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Criminalisation What is your feeling how all your thoughts do please express the mo 87312000 of course London oh we were made as well we by and large say therefore may well be the Affinia absolutely fed up with the whole flipping thing how are you this morning give us a call about that and also I'll be taking your calls on convalescent homes what do you remember about them what do you think we need to bring them back are they due a revival or even a renascence I mean 207312000 you're in the program my paper reviewed the physiotherapist Ultimo race to it told me a shortage of stuff means there's a lack of care when people leave hospital we have a problem with what happens to people after they leave hospital now in terms of rehabilitation what we need is people to get out of hospital be to really be rehabilitated and then go back to their homes to find the proper care that they need and what we haven't got is the bulk of staff care workers physiotherapists all the other had allied health professionals to get these people back to where they want to be. And she said the convalescent homes could be and also her own mother had benefited from one my mother was a beneficiary of that system and I remember having her having a hysterectomy and she was for have you know she was having issues Apache work yes and she had to recover she could not go straight back and they recognize that to save money in the long run you need to get people back on their feet if you're going to go back to work then just give them this time. And joining me on the program is Professor Eric Brown from University College London he's from the Department of Epidemiology and public health Good morning Professor thank you very much indeed for joining us the culm the lesson home is kind of like is a very man take figure of people's memory rather than something that still exists is it. Well I think you're right I think that there's a case for having convalescent homes for the sake of a small groups of people but by the treating move towards a system where people spend soft nights in hospital let's say after a hip replacement Yes And then along comes someone on their feet sudden. The question is. What's what is how is there somebody that to help if they can be a problem with that as and so forth and of a going to be able to get back on their face and get back to functioning. Without help and that's where the convalescent home I These folks have to sell a specific gap which is to do with the living circumstances of the individual but it didn't used to be that people go to convalescent homes even if they had you know people that might be able to help men when they did because it was considered that it would take you you know x. Number of weeks even months to get to recover from a hysterectomy it would take your set amount of time to recover from a hip replacement and you know the idea was that you would be fine tuned and you would be well fed and you would be debriefed fresh air and you have your physiotherapy and then you feel better and then you go home it was a kind of different different time frame and a different way of looking at things wasn't it it was there was a but I think if we if we open the arguments ought to consider the fact that. The pressure on funding is absolutely massive and today we also have a population which is growing older the most remarkable rights are money and the. Analysis that we've done using official state service surveys and our shows that the population is the population of over $65.00 yes is growing at a rate of over 2 percent per year well to pursue. Per year doesn't sound enormous but when you compound over a decade it's absolutely extraordinary So what we what we see we see. Deficient statistics is that RINGBACK the I was 65 population is going to go up by 20 percent will is in the process of doing that between 20152025 so all those older people quiet substantial proportion will have social cat means that didn't that really wasn't much real problem in the past and we are talking about more than 2000000 today from the contrary I don't know about decade off a 1000000 extra people needing social cat so. We've got to think about as a society how we're going to pay for that really seeing that and in the recent election and in the previous election the political parties really do not know how to address or how to solve the problem if they were to just invested that convalescent homes would save money in the long run because they'd stop all this to ing and fro ing I suppose they'd stop what people call the callously bed blocking and they'd be attended to independents in the patient unknown devotee maybe there's an argument the saying yes they're expensive to maintain set out but in the long run they pay for themselves. What I think you very much depends on who when I said before you know we. Most of us have got the capacity to be able to convalesce but some of us haven't so that's the group. Benefit from convalescence and. We really what we really need to do is as a country we need to support people to retain their independence to get back on their fate and if convalesce. Homes. Can be found it's all well and good but we've also got a thing as a down side cause Yes the staff who are working in a convalescent home are noughts in the community or maybe they can do both Maybe they can do both but what about the body what about the deep enormous change in the kind of tolerance for how long to say no as well in the old days whenever they were days of yore you remember them if you had a baby perfectly normal delivery perfectly healthy mother and baby you might stay in hospital for as long as 2 weeks self to Woods now you're home within hours of giving birth Similarly if you had a hip replacement it would you know you've been fop maybe a week and these days you're up and walking around the next be you know within about 2 asses coming out of recovery you're walking I'm walking makes me a walking up the stairs at home I mean is it better this way or not to get this way . Well the question is what what was best to Maine for the patient I mean in terms of in terms of health outcomes. Things are improving so maternal mortality has gone down infant mortality has gone down. The headline health statistics are all getting better so from a strictly health points of view the less time you spend in the hospital the better because you know you know there's a joke in the health community about you know the hospital is the place to avoid if your own and the reason for that is because it's where you get infection if you stay in bed too long you get muscle wasting hospital food isn't very good you'll cut so from your Will family in your command it's a side being being in the hospital. Is a contingent issue you know if you will if you're on the euro and then staying in hospital could be a great thing because it could be very supportive it could allow you to rest recuperate and so on but for most people the soon to get out of hospital but it's going to be for health so that for you know if the expecting a recession single minute I know I don't I think there is a place for convalescent homes but when you consider the competing demands that they're all on health and social care funding not call our comment. Much of a case where I mean one of one of the big problems that we do have is well the people new to this bad looking thing but of course it's not all people who are doing the system and the system can only function effectively. If the hospitals if the prison primary care systems work. Or works and of the moment we're in a situation where there are problems. With hospital. Primary care is concerned there's a massive shortage or general problem very much indeed to us as policy appreciated Professor Eric Brahman there from University College London about convalescent homes Yeah they're lovely but actually it doesn't doesn't help to get out of hospital nice and sharpish maybe they'd only be suitable for people who don't have family or people to help them should they go home from hospital the number 871-2000 your memories of convalescent homes what you remember about those and talking about the political climate and how it's all change of what's going to happen next 08712000 Let us take a trail and there will be straight back with you because. This has always been my home to see that we have to stop this. The people from an area around London Bridge being slowly and very calmly evacuated and I think this is one of the joys of London actually people if you stick a microphone on today announced they have a response and that's part of why I love this city this is London where the most interested city in the world b.b.c. Radio London. And online in Southgate is John hi john morning good morning well thank you how are you feeling after the election results are you really are you are you generally or how do you feel. Desperate because that's exactly right. Angry disenfranchised a lot of cons of work why disenfranchised in you that oh yes off to generalize that that's a franchise name do you exercise your right to that why you disenfranchised because obviously from the other callers that you've had his number of rules mentioned that I wasn't to talk of Europe's I was where I am I voted in contradiction to the old color in south west London the cover the age they live without it's obvious that libel here much better judgment to stick a Khepera remain a Tory and it works out that respect like what Moxie worked for the country as a whole. All of the analysis is that we're going to be worse off with this brakes thing and so from our point of view 'd must it just is that London guys independent because that gives us the right to be enfranchised and to choose our representation and to join Europe as a city state eugenics can happen in mini is due I don't think it's going to happen but if there is enough political will in London and it's heavily reminded that with the right organization there's a possibility cause I think that's probably pretty slim but it will then you will if it's good enough for Scotland to have independence hall Northern Ireland have independence does it not but it will Nolen Well they've got more independence than we have in London and it's good enough that's got them it's got them they did against independence in 214 standing 299 Scotland virtually guys independents and most recent referendum look at the when the other Thai suicides also were things interesting the fact that you now have few votes Scotland did get proceed to get those people returned to Parliament as opposed to the Lib Dems who got many more votes and fewer seats. So you say you feel as if just London is this kind of pocket of remaining is in this country a break city aids and say you feel kind of isolated and misrepresented or say you a lot should be our colleagues and friends who work with us who are from some of these European countries that seem to be so resented and hated by Walker and he sees bigotry in the rest of the country and I think that therefore in London we probably got more in common with some of the European cities maybe than we've got with Bradford so or poppy polo Murtha to fill in I think it's time that the rest of the country appreciated that with our money they wouldn't be anywhere near as well off as they are with taxes. And suffer made up its sleeves and love with the men taxes prime minister we've got he's a complete lawyer there was a terrible terrible choice that we were faced with but I think now the only way that we can be optimistic about it is by trying. To get representation in Europe for London Why do you think the Lib Dems did so poorly given that they embraced and they were just wholeheartedly in favor of it and said so and were on the poll and they didn't hedge their bets and didn't get on the fence you would have thought wouldn't you hear it in London for example you might see a clean Lib Dems sweep across the whole of London Well I think 1st of all the leadership was terrible as was the Labor Party the conservatives obviously are completely cynical short an optimist opportunistic y. And I wonder if. All this indiscretions and lies can tell us how many kids etc He doesn't have to resolve the conflict well. Values doesn't and that should have been attacked from Taiwan as well as far as I'm concerned my mind can literally turn suddenly had a few children that no one had ever heard of remember that occasion I just happened to mention them but all it just happened to have various of them I can't remember how many there were oh my Who but I just suddenly remember the day when that much I mean Boris is not the 1st to decline to comment about his offspring and progeny is he I'm Fenice you know and it's already a Tory trait Ken Livingstone did exactly the same as you know exactly someone whose values you want to follow I think and I think that was Mr Cowper go to your question the Liberal Democrats. With all of the other parties and said we are going to field one candidate in 8 c. The u.k. Accounts the conservatives and that person is the person past priced to win the Remind and possibly when the conservatives say and that's what I have missed probably I can go the leadership assessment from school for what did you think was wrong with it 1st of all she spent so much time talking around the fringes talking about stuff to do with transgender issues and things like that right that was one of the things that is a massive distraction and I don't know how much of that you had on your program a little and I must admit I was surprised that that was the main thing you know one particular Lib Dems candidates. As to what not this isn't wrong with it I just was surprised they put it kind of front and for most of them I'm just of you my producer she remembers that when the live time comes it came in and the time the main thing that seemed to be discussed was transgender and that kind of. Game was a bit surprising just the just the amount of emphasis placed on it I did feel just because there were many other things you could be moved commonly appreciated or will you know more clickable I suppose cross the border maybe yeah I agree when she was right or not she was a type of she's kind across a bit like a shrill prefer showed poor leadership. I think the fusing clearly also saying we're not going to respect the results of the referendum are going to just not have you know it's going to play out that that was also a mistake which she should have said is what most of us wanted was let's have you know we think the 1st the most biased on the tissue of law and have a confirmatory rip 2nd referendum so that we can actually see what we're going to see misjudge that one didn't she felt that there was no appetite for referendums as she said they would now when people would like not dislike that I think that some of the parts it is great to have all these principles and ideals and what you. Actually have to work with the politics as they are and I think that she missed that and she probably yes we are and where where how does the now and I think people didn't like that I saw a little bit more kind of superior so you had the choice between her terrible Jeremy cope and. The choice well they called it none popularity contest and they did it for your reason you might say I don't know I'm sorry for your frustration and for your disappointment of your anger there's a lot of it going about in London especially thank you very much says talk to d. In legs and also a very sad Heidi not what you want is in. Jail 5 pm I've been not faces all the other party that I threw doing together just to get her out that I wasn't even enough in the prove to day that. Thank you and you know what can you see now when you see why are you left absolutely dumbfounded you just don't know what happened and why well one person the thing is I saw it was a bright light so that we have to go back to where Christ was born and I saw that price it was all about immigration really it was born on colonial British Empire Imperio rhetoric and I think that's still cool that a lot of people outside of London who live in that. Interrupt you but it's interesting you say colonial British Empire rhetoric because very often the calls that I've had about immigration have been from people who profess themselves to be and I think quite accurately networking classlessness who say for example I live in Croydon Vanessa and when I get on a bus in Croydon a con hearing the spoken I combine English paper you know the place has been taken over by people from abroad they seem to jump to the middle the front of the social housing queue that kind of thing they don't seem to be relics of the British empire using imperial rhetoric they seem to be working class people on a bus in crudeness or as I can hear oh really all of those people are out of London and they really all really working class people or are they working class people that now consider themselves to be the new middle class and it was driving here that everywhere they've got over there you know they've got that Bobby care they've got I think to kick share and they saw it and they are you know like I say poor leadership I'm not so easily said Jeremy who can stand there and go I take that and I think you know what a great thing that responsibility for terrorists what they see for integrity say hi or fences to say giving people a choice not bowing down to peer pressure being mature you know like the mature decision would pay to let's just see what deal is going to be and why it is not if it's a resoundingly catastrophic failure how could I think something would be nice if I could have won what he's done to the LEOs and where do you find that kind of maturity in any of those programs do you not. In the way de in which you've dismissed huge swathes of the working classes you know with barbecue and the little call going here the reason that they're in that little. Patronize ng and completely condemn the tree of those people that you claim to represent Gary which is the poor and the oppressed everyone poor and oppressed desperately wants their own home their own barbecue and a car to go around in and if they want to watch eastenders that's up to them I mean you you to judge them in this way and find the morning and also what would you like them to be doing and we don't want them to have a semi and you don't want to have a car you don't want to have a barbecue What do you want them to do a lot of time a little bit of community consciousness and just a little bit more cautious. Everybody doesn't mean you don't if you have a semi and a barbecue in a car doesn't care about your community you don't know how hard they've had to walk and how long they've had to suffer and save and got this want to get the semi in the Call me people aspire they don't just want to just be still sitting on a picket line all the time do they are allowed to do stuff. Yes they are I'm just giving you a reason as to why I feel the price is right it was born and I feel it was born out of immigration I think we have to be a princess why that was such a share and why it was too much to change the color but if you're looking at why it's such an issue it doesn't help to be contemptuous of the people to be an issue and it doesn't help to you know stick them into sort of swathes of idiocy that they're just stupid little people watching stupid programs and being brainwashed ready you know somebody else use the word brainwashed today about about the people who voted Tory in the north brainwashed by the media brain was it really does doesn't it show tremendous lack of respect for those people and for the fact that they turned out they made a you know a heartfelt conceded decision to go against Usually family programming that had been ingrained for you as maybe even. 100 years or more in their family I mean that was a big deal and they were just brainwashed by Eastenders in a semi and a barbecue minute so you don't know Hosty and I certainly. Don't mean. It means it what it implies is that you understand and they don't and that you understand the working class plight far better than the working classes themselves in the northern working those who've had to leave the Be rough and tough and I wonder whether that's something to do with the you know the failure of the Labor policy in this election the idea that they know better and that they understand and corral the working classes and they've really shown that they weren't able to do that or to do what they. I don't know I think it's a lot more than. Floated in my clothes good quality. Placated I don't really understand why people can't look at those good qualities. An outlier Why are people who are like following. Jeremy platforms with with terrorists it didn't help the anti semitism scandal me quite a lot of things didn't help and one of the things that the papers were suggesting of the weekend and I did try to read all the different papers from all the different angles I wasn't just being fed one thing and ignoring another point of view but obviously even the profoundly leftwing papers had to examine the failure they couldn't exulted they couldn't say Well we did great as you did they didn't do well so one of the things that was suggested about Jeremy Corbin which is an absolute failure to come to terms with history of you know to take on board the different countries in which the various regimes that he has favored What are implementing these and how catastrophic he they found when they won Stalinism communism Leninism English various isms that you know were attractive to many people at the time but then was shown in practice not to work you know the lessons the lessons of history that kind of thing I suppose I think being wearing. I want to the people that pay taxes and given the services that they pay their taxes for I don't really think that equates call. All the evidence to be quite frank. The sale or the how mainstream media portray you know I don't think this is a bit of a stir even if there is. A story where history dearie I was right I spent time in Laos and met men Symon it's influence and it's kind of I suppose you might say that some of the vitriol in the language in the the social media and that kind of thing I suppose couldn't necessarily help the cause I do appreciate it called it was petty if me please doing again. And. And yes I will be straight back of the news headlines that's right. Good morning Labour's general secretary Jenny Formby has set out a timetable for choosing the party's next leader following its defeat in the election she's proposed the contest should start on the 7th of January with Jeremy Corbyn successor in place by the end of March as for Boris Johnson Hill address his new intake of Conservative M.P.'s today as they arrive in Westminster to take their seats in parliament a long running legal battle over whether the Washington Hospital n.h.s. Trust in north London should pay for a woman to have surrogate children in America will be heard today in the Supreme Court the trust has admitted negligence after doctors failed to spot the woman cervical cancer which left her infertile but says it shouldn't have to pay for her to have surrogate children in the u.s. The Chinese government says the Arsenal midfielder maser still has been deceived by fake news and it's invited him to visit the autonomous region of Shin Jang where it says he will see those religious freedom it comes after the use social media to criticize China's treatment of minority we go Muslims Arsenal has distanced itself from his comments and tomorrow Ecclestone the daughter of the former Formula. One boss Bernie Ecclestone has reportedly lost all her jewelry said to be worth millions of pounds in a burglary according to newspaper reports the u.s. Broke into her house near Hyde Park on Friday after she left the country for Christmas mountains where the crowd showery today some of those showers could be heavy with top temperatures of 10 Celsius 50 foreign oil that with the b.b.c. Radio London travel rock slick. To see only a few northbound up towards the m $25.00 after a collision that's blocking one lane just before the m $25.00 for still the inside lane blocked off there because of this collision and slow coming into town approaching the Limehouse Link tunnel after a collision on the highway earlier on as to waiting for the final vehicles to be removed but the highway is now open and to the m 11 and the very slow down towards the North Circular this morning in one of our webpage looking quite busy often a commission of bridge on the train says a signal failure at Maidenhead which is causing delays in and out of Paddington to f.l. Vale have severe delays South alter venting There is also disruption for South Western Railway landslip mean says a replacement bus is between a sim and a new West and absent and Wimbledon and it could be a couple of days before that damage is fully prepared and he updates you can tweet me at b.b.c. Travel and there's more travel just after 10. 94.9 f.m. And on b.b.c. Sounds. Into this is Radio London. It's. Which will be a bad seismic political change being described as an earthquake some people think that's an understatement so profoundly different is the political map since the general election also doing about convalescent homes and whether there really is a place for them whether it's a shame they disappeared whether we need more of them let me says remember who says I'm an allied health professional working in a cottage hospital I love when. But there are only 12 beds and they're significant running calls for such few patients there's so much value being offered being able to offer more time days recovering particularly we say many patients in the ninety's However there also needs to be more follow up from therapy in the community to continue the good walk of the country hospital not challenge is often the people don't want to go home because it's such a lovely place to be says m m m m m. That's good Gillian open to new She's calling about Convalescent Home Health really and morning however no sir you know my memories are very recent are only a matter of 12 weeks ago ah I have 3 boys that there were only 16 to it seems well I don't know whether I was supposed to name the one that you can tell me if you were doing or why no I'm well it was called the transit else and it's been killed. By experience was absolutely excellent I had Sister therapy and hydrotherapy every day I'm very very good care and I noted too that most of the people there were from far and wide because it is so well recommended and I can't imagine if I'd come straight home I would have had anything like the care and assistance Well I wouldn't have had to detour I was available I'm in h.s. What did you have to pay for it I had to pay for what it was a very expensive quite expensive Yeah and it's the kind of thing that the private health insurance doesn't cover you have to pay for reminding people to have private health insurance in actual fact I did pay and worse it was voices Well I'm now just 4 weeks since my operation and I'm pretty much recovered I can walk I can do anything I need to in the home I can use just so I'm certainly not having such a long recovery period as friends of mine in the posts I've known to have so I recommend I recommend there are no yes are paid and I don't know whether there are any available under the national health but if you had a hip replacement and you're in your eighty's like me. It's a very good. Thing I'm still getting a physio come to see me I was awakened up their exercise is but I'm so glad I went to the metal lab that you were covering they bring in the well that's fantastic you know I had no idea Reno eighty's your voice is so young I seem to ring you don't know if it is all something like that didn't realize you were new atheist I'm just tell me to is it is it a little bit like a hotel in that you have your own bedroom and that kind of thing or do you see poet warden once a line x. It and just like a hotel in fact I think it previously was a hotel and I think it was converted into a rehabilitation I call it rehabilitation Yeah as a source I was aware there are no 6 people that people who have had knee and hip replacements and something like that sure know Yes yes it's just like a hotel you're in room and plenty of stuff excellent assistance from everybody surprising to hear it really and I'm glad you're doing so well Gillian thank you very much indeed Julie one of the lucky ones a secret again to convalescent home base could be she could afford to pay for it so that's all good in Haiti she feels she's recovered so much better than she would have done had she just been shoved off home straight after the operation she's probably a pretty right about that let's talk democracy and ones with the his considered view of a political earthquake Telemark is Good morning and morning great introduction there I'm not sure how considerate that is but I guess. You're either wasting your interesting what do you think about it. But it's hardly that I listened to your previous contributor to this process arm so Chris Tracy we've be. Lack all be falling into what is just pretty right you know you can clearly hear anomaly the support of the song circle you will all my life come to 2017 when I was so disillusioned with your new call being stoned on your reply you know I probably had them but in the election just gone I voted Labor again because we had the best chance of getting out the Victorian combin just the greening. You know my constituency returned a Labor m.p. But. It's a complete radio right over policy leadership and I'm personally too young and I don't get how Labor supporters don't see the problem of Jeremy call being an arse many Labor supporters have seen this for millions back and he was anonymous in the break see the break right here with anonymous and he's failed to lead I'm opposed and you know change the narrative on immigration right away from this toxic debate that's been led by the Tories has always been led by the Tories this is nothing new and Germany called in a new leadership team failed and they have many would think why why why why you capable of seeing that saying that appreciating that didn't anything that explaining that so clearly said nicely about one non-sentence did you get right to the nub of it why why was that a I mean that's that a career that spanned life long makes of a smith politics and try to get into Pa the party if you're not empowered subsidy point that you have to win your magazine otherwise it isn't just doing it for a game and it's not made you know if they way they will have the for the fun of joining in that's not it so why do you see that what would happen and why was there a failure to tip to grasp that I've been so you you hate mail right on the head there right it's about winning power and I don't challenge some of the labor activists down in my area and they were telling me about you know these lofty ambitions of what he was going to do on the climate and for workers' rights you know when he got into power and I'll stick to them when you see it you know it's pretty cagey don't you getting into power and the facts all right you know labor your strategy was abysmal You cannot have right I leader who you knew to win the most important policy issue which would bricks and. Have him be on the face when Boris Johnson a populist leader in the Tories elected him irrespective of the skin into his clothes they elected him because he was a populist leader and he pretended to take the stones on the bricks the about was enough right but he didn't sit on the fence we had a leader who is a brick city I can who took a strong to be neutral on the very most important policy issue and so all that these could be missed is that you've been talking about talking to business that right there in love with the idea right all. Over Germany called big policy there is a lot but the idea of it they they they love the idea more than they Love Actually when in power where is the Tories not being in power they do everything they can do to get over the line right I've been watching now how they will not adopt a different stance now that they go over the Lonny coal business there's a meant to movement how whether you term them are really love with the idea right old. Nationalisation less like these but the no in love we've actually get into power so all of your ideas are great but you know in power and it makes absolutely no difference when you're not in power I'm back in the issues I see but they're in love with the coats of Jeremy Corby and where has it got us absolutely nowhere so it's time to out your ideas have not worked right I mean we talk nonsense about Tony Blair but Tony Blair won 3 elections so let's get Lida right who's capable of you being to the heart like I am not I'm not a politician like him and I know why why no I know I'm capable of global economy if you have my mouth again how do you get my 40 Don't you think you'd be great I just you know again I saw you know I never thought I'd ever say that but it just strikes me just sound is. Sound sensible You sound like Paul you sound extremely clear you sound in touch you sound as if you've got your feet on the ground you sound as if you've got all that good stuff going on plus you sound like you've actually experienced some stuff in life that you have just been a little color you sound like just exactly the right kind of person don't you know what I'm passionate about all very working class for Exactly that's what I'm saying right yes you know they are really close right but the best of issues will be how will be always Johnson has appealed more to the working people who labor leader Bill guys need to look at themselves and listen when they start their listens well one of the things where is it the pundits said on Friday was that the appetizing this country has never really been for revolution it not really that if you look at if you look at the British and you look at the way we vote and you look at history in the way it's all to say fall we don't fancy it so we may say all we hate this and we can't stand this regime and we need more power to the people and we need to you know not have thing on its head but when he started to say just take from the rich you know bash big business blah blah blah people didn't like it in the way that he seemed they would he thought people would go for a kind of I'm not in this were violent but a dramatic revolution and apparently that's not us we never really do have the appetite for that we don't fancy that very much that it does you know I wasn't attractive I was more frightening there active I think maybe I'm you know going to say that all of the policies were you know you know were bad I didn't go along with some of the policy national nationalization right but you have to win how about 1st you have to appeal at least to you know your bread and butter support and then lost them so how we frame your leadership we need and the French people position are not strict with Labor Party and we have got so Labor needs to look at themselves and stop with these excuses about mainstream media I mean the b.b.c. . You know guardian if you could read the Guardian newspaper they were articles in The Guardian. Not convinced about Jeremy question so stop with the excuse that you look at you so listen to the people listen to your own supporters and everybody laughs supporters out there Les but the poor weeks of West concerned about Jeremy Cooper in leadership means not trying to appeal to intellect Jeremy Corbyn $2.00 it's time to have a complete clear out and to rethink the strategy of brain so that's so cool strategy leaders within the Labor party they need to be clear and we need a fresh new approach is good to hear from you thank you very much indeed trust me passion this is down in Shepherd's Bush I'm delighted with the result of the election better than I could have wished for as the reason for Labor Lib Dem failure I think a mix of forces humor and charisma cool been seventy's throwback feel but mainly the opposition's Arak a mantra on born it Boris Johnson embrace it that's him down in Shepherd's Bush Jane Chizik last week's election was an amazing demonstration of what one might call the collective psyche since the referendum politicians have been indulging in what they love best arguing at the minute points of law forming alliances then breaking them going back on that was and generally treating the general public as fools and don't understand the details or implications of anything they vote for well finally the general public has said enough there's a clear cut decision not get on with it no excuses the immediate reaction of many politicians has predictably been to make excuses and blame everyone the media the public the older generation what has happened but now the government has a clear mandate to just justify the faith that people are placed and I'm not suffused with optimism but let's see what happens says Joe in Chizik Let's talk to Kate in Tufnell Paul Kelly Kate morning. The next. What is going to say I think Larry it was only forward saying about colonialism unless and until I heard this morning to her to know that I never voted to leave because of. Immigration I voted to leave because of Fisheries. And we have this we are surrounded by water yeah and to think that Europe take billions of pounds from waters and we can't do anything about it peeves me and so that's why I voted to leave because I don't see our fisheries back because I'm hoping that all around our coastline the work we will do business will grow I'm Jeremy Corbin the Labor Party never mentioned the fisheries once in anything they do it's because they don't think outside the m 25 and that that's the way I feel about Good to talk to the Tories mentioned officially. At the edge of a large fish to me that's true he said he doesn't mention the fish he was there with the fish you are quite right so how dare me call him a photograph of the fish with that of which you know no because I don't I don't agree with the policies it was too radical to run you know I mean Jeremy Corbyn he's my baby. And you know like he got 39000 votes to die and I and I don't think that's a very healthy healthy active. Healthy way to be and can I just say something about. The n.h.s. Yeah and I does Finck. Looking after the older people I mean the Sres should all be attached to to school with 9th of hospitals shouldn't be separated so you have. All attached it's not farmed out you know I mean yes you know nursery where people take their children should be attached to the school so everything is one place so people I'm going to go running around catching the bus to help people out how to spend 5 minutes with. One Roof but nobody's ever going to take that well it's and it doesn't sell a bad idea doesn't doesn't sound like a bad idea from where I'm sitting at me tell you I would rather people thing sounds very base and eminently sensible almost too much common sense there are we allowed common sense at this stage of the game I'm not sure it's Lovise do it u.k. Thank you very much indeed Jason Solomons is sitting in for Robert today you know a good deal I was I was grill him about the films every time he comes in even if I'm not meant to be and I definitely will do that now what should we be going to see every Xmas period are there any films that we really ought not to miss blah blah although I'm going to ask him. Because I don't let him get away on a last time I say all of that coming up after after this trial radio still this far too much when I became commissioner Centonze time since my number one priority as it's affecting our young people on the 1st of the day the Met police commissioner talking to me earlier this year so what message do you for our police chief regarding noise Croyde our day to day security this Monday should be with me on Dr Joy I'm taking your questions. On this Monday there will be a new government in charge so how will that work for them we've had significant reductions in budget 70 years that has made on Job huge police commissioner President Dick with me any less store all serene to London this Monday time from 5 p.c. Up to so I could ask Jason about the political landscape I brought much rather ask him about Phil I scape in your darkened room to listen to exactly always specially as with the Xmas period upon us we might well be thinking into sin Martin if we didn't go all the time and so I'm just wondering Could I start with the word. They call the Christmas turkey you know and I mean last Christmas which which people more and more people I met have seen quite a lot of the tree it's still going what happened then when you want to people said it was Red No I was I went and I think with one of your production team Missy Yes and I saw her afterwards and I said she said Oh my God it was that terrible You could see it you know it's all intensive purposes it's pretty terrible Yes but it's a Christmas movie doesn't want to be any better than it is nice it isn't perfect really but I mean some films are terrible but you can enjoy this and they somehow you can kind of pretend they're not terrible some you you know some are not terrible this is this is terribly terribly This is a terrible as it needs to be because you see my other producer my radio 2 went to see it and he said he got the twist within the 1st 2 minutes he thought Emma Thompson was absolutely baseless and Croatia should be doing to him was and the person he was with who he was with said to him Oh my God what an earth today Mathilde's and play that role for and my producer David said said Well not if you play the role she wrote the film she wrote the whole thing it was going to be a terrible blot on her career and she'd never recover from the stain it used to I mean it's the biggest hits he's ever had so what is happening there then well I think it's very clever I think it knows what it's directed by Paul Feig as well and he knows what he's doing there's a sort of charm to eat that is sickly in the way that Christmas is it's and it's completely unbelievable but if you but if you were giving for say for example Love Actually Marks out of 10 how many monks would you well I think that she's pretty well written I know exactly so sick about this I'm saying all right so you think it's quite well written and you quote you rate it quite Yes I said What would you give that out of 10 Love Actually yes that's probably a 7 out of 10 k. So watch this one last Christmas it's probably a 6 and a half you know it's really not was but he doesn't want to say because it's so because I haven't been here because I was just put off by I think it was absolute felines that do what they set out to do just should be lauded for it they did 8 it doesn't aim so hype it's quite difficult to charge people and it's doing it it will put a lot of people off and. Yeah but it seemed to. Like I thought. I couldn't believe they were going there with this twist that everyone's talking about I. Don't face kind of money to see that film I just don't want to but I'm probably wrong I probably sit next year or something and think I would you know your daughter's age enjoys it was the best of ever say your kidding I think I would like to have my highlight your hair he had to fight with education for those girls I think wouldn't take it apart. Though it's like being bloated Quality Street when you don't need them knowing that you're going to be before I know because everyone says so what else and if we don't want to see now I got a double header tomorrow night which I don't know if I'm looking for 2 at all I know which one I'm going to ask about before you tell Go on little women oh I love to live is that wonderful That's what that's I would love to see that was but my recommendation Ross cried I cry you cry did I do I don't know me like I'm bit like you know Donald Sutherland Mr Bennett Yes you're right you're very much as I sort of tolerate these twittering films as they go along and think there were 2 I thought I was going to like this too but I thought it was true how do you read it well I mean I've never you say I know I when I sent my heart I read it yeah I mean it's you know I don't know I read it and read it and read and I thought you know the film is so it's. Almost want to read the riffing and I liked what they were all great and I thought Florence pretty was terrific I think cicerone is just she runs with young Meryl Streep she can do no wrong I think she's tremendous that I imitate Charlemagne he's good he's good in it as are able fancy Yeah and Meryl Streep's in it and there were dozens trafficking that's a great film I suppose and great fun stories as well as girls boys who are in touch with certain elements of my boys who maybe should be in there not they just don't know what it is about breaking hearts and pulling in love and treating people wrong so yes because Laurie's is an interesting case about girls being able to do whatever they want to do oh yeah and she's I think not only dressed in a certain ways I have to go in a certain way I think she's a fantastic filmmaker as when her husband is know it well a lot of the married Noah Baumbach who's done marriage do it I've seen that at the moment which I like a lot as well I thought about that film was I thought it was absolutely excellent tremendously good in absolutely beautifully acted magnificently written tremendous . And I didn't enjoy a single frame because a popular not one law for that with the funny bit with the sister that is very very funny it's. Funny that no I don't think that's so funny that bit you think wasn't funny because they do funny so well yeah but I mean it's such a miserable hell of a film I thought that all the little is that it is slightly bizarre and absurd and funny all the way through in a play in a bin of funny how funny how it was yeah I do think it's very funny but in a horrible way makes you never want to get all this and you do it was mostly no it's funny incredibly good but if you want to have a good time in the cinema you know I thought I was going to tell you in the end I just did I suppose I'm not going to pay to see it but I do I wish I had a miserable well so I'm going to see you know I'm 64 and I'm doing a double header counts right and then Star Wars. I have to do professionally but Katz I am intrigued by this I do not know as it sounds are you in advance of having seen it that they have made I mean I know. Opossums because I thought it practically by heart and they're really very jolly and yes an extremely jolly book I have a Gumby cast in mind a name is Jenny any Don't you know have you seen the Lloyd when you see the Lloyd Webber musical which just sticks in the lame page song Memories which is nothing to do with the book and totally different tone and quite vulgar not to all appropriate but but is this still made it very miserable if that's what's happened I don't know why and as soon it no one seen it they kept it under the ram nothing sinister in the book it doesn't look that sinister celebration of. Cats. Either No Well I'm not that lady but it's it's it's you know it's quite jolly I'm wondering I mean you know what Taylor Swift caterwauling away you know if you sail was a cat Judi Dench is and to be a cabbage I have to. Tell you can last of all it's kind of animal like whatever form he was anything else so there's Star Wars Yes we're going to see it but the tree is little women I think I think it's fabulous I really enjoyed that with that would be it's your family Christmas outing. The daughter of the Amish human or whatever is 3 and a whole that's not a Christmas treat no. So there is another treat though it's I think it's tremendous film isn't it of a kind of a lot it's a hell of a long film and it's a meditation on aging and have you lived your life and how it might affect your skin and your bones say it's a deep deep Hill where there's not a ton of which there c.g.i. To look young and yes go but they did look old as well and young because they had all that and they committed evil so the it kind of plays on the face I think it's fascinating field it actually is one of the best if you know what putting in the time well you can do it on Netflix and sort of do in stages if you wish I went to the cinema and saw 3 half hour because you don't want to move in front of this I was fantastic here he is just very brilliant Ok or I cope better see that better of everything all right what's coming up an essential film so it's all realize that there really no point having you here not if you write well what is my point to get value for money for my listeners I've got listed love that's Ok license fee go ahead and I like that's what this is why the exact details of all about safe until early m.b.a. From setback and she's my niece did London I. Began with and quite of me to the idea banjos which is a Nigerian family comedy set in the pack and and then rage I lost out on everything and no it's a on Netflix it's a sitcom I did I just he's going to nothing yes. Yeah and then rage loss has him playing live ahead of his seasonal dates at Ronnie Scott's he will get the week off to a life swing in the studio I want to see Jason let's bring out unseen stains on the line Hi Antony What's the story after the election. Story labor think the roses think about William Blake take labor. Camp salute me yeah I'm normal about it Jeremy Colbert the momentum all in the night for a fungus fight to get rid of that military we're going to be quite cathartic process like chemical me a thing out moment the mountain go from party bring it right back the center got a massive rebranding process a new logo like mindless and you can go back to those. You can't go back can you go to go forward and to know what it will but then isn't that the whole issue of then suddenly called tell the 2 parties apart if you've been a bit too close to the center yeah then you've got this thing where there's not really any compare and contrast because pretty much the same in the same the same isn't it well they were combatants and it works in America really much you can put a piece of paper between the Dems and the g.o.p. Can you or most probably know. What's ahead of the Tories were born probably there for a good few years but the more comes the more what usually brings that satori down is usually scandalous hooted at. Big about that anymore do you know maybe married and who's not married and you know which affairs and who's got who's children who cares no one seems to care less about that we see the list goes on not receive. And nobody gives a member the whole blanket situation committee phase that was all very exciting at the time and if anybody would even ages that now do you probably not but if it's more financial scandal time off you know I'm thinking right ahead I don't know goodness knows where it is headed but I guess labor over to me don't need to bring the bring in the rebuilding process is rebranding admonished Oprah and. I would say I'm looking for doing an excellent I had a reply me x. 5 I want some sign because I can remember it at the corp and it's very old fashioned Very his creative. Logo would have been like sunflower but he sounds fine and. Very well it's a cultural today and same as. My love thank you talking to set me just read you this is things you said this morning talking about convalescent homes to me back to my childhood I'm a 60 years ago my dad dad had bowel cancer had a number of operations in the early sixty's I remember after his operation was said to convalescent him to recover and help build up his strength is the operations he's had was to be it was there for quite a few weeks just sounds like Clapton It used to be state him it was beautiful a tranquil environment all the patients that is from John thank you very much indeed for listening to the program this morning Jason coming up next have a lovely day I will see you bright and early tomorrow morning thanks to the team and lots of love bye bye. Yes thank you Vanessa. I've got my listed London uttering as I said Robert l. Detailed b.b.c. Ready London we've got the creator of Meet the Adam and judges and we've got Johnny . Will be telling us about the history of pantomime in London that's all with me Jason Solomons and I suited for all the elements here on a.b.c. Radio London on a Monday but now. It's time for the news. On this so Radio 94.9 f.m. On b.b.c. Sent us this season and. This is b.b.c. Radio. London's News at 10 I'm Matthew Schofield Labor's general secretary has set out a timetable for choosing the party's next leader following its heavy defeat in Thursday's election Jenny Formby is proposed the contest should start on the 7th of January with Jeremy Corbin successor in place by the end of March some in the party have called for a complete change in direction but the shadow transport secretary Andy McDonald says Labor's core values won't change Jeremy is stepping down but have a new leader and she or he will print their own narrative and we will get behind the person because well underpins our values is a commitment to social justice to a fairer more equal society and that hasn't changed as for Boris Johnson Hill welcome more than a 100 new Conservative M.P.'s to Westminster today as parliament prepares to get back to business following his emphatic victory M.P.'s will be sworn in from tomorrow then on Thursday the queen will set out the government's program for the coming year and then the Prime Minister's Breck's it led. Could return as soon as Friday the Supreme Court is due to start hearing a long running legal battle over whether the n.h.s. Should pay for a woman to have surrogate children in America after a London hospital failed to spot her cervical cancer the woman known only as x x was left infertile and the Washington Hospital n.h.s. Trust has admitted negligence but as the B.B.C.'s Andy Moore explains it says it shouldn't have to pay for the woman to have surrogate children in the u.s. The question here is whether she goes for surrogacy in the USA or here in the u.k. Very different systems so in California you pay for a surrogate but in return you get a legally binding contract here in the u.k. It's simply a voluntary agreement and you can only pay expenses now the woman wants to go to the USA because she says it will be more certain it will be better for her and for the children but the trust is saying they don't want to pay out of the public purse for a treatment that would actually be illegal here the water regulator has told water companies it wants household bills cut by an average of 50 pounds a year by 2025 It also says they must spend $51000000000.00 pounds on upgrades and improvements over the same period Tamara Ecclestone the daughter of the former Formula One boss Bernie Ecclestone has reportedly lost all her jewelry in a burglary thieves are said to have broken into her home in one of London's wealthiest streets near Hyde Park after she left the country for Christmas with the B.B.C.'s Jon Donnison who's there says Scotland Yard has confirmed officers were called to reports of a burglary on Friday night they say they got a call just after 11 o'clock and they've said that an amount of high value jewelry was stolen they've not said who the house belongs to they've not said how much jewelry was stolen but the Sun newspaper has an exclusive it says on its front page tomorrow is 50000000 jewels gone in 50 minutes the Chinese governor. And says the Arsenal midfielder maser Turtill has been deceived by fake news after he use social media to criticize the reported mass incarceration of hundreds of thousands of we good Muslims it's invited him to visit the autonomous region of Sion Jang where it says as long as he has an open mind he will see China respects religious freedom with a gun as have distanced themselves from comments but yesterday Chinese state television dropped their game against Manchester City from it shuttles now Jill Brown has London's weather well a cloudy and overcast start the day today and that cloud is going to stay with us for the most part the aft in the we're also going to see some showers I think creeping in as we go through the day and some of those could be quite heavy so best to go out prepared if you can but temperatures should be up to night all tend to go .

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