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Reaction to this israel palestine war. And i will be asking , is it and i will be asking, is it reasonable say that we have reasonable to say that we have imported quite a few people into europe into west who europe and into the west who really would be quite happy to see israel wiped off the face of the earth and what should be done about that . Gb views and gbnews. Com but right now its your headlines with sofia. Your headlines with sofia. Good afternoon. Its 3 01. Im sofia wenzel in the newsroom. Sirens were heard in Central Israel this afternoon, warning of incoming missiles from gaza. Of incoming missiles from gaza. The uks foreign secretary is in israel. The Foreign Office says James Cleverlys visit is a sign of the uks unwavering solidarity with the people of israel. It comes as israels israel. It comes as israels Prime Minister meets opposition figures in an effort to expand his Coalition Government assaults on Hamas Terrorists have intensify died, striking roads, buildings and other sites in gaza as huge numbers of reinforcements move towards the enclave. Now, these pictures are enclave. Now, these pictures are coming to us live from gaza, where the only power station has just stopped working. It will further complicate the situation for emergency workers as Medecins Sans Frontieres describes the situation there as catastrophic , with ovennhelmed catastrophic, with ovennhelmed hospitals struggling to cope. Gazas Health Ministry says at least 1055 people have been killed. Israel puts its death killed. Israel puts its death toll at 1200. British palestinian surgeon dr. Ghassan abu sitta says the families are seeking shelter in the largest hospital in gaza. Hospital in gaza. There are families around the grounds en mattresses on carpets on the floor seeking refuge. The on the floor seeking refuge. The hospital itself, which has a bed capacity of between 60, 70 and 700 beds, is at capacity and the patients keep coming in and at the moment its so ovennhelmed that we, you know, as plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons already have 50 patients waiting to go to the operating rooms. But the most critically ill are taking precedent because of the limited space. Sheffield city council is investigating after a man scaled the town hall to remove an israeli flag for damage from social media shows. The person climbing the 200 foot high building during a pro palestine protest in the city centre last night. Crowds can be heard applauding and chanting. Take it down as the man threw the israeli flag to the ground and replaced it with a palestinian one. The replaced it with a palestinian one. The governments anti semitism adviser, lord mann , warned protesters against supporting terror groups. Supporting terror groups. These appalling. Public these appalling. Public escapades raids purporting to be supporting palestinians. What supporting palestinians. What theyre supporting are two terror groups , hamas and terror groups, hamas and hezbollah , who are prescribed hezbollah, who are prescribed organisations. People in our country who are giving open support and encouraging agent to terrorist organisation , as terrorist organisation, as should be should be arrested and prosecuted. And that should be prosecuted. And that should be happening now. Happening now. A local councillor has lost a high court fight with the home secretary over the housing of Asylum Seekers on the bibby stockholm barge. Carolyn parks stockholm barge. Carolyn parks wanted to challenge the lawfulness of the use of the barge in portland, dorset, saying Home Office Needs saying the Home Office Needs planning permission. The vessel planning permission. The vessel has vacant since legionella has been vacant since legionella bacteria was detected on board back in august, but the home office says the barge is now safe for Asylum Seekers to return all flights at London Luton Airport have now resumed following a large fire in a terminal car park. Following a large fire in a terminal car park. Flames and terminal car park. Flames and smoke tore through cars parked at the airport terminal last night. The fire service says the place suffered significant structural collapse and that nearly 1500 vehicles are in the affected car park. Its believed affected car park. Its believed it was caused by a diesel car. Five people were admitted to a nearby hospital for smoke inhalation. The Shadow Health inhalation. The Shadow Health secretary says the Labour Government would turn the nhs on its head during the last day of the conference in liverpool. The conference in liverpool. Paul wes streeting argues the reform is more important than pounng reform is more important than pouring money into a Health System that isnt working. He system that isnt working. He warned that the nhs faces bankruptcy unless its overhauled and set out plans to shift its focus from hospitals to providing more care in the community. Labour government will take immediate action to cut waiting lists. We will provide an extra £1. 1 billion to help the nhs beat the backlog with extra clinics, the evenings and weekends providing 2 million more appointments each yean 2 million more appointments each year. Faster treatment for patients, extra pay for staff. The first steps to cut the waiting list and beat the tory backlog. Backlog. And the king and queen will make a state visit to kenya at the end of the month. Buckingham palace says the trip will celebrate the warm relationship between the two countries as kenya celebrates 60 years of independence. It will be his independence. It will be his majestys first visit to a commonwealth country since becoming king. This is gb news across the uk on tv, in your car, on your Digital Radio and on Smart Speaker by saying play gb news. Now back to. Patrick gb news. Now back to. Patrick yeah, welcome along, everybody. Now, as you know, ive spent the last couple of days at Labour Party Conference in liverpool, so i havent really had enough time, i think, to into what to get my teeth stuck into what is Biggest Issue of is frankly the Biggest Issue of the day and will continue to be the day and will continue to be the issue the coming the Biggest Issue in the coming days. That kind days. And that is the kind of nuances israel nuances really about how israel and palestine, israel and hamas , i should say, are playing out across europe and what it shows, i think, about our society and i cant help but wonder this have we imported a significant number of anti semites who are happy for jewish people to be forjewish people to be attacked . People have been saying this for absolutely ages. People have been warning that weve been importing people from countries where not only anti semitism is rife, but its illegal to be gay, where women are treated as second class citizens who frankly have none of the cultural norms and values that British Society does. And that British Society does. And then it kicks off in israel, doesnt it . And see this doesnt it . And we see this people in london celebrating, waving flags , partying in the waving flags, partying in the streets as news emerges of terrorists massacring people indiscriminately. And then we indiscriminately. And then we can head over to sheffield. And can head over to sheffield. And i believe this is where an israeli flag was taken down by a pro palestine. Reveller again, i want to remind you that news is coming out now that babies have been decapitated by hamas terrorist nests and women have been raped and barbarism of the highest order has taken place and there we go. People coming out in the streets to support that. It would appear to throw the israeli flag onto the floor and to hoist the palestinian one. But this is the video that really concerns me. This one that youre looking at right now. If youre watching us on tv that youre looking at right no online, ure watching us on tv that youre looking at right noonline, its watching us on tv that youre looking at right no online, its reportedlst on tv or online, its reportedly a refugee and asylum Processing Centre on the greek island of samos. What video samos. And what this video shows, listening to shows, as youre listening to there, is those men chanting and cheering the of hamass cheering at the news of hamass surprise so surprise attack on israel. So that a refugee and asylum that is a refugee and Asylum Seeker camp. So there are several videos of this online. My concern here is that those people, those very people are about to be distributed around europe. Why why, how can we let that happen . I mean, praising that happen . I mean, praising a terrorist attack on innocent jews by a group not dissimilar to isis should surely be enough to isis should surely be enough to block your entry to europe. I mean, it wont, will it, though . I mean, absolutely. Wont we all i mean, absolutely. Wont we all know whats going to happen here . These people will be sent around europe and is very likely that at least of them that at least some of them will end small boats crossing that at least some of them will end englishimall boats crossing that at least some of them will end english channel, ts crossing that at least some of them will end english channel, supporting that at least some of them will end engand channel, supporting that at least some of them will end engand theirnel, supporting that at least some of them will end engand their actions porting that at least some of them will end engand their actions is rting hamas and their actions is literally supporting a terrorist organisation. Our government describes hamas as a complex but single terrorist organisation. Hamas commits and participates in terrorism. Thats a quote. Those are quotes. Thats from the government website. And i just cannot help but wonder how jews must feel in britain right now as the boats keep coming over, potentially full of people who are pro hamas and anti semitic britain , and anti semitic britain, europe, the west is just letting this happen. And thats why i this happen. And thats why i think i want to hear from you, gbviews gbnews. Com. Ive been watching very closely over the last couple of days these last couple of days as these kind pro hamas, kind of pro hamas, pro palestinian in protest, i suppose you could say demonstrations, whatever you want to call them, have been taking place just here, taking place not just here, not just europe, but america, just in europe, but in america, in canada as well, and in australia, vile, australia, particularly vile, bizarrely , in australia, for bizarrely, in australia, for some reason, australia there appears be particularly appears to be a particularly potent pro Palestinian Community over not just kind of over there. But not just kind of on this vein actually for some breaking news for you now. The king, our king has come out in condemnation the atrocities condemnation of the atrocities of the israel hamas war. A spokesperson for the king says that hes appalled by and condemns the barber barbaric acts of terrorism in israel. Acts of terrorism in israel. This follows foreign secretary James Cleverlys arrival in israel to show support for the countrys right to defend itself. So thats the breaking news that the king broken. News that the king has broken. His when it comes to the his silence when it comes to the israel hamas conflict. Just a reminder for you as well that all of the noise is that were going to get some kind of Ground Invasion from the Israeli Forces into palestine at some point. We into palestine at some point. We think that palestine probably only has or gaza, i should say, really only a couple of really only has a couple of hours or maybe a days worth of things like fuel and electricity left because of some of the blockades that are taking place. We Israeli Forces are we know that Israeli Forces are massing border there. Massing around the border there. So bring that to you so we will bring that to you live as and when we get the information that has begun information that that has begun. But meanwhile, israel, of course, vowing to escalate course, is vowing to escalate their response to the brutal attacks by hamas with that incursion into gaza. Hamas media reports that gazas power plant has run out of power with civilians now relying on generators after israel halted suppues generators after israel halted supplies of electricity , food, supplies of electricity, food, water and fuel to the enclave. Water and fuel to the enclave. Tensions have also increased on israels northern border with lebanon. I think this really is lebanon. I think this really is one to watch at the moment because this is following israeli shelling on the south of the country. The israelis there were that were were saying that they were actually receiving fire from within cross now within lebanon. Lets cross now to our very own reporter, Charlie Peters , whos in tel Charlie Peters, whos in tel aviv in israel, for us. Charlie, great to see you. Thank you very much. And glad to see that youre still safe and sound over there. So what is the latest then . Were thinking that were going some ground going to get some kind of ground incursion relatively imminently. Going to get some kind of ground inchem relatively imminently. Going to get some kind of ground inche from atively imminently. Going to get some kind of ground inche from israel imminently. Going to get some kind of ground inche from israel intotinently. Going to get some kind of ground inche from israel into gaza. Ly. Going to get some kind of ground inche from israel into gaza . Are we from israel into gaza . Its not entirely clear. The indicators and warnings of a Ground Invasion on into the gaza strip. Are there, though, a huge strip. Are there, though, a huge mobilisation of reserve forces predominantly to cover the north due to the threat coming down from Lebanese Hezbollah as youve referred to, but also a significant number of forces heading south and amassing armour and infantry around the border region of the gaza strip. But this is a reactive effort and significant amounts of preparation and practise needs to go into place before they can take that invasion. They need to prepare the ground and that requires several more of the kind of airstrike bombards that weve seen on the gaza strip in the coming days. Weve seen on the gaza strip in the coming days. Several more of the coming days. Several more of that those evenings will continue overnight attacks are likely. Last night, the Israeli Defence forces took out its air Defence Forces took out its air defence capabilities within the gaza strip that hamas militants and terrorists run. Its highly likely that were going to see the same again tonight. And meanwhile, the terrorists are responding with their own rocket fire. They are exchanging fire constantly in last hour and constantly in the last hour and a half, rocket fire came into southern israel , but also into southern israel, but also into central tel aviv, where we are now in the southern towns of the city. Loud explosions were heard and all of us gathered here at this , which is a volunteers this area, which is a volunteers location for gathering fuel and suppues location for gathering fuel and supplies to head down to civilians and soldiers. We had civilians and soldiers. We had to rush and take cover in the shelter here. Its a very fluid situation. Its changing all the time. But situation. Its changing all the time. But what situation. Its changing all the time. But what does seem likely time. But what does seem likely in coming days more in the coming days is that more of troops will gather of those troops will gather along Border Regions of the along the Border Regions of the gaza strip. Now indeed. And of course, that death toll is continuing to rise. Will be bringing people rise. We will be bringing people live action that live shots of any action that takes over there takes place over there around israel. Gaza. Look, charlie, israel. And gaza. Look, charlie, thank you very much. We do have some breaking news actually. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu defence netanyahu and former defence chief centrist opposition chief and centrist Opposition Party leader gantz have party leader benny gantz have agreed to form an emergency government. A joint statement from gantzs National Unity party said the sides agreed to form a war cabinet, but that dunng form a war cabinet, but that during the fighting with hamas in gaza they will not promote any unrelated policy or laws. So just to whiz you back through that breaking news and quite Serious Development coming out of israel, which is that israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu defence netanyahu and former defence chief the centrist chief and the centrist Opposition Party leader benny gantz, have now agreed to form an emergency wartime government. It was a joint statement from gantzs National Unity party which said that the sides agreed to form this war. Cabinet, but that during the fighting with hamas in gaza, they will not promote any unrelated policy or laws. So there we go. Now, as weve been there we go. Now, as weve been saying, the king are king here is appalled by and condemns the barbaric acts of terrorism in israel. I barbaric acts of terrorism in israel. I mean, barbaric acts of terrorism in israel. I mean, its israel. I mean, its interesting, isnt it, because , interesting, isnt it, because, look, he was inevitably going to be asked about all of this. Of course, israel palestine course, the israel palestine situation most situation is about the most political situation that anyone can ever, ever get involved with. So i wonder how long it was ever going to be for him to be able to swerve this one. But a buckingham spokesman a Buckingham Palace spokesman has or said the king has said or said that the king does condemn the acts of barbarism. I believe we can go to Buckingham Palace now and speak cameron we speak with Cameron Walker. We can correspondent. Can gb news royal correspondent. Cameron, much. Cameron, thank you very much. So, yeah, whats said . Yeah so, yeah, whats he said . Yeah patrick, i mean, these are incredibly strong words from a spokesperson from the king this afternoon. Its incredibly rare that we would have such a strongly worded statement at all, especially in a situation like this. So ill just read you the statement. So a Buckingham Palace spokesperson says this is a situation, his majesty is extremely concerned about , a situation, his majesty is extremely concerned about, and he has asked to be kept actively updated. His thoughts and prayers are with all those suffering, particularly those who have lost loved ones. But also those involved as also those actively involved as we speak, his majesty is appalled by and condemns the barbaric acts of terrorism in israel. While of course, it is israel. While of course, it is incredibly difficult for the king to toe the line between in politics and human victarion issues and it appears that the king has decided very much so, that he wants to speak out publicly and condemn the humanitarian suffering happening in the region. At the moment. But he is not the first royal to do so. He is very much the first British Royal to do so. But a couple of days ago, the dutch royal family spoke out. King Willem Alexander and queen maxima netherlands. They maxima of the netherlands. They released statement and released a joint statement and said the indescribable said of the indescribable suffering that has been caused by this weeks attacks on israel. As for an official statement from the king himself, rather than a spokesman person, we do not have that at the moment. If we do, patrick, get one this afternoon or later on, well bnng afternoon or later on, well bring that straight to you. But nothing is confirmed. Yeah cameron, thank you very, very much. Cameron walker there, our royal correspondent outside Buckingham Palace. That latest development is that our king, king charles, waded king charles, has waded in basically , really basically very strongly, really condemning all the acts of barbarism and terrorism in israel. Marks just got in touch very quickly, just says, you know , its to keep his political know, its to keep his political the king has got to keep his political opinions to himself. He says its outrageous breach of protocol. Kind of get what of protocol. I kind of get what you at the time, you mean. But at the same time, you mean. But at the same time, you know, you look at issue you know, you look at an issue like suppose, its so like this, i suppose, is its so big. I wonder if hes going to do more than do himself more harm than good by mean, does by wading in. I mean, does anyone tend themselves anyone tend to do themselves more when you more good than harm . When you weighed in on israel palestine . Not really, do you . But there we go black go anyway, so . So. Oh, a black lives tweeted lives matter group has tweeted in palestine, in support of palestine, actually. Sparked actually. But this sparked outrage message was outrage as their message was accompanied graphic accompanied by an online graphic of paratrooper. Image was of a paratrooper. The image was posted just days after hamas carried its horrific attacks carried out its horrific attacks on israel. So black lives matter on israel. So black lives matter is a decentralised political organisation. But the chicago offshoot have been widely criticised for this post. I can speak now to political commentator Suzanne Evans. Suzanne, thank you very much. Great to have you on the show. And this is i think describing or depicting something that may be quite a few people always worried about black lives matter, really, which is that they tend to be a hard left party, initially relatively militant organisation. Now actually openly supporting people. And this is after, people. And this is after, i believe , this is after there believe, this is after there were initial reports came about babies being decapitated in israel, for goodness sake. Israel, for goodness sake. Well, i suppose what im surprised by is that anyones actually surprised, to be honest, because i think its always been fairly obvious to me and i think many other people that black lives matter is not about rights for black about equal rights for black people, that its always been a violent anarchist organisation. It pushes, for instance, divisive, critical race theory. Theidea divisive, critical race theory. The idea that it legal discrimination against white people should be allowed so several of their organisers have been prosecuted for fraud. Theyve abused donations that have been made to the group. Have been made to the group. And, you know, given that this organisation , asian, in its organisation, asian, in its heyday , reaped at least £60 heyday, reaped at least £60 million for people who saw them as the big thing, the big cause to get behind, including lets not forget many corporates. Im really not surprised about this. I mean, as i say, as far as im concerned, the writing was always on the wall about them. Mean, you know , we yeah. I mean, you know, we take the knee before football matches, dont we. Weve had you know, it kind of indoctrinated into and had into kids and weve had politicians taking the knee left, and centre. We have left, right and centre. We have police knee Police Officers taking the knee outside downing street some outside downing street and some people some people bother to have a little look at what the black lives matter organisation actually and i am actually stood for. And i am always at pains to stress the difference between the words black , which are black lives matter, which are valid. Obviously and the black lives matter organisation, which is its own entity and its a political force. It published a manifesto , though that manifesto manifesto, though that manifesto had some incredibly marxist things in the radical things in like the radical redistribution of wealth the redistribution of wealth and the disintegration the nuclear disintegration of the nuclear family. Were things that family. Those were things that they stood right . And so they stood for, right . And so and yet we just gobbled it all up, we . We gobbled it all up, didnt we . We gobbled it all up. There they are with up. And now there they are with with a palestinian paratrooper. Course, yeah. And of course, defunding the as well. Defunding the police as well. I mean, just perhaps could mean, lets just perhaps i could just the viewers about just remind the viewers about some of the people who actually fell for their rhetoric. You know, bbc, who when the blm know, the bbc, who when the blm organised what turned into riots in london, called them largely peaceful. So keen were they to ensure that black lives matter got their message across. And got their message across. And youve already mentioned the premier who allowed premier league, who allowed players names players to have their names replaced black lives matter replaced by black lives matter on back of their shirts on their back of their shirts and to take before and to take the knee before football the football matches. We had the royal mail, who painted some of their post boxes black yorkshire tea, critics of black tea, which told critics of black lives matter. The people that had looked into their marxist manifesto , yorkshire, she said, manifesto, yorkshire, she said, dont buy our tea if you dont like black lives matter. They were promoted by vogue magazine in special editions. I think in special editions. I think guinness owned diageo said they were going to donate 1 million to them and they were praised by unilever for what they said was shining a spotlight on divisions and injustices. Shining a spotlight on divisions and injustices. In our shining a spotlight on divisions and injustices. In our world, shining a spotlight on divisions and injustices. In our world, in our society. I mean, they took our society. I mean, they took in so many people and yet a fundamental , tiny bit of fundamental, tiny bit of research could have revealed the real agenda behind , as you say, real agenda behind, as you say, this marxist organisation. We this marxist organisation. We all know that black lives matter , black lives matter, the Organisation Im afraid, is riddled with with horrific problems. Yeah. And i think people have unnecessarily stumbled over that turn of phrase really. It is turn of phrase really. It is absolutely dead easy to say yes , black lives matter, but the black lives matter organisation is its own entity and its got a different its got a manifesto, its got a different thing going on for it. And you dont necessarily have support necessarily have to support that. Itself does not that. That in itself does not make in fact, it make you a racist. In fact, it just doesnt. Its got nothing to do with in the same way to do with it in the same way that supporting labour that not supporting the Labour Party Supporting the tory party or not supporting the tory party or not supporting the tory party make party doesnt doesnt make you one thing or the other necessarily. Suzanne, necessarily. Look, suzanne, thank much. Its thank you very, very much. Its great have you show. Great to have you on the show. Suzanne there as political Suzanne Evans there as political commentator, just reacting to well, the not so well, in her views, the not so shocking news that an offshoot of the black lives matter organisation very, very organisation has been very, very quick stand quick to say that they stand with palestine. Ive just got time now delve into the inbox time now to delve into the inbox. Opened this segment by. I opened up this segment by talking about how concerned i am that we appear have imported that we appear to have imported people either this country people either into this country or into europe or the west in general , who, as far as i can general, who, as far as i can tell, given the level of celebration at the terrorist atrocities taking place in israel and the death of jews, etcetera , maybe, maybe quite etcetera, maybe, maybe quite happy with the idea of israel not continuing to exist and everything that that would mean grande has been on, he says the recently launched full scale attack in israel on unarmed civilians. On one of attack in israel on unarmed civilians. On one of our important holy days has left the entire jewish nation broken. And entire jewish nation broken. And they go on to say, look, thank you for actually calling. Whats happened there, a terrorist atrocity. And its absolutely outrageous for flags to be displayed on government buildings to support either side. Just as it was over ukraine. Thats from mark. Interesting. Mark reacting there to some of the israeli flags being down and replaced by being taken down and replaced by a palestinian flag was in a palestinian flag that was in sheffield. And there we go. Sheffield. And there we go. Theres quite a lot of this coming in. Keep your views coming in. Keep your views coming i just wonder whether coming in. I just wonder whether or not weve done ourselves a bit disservice as bit of a disservice as a society, allowing lot society, allowing a lot of people a lot people in people in, a lot of people in who some pretty who might have some pretty fruity it comes to fruity views when it comes to israel and anti semitism, but get those views coming in gbviews gbnews. Com coming up, a legal bid to block Suella Braverman plan to house migrants on stockholm barge in on the bibby stockholm barge in dorset failed. Well be dorset has failed. Well be crossing to the high court for more on that. So there you go. It looks as though the bibby stockholm well be stockholm barge may well be happening. Fingers crossed theres no more legionella anywhere be seen. Patrick anywhere to be seen. Patrick christys. Gb news, britains news sunday mornings from 930 on gb news. News. We. We. We. Welcome back. You are watching and listening to Patrick Christys here on gb news so much more to bring you between now and 6 pm. The mayor of portland has lost a high court fight with home secretary suella over the Suella Braverman over the governments decision to house asylum on the bibby Asylum Seekers on the bibby stockholm barge. So carolyn parks to challenge parks was hoping to challenge the lawfulness of the use of the bibby barge in Portland Harbour in dorset. But look, we can cross over now to gb news is reporter ray addison, who is joining us from the high court. Ray what is the latest then, please . Whats happened . Please . Whats happened . Hi there, patrick. Well as youve been saying, this was a heanng youve been saying, this was a hearing to see if there was enough legal grounds for a full trial about the veracity, the validity of the bibby stockholm. See if that could then go ahead. And now , as youve been ahead. And now, as youve been saying, of course, the judge determined that there wasnt. It determined that there wasnt. It was brought by a local councillor, carolyn park. Shes the mayor of portland. That, of course, is the local ocean, Portland Harbour, where the bibby stockholm located. And bibby stockholm is located. And now she brought the case against the home secretary , suella the home secretary, Suella Braverman, over the housing of those Asylum Seekers on the barge. And she had to kind of key points. The first one was regarding long planning permission the lawyers on behalf of mrs. Parks were arguing that housing Asylum Seekers on the barge was actually a breach of planning control. And they also said that it wasnt in compliance with Environmental Impact assessment duties. Now that actually rejected by by that was actually rejected by by mr Justice Holgate based purely mrJustice Holgate based purely on jurisdiction. He said, youve actually brought the wrong claim ant to this hearing. You should ant to this hearing. You should have actually brought the case against the local council because theyre the people that are involved in any kind of planning decisions. Its up planning decisions. Its not up to that was to the home office so that was rejected. That was why the first part of appeal case was part of that appeal case was rejected. And secondly, the rejected. And secondly, the argument was against racial segregation. Now, mrs. Parks was segregation. Now, mrs. Parks was arguing that the home secretary had not complied with her duties under the 2010 equality act. What does that mean . Well, she said that by putting non british people on the barge , she was people on the barge, she was actually causing racial segregation and she said the home office hadnt done enough of its homework, not enough thorough checks to assess the impact that that would have on those people that were being segregated. Now again, that was rejected in this case, mr Justice Holgate said that it required too high a bar of proof for it to go through. So both of for it to go through. So both of those claims were rejected. Mrs. Parks was ordered to pay just £5,000 in legal costs. Obviously the cost of the governments lawyers would have been way higher than that. But they agreed between them to limit it to £5,000. You were talking about the legionella earlier . Patrick well , weve been told by patrick well, weve been told by the home office that the legionella bacteria has now been eliminated from the bibby stockholm home and letters have been sent out to Asylum Seekers now telling them that its free and clear and they can expect to be transported to the barge. Probably next week. Of course, we know up to 500 Asylum Seekers could be housed in that. On that barge in dorset. Barge in dorset. Now, im i am sure that when they got those letters, their heart skipped a beat. They got those letters, their heart skipped a beat. Finally, we can go and live on this barge. Ray, thank you very, very much. Ray. Alison there outside the for okay, the high court for us. Okay, look, still come look, loads more still to come between 4 00, including look, loads more still to come bnlooken 4 00, including look, loads more still to come block at 4 00, including look, loads more still to come block at what 4 00, including look, loads more still to come block at what sir4 00, including look, loads more still to come block at what sir keir, including look, loads more still to come block at what sir keir starmer1g a look at what sir keir starmer means on this means by building on this so called grey belt. Now, this is frankly much more interesting than sounds. Because than it sounds. Okay, because its really one of his key. Key key plans to build more than a million new homes, a million and a half new homes. But it requires getting rid of requires on getting rid of nimbys or ignoring them and weve been having a little look at this policy, actually. Is there any difference between what the tories are saying and what the tories are saying and what starmer is saying . But what keir starmer is saying . But first, all of that, this first, for all of that, this latest sofia. Latest headlines with sofia. Its 331. Im sofia wenzler in the newsroom. Israeli Prime Minister newsroom. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has agreed to form an emergency government after talks with former defence chief in Opposition Leader benny gantz. It comes after the uks gantz. It comes after the uks foreign secretary arrived in israel today. The Foreign Office israel today. The Foreign Office says James Cleverlys visit is a sign of the uks unwavering solidarity with the israeli people. Assaults on hamas people. Assaults on Hamas Terrorists have intensified striking roads , buildings and striking roads, buildings and other sites in gaza. A local other sites in gaza. A local councillor has lost a high court fight with the home secretary over the housing of Asylum Seekers on the bibby stockholm barge. Carolyn parks wanted to challenge the lawfulness of the use of the barge in portland, dorset , use of the barge in portland, dorset, saying use of the barge in portland, dorset , saying the use of the barge in portland, dorset, saying the Home Office Needs planning permission when the has been vacant since the vessel has been vacant since legionella were legionella bacteria were detected on board back in august. But the home office now says barge is safe for says the barge is safe for asylum to return all Asylum Seekers to return all flights at London Luton Airport have now resumed following a large fire in a terminal car park. Flames and smoke tore through cars parked at the airport terminal last night. Its believed it was caused by a diesel car. Five people were admitted to a nearby hospital with smoke inhalation. And you with smoke inhalation. And you can get more of all those stories by visiting our website , gbnews. Com. , gbnews. Com. Direct bullion sponsors the Financial Report on gb news for gold and silver investment. Gold and silver investment. And heres a quick snapshot of todays market hits the pound will buy you 1. 23, two 8 and ,1. 1590. The price of gold is £1,508. 17 per ounce. And the ftse 100 is. At 7639 points. Ftse 100 is. At 7639 points. Direct bullion sponsors the finance report on gb news for gold and silver investment. Gold and silver investment. Hello again, im alex burkill. Heres your latest gb news weather update. We do have weather update. We do have something of a north south split , reversal in , but its a reversal in fortunes to what weve seen recently worst of the recently with the worst of the rain next few days rain over the next few days going to be in south. You going to be in the south. You can see we have a frontal system lying central as we lying across central parts as we go the rest go through the rest of wednesday, gradually wednesday, and that is gradually going to push its way southwards, bringing some outbreaks of rain which have been at times more been heavy at times across more southern counties as we go through evening. And through this evening. And overnight. Drier picture overnight. A drier picture further north, lots of clear skies here. Still a few showers perhaps towards the far north west of scotland, but its under skies. Under these clear skies. Temperatures going to take temperatures are going to take a bit of a drop, a touch of frost likely across northern parts. But in the south, the cloud but in the south, with the cloud and rain, its going to be and the rain, its going to be a much start on thursday much milder start on thursday morning. A start morning. So a bit of a wet start here. The rain is gradually going to clear its way towards the of it the east. Not all of it clearing,. So there will clearing, though. So there will still be outbreaks of rain still be a few outbreaks of rain as go the afternoon and as we go into the afternoon and staying across staying largely cloudy across many areas with a many southern areas with a brighter, sunnier picture. Further north, though, some showery rain towards the showery rain likely towards the far of scotland, far north of scotland, particularly orkney and shetland. Temperatures down a touch for many, particularly in the south, still getting the south, but still getting into your teens celsius. The south, but still getting int lookr teens celsius. The south, but still getting int look towardsens celsius. The south, but still getting int look towards friday,. Sius. The south, but still getting int look towards friday, then we look towards friday, then another swathe of wet is another swathe of wet weather is going to push its way across many central southern parts, likely see some pretty high likely to see some pretty high totals see some totals. And so we could see some flooding here. A brighter picture further north and a colder too. And that colder one, too. And that brighter , Colder Weather is brighter, Colder Weather is going to its way southwards going to push its way southwards to more widespread as we going to push its way southwards to into more widespread as we going to push its way southwards to into the more widespread as we going to push its way southwards to into the weekendzspread as we going to push its way southwards to into the weekend. Spread as we going to push its way southwards to into the weekend. So ad as we going to push its way southwards to into the weekend. So ai as we going to push its way southwards to into the weekend. So a sir we go into the weekend. So a sir keir starmer has finally unveiled his flagship policy. Well, one of them to build a 1. 5 million new homes for britains young and i think anyone who can afford them really pledging to review what he calls the grey belt land for development. Speaking earlier today , the labour leader stated today, the labour leader stated that he wants to bulldoze objections to his plan, vowing to get tough with nimbys, including labour mps, to try to block an increase in Home Building in their constituencies. Should be interesting, wont it really . Because will he be able to do it . Are we going to end up seeing any reduction in red tape . Our understanding is that far from bulldozing anything , he just wants to tweak anything, he just wants to tweak the initial planning applications and maybe just ignore opposition. Ignore some opposition. But joining former joining me now is the former editor is peter editor of labourlist is peter edwards. Peter, thank you very, very much. See you. So very much. Great to see you. So i mean, how is keir starmer going actually do what hes going to actually do what hes saying to do, just saying hes going to do, just ignore objections . Mean, hes got few no, i mean, hes got a few different ideas of in the different ideas kind of in the small of his conference small print of his Conference Speech. Wants new speech. So he wants to build new towns. You know, we know places like keynes stevenage like Milton Keynes and stevenage and one of them. Harlow and lived in one of them. Harlow in previous life. Theres in my previous life. Theres also something called also something something called section 106 about developers obugafionsin section 106 about developers obligations in terms of Affordable Housing. I wont get into all the detail of that right now, but essentially he wants be a bit tougher on wants to be a bit tougher on developers they do more than developers so they do more than doff provision doff their cap to provision of Affordable Housing and so on and so on. And i think he realises a wider truth as well, which is hes talking to the labour party which likes keynesian type policies where youre building stuff to generate the wider economy. But its also indicative of what he describes as a partnership with the private sector, and particularly small construction firms. So i think it could be good for ordinary householders, but good for the economy as well. Do you think the cynic me do you think the cynic in me would that easier would say that his easier to suggest that Start Building suggest that we Start Building not by the way, on on the not just by the way, on on the grey zone sites, but but green belt you then call it belt size if you then call it this a new town. Were going this is a new town. Were going to it a new town. Everyone to call it a new town. Everyone get behind a new town as opposed to people just like to people just going, i like that want 500 that field. I dont want 500 houses any more. Houses on it any more. Well, think thats a fair well, i think thats a fair point to challenge on. What gives me a reassurance is he didnt say theres silver didnt say theres one Silver Bullet everything, didnt say theres one Silver Bullet if everything, didnt say theres one Silver Bullet if successivelrything, didnt say theres one Silver Bullet if successive prime], because if successive Prime Ministers struggled with ministers have struggled with house going back to House Building, going back to the coalition there five years, their House Building levels, even at their peak, were below that of the blair brown government for the previous 13 years. Its long years. So its a long term problem. And some of problem. And i think some of these the 4 or 5 solutions that are in the small print over conference week, theyre not necessarily things that you can set your heart racing, but together they come to a package and is working with and some of it is working with developers and obviously new developers and obviously the new towns are the time a post war there may have been controversial, no controversial, but theres no reason why we cant have more of them. And then to explain briefly that reference to briefly that that reference to grey, that essentially means something in the greenbelt, but it be parking spaces. It could be parking spaces. Actually, isnt any actually, there isnt any Natural Beauty to and you could build on. Yeah. He hasnt actually said exactly where though. These new towns are to be, has he . Towns are going to be, has he . Because would because my concern would be, well, build well, you just build them somewhere to somewhere that nobody wants to live. Live. Well, i think theres two things. First of all, i think if you stand up at Party Conference maybe the year before general maybe in the year before general election to election and say were going to build here, there and build a town here, there and there, i think way too there, i think thats way too much obviously youd much policy. And obviously youd immediately in terms of the politics of it, get get locked into, shall we say, discussions with local communities whod have a range . What do you mean . What do you mean . To tell me, peter, is that its in his own best interest to not be entirely honest about his whole policy. Just before a general election. At all. Because no, no, not at all. Because there a thirst for there is a thirst for housebuilding, whether thats a home who to see home owner who wants to see their children and grandchildren be a house or a be able to afford a house or a young person buying their first home, or married couples who need expand, there is a need to expand, there is a general acceptance that we need more but theres general acceptance that we need more a but theres general acceptance that we need morea role but theres general acceptance that we need morea role for but theres general acceptance that we need morea role for local but theres general acceptance that we need morea role for local powerszres general acceptance that we need morea role for local powers. Es also a role for local powers. You shouldnt have all this dictated street. Dictated by downing street. Local will local authorities will play a massive role, so i think itd be really daft said, were really daft if he said, were building b c , because building in a, b and c, because thats role of prime thats not the role of a Prime Minister come out minister and he hasnt come out and anything about how and said anything about how affordable these Homes Affordable any of these homes are going to be. Hows because he is hows he . Because if he is going with private going to work with private developers, then those people going to work with private dev going s, then those people going to work with private dev going s, iexpectose people going to work with private dev going s, iexpect toe people going to work with private dev going s, iexpect to make le going to work with private dev going s, iexpect to make a are going to expect to make a profit and, you profit on their return. And, you know, the way that the Housing Market theyre market is at the moment, theyre not give them not just going to give them away, they . Away, are they . I dont think theres well, i dont think theres much suggestion house much of a suggestion that House Builders struggling to pay builders are struggling to pay their where in their bills. And where i live in london, the definition london, i think the definition of quote unquote, for affordability is around £400,000, which is, you know, for most people thats going to be way out of reach, especially if youre single person, trainee, teacher for example. So i think you need to flex affordability around the country. And its not just london thats expensive and you to thats expensive and you need to take account salaries. Take into account the salaries. But again, it comes to this point, have point, should you have everything prime everything decided by the Prime Minister salaries, House Building targets where they are, or do actually empower the building targets where they are, or do authorities ly empower the building targets where they are, or do authorities to empower the building targets where they are, or do authorities to work wer the building targets where they are, or do authorities to work with he local authorities to work with developers to get it done . Yeah but what is the difference, though, seriously, between what keir starmer is saying and what rishi saying . Keir starmer is saying and what risibecause saying . Keir starmer is saying and what risibecause ouraying . Keir starmer is saying and what risibecause our very . Keir starmer is saying and what risibecause our very own tom because our very own tom hannood, our deputy Political Editor, the editor, was holding up the policy at Labour Party Conference and then he and conference and then he went and checked checked checked in. He went and checked with party and he with the labour party and he said, used the word said, youve used the word bulldoze, but what do you actually actually actually mean . Do you actually mean planning mean tweaking existing planning applications . They actually yes, thats what they actually mean. So its things like mean. So its not things like bulldozing, it . Its not bulldozing, is it . Its not going to be this great big housebuilding is housebuilding agenda, but it is essentially already what is in place, isnt it . No i dont accept that. First of all, i quite like the keir starmer used the the fact keir starmer used the word bulldoze because not word bulldoze because its not very language, is very keir starmer language, is it . Bit more boris it . Its a bit more Boris Johnson language. When we associate with starmer associate him with keir starmer with sober managerial. Associate him with keir starmer withsecondlywber managerial. Associate him with keir starmer withsecondly on managerial. Associate him with keir starmer withsecondly on the managerial. Associate him with keir starmer withsecondly on the stats. Agerial. Associate him with keir starmer withsecondly on the stats. So rial. But secondly on the stats. So the tories have a target of building around £300,000 a year over a five Year Parliament that gets you to 1. 5 million. Their only around 120,000. And they werent much better in the cameron coalition. So theyre miles off what theyre going to what they say theyre going to do. You can take a view on that. Is it the private sector blocking a conservative government a government or is it actually a conservative thats conservative government thats been other been distracted by so many other issues, including its own internal . Internal battles . All right, peter, thank you very, edwards, all right, peter, thank you verjformer edwards, all right, peter, thank you verjformer editor edwards, all right, peter, thank you verjformer editor of edwards, all right, peter, thank you verjformer editor of labourlist,. The former editor of labourlist, reacting to one of Keir Starmers flagship policies. But now if all of you home owners dont already have enough to worry about with Festive Season just around the corner, it appears some overseas appears that some overseas critters have made their way across our shores and may now be surfing on the tubes. The capitals mayor, sadiq khan , has capitals mayor, sadiq khan, has said that the threat of france s bedbug outbreak i mean grief, the french bedbugs. Honestly, the french bedbugs. Honestly, first we had, what was it, killer asian hornets was something that we found. We found two of them somewhere. And found two of them somewhere. And they were they were deadly. They were potentially deadly. Now weve got french bedbugs, but apparently theyre on londons pubuc apparently theyre on londons public transport network. And there they are. If there is one of them on londons transport Network Social media Users Network grief social media users have posted videos of bugs found on the London Underground , on the London Underground, leading to growing concern amongst commuters. But its not just its not just commuters. No. Apparently renters home people who are renting for flats, etcetera, or bedrooms within flats are being told, yeah, look, check your bed frames for these Little Critters and potentially even freeze your bedsheets. I by the way, i am not endorsing this advice. I do not endorsing this advice. I do not know. I cannot tell you the best way to deal with a bed bug, but im saying freeze your sheets and then maybe you can scrape them off. Yeah its not particularly appetising , is it . Particularly appetising, is it . But basically watch out because there is a bed bug epidemic. Theyre coming up. Eu palestinian aid concerns. Thats right. These concerns come as right. These concerns come as reports suggest that the European Union helped to build more than 30 miles of water pipelines for the palestinians, despite Hamas Terrorists. Obviously boasting of their ability to forge an arsenal of homemade rockets from those pipes. So how has the eu armed palestine been Patrick Christys on gb news britains britains new. Channel britains new. Channel welcome back. Welcome back. 346 youre watching or listening to me . Patrick christys on gb news. So much more to bring you between now and 6 pm. Get this the eu has backtracked on its decision to cut aid to palestine , so the cut aid to palestine, so the bloc will now continue to send Financial Support to the Palestinian People who are currently without internet electricity or water. But there are obviously worries about whether the money will end up in the pockets of hamas, which it clearly will. These concerns come as reports suggest that exactly that has already happened. Shock, horror, that the European Union helped to build more than 30 miles of water pipelines for palestine liens, despite hamas terrorist boasting of their ability to forge an arsenal of homemade rockets ice from those pipes. So rockets ice from those pipes. So absolute genius, isnt it . A complete and utter genius . This from the eu bigwigs and the eannig boffins , isnt it . Just eannig boffins, isnt it . Just to decide to essentially help arm a designated terror group, some of those armaments they can use to fire the missiles into israel and we end up in the situation that were in now, i am joined by gb news presenter darren grimes. Darren, thank darren grimes. Darren, thank you. Great to have you on the show. And yeah so i mean yeah, yet more expert expert intervention from the European Union may i just say were very slow to back ukraine but when it came to essential arming hamas well like a rat up a water pipe i well the eu has a good track record of this. Right. Because lets not forget that germany, through its nord stream 2 pipeline, was funded. The pipeline, was funded. The russians in massive quantities of cash , and the eu has always, of cash, and the eu has always, im afraid, been fast and loose when it comes to ensuring that theres a paper trail. Well, theres a paper trail. Well, when it comes to the taxpayer money being spent not just within the eu itself, but with going to foreign regimes and i mean, we look over at president biden, 6 billion. Patrick, he gave to iran and guess where that money ends up . It ends up going to places they say , oh, going to places they say, oh, because they want to eradicate the jews and israel from the face of the earth. Thats what this is all about. But, you know, it is. Yeah. But, you know, it is. Yeah. Again, you look at it, you know joe biden, right . Do you think maybe we should not relinquish these frozen assets to the tune of £6 billion to, you know, a terrorist islamist state that wants to wipe israel off the face of the earth . Oh weve done that, have we . Right. Okay there we go. It does just seem a little bit bizarre from the European Union to decided to continue give aid, etcetera, continue to give aid, etcetera, to palestine. The israelis are obviously trying to blockade it. Theyre trying get some kind theyre trying to get some kind of incursion on the go. Of ground incursion on the go. And whether or the european and whether or not the European Union support that. Union actually support that. I find. Find bizarre. Well, absolutely, because, i mean , the in which actually mean, the way in which actually the eu has been forced into this position, it just looks entirely weak, patrick, because theyve seen a few social media comments online. All the ngos , the big online. All the ngos, the big human Rights Groups saying, oh, this is terrible, how evil , you this is terrible, how evil, you know, you mustnt do this. Actually if i was a European Union taxpayer, which were not anymore, thanks be to god. Patrick i would be saying, hang on, i do not want my money going to a group which is responsible for the slaughter of babies. For the slaughter of babies. Right. That that is the position that we find ourselves in right now. And ultimately, you know, you saw pictures of coming out of israel from the attack by hamas where there was food rations and things like that. But the state of japan, there were evidently a lot of things being used and utilised by hamas coming down to even things like basic foodstuffs. Patrick, which are getting through to these terrorist organisations are not to going the people that they were intended to go to of course, which is the people. This makes a mockery. Gaza. This is a good example for me of why i always have an issue with almost any type of foreign aid. Almost any type of foreign aid. Right . Because you can not guarantee that its going to go to People Living in a refugee camp or People Living right on the breadline, wherever it is around the world. The people who desperately need it. And theres no that there desperately need it. And theres no people that there desperately need it. And theres no people in that there desperately need it. And theres no people in palestine, are People Living in palestine, living gaza, who absolutely living in gaza, who absolutely need okay, 100. But when need aid. Okay, 100. But when you drop a load of aid over there or you drop a load of resources over there or whatever you do, its all most definitely going the terrorist going to go to the terrorist organisation that part organisation that runs that part of the world and not the worlds neediest there. Neediest people that are there. And lo and behold, we end up in this situation right now. But look, you very look, darren, thank you very much. Great to you the much. Great to have you on the show. Grimes. Is show. Starring grimes. There is a gb presenter. Of course, a gb news presenter. Of course, well ready rock and roll well be ready to rock and roll again saturday for the again this saturday for the saturday five seven till p. M. Saturday five seven till 9 pm. On saturday. Make sure that you tune in for but its been tune in for that. But its been reported chiefs reported that security chiefs are apparently keen for the next james bond to be a black or female individual. This is in order to boost recruitment and have agents from different backgrounds to improve operational capabilities. Im operational capabilities. Im not making this up. Okay. So john taylor, who trains operatives worldwide after a 30 year career in the Foreign Office , told audience members at office, told audience members at the cheltenham literature festival that casting a black actor or actress as james bond would cause an uptick in applicants from black, asian and minority ethnic backgrounds. So minority ethnic backgrounds. So that obviously is a is a white bond, thats another another white bond that were to going see a lot of white. James bonds arent we, apparently in terms of boosting recruitment for mi6, though . Me, but though . Now, forgive me, but that much the foreign that is very much the foreign element of our intelligence service, isnt it . So i would imagine that there is no shortage of recruiting people who are literally from other countries and loads of different ethnicities and all of that stuff. I would have thought that i dont really think most mi6 agents, if they were white, white, upper middle class men , white, upper middle class men, would no doubt stand out like a sore thumb in the vast majority of the countries that we send our mi6 agents to go and operate in. But there we go. So we are going to be having that discussion next in the next houn discussion next in the next hour. It time for james bond hour. Is it time for james bond to longer be white . Should to no longer be white . Should it be person . Be be a black person . Should it be a woman . Well, you know why not go whole could have go the whole hog . We could have something go the whole hog . We could have som where would you stand on we . Where would you stand on that . Do you think james that . Do you think that james bond a National Bond is just a National Institution that should left institution that should be left alone about alone or actually is it about time modernise and time that we modernise bond and it turn become a black it did in turn become a black woman . Gb views or gb news dot com. Be talking that com. Well be talking about that in loads of in the next hour. But loads of emails in thick emails are coming in thick and fast. Lot people very, very fast. A lot of people very, very concerned about what raised at fast. A lot of people very, very conwstartd about what raised at fast. A lot of people very, very conwstart of|bout what raised at fast. A lot of people very, very conwstart of thet what raised at fast. A lot of people very, very conwstart of the showt raised at fast. A lot of people very, very conwstart of the show andiised at fast. A lot of people very, very conwstart of the show and weret the start of the show and were going to talk about it again a little whether little bit later about whether or have, as a european or not we have, as a european culture, a load of culture, imported a load of people are anti semitic and people who are anti semitic and who like to see israel who would like to see israel wiped of the earth wiped off the face of the earth every time there is a conflict in gaza, israel , this kind of in gaza, in israel, this kind of question head. Patrick, question raises head. Patrick, look, thank you very much for your is from your comments. This is from alan. Ive been saying this for a heck of a long time. We should be doing more vetting about people who come here. Its difficult, it . Difficult, though, isnt it . What do, strap them to what do you do, strap them to a Lie Detector Test and well, Lie Detector Test and say, well, do hamas . You do you support hamas . Do you want wiped off the want to see israel wiped off the face earth . It face of the earth . It is, i would argue, pretty strai ghtfo nnard would argue, pretty straightfonnard if you are having someone from countries like or that part of like afghanistan or that part of the world, israel is surrounded by enemies that you are therefore going to be importing people who probably do not like israel very much. And just israel very much. And i just wonder how much the Jewish Community in this country feel. Community in this country feel. We are not doing much to protect them. Noting as them. And its worth noting as well union , well that the European Union, founded in the wake of the second the Second World War, after the Second World War, after the second after the Second World War, after the greatest the jewish greatest atrocity to the Jewish Community that its ever seen, why they are now funding palestine , i find bizarre. Palestine, i find that bizarre. But youre watching or listening to Patrick Christys on to me Patrick Christys here on gb news. More to bring gb news. So much more to bring you. Next hours, you. Over the next two hours, i will speaking with the shadow will be speaking with the Shadow Health yes Health Secretary as well. Yes i cant wait bring you very cant wait to bring you the very latest from israel. Cant wait to bring you the very latest christysom israel. Cant wait to bring you the very latest christys gb israel. Cant wait to bring you the very latest christys gb news. This Patrick Christys gb news. This is britains channel is britains news channel hello again, im alex burkill. Heres your latest gb news weather update. We do have something of a north south split, but its a reversal in fortunes to what weve seen recently with the worst of the rain next few days rain over the next few days going to be in the south. You can have a frontal system can see we have a frontal system lying central we lying across central parts as we go the rest of go through the rest of wednesday. And that is gradually going to push way going to push its way southwards, bringing some outbreaks have southwards, bringing some outbn heavy have southwards, bringing some outbn heavy at have southwards, bringing some outbn heavy at times have southwards, bringing some outbn heavy at times acrossye southwards, bringing some outbn heavy at times across more been heavy at times across more southern counties as we go through this evening and overnight , a through this evening and overnight, a drier picture further north. Lots of clear skies here still a few showers perhaps towards the far north west of scotland. But its under clear skies. Under these clear skies. Temperatures are to going take a bit a touch of frost bit of a drop, a touch of frost likely across northern parts. But the south, with the cloud but in the south, with the cloud and its going to be and the rain, its going to be a much milder on thursday much milder start on thursday morning. A start morning. So a bit of a wet start here. The rain is gradually going to clear its way towards the east and not all of it clearing, though. So there will still be a few outbreaks of rain as we go into the afternoon and staying largely across staying largely cloudy across many a many southern areas as a brighter,. Brighter, sunnier picture. Further though, some further north, though, some showery towards showery rain likely towards the far scotland, far north of scotland, particularly and particularly orkney and shetland. Temperatures down a touch for many, particularly in the south, but still getting into high celsius as into your high teens celsius as we friday. Then we look towards friday. Then another of wet weather is another swathe of wet weather is going to push its way across many central southern parts, likely see pretty high likely to see some pretty high totals. We could see some totals. And so we could see some flooding here. Brighter flooding here. A brighter picture north and picture further north and a colder too. And that colder one, too. And that brighter Colder Weather is brighter and Colder Weather is going its way southwards going to push its way southwards to become more widespread as we go weekend its 4 pm. Its room floor of the guardian that are to say the very least, very fruity. But check this out. Black female james bond has the time cup has the time come to do away with the old stereotypical james bond . It being floated james bond . It is being floated that black female james bond that a black female james bond might do wonders to boost actual real life recruits for mi6. Do you buy that . One more . One for you buy that . One more . One for you buy that . One more . One for you here now. So youve got to travel one block. Okay. Thats all. You could walk it. Yeah, you could get an e scooter there. No, you could get a seven car diesel gas guzzling motorcade and take that two minute journey. Al ahari and mega. Were all going to be having a look at harry and meghans latest round of alleged eco hypocrisy. A patrick eco hypocrisy. A Patrick Christys. Gb views and i am christys. Gb views and i am going to be talking to wes streeting as well. The Shadow Health minister. Interesting. Health minister. Interesting. Yesterday, starmer said , yesterday, keir starmer said, well, people dont like this word, but reform about nhs, word, but reform about the nhs, reform. Um, i think a lot of reform. Um, i think a lot of people have thought that maybe labour the only party labour would be the only party that reform the nhs that could reform the nhs because the try and do because if the tories try and do anything they just anything to it, they just get called and people go out on called evil and people go out on strike, dont so maybe now strike, dont they . So maybe now we going to some serious we are going to see some serious reform. Look we are going to see some serious reforri. Look we are going to see some serious reforri will look we are going to see some serious reforri will be look we are going to see some serious reforri will be asking look we are going to see some serious reforri will be asking the ok like . I will be asking the man responsible reform in responsible for that reform in just moments time. Stay just a few moments time. Stay tuned. Views gbnews. Com. But tuned. Gb views gbnews. Com. But right your headlines right now as your headlines with polly. Patrick thank you and polly. Patrick thank you and good afternoon. Good afternoon. The top story from the gp newsroom is that the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has agreed to form an emergency government after talks with the former defence chief and the Opposition Leader benny gantz. It comes as the uks gantz. It comes as the uks foreign secretary arrived in israel today. The Foreign Office israel today. The Foreign Office saying James Cleverlys visit there is a sign of the uks unwavering solidarity with the israeli people. Assaults on Hamas Terrorists have intensified. Meanwhile, striking intensified. Meanwhile, striking roads , buildings and other sites roads, buildings and other sites in gaza. Well, lets show you pictures coming to us live from gaza at the moment, where the only power station stopped working in the gaza strip just a few short hours ago. That will further complicate the situation for aid workers there. And we for aid workers there. And we know that medecins sans frontiere has described the situation as catastrophic with ovennhelmed hospitals struggling to cope. Gazas Health Ministry saying at least 1055 people have been killed. Israel, on the been killed. Israel, on the other hand, putting the number of its dead at 1200 british palestinian surgeon dr. Ghassan abu sitta says families are seeking shelter in the hospital in gaza, but medical supplies are running out now. His majesty the king says he is appalled by the king says he is appalled by the acts of terrorism in israel. Gb news royal correspondent Cameron Walker has this from outside Buckingham Palace. They are in incredibly strong words from a spokesperson for his majesty the king this afternoon condemning what they describe as the barbaric acts of terrorism in israel. A Buckingham Palace spokesperson says that this is a situation his majesty is extremely concerned about, adding that he has asked to be kept actively updated his thoughts and prayers are with all those suffering , are with all those suffering, particularly those who have lost loved ones , but also those loved ones, but also those actively involved as we speak. I think its pretty telling that the kings spokesperson has used quite such strong language. It quite such strong language. It is incredibly rare that that spokesperson, or indeed the king himself would use language such as this, which perhaps is an indication as to the strong emotions the king is feeling at this time. As soon as we get an official statement, if at all, from palace will from Buckingham Palace will bnng from Buckingham Palace will bring you. Bring that straight to you. Walker there. Well, Sheffield City council says its investing dating today after a man scaled the town hall to remove an israeli flag from its spire. Last night, footage on social media shows the person scaling the front of the 200 foot high building during a pro palestinian demonstration in the city centre last night. Crowds can be heard applauding and chanting. Take it down as the chanting. Take it down as the man threw the israeli flag to the floor and replaced it with the floor and replaced it with the palestinian colours. The governments anti semitism adviser, lord mann , warned adviser, lord mann, warned demonstrators against supporting terror groups these appalling. Terror groups these appalling. Pubuc terror groups these appalling. Public escapades purporting to be support shouting palestinians what their supporting are to terror groups. Terror groups. Hamas and hezbollah , who are hamas and hezbollah, who are prescribed organisations, people in our country who are giving open support and encouragement to terrorist organisations should be should be arrested and prosecuted and that should be happening now. Happening now. Now, in other news today, a dorset councillor has lost a high court fight with the home secretary over the housing of Asylum Seekers on the bibby stockholm barge in portland. Mayor carolyn parks wanted to challenge the lawfulness of the use of the barge in portland. Port saying the home office needed planning permission to site it and use it in that location. The vessel has been location. The vessel has been vacant since legionella bacteria were detected. On board back in were detected. On board back in august, but the home office says the barge is now safe for Asylum Seekers to return. Now all seekers to return. Now all flights at london, Luton Airport have resumed following a large fire in the terminal car park last night. Its thought more than 30,000 passengers suffered delays as a result of the incident with passengers diverted as far away as cardiff and manchester. Flames and smoke tore through cars parked at the airport terminal last night. The fire service saying the place suffered significant structural collapse in the aftermath of that blaze. And nearly 1500 that blaze. And nearly 1500 vehicles were affected. And its vehicles were affected. And its believed it was caused by the lithium battery on a diesel car. Five people were admitted to nearby hospitals for smoke inhalation. Now the king and inhalation. Now the king and queen will make a state visit to kenya at the end of the month. Buckingham palace saying the trip will celebrate the warm relationship between the two countries as kenya celebrates 60 years of independence. Itll be his majestys first visit to a commonwealth country since becoming. King with gb news becoming. King with gb news across the uk on tv in your car on Digital Radio, and on your Smart Speaker by saying play gb news. This is britains news channel. Channel. Okay, welcome along. Now a plan to boost the nhs has been set out as a key part of labour party policy. Wes streeting the Shadow Health secretary said in his Conference Speech today that hed pump £1. 1 billion into the service, saying hed find the money by abolishing non dom tax status. Streeting pledged to tackle the 7. 7 million long nhs waiting lists. Im very pleased to say that. Joining me now is wes streeting shadow secretary of state for health and social care. Well, thank you much. Care. Well, thank you very much. I enjoyed the i hope you enjoyed the conference well. Patrick yes, conference as well. Patrick yes, all right. Stuff. Right. So all right. Good stuff. Right. So theres non dom theres not this non dom stuff. All is it legit . Is this all right. Is it legit . Is this not just going to be all right. Is it legit . Is this notjust going to be one all right. Is it legit . Is this not just going to be one off not just going to be a one off tax based amount of money tax based on the amount of money that university tell you that wannick university tell you youre then youre to going raise . And then when non doms when all the non doms leave, were skim . Were going to be skim . No, i think there are are lots of reasons why People Choose to make britain their home, which arent simply about tax. What we have done is be very small c conservative in our estimates about how much money this would raise. Weve weve gone for independent figures , gone for independent figures, not our figures. And they gave us a range of estimates and we went for the bottom end of that range so that people could be even more confident that the promises we make are promises we can keep that the money we raise an ed, the money we wish to spend balances out. And by abolishing the non dom tax status that effectively means that people who make britain their home pays their taxes. Here too. We can put £1. 1 billion into the pockets of nhs staff who deserve it so we can have more evening and weekend appointments to do 2 million, 2 million more appointments a year in the nhs, which is crucial for cutting waiting lists. And is there not more . Yeah. Is there not a bit more to this non dom stuff than meets the eye though, you know . So a government statement says that the non doms the tax contributed by non doms which goes towards other public services, is services, notjust the nhs, is estimated to be worth around £85 billion a year. They have £8. 5 billion a year. They have invested supposedly over £7 billion towards growth to since 2012 eve. So is there not a risk that by forcing them to pay in a sense for one public service, we might be missing out on payments for others . For others . The problem ive got with the tories and this sort of argument is that they always come out with excuses as to why we shouldnt tax non doms or close tax loopholes for people who are very wealthy. But when it comes to people on low and middle incomes who are looking at their mortgages or rents and the energy or their rents and the energy bills and price of the food bills and the price of the food shop, know, theyre shop, you know, theyre struggling ends meet, struggling to make ends meet, yet have clobbered yet the tories have clobbered them year tax rises them with year on year tax rises as the highest taxes in 70 years. And so why is it that the tories always say when it comes to the wealthy or its all far too difficult, theyre paying a lot. But when it comes to too difficult, theyre paying a lot. But when it comes to normal people in this country, they dont blink twice before putting their taxes up. Their taxes up. Are you. Are you. Are you. Is you basing this you not . Absolutely. Basing this economic policy, though, and therefore, this policy on therefore, this Health Policy on therefore, this Health Policy on the idea that people will not leave if you tax them more . I mean, if that proves not to be true they go to somewhere true and they go to somewhere very so its spain or very nearby. So its spain or portugal, italy , where they can portugal, italy, where they can get a much more beneficial tax dealif get a much more beneficial tax deal if they do that, then youve got a bit of egg on your face, havent you . Because youre just going to have to tax the rest of us more to make up for it. No, no. Weve deliberately put estimate of how much put the estimate of how much this the this policy would raise at the bottom end of independent projections. So these arent our projections. So these arent our figures. These are independent academics. And i think this academics. And i think this country has got a lot going for it. I think weve got a lot of problems in britain at the moment, i think weve got moment, but i think weve got a lot going for this country, a lot going for this country, a lot of reasons why people want to britain their home, why to make britain their home, why we want attract successful, we want to attract successful, talented the talented people from around the world our world to come and work in our industries and to contribute to our growth in the economy. So i think we can be a bit more confident in ourselves than that. Okay. Mentioned okay. Simon mentioned that word actually word reform, which actually a lot people have been crying lot of people have been crying out for a heck of a long out for, for a heck of a long time with the nhs. Think time with the nhs. And i think for a variety of different reasons, the conservative party have certainly have felt unable or certainly unwilling possibly unwilling to do possibly what was what does reform was needed, what does reform under labour look like then . I know that weve spoken bit know that weve spoken a bit about services about increased Weekend Services and to be and things. Theres got to be more to it than that, isnt there . Yeah, i think we need three big one is put turn big shifts. One is to put turn the nhs on its head so we do far more activity in neighbourhoods in local community services. That means more general practise, more done in Community Pharmacy , new Services Like pharmacy, new Services Like Community Mental health hubs, so that we can diagnose faster, treat quicker. Thats better for patients and better value for the taxpayer. At the moment, we the taxpayer. At the moment, we get to people too late in the nhs and thats both worse for patients in terms of their experience and sadly their outcomes. Too often its also much more expensive if people cant get a gp appointment, for example , which costs about £40, example, which costs about £40, they walk into which costs they walk into a e, which costs £360. And on top of that , £360. And then on top of that, we shift to a system we can also shift to a system that cutting edge that uses the cutting edge science and technology thats being developed in this country. And if we can shift to not just treating sickness, but preventing illness in the first place with Good Public Health prevention measures, then we can have an nhs thats not just back on its feet but fit for the future. What if people in the what if what if people in the nhs still though they nhs still feel as though they are and under valued are underpaid and under valued and continue go on and they continue to go out on strike and they just stick it to you they go look , youre the you and they go look, youre the labour supposed labour party, youre supposed to be the of keir be on the side of workers. Keir starmer mentioned working starmer mentioned the working people lot during speech people a lot during his speech yesterday. You dont give him yesterday. If you dont give him a then theres no one a pay rise, then theres no one to in nhs. Surely. Is to work in the nhs. Surely. Is that coming . Well, we definitely need to see an end to the strikes and negotiations. And i was pretty critical, to put it mildly , of critical, to put it mildly, of the Prime Minister in my speech today because he has not lifted a finger in negotiations and there are a wide range of issues, partly the pay issues that have been raised, but a wider range other issues wider range of other issues where i think a deal could be struck. And its in the interests of not just staff but patients that deal to patients for that deal to be struck. One of the reasons why struck. One of the reasons why i think our to waiting think our policy to cut waiting lists the backlog is lists and beat the backlog is goodis lists and beat the backlog is good is because involves good is because it involves better and faster Better Service and faster treatment for patients. But it treatment for patients. But it also puts £1. 1 billion into the pocket of nhs staff who i think deserve it. But have had to be honest with the with the bma, the doctors union, and say , you the doctors union, and say, you know, im wish we could go further, but look at the state of the public finances. Further, but look at the state of the public finances. Im not going to be able to meet your pay going to be able to meet your pay demand, be willing to negotiate see if we can find negotiate and see if we can find a compromise. And theyve indicated to compromise. But willingness to compromise. But what i dont want to do is lead people the garden path before people up the garden path before an sps an election and create false sps stations and worse still, broken promises. So i dont pretend promises. So i dont pretend its easy, but i do think its ridiculous that the government isnt negotiating. And think isnt negotiating. And i think to because to be honest, thats because rishi cutting rishi sunak isnt cutting waiting he wants to waiting lists and he wants to scapegoat staff and blame them for the problem. Instead of taking responsibility. Taking responsibility. Me okay, just one more final one with you, thats all one with you, if thats all right. Were just going pivot one with you, if thats all ri little iiere just going pivot one with you, if thats all ri little bite just going pivot one with you, if thats all ri little bit andit going pivot one with you, if thats all ri little bit and talk ng pivot one with you, if thats all ri little bit and talk aboutpivot one with you, if thats all ri little bit and talk about thet a little bit and talk about the ongoing situation in israel palestine. Its news of ongoing situation in israel pal day,5. Its news of ongoing situation in israel pal day,5. Its and news of ongoing situation in israel pal day,5. Its and nnos of the day, really, and will no doubt for days doubt be the big news for days to we understand that to come. We understand that israel rolling the wicket for israel is rolling the wicket for a ground incursion there into gaza. We have to wait and see what happens there. But, i mean, do you do you absolutely wholeheartedly condemn the actions of hamas . Do you would actions of hamas . Do you would you go as far as to say that actions of hamas . Do you would you gare s far as to say that actions of hamas . Do you would you gare they as to say that actions of hamas . Do you would you gare they are. O say that actions of hamas . Do you would you gare they are terroristst they are they are terrorists without equivocation. Without equivocation. Hamas are terrorists. And jewish racism anti jewish hatred, the murder of jews is written into the charter of hamas being no doubt about who were dealing with here and what their aims are. And its not just hamas, hezbollah. Its just hamas, its hezbollah. Its the Iranian Regime which supports and funds this kind of activity. And weve got to ask activity. And weve got to ask ourselves , whos sat in the ourselves, whos sat in the security and comfort of where im speaking to you now in liverpool with people at home watching in the security and comfort of our own homes. How would we respond if we had seen our friends , our family, our our friends, our family, our neighbours kidnapped , their neighbours kidnapped, their bodies, burned and desecrated . Bodies, burned and desecrated . How did how do you square this right, which is, i think, what many people would say is possibly the correct answer with trying to get Jeremy Corbyn elected a couple of times. I mean, were you just biting your tongue the whole time . Wasnt biting my i certainly wasnt biting my tongue with with Jeremy Corbyn. I think he has reminded us again in recent days why the british people ovennhelmingly rejected him. And keir starmer has reminded us in recent days, with the fall throated support of the entire labour party, that keir starmer has changed the labour party. It is not Jeremy Corbyns labour party. It is the party labour party. It is the party that once against belongs to the british people. He did. I get what youre saying was and i get that he is where he is now. But you know, a few years ago he was happy to sit next to Jeremy Corbyn while Jeremy Corbyn was pontiff skating about hamas and whether or israel are to or not israel really are to blame. I find or not israel really are to blame. I find that bizarre. Should not be a concern was should that not be a concern was for people. It can pivot like that. No the reassurance i can give you, patrick, is on two fronts. First is when i was fighting anti semitism in the labour party under Jeremy Corbyns leadership , i had an ally in leadership, i had an ally in keir starmer. He was one of the keir starmer. He was one of the only leading figures in the labour party at that time that i trusted and could go to and raise and spoke up raise concerns and who spoke up as of the shadow as a member of the shadow cabinet. Judge keir cabinet. Secondly judge keir starmer, by his actions when Jeremy Corbyn refused to accept responsibility for the failures of his leadership on anti semitism and issued a disgraceful response to the equality and human rights commission, keir starmer booted him out of the parliamentary party. Jeremy corbyn will not be a candidate at the general election. Also, keir starmer has expelled countless racists from the labour party cranks , the labour party cranks, crackpots, extremists. Theyre gone and the ones that werent kicked out cut up their membership cards because keir starmer this isnt your starmer said, this isnt your party anymore. And ive been really be here in really proud to be here in liverpool this week, not just seeing a labour party seeing a change labour party with to face our with answers to face our country, the labour party country, but the Labour Party Conference literally standing with israel in their darkest hour. With israel in their darkest hour. Im with israel in their darkest hour. Im proud of that and i think that offers the reassurance to the country that people have got their labour party back. Party back. Wes, thank you very much. Thank you for your time and take care. As wes streeting as the shadow secretary of state for health and social care , hes got health and social care, hes got a on his plate with the nhs. A lot on his plate with the nhs. 7. 7 million list doesnt 7. 7 million waiting list doesnt see some ideas there about the non doms funding. I remain sceptical about it, which i think is clear, isnt it, think is pretty clear, isnt it, in of much of aa1 in terms of how much of aa1 off payment payment payment or ongoing payment non doms are going to actually bnngin non doms are going to actually bring in to the taxpayers coffers and whether or not its going to have a long lasting effect but hey, we effect with our nhs. But hey, we can only go off what theyre telling us, cant we . So some breaking news you there. Breaking news for you there. British has now british ainnays has now suspended israel and suspended flights to israel and from because of safety from israel because of safety concerns. So in israel as well, the foreign secretary has had to run for cover during his visit. Gb news viewers can see eyewitness footage of James Cleverly. Thats James Cleverly there moving inside while sirens went off, warning of incoming hamas rocket fire cleverly has been showing his support for israels right to defend themselves in ofakim , which is themselves in ofakim, which is in the southern part of the country. Meanwhile israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former defence chief turned Opposition Party leader benny gantz have agreed to form an emergency government. It comes emergency government. It comes as gaza is left without Electric City amid an israeli blockade potentially there. As i was saying, rolling the wicket for a ground incursion. Lets now cross over to tel aviv and speak to our very own Charlie Peters, a gb reporter whos out a gb News Reporter whos out there for us. Charlie, thank you very so James Cleverlys very much. So James Cleverlys had since the had to run for cover since the last to you. And we last time i spoke to you. And we also have an alliance between netanyahu gantz. This is netanyahu and gantz. So this is justin netanyahu and gantz. So this is just in the last hour. There have been some developments , have been some developments, significant developments. Significant developments. James cleverly, the foreign secretary is now very much in a war zone. Hes only been in israel for a matter of hours and already he finds himself in a shelter under the air raid. Sirens now in the last 30 minutes, we have seen a huge barrage of rocket attacks from the gaza strip as hamas strikes into central and southern israel. Thats where James Cleverly is now in the southern tip of the country, where so much of that violence occurred when terrorist militia broke through the borders and struck innocents in their homes , in innocents in their homes, in their kibbutz and in their small communities around the gaza strip. We are also seeing, as strip. We are also seeing, as youve said, this unity government forming and that really reflects from what ive seen , the mood inside the seen, the mood inside the country. Israel is very much bruised, but it is becoming more united, especially since saturday morning. Im here outside a Convention Centre in central tel aviv , which is being central tel aviv, which is being converted into a centre for volunteers to gather to bring suppues volunteers to gather to bring supplies and then immediately to distribute them to the north and the south of the country. Wherever the soldiers are fighting and the civilians are fleeing. The people who fleeing. The people who organised , this convention organised this, this Convention Centre space last week they were protesting against the government very clearly, especially with the governments work. Their views that they were interfering with the judiciary. Interfering with the judiciary. Now they are doing everything they can support the country they can to support the country and get behind the efforts to repel the terrorist invaders. Charlie, stay yeah, charlie, just stay where you are for us for a second, thats all right, second, if thats all right, because im going over because im going to bring over some believe, some footage now, i believe, of gaza. In gaza. Gaza. So this is live in gaza. Live images for you. Plumes of smoke billowing above the skyline there as i understand it, it appears to be an airstrike that is still taking place. So well stay on these images now. And charlie, ill bnng images now. And charlie, ill bring you back in strong rumours, really, potentially an expectation at some point of an israeli Ground Invasion into gaza. As we can see, more explosions taking place there. Charlie well , the idf have charlie well, the idf have hinted at what their mission is. Now. They are suggesting that a Ground Invasion is likely. It seems more to many commentators to be a matter of when , not if. To be a matter of when, not if. It just it just matters. On whether israel can prepare the ground sufficiently for that sort of ground incursion. It would be the first invasion of the gaza strip since 2014. And the gaza strip since 2014. And the military isnt just ready for that sort of attack. It needs to prepare. It needs to gather all of its resources to send those convoys of armour down to the south and also at the same time secure to the northern fronts. Artillery and rocket fire coming in from hezbollah in southern lebanon and shelling coming in from syria as we will see as these rocket barrages continue in the afternoon in central and southern israel. The Israeli Forces can react immediately. To forces can react immediately. To the point of origin of that rocket fire. They can see where its coming from and strike back immediate. Continued rocket immediate. So continued rocket barrages in both directions as those forces gather on the border. Border. Charlie, thank you very much. Charlie peters there, gb news reports what you are looking at on your screens right now is live footage of gaza where yet again explosions are taking place. On as we get it place. More on that as we get it as potentially build for as we potentially build up for a Ground Invasion by israel into the gaza. Excuse me. Sorry the the gaza. Excuse me. Sorry the bbc is sticking to its guns and defending its refusal to describe hamas as terrorist. Is that right . After the attacks on innocent people is carried out, i will speak with someone who used to work at the bbc next for their hot take. Does the bbc have a problem when it comes to terrorism , when it comes to terrorism, when it comes to whats going on in israel . Its been a long run thing this, hasnt it . Patrick christys gb news. Britains news thursday from six till 930. Thursday from six till 930. Those are live pictures of gaza right now as smoke billows in the air above the skyline there amidst yet another israeli bombardment. We are anticipate thing things to get a lot worse before they get a lot better, including israel actually potentially launching a ground incursion into gaza. Now its in response to what took place when Hamas Terrorists there we go, another explosion rains down there as Hamas Terrorists stormed into israel. And then stormed into israel. And then what happened after that was absolutely appalling and continues to be appalling. Weve had 200 or so individuals , a had 200 or so individuals, a Music Festival just gunned down and taken hostage raped and murdered. We had reports yesterday of around 40 babies having their throats cut or being decapitated via alliance of the highest and most depraved order. People behaving like terrorist animals is okay, but its caused a lot of controversy, especially with the way that the bbc have handled this. Now, Bbc World Affairs Editor John Simpson has defended the broadcaster refusal to describe hamas as terrorists. This follows this growing criticism of the bbc over its reporting of the hamas attacks in israel. So mr simpson argued that labelling hamas as terrorists would mean taking sides and a disregard of due impartiality. However for the British Government has actually proscribed hamas as a terrorist organisation. In 2021. Acheloma organisation. In 2021. Acheloma joins me now is the former head of religious and ethical programming at bbc and channel 4. Thank programming at bbc and channel 4. Thank you very much. Great to have you on the show. Akua do have you on the show. Akua do you think the bbc is right to not call a proscribed terrorist organisation a terrorist organisation a terrorist organisation . Well, obviously organisation . Well, obviously thanks for having me on the show. Im speaking on a purely on a personal basis. Theyre not the personal basis. Theyre not the only ones. There are other broadcast others as well. So i think know youre focusing on think i know youre focusing on the obviously other the bbc, but obviously other broadcasters not using that term. That doesnt mean that people arent using the term on their shows, but what theyve decided, what the rules or regulations are, is obviously its very difficult to be impartial on the ground to cover things if you label people in a particular kind of way. Now it is difficult to because obviously we have a lot of emotion tied into this particular story. Particular story. There are some the some of the things that weve seen on both sides, quite frankly, but particularly hamas both sides, quite frankly, but particuiyou hamas both sides, quite frankly, but particuiyou know, hamas both sides, quite frankly, but particuiyou know, itsiamas both sides, quite frankly, but particuiyou know, its very s both sides, quite frankly, but particuiyou know, its very hard attack, you know, its very hard not to not to be emotional about some of these things. So i can understand the kind of anger and feeling. But obviously, what you mean look this one event. Yeah look beyond this one event. Yeah look, i think completely look, i think it completely warps the reality, though, doesnt youre doesnt it . I mean, youre heanng doesnt it . I mean, youre hearing about babies being beheaded their throats beheaded or having their throats cut and, you know , you should cut and, you know, you should use word allegation with use the word allegation with regards to that one. Yeah. Because obviously that story been walked back last story has been walked back last night. Night. E n night. I think there will be um, and i think there will be repercussions with regards to that in some form or that that story in some form or other because it hasnt been proven. Its an allegation not not a fact. I mean, the im to going talk over that because the clips that ive seen are are of Israeli Military and israeli journalists and british journalists over there in that part of israel saying that their account of what has happened is that they have been told unequivocally early that that is the scene thats taking place. So we have at the moment is that one journalist said that she that referred to it on camera and actually has then walked it back herself , saying that actually herself, saying that actually she was told by a soldier and actually sky news have tried to get that detail information and have been and have not been given it. And actually now were being told that actually there is no evidence this evidence to suggest this happened. Actually happened. So im not actually trying any of this. Trying to defend any of this. Im simply saying in real time, things actually things happen that actually you have sometimes have to be have to sometimes have to be able distance from. Able to have some distance from. And if then in and actually, if you then go in from beginning and define from the beginning and define people particular way, and people in a particular way, and its hard on one its really hard on this one because its really hard not to define them as terrorists. When you some the you look at some of the activity, it activity, just really find it quite an interesting thing. Activity, just really find it quicam interesting thing. Activity, just really find it quicam intehonest thing. Activity, just really find it quicam inte honest with]. Activity, just really find it quicam inte honest with you . Can i be honest with you . I just find it really interesting that got exercised that youve got quite exercised there this idea that maybe there about this idea that maybe we maybe people babies had not been beheaded. I mean , the been beheaded. I mean, the Israeli Defence force have come out and said that they have im not actually exercised about it. Im exercised about it as a human being, that if it was true, id be outraged, but that would be a terrorist saying is actually what about the things that what about the that we can what about the things that verify then . Things that we can verify then . Absolutely. I mean, the so absolutely. I mean, the Music Festival, thats a different issue about verification. Its all part verification. Well its all part of it, though, it . The of it, though, isnt it . So the rape women , the rape of countless women, the slaughter of the elderly , i slaughter of the elderly, i mean, these are terrorists alleged. But we can see it. But we can see it. We can see the video. We can see the video. We can see the video. No, we cant see it. Right. No, we cant see it. Right. But have you seen somebody . No. Look, are you trying to. I dont want im not defender of dont want im not a defender of hamas. A hamas in hamas. Im not a fan of hamas in any shape form. Any shape or form. Ridiculous. So you this is ridiculous. So you use youre reporting , you use when youre reporting, you know, language that know, the language that sometimes finish the sometimes just let me finish the language use. Language that you use. To you have to be you have to you have to be careful because these are careful because these things are not take lectures you. I not going to take i am not going to take lectures in you on reporting on videos that we can see happening are verifiably true , like the are verifiably true, like the storming of a kibbutz. Are verifiably true, like the storming of a kibbutz. And what storming of a kibbutz. And what happens after that . Thats on cctv. The slaughter of people in cars , civilians in cars, elderly cars, civilians in cars, elderly people at bus stop. Im just using the words of the beheading of 40 babies and rape. We dont know about those yet. They may be true. So if we know about all the others, would you then say that those terrorist acts not either . I did actually say to you speaking, i think they are. Personally, i should ask, should our state broadcaster not say that then, do you think . Well, all broadcasters have a decision as to what want to decision as to what they want to do, not just the one. And theyve decided i can understand why that would be decision, because actually its bigger event bigger than one particular event and to be impartial and you have to be impartial when youre trying to cover something and you dont think it makes them look they are makes them look like they are taking start. Taking things from the start. It makes them. Dont think it makes them. Dont think actually dont think it actually makes them like are taking them look like they are taking sides by no, i dont think sides by not. No, i dont think so. I think in any way. So. I dont think so in any way. Dont i really. I dont think. I dont think you could ever say that broadcaster is that any uk broadcaster is taking think have taking sides. I think we have a very good ecology in this country and sometimes are very good ecology in this counthat nd sometimes are very good ecology in this counthat id sometimes are very good ecology in this counthat i dontetimes are very good ecology in this counthat i dont like es are very good ecology in this counthat i dont like as are very good ecology in this counthat i dont like as well. Are said that i dont like as well. And sometimes think descriptions are actually , you know, are made and actually, you know, are made and actually, you know, a everybody i used to a lot of everybody i used to work the basis if work on the basis that if everybody has problem with you everybody has a problem with you doing right doing something right in the first all sides , people first place on all sides, people are happy with the coverage are not happy with the coverage that theyre seeing, just that theyre seeing, not just from from from the bbc, but from other broadcasters. Thats normal broadcasters. And thats normal because what we have is a very, very difficult, polarising, emotional and understandably understandable on all sides , a understandable on all sides, a situation where i think many of us wish it wasnt happening. So the bbc, just to clarify, knows better than our own government about what a terrorist organisation is. It doesnt know. It doesnt know. What it knows is actually how it operate ground, how it it operate on the ground, how it has to operate on the ground. All year round in many, many circumstances with people, with peoples and peoples reputations and peoples reputations and peoples livelihoods and peoples livelihoods and peoples lives as well. Isnt it supposed to be just reporting truth . Is reporting the truth . This is what dont it gets too what i dont get. If it gets too hot and heavy to report the truth, then you just what, you would lie about it. Dont get would lie about it. I dont get it. Dont why we would would lie about it. I dont get it. Misunderstandingly we would would lie about it. I dont get it. Misunderstanding it. ~e would do misunderstanding it. Are reporting it. They are reporting it. Actually, its just the use actually, if its just the use of a word, theyre calling, theyre not saying that these people great. Are they far theyre not saying that these peop it. Great. Are they far theyre not saying that these peop it. Butjreat. Are they far theyre not saying that these peop it. Butjreaiquite they far theyre not saying that these peop it. Butjreaiquite aiey far theyre not saying that these peop it. Butjreaiquite a loaded from it. But its quite a loaded term. Ive used that term. Term. Ive used that term. I would use that term, quite frankly. But in this instance, i can understand why they not can understand why they may not want to it. And its not me want to use it. And its not me saying i agree disagree. Im saying i agree or disagree. Im understanding may not understanding why they may not particularly use that term because is not just this because it is not just this is just one thing. They will just not one thing. They will cover be in gaza cover and they will be in gaza when this is all over as well. All right. Well, thank when this is all over as well. All right. Well, thank you very much, aqeel ahmed. There is the head of religious and the former head of religious and ethical and ethical programming at bbc and at channel for look. So coming at channel 4 for look. So coming up, is it time now for a new look, 007 . Yes, thats right. Shift tone. Security chiefs shift in tone. Security chiefs say a black female actor or say a black or female actor or actress playing role bond actress playing the role of bond would help with recruitment to mi6. Have point . But mi6. Do they have a point . But yes, before that, a little bit later scheduled. Apologies, later than scheduled. Apologies, polly,. Polly, its your headlines. Patrick, thank you. The top stories this hour, the israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu has agreed to form an emergency government after talks with the former defence chief and the Opposition Leader in the country. It comes as the uks foreign secretary was forced to dash for cover during his visit to the country. He was seen running into a building as an air raid. Siren sounded in a video posted on social media by the Israeli Foreign ministry. Assaults on Hamas Terrorists have intensified side with airstrikes targeted roads, buildings and other sites. In buildings and other sites. In gaza. Buildings and other sites. In gaza. Here, a local councillor gaza. Here, a local councillor has lost a high court fight with the home secretary over the housing of Asylum Seekers on the bibby stockholm barge bridge in portland in dorset. The vessel portland in dorset. The vessel had been vacant since legionella bacteria were detected on board back in august, but the home secretary says the barge is now safe for Asylum Seekers to return on and all flights at London Luton Airport have now resumed following a large fire in the terminal car park. Its believed to have been caused by a diesel type vehicle. Five people were admitted to nearby hospitals for smoke inhalation. Hospitals for smoke inhalation. Those are the headlines. More on all our stories by heading to our website, gbnews. Com. Hello our website, gbnews. Com. Hello again, im alex burkill. Heres your latest gb news weather update. We do have something of a north south split, but its a reversal in fortunes to what weve seen recently with the of the recently with the worst of the rain next few days rain over the next few days going to be in the south. You can see we have a frontal system lying parts we lying across central parts as we go rest of go through the rest of wednesday. Is gradually wednesday. And that is gradually going to push its way southwards, some southwards, bringing some outbreaks which have outbreaks of rain, which have been more been heavy at times across more southern counties. As we go through this evening and overnight , a through this evening and overnight, a drier picture further north. Lots of clear skies here. Still a few showers perhaps the far perhaps towards the far north west of scotland. But its under clear skies. Under these clear skies. Temperatures take temperatures are going to take a bit of a drop, a touch of frost likely northern parts. Likely across northern parts. But with the cloud but in the south, with the cloud and its going be and the rain, its going to be a much on thursday much milder start on thursday morning. So a bit of a wet start morning. So a bit of a wet start here. The rain is gradually going clear its way towards going to clear its way towards the east. Not all of it clearing, though, there clearing, though, so there will still be a few outbreaks of rain as go into the afternoon. And as we go into the afternoon. And staying cloudy staying largely cloudy across many areas. A brighter, many southern areas. A brighter, sunnier north, sunnier picture further north, though, some showery rain likely towards the far north of scotland, particularly orkney and temperatures down and shetland. Temperatures down and shetland. Temperatures down a touch for many, particularly in the south. But still getting into celsius as into your high teens celsius as we towards friday. Then we look towards friday. Then another swathe of wet weather is going to push its way across many central southern parts, likely some pretty high likely to see some pretty high totals. And so we could see some flooding here. A brighter picture and picture further north and a colder one and that brighter colder one to and that brighter , Colder Weather is going to push its way southwards to become as we go become more widespread as we go into the weekend. Into the weekend. Now, how does this sound . Now, how does this sound . Ive been expecting you, mr bond. Well, it could be a line from the next 007 film because security chiefs are apparently keen for the next bond to be black or a female or dare i say it, both. John taylor, who who trains operatives worldwide after a 30 year career in the Foreign Office, told audience members that the cheltenham literature festival that casting a black actor or an actress as bond would cause an uptick in applicants from black, asian and minority ethnic backgrounds. Can minority ethnic backgrounds. Can ijust minority ethnic backgrounds. Can i just say i dont buy that, mainly because as far as i can tell, mi6 is of course the kind of Ultra International wing of our Intelligence Services and dare i say it, if we are recruiting singularly from a very small pool of white middle , upper class men, they might stand out a little bit when we go and send them to places like somalia. But you know what do i know . Joining me now is raqeeb hassan, a social policy hassan, who is a social policy analyst. Thank you very analyst. Raqeeb, thank you very much. Great to have you on the show. So do you think maybe the time black female bond . Well, i think that its more the matter if you were to the matter of if you were to make change, would make that change, would that boost recruitment when it comes to communities . I . I really make this central point, patrick, that ultimately when it comes to intelligence communities and those who are working in the sphere of security, just want people who security, i just want people who are competent and courageous. It doesnt really matter to me what their ethnic, racial and religious background is. And actually the justice vacation for this. But people have said that because james bond has a glamorous life style that really drives up recruitment for our Security Services , i would like Security Services, i would like to think that people actually apply for those roles because they have a strong sense of civic duty as opposed to being attracted the glamorous attracted by the glamorous lifestyle that in james lifestyle that they see in James Bond Films as well. Quite. I mean, the kind of person that might look at a james film and think, oh, i James Bond Film and think, oh, i want to have exactly that. You know, possibly on possibly know, its possibly on possibly onto a hiding for nothing, arent they really . Mean , arent they really . But i mean, does does bond itself need to 9 does does bond itself need to go, you know, woke in order to boost recruitment . Is there any argument whatsoever . I mean, there must be some argument to say that if you are of a particular ethnic background, you seem more represented version of yourself in big cinema roles or big tv roles that that i dont know. It makes you feel more likely to obtain whatever it is theyre offering. Is there any study that backs that . That up . Think the research on well, i think the research on thatis well, i think the research on that is underdeveloped at best, and the association is tenuous. And i think in terms of recruitment, theres no harm in our Security Services if they genuinely believe that having a more diverse pool in their workforce, that would lead to strength and operational capabilities. Firstly, they need to do the research into that and then they can engage with those communities. But this view that you have of cinematic figures such as james bond, if you change the background of that character that will, um, that will necessarily nicely with your recruitment goals. I just see that as not particularly workable and havent seen the evidence which suggests that it would be workable. Patrick is it racist to say to say , i just racist to say to say, i just want james bond to stay white, right . Hes described as so in the books. Hes described as so in the books. I believe this has always books. I believe this has always been the character. Is it just been the character. Is it just something that could just stay as it is that is the character. It doesnt need to necessarily be embellished with with with different cultures or anything. You know, this is a quote unquote stereotype , typically unquote stereotype, typically British English man here, scottish at times. And you know, and it should just stay that way. Well, this is very much what were talking about. A traditional british franchise , traditional british franchise, and i dont want to see it fall prey to racial identity politics. But if there is an argument that if you have, um, people , people who are in in people, people who are in in cinema and in the Film Industry , see if you have characters in the Security Services of a different background and that could lead to a more diverse form of recruitment for our Intelligence Services, which help to strengthen them. As i said, we need to see the evidence for that. Then why not just create new movie characters . Why does it have to be repackaging james bond . Why dont you come up with a new, exciting franchise with fresh character hours which reflect a diversity of backgrounds . I dont see id see that as a perfectly reasonable option in a way to move fonnards. I would as well rikki neave. I would as well rikki neave. Thank you very much. Its always a pleasure. Raqeeb hassan is a social policy analyst and a friend of show. Now whenever friend of the show. Now whenever i cover topics like must i cover topics like this, i must say emails that come say i enjoy the emails that come in gbviews gbnews. Com and stephen has been on says in relation to the potential update of the james bond character, he says he looks fonnard to the day that grant is going play that hugh grant is going to play nelson mandela. And i, i agree with stephen, with you there, stephen, although notice although i cant help but notice steve, that your surname and i dont normally do this lightly, but im doing it because i dont think be able to think were going to be able to identify you personally. Is stephen great stephen king, who is a great literary if it is you, literary mind. So if it is you, the stephen king out there, that you can probably make this happen , my good man. So thank happen, my good man. So thank you very, very much. And loads of touch. Of people getting in touch. Patrick we are just being run by by idiots. This is from by woke idiots. This is from david who definitely just wants to keep james bond as a man. We had an interesting one in from a lady called nita who didnt mind what ethnicity bond was just as long as it remains a man, i says. She says a female would simply not take off as view as anitas view , it would be fascinating, view, it would be fascinating, wouldnt it, to just see what the gross at the cinema would be . Could need a massive budget film , a massive budget franchise film, a massive budget franchise like the bond franchise really take that kind of risk . Im not take that kind of risk . Im not sure. But moving on, coming up. Oh, harry and meghan eco hypocrites. Look, they bang on about the environment but have travelled apparently to a Mental Health festival just a block away from their New York Hotel in an entourage of seven vehicles. Seven. Im Patrick Christys on gb news britains news mornings from 930 on. Gb news. Gb news. Gb news. Welcome back. Patrick christys here on gb news it is 4 48. Youre watching or listening to me on your radio online. However you want to get it. Now, prince harry and meghan took a Police Escorted convoy consisting of seven suvs to attend the world Mental Health day festival in new york city today. And with the festival today. And with the festival just a block away from their hotel, it sparked debate as to whether or not the couples eco conscious status is just a facade. Okay its the first time the couple have been seen together since their alleged car chase back in may. So there we go. Joining me now is the former go. Joining me now is the former royal correspondent for the sun. Its charlie ray. Good stuff. Yeah, look, i mean, one could be forgiven, i think, for thinking that the Climate Emergency that maybe the Climate Emergency isnt that much of an emergency for harry and meghan , given the for harry and meghan, given the old suv treatment that theyve got. Got. Its an utter farce , patrick. Its an utter farce, patrick. Its an utter farce, patrick. An absolute farce. I mean, an absolute farce. I mean, this is a seven car convoy who had to travel 200ft, 200ft to the event that they were attending. It is absolutely ridiculous. And they were under ridiculous. And they were under escort as well with the nypd. Escort as well with the nypd. And we all know what happened in may when they were claiming that there was an almost catastrophic car accident, chase, whatever else , which turned out not to be else, which turned out not to be a catastrophic car accident. Chase so clearly they were they were taking no chances. But you know, youre absolutely right. We keep on hearing from these two, keep on preaching to us. You know, normal, normal people about the planet, the climate and everything else. And yet they take seven cars, you know, to this event. And in contrast it, weve got the prince of wales and the princess of wales turning up at a similar event in birmingham. And guess what . They birmingham. And guess what . They didnt need a seven car convoy. And my opinion, they are much more important than the harry and meghan. And meghan. I suppose they will say, look, you know, in america loads of people have got guns. We are a high profile target. Maybe the police took this out of our hands and thats why we had to travel in seven armoured suvs to 200ft down the road. Maybe. Maybe thats what theyd say. Yeah. Yeah yeah. Yeah dont apply for the job as their pr, patrick, because its not. Its not going to work. You feel a bit you know. Yeah. Seven cars i would i would give them three vehicles with under nypd but not seven. There is no way, no justification for seven vehicles no , no its yeah seven vehicles no, no its yeah i can see it being a bit like one of those things out of oceans 11 or oceans 12, where theyve got to try and figure out which one harry and meghan are in, by how low the how low the suspension on it. The suspension is on it. The private i mean, theres the private jet side things as well. Jet side of things as well. Theres fact they theres just the fact that they turn up some of these events. Turn up to some of these events. Do you think that it is just out and hypocrisy or is it good and out hypocrisy or is it good that theyre at least raising awareness causes . I mean, awareness of causes . I mean, hey, i am in hey, look, i am now in a roundabout way about the roundabout way talking about the fact that it was a Mental Health event that they were at and maybe some people now will be more inclined to get their Mental Health looked at as a result. Sure well, no, no, no. And youre absolutely right. The fact that they were attending mental they were attending a Mental Health important, health event is important, as was the prince and princess of wales here in the uk, because its an important issue. And you know, ive read this stuff and apart from the seven car convoy , there is some good stuff in both sets of the royals dealing and talking with people who are suffering from Mental Health. So from that point of view, yes , it from that point of view, yes, it is important that they turn up to these events and its important that its on an agenda somewhere and we have people talking about it because it is very, very important. But whats not important is these two not that important is these two clowns from montecito telling us what to do about flying and not travelling in jets and everything else. When they have private jets and theyre using i mean, honestly, patrick, i just still cant get over. I think there should be. I think there should be a limit, right . So a limit if you if right . So a limit on if you if your Carbon Footprint is above a certain level, you should lose the right to ever lecture anyone about the environment. And i dare say i dare say that harry and meghans Carbon Footprint is akin to that of you know, a rather small nation at times. Rather small nation at times. And mine certainly isnt. I dont know about yours and the vast majority of other people are certainly not. They could also afford to pay for a load of the upgrades in peoples houses that bang on that everyone likes to bang on about dont whereas the about, dont they . Whereas the vast majority of people who will be affected by cannot. I be affected by them cannot. I dont you, charlie. Dont know about you, charlie. I cant just an extra 1520 cant just drop an extra 1520 grand new electric car. I grand on a new electric car. I dont want to to get dont really want to have to get a instead of a boiler. A heat pump instead of a boiler. Again, the cash again, i wouldnt have the cash just for that. I just lying around for that. I dare the vast majority of dare say the vast majority of other dont. As well. And other people dont. As well. And i should i dont think i should be lectured but never been lectured to. But ive never been on jet. Im happy to on a private jet. Im happy to never on a private jet in my life. Its nice, patrick. Its nice, patrick. Its nice, patrick. I can assure you. Its very nice and very luxurious. Nice and very luxurious. Yeah, mini bars. The mini yeah, the mini bars. The mini bars. Great. Anyway. Charlie. Charlie well have to leave it there. Man. Thank you there. My good man. Thank you very to have on. Very much. Great to have you on. Charles the former royal charles rea, the former royal correspondent at the sun right. Correspondent at the sun right. Okay. So what do you make of that . Do okay. So what do you make of that . Do you think its all just a little bit facade with a little bit of a facade with harry meghan they claim harry and meghan when they claim to the environment to care about the environment and them wandering and then you see them wandering around and seven big cars. Around there and seven big cars. But sir keir but labour leader sir keir starmer speaking to our starmer is speaking to our political very Political Editor. Very, very shortly. Yes, thats right. So weve been keeping this one quiet, i can tell you quiet, but now i can tell you i can release this information to the got keir the nation, but weve got keir starmer, leader , starmer, the labour leader, speaking directly to gb news Political Editor Christopher Hope, and that is coming your way very shortly. So way very, very shortly. So youre not going to want to miss that. A heck of a lot to go out there for keir starmer, who did his barnstorming speech his big barnstorming speech yesterday, his big barnstorming speech ymean,iy, highlight his big barnstorming speech y mean, iy, highlight of his big barnstorming speech ymean,iy, highlight of it i mean, the highlight of it really, lets be honest, was when glittered, which for when he got glittered, which for me massively me led to some massively serious security. How security connotations. How long is before one our is it actually before one of our political leaders . Sadly, something terrible happens to them. It them. Weve already seen it happen havent we . But happen to mps, havent we . But there. Thankfully, nothing there we go. Thankfully, nothing bad christys gb bad did Patrick Christys gb news, britains news channel. News, britains news channel. Hello again, im alex burkill and heres your latest gb news weather update. Weather update. We do have something of a north south split, but its a reversal in fortunes to what weve with the weve seen recently with the worst over next worst of the rain over the next few to be in the few days going to be in the south. You can see we have a frontal lying across frontal system lying across central through central parts as we go through the rest of wednesday. And that is gradually push its is gradually going to push its way southwards, some way southwards, bringing some outbreaks of rain which have been at times across been heavy at times across more southern we southern counties as we go through this evening and overnight drier picture overnight, quite a drier picture. Further north, lots of clear skies here. Still a few showers perhaps towards the far north west of scotland, but its under skies. Under these clear skies. Temperatures going to take temperatures are going to take a bit of a drop, a touch of frost likely across northern parts. But in the south, with the cloud and rain, its going to be and the rain, its going to be a much start on thursday much milder start on thursday morning. Wet start morning. So a bit of a wet start here. Is gradually here. The rain is gradually going to clear its way towards the all of it the east. Not all of it clearing, though so will clearing, though. So there will still outbreaks of rain still be a few outbreaks of rain as we go into the afternoon. And staying largely cloudy across many brighter, many southern areas. A brighter, sunnier picture north, sunnier picture further north, though, showery rain likely though, some showery rain likely towards the far north of scotland , particularly orkney scotland, particularly orkney and ten hours down a and shetland. Ten hours down a touch for many , particularly in touch for many, particularly in the south. But still getting into your high celsius. As into your high teens celsius. As we friday, then we look towards friday, then another swathe of wet weather is going to push its way across many central southern parts, likely see pretty high likely to see some pretty high totals. Could see some totals. And so we could see some flooding here. A brighter picture north picture further north and a colder one, and that colder one, too. And that brighter, Colder Weather is going to push its way southwards , widespread as we , become more widespread as we go the weekend its 5 pm. Its Patrick Christies is gb news us. And were going in this hour with this very special interview, sir Keir Starmers interview with our Political Editor, christopher. Ill Christopher Hope. Ill be bringing to in a bringing that to you in just a matter in other matter of moments. In other news, also going matter of moments. In other nebe also going matter of moments. In other ne be talking also going matter of moments. In other nebe talking about also going matter of moments. In other ne be talking about the o going matter of moments. In other ne be talking about the latestg to be talking about the latest in israel. Lot noises in israel. A lot of noises coming out of whats taking place there at the moment. We will some kind will bring some kind of clarification for you, but it does look as violence has does look as though violence has properly again this properly erupted yet again this evening in israel. So more information on that shortly. Im also going to be talking about this. Yes, denier asylum to hamas fanatics. I think its pretty straightfonnard, isnt it . Ive seen a lot of footage and ill show that footage to you of people in refugee such asylum camps on one of the greek islands. Theyre all chanting in favour hamas, chanting in favour of hamas, all chanting in favour of hamas, all chanting in favour the atrocities that favour of the atrocities that have been place in israel have been taking place in israel. Surely these people cannot just on to be distributed out just go on to be distributed out around europe and potentially get small boats find get into small boats and find their way into britain. One more their way into britain. One more for this hour, i think. For you this hour, i think. Havent well . Yes, thats havent we as well . Yes, thats right. Is it time for a black female well female james bond . Well according former foreign according to a former Foreign Office bigwig, it is time because it would boost recruitment to mi6 from a variety of different genders and ethnic backgrounds. Patrick christys. Gb news. Yes. Well, it christys. Gb news. Yes. Well, it is time now to bring you the interview that our Political Editor Christopher Hope, has done with the labour leader, sir keir starmer yes, tom moore your wife and children are jewish. Concerned are you by the how concerned are you by the protests youve seen . All protests youve seen . Weve all seen in london and across the uk in week. In the past week. Very concerned and so are im very concerned and so are the family members and friends that spoken weve seen that ive spoken to. Weve seen this in london. We see it not infrequently and theres a real sense of deep anxiety , sense of deep anxiety, obviously, in relation to the events in israel, the appalling, shocking events you know, cold blooded murder of men , women and blooded murder of men, women and children. And its terrorism and children. And its terrorism and hamas bears the responsibility , hamas bears the responsibility, but huge amount of anxiety. Since your speech here in liverpool, you mentioned brexit in your speech just once, but you said here in 2018 at the Party Conference that you werent second werent ruling out a second referendum. Prime referendum. If your Prime Minister , if your elected Prime Minister, if your elected Prime Minister, if your elected Prime Minister, be minister, youll be renegotiating the trade and Cooperation Agreement in 2026. What you do with that . Will what will you do with that . Will you try and get the uk more closely aligned to the eu . Would you even try and reverse the result in 2016 and go back into the eu . We will not try to reverse the result. Do intend to go back we do not intend to go back into eu and for that matter, into the eu and for that matter, or the or for that matter, into the single customs Single Market or the customs union. That doesnt mean i dont think improve the deal think we can improve on the deal that got. And think that weve got. And i think whether security , whether you look at security, me, whether look at arts and me, whether you look at arts and innovation or trade, almost everybody thinks theres room for improvement. We saw that to an extent in the protocol that the Prime Minister renegotiated and renegotiated earlier this yean and renegotiated earlier this year. But were not arguing. Were not making the case. There is no intention to return to the eu and do you get brexit . Do you understand why the vote understand vote happened . You understand the in the the reason for brexit in the first place . Behind vote a i think behind the vote was a deep sense across the country of an inability to influence things in their own lives, their own community is. And thats why yesterday was so important for me to set out a case which said, look, weve had 13 years of decline and now im putting on the table ten years of national renewal. Its also why you may have noticed i reached outside of the Conference Hall into the country and invited conservative voters, people who voted for other parties to join us to make this clear that this is a national project. This clear that this is a national project. Everybody who national project. Everybody who cares about their country cares about the future of their community. Is welcome to us community. Is welcome to join us in will be a national project. You said in your speech youre proudly working class, but dont like being called but you dont like being called sir in parliament. Sir keir in parliament. Whats the problem now . Well theres no problem. Whats the problem now . Well the im no problem. Whats the problem now . Well the im veryroblem. Whats the problem now . Well the im very proudi. Whats the problem now . Well the im very proud of my im very proud of my upbringing and the story i was telling yesterday about working class aspiration is really the story of my life, which is starting from modest beginnings. We had trouble making ends meet as a family, but i had opportunity to go on a journey that took me to standing here with you as leader of the opposition. I want every young person to have that opportunity. But youre now called sir keir starmer. That makes you look quite out of touch to the average person. Well, is that the problem . Is that why you worry about it . Was knighted i was knighted for my services to criminal justice because the director of because i was the director of pubuc because i was the director of public five Public Prosecutions for five years staff who work for years and the staff who work for me had staff, very me had 7000 staff, were very proud through that proud to see that through that their work was recognised. So im very proud for them of what we achieved. The small boats crisis on the south coast of england, immigration regularly tops the polls. The big issue for gb news viewers. Yeah, barely mentioned in though. That in your speech though. Is that why . Because youre not concerned about it . Not a problem you become prime problem if you become Prime Minister no, of course were concerned about anybody would about it. I think anybody would be government be concerned by a government thats of the thats lost control of the borders. That be borders. That has to be addressed. And thats why we set addressed. And thats why we set out terms that we have to out in terms that we have to smash the criminal gangs that are trade, go are running this vile trade, go back to days as director of back to my days as director of pubuc back to my days as director of Public Prosecutions. Did joint Public Prosecutions. I did joint operations to smash terrorist gangs. I am convinced that we can smash the gangs that are running this file illegal immigration. What level are you happy with . Of the net number, 600,000 arrived in the 12 months to june last year. Im not to going pluck a number out of the sky. Tories do well, they pluck a number out of the sky. And tories do well, they pluck a number out of the sky. And torie they well, they pluck a number out of the sky. And torie they miss iiiell, they pluck a number out of the sky. And torie they miss it ll, they pluck a number out of the sky. And torie they miss it over ey do and then they miss it over and over again. And weve ended up with a situation where the number higher its ever number is higher than its ever been. Is symptomatic, i been. But this is symptomatic, i think, of the last 13 years. One of the challenges that we laid down for the tories yesterday is tell us what record tell us what your record is, because got a record because if youve got a record after 13 years, you should be telling the country it is. Telling the country what it is. So why i contrasted them so thats why i contrasted them with our project, which is actually thats not just fix the country. Lets go on this country. Lets go on this journey of national renewal. And i cant stress it enough. Its a national journey. It is cross party. You know, those cross party. You know, those that have lost faith in the party they are voting for are welcome to join us in this national project. In your speech, you talked about a competitive tax regime. Does labour does that mean a Labour Government taxes . Government could cut taxes . Well, said competitive tax well, i said competitive tax regime. Well look, weve got the highest rates of tax that weve had since the Second World War under this government. All under this government. So all weve from government under this government. So all w high from government under this government. So all w high tax irom government under this government. So all w high tax and government under this government. So all w high tax and low government under this government. So all w high tax and low growthment under this government. So all w high tax and low growth andt is high tax and low growth and thatis is high tax and low growth and that is the wrong recipe for the country. Competitive, course. Country. Competitive, of course. But my focus is growth. And but my focus is on growth. And growing the economy and that will the tax come . My speech will a tax burden come down under labour . Id like the overall burden, particularly on working people, to come down, but obviously we will , and will operate, of course, and always our fiscal rules. Always within our fiscal rules. Yeah, just on the on the glitter bomb, i know its a serious issue, but call it a glitter bomb. Have you have the glitter bomb. Have you have the security apologised to you for letting you down . Frankly, i my focus was on delivering that speech and many people have said to me what was going through head . Going through your head . Tell you what was and ill tell you what was going head. Was going through my head. It was i have worked for four years to get labour party to a get this labour party to a position where we can face the country the country. Country and address the country. And wasnt to put off and i wasnt going to be put off by idiot who came the by some idiot who came on the stage. My jacket off, stage. So i took my jacket off, rolled up sleeves got on rolled up my sleeves and got on with speech that with delivering the speech that ive waiting time to give. Ill take your time. Are we getting rain here . Getting wet in the rain here . Thank joining us. Thank you for joining us. Thank you. Thank you for your time. Well, Christopher Hope joins me Political Editors me now. Our Political Editors hotfooted it back from an interview sir keir starmer. Interview with sir keir starmer. Yes, of the highlights for yes, some of the highlights for you i was you then there. Well i was trying draw out trying to trying to draw out from lot of interviews from him a lot of interviews today about would do for today about what he would do for our in on tax. Our viewers in on tax. And he said he would try and cut of off working cut taxes off of off the working working people. Working people. That is. That is. I see that as our viewers. I see that as our viewers. I see that as our viewers. I think that put and i think that might put pressure on the party to go pressure on the tory party to go where they theyre where they would. Theyre nowhere theyre saying where they would. Theyre nowhigoing theyre saying where they would. Theyre nowhigoing to theyre saying where they would. Theyre nowhigoing to bringyre saying were going to bring down inflation, biggest they inflation, biggest tax cut they can working people. Can give to working people. I think, know, if they start think, you know, if they start showing some leg on tax cuts, laboun showing some leg on tax cuts, labour, into labour, it puts the tories into even position. They are even worse position. They are already terms taking already in terms of taking further ground from the middle on brexit, i have to ask the question on brexit. No intention. We dont intend to go back intention going back in, no intention of going back in, no intention of going back being around back in now, you being around politics as long as i have. Patrick intention intends patrick intention and intends are no. Patrick intention and intends are yeah no. Patrick intention and intends are yeah thats no. Patrick intention and intends are yeah thats quite yeah thats quite big actually. Didnt no. He actually. He didnt say no. He could have said could have just said no. Yes. They say they their yes. Well they say they their big point is they, they get the sovereignty idea that the Uk Parliament is sovereign and thats where it goes towards the issue of echr, which we didnt talk about the idea of bringing back all powers of our laws to the britain. But i think the idea that to be a big idea that is going to be a big issue at the next next election, you also didnt go anywhere near what net level of migration youre happy so 600,000 what net level of migration youre icame so 600,000 what net level of migration youre icame in 600,000 what net level of migration youre icame in 60year0 what net level of migration youre icame in 60year to people came here in the year to june year. Is people came here in the year to june year. Is good june last year. Is that a good number bad number . Suella number or a bad number . Suella braverman wants to do tens of thousands. Wants thousands. Treasury wants hundreds thousands because hundreds of thousands because its. Its good for the economy. Whats his number . He wouldnt say again, trying say so. Yet again, were trying to information out here for to get information out here for the for the viewers. The for the viewers. Yeah, no, indeed. And of course, the keir starmer, of course. And im always obsessed by that. He got he got his knighthood because he was the dpp. He ran the prosecuting service in this country. And i think you to people, you think if you talk to people, you know, a barrier between know, its a barrier between connecting with people. If youre at knight, youre a knight at knight, particularly if youre, you know, labour he know, labour leader. But he talked about his pride of getting it. Well, i thought the way you opened there quite opened up there was quite interesting wife and interesting because his wife and children are jewish. Yeah, victorias wife children arent named. No, thats a privacy issue. No thats a privacy issue. No problem now. But they are raised in the jewish faith. He doesnt like to work on a friday night, so he gets the idea of hes part of that of the of the that makes it remarkable for me that he was able and willing to try to get Jeremy Corbyn elected not want well hes been hes answered those questions was trying to those questions he was trying to reform within. He thought reform from within. He thought hes inside not hes better off being inside not outside. Having been four days at labour conference, i was so struck minutes silence struck by the minutes silence Angela Rayner asked for in the hall. Happened. It was hall. Nothing happened. It was perfectly david lammy perfectly observed david lammy statement they can statement about israel. They can go their hostages. Go and get their hostages. Didnt go and speak at a palestine event. Well, he wasnt. Well, he wasnt. Yes, but yes. But yes. Because you know you can. Its different between hamas is different between hamas is different to palestine. Yeah. Yeah lets be quite clear about that. And the gaza are people in gaza who you know, hamas are done what theyve done, not necessarily with the consent of those People Living in palestine. A complicated but. And so its a complicated but i think they have passed that test and that that test would not passed. So not have been passed. So obviously, have been a obviously, it may have been a complete , frankly, for obviously, it may have been a corrparty. , frankly, for obviously, it may have been a corrparty. Yes. , frankly, for obviously, it may have been a corrparty. Yes. Had frankly, for obviously, it may have been a corrparty. Yes. Had jeremy, for the party. Yes. Had Jeremy Corbyn been in power, youd have had kind of battle the had this kind of battle on the floor the Conference Hall, as had this kind of battle on the floo know,e Conference Hall, as had this kind of battle on the floo know, outside ence hall, as had this kind of battle on the floo know, outside thee hall, as had this kind of battle on the floo know, outside the outsides you know, outside the outside the venue, lots the conference venue, lots of palestinian protesters, a bit of argy bargy with israel argy bargy with with israel supporters , but nothing inside, supporters, but nothing inside, no , no one who got in had a big no, no one who got in had a big row and thats that means row there. And thats that means the me has grown up. The party for me has grown up. Yeah, no, indeed. I mean, it does certainly look that way i think was that he wasnt really pushing , you know, too strongly pushing, you know, too strongly when it came to a few bits and bobs. But i think one of the big things about reforming the nhs as well the thing for him and as well is the thing for him and getting britain building. He was talking about, yeah, yeah. Not with had six not with us. We had six minutes our interview, but minutes for our interview, but elsewhere hes talked about hes a yimby, a nimby is not in a yimby, not a a nimby is not in my backyard. A yimby might be, yes, in my backyard. And of yes, in my backyard. And of course he has said also in other interviews today mps who interviews today how mps who oppose building he will ignore that. So i think one of the themes if labour win the election will be battles election will be the battles breaking across the country breaking out across the country of people, you know , upset about of people, you know, upset about building their area and why building in their area and why cant they be listened to . I . Yeah. Can i just can i . Yeah. Can i just quickly just bring some a little bit information to the nation bit of information to the nation actually. So we because actually. So say we are because we might go back to you as warnings of intrusion warnings of air intrusion have been northern been issued now in northern israel. So the drones are israel. So the drones are reportedly swarms north of tel aviv. There are no immediate reports of casualties , but this reports of casualties, but this is just an ongoing breaking incident now. So these are live pictures in northern israel. Obviously night has fallen now, but you can still see a little bit of whats going on there. We are bringing our viewers those pictures of matula city, which is in the north of israel, which is in the north of israel, which is right on the border with lebanon. And there have been reports of air intrusion reports now of an air intrusion multiple air intrusions in that area from lebanon , which could area from lebanon, which could be seen as a second offensive, another offensive into israel. Another offensive into israel. We will be crossing to tel aviv very, very shortly for an update with Charlie Peters, our reporter who is out there. But this is the latest. So earlier this is the latest. So earlier on, we saw some explosions in gaza as israel continues to carry out airstrikes on targets over there. They say the death over there. They say the death toll there has risen to past around 1000. Now the israel please are saying that their death toll is up to about 1200 as well. Obviously, thousands more people injured on both sides. But the latest was that there appears to have been another offensive launched into israel from lebanon. And we are showing you live footage there of metula city, which is right on the border with lebanon , on the border with lebanon, where projectiles and missiles et cetera, have been flying in. And in fact, if we are looking at this right now on your screens, there is clearly an incident taking place. There whether or not that is indeed one of those drones that appears to have been attacked. Israel, of has iron dome , of course, has this iron dome, which is, mean, a remarkable which is, i mean, a remarkable feat human engineering a feat of human engineering in a way, engineering , way, or computer engineering, which is designed to shoot down and eviscerate threats that intrude onto their airspace. And for the vast majority of the time, does it was previously ovennhelmed. I can show you pictures of gaza now. This is live footage of gaza where, again , earlier on in the day, again, earlier on in the day, explosions were taking place. There were attacks from israel there. So very much a night of violence ahead across israel and into gaza as well. The israelis have been conducting a blockade of gaza. Supposedly there is just a few hours or at most, a days supply of things like electricity and various different food sources , different food sources, etcetera, and could well see a ground incursion into gaza taking place. Relative soon. Christopher hope , ill just Christopher Hope, ill just bnng Christopher Hope, ill just bring you in as our Political Editor here, James Cleverly is in israel at the moment. Hes had to kind of run for cover as the air raid sirens blew up. We are now seeing supposedly anyway, another incursion. This time lebanon. The israelis time from lebanon. The israelis are in lebanon. The are fighting in lebanon. The israelis are fighting gaza. Israelis are fighting in gaza. We invasion. We might get a Ground Invasion. How serious politically do you think this is for the world right now . Serious. And delicate. Very serious. And delicate. Theres a war on in ukraine. The governments battle at the moment, not a battle. But, you know, theres an effort here to make the support for make sure the support for ukraine and our support for ukraine and our support for ukraine against russians may ukraine against the russians may carries on. Theres concerns in america. That america. Were seeing that bubble the bubble under. For me, the appointment of grant shapps as defence secretary an defence secretary was was an effort the government show effort by the government to show theyve someone theyve got a good someone who can are can explain why we are supporting the cost supporting ukraine and the cost of that. This is a further of that. But this is a further distraction i think, particularly us and particularly for the us and theyll be theyll be worrying. I mean if what youre saying is right, front right, they have a second front opening is widening. If opening up, it is widening. If thats patrick its a thats the case. Patrick its a deeply worrying. Weve deeply worrying. I think weve got there got James Cleverly over there right got James Cleverly over there rigiyeah, you know. Yeah yeah, you know. Yeah no, i mean, and this is this is one of the big issues it does the big issues which it does appear second is appear that a second front is opening but there are opening up, but there are multiple reports this multiple reports of this online. Im that might be able multiple reports of this online. Ingo that might be able multiple reports of this online. Ingo to that might be able multiple reports of this online. Ingo to charlie might be able multiple reports of this online. Ingo to Charlie Petersght be able multiple reports of this online. Ingo to Charlie Peters at be able multiple reports of this online. Ingo to Charlie Peters at someile to go to Charlie Peters at some point is, of course, point soon, who is, of course, our the ground tel our man on the ground in tel aviv. Would great to see aviv. It would be great to see if we can just bring charlie in for the latest. But like for the very latest. But like ive much different ive said, much different reports coming in now of aircraft intrusions still being detected northern israel. Aircraft intrusions still being deappears northern israel. Aircraft intrusions still being deappears that northern israel. Aircraft intrusions still being deappears that itorthern israel. Aircraft intrusions still being deappears that it appears srael. Aircraft intrusions still being deappears that it appears andl. It appears that it appears and again, i just want to urge a little bit of caution here now, but it appears that hezbollah may well have joined this war against israel. Now, of course, against israel. Now, of course, hamas coming out of palestine , hamas coming out of palestine, hezbollah there in lebanon. Israel has now urged its citizens in the to north shelter after hostile aircraft have entered from lebanon. This entered from lebanon. This quotes hostile aircraft is still a little bit vague. Could we a little bit vague. Could we potentially just go back to those shots of northern israel, if possible , just to see because if possible, just to see because these are gaza at the moment. So we kind of know whats happening in at the minute, in gaza there at the minute, which amount. So which is not a huge amount. So if back to northern an if we go back to northern an israel which is where from what the reports are saying, they have detected numerous different hostile aircraft , not much more hostile aircraft, not much more detail as to exactly what that means at the moment. Im also getting reports in now of israelis running for cover in the city of haifa after hamas fired a large rocket barrage towards the city. So, again , a towards the city. So, again, a picture emerging here of another coordinated attack on in israel. And yeah, lots of different reports coming through. Now. When i come back , im going to when i come back, im going to take you to tel aviv where Charlie Peters will be joining us. He is our man on the ground over there. So this is ongoing. Big breaking news here. So were going to roll with it. Ill see you in sec. Patrick christys the peoples channel. Britains news channel. Britains news channel. Yes. Welcome back. Just a reminder of that big breaking news for you, which is that it appears that a second front has now officially been opened up in the war in israel. And this time it is hezbollah who supposedly opened up a second front in northern israel. And what you are looking at there is, of course, the video footage from northern israel. And as we northern israel. And as we understand it anyway , drone understand it anyway, drone attacks, rocket attacks and potentially even intruders on paragliders , as they are being paragliders, as they are being described, similar to what we saw initially around the gaza area entering israel from gaza. Apparently that has just commenced from lebanon. So if thatis commenced from lebanon. So if that is the case, then it would indicate that hezbollah appears to have joined the war against israel. Of course, hamas have been doing a lot of the fighting there from gaza. So im going to there from gaza. So im going to go to tel aviv now and have a chat with the gb News Reporter, Charlie Peters , who is available Charlie Peters, who is available for us now. Charlie, how significant this latest significant is this latest development looking development then were looking at it. That at live shots of it. That doesnt to be too much doesnt appear to be too much happening at the moment, but all of reports that getting of the reports that im getting do have been do suggest that there have been numerous different aircraft based intrusions into northern israel. All those hostile israel. All those hostile aircraft intrusions are believed to have been setting off alerts by the idf, and they are believed to be drones incursion into to the northern israeli region. Region. And its understood that those drone alerts were originally feared by some sources to be paragliders. But sources to be paragliders. But that theory has now been put to one side. And this is a drone attack likely delivered by hezbollah and possibly supported by the Palestinian Islamic jihad, which we know has aerial capable cities in southern lebanon. And weve also in the lebanon. And weve also in the south had a rocket attack from gaza, tracked up into northern towns. So just south of haifa, an alert has set off. So all those earlier reports we saw of attacks over that Northern Region, the artillery shelling and the anti tank guided missiles that that Israeli Forces were fighting against. This now seems to have escalated very suddenly into what is likely a new front in this conflict. It is likely a new front in this conflict. It is a likely a new front in this conflict. It is a very likely a new front in this conflict. It is a very complex conflict. It is a very complex conflict indeed. Weve had attacks from syria, shelling from syria earlier this morning. Of course, regular rocket barrages from hamas. The terrorists there firing into the south of israel. But also into ashdod and ashkelon, further north and close up to here in tel aviv. The airport was bombed tel aviv. The airport was bombed an hour and a half ago in a rocket attack. And because of that, weve seen Many Airlines cancelled their flights. British cancelled their flights. British ainnays turned away a jet while it was approaching tel aviv. A it was approaching tel aviv. A couple of hours ago, we heard the explosion that we think almost certainly triggered that response. But as the further response. But as the further details come in about this possible new front opening up in the north, what we do know is that the people behind us here are working very hard to ensure that soldiers in the north, most of them are reservists , are of them are reservists, are going to be supplied adequately. De israel right now is creaking. It is bruised but not creaking. It is bruised but not broken. And the army is broken. And the army is struggling to fulfil the logistics and the sustainment of its forces as it stretches across the country to defend itself on all of its fronts. So itself on all of its fronts. So civilians have stood up to meet the needs of the army. Now people here have been sending up boxes constantly filled with basics, but also with batteries. Soldiers in the north need to charge their equipment, need to charge their equipment, need to charge their equipment, need to charge their phones, need to be able to keep their radios going and keep in contact with people further south. Just now, we saw a officer. He just a police officer. He just finished duty. Hes now finished his duty. Hes now driving ashkelon, about driving to ashkelon, about 30km south of here where rockets have attacked in order to drop off supplies. The soldiers are relying on civilian support, but this is a time of great unity for israel and everyone here is very, very keen to step up and do their bit. Charlie we hear a lot about a blockade of gaza. I mean, it does appear a little bit like it is israel under siege at the moment, given the fact that this new front appears to have up and appears to have opened up and the idf reporting at least a dozen drones seen in northern israel. And as youve been alluding to there, the Israeli Forces and pulled in all forces pushed and pulled in all directions. Yeah thats correct. And weve seen reports from analysts earlier this afternoon suggesting that many iranian proxies in the region are keen to enter this conflict. The houthis in yemen urged their allies throughout the region to join what they described as the resistance against the new axis. They wanted to sign up to the fight against israel wherever they are , however they can. And they are, however they can. And it seems that hezbollah in the north has answered this call after some sporadic fighting in the north earlier today and yesterday. We know that Israeli Special forces in the north have suffered greatly. Some of them have died. Sayeret matkal , the have died. Sayeret matkal, the unit there. Its sort of the israeli sas. They share a motto who dares wins. They have been fighting and sadly dying in the north as they resist terroris pushing into their country. We pushing into their country. We also know that the majority of the soldiers being sent to the north are reservists. The israelis have activated over 360,000 reservists to step up to this. Their greatest security challenge in 50 years. Now, some of those reservists are even flying in from around the world to sustain that war effort. And as israel shapes the ground further south for a likely invasion of Ground Invasion of gaza, the first since 2014, it also is keeping an eye on how it can sustain those efforts. Its no good sending convoys of armour all the way down to the south of the country if you cant keep them supplied. This Israeli Military is stretched wide. But as i said before, Israeli Military is stretched wide. But as i said before, many volunteers here, there were thousands here today. Many have fled since those reports of those drones in the north. But they are working hard to ensure that those convoys and those soldiers are fighting fit. Noting that our its worth noting that our foreign james foreign secretary, James Cleverly, currently in israel cleverly, is currently in israel as and weve got as well. And weve got some footage here him at the footage here of him at the moment. Anyway had moment. Anyway that he had to run cover , really, because run for cover, really, because clearly there are missiles and projectiles flying everywhere. Projectiles flying everywhere. Thatis projectiles flying everywhere. That is the moment there that the went off. And james the sirens went off. And James Cleverly, foreign secretary the sirens went off. And james cliisrael, foreign secretary the sirens went off. And james cliisrael, to foreign secretary the sirens went off. And james cliisrael, to show gn secretary the sirens went off. And james cliisrael, to show supportetary the sirens went off. And james cliisrael, to show support ,ary the sirens went off. And james cliisrael, to show support , had in israel, to show support, had to to safety as indeed now to head to safety as indeed now many people right across israel are being told to do, especially with if you are just joining us, the breaking news that it appears a second front has opened up in this israel conflict and that has been opened up by hezbollah in lebanon , who have been firing lebanon, who have been firing projectiles potentially as well. Drones almost definitely drones actually across northern israel , i believe. We also have footage, a live camera of gaza as well , which is the other as well, which is the other aspect of this. So if we can get that up in a second time now, and ill go back to Charlie Peters, whos our reporter in tel aviv. Charlie, gaza, which we are now looking at, was supposedly about to be the scene of a Ground Invasion from Israeli Forces, from israeli reservists , a ground incursion reservists, a ground incursion into gaza. And i just wonder , into gaza. And i just wonder, charlie, whether or not what were seeing now in northern israel, which appears to be lebanon, maybe getting involved there and hezbollah getting involved , there might have been involved, there might have been a way to try to stretch those Israeli Forces and make them think going think twice about going into gaza. Think twice about going into gaza. Well the majority of the gaza. Well the majority of the forces in the south of the country preparing for that likely ground assault into the gaza strip are regulars. Gaza strip are regulars. Theyre regular soldiers. Theyve been training regularly for this occasion , whereas the for this occasion, whereas the north is being sustained in its defences, mostly by reservists, many of them drawn from around the world. But idf commanders ive spoken to and sources close to the idf have said that that it will take more time to prepare for a Ground Invasion. Its only five days since this war began and invading the most densely populated place on earth is not something you can do reactively , especially as you reactively, especially as you say when they are facing so many different crises across the country in the north and in the border with syria to the east. This is a very delicate situation. And its clear that situation. And its clear that the Israeli Military has pressed the Israeli Military has pressed the Big Red Button and has got as many of its forces here as possible to deal with all and any situation that it may face. But one of the situations it may face is one of their own making. This is the mission they are talking about, mission they talking about, the mission they are ground are alluding to that Ground Invasion. Last night we saw the invasion. Last night we saw the americans supply new munitions to southern israel at an airport there, munition ins that are likely to be part of that new force pushing towards the gaza strip. And i think its really important to talk about the diplomatic efforts here, the International Nature of this war, as youve mentioned, with James Cleverly currently in southern israel taking shelter earlier today. I think its probably the case that britain is here more in a case of solidarity than support what israel needs. Britain cannot israel needs. Britain cannot really provide. Weve already sent so many munitions , tanks, sent so many munitions, tanks, artillery pieces and bullets over to ukraine. We dont really have so much even at home. There are reports earlier that munitions training in britain was being paused because we just didnt have the supplies. Its america going make the america thats going to make the difference so far, difference here. And so far, its is providing its america that is providing those munitions for that likely assault strip. Assault into the gaza strip. Absolutely. Its such a yeah, absolutely. Its such a morbidly fascinating moment geopolitically because we have been stretched with ukraine and we all in on ukraine, we went all in on ukraine, didnt we . And now here we are. I initially people thought i think initially people thought , if china , oh gosh, what happens if china decides to make some inroads into taiwan in well now look at whats happening and this is whats happening and this is whats going on in gaza. You are watching if youre just joining us, by way, thats live us, by the way, thats live footage gaza. Obviously, footage from gaza. Obviously, night there. So night has fallen there. So difficult whats difficult to tell exactly whats going but you know, a pocket going on. But you know, a pocket of lie, the other big news, the big breaking news that weve had in the last few moments is that there be an ongoing there appears to be an ongoing invasion of israel from the northern near lebanon. Northern front near lebanon. That several drones reported. And those hostile aircraft , as and those hostile aircraft, as theyve been called, no reports of any casualties, just yet. But clearly now multiple different fronts. That is northern israel for you there. Well go back to that as and when there is any more action. But an idf, Israeli Defence force source saying that at least a dozen drones have been seen in northern israel, which would imply anyway, that hezbollah is almost officially joined this war. So im Patrick Christys on gb news. We are britains news channel. Im going to get you your update now from polly middlehurst. Going to get you your update now from polly middlehurst. We well, from polly middlehurst. We well, as youve been hearing the latest news from israel is that they are warning residents there in the north of the country to stay at home and take shelter for raising concerns of a possible military operation taking shape in the north of the country. Of course, israel on its northern border with lebanon. Northern border with lebanon. Hezbollah fighters positioned in lebanon. At this stage, no reports that hezbollah is to do with this latest incoming mortar, fire and drone activity in the north. But certainly that is the suspicion among military analysts. These are live pictures coming to us from metulla in the north of the country. As i say, this is the country. As i say, this is the border very near to lebanon. Well, the Israeli Defence force has told our correspondent, Charlie Peters, whos based in tel aviv, that there are at least a dozen drones that have been spotted in the region. Were keeping an eye on that for you throughout the rest of the evening right here, gb news. Meanwhile the uks foreign secretary also in israel today has been forced to run for cover when an air raid siren suddenly sounded. The video posted on social media by the Israeli Foreign ministry. The government saying James Cleverlys visit is a sign of the uks unwavering solidarity with israel. All and solidarity with israel. All and lets bring you some more live pictures now. More southern pictures now. More southern pictures. This is live pictures as night has fallen on gaza city. You can see central parts of the city lit up, although much of the city is under siege now by israel. And we know that now by israel. And we know that the power station failed earlier on in the day and that they are struggling to keep power suppues struggling to keep Power Supplies going. We also know the un chief, Antonio Guterres , says un chief, Antonio Guterres, says crucial life saving supplies, including food and water, must be allowed into the gaza strip. Be allowed into the gaza strip. Those are the latest news headlines. More at gbnews. Com. Headlines. More at gbnews. Com. Direct bullion sponsors. The finance report on gb news for gold and silver investment. For gold and silver investment. Well, lets see how world events are affecting the markets right now. The pound buying 1. 2299 and ,1. 1591. The price of gold £1,525. 81 per ounce, and the ftse 100 today has closed at 7620 points a direct bullion sponsors the finance report on gb news investments that matter. Well following months of opposition from local residents and authorities. Carmarthenshire council says that the home office has written to them to confirm it is scrapping its plans to house more than 240 migrants in the Stradey Park Hotel in llanelli. Stradey park hotel in llanelli. Regular viewers and listeners to this show will know that weve been dipping our toe in the llanelli waters for quite a while now, just checking in as local residents decided that they to set up a camp they were going to set up a camp outside there a outside this hotel. There was a lot and forth going on lot of back and forth going on and just saying, look, we and then just saying, look, we really, really, really not really, really, really do not want in our area. Want this hotel in our area. Unfortunately, so unfortunately, around 95 or so members staff were sacked, members of staff were sacked, have sacked from what was have been sacked from what was the major kind of tourist destination. One of the largest businesses actually in that local the proposals local area. Well, the proposals did spark from local did spark fury from local residents. They frequently residents. They frequently clashed with police force over the past few months. I think the local residents might say the police have clashed with them a little but suppose little bit more. But i suppose it depends side the it depends which side of the fence doesnt the fence youre on doesnt it . The councils leader, darren price, welcomed the scrapping of the plans, the plans, saying that it was the right decision for the community and time for everyone to and was time for everyone to heal from the experience and quite possibly make sure nothing like this ever happens again. Joining me now is llanelli town councillor Amanda Carter. Amanda, thank you very much. Amanda, thank you very much. Great to have you on the show. A great to have you on the show. A victory for people power then, is it . Is it . It looks like it because without the people go in there and doing what they did and i dont think we would have had victory at all and the fight still goes on because the protesters are refuse to move from there until till we either get the owners out and wed like to buy the property ourselves as a consortium and bring it back to what it was and back into the community as a going concern. You know, as you know, this is a remarkable story, amanda. Its a remarkable story because, you know, the Stradey Park Hotel was a nice , nice kind park hotel was a nice, nice kind of Country Hotel , a really of Country Hotel, a really lovely place, by the looks of things. You know, leisure facilities, you know , a very facilities, you know, a very well established part of that community. And then all of a sudden 240 or so single young men were going to be landed into that local area. And the community said, no. Since thats community said, no. Since thats happened, the hotels been gutted, hasnt it . Which might be a problem going fonnard. The staff have been sacked. Theres been a massive ruckus with the owners. So the plan now , amanda, owners. So the plan now, amanda, is the to community is what for the to community actually this hotel and run actually buy this hotel and run it as a hotel and a leisure club . I mean, itd be remarkable, really. We would like to we would like to. And i think the community would rally around us and to get this going, because at the end of the day , this is at the end of the day, this is our community, our town, and we want it back to where it was. We dont want to be living in fear, you know, there was many grandparents, their great grandparents, their great grandparents there on the protest , and theyre still protest, and theyre still there, you know, 24 over seven sleeping there. Rain boiling hot sleeping there. Rain boiling hot , you know, freezing cold. And its been a long hundred days. But wow, what a result. Why is it why is it, amanda, that the people of karnali and the surrounding areas have managed to do . Do you think what as far as im aware , there no as far as im aware, there no other community in the country has done . I know of a lot of places where there have been disquiet about a hotel popping up. I know a lot of places, by the way, where unfortunately for them, you know, the buses that arrived with people on them before they actually really knew what was happening. There was what was happening. So there was a underhand stuff that a lot of underhand stuff that went on. You guys, i know got wind it early. Think you wind of it early. I think you were as well by the were quite helped as well by the geography. I right in saying geography. Am i right in saying because private because there were some private roads hotel roads leading up to the hotel so you couldnt done in the way you couldnt get done in the way that a lot of other people could you couldnt get done in the way that. Got of other people could you couldnt get done in the way that. Got done her people could you couldnt get done in the way that. Got done for� people could you couldnt get done in the way that. Got done for blockadingild you couldnt get done in the way that. Got done for blockading it, have got done for blockading it, essentially. So that you essentially. So i get that you had of a helping hand had a bit of a helping hand there, the community really there, but the community really have i think, in have come together, i think, in a other of a way that maybe other parts of the country wish theyd done a bit sooner. Bit sooner. I hope that that other parts of the country and that including scampton as well, that, you know, it brings the people out and people power is the one that works. We were lucky with the land and we had permission from the owners on both sides of the land. And both sides of the land. And theres also a disputed area in theres also a disputed area in the car park which we were lucky to camp on. And you know, the camp is quite big now, as you can see, theres many, many, many flags from around the world there. So the support has been phenomenal. But there. So the support has been phenomenal. But i think what happens in philately is were still a community and its a very large town with lots and lots of little villages. And it could happen to any one of us. What happened in philately and its not on. So well support anybody thats going through the same thing as well. Same thing as well. I look absolutely. I look absolutely. Absolutely. And you know, amanda , i know as well, ive been following this story on social media since right at the very start of it. And its a pleasure to come and speak to people like yourselves. That youve yourselves. I know that youve had weather a lot and go had to weather a lot and go through a lot know, at through a lot and, you know, at least that, at least as it currently stands , you can say currently stands, you can say that i think you are the only part of the uk on the day that people in portland tried to block the bibby stockholm barge and failed to have that happen, i think im right in saying you are the only place in the uk that can remember where youve that i can remember where youve actually managed to come together a community. Together as a community. And so for natalie who for the people in natalie who did that hotel just did want to keep that hotel just in its existing purpose, and were a bit reluctant to, to want to have, you know, a close to 300 young men from goodness knows where just plonked into their potentially changing their town potentially changing it forever. And hats off you. It forever. And hats off to you. So, look, thank you very so, look, amanda, thank you very much. Amanda carter there much. Its Amanda Carter there who town who is from natalie town council, one of the few town councillors who actually stood up at the time. But there you go. Now, coming up, up at the time. But there you go. Now, coming up , theres go. Now, coming up, theres loads still on the show. Is it time to look for a new 007, a new look, 007, i should say, because security chiefs say a black or female actor or actress playing the role of bond would help with recruitment to mi6. Help with recruitment to mi6. And we will. I think we can all agree it matters a more agree it matters a lot more serious taking you back over serious be taking you back over to for the latest as to israel for the latest as a potential front in that potential second front in that war opened up with war has now opened up with hezbollah getting involved. It appears , from lebanon. Patrick appears, from lebanon. Patrick christies gb news here on gb news, the peoples. Channel yeah. Okay welcome back. Its Patrick Christys here on gb news. And we are looking now at live shots from northern israel , which is where we understand that a another frontier has opened up in this war. Lots of reports coming out at the moment. I will just read some of those to you. So the Israeli Defence forces have confirmed that at least a dozen drones have been seen entering northern israel from lebanon. That would indicate that hezbollah have quite possibly entered that war. Residents of israel in northern israel have been told to take cover and barricade themselves into their homes and turn the lights off. There is also a massing of israeli troops at the gaza area. We are expecting at some point some kind of ground incursion into there. It was initially feared that people using those paragliders that we saw coming into israel from gaza that that was happening again in northern israel. But since that , it has been revealed that we think that they were just drones. I say just but drones that have come in over there. And like i said, yes , we and like i said, yes, we currently have our foreign secretary in israel, who himself was forced to take cover , as was forced to take cover, as indeedi was forced to take cover, as indeed i believe was our own reporter , Charlie Peters, who is reporter, Charlie Peters, who is currently in israel for us in tel aviv. And charlie, i can go to you now. Yeah, charlie, to you now. Yeah, charlie, whats happening . To you now. Yeah, charlie, whats happening . Weve just had whats happening . Weve just had to be taking shelter here in the basement underneath where volunteers is are working the scene behind me. One of. Well, it was frantic. We were just called in before. We were just called in before. We were just called in before. We were meant to go live to you to run into the basement after reports of incoming indirect fire likely rockets from the gaza strip. Obviously, thats unconfirmed right now. These likely rocket attacks coming in the last 2 or 3 minutes are almost certainly connected to attacks that we have seen reported in the last hour across the Northern Regions where Lebanese Hezbollah and the Palestinian Islamic jihad has almost certainly launched drone attacks and terrorist infiltration of the northern border. This was almost certainly a coordinated attack with with those on the gaza strip , as weve seen hamas strip, as weve seen hamas launch launching rocket attacks north into the Northern Region at the same time. So clearly, some degree of link between those fighting in the north and those fighting in the north and those fighting in the north and those fighting in the south. Two terrorist groups linking together the scene here. Obviously is well, theyre used to it here. Were not theyre going to get a briefing soon, i imagine, on the situation. But this is just another day in israel for people whove been raised here over the years. Having said that, this situation is unprecedented. This is the is unprecedented. This is the worst violence theyve seen here in 50 years. And there are great concerns about what might happen next. Everybody here has been working throughout the day to supply civilians and soldiers with the stuff they need. They have been working. We have seen it thousands of people coming through this basement here about an hour ago was a drive through. People would with trucks people would come in with trucks. Would them with. They would unload them with supplies. They would unload them with suppues. Suppues supplies. New supplies would go in and then they would depart. Heading to the north or heading to the south. The north, to the south. In the north, there mostly reservists, there are mostly reservists, 360,000 activated in the last five days by the israeli government. Now a unity government. Now a unity government. And in the south, government. And in the south, regular soldiers have been building up that convoy on the border with gaza , but also border with gaza, but also trying to clear out the remaining terrorists from hamas who infiltrated the border on saturday morning. We understand that some 18 remaining terrorists were killed this morning. Many more were fighting overnight. And its likely that overnight. And its likely that they dug into the ground and stayed after the attacks occurred on saturday. I think the briefing is going on now. I should probably go and Pay Attention to that. But back to you, patrick. Yeah, charlie. All right, look , thank you. Well go back look, thank you. Well go back to you as quickly as we possibly can. So Charlie Peters, there, whos taking whos currently taking cover essentially as essentially in tel aviv, just as a as to what we are a recap, as to what we are bringing you, were going to go now and show you northern israel shots from northern israel, footage from northern israel , footage from northern israel, which the latest thats which is where the latest thats coming through is reports at coming through is, is reports at significant level reports that another front has opened up in this war, that hezbollah have either directly or indirectly joined this war. Now, weve had at least a dozen drones spotted in northern israel. Again look, unconfirmed reports that people, human beings , soldiers, human beings, soldiers, hezbollah soldiers have actually crossed the border as well. That is unconfirmed at the moment, but mixed reports on social media, again, unconfirmed reports initially there that they thought that maybe people had entered on gliders. That appears to have been debunked. Now i think that what people maybe feared gliders or maybe feared were gliders or were actual drones. But were in fact actual drones. But clearly , as charlie was saying, clearly, as charlie was saying, there is a sense of panic there. An incoming fire around the tel aviv area, which is where charlie is. We were anticipating a possibly throughout the a report possibly throughout the course show of an course of this show of an invasion, a Ground Invasion by Israeli Forces into gaza. Whether or not that will now delay this as Israeli Forces who are, by the way, being brought back in from all around the world, people who are reservist, whether or not they will now fear that they are to stretched again. I just want to bring you the very latest, which is an escalation, the least , in escalation, to say the least, in northern as aircraft northern israel as aircraft intrusions are still being detected across northern israel. Hezbollah appears to have joined the war against israel. What the war against israel. What this means going fonnard for lebanon and the people of lebanon and the people of lebanon , we will wait lebanon, we will have to wait and see. Charlie peters will potentially rejoin us in a second. Hes just been listening to a briefing in an air raid shelter aviv at bev shelter in tel aviv at bev turner is with me in the studio. Bev will for the next hour bev will be on for the next hour for stunning in for michel. Bev yeah quite concerning. Very concerning situation taking place at the moment in israel as it appears another frontier has opened it appears another frontier has ope charlie it appears another frontier has opeCharlie Peters is doing such Charlie Peters is doing such a brilliant job. Can we just give to him gb news give credit to him and gb news for getting out there amongst amongst the action bring us amongst the action to bring us the latest . Really the very latest . It is really awful. Ive got weve got Peter Hitchens and Aaron Bastani on tonight. Interesting. Really interesting are two very good minds, deep thinkers. Were minds, deep thinkers. Were going to be shedding hopefully a little bit of light this little bit of light on this situation what might situation. Yeah. And what might be happening. Be happening. So lets cut across to you, but im going to go back to charlie now. Its all right. Charlie now. No, its all right. Were going to go to were going to go back to charlie now. Charlie peters, who is, for us. Is, i believe, available for us. Charlie listened briefing the briefings finished. Oh, the briefings finished. Its all good. Theyre all leaving. Perfect timing. We leaving. So perfect timing. We can take a deep breath and have a sigh of relief. Oh weve just had an know. Think were okay. Had an know. I think were okay. Okay. You what. We all okay. Ill tell you what. We all rush shelter, the rush into this shelter, and the last minutes. Last ten minutes. Go to shot of lets go to this shot of where charlie is. I want i where charlie is. I want to i want where charlie is. If want to see where charlie is. If we can do that. So i think its important to just get a little bit as to where bit of context as to where charlie actually currently charlie is actually currently reporting from in tel aviv. There right, charlie, there we go. Right, charlie, weve us weve got you. So talk us through just happened, through whats just happened, where you are and what you think is going on around please. Sure a basement underneath im in a basement underneath the centre here. The Tel Aviv Expo Centre here. This whole building has been totally redeveloped as a volunteering station. People have been coming in, bringing suppues have been coming in, bringing supplies to support both civilians and soldiers throughout the country. The situation in general in israel is that its resources are spread very thin, especially its military resources. In the north, reservists are fighting against the Lebanese Hezbollah and almost certainly the Palestinian Islamic jihad. And in the south, of course, the hamas militants continue to fire rockets into the south of the country. And we believe its likely that there are some terrorists still in the ground and among the kibbutz and the local communities there. Rockets have been getting closer to tel aviv today, even as these people have been working thousands throughout this volunteering station collecting goods, station today, collecting goods, sending hygiene kits , cleaning sending hygiene kits, cleaning kits, clothes , batteries, all kits, clothes, batteries, all the basic supplies that civilians, families and soldiers need across the country. As those as those workers have been conducting that volunteer work. Conducting that volunteer work. The rocket attacks have been getting closer. Ashkelon, some getting closer. Ashkelon, some 20 or 30km away, ashdod also receiving rocket attack. And now receiving rocket attack. And now at the beginning of this hour, in what is likely a coordinated and complex attack between the hezbollah and the north and the Hamas Terrorists in the south, we have this new front formally opening, it seems, in a really quite bold way, with drones, at least a dozen flooding over the border at the same time, the alerts, the ground alerts that trigger when somebody crosses the border, a fighter crosses the border, a fighter crosses the border. Nobody else would cross that border. That is also gone off, we understand. So quite a significant step fonnard. An escalation in the Northern Region previously , the situation region previously, the situation there was limited to anti tank guided missiles , mortar fire, guided missiles, mortar fire, rockets. But now it seems the rockets. But now it seems the level has stepped up a little further. Further. Absolutely. Look charlie, thank you very, very much for everything that youre doing for us out there. No doubt youll be a busy man this evening as well. Charlie peters reporting to us from where the air from tel aviv, where the air raid sirens have been ringing out. People, people just had to leg it into that particular shelter. But what youre looking at now is a shot of a part of northern israel where, again, just want to emphasise the latest the latest breaking latest news, the latest breaking news is appears that iran news is it appears that iran backed hezbollah have entered israel. Whether thats through simply the medium of drones or personnel as well. Charlie peters theyre also saying that it is feared in the south of israel that people who flooded over the border from gaza on saturday managed to dig themselves in and are still there, and that this , frankly, there, and that this, frankly, is not going to get any better anytime soon. Thank you very much. For everybody whos been watching and tuning in to my show today at bev turner is up next. Filling for in next. Shell be filling for in michelle dewberry. Make sure that tuned for gb news that you stay tuned for gb news because obviously because it is obviously incredibly likely were incredibly likely that were going some quite high going to see some quite high level breaking news taking place from and palestine from israel and from palestine and surrounding and from the surrounding countries well. For what its countries as well. For what its worth, i be later nine worth, i will be back later nine till for gb news till 11 pm. For gb news tonight, so i will see you then. Thank you very much, everybody. Patrick here on gb Patrick Christys here on gb news. You. News. See you. Hello again, im alex. Heres your latest gb news weather update. We do have something of a north south split, but its a reversal in fortunes to what weve recently with the weve seen recently with the worst over the next worst of the rain over the next few going to be in the few days. Going to be in the south. You see we have a south. You can see we have a frontal system lying across central we go through central parts as we go through the of wednesday. The rest of wednesday. And that is push its is gradually going to push its way southwards, bringing some outbreaks have outbreaks of rain, which have been across more been heavy at times across more southern we go southern counties. As we go through this evening and overnight. A drier picture overnight. A drier picture further north, lots of clear skies here. Still a few showers perhaps towards the far north west of scotland. But its under clear skies. Under these clear skies. Temperatures going take temperatures are going to take a bit drop, touch of frost bit of a drop, a touch of frost likely across parts. Likely across northern parts. But with the cloud but in the south, with the cloud and rain, its going to be and the rain, its going to be a much milder start on thursday morning. So of a wet start morning. So a bit of a wet start here. The rain is gradually going its way towards going to clear its way towards the not all of it the east. Not all of it clearing, though. So there will still few outbreaks of still be a few outbreaks of rain as go the afternoon. And as we go into the afternoon. And staying cloudy across staying largely cloudy across many southern areas. A brighter, sunnier picture further north, though, showery rain likely though, some showery rain likely towards north of towards the far north of scotland, particularly orkney and down and shetland. Temperatures down and shetland. Temperatures down a touch many, particularly a touch for many, particularly in the south, but still getting into your teens celsius. Into your high teens celsius. As we towards friday, then we look towards friday, then another swathe of wet weather is going to push its way across many southern parts , many central southern parts, likely some pretty high likely to see some pretty high totals. So we could see some totals. And so we could see some flooding here. Brighter flooding here. A brighter picture further north and a colder one, too. And that brighter , Colder Weather is brighter, Colder Weather is going to push its way southwards to more widespread we to become more widespread as we go the weekend at home and lock their doors, raising concerns of a possible ground infiltra ation. Lets show you live pictures from matehuala near the border with lebanon in the north. Israel Defence Forces say at least a dozen drones have been spotted in the region, but no evidence of any impact yet. Following those aerial alerts. We can show those aerial alerts. We can show you pictures of the uks foreign secretary whos in israel currently. He was forced to run for cover when an air raid siren sounded. That video posted on sounded. That video posted on social media by the Israeli Foreign ministry. The government foreign ministry. The government saying James Cleverlys visit is a sign of the uks unwavering support for the country. Lets show you pictures as well that we have coming to us live from gaza. Night has fallen. If youre watching on television, youre watching on television, you can see a

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