The Year of the Wolf is about to begin and the Hearthstone Core set is changing in some big ways. Shacknews helps you get up to speed.

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Murloc Tidecaller ,Aldrachi Warblades ,Wolf Alpha ,Redgill Razorjaw ,Darkbishop Benedictus ,Baine Bloodhoof ,Savannah Highmane ,Wrathscale Naga ,Cairne Bloodhoof ,Vanessa Vancleef ,Taelan Fordring ,King Krush ,Catrina Muerte ,Darius Crowley ,Ganarg Glaivesmith ,Finley Mrrgglton ,Brann Bronzebeard ,Bloodmage Thalnos ,Kayn Sunfury ,Fandral Staghelm ,Houndmaster Shaw ,Elise Starseeker ,Grommash Hellscream ,Murloc Scout ,Senjin Shieldmasta ,Shadowjeweler Hanar ,Lakkari Felhound ,Stranglethorn Tiger ,Korvas Bloodthorn ,Tirion Fordring ,Tess Greymane ,Murloc Tinyfin ,Reno Jackson ,Ozzie Mejia ,Murloc Warleader ,Activision ,Blizzard Entertainment ,Nature ,Hearthstone Core ,Hearthstone Standard ,Core Demon Hunter ,Hero Power ,Eye Beam ,Raging Felscreamer ,Illidari Inquisitor ,Crimson Sigil Runner ,Illidari Studies ,Chaos Strike ,Spectral Sight ,Coordinated Strike ,Gan Arg Glaivesmith ,Demon Hunter ,Kor Vas Bloodthorn ,Sightless Watcher ,Chaos Nova ,Core Druid ,Solar Eclipse ,Lunar Eclipse ,Living Roots ,Witchwood Apple ,Feral Rage ,Wild Growth ,Choose One ,Earthen Scales ,Mounted Raptor ,Score Hunter ,Arcane Shot ,Jeweled Macaw ,Selective Breeder ,Cat Trick ,Doggie Biscuit ,Wandering Monster ,Explosive Trap ,Freezing Trap ,Quick Shot ,Animal Companion ,Deadly Shot ,Marked Shot ,Snake Trap ,Dire Frenzy ,Cloaked Huntress ,Core Mage ,Stargazer Luna ,Spell Damage ,Babbling Book ,Explosive Runes ,Arcane Artificer ,Flame Geyser ,Shooting Star ,Snap Freeze ,Arcane Intellect ,Ice Barrier ,Fire Sale ,Firelands Portal ,Ethereal Conjurer ,Core Paladin ,Silver Hand Recruit ,Righteous Protector ,Argent Protector ,Grimestreet Outfitter ,Bronze Explorer ,Warhorse Trainer ,Silver Hand Recruits ,Truesilver Champion ,Amber Watcher ,Stand Against Darkness ,Noble Sacrifice ,Aldor Peacekeeper ,Core Priest ,Mana Geode ,Shadow Word ,Crimson Clergy ,Drakonid Operative ,Flash Heal ,Holy Smite ,Psychic Conjurer ,Holy Champion ,Shadow Ascendant ,Shadowed Spirit ,Holy Nova ,Focused Will ,Northshire Cleric ,Kul Tiran Chaplain ,Radiant Elemental ,Power Infusion ,Core Rogue ,Elven Minstrel ,Deadly Poison ,Cheat Death ,Hench Clan Burglar ,Sinister Strike ,Cold Blood ,Plague Scientist ,Tomb Pillager ,Core Shaman ,Grand Totem Eys Or ,Divine Shield ,Far Sight ,Overloaded Mana Crystals ,Feral Spirit ,Lightning Storm ,Lightning Bolt ,Novice Zapper ,Ancestral Knowledge ,Flametongue Totem ,Menacing Nimbus ,Fire Elemental ,Maelstrom Portal ,Rockbiter Weapon ,Mana Tide Totem ,Tidal Surge ,Core Warlock ,Lord Jaraxxus ,Hero Card ,Twisting Nether ,Siphon Soul ,Enhanced Dreadlord ,Flame Imp ,Mortal Coil ,Spirit Bomb ,Drain Soul ,Fiendish Circle ,Imp Gang Boss ,Abyssal Enforcer ,Darkshire Librarian ,Tiny Knight ,Void Terror ,High Priestess Jeklik ,Felsoul Jailer ,Core Warrior ,Shield Slam ,Frothing Berserker ,Cruel Taskmaster ,Frightened Flunky ,Heavy Plate ,Shield Block ,Sword Eater ,Bloodsail Deckhand ,Fiery War Axe ,Bloodhoof Brave ,Black Knight ,Overlord Runthak ,Baron Geddon ,Dirty Rat ,Southsea Captain ,Vulpera Scoundrel ,Big Game Hunter ,Primordial Drake ,Sea Giant ,Armor Vendor ,Crazed Alchemist ,Cult Neophyte ,Fogsail Freebooter ,Nerubian Egg ,Wild Pyromancer ,Coldlight Seer ,Humongous Razorleaf ,Replicating Menace ,Twilight Drake ,Azure Drake ,Gadgetzan Auctioneer ,Snowflipper Penguin ,Abusive Sergeant ,Beaming Sidekick ,Elven Archer ,Emerald Skytalon ,Glacial Shard ,Tour Guide ,Voodoo Doctor ,Worgen Infiltrator ,Bloodsail Raider ,Again Attack ,Dire Wolf Alpha ,Explosive Sheep ,Faerie Dragon ,Injured Tol Vir ,Kobold Geomancer ,Loot Hoarder ,Mad Bomber ,Plated Beetle ,Youthful Brewmaster ,Bronze Gatekeeper ,Hench Clan Thug ,Raid Leader ,Rustrot Viper ,Tar Creeper ,Chillwind Yeti ,Dread Corsair ,Grim Necromancer ,Royal Librarian ,Sen Jin Shieldmasta ,Rotten Applebaum ,Stormwind Champion ,Sleepy Dragon ,Sir Finley Mrrgglton ,Golden Monkey ,Escaped Manasaber ,Faceless Manipulator ,Mossy Horror ,Acidic Swamp Ooze ,Lone Champion ,Violet Teacher ,Arcane Devourer ,Sunreaver Spy ,Ironbeak Owl ,Jungle Panther ,Dark Iron Dwarf ,Cobalt Scalebane ,Guitar Hero ,

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