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The first the only Vice President of the bait is now in the books. We are alive, we are in the Spin Room, we are in new York City. And come up tonight will get reaction from Senator Hannity ted Cruz Donald Trump jr. Is here. But the Vic Ramaswamy The Man of the Rjd Events will be coming into the Spin Room whom i think kind of wiped the floor with Tim Walz. It seemed very nervous all night, make no Mistake Cactus was a consequential debate, at wilcock in my View Resin Start in the polls. It will boost Donald Trump. You decide to get. When did a Run And Hamas proxies attacked israel. It was during the administration of come all the harris. Ask yourself at home, 1 with last time, i am 40 years old. 1 with the last time an american president didnt have in a major conflict by god . The only answer is during the 4 years Donald Tripp was president ,. We all want to solve most of us want to solve this. And that is the united states congress. Thats the Border Patrol agents,. The most worried about people in Spring Hill Ohio are the American Citizens who have had their lives destroyed Naiqama S is open border. At the disgraced him, and i actually thank i agree with you, i think you want to solve this problem but i dont think im all the harris does,. You will hear a lot from Tim Walz this evening and you heard in the answer, a lot of what come all the harris proposes to do, and some of it, i will be honest with you, it even sounds pretty good, here is what you will hear, is that she has already done it. If she has such great plans for how to address middleclass problems. Then she ought to do them now. Not when asking for a promotion but in the job the american people gave her 3 and a half years ago, whats Tim Walz is doing tech and honestly tim tech i think you got a tough job here. Because you got to play whack a mole. You need to put in that Donald Trump didnt deliver rising Takehome Pay which of course he did, you got to pretend that Donald Trump didnt deliver lower inflation which of course he did. And you simultaneously need to defend come all at Kamala Harris atrocious economic record which is made Gas Groceries and housing unaffordable for American Citizens. Assumed to be Vice President vance was measured compared fair compassionate Office Lease Market intelligent break. Showed a lot of compassion, and the country really got to meet j. D. Vance tonight, not a caricature that that State Media created of him. And as they do it Donald Trump. Meanwhile tim Walz Khaki didnt look very comfortable. Visibly nervous constantly making weird faces. Trying to deliver rehearsed lies. Tim walz also lied over and over again, we factchecked check him, light about taxes, pretended only the wealthy americans with see if Tax Hike under that Harris And Walz administration. That is false he lied about the border attending a legal Immigration Numbers are lower than under trump. Which is false. Totally false Khaki Light about abortion, he lied about housing he lied about inflation 2025 that project that only exists in their mind, they lied about regulations, and when asked about another lie surrounding his time in china, tim Walz Kind of embarrassed himself, this was a moment to watch. Governor Walz Khaki said you were in Hong Kong during the deadly Tiananmen Square protests in the spring of 1989. But Minnesota Public Radio and other Media Lists are reporting you didnt travel to asia of august of that year. Can you explain that discrepancy . To the folks out there that didnt get it the top of this, i grew up in small rural nebraska, down at 400 count of 400 town you rode your bike with a buddy to the streetlights came on. No look at my community knows who i am. They saw where i was at, i will be the first to tell you, i have poured my heart into my community, i have tried to do the best i can, but i have not been perfect. And i am a knucklehead at times. I will say more than anything, many times i will talk a lot, will get caught up in the rhetoric. But being there, the impact it made, the difference is made in my life, i learned a lot about china. Governor just a followup on that, the question was, can you explain the discrepancy . Illicit on this as i got there that Summer And Misspoke on this. So thats what ive said. Hannity note clearly and over his head despite some assistance from the blatantly biased cbs moderators. Walz didnt look good in any way tonight, and by The Way, cbs, they should frankly be ashamed they didnt keep to the rules. Socalled moderators of the Broker Promise not to serve as factcheckers in order to help Tim Walz, and push their own political views as facts. Meanwhile, this country and the world are absolutely deteriorating under the far left radical policies, the Feckless Readership of Joe Biden and come all the harris, that was a point made over and over again by j. D. Vance tonight, now, we have a Mounting Crisis at home, overseas, things will only get worse if come all the harris gets a promotion, joining us now, the men of the Hour Senator j. D. Vance is with us get senator it was funny. When i first interviewed you at the rnc we knew Each Other but not well. And i was supposed to have you for a 10 minute interview, i think its been gifted there 30 minutes. Other way hope you not doing anything for the next couple hours, Senator Vance i dont know if i can stay that long. Hannity and as i was watching youth tonight, i really felt like you got a chance to introduce yourself to the american people. And i felt it was extraordinarily effective, because not of gotten to know you, that is the person that i know. Senator vance i just wanted to let what issues, as of this is an opportunity to get 9n people to not believe will opportunity for a person was to be the next president. And you should just make it as much as possible about substance. And 1 of the things i try to do contact obviously was good Size Kemal at Kamala Harris record. Wood also remind the american people that Donald Trump is not the caricature that Kamala Harris and the media have made them out to be. He was in currently effective president for 4 years in the oval office, and he actually solved problems. I think most americans, democrats were republicans people in the middle, they are sick of congress being a highclass debating society. They actually want their elected leaders to do Something Cactus all the countries problems. Donald trump did that. More than any person who i have observed in my 40 years of being on this earth. And it was such a good opportunity for me to just make that points to the american people. We had low inflation cappings were going well, the world was more peaceful. And actually shone, it is an easier argument to make tonight, i hate to say attack because of the incredible Tragedy Unfolding in israel, which looks increasingly like it could become a broader regional conflict. But win the world is going poorly, and it looks increasingly more violent khaki wants steady, proven leadership. That is Donald Trump, not Kamala Harris. The person who has broken the entire world. And i just try to make the point is much as possible. Make it about substance, and let the american people make up their mind,. 1 of the things i was watching the 181 ballistic missiles being fired from iran into israel. Im so think of the utmost of them down, but now really fighting a forefront war. And i just know, in the back of my mind that there is this radical antiisrael, antisemitic even when within the democratic party. Just believe that Kemal Harris and Kamala Harris and Tim Walz to want to alienate, and importantly evil is evil. And iran, has below, hamas. To have it in their charter they have stated over and over they want to wipe israel off the map. We hear it in the halls of congress, college campuses. This is they are very existence is at risk here. That is exactly right, and not just their existence, what americas national security here, if iran becomes a regional hedge fund, it will have a Nuclear Weapon the next week. That well seriously endanger the united states of america, because the iranians have shown their clearly not rational. The thing what this cactus happened shone because of confused policy from an american leadership we ask ourselves, how did it get to the point where iran is watching 200 icbms at americas most important regional ally . And the answer is because they dont actually know where it Kamala Harris stands. You talk but how they have cozied up to this weird pro Hamas Wing within their own party. They are doing that of course of political reasons, but it shows that confusion that comes out of that policy invites a lot of aggression, and invites a lot of bad guys doing terrible things. And it also motivate a lot of really stupid policy, 200 icbms. That is not cheap, iran has a lot of other weapons, how they find it . 2 reasons shone. Number 1, Kemal Harris went to war against the american Energy Sector that radically increased the amount of Oil Revenue the iranian regime was benefiting from, number 2, they unfurled 100 Billion of iranian assets. They are effectively handing these Guys Pallets of cash, the iranians are buying weapons, and will leadership would be to say we screwed up. We got something wrong, lets see what Donald Trump did, but they just cant do that because of the political reasons people they turned a blind eye to the sanctions. They literally made a run rich. And that allows them to fund these Proxy Wars so hamas, has below Islamic Jihad the houthi rebels, and now directly firing into israel from iran. And what should americas was monthly here . Senator vance i thank it is tough shone because we dont have a president we can actually trust you can even know who the President Of The United States is, and thats one thing we didnt actually get into the debate that over the wanted to hammer Kamala Harris on, is that for three and a half years, america has been saddled with the parade by President Of The United States we cant do the job. Of the reason is because Kamala Harris lied and said he was up to the job of president. And of course he wasnt, and now we are in this terrible crisis in appalachia, these terrible floods a lot of people affected. Weve got this regional war breaking out in the Middle East. And we dont have effective american leadership. I think what our response is, is fundamentally this is israel security and they have to make the decision about how they are best going to protect their own security. And they need the support of their american allies, not Joe Biden as confused as he is standing behind them effectively promising that he is going to punish them if they dare defend their own sovereignty in their own security. Israel is exley very good at the stuff, its one of the things what is real as an alley unlike frankly a lot of socalled american allies. Is they have a viable military, they have a viable intelligent service. Theyre going to make their own decision about how to predict their sovereignty. I think our role here, support our friends and also gets back to some Common Sense foreign and economic policies. So that we can be strong enough to respond to the next national security challenge. Hannity the me ask you. You can bring up a point that i thought was very effective in this debate, and that was, youve been Vice President nearly four years. And on day one, going to fix inflation, in doing they want to going to fix the port of. On day when im going to do this and that. And walt kept ringing up the issue of immigration you brought up the 90 some Odd Executive Orders that they bragged about. But also for three years they said the border is secure. And harris wants to decriminalize illegal immigration. Offer free Food Housing Health Care Education Sex change Operations Amnesty on top of it. And we have all these unvented illegal immigrants. Met dozens of americans have been murdered. I had the parents to them on last night. Many americans have been including children, we have other victims of violent crime unvented illegals. The is through the roof. And i think america understands that, we also brought up other aspects. How it impacts education, in the economy. And housing, and my cost to housing. Senator vance so much of our problem is actually dew to Kamala Harris open border. You take 25 Million Illegal Aliens hectic smoke and unity, lets say youve got a School District as of four or 5000 kids back and now all of a sudden You Add 1000 kids who cant speak english, through no fault of their own of course, with the american education system. The education for our kids suffers in the process. Hospital wait times, appoint ashley didnt get to make this evening, what Hospital Wait Times have gotten longer and longer. Why . Because a lot of Illegal Aliens go to the Hospital Emergency Room to get medical care. Will that means American Citizens arent able to be seen by a doctor quickly kick housing is actually i think the biggest issue. A major driver of Housing Costs is that you have millions of foreigners were illegally in the country who are competing with americans for homes. That a supply independent sheet the cost of housing to the roof, so i talk about substance, my goal was to talk about substance tonight, because i think a lot of americans sort of intuitively get this Countries Leadership has failed at, and i just tried to explain as much as possible, here is my Kemal Harris has been a failure. Here is why Donald Trump has been a success. And heres how we are going to clean up the mess she created. Hannity let me ask one question is were on the stage. Tim walz seemed very nervous tonight. Now i kind of walked away with the impression, i guess maybe i felt. Maybe this is the reason he doesnt do interviews. He seemed to take come as you never see you . Senator vance i didnt notice adrenaline was going so much i was nervous, i could do a lot of these interviews but i was nervous as the biggest age of my life excellent and focus on much on his demeanour. I just had to focus on what he was saying, and to be fair to Tim Walz. He had a very tough job. And that is to defend the policies of Kemal Harris. Hannity he did have a tough job. Senator vance he does that it is Kamala Harris has done this, her Policy Failures have made food, housing, energy unaffordable. We just need a change in this country, we need to get back to the common Sense Leadership of Donald Trump. I am not surprised that tim couldnt defend that record. Who could . If you put me on the debate stage, you clearly thank i did a good job, i hope i did a good job. But if you ask me to defend kemal Kamala Harris record i would into a puddle because there is no defendant which he has done in the last three and a half years. Hannity lets talk about the number 1 issue in just about every poll for most americans get the economy. We have record high inflation with Donald Trump left office with 1. 4 percent, it is up 20 plus percent higher. Everybody knows, because i go shopping every week myself. Every store we go to, every item we buy. Us more. If you want to buy a house, maybe if you want to change homes you are not going to give appear to. 9, or three or three and a half are 4 mortgage for 7 30year fixed rate mortgage, these other breadandbutter issues of peace and prosperity. Drive elections. Well weve got War In Europe were in the Middle East, and we got an economy that is struggling. And wide open orders to make our country is not safe. Senator vance Thats Exec the right. You know i grew up in a workingclass family. Sometimes we did, okay, sometimes times were really tough get and i can help a thing about this to the eyes of a family that is struggling to make ends meet get where people are sort of looking at the Credit Card bills, theyre looking at the groceries, they looking at the medical expenses and they are saying, we could maybe afford two of these three things that we cant afford all three. And i just want americans, if youre looking to the future, and want you to look to the future from a place of hope and optimism, i want you to believe The American Dream is still possible. Because i really do believe it still possible sean but man, only if we get the policies that actually make sense for the macon people. The thing ive learned most in the past eight weeks. Have had such an insight into this country. And at some amazing people come up and asked me how im doing, and i think of to see how people are starting in a very big Way Kick and had this Eureka Moment of if all these american sitting so concerned about the Guy Running For Vice President when they themselves get up for groceries, this is a generosity of spirit in this country that is so amazing, we need a leader who actually matches up with that generosity of spirit. A leader who is fit to leave the Greats Nation in the world, we dont have it now, i thank we are about to have a starting on november fifth. Hannity a Member Kemal said with a high press of energy. And i would thank it matters to the people of pennsylvania. And your state of hyo under the issue of fracking. And she doesnt want offshore drilling. One of the things that i feel with 35 days left there only voting starting. She has not answered why she corresponds with the green new deal. 93 Trillion. That to me is marxism, why She Cosponsored Government Run Health Care. Medicare for all. No private health insurance, how do you justify Sex Change operations paid for by Taxpayers Amnesty when people this. Allows Border Sovereignty or defund his mental the police, or i do wish you brought this up at The End, sheet tweeted out a Bell Fund for days before the Police Precinct was burned to the ground, and then set, they arent going to stop writing, shouldnt stop writing and we wont stop writing,. Senator vance in my defence this much but that record you had 90 minutes i could have four hours, but youre absolutely right here, her policies, and is not just that she did this things, in some cases she went out and bragged about opening the board. Sheet bragged about wanting to divert resources away from police officers. She bragged about the green new scam which of course is win the main drivers in Energy And Fruit prices, she bragged about the stuff, it happened and americans have suffered from it. And you made a good point, she hasnt answered for any of this, in her defence, she hasnt entered for anything because she refuses to sit down for an interview kick. Hannity you dont do Press Conferences or interviews,. Senator vance honestly. Hannity by The Way all offer Kamala Harris and Tim Walz a whole Weeks Worth of shows. Senator vance i legitimately believe no getting that you would be a much more Fair Interviewer of Kamala Harris than for Example Deanna Basch was with me. But you Go On her show, Go On sean hannity, you go wherever you can because if you were to beat the Vice President of the united states you need to earn it. Need to get out there and talk the american people. And i thank it is the most scandalous part of her entire campaign is that she is running from a basement, hiding from the very people that she wants to lead, what you have a contrast of Donald Trump economic was a successful president once, but is so eager to get out there and make his case to the american people that he is doing multiple rallies a day. Multiple interviews with news leaders. That the kind of guy with the energy that you need to actually run this country. Hannity one of the things and think you look for in a debate is Tone Pitch Cadence intelligence. Does that person have the ability to step in and god forbid if you have to become the President Of The United States. At The End of the day, i felt this was maybe for people that had a caricature of you, you mentioned one of Donald Trump. I think that came across tonight, you had a good time . Senator vance i had a lot of fun. Hannity on a scale of one to ten how nervous were you . Senator vance and 11. Hannity its a big moment, its only a 70 Million people or so watching. Senator vance its a very big moment, and i thought as an opportunity to look directly at the american people and communicate The Ways in which i thought we could do better. Hannity is one person ahead of you if im not mistaken. Senator vance there were a lot of people ahead of me including my wife you thank she was number 1. She was weigh ahead of me. But it is such a Cool Opportunity to get to talk to the american people. To get to make your case to them. To get to remind them like Kovala Herrick or mass policies have been a Failure Picking to try it as much as possible to make it about policy, because i think thats where Donald Trump is such a better candidate. But most important of better president than these guys. Hannity the record low unemployment for every demographic. Women in the workplace. Senator vance rising Takehome Pay in the biggest and most significant acceleration in 40 years of this country, you go back there is a Shot Chart that i was obsessed with in college for you look at the wages of workingclass people. Black brown, white whatever their Skin Colour. And basically stagnates for 30 years. And then all of a sudden this thing happens where it shoots right up. And that is the presidency of donald j. Trump. It is an amazing record to run on, and only were their wages of all of these working people, of every Skin Colour going up, with an inflation was between one and a half and 2 percent, the entire time that he was president. It is the best economic record of any president at least since World War ii. And it is not just im running with a guy i love to brag on Donald Trumps economic record. People were happier and healthier. Families like mine could afford the essentials because he was a good President Vehicle you got to get back to us. Hannity last question, and i now read the book and watch the movie. Because i hadnt read the book i had only watch the movie. And when you think of wear you came from. I thought my four grandparents came from ireland legally. And they were poor. I parents both grew up very poor and my mother was a Prison Guard she worked 16 hours her whole life get by data for me waiter, i learned to be financially independent when i was young. Nothing compared to your life, and i saw at the convention, and your mom was there and what thats meant to you that she had turned her life around, and i just thank it is a Redemption Story that america really can appreciate, that we came from there to here. Not a bad story. We just need to get to the final chapter. 35 days can you believe it . Senator vance 35 days i cant believe it but i thank we are going to Sprint And Work as hard as we can for every single home. Look menifield limiting about the polls, if you look at the pollsters who have been most accurate, actually we are in a better place and we were in 2016 of course Donald Trump ran the election in 2016. I feel very good about a thing the energy is great, you mentioned my mom she is probably watching right now i love you mom im proud of you, shes been clean and sober by The Way. For almost ten years now. And sean The American Dream is The American Dream of second chances. People fall off the horse but they keep on getting back on. And think that we need leadership that makes those second chance as possible. That is what the presidency of Donald Trump represents, is not just about red Team Versus Bleeding like yes, i want to beat the democrats and it will be fun on over 50 beat them. If Donald Trump is the next president , the people that i care most about or going going to have better lives, and that is what this is all about. Hannity is about the forgotten men and women in 2016, i mentioned my grandparents and my parents and i feel i stand on their shoulders, and i know you feel you stand on the shoulders. And thats the dream of every american in my view. And that is the shining City On The Hill that reagan talked about. Senator vance and she is smiling from heaven im running for Vice President of the Goodness Country in the world. What a great testament to our country. Hannity its good to see you think is much for stopping by great job tonight, now cheer with more reaction tonights debate. Senator ten grooves is with us himself a champion debater. Senator lets get your take. We just heard from Senator Vance. I didnt think this debate was close. I thought Tone Pitch Cadence Intelligence Demeanour Knowledge was so superior to Tim Walz. And i think Senator Vance made a good point. Tim walz had tougher record to defend. Tonight was a very good night. J. D. Did a good job tonight. And i got to say the winner of the Debate Tonight was Donald Trump. Loser of the Debate Tonight was Kamala Harris. Kamala harris is desperately trying to hide in Bidens Basement. Shes trying to hide from her record. The best limits in the debate when it focused on economics, when a focus on the economic disaster of Kamala Harris record. Out working men and women are paying more at the Grocery Store paying more at every day. And also when it focused critically on the fact that she is the incumbent. You and i have talked about before how come all Kamala Harris entire strategy is to pretend she is an alternate reality, rate she is changed candidate and Donald Trump is the incumbent president , and i think tonight, i think he did a very good job contrasting Donald Trumps record to come Kamala Harris record. And if we compare the records, where whether its on the border under Donald Trump, board was secure under Kamala Harris, at the worst its ever been in history, whether its the economy under Donald Trump we had booming prosperity we had under Kamala Harris. We have american people struggling and hurting, or whether it was Foreign Policy under Donald Trump. We had peace and in fact we saw peace breaking out in the Middle East under Kamala Harris we see war across the globe. I think the contrast came out very clearly tonight and Kamala Harris was the loser. Hannity any to tell you senator i saw an ad in your place in texas that was maybe one of the most effective ads ive ever seen. Dealing with issues involving immigration and others, and i know theyve gone after you with a lot of money but i think what is your debate coming up and thats when we deftly want to watch get. [simultaneous talking] my debate is October 15th and i am running against a Hard Left Democrat Collin all right just like Kemal Harris, both of them are hiding in Bidens Basement get both of them are trying to run away from the radical leftwing record, and both of them are relying on hundreds of millions of dollars, as you know sean Chuck Schumer is flooding millions of dollars into the state of texas, Gorge Soros is flooding millions of dollars we are being massive Thats Mick massively outspent. So i am grateful to everyone watching that goes to our website. Make a contribution of 25, 5100. We are being massively Senator Cruz outspent, i will tell you, we have had to poles in the last two weeks that show this as a one point grace. And in fact we have had to poles that show the democrat winning because Chuck Schumer is spending so much money it is why i need so many of your viewers to go to our website right now and support us. Because just like Kamala Harris has tried to do to Donald Trump, colin all right is trying to do the same thing to texas, and flipped texas blue. And Chuck Schumer and George Soros are paying them. Hannity Senator Cruz. We will be following your race very closely, is always the key for being with us, showing as not from the trump organization, executive Vice President Donald Trump Jr. Whether waitressing in this room,. [simultaneous talking] im a florida guy. Hannity i think our blood got thinner. Im going to tell a true story, we have known Each Other for a long time, i knew you long before you died your data forgotten to politics, he was buy me into your office or Brothers Office and his white your sisters office, and it was funny, because all of a sudden j. D. Vances name comes up again and again, and i didnt know him as well as you. And i called you, said okay i know you really want j. D. Vance. And i said i dont know him as well as you, tell me why, i guess we learned a big lesson tonight, because he was spectacular on that stage. It was a Master Class, was just a spectacular performance, he understood the facts. He steamrolled the moderators when they try to factcheck in with nonsense. He was 100 right, notice they didnt do that again. He had just such a command, it was interesting at we did during the thing im watching Tim Walz going like this every time, the optics of it was terrible. I think Tim Walz is voting for trump vance. It was an incredible performance,. Hannity the not going to have feminine hygiene Products Invoice bathrooms or gender from care without parental consent. We are right about policies that better for americans not Tampons Invoice bathrooms. And thats a reality shown that we seen today, we see the not just with the longshoreman strike, what you see it with literally iran. Not through proxies, but actually directly striking israel itself today. Notice how that didnt happen under trump . We went from a time of peace to a time of war. This is the Kamala Harris biden administration, it is the same thing. They have had power they are trying to pretend as though she magically started her political career three weeks ago, when they shoved her into that roll. We went from a time of peace to a time of war. We went from a time of prosperity to a time of property. Everyone feels it, the world has been watching and it is gone to hell in a handbasket. And its because the policies. Again we have had four years under trump. You know exactly what my father can do. Our enemies were not attacking our allies. Hannity no inflation no high interest rates, no war in the Middle East. By The Way, it feels to me we are on the verge of an allout war in the Middle East. We can have peace again and we can have prosperity again, we were not going to have it with week and feckless leaders like come all the Kamala Harris i understand the media will do what they do. That was fun at that shes a moderate that will do anything, the other Marketing Apartment of the left of course they are spending her as though she is a moderate. Im looking at her policies over 25 plus year career, the most radical person in the United States Senate left of Bernie Sanders. Another sing know she wants the wall. Is most like joe by putting on a Monger Hat i am saying whats going on here, but they will tell you whatever you need to hear to get your vote, and they will do whatever they want. Hannity maybe ice on the broken record but no Fracking Techno offshore drilling. Defund cactus mental, no bylaws. Open borders. Hannity Open Borders free Housing Food Health Care Education Sex Change amnesty and they have allowed in murderers, other violent criminals, people who terror ties, we have already in his squad looking to assassinate your father. And other memories of my family including myself. Be to you that whole family. By The Way i am sorry that you got the call. I got a call and also the last month ive had to expect my five children twice that someone tried to assassinate their grandfather who they love a lot. We have dealt with some stuff. Hannity she was a special kid. She wasnt a political shes a 17yearold girl. Met she has been watching the attacks catching is the measure of The Mansion as my father. She plays golf with them every weekend, she has probably spent more time with my father than any of the other trumps combined. He maybe watching so i got to be a little careful and this will but it could be close. He is a very good golfer i got to be very careful. I will never be seen on television ever again. But she is great and they have such a good relationship. She was with me win that happened, and she went through it and that Monday Morning two days later she calls me like i want to speak at the rnc and i said well. Thats a big speech for a 17yearold, when i was 17 i probably had a hard time getting up in front of my classroom. And she was just so sick of it. And honestly, i think the american people are so sick of it. They are sick of what is going on with the immigration they are sick of whats going on with fentanyl. They are sick of the wars, in the never ending funding for wars No One has articulate it with victory even looks like. We can fund that we can take the people in their own hometowns. Hannity 8 Million to ukraine we now have given nearly 200 billion. Total,. How about A Billion to a runner Sitting Missios into israel today. Hannity how we send it to North Carolina Georgia was headed to tennessee and florida. The could be bothered sean they have even shown up my father is doing more for North Carolina and georgia by getting elon to bring in starlike and supplies to be able to create communications, honestly what come all the harris and Joe Biden should do is sate donald pleas take over the Disaster Response because we are too busy taking care of our enemies around the world and making sure that iran feels comfortable as wellfunded to keep attacking our enemies. Thats what they should do, if they wanted to actually fall Saw Something for the american people keep them in charge now,. Hannity when did they first when did you first focus in on j. D. . With a longer position i called you about it. Early on before the Senate Run and the 18 or two years before that. Starting to get to know Each Other, and there was a lot of differences another west but he was the first guy to come around and be like i actually got it wrong. Whether he bought into the Media Spin or otherwise. And him and i have started to get to know Each Other and some of his good friends of mine were consultants, and we just for becoming friends to come listen to the guy and i have read hillbilly. We actually need someone with that background get some but he who came from appalachia, who battled a vicious cycle of Poverty And Addiction and his family. And broke through. Got to live The American Dream created a successful business, data in the real world. And then got into politics. He didnt use the military to get into school he went to the military before he went to law school, before he started a business. Met as a checkbox. Hannity he didnt lie about it are lie about his rank, or lie about the abortion bill. He told a lot a lot of lies were told not staged by tim Walz And I. I got to run but great to see you and i heard congratulations to kai on her college. Shes doing great shes crushing its. Hannity Donald Trump Jr. Think you joining is now 2024 president ial candidate. Of Frizzy Deep pretty decent debater obtain his own right. Whats get your take on tonight. Thing was quite obvious that j. D. Events won the Debate Tonight im kind of leap out of him but thats inset already pick one of the things i think is new you, us this shows the relative Judgement And Confidence of Donald Trump versus molly harris, there is a difference here. There are competent people on the democratic side who she could have chosen for her vp. She chose not to kick she passed over josh so pure. She passed over others, who has debaters that wouldve been better than Tim Walz was, i honestly feel so pathetic a heart for him thats wear we spent thats my claim with respect to him, he had no business being on the debate stage, that shows you that Donald Trump actually has real selfconfidence and selecting some but he was an independent thinker able to hold his own in The Way that j. D. Did tonight. So think reflect upon him i thank it reflected really well on Donald Trump and his selfconfidence. Versus kamali here Kamala Harris turning the kind of Running Mate should have been threatened by nothing that will cost her in The End, both in pennsylvania and avoiding Josh Schapiro as. But also selecting some only Tim Walz who couldnt hold his own tonight, thats what i would say shawn. Hannity Vivek Ramaswamy i do know you are tough debater i do know if i would want to get but anyway, we appreciate you being with us and staying up with us tonight. All right joining us now. I cant believe the Harris Campaign offered a surrogate but they did, and we are very glad to have democratic Holland Rado Governor derek with us, i love colorado love the people of colorado. Document how i wish he would go read it instead of blue. I went to ask you some serious questions and see if youre going to give me straight answers, and and i will give you time to answer, Kamala Harris cosponsor with Bernie Sanders the new Green Deal. 93 Trillion new Green Deal, which is a cradle to Grave Womb to the tomb governmentsponsored covered everything. And we do not know what the 35 days before Election Day she still supported. She cosponsored. You think the new Green Deal is good for america and the fact that she cosponsor that . Allows that very clear. On think of her have me on a appreciate it give me a fair chance. Hannity why are they afraid of me a nice guy,. Im not afraid to look at Donald Trump once supported singlepayer Health Care. And he said so. In the 90s,. Hannity [simultaneous talking] hannity Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton at his wedding,. I would have led to have Hillary Clinton at my wedding,. [simultaneous talking] she does not support all the policies and creating a new deal,. Hannity when did she stop supporting it what is she do an interview . The Kenny Bill it is a big Comp Look at a bill. Does she support investments and cleaning for section . Some the more in. [simultaneous talking] and she said very clearly she doesnt support Bernie Sanders green new deal, and Donald Trump was full singlepayer Health Care. [simultaneous talking] hannity how you extend this way . Shes cosponsored with Bernie Medicare for all of them in Health Care for all with no right to private health insurance. That is her words. She would get rid of it. Now she has not answered, to she still stand by that, and i thank we have a right for her to answer that. She has answered it. Shes a Poll She she is opposed to abolishing it. She is not for abolishing private insurance,. Hannity she does not say it. She has never said it. I am for expanding medicare, i think Kamali Harris is for expanding medicare, but she is absolutely not going to abolish anybodys private insurance i assure you of that. Kamala Harris Wood do the same in this chair. Hannity ive never heard her do that but youre an essay im not going to push you hard, why does she think its courageous to never say the words radical islamic terrorism or Illegal Alien . Who attacked us on 9 11 . I dont follow her everywhere, but, yes,. [simultaneous talking] they were radical islamic terrorists. Hannity she said americans should have the courage to never say radical islamic terrorism or Illegal Alien,. I thank she was trying to get across and we are all imperfect and how we do it if there are good americans who are of the muslim faith, you know that i know that. Radical embers of any faith to use their faith as an excuse to exact violence on other people and attack innocent americans is inexcusable, illegal and she is a former prosecutor. She has prosecuted people for Hate Crimes she has prosecuted people who engaged in acts of violence. Hannity never talked about Hate Crimes, radical islamic terrorism that attacked us on 9 11, in israel on october seventh, okay next question, she wants to decriminalize, her words, become all the files its on my website you can listen to it, decriminalize illegal immigration. She was to free Food Housing Health care education. Free taxpayerfunded Sex Change surgeries a path to citizenship. And she has never denounced that either. Do you think taxpayers ought to be paying for all of that from people that dont respect our laws, our sovereignty and our borders . In any discussion of immigration it started with securing the border shawn. And we need to secure the border theres a bipartisan. [simultaneous talking] hannity Health Care Education Sex Change surgeries for a little eager and vince,. Some Hunter Talking in a different world. [simultaneous talking] americans are get free housing you know that. Is no free housing vouchers. Hannity shes offering to the illegals. First of all she will secure our border Donald Trump was to keep this is a political issue. [simultaneous talking] hannity i will bet you any amount of money that i can play those words in her in her own words saying that she supports all of that. You can play a lot of words and i wish he did more of Donald Trump saying thanks that are totally abhorrent. [simultaneous talking] hannity they should pay for Housing Health Care Education And Section surgery. The use of what that . S1 has been governor of colorado i trust her to sit secure the border. Hannity do you support those policies . I thank we should secure the border and then a Duet Support Support for immigrant we need in our economy sure, we need to fix the whole thing, to such with securing the border. Kamala Harris Plan is bipartisan would have Border Patrol agents would add technology would actually secure it rather than it as a political issue. Hannity she said all of these things and you want to just deny that she said it. Because she did say it. All of them. I think id Donald Trump said a lot more naughty things than her. But i think people evolve and grow in she has a leader who well respond to the times. Shes going to be pragmatic she will support from across the political spectrum and to present all americans. Hannity after a Police Precinct in Minnesota Minneapolis four days later she supported Avail Fun she tweeted out and then said on colbert the rioters shouldnt stop and we arent going to stop them. She support insurrection at a . I think shes the kind of president that can being people together rather than that play people against one another. I thank she can heal a lot of the issues dividing our country, and that is a symptom of what was wrong with our country. And i dont think Donald Trump is a person who can do it go back to the days of chaos rather than support. Hannity the one thing i will say is i had to leave new York State because there was two governors that wanted me out, i think would still go to colorado because you would invite me. We would welcome that we have your showcase their whether its permanent or temporary can one out. Hannity we appreciate coming on. They are going to take a quick break we are in the Spin Room a lot more to get to this entity continue straight ahead. 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That probably wont be picked up by the media because hes not a republican or conservative. Reactions. First to get the pressure on all night keeping it to policy Donald Trumps position Donald Trumps policies where they work. And bike Kamala Harris has had three and a half years and hasnt done anything. And its been a disaster but the bigger thing even than that it exposed the fact that he is not ready, because they are hiding from the press. Cant explain anything so when you have to sit there in front of the world, and talk about what youre going to do. You simply cant. And that is a problem for them thats way or going to lose. Hannity words mean something, and i thought that one of jds more effective of Tax Tonight and he did it with a likability. There was a real warmth to him i felt in that stage tonight. When he kept saying shes had three and a half years. She ended all the trump policies on the border. He not only made the case about she is not ready, shes had three and a half years what has she done . He made the case about economic populism and how it helps Working Americans and he did it with heart and he did it articulately. I loved hearing that. The republican Party Today is a different party than it was 20 years ago. It used to be a very corporate party every Country Club party. When you listen to jade events when you listen to Donald Trump who comes first in their lives . Working people. The case he made about immigrants driving up the cost of housing. What evidence do you have for that . Its obvious, its called supply and demand. There is a Common Sense regular guy touched j. D. Vance. Hannity its just amazing. And by The Way i love the moment when he just pushed back the moderators and said you broke the rules i get to finish. They didnt go back to the factchecking that they promise not to do. Thats exec away what he did and this is the biggest thing at all. He kept calm and composed. Watched Tim Walz unfold. Hannity he told me he was nervous on up there and i said how skill went then . And he said in the leaven. Anybody wood want to see Tim Walz bring down you go back to the Game Plan and he did that consistently through this debate. Hannity didnt he seemed nervous and jittery to you . Did he seem to be making weird faces . I just thought he hasnt taken interviews he hasnt done interviews. This is really his first exposure to prime time. Thats wear i think you are right. She is not ready he is not ready to be our print it doesnt president and Vice President and thats what the selections all about. Hannity move the needle last question. It will move the needle. People are looking for information this is going to get clipped all over Social Media people will pick that up and they will be like, yeah, i cant go with those guys Donald Trump. No because i still fundamentally believe Vice President ial debates dont matter. Nobly is going to vote on the basis of who the vp is they will vote for trump or harris,. Hannity he introduced himself to the amick and he came up externality Smart Likable warm. Thats true but i dont thank it how you affect how you vote for President Speech was from going to win . Still think he has. About around states show. Hannity thank about. When we come back more from the Spin Room in new York City. Im headed back to the pretty state of florida as soon as this debate is over. Senator Katie Britt Jim Jordan next. [ ] we continue to live from the debate Spin Room in new York City. Joining us is alabama Senate Or Katie Britt And Congressman Jim Jordan it was a good Introduction Night to j. D. Vance for the country. All the damage washed away tonight in my view. One of the best Debate Performance is anime Kin History and a Master Class from j. D. Vance without to make sure the american people know whats at stake. Theyve had a hope about the vision of Donald Trump and he also put it on harris reminding voters over and over again they arent better off than they were three and a half years ago and they have Note Plan to make that the case. I love the people got to know j. D. Vance. I think the country got to know him tonight. Interviewed him at the rnc i didnt know his whole story i got to know him and im blown away by his life story. Going to my friend Jim Jordan also from ohio you are on my Radio Show earlier today and you told me watch out hell be great tonight and i think your production came true. You saw the Composure And Intellect and his compassion. I like how he framed things as he says whats at stake in this election and how they are achieving the ability to maintain The American Dream. They offered citizens this promise the dream working hard. Good things can happen. J. D. Lives that to the highest level now going to be our next Vice President. That is what is at stake in the selection and he showed with his Answers Tonight that Donald Trump is the guy who make sure that Promise And Ability to achieve The American Dream is still there or the american people. Comes from a Red State and the people of his state voted what their values were on abortion and that is what they seek to do. Let the states decide those affective answer. Also talking about supporting women and children were talking about resources and ivf really showing the republican party is one of families and parents of hardworking individuals and he did an excellent job communicating that the american people. And many other time i could go for hours honestly. I think it does its tight in the Swing States and the there the party of workingclass middleclass people and of Common Sense i love when he said dont trust the Experts Trust of the common Sense Wisdom we saw on display. Thats all we have tonight please set your dvr and stay tuned. Fox continuing coverage with Trace Gallagher is next, have a great night. Trace im trace gallaghe

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