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The level of economic analysis, and these will have very, very serious consequences for the country, and over time , it will remove housing from the reach of real applicants and turn it into a capital commodity. Apart from the factors, we no longer understand the course of policy making in the field of housing and municipal architecture by the existing expert agency, one of the knowledge of the International Experiences of the knowledge that a representative of the specialized field actually gives an opinion to approve materials and it is necessary that there is, and if these are in in fact , these students have expertise with one a high level of knowledge of the representative can make a decision and actually comment on the laws. Prepare good plans and have very suitable tools in the field of supervision regarding the issue of supervision of the members of the parliament. A question of the minister can be impeached. The possibility of the article 99 commission. The commission of principle principle principle 90, which is very special in the hands of the members of the parliament, which they can use , for example, suppose, and like many experts and authorities, and the distance of the Film Production has decreased in the last eight years , the supply of housing should be the role of the parliament in this. It prevents this according to all the powers there was a law of the year 2007, the law of Production Organization , in addition, if we consider it, it provided very good facilities to the executive branch, the government, and the ministry of roads and urban development to solve the housing issue, and based on that, the housing seal of the country was introduced. But we see that the next government, that is, the former government, which is effective and efficient, actually suspends this law, and we have seen that the government itself and the ministry of roads and urban development, Housing Development of the previous government suffered from inaction, which was the end of the government that the former president admitted that we failed to explain the housing and finally it led to the change of the minister and he started the National Housing action plan, of course, it was not a point that should have been made, and what can he do if there are any objections to the parliament here . He was a minister for 4 years , the next term of the government was also open for two years, and the parliament, in my opinion, is one of the best monitoring tools here. You did not use the law on housing, the parliament passed this law , which has the framework for solving housing problems and the main part of it, and the government is taking action in this area. We are not here, where should it enter, in fact, first, the supervisory arms of the parliament, if it would be properly activated and exploited, maybe the teacher faced the housing issue that we are facing now in this way. How much can this expert look at the problems we have today . The doctor said that we had a law in 2007 that defined the importance of housing and thought about different repairs for the governments actions. They changed the nature of many from the points they gave to expensive construction, it changed in the way of law enforcement, and this shows that the Islamic Council, at least regarding the amnesty of the law, did not have proper supervision. In general, any onesizefitsall model regarding the elite 3 events, especially in germany , prevents us from seeing the reality as a whole. We can say because when we want to determine a specific cause, we have to to zainab dins husband, the result of the work was expanded to be a research that we can comment on and write answers to questions, for example, in different periods in a report with the representatives in the civil commission, we had and we have, for example, specialized in hotel management, specialized in rehabilitation, i have another specialized doctor, how much . We can forget that, for example, the questions have had another education in twenty years, except for the one with which it can definitely have an impact on sending comments correctly. Yes, but we do nt have to consider this either. I would like to point out that the political approach and in terms of social policy making, it is possible that someone has expertise in a subject , but social welfare becomes a priority. With this approach, you can get help from experts who have the same concern and provide good policy suggestions, and it may be because of a special approach. The doctor said that it is not suitable for irans land and time to do something that will make the situation worse. For example, in the Current Situation , a law has been passed that is currently under review by the guardian council, which facilitates the eviction of its tenants. Housing policy we know that the tenant has no there is no reason after renting, that is, the next one is homeless. In this situation, we know that we have an income, we have a spending crisis, we have households , why do we go towards making the rental housing more unstable . And for this expertise can be a necessary condition, but it is not a sufficient condition. Definitely, the combination of people who are a woman in this document in the government body in the parliament, those who will later have a positive opinion about it, the general situation of the country in terms of International Domestic issues, all of these, all of these together cause it is possible to see the main topic for i mentioned the same issue that the rental housing has become insecure, so to speak, it means that it has been eviction and approved, and the legal clause is one of the neglected tools of the civil law. Again, they are experts, they are experienced people, but because of their political approach , what has led to the result of the mortgage cake and the improvement of the situation in tehran, and why do you think this is especially the case that basically you should not always have a combination of experts in the field or look from the other side expertise is definitely helpful and if expertise if it does not exist, it will not have the necessary relatives to do what is happening. These two members of parliament are actually more than one. If this issue does not exist, a correct understanding of, for example, it will not happen to us now, you assume that in the field of housing, we are now facing a huge amount of liquidity in the society, wherever iran goes , regulation at the level of the large amount of liquidity that is in the hands of the people should happen. That you are in front of this series lets shut down and save the water, you can use it for the meat of abadani. This field of Housing Development is the field of different widths of gold and even though it actually creates different crises, with the right policy and regulation, it can lead to production and actually productive markets. Housing production is one of them, should it move or the points of engineer farahani, see, unfortunately, the tenants have forgotten the Housing Deposit. And the policies we had until now, in fact, the owner must show that it should be, but there is a law that supports the security of residence, the quality of residence and the residence of tenants. Unfortunately , we do not have the recent law that was good in the form of this plan. Now the process has been approved according to the conditions of the elections in the housing market. With a rush, housing provides information so that the guardians can also return the parliament and the constitution to be a comprehensive law, to be an expert representative, to have a proper understanding of the problem , it can be done by its own specialized arms. To these the events of specialized games that exist can be good, but now in the discussion of renting hair after three years of the jam law, we needed to solve many problems of the tenants. You cant let this happen, what about the relationship between the three powers or the characteristics of the government and the parliament, which is going very well in the field of housing, without talking, they have more Work Together , how much can this prevent us from being able to reach our goal of having Affordable Housing available now . Ok, different categories or farahani they pointed out to him how much it can damage the relationship between the government and the parliament. Anyway, i dont understand this expert view. According to your words , the expert view is accurate and critical, and based on that plan, i think the executive branch supports it. You are a slave. I am in the middle of implementation, for example, then if the parliament can take the actions that i want to do, the design that i have, the layers that i have or the program that i want to do that can have that specialized look , then make the necessary decision from the work of the executive branch at the level of the commission, article 90 of the parliament is devoted to the supervision of the executive branch also, the supervision of the Judicial Branch in the executive branch and the parliament itself, i. E. , consider all of the north in terms of supervision of the authorities in the year 2087, the Housing Production surge law. It is like it has been determined that during, for example, banks allocate 20 of the facilities to this field, for example, for two months or three months, all Government Agencies should give their land to the ministry of roads and urban development for free. What happened . We have already finished two years. The past, but this happened today as it should be maybe we have many tasks, the pending word, well, if the parliament is really concerned about the issue , they have a detailed assessment of the law that they passed and it is being implemented, they can be involved to the same extent and follow up, and if the tasks remain, i will follow up so that it is implemented. Now, the Housing Production jump law, we have many tasks that have not been done by the apparatus, and a special voice cannot be heard from the members of the parliament. How helpful can it really be . All this is based on creating a common understanding. In the example we are going to help, according to you , there are many bad things that have happened. Dr. Hamid atai said that the process of policy making is a complex case from the stage of diagnosis and prescription of different institutions to play a role. In order to reach the initial result of what we set as our goal, you have to examine each policy in general separately , but if i want to talk about this general indicator that shows that we did not understand the housing crisis correctly , i did not understand it correctly. And Solution Solutions of the first chapter i would not like to point out that ownership means that households have access to private housing, which was supposed to increase in different periods among iranian households. It has a message for us that we were successful at least in our main goal. This shows that expertise is at least one of the factors in diagnosing and prescribing good policy. If we look at it from this perspective, expertise could have been experts were the best if the expert body if there were more institutions and the culture of policymaking needs a fraction of ideas , different groups should be able to give an opinion about the decisionmaking process alongside the groups that hold the power, and this opinion should be influential, and finally all these things together could be helpful for the optimal implementation of policies in addition to the main expertise. I can find more experts to use the opinion of other think tank specialists and the more the decisionmaking process is more rational and different groups give you their own submissions. Offer the right to decide they should have the right of veto, they could be more helpful in the process. An institution that the Islamic Council itself, but the tire expert body said, we have many in iran and they can play their own special role. Thank you very much to you and mr. Omranzadeh. Corruption of the preregistration opportunity of respected applicants for representation in the Islamic Council continues until tomorrow. Now, we are the elites. Today, we are the urban development of the city of maskan, and the urban development of the city should start registration until tomorrow. The issue of housing is still on the agenda of economic planning, thank god. He says that he has 26 cooperation documents for a leap in relations between iran and south africa, in the field of agriculture, we have two documents in the commercial field, a 5year strategic document , a road map for commercial cooperation, investment in the oil and gas field, as well as in the environmental field, in the standard field, based on these documents of cooperation in the field of science and technology are the efforts of a Permanent Office of science and technology between iran and south africa, and we requested to have a Permanent Office here, considering the presence of thousands of Knowledge Based companies that we have in iran, new relations in the cultural and social field of the country in the field of women and family we did not have significant cooperation in the past. For the first time, a cooperation document has been agreed upon by the parties in the field of social support for the disabled. It is a common economic cooperation. After about four years in africa, the journalists questions were also answered. America against the Islamic Republic we believe that within the framework of International Law , there are always various opportunities for the two countries to revive the past and expand the existing relations. X is looking at strengthening multilateralism and welcomed the expansion. Mr. Raisi accepted to have an official visit to south africa. This visit confirms bilateral cooperation at the highest political level. We ask our officials to continue interacting with their iranian counterparts. Thanks to the president of south africa, the volume of trade exchanges between iran and south africa is about 400 million dollars, which will increase to 1 billion dollars according to the goals of the two sides. Slow and this indeed the girl insists to you that several dormitories were released to the university as a priority based on the combination of the president and the 13th Government Regarding the construction of united dormitories. We reached out to mr. Khatibi to see what measures the ministry of science has taken to meet the current shortage of student dormitories. Perhaps the most important problem we have in the process of building a married dormitory is the financing of this project, considering the capacity provided by law for jump National Housing production, we tried to use this legal capacity in this way that the honorable government cooperated a lot. Well, as you know, these dormitories were built on the lands of the universities. The process is somewhat different from the National Housing plan because it is on government lands. It is a very complicated process. And in fact, it was time for us to be able to use the financing that is for the National Housing Movement Project in the motahari dormitory , which this garden was done with the cooperation of the honorable government. The ministry of ataf was responsible for building a dormitory married by the end of this year, we will deliver 300 dormitory units, which means that married students will be delivered and they will find housing. Out of this number, 150 units will be in the governments week , 150 units at the end of the second semester until the end of this year. In addition, we will build 6000 we have informed the university about the matrimonial dormitory unit. I have informed you that the concepts of the plans have been designed and satisfied. Our universities should negotiate with the banks involved in the agreement that i presented to you regarding financing the construction of the dormitory. Listen to the loan for the construction of the movement the National Budget can also be given for the construction of marriages. In the budget of 1402, 500 billion tomans are also considered for the provision of student dormitories. How can we use this opportunity . The budget of 402 is almost 7 thousand billion rials for the construction of marriage dormitories. The ministry of science and the ministry of health have been seen. We hope that by pooling the good capacities that we can in the 403 budget to see and of course the support of the honorable government, the process of building a married dormitory , considering the very urgent need that we have, in order to Pay Attention to the fact that we have been doing it since previous years. Until the today, we have a shortage of nearly 87,000 married dormitories. What action should the ministry of science take so that we can at least compensate for many of these dormitories by the next 23 years . There has been a report on this matter. Population and Family Support in the provision of student dormitories, currently there are about 87 thousand effective applicants for the climate belonging to the National Youth headquarters, population and Family Support , to compensate for the lack of married dormitories. The readytomarry population does not have housing when it is possible that the dormitory for the residents will be better for their lives. God willing, they will be built later. In recent years , students have been married to students and we have been eating for a long time. The number of applications is high. The priorities are those who have children. A dormitory is being built. The Student Affairs organization considers the need to provide 69 thousand billion tomans to compensate for the lack of 87 thousand dormitory units. This 69 thousand billion is three times the total University Funds of the country. If housing is not provided , the dormitory must pay 50 of the Housing Deposit to married students. Until now, it was not enough because it had preliminary processes. There are many in different universities in the country regarding the culled units which are more than 4 thousand married units. Hossein kashanian, lets exploit a woman the sed and broadcasting news agency has made it easy for pilgrims to visit the magnificent javarem hotel in the vicinity of the jowar almulk hotel and the holy shrine. Swear in sync with global quality, washable and doublelayer texture, direct pu sole, long walks and daily activities , get sogand shoes with a 20 discount for the price of 299,000 tomans, 1065 75, i have jumped on sogand shoes , 16function adrien, with a persian menu. It is very easy to use to make rice cooker rice can be fried and steamed for you with the bottom of the pot, and all kinds of baby food can be made for you, such as stewed yogurt and cabbage. Send it to number 154 and receive adrien at home with free delivery in the name of allah, rahman and rahim. 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