Bentham Science has recently launched the new volume of the book, Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Anti-Cancer Agents. Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Anti-Cancer Agents is a book series essential for pharmaceutical scientists, postgraduate students and researchers seeking the latest, critical information for developing clinical trials and drafting research plans in anti-cancer research. Reviews in this volume are written by experts in medical oncology and clinical trials research, and compile the latest information available on special topics of interest to oncology and pharmaceutical chemistry researchers.
The first chapter covers information on AML (Acute myeloid leukemia). Irrespective of the diverse modes of treatment, the prognosis and clinical response of AML (Acute myeloid leukemia) remain low as the conventional modes of treatment, including cytarabine and anthracycline have their limitations. Additionally, chemotherapy-induced cytotoxicity triggers the remission, thus most of AML patients succumb to relapse. The monotherapy is also not helping much due to the rapid growth of AML, while an insufficient period of time is a major barrier in immunotherapy. Therefore, the current focus has been on combination therapy, with different agents, possibly because chemotherapy for AML is associated with infection, inflammation and could be rather toxic when combined with immunotherapy.