyt and, Working Hard and Finding that thE amErican drEam is For this gEnEration and so mancEntln rEcEntly Far morE ElusivE than its bEEn. And wE nEEd to dEal with that. And thErE arE a numbEr oF ways and Far morE ElusivE thE amErican way. By thE i lovE how shE acts likE. SomE ExtErnal ForcE causEdti inFlation, by thE way, not bil hEr and joEs idiotic spEnding billls s. A Now, thats insulting. And its also arrogant to bEliEvEmE amEricans should votE For you, EvEn as younu arE unwilling or maybE unablE to Explain your policiEs. HE hEr answErs kinD OF rEmind mE oF that CollEgE Kid who, whE n callEd by thE proFEssor, hasnt donE thE class rEading so hE or shy rEstE mErEly rEstatEs q thE quEstion posEd as kamalauE on thE quEstion oF how shEs going to Fix thE bordEr. I havE transnational Criminalckin Organizations For thE traFFicking oF guns, drugs anD Human bEings. My work and my carEEr has always bEEn about saying, LEtsu Fix problEms. LEts addrEss thE nEEds, bEcausE wE kNow its Withi Dnrav our capacity to do that. EvEn opraEnh sEEmEd. So to answEr justins quEstion, Now that that bill has gonE anD Hasnt passEd, will you rEintroducE. U absolutEly. At this onE, oprahs Gotpoint OE thinking to hErsElF, man, i just shoulD HavE run For prEsidEnt mysElF. It woulD HavE bEEn EasiEr than livE liv coaching this woman. Now, EvEry ExchangE was an Easy kamala layup. And by thE EnD OF thEF 68 intErminablE 68 minutEs, oprah had allowED Harris to kinD OF rEbranD HErsElF From ant anti sEcond AmEndmEnt Fanatic to a modErn day anniE oaklEy. Padma gun tim. R look, i kNow that is in my housE thE gEtting shot. YE, yEs. S. YEs, i hEar that. That. I hEar that. I probably should not havE saiad ,but i will dEal with that latEr. P to im surE thEy woulD HavE thought it was just pErFEct For trump to. Laugh iF hE said somEonE would,E gEt shot oFF, camE into his owan ,thEy woulD HavE said, oh, its hEartlEss. What in. VE no compassio what iF you shoot thE wrong pErson . This is just morE insults tos to intElligEncE. And it oF coursE, it was all calculatEd, but it was poorlyrly cat out. ThEn Y REbranding is just likouE you. E but thEn you think to YoursElF, Brdont SpEaonE OFk likE thE wos oF onE oF thosE lamE motivational postErs. Han g your company, brEakroom. WE bEliEvE in what is BEl PossiblEiEvE Bill . VE wE bEliEvE in what can bE. And wE bEliEvE in Fighting For that. Thats how thats how wEto camE into bEing. FrEEdom to jus just bE. Hmm. And thats who wE arE. N all oF bEliEvE in all that. ThE FrEEdom to just bE. Mm i lovE how oprah goEs. NotE hEr usE oF thE phrasE how camE into bEing thErE. And again, thE FrEEdomE to bE M Landdom to bE unlEss yourE onE oF thE inFants in thE whos abortEd in communist drEamlandand spEa. And spEaking oF that, today, shE uttErEd morE insulting DrivElt Abor about abortion in atlanta. HEr languagE was craFtEd spEciFically to mislEad thE public. I madly iE thE dEcision Early in my liFE that i wantEd to do thE work that waE s about thEs most vulnErablE among us and doing thE work that was about giving thEm dignity in thE procEss most vulnErablE among us. How thosE who cant yEt spEak For thEmsElvEs. How condEscEnding. By condEscEnding to womEn who, by thE way, arE poorEr ThaarnE N thEy wErE Four yEars ago, arE lEss saFE than thEy wErE on thE strEEtsy wE yEars ago wEr and lEss conFidEnt in thEF hi FuturE than thEy wErEgh p Four yEars ago. But countlEss crack grouprs, high paid pollstErs and consultant s bEliEvE that womEns First, sEcond and third most important concErnsrE arE abortion. Abortion . Oh, and morE abortion. Now, thats just not ann Insu Insult to singlE cat ladiEs, as thEy calllto womE thEm. Er its an insult to womEn across thE board. Justduck as is hEr EntirE Duck And CovEr campaign. Thats an insultam who to EvErys amErican who goEs to work, who goEs to school EvEry day and is judgED On thE rEsults oF thEir worvE tk. BEnEF Now, wE havE to rEmEmbErit that harris has alwaysan bEnEFitEd in hEr carEEr From spEcial trEatmEnt, including i in this campaign. Now, shE didnt havE to go Torap Win thE iowa caucusEs or trampEd through thE sNows oF nEw hampshirE to convincE convincE votErs thErE. And shE doEsnt havE to D O conFErEncEs with hostilE rEportErs, as trump doEs. ShE hasnt had to Explain hEr policy toward china or russia. UdEs hEr rolE is simply to rEpEat platitudEs and mEmorizEd. PhrasEs. WE lovE our country. Gh i lovE our country. I kNow wE all do. Thats why EvErybodys ou hErE right Now. WE lovE our country. WE wE takE pridE in thE privilEgE oF bEing amErican. I thought you said wE wErE systEmically racist. How do you takE pridE in that kinD OF Country And HopE that thE hundrEd s oF oF dollarsE ha that shEs raisEd From millionairEs and billionairEso arE going to bE Enough to drown out trumps mEssagE oF PEacEss And ProspErityagE oFE an . Estab thats what thEyrE hoping For. And iF shE winsli thE EstablishmEntis gs to MakEr UsE oF this tEmplatE For REl FuturE whErE thE votErs arE kEpt in thE dark, rEcEivcEE assurancEs about anything, and thEy just simply out on cElEbrity EndorsEmEnts and pErsonality plays, this is a complEtE rEjEction oF thE dEmocratic procEss From thE phony dEFEndErs oF dEmocracy. Inand its onE big insult to all oF us. WErEE tr wErE trEatEd likE subjEcts, not citizEns. And thats thE anglE. Joining us Now is alison Win Obama FundraisEr and Silicon VallEy TEch PionEEdr And Evan barkEr, a FormEr DEmocrat Campaign FundraisEr. Evan, good to sEE you. You wrotE an Op Ed this wEEk saying you cant go back to thE dEmocrats BEcaus E oF what you saw at thE dnc. And so what s your rEaction to this oprah intErviEw, which sEEms to dovEtail into your concErnr co is. I mEan, it just FElt likE oprah. Was lEcturing Working Class pEoplE who arE struggling. ShE E has no idEa what its likE to not bE ablE to aFFord. ShE has no idEa what its likEti to go to thE Gason Station and strugglE to Fill up hEr car. AtEd byshEs not aFFEctEd by tE Economy right Now. And so, you kNow, it just FElt ExtrEmEly out oF touch and. S it goEs along with EvErything that ivE bEEn saying thE last couplE wrotE wEEks. And what i wrotE in my Op Ed. Alison, onE oF kamalas grEatth concErnsat that shE rEitEratEdws during this intErviEw is about thE pEoplE not bEing ablE to rEally undErstando rE thE inFormation thats prEsEntEd to thEm. What arE vEry important that wEE all spEak to our FriEndsna, our nEighbors about MisinFormation And HElp thEmsEE how it Now sEE how it og whErE it is occurring. WE ask PEoplE To bE alErt about myths and disinFormation. I lovE mEryl StrEEps Anryl T ExpErt on rEi disinFormation. What about that . Sounds likE cEnsorship. Its cEnsorship big timE. ThE Harris BidEn Administration havE admittEd that thEyvE bEEn cEnsoring FrEE spEEchsoring with FacEbook. FrE, thEy arE big timE in cahoots. IvE bEEn saying thils all and Now wE havE inFormation to comE out and provE this. But, you kNow, back to thE Oprah IntErviEo Thw was all gibbErish. I could not undErstanD OnE Word ShE waulnE wors saying. YEah. I mEan, to somtEnt, FEE PEoplE T it was rEally Funny. And it was Funny bEcausE it wasF so bad. And thEn oprahs nodding hEr hEad, likE at somE proFounou onE od From onE oF thE grEat political ordErs oF our timE. And i thought to mysElF, EvEnlyD Oprah rEally did mak mE it on h. Own. And shEs rEally smart, rEally hard workingshE ro. ShE rosE in a vEry diFFicult industry, was a tota l pionEEr. And yEt shEs sitting down a harris and trEating hEr likE, oh, yEah, shE just shE madE it on hEr own and shEs shEs thErE. Wa shE wantED On hEr own whEn shE was handEd this nomination. And it justhi to mE, that dichotomy was somEthing that could not bE ignorEd. And did anyonE rEading thE casE oF a pErsonality . Sorry, Evan, First, did anyonE catch. LE wo, thats okay. Did anyonE catch how oprahrk basically Fun oF pEoplE who work at mcdonalds. O did anyonE catch that part oF hEr intro . Sho. ShE said that Kamala Harrisy workEd at mcdonalds and told and told EvErybody ElsEs hopE that currEntly works at mcdonalds. All oF thE Working Class F pEoplE, that thErE was hopE For thEm yEt. So i just FounEt d thE programming to bE incrEdibly patronizing. Ft it was a cringE FEst. Its it J Jusust its just EvErythin that is EmblEmatic oF thE dEmocratic party anD How outhowt touch thEy arE right Nowng with just rEgular PEoplE That arE struggling. Y that i thought it was insulting. I mEan, again thEy saying. That trump is insulting can bE insulting. This ithis was insulting to our intElligEncE. No policiEs, no answErs, a lot oF pErsonal anEcdotEs, a lot oF mEaninglEss blathEr, clichEs and platitudEs. And yEt thE audiEncrEE arE trEatEd likE trainEd sEals likE thEyrE supposEd to applaud to this, alisyn. ThEyrE out thErE touting thEir chEnEy EndorsEmEnt, alisyn. BEE yEs. So this book has writtEn bEForEa two books, thE Cult PE and th lity communist maniFEsto. And so thEy wantn to just hidEus that. Mark says policy bEhind rEally vEry slick aspiration talk. Right. Just likE whEn obama did soth thEyrE doing that playbook with kamala, although shEs noat slick as obama Now For surE that shE doEsnt EvEn approach obamas talEnt oba. Alison and Evan, grEat to sEE you both. Thank you. All right. D thE cost oF EvErything is up For EvErybody. But iF yourE Workingcost OFi thE harris campaign, EithEr oFFicially or unoFFicially, up c your job is to convincE votErs to it all up bEcausau notE. Its rEally not that bad. ThEy rEsErvEd that For Trump SupportErsr da going about thEir day. AnD OnE Cnn REportEr was EspEciallyEciall snarky in hEr n intErrogation. Whats your most importantow issuE . ThE Economy. GEtting thE intErEst ratEs downn. GEtting it whErE wE can, ouaF aFFord to livE in amErica. But, you kNow, iFord aF You Canb aFFord a boat, yourE not hurting so bad, right . Od listEn, nobody gavE mE. I EarnEd EvErything that ivE got. Stin im rEtirEd military rEtirEd powEr plant. I think its intErEsting lE who a. PEoplE who arE a littlE bit morE comFortablE arE still so, E concErnEd about thE Economy. Joining Mjust SawE Now thE mn you just saw in that vidEo, joE harnEr. JoE, First oFF, shE sEEmEd to kinD OF imply that you you had votE. H a votE. E no, maam, i do not. . To mont you takE hEr E,hEr quEstion you bring that to mE. MaybE i misrEad it, but to mE, ar, why arE you rEally complaining . I mEan, yourE in thE votE paradE hat. KNow thEy hatE thE boat paradEs. ThEy dEspisE thE Boat ParadEt Ps bEcausE trump Flags thE amErican Flag, patriotism. EvEryonEs having a good tim. NE iE. GEt so what do you think . ShE was rEallyt . Trying to gEtn at . ShEs trEating you likE an Exhibit at thE smithsonian. LikE G Thisn an odd thing. This pErson who likEs donaldt trump. And IshE Wa bEliEvE that shEh just trying to gEt undEr pEoplEs skins. QuEstihE wasthEyrE likE thE qus that shE was asking, thE diFFErEnt PEoplE That i saas on that phrasE, EvErything. Whats curious is shE rodE on thE samE partsamEy Boat Thatd RodE on, and i think that usEdat to comE opEratE on. WEll, did thEy air thE Full ExchangE that you had with thEm . No, thEy dId Not. What wE miss, i lovE dod no o i lovE that . NEElikE no onE gavE mE this. I EarnEd EvEry bit i got. Im Goin Gg to gEt you a bEttErE microphonE nExt timE wE do an intErviEw with mE. I dont kNow how. Microphow youhow yourE mikEd , but wErE going to sound likE. YourE on a boat in thE middlE oF thE ocEan. But nEvErthElEss, how has thE BidEn Harris Economy impactEd you, joE . FEctEd an wEll, its its aFFEctEd mE bEcausE, you kNow, im rEtirED On FixEd incomE noy, and EvErything Cost morE. So my monEy doEsnt go aing, yos Far and gas EvErything. You kNow, gas balloon, rEpairs on thE housE, anything that do cost morE. EvErybody just raisEd thE pricEs to Tr Y CovErarri what thE BidEnharris Administration Hass donE. Wou so what do you say to oldEr amEricans out thErE . BEcausE thErE arE somE rEportsld t thErE that sEniors may trEnding in somE parts oF thE countrysomE toward kamala. So whats your mEssagE For thEm tonight . Nd and tEll thEm that thEy nEEd to look at thEir BudgEts Ey ago and look at whats how thEyrE spEnding thEir monEy bEcausE thEir MonEy DoEsnE nEar wt anywhErE nEar what it did Four yEars ago. WEll, joE, wE apprEciatE it. And thank you For spEaking outi vEry, vEry Emphatically and Emotionally to thE cnnE, aFr rEportEr. But to stop complaining about thE Economy. Okay. BEcausE aFtEr you want a boat or yourE nEar a boat, so you shouldnt complain. T compright. JoE, thank you. AFtEr two assassination attEmpts in two months. T sErvicthE sEcrEt SErvicEis Ton actually protEct trump. A loigrEt oF wErE worriEd about this tonight and wErE on it nExt. Why cant protEct that guy . A Fox Nation ExclusivE. JEssE invEstigatEs both assassination attEmpts on Donald Trump and a rangE. EvEry onE oF thE sEnior lEadErship should bE hEld accountablE. A sEcond assassination attEmpt. WErE compiling thE subjEcts movEmEnts lEading up to sEptEmbEr 15th. You havEnt hEard thE Full story likE this. JEssE wattErs invEstigatEs thE attEmptEd assassinations oF Donald Trump only on Fox Nation. Slow down. HavE a nEw drivEr. You nEEd nEw insurancE bEcausE hE comparEs ovEr 100 insurancE companiEs to Find savings. No onE ElsE can. Up to 400 a yEar. Oh, look, its my. Stop thE zEbra. Sp wE do thE sEarching, you do wE do thE sEarching, you do thE savingorts . What do you talk about . ThE nEws . A littlE Family gossip, maybE . OF you dont do that. Right. WEll, hErEs anothEr topic For. You. As thEy gEt oldEr, thEir risk oF gEtting rEally sick From so t this Sy Virus likE Flu, Covid19 Or Rsv goEs up a lot. So talk to thEm about gEtting thE sEasons bEcausE youvE still got so much to talk, your EmblEm oF dEvotion, havE your EngagEmEnt Ring Custom madE by thE JEwElry ExchangE. ChoosE a onE Carat Lab grown diamond For 599 or a natural gia For 19 9018 camE outsidE For 99. Thousands oF choicEs. ThE bEst dEal thE JEwElry ExchangE, dirEct mEn. How Bathroom Trips arE you making Each day . Try supEr a advancEd thE numbEr onE SElling Formula in its catEgory madE with FEnd,a triplE Action BlEnd to hElp i rEducE urgEs to. Find it at walmart or thEsE rEtailErs. REtailErs. I havE dry EyEworsE ovEr tim tit burning my symptoms got worsEio. OvEr timE my EyE Doctor ExplainEd thE root was inFlammation so hE prEscribEs inFlammation so hE prEscribEs hydr zEro TargEts InFlammation ovErsr thE countEr drops dont do this. ThEy only hit pausE in my symptomsy but twicE daily zairE givEs mE lasting rEliEF sidEEk. ThE signs and symptoms oF dry disEasE dont usE oF allErgic disEasE blurrEual tastk mEdical hElp iF nEEdEd. Common sidE EFFEcts includE rEmo, blurrEd vision an unusual TastE SEnsation dont touch ContainEr Tip to EyE or any surFacE bEForE using xdrivE. XdrivE. REmovE 15 minutEs bEForE rEinsErting dry EyE ovEr anD OvEr. Its timE For zEro. A hEart attack. Do thEy havE LiFE InsurancE . No, but wE havE LiFE InsurancE. John. Im trying to Find somEthing wE can aFFord. FortunatEly, in only a FEw minutEs, sElEctquotE Found John A 500,000 policy For only 29 a month anD His wiFE and a 500,000 policy For only 21 a month. Go to sElEct, quotE,. Com Now and gEt thE insurancE your Family nEEds at a pricE you can aFFord. SElEctquotE wE shop you savE saturday rEacting to thE ratE cut From thE Economy thE momEnt i mEt him i knEw hE was my soulmatE. SoulmatEs. SoulmatE [gigglEs] why do you nEEd mE . [laughs sarcastically] but thEn wE switchEd to tmobilE 5g homE intErnEt. And Now his attEntion is spEnt ElsEwhErE. But im thinking oF hEr thE wholE timE. Thats so much worsE. Why is that thing in bEd with you . This is whErE it gEts thE bEst signal From thE CEll TowEr ivE triEd EvErywhErE ElsE in thE housE thErEs always a nEw ExcusE. WEll iF wE got xFinity you wouldnt havE to mEss around with thE connEction. ThErapys tough, huh . Mmm. Its likE a lot about mE. [laughs] a HomE RoutEr should nEvEr bE a homE wrEckEr. Oo this is a good book titlE. Introducing a rEvolution in Pain REliEF. AbsorbinE junior pro, thE strongEst numbing Pain REliEF availablE. Its thE only solution with two Max StrEngth anEsthEtics For Fast pEnEtrating REliEF AbsorbinE junior pro. Nothing numbs pain morE. Im doing it. Et this was a FailurE imp on thE part oF thE unitEd statEs SEcrEt SErvicEnt s its important that wE holD OursElvEs accountablE For d thE FailurEs oF July 13th and that wE usE thE lEssons lEarnE d to makE surE that wE doE to not havE anothEr FailurE likE this. AgaivEryn, wE havE to bE vEry dirEct and clEar with our statE and local partnErsoF as to what wErE asking oF thEm. WEll, so thE acting sEcrEt SErvicE DirEctor did admit n at somE FailurEs about July 13th in thE assassination attEmpt. ButlEr FiEld, a PrEsidEnt Trump. And thErE wa whilEs morE. WhilE somE mEmbErs oF thE AdvancE TEam wErE vEryhE diligEnt, thErE was complacEncy on part oF othErs that lEd to a brEach oF sEcurity protocols. SEEms likE wEasEl words, but whEn hE was askEd about what happEnEd this past sunday hErE in WEst Palm BEach ,hE dEFEndEd thE actions oF thE sEcrEt sErvichE sE. No shot was FirEd at thE FormEr prEsidEnt. ThE FormEr prEsidEnt was not ExposEd to whErE hE was on thE golF coursE. And whatd said and i saidE this monday that thE procEdurEs work thErEso t, thE rEdundanciEs work, so that high lEvEl oF protEction is working. E rE and whilE hE was addEd, hE had a littlE rEquEst. WE arE not capitalizing on a crisiscrisis. Math. WE arE showing thE math. WE havE FinitE rEsourcEs and wEg arE strEtching thosE rEsourcEs to thEir maximum right Now, WhicoiE Usoh going to rEquirE uo rEplacE thEsE assEts. Its going to rEquirE toE to alh adjust. WElEy plEad tl, thEy plEad ty dont havE Enough monEy. What do thEy havE . WEll has, SEcrEt SErvicE budgEts swEllEd to ovEr 3 billion. But whErEs it all going . Thaabout 87 oF that budgEt or7 billion is dirEctED OpErationsnd and support, which includEs 1. 2 billion in Funding For protEctivE opErations. REsidE thE division that ovErsEEs protEction For thE prEsidEnt , thE vicEnt prEsidEnt , thEir FamiliEs. Fa going . N DEthE MonEy othEr monEy . WEll, oF coursE, thE SEcrEt SErvicE has its own dEEp EyE And AccEssibility program, complEtE with an Incluinclus Vih and EngagEmEnt council. And StEvE ScalisE pointEd this out. H hE said iF you look at thEir budgEts sincE 2017, wEvE incrEasEavincrEaD OvEr thEir own rEquEst EvEry singlE yEar. MonEn morE. TEyvE gottE its about allocation. WEll, thEir primar Ry RolE is tn protEct thE prEsidEnt and thE prEsidEnt ial CandidatE S. AnD Obviously in this casE, wEvE sEE thEy FailEd night. Ron dEsantis gavE us an updatE on his own invEstigation in Florida, which will, wEE HopE YiEld morE answErs and wEvE bEEn gEtting From thE FEds is arE thE FEdsyo bEing coopErativE with your invEstigation . ArE you concErnEd that yourE not gEtting thE inFormation you nEEd coo . WErE no, thEyrE not bEing coopErativE. YEs, i am concErnEd. I mEan, For ExamplrEbuFFEdE, wEc rEbuFFEd. Our invEstigators wErE rEbuFFEd. Just going tlinEo FEncE LinE outsidE oF trump intErnational golF club. HopEFullpEFully unE willy tunE. But i can tEll you right Now, laura, wE havE not gottEn a lot oF rEcEptivE, rEcEptivE rEsponsE. Joining us Now, charlEs marino, FormEr sEcrEt SpEcl And AuthorsErvic oF tErrorists on thE bordEr and in our country. ChcharlEs, do you think For thE SEcrEt SErvicE should asking For morE monEy right Now . ThErEs a lot oF QuEstionshow TE about how thEyrE using thy havE. That thE yEah, Fair point. I think what thEy nEEd t to dEmonstratE First is that thEyrE using thE rEsourcEs thEy havE EFFEctiv that thEE and that thEyrE bEing put towards thE grEatEst thrEamst in tErms oF thEir protEctEEs. FormEr PrEsidEnt Trump FacEs thrEats that arE oFF thE chartsF. WE kNow that our ThrEat LEvEl hErE in thE country is through t thE rooF. ThEy havE to put this towards thosE protEctEEs that it most. WE havE a rEpublican nominEEE and wE havE a dEmocratic. ThosE should bE thE two prioritiEs right Now. And i thintEd Today K sEE that D Today in what thE housE passEd EarliEr, Enhancing thE protEction For thEsE two candidatEs. So thEy didthEy thE unanimout passEd a bill to EnhancE thE sEcrEt SErvicE ProtEctioEctn For PrEsidEnt Trump. And in d thE acting dirEctor was askEd about thE shiFt that hE t kEEps rEFErring to and Watch what hadigE said with rEspEct to thE paradigm shiFt. This is about looking at thE organization holistically. For ExamplE, thE Communicationmo IssuE communications wErE problEmatic. And i thinatk what wErEosEl im looking at is wE nEEd to havE communications that arE closEly alignEd to thE opErations. Okay, charlEs, this just sEEmsr. RudimEntary to EspEcially aFtEr 911 whEn wE had such a communication brEakdown. so thE local Law EnForcEmEnt and thE SEcrEt SErvicE, how do thEy intEract . BEcausE it brokE down in butlEr . WEll, this is a wEllprovEn r mEthod. Up until butlEr, pEnnsylvania, thE sEcrEt SErvicE REliE spartic on thE countErpart systEm, and that is you gEt EvErybody togEthEr thats participatinipEE in thE ovErall SEcurity Plan and you makE surE thEyrE all on thE samE placonitorE to monir communications and pass EssEntial traFFi c, EvErybodyd Fo on thE ground to makE surE thEy kNow what thEy nEEd to kno rEsEarcw. ThE sE and For somE rEason, i Cant FigurE it out. And i dont i dont thincrk. ThE SEcrEt SErvicE can. How this wEnt so awr butlEy in r ,pEnnsylvania, whErE thEy had statE and local Law EnForcEmEn T in onE placE and thE SEcrEt SErvicE in anothEr. Soy no, you kNow, its rEally nt nEcEssarily iF you comE to mE bEEniously and askEd mE iF this nEEdEd to bE FixEd, i woulD HavE told you no, bEcaussomEE its donE so many ts ovEr anD OvEr again. I think thEy JusEir GamEt nEEd E thEir gamE up. ThEy nEEd to providE thy to thE arEnEcEssar thrEat. ThrEat. ThEy nEEd to makE surE communications arE i i witn stEn with onE anothEr statE and locals undErstand whats orcadE bEing oF thEm at all oF thEsE, locations and motorcadE. HE and, you kNow, thE SEcrEt SErvicE will go on. But i thinmEk thEy rEalizEdgEri somE Easy stuFF is gEtting missED HErE. Ng a oand its EndangEring a lor oF pEoplE Now. WEl i wouldl charlEs, i Id N it to thE TrEasury DEpartmEnt whErE it sEEmEd bE a lot bEttEr. ThE dEpartmEnt oF HomEland SEcurity is a hugE MEs S oF a burEaucracy. CharlEs, wEll havE you back. Thank you so much. Coming up, sEan CombsE Watc rEportEdly on SuicidE Watch. WE havE thE latEst nExt nExt. Do not buy GEnEric Viagra until you out this program giving away 100 milligrams GEnEric Viagra For just 0. 87. Cvs and walgrEEns dont want you to kNow about this bEcausE thEy sEll thE samE tablEts For 30 to 40 Each. Dont bEliEvE mE. Look at this. This is From cvs. Look, ninE tablEts, onE hundrEd Milligrams SildEnaFil A. K. A. GEnEric viagra For 406. Thats 45 a tablEt. This is From walgrEEns. 417 For ninE tablEts oF onE hundrEd Milligrams SildEnaFil or 46 a tablEt. You can gEt thE samE ninE tablEts, thE samE 100 Milligrams StrEngth From Friday Plans just 0. 87 Each to gEt GEnEric Viagra From Friday Plans tExt. Cch Watch two six 9069. OncE you tExt thEy will sEnd you a spEcial link and all you nEEd to do is sElEct why you nEEd GEnEric Viagra. ThE quantity you nEEd and thE dosagE. Ill pick 100 milligram. Thank you vEry much. And thEn thEir systEm will sEE iF you qualiFy. GivE it a sEcond to Find thE bEst dEal and thEn look at that. 80 0. 07 For Each 100 milligram GEnEric Viagra tablEt. ThE prEscription shipping a FrEE Friday Plans dElivErs your mEdication in a plain whitE packagE just likE this in 2 to 3 days. OncE you opEn it, youll Find insidE. Each tablEt comEs individually wrappEd so you can tEar onE oFF and put it in your wallEt. Guys, iF you nEEd GEnEric Viagra, you nEEd to takE advantagE oF this program right Now, Friday Plans is oFFEring a spEcial dEal For nEw customErs. 10 oFF your First packagE. ThE prEscription is FrEE and thE shipping FrEE as wEll. Do not wait. TExt. Wait. Watch. 2690 six ninE today, tom brady, thE broadcastEr thats got EvErything in thE world. Why do it . Tommy . Why you act, tommy. Why dont you lay on a bEach gEtting Fat on Pina Coladas . Why not buy . A SoccEr TEam got onE, dudE, why would thEy ask . Why . What arE thEy EvEn talking about . ED OnE, what thEyrE rEally asking is, why dont you quit Football . ThEy dont undErstand that you livE and brEathE For Football bEcausE yourE tom FrEakin brady in onE day. MaybE thE grEatEst EvEr was. Got to work with big wavEs, big currEnts, big EvErything. This is a job you havE to put your hEart into. WE losE pEoplE, but wE savE PEoplE To and EvEryonE that goEs right. Just rEad you thrEE hElps gEt you through thE onEs that go wrong. GEtting dangErous. WElcomE to thE north shorE rEscuE. Hi, sir. ThE two Night PrEmiErE bEgan sunday aFtEr Football on Fox. To bE is proud to bE FrEE For all thE First rEspondErs who riskEd thEir to kEEp us saFE. ThE tEachErs illuminating thE minds oF our childrEn and thE voluntEErs who builD Our community to bE is also FrEE For womEn who takE day naps with way too many candlEs burning. CouplEs who stEal CoppEr PipE oF thE walls at opEn housEs and kids who skippEd class to grow rocks at windows bEcausE to bE is FrEE For EvEryonE. And wE mEan EvEryonE. Whoops. Sorry, it just lockEd in grEat REFinancing RatE For my studEnt loans with crEdiblE incomE. CrEdiblE. What did you hEar about that . SEriously, im litErally thE crEdiblE davE. WEvE bEEn FriEnds For yEars. Finding grEat ratEs is my wholE thing. Sorry. CrEdiblE. I Forgot you. Hmm. Sorry. WhEn yourE looking For loans, its EithEr crEdiblE or its not. Your Car StEEring WhEEl could bE a litEral ticking timE bomb. ThE national Highway TraFFic SaFEty administration is calling For a rEcall oF 67 Million airbag inFlators. At lEast two pEoplE havE diEd so Far. OthErs havE suFFErEd skull FracturEs, lacErations anD OthEr injuriEs. IF you or somEonE, you kNow, suFFErEd any injuriEs involving a dEployEd airbag, EvEn iF your accidEnt was your Fault, you could bE EntitlEd to compEnsation. Morgan and morgan has onE morE airbag casEs than any Firm in thE country. Do not dElay. Call 1800 602 5300 or visit For thE pEoplE. Com to lEarn morE. What yourE about to sEE is incrEdiblE. Fox nation sEnsational Hit Show bursts back into action. Drop thE gun. Dont miss all nEw EpisodEs oF crimE cam. 24 7 nEw CamEras YEar hands on with thE drama Exposing nEw crimEs and dElivEring swiFt justicE. CrimE cam 24 7 nEw EpisodE Tonight on Fox Nation amErica is strEaming whEn you cant Watch. ListEn. GEt thE latEst NEws BusinEss and nEws hEadlinEs on Sirius Xm any timE. Fox NEws Audio on Sirius Xm amErica is listEning. RappEr Music Mogul Bro SEan Diddy combs is rEportEdly on SuicidE Watch in a brooklyokn jail. Whac Fox NEws CorrEspondEnt Matt Finn has thE latEst on thE casE. You tEll us . That law tonight, Combs Is On S and that SuicidE Watch i brooklyns mEtropolitan DEtEntion CEntEr. That i i mEtitans not thE jail a thE rappEr wants to bE in. A pris his attornEyon For a transFEr to a prison in EssEx county, nEw jErsEy. But that not happEn. PEoplE magazinE rEports thE mEtropolitan DEtEntion CEntEr is kNown For bEing dangErous and undErstaFFEd with thE high NumbEths Anr dEaths and suicidEs. SEvEral courts havE rEcognizEdso as not Fit For prEtrial dEtEntion, according to thE daily. T comb combs is accusED OF organizEd what hE calls FrEE goFFsusting dEstructivE and dEspicablE sEx sEssions, in which D H allEgEdly hirEd mEn and womEn typically in hotEl rooms, Providinot G drugs. T do anD HE somEtimEs FilmEd it all. U court documEnts rEading victims bEliEvE thEy could not rEFusE combs dEmands without thEir Financial or Job SEcurity or without rEpErcussios in ThEnE Form oF physical or Emotional abusE. That saydys attornEys in part that thosE sEx partiEs wErE consEnsual anD HEs nocEnt. L laura, matt, thank you. In joining mE, brian claypool, dEF a criminal dEFEnsE attornEy. So, brian, what mattEn just talking about thEsE socallEd FrEak oFFs. D bEEn. About sEcrEt so hEd bEEn opEnly braggingtiEs about thEsE wild, yo, you kNow,i thosE likE sEx partiEs. And it looks likE, you kNow, thErE wErE probablkEy othEthings oF othEr things going on thErE, too. But hE was bragging about this For, what, a couplE oF dEcadEs . Watch this. What you nEEd to do. WomEn. BEautiFul womEn. WE nEEo d alcohols. Lcohol right . Alcohols, right. Not just onE alcohol alcohols. Right. ThE E. IkE you nEEd thE ladiE s. You nEEd thE. Right. Got to kEEp thEm thErE. Right. WE nEEd locks on thE doorsE doo. Sounding kinD OF dangErous. Aur its a littlE, but. Br yEah. Brian, that was crEEpy. But what took thE FEds so longi . To do somEthing . HEy, laura. Always grEat to bE with you. YEah, i think its thE. E wErE. Im in l. A. Its thE Hollywood CElEbrityhod Ity PathE Path to justicE, whErE wEE la simply look at clip likE that, and wE laugh and gigglE about, oh, lEts gEt alcohol, lEts drugs, lEts gEt all thEsE ladiEs at a party. You kNow, For yEars p, Diddy Mak has gottEn a wholE pass. HEs actually crEatED His own Kingdom WhEr own andE hE his own rulEs. And you got to Follow his rulEs or you gEtt pEnas pEnalizEd. Fot and guEss what, laura . HEti hEs Now in a FEdEralmE PEnitEntiary i and For thE First timE in his liFE, hEs Facing, his own FatE at thE hands oF somEbody ElsE. And i will tElFEdEral l laura, E donE FEdEral casEs that thats not thE placE you want to bE in FEdEral court. 90 oF FEdEral criminal indictmEnts brought down arE plED Out. Right. A PlEa DEal is. OF anD OF thE only 10 lEFt, 90 oF thosE dEFEndants who go to trial, thEy loshEE. So hE is looking at a daunting uphill battlE to Fight thEsE horriblE chargEs. Now. brian onE oF thE Dhs O agEnts involvEd in this on his miami mansion dEscribEd what hE saw insidE, thE HousEs Ep saying that in my opinion, hEs as BastthEsE D as EpstEin. ThEsE womEn arE young, EithEr barEly lEgal or barEly illEgal. Brian, this sounds likE hE was a yEah. IlEd laura, i will tEll you tha byt that that this indictmEnt vEry dEtailEd, by thE way, to your viEwErs, you kNow, thErE wErE ovEr 300 subpoEnas sErvEd, ovErt 50 witnEssEs intErviEwEdan. Why is that important . BEcausE thE FEdEral prosEcutors arEnt going to bE lEvElinindicn indictmEnt likE this unlEss thEy havE ammunition and thEy havE causE bring it. And thE CorE IssuE at this casE, which thE FEds, havE to provE, which its looking likE thEy cant, is that P Diddy EssEntiallhEsE wy thEsE womEn th hE thrEatEnEd thEm spikE with stopping that monEy, that hE was paying thEm, that hE spikEd ugs. Drinks with drugs thats bEEn allEgEd in thE indictmEnt, and that hE basicalliuiy tolda thEm, im going to ruin your liFE unlEss you EngagE in thEsE FrEakthEally wh. And thats rEally what thE prosEcutors got to provE. Yod iF youvE got somE victimsEo coming Forward to talk about that, youvE got Financial rEcordEcords thas, prE that travEl itinErary that provEs that P Diddy has vEry has littlE dEFEnsE. And i got to tEll you, wants laura, iF this guy wants to Fight coursE chargEs, hEs going to havE to stEp up and walk into a courtrooutm and talk about it. IF hE doEsnt tEstiFy in this casE, hE is dEaD O on arrival. Ll t wEll, who ElsE is on thEsE tapEs . I mEan. Th thE tapEs nEvEr sEE thE thErE light oF day. I mEan, thats what EvErybodys timE. Who ElsE is thErE . Its lik . H thE with thE EpstEin, you kNow that his plEasurE islandwhwho wa. Who ElsE . Bu who, who wEnt. Who was thErE . Whats thE maniFEst . T, bri, chanbut brian, thE chanw onE bEing lEast likEly, thE tEn bEing most likEly. What wE lEarn oF othEr cElEbritiEs that wErE at thEsE FrEak oFFs. Or yEah, i think. I think youvE got an Eight or ninE Four likElihood yourE going to hEarto hEar ab . BEcausE thErE arE going to bE l morE indictmEnts coming down. Laura, thats an important point hErE, bEcausE hEs bEing chargEd with rackEtEEring, conspiracy. YourE going to havE wEll, lEts start on thE innEr circlE. YourE going to havE FormEr bodyguards. Yguards. Ly havyou can possibly r musicians that hE was with. Nts L YouvE got pErsonal assistants that arE going to bE thErErEings alrEady talking about this. ThErE somE oF thosE arE likEly to bE chargEd. And thEn guEss. IF youvE got somE music Moguls Rhat arE sEnding womEn ovE allEgEd brEak oFFs, thEn youvE pEoplE. T is thEyrE going to start crumbling, too, bEcausE thats thEyrE all part oF whats i callEd this criminal EntErprisE. All right, brian brian, Always W to sEE you. Thank you so much. Now, Tim Trump Showing Crats just how dangErous thE dEmocrats rhEtoric has gottEn. ThE anglEsr, 24 Ad War nExt, rEady to livE. AgE lEss than listEn up. An agElEss malE. Max kEEps mE at thE top oF my with 675 milligrams oF ksm 66 shown to boost total tEstostEronE. BiggEr musclEs Fat. ByE byE, dad. And it has not pErFormEd to boost nitric oxidE production. TurbochargErs you in thE gym and in thE bEdroom. My Vitality And Stamina arE oFF thE charts. Just ask his wiFE. LivE agElEss with agElEss malE backs availablE at thEsE FivE rEtailErs. REignitE your passion with custom annivErsary bands From thE JEwElry ExchangE to Carat Fancy bands 1491 carat classic natural bands. 990 HalF Carat natural For 99. UnlimitEd choicEs guarantEEd to appraisE For doublE thE JEwElry ExchangE. ThE JEwElry ExchangE. DirEc this is our last chancE to hElp savE thousands oF Holocaust Survivors who arE suFFEring in thE FormEr union today. Support thE nEEds that thEsE ForgottEn jEws havE. ArE somEthing bEyond anything you can imaginE. HavE you EatEn this morning at thrEE yEar lows . I atE thE carrot, so i atE halF oF it yEstErday. And i had it today For brEakFast. And this is what shE atE in two days. OnE carrot, thE sugar, salt,jEwg PEoplE To bE. ThE intErnational oF christians and jEws bEgan this ministry to hElp EldErly living in horriblE povErty around thE world. WE urgEntly nEEd your giFtnEn oF 25 Nowth to hElp providE onE Survival Food Box with all oF thE Foods thEy critically nEEd For thEir diEt. NEEd For thEir diEt. For onE month bEForE i am vEry proud to partnEr and align with thE intErnational FEllowship oF christians and jEws. This trustEd ministry is giving christians likE mE a way to blEss EldErly jEwish mE pEoplE who livE in ExtrEmE povErty around thE worlD H. But i bEliEvE in god. But i somEtimEs FEEl maybE hE Forgot to mE. PErhaps you could tEll my story and i will Find a match so you can undErstand you dElibEratEly. I FacE hungEr again. PlEasE dont call, Scan Or DEspa go onlinE. NEw to rush onE Survival Food Box to a Holocaust Survivor is suFFEring and in dEspEratE nEEd. This is whaEar gods voicE,t. Just FEEd thE hungry. IF hEar gods voicE. Im asking you to act Now. Do it whEn its on your hEart. I pray that thEyll kNow in thEir Final months that thEyrE not alonE. 48 oF amEricans dont gEt Enough magnEsium, which is vital For bonE, NErvE And MusclE hEalth. I rEcommEnd curE all MagnEsium GlycinE Eight. Its FormulatEd For high absorption and is gEntlE on thE stomach. ThE brand i trust dEadly dEvicEs aFtEr israEl targEts hEzbollah. Craig hErE pays too much For vErizon wirElEss. So hE sublEt halF his rEal EstatE OFFicE to a pEt shop. ThErEs a smartEr way to savE. Comcast businEss mobilE. You could savE up to an incrEdiblE 70 on your wirElEss bill. So you dont havE to compromisE. PowEring smartEr savings. PowEring possibilitiEs. Switch to comcast BusinEs IntErnEt and mobilE and FinD Out how to gEt thE latEst 5g PhonE on us with a qualiFying tradEin. Dont wait call, click or visit an xFinity storE today. GEt 15 oFF plus FrEE shipping with discount codE. Ba. 5 at FiElD OF grEEns. Com. ThE 2024 Ad War. It so much Fun is wEll undErway. WEvE sEEn somE rEally grEat ads and somE stunnErs, sEct somE stinkErs too. Each wEEk oF thE campaign wErE and m to dissEct thE thE and dEmocrat and issuE our own angry manglEd rEport card. Edining mE joining mE Now,. TErry schilling, prEsidEnt oF thE amErican principlEs projEct. Rry, LEtrt Wit TErry lEts sth this powErFul ad From FormErwat. PrEsidEnt trump highlighting somE oF thE rhEtoric oF thE DEmocrat D tos. Watch. IF you had to bE stuck in an ElEvator with EithEr PrEsidEnt Trump,E PEnc MikE pEnt jEFF sEssions, who would it bE . Just onE oF us havE to comE out aliv E. D takE wErE in high school. Id takE him bEhind thE gym and bEat thE hEll out oF mE. I just dont EvEn kNow whyEr thErE arEnt uprisings all ovEr thE country. MaybE thErE will bE. E arEntsingyou bE civil with a political party that wants to dEstroy what you stand For. I havE thought an awFul lot about blowing up thE whitE housE. TErry, how do you grad Laura E . Laura, i givE that ad an a i think its vEry powErFul. It usEs thE most wEllkNown and rEcognizablE all dEmocratswi and it usEs thEir own words against thEm to show just how vicious Evil thEy arE. A yEah, wEll, i thinkto thEyrE onEs saying trumps dangErous. Trumps causing all this chaosw. And thEy sEEm to bE urging it. So again, using thEir own Word S ,i think its vEry powErFul. But harris rElEasEd an a td w yEstErday, tErry, touting hEr rEcord, th on thE wait For k thE bordEr. ChEck it out. ThE BordEr StatE ProsEcuto or. ShE took on drug cartEls. ShE backEd thE toughEst BordEr Control in dEcadEs. Fixing thE bordEr is tough. So is Kamala Harris. TErry, that wErE halF . No i. T i givE it an F. Is this is not a bEliEvablE ad. AnyonEto concErnEd about ThEEE BordEr is going to bE asking thEmsElvEs a vEry simplE quEstion whEn thEy sEE this ad. Why didnt shE do this in laura thE First Four yEars . F i yEadonh, i dont think you can go back to your timE as a ProsEcuto R in. CaliFornia, look what happEnEd. SEcond, to rEsumE, you kNow, whEn thErEs a Gapnat HappE in , tErry, likE, wEll, what happEnEd in thosE yEars. All right. ThErEs anothEr trump ads Focusing on onE oF kamalas morE pronouncEd ProgrEssivEppors Policy proposals. Watch. Kamala support taxs FundEd sEx changEs For prisonErs. AccEvEry TransgEndEr InmatE in thE Prison SystEm woulD HavE accEss kamalas For thEm. PrEsidEnt trump is For you. Oh, that just camE out. That just camE out today , latE today, tErry. What do you think about that onE . I givE that an aplus, laura. This ad is so important to run. WE saw in 2022 that thE dEmocrats wErE ablE to countEr EvEry singlE attack on thE Economy and crimE and inFlation. But DEmocrats CannountEr Cannoty countEr this. ThEyrE to ExtrEmE and radical and thEyrE going to losE thEir basE modErat. ThEy modEratE. I givE this ad an aplusus. Wow. And thEn thErEs a racE bEtwEEn sEnator TEd Cruz, incumbEnuzt anD His dEmocratic challEngEr, colin allrEd. Thats kint isD OF tightEning uD HErEs thE latEst ad Fromch. ThE all rEd campaign. Football hurts. I no pain, nt. O gain. HE wan got to Fight For it. What TEd Cruz Fought For himsElF and wants to raisEts thE REtirEmEnt AgE For hardworking tExans. Now, that hurt. C TErry VErdict i givE that a cminus. I dont sEE that actually changing any votEchangs tExas. Its mostly substancE list. I givE it a C MinubstancElt s l. YEah i mEan Fought For gEts himsElF and FootballsE thE Football StuFF gEts old aFtEr a whilE. Im sorry. EvEryonE LikEsr Sporti to usE thEir Sport Sporting days as an analogy, but i Find that tnalogt bE itsElF kinD OF tirEd. Plus, TEd Cruz is a grEat sEnator kErrory, thank you so much. All right. Camilas latEst worD OF thE day. And why arE bidEnharris signiFicant . OthErs taking thE lEad . Raymond arroyo nExt FollowsdizEm honEstly, i way s scarEd whEnllo i was told agE rElatEd Macular H my vision. GrEat. OnE morE thing to worry about. It was all too hard to dEal with in thE bEginning. Doctor to add prEsErvation was Easy. Easy. PrEsErvation rEdoF any rEcommEndEd clinically provEn NutriEnt Formulm Doa to rEducE thE risk oF modEratE to advancEd amd progrEssion. Thanks to prEsErvation i FEEl bEttEr that im doing somEthing about it. LikE millions oF othErs, wE all salutE thE bravE mEn and womEn who sErvE in our military and protEct our strEEts. ThEyrE truE hEroEs, but thEy oFtEn couldnt what thEy do without thEir powErFul partnErs, thE caninE hEroEs wE dont always think about. From ExplosivE dEtEction to hunting bad guys and working sEarch and rEscuE, saving livEs abroad and right hErE in our communitiEs. But duE to limitEd and dEclining budgEts, thEsE dogs arEnt gEtting thE protEctivE gEar, liFE saving trEatmEnts and propEr HandlEr Training nEEd to survivE. ThE lack oF rEsourcEs For thEsE dogs is somEtiMEs Shocking. Thats why i Found it spikEs caninE Fun whEn i was in thE sErvicE. I spEnt thE oF my timE in thE spEcial opErations community. SpikE was my First working dog. HE was killEd in iraq. ThE mission oF spikEs caninE Fun to protEct thEsE dogs, to protEct our country and its communitiEs. SpikEs caninE Fun supports thEsE hEroEs by providing working caninEs thE tools, Training And CarE thEy nEEd For lEss than a cup oF coFFEE a day. You can makE a liFE saving impact to a caninE hEro. Youll rEcEivE inFormation on thE dogs you hElp. ThEsE arE living souls, not just EquipmEnt. ThEy dEsErvE thE CarE And ProtEction wE can givE thEm. WhEn you donatE to spikEs caninE Fund, yourE providing bEst For dogs. LikE. YourE providing mEdical support to dogs likE gEmma and giving Training And Gps collars to dogs likE backs. Thats why wE nEED HElp. WE nEEd Funding. EvEry dollar makEs a diFFErEncE in spikEs caninE. With your small donation oF just 5 a month, yourE giving back to our hEroEs who givE EvErything For us. Go to spikEs caninE Fund, dawg. Now. And gEt a spEcial giFt with donation. I lovE dogs. I lovE our country. And thEsE dogs dEsErvE EvErything that wE can do For thEm. This is why i givE. Im proud to givE thE spikEs For thE dogs that sErvE. GivEn to thEm. MakEs this country saFEr. ThEsE dogs dEsErvE our support and to bE providEd with thE carE thEy nEEd to work saFEly and rEtirEs. CaninE vEtErans hEalthy and in comFort. It is thE lEast wE could do. DonatE Now at spikEs caninE Fun, dawg. That spikEs caninE Fun, dawg. Hi, MikE HuckabEE hErE. And this ElEction is going to havE many oF us up at night. ME includEd thE vEry balancE oF our country is hanging by a thrEad. Thats why im going to makE surE i votE. And until thEn, im going to makE surE i gEt a good Nights SlEEp with. RElaxium slEEp. AmEricas numbEr onE trustEd slEEp. Im dr. Eric, CElEbrity FoundEr oF rElaxium, amEricas most trustEd SlEEp Aid. Just likE yourE sEEing mE on tElEvision Now. I saw a commErcial For RElaxium SlEEp back thEn. I and thE rEst is history. WhEn i takE away somE slEEp ,i slEEp bEttEr than i havE in yEars. I wakE up FEEling likE ivE had thE bEst Nights SlEEp. As a clinical nEurologist, i kNow how EssEntial is For building and nourishing both your mEntal and physical hEalth. RElaxium slEEp is madE in thE usa has no risk oF dEpEndEncy and is drug FrEE. Its also thE only SlEEp Aid with valid rEst as part oF its triplE action Formula. I dEvElopEd rElaxium to hElp my Fall aslEEp FastEr, stay aslEEp longEr and up rEFrEshEd. RElaxium slEEp workEd From thE vEry First night i took. YouvE got to try. RElaxium slEEp For YoursElF bEcausE oncE you do, youll bE a customEr For. LiFE just likE mE. And right Now you can try it For FrEE. For nEarly two dEcadEs Now. RElaxium has bEEn changing millions oF livEs. TakE. RElax and slEEp. I promisE you itll work. IF yourE ExpEriEncing slEEplEss nights or tossing and turning, you nEEd to try RElaxium SlEEp Now. I trust rElaxium. And so should you gEt thE bEst night oF slEEp. GuarantEE . Dont wait anothEr minutE. Call Now. MikE huckabEE is so conFidEnt that RElaxium SlEEp will work For you. HEs askEd us givE away anothEr 1000 bottlEs. Hit your FrEE bottlE oF rElaxium. SlEEp Now Now. It is amazing that a bioactivE wholE FooD Has all thE EssEntial nutriEnts you nEEd For your skin, your gut EnErgy, Focus, mood pErFormancE, your hair. First thing i noticEd was thE EnErgy And REcovEry that it had to work out iF you want to try it. My arm rEcom. Donald trump joinEd gutFEld. And amErica was Watching. HEs that ratings that wErE through thE rooF. I takE Full crEdit bEating EvEry CablE And Broadcast show in primEtimE. ThE CompEtition Show grEat gEts thE last laugh on gutFEld its Friday and that mEans its timE For raymond arroyos a birthday on Friday Following. Happy birthday, raymond. Dont want to talkn about a lot togEthEr. WEll, i dEFinitEly hEar you. LEss surprisEs For you. Yo wEll, shE has somE surprisEs For you, but i was going to surprisEto sur you by doing to u what you did to mE a FEwrs back. YEars back. Oh, FinE. Okay. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Raymond sorry, laura. Oh. Oh, my. Oh, its a shamE. Ka worst. Y morE words. You arE thE worst onlinE cut. HE almost killEd mE with that styroFoam plattEr. Il and graham, i rEmEmbEr that. I still havE thE scars hErE, but i wont show thai t. T oF yEah, wEll, wE covErEd a bith oF thE oprah. Com show EarliEr, and, yEs, Alist ChEEr Squad raymond surroundED HEr, including mEryl strEEp, your FavE. YEah, but laura, shE couldnt thEn propErly addrEss strEEp. This is an acadEmy award winnEr, bEEn a publiacadEmc Fora dEcadEs. Harris starts talking to mEryl strEEp, and i thindEs. S talkink. ShE nEEdEd a cuE card. ListEn, thank you, maryland, For your just thE giFt that you givE you doors, do your talEnthr. Oh. Oh. Who is marilyn . ShE doEsnt kNow strEEts namE, s i. I guEs, with Kamala Harris law EvEry hours happy hour. And LadiEs Drinkaharris FrEE. I think thE worD OF thE dayE. Has bEEn prEvEntablE. Uh, prEvEntablE, actually, laura, i disagrEE with marilyn. I mEan, mEryl, thE CarmElo WordE oF thE day is clEarly story. I it is your story and thE story oF our FriEnds bEForE you is rEally. Thats thE amErican story, right . In tEllingEnds thats t your story and bEing so strong in thE way you do. And both oF thEsE storiEs For a u to tEll thEsE storiEs. This story is a story that is sadly not thE only story. Its unbEliEvablE. Its simply unbEliEvablE. Wh its likE a child who lEarns onE word and thEn thEy strugglE For thE nExt Wor Thought and it nEvEr comEs. But maybE this daytimE candidacy will work. Its all Emotion, but Notiont Vy gooD OnE. CErtainly not an articulatE onE. Laura. D thEn what . What about thE Washington Post as wEll . WEll, wEll, thEy dEscribEd this EvEnthEy DEsc with abortion in Focus. Harris EvEnt with oprah prompt ocuss chEErs and tEars. ThE tEars arE From thE gEnEral public trying to FigurE out hEl what thE hEll is shE saying . Thats what i think that isls. YEah. I mEan, chEErs and tEars. YEah, tEars likE, oh, my god. Kim Jong Un and G And Putin arE Watching this going that this cant bE rEal. GivE us oprah. Eal. Oprah. All raymond, thErE was a sighting today, joE in maryland strEEt. JoE bidEn is back. HE hhE hElD His First CabinEt MEEting in 11 months. Etin yEah, thErEs only onE problEm. HE wasnt sitting at thE hEaD OF thE tablg atE. GuEss who was . So wErE gratEFul that jill is hEr jiltodaE today. YEah, i hEard that clapping. It wasnt For mE. Id likE to turn it ovEry co to jill. And Fommon Sr any commEnt shE h. And its all Yours, kid. Its all Yours. S its bEEn hErs all along. JoE bi is Jill BidEn lEd thE CabinEt MEEting, but iE guEss, look,t whEn yourE not shEphErding joE arounD Or, you kNow, makinrg surE, hEs not stumbling, i guEss shEs got a lot oF FrEE timE. ShE EvEn had a RosE EvEnt without joE. So i guEss shEs Now thE PrEsidEn GuEt in in, you kNow,urE in in pEscatorE in thE hEart. And why . This is amazing. I likE hEr. YEah. Look, i likE suit. That i guEss. That thats a prEtty i guEss thE vp is just Following thE bidEns lEad. ShE also is rElying on hEr spousE to do thE hEavy liFtingao whilE harris rEFusEs to do onE on onE intErviEws with thE mEdia. SE D HEr husband, Doug EmhoFFc was subjEctED On nbc, abc, t rathEr, to all thE tough quEstions hEs talking about thE EconomE ToquEstiony AE InFrastructurE And Filling in thE gaps shE nEEds. BE thErE. Joy joyous hErsElF should bE sitting For thEsE intErviEwrs ,not thE. Wait a sEcond raymond. T is thatt wha what womEn in thE in thE modErn Era arE doing Now thEyrE Goin G back to rElying on thEir Husbands Shirt For EvErything. EvE thEir owny wErr pEoplE. I thought that was likE, wE arE womEn. HEar, hEar, hEar m womEn hErEE Now thErEEn wE arE. WomEn hEar us. BorE EvErybody. I guEss i am only inErborE bidEn housEhold. ThE womEn arE lEading thE way. Finally, thErEthE arE, 40 millii christians who do not votE in thE u. S. ThE us ad thErEs a nEw Film trying to changE that. God is not dEad in god wE trust its in ThEatErs God this wEEkE. It was in thE top tEn last wEEk and thErEs a Familiar modErator during thE big dEbatE in thE MoviE David whitE. Davi dirEcting might and somEbody you might kNow is in it. God is gods not glorious. And all thE showtimEsyour arE thErE. What arE you doing For your birthday . YourE doing somEthing Fun. G Fun . I am going out For dinnErr and im not going to tEll you whErE bEcausE i dont want Anybodl Noy dropping a cakE in y lap. WEll, raymond, happy birthday,ry raymond. Its nEvEr agE, anD HE always looks thE samE bEcausE hE doEsnt. VE into thE sun likE goi whEn wE go into thE sun. IF its cloudy a littlE bit was likE sun its too sunny. LEts go insidE. But thats why you look so good. O goodgEt somE raymond. Happy, happy, happy birthday, EvErybody havE a grEat wEEkEnd. Thank you For Watching all wEEk long. WEll sEE you back hEr E Night and jEssEs nExt. HEllo, EvEryonE. Im judg

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