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Space equipment and instruments. Well, you see, there are different uses for satellites. One of the uses of a satellite is that it can play the role of a very intelligent observatory that is at an altitude of several hundred kilometers and watches, sees and records all the events of the earth. Now this events can be natural events, for example, a natural disaster, we want to see the effects of an earthquake, we want to see the effects of silos , we want to see, we want to help the people, or we can, for example , be the area under agricultural cultivation in the countrys areas, or it can actually be events, for example, the movements of a group. Terrorist ok, or it could be actually checking the movements of an enemy military base, these are actually classified in the field of measurement areas, but in fact , it is opened in the defense areas to guide remotely guided equipment, because when these equipment are far away, with no there is no way to communicate with them except through satellites or a commander who is in the middle of the battlefield. If he wants to communicate with his forces, the commander wants to control it. He can only do this through satellites, which are always available overhead. Very much mr. Doctor if you take a look at the record for at least one year, we have been successful in the space industry and we have had many achievements. What is the current stage of the countrys space capability and what are our plans for the future, especially the near future, mr. Doctor . We had very good balanced tests and projects in the country. Our main goal, as stated at the beginning of the formation of the Supreme Space council in the 13th government , was to stabilize the leo layer for the country, and then achieve the geo layer, and anyway, numerous tests. In a suborbital way that now different news sections i know for sure since last year, we can say that with this test that was done today, we have reached the light and ultra light launchers, thanks to god , we have achieved it. Higher, heavier satellites that we can orbit as a group , and, god willing , we can put heavier satellites into orbit in the field of satellite design and construction. Alhamdulillah, well , various satellites in the field of telecommunication measurement, especially at low altitude. The height of leo in the country has been delivered it is ready to launch last year and now we have many satellites on the launch pad with what happened today and anyway the successful launch of noor 3 satellite is a class of nano satellites or ultra light satellites that can actually be accurately now, a very effective step has been taken in this family. In the near future, as it has been announced many times in the past, achieving imaging accuracy of 2. 5 meters and 4 meters is in the plan. We are researching and, god willing, we can predict that we will at the end of 140, we can take very effective steps in the area of ​​accuracies around one meter and at least start the Research Phase seriously. He said that now in the coming years, god willing, this good news will reach the ears of my people. We have made very Good Progress in the field of infrastructure. In the same way, how much does the near future mean in the space base . In fact, in the next year or two , we have satellites that we are currently launching with accuracies around 5 meters and better accuracies of 4 and a half meters in our program, which are either under construction or on the launch pad, which god willing will launch. And of course, we had satellites from the past years with an accuracy of around 15 meters , which are now placed on the launch pad, but due to their higher mass, naturally , they were not capable of being launched by the qasid launcher and this family, but soon, god willing, with the stabilization that if it happened in the layer of leo , this is an important event for the country god willing, sardar, well, with the success that your colleagues were able to achieve today , this news had different reflections in different media. My colleague, mr. Shadloud, is with us in the other studio. Hello, good night, mr. Shadlou. I also greet you and all the dear viewers. Special news interview in shadlou. This is the news of the successful launch of the noor satellite. What a reflection in the different media today. How was your arrival . Well, from the very early hours when the news was officially announced, for the first time sardar salami announced the names and memories of right there, the media of reporters started and all the worlds media covered the successful launch of irgcs light satellite, because this satellite is the third satellite of the noor family, which was placed in orbit in 99 and 140 and now 14, but at the moment, the most significant media reaction is related to the media of the zionist regime, such as jerozalpos, who believe that the noor satellite is the factor for strengthening the Space Capabilities of the norse satellite , the factor for strengthening the Space Capabilities of iran , especially that the messenger satellite has launched this satellite into space. Astronauts of the satellite corps we also have three stages that are all solid fuel, such as the qaim 100 and qaim 15 satellites, which have undergone suborbital tests, and god willing, in the near future, after completing their tests, they will also carry heavier payloads than qasid. Brad, thank you for being with us , mr. Shadlou sardar. Well, you explained about the different users of the noorset satellite. What is the latest status of the satellite after the plan and whether the technological advances that we had in noor are different from the previous generation satellites or not. Well, first of all, let me tell you that the code of nawad of the norse satellite is actually registered as bin international with the code 579, which actually, dear viewers who want to follow the satellite on the internet and see where it is now, with the code 579 from the space turk website, you can see this satellite. Thank god, the condition of the satellite is very good after the satellite was destroyed. And half an hour later, it rose again from the north pole and we took its telemetry and our experts had put an algorithm that in less than an hour and a half after we saw the satellite, it had become completely stable. And god willing, this time with a very fast satellite it is moving towards the operation, now the same operation was done in an hour on the noor satellite, because it was the first experience, it took a week or two, now it has been used, well, the noor 3 satellite camera is far better than the noor 2 satellite camera. By proudly by a it was produced by danesh banyan domestically, and in fact , the accuracy of the image is two and a half times that of the noor 2 satellite, a technology that was used for the first time in the noor 3 satellite in the islamic republic. It is actually thrusters or space thrusters. These thrusters are very sensitive engines. There are spaces that produce forces that are similar to satellites it allows you to change its orbit, in fact, it gives you an orbital maneuver and prevents it from decreasing its height. This is actually made by our internal experts with completely boom technology, which is also a very high technology, and norse satellite was the first satellite that this truster was used. And god willing , it will be used in the next satellites. Very good doctor. What achievements will the time we had in the launch bring to the country . I said that we are looking for stabilization of the crushed layer. The most useful layers are actually orbits and heights satellites are used. Maybe the number of satellites in this layer, especially at the height of 45, 500 , is not comparable at all compared to other orbits in terms of number and frequency , especially for the moon. The measurement works are very valuable for us. This is one point. The second point is that , anyway, the path in the world is moving towards becoming smaller, lighter, and in fact economic, and in some way systematizing satellites. It has been happening for the past years. And instead of, for example, a heavy satellite, and of course, the use of heavy satellites is also reserved for the measurement mode, but anyway it is expected that in the future this class of satellites will have a much larger number, and private sector investors will enter more, especially in this field. Now, there are more satellite systems in the world than the sensing satellites that we are looking at, starting from the socalled small satellites are the same as the martyr soleimanieh system, the issue of telecommunication satellites is now detailed, but it is in the same class and family of satellites, so in fact , lyle leos approval for satellites is for a country that at the beginning the path is actually fixed and discussed economizing the space and encouraging the private sector is a must, especially for the country of iran , which, naturally, due to the cruel sanctions that exist, has basically tried to create its entire space cycle locally and is an attraction and incentive. It also creates so that our startups and small knowledge companies can actually be created, and naturally, these satellites can be produced at a very low cost if , for example, they suffer a technical defect and go out of orbit because they are used systematically. They get a lot of bad economic effects there is no company for that, and naturally, when the number increases, this competition also occurs between different private sectors in the country. In the field of space industry , if we want, god willing , we will check the indicators that we are looking for in the 10year plan. The important thing that we are following seriously is the issue of nanosatellites or microsatellites in shahrid soleimanis poem , which now belongs to this same woman. Sardar, well, it is a satellite of light , besides, it is important, and you explained about its characteristics today with the satellite on the messenger. Regarding the satellite, you can explain a little bit about the messenger. It is a satellite that carried two more satellites into space before, and today , it was able to successfully transfer the third satellite. Well, the satellite for the messenger, thank god, this was the third successful launch in a row. Today, Football Players are playing hattricks instead of satellites. It was successfully put into orbit, well, the satellite is a combination of the first stage of the fuel that was made by my dear brothers in the ministry of defense. Fortunately, the irgc has been very successful in all three recent launches, and in the future these engines will send many satellites into space. Let me explain, if you enlarge it, you can see the pictures, these are actually the cameras installed inside the satellite itself, so now the engine of the first stage is turned on, and it is actually moving away from the ground, passing through the clouds , and reaching the satellite. It goes up to the top, after that , the speed changes, sardar, yes, then, now, now in fact, i will show you the scene that if you get there, the cameras it shows are moving away from the clouds and there is an axis that has actually found the necessary qualification, which fortunately we can do after this. Lets take this satellite to the production process. Here, the first stage engine is actually still working. This satellite can now launch satellites under 55 kg for which government, university satellites , god willing, after two or three launches, we will think. I want to find the competence with this satellite lets launch the small satellites of the neighboring countries. Here, in fact, i think the engine of the second stage has been turned on, that is, the engine of the first stage has worked. Here, the engine of the second stage has been turned on, and in fact , the globe is clearly visible in the background of the satellite, and this is the stage engine. Second, the same solid fuel engine that was inaugurated in the name of salman sardar hajizadeh a few years ago, actually burns for 6070 seconds and the speed of the satellite reaches 522 meters per second , and its height reaches 45 kilometers in the third stage and stage second, now, here, the second step wants to separate here, now, the second step to the height it has reached 45 km and here comes the separation command and the second stage engine is separated from the satellite and the satellite is placed in orbit or its speed. Yes , now the second stage engine has been separated. Solid fuel with a composite body and with actually a moving thrust vector, which is the satellites rozon technology , the third stage engine is actually turned on, this engines job is that only that amazing speed of 28,000 Kilometers Per Hour is sent to the satellite. It reaches an orbital speed and then another the satellite has reached the orbit and it is time to separate the satellite from the satellite. This engine burns for 30 seconds, and now we will show you some parts of the engine burning. It is very excellent and it is all the efforts of our countrys domestic experts. Yes, yes, because we were in a state of embargo, no help was given to us , no advice was given, no technology was given. That knowledgebased companies cooperate and i think that the youth of the country are yes, thank god, now i have to thank the Space Organization that in recent Years Companies a very good Knowledge Base has been created in the field of space. In fact, the increase in the size of the noorste satellite is mostly done by knowledgebased companies. The University Centers actually give good advice on its design. Helping in the calibration of the satellite and thank god, there is a good and coherent set in the country that, god willing, we can actually build and launch bigger satellites in the country with shorter time intervals. Very good, mr. Doctor , you mentioned that the satellite nano satellites it is and it is built in our knowledgebased companies. It is the efforts of the Young Professionals of our country, the work that has continued in the universities has led to the formation of knowledgebased companies , which has led to Economic Development and has been able to meet the needs of the country and finally to the same goal that you said is to complete the countrys space cycle and make iran one of the few countries in the worlds space club. In this context, can you explain the program that is being followed in knowledgebased companies . See , we are a space industry without privatization and without activation of academic companies and Investment Sector the reality is that relying solely on government budgets is an incomplete industry if we cannot activate the space economy. In the near future, we will not be able to look at many of the developments that we are looking for and are predicting, and well, the Space Organization has passed in a year, in fact, since the beginning of the government season, especially in the past year , its focus has been on being more and more active. The development of this area has been good. In the near future, we have many satellites that will be built by our private sector, and naturally, we as the government also have the necessary infrastructure for them. Provide and as much as we can at the beginning of the matter as a customer, we can actually be trustworthy for these companies so that we can buy the products that they actually produce and gradually build a market, naturally, when this industry starts the formation of an ecosystem of private collections in the country is being created, and now the collection of the Space Organization on behalf of the government , the collection of warning to somewhere, the collection of the air force and other collections that are operators of the space industry in the country can easily with a lot of trust in these companies, in fact and their needs should be met in this way , my plans are the same as what was said about the system of martyr soleimani and so on. The space of the country is a very diverse complex, in fact it is not scattered, sometimes it may seem independent in terms of administration and organization , but in any case, the researchers are experts of danian companies, a collection that we actually refer to as the ecosystem or the biome of our space industry. It is connected and close of course, the government and the Defense Sector are outsourcing to them what they take from them and we are managing them. We are trying our best to make these companies more prosperous day by day and even in consortia and in fact Large International projects. God willing, let them enter. In fact, all our focus in the 13th government is a large part on activating this private sector of the space industry as much as possible. We are seeing the result in this the success that was achieved today is really a very valuable result. Can you explain about the next plans that will be followed in the Space Organization . Inshaallah, now sardar hajizadeh himself has informed about the measurement system. Well, in fact , we are looking for a system. In the field of measurement satellites, communication satellites, we are looking for heavier and larger projects of open measurement satellites. The private sector cannot enter on its own. Naturally, the government must enter for the time being. As i said, infrastructure is one of the most important. The issues that the 13th government, especially the honorable president , are pursuing include the construction of the launch base , the laboratory infrastructure, and in fact, the equipment that can launch satellites of different classes with high reliability. International communication with the view that we can be an exporter and provider of Space Services to other countries that are interested in this field, especially now with the successful launch of the sara satellite on qased, which can easily be a big gain for us, god willing. Presentation services to other countries and other areas. Now these are the things that god willing, we will reach you in the near future and we will serve the people with this good news, sardar. Well, the record of the Irgc Aerospace is very brilliant. If we want to talk about the record, i think we will run out of time. Can you explain more about the future plans . Yes, well, i said that the satellite is a satellite for the messenger, which has actually found the necessary qualification to launch multiple satellites. You will see that the satellite r the messenger will launch the countrys satellites at a higher rate, god willing. Now we will focus on the qaim satellite that you are waiting for. Last year, in fact, a submode test was conducted, and one of the obtained data made a series of corrections and optimizations of the method. It is possible and in fact we will get this vertical satellite to orbital launches that, god willing, will launch a satellite, just as sardar hajizadeh also said, we will form a diverse system of satellites in the low earth orbit, god willing, in the coming years, which will also be used measurements in actual applications khabrati is also used for the discussion of ashrafs information, and god willing, in a hidden layer , it actually has the necessary infrastructure so that , god willing, one day the country will be able to launch a satellite into a 36,000 km orbit. Because of that, it is not showing much, and you can explain the time of the programs that you mentioned , this is the time when we can witness that the Space Programs cant really be defined in a precise way. In the whole world, they cannot be defined in such a precise way, but we hope that actually fixed in actually forming a good system in the lower orbit and actually meeting the 30 km orbit , god willing, it will happen in the same fiveyear program , god willing, god willing, mr. Dr. Salarieh, there is something left that you would like to summarize the achievement. In the future, we will continue to use the capacity of knowledgebased companies , or follow the same steps that we have regarding infrastructures. Well, perhaps one of the important issues that we should focus on and work on is the issue of exporting space products, and this is necessary. We can go towards standardization and getting standards lets move in the world, reliable and reliable. Well, our private sector is in component manufacturing and equipment manufacturing. It has a relatively good track record in many sectors. It can be said that most of our satellites can be supplied by the private sector. Some items may need to be imported. We should actually move towards standardization. Integration has also been introduced by the private sector and has had good success. If we want to have a Good International position, we as the government should help in this field and this is our duty. We know that as long as we can , we will follow these conditions in standard laboratories and the discussion of standardization, god willing, with seriousness and strength. We are in the lower part of the open space industry, this talk is repeated, the use of satellite images and also the use of space data is one of the important points that is being followed by the private sector in the country , Research Institutes and universities. We are cooperating with various groups such as the ministry of jihad and agriculture in the discussion of the level of intelligence and the group of Mapping Organization and other very good cooperation. The organization is also strictly following up on this issue. We are pursuing this issue as far as we can to make this use of satellite data and satellite images widespread and inclusive in the country and turn it into a culture that is naturally open. A large part of it is provided by the government through the guarantees that it bought with you and the likes. It can give knowledge to these products that are included in the programs of the Space Organization. Very good, mr. Sardar, we are with you. Tell me about the satellite itself and its applications there are plans that we have in the future and of course the link to our satellites and drones for more observations. I said yes. Well, if you actually look at the recent wars in the world, you will see that success on the battlefield is very dependent on the use of satellite technology. Military forces in all leading countries are trying to Remote Control all their equipment, i. E. Make it steerable. When a bird, a float, or any other device takes a Long Distance from us , it is no longer possible to see it , it is not possible to guide it except through satellite. Also, in fact, when there is actually a commander on the battlefield, he wants to communicate with his troops , he is very limited through ground links, and he can use satellites and do these communications and the commander controls and directs the troops, and in fact with this explanation that you gave, the beautiful networkbased war will be a complete turn. Yes, every networkbased war actually boils down to these things. In fact, you must have good nobles through space, that you can get very good, that you can actually operate in depth. You can direct the forces in space the infrastructure and the main axis of the war is networkoriented, thats why the leading countries pay daily attention to space. Now the forces in america have actually created a space force. Space whites were created in their army and actually the reason for this is that space is becoming more important day by day in the Network Based war and as a summary i think it will be around , we will be at your service for a few seconds and 30 seconds. Yes, well, i wanted to say something, we have another very important occasion these days it is actually the beginning of the Academic Year and the reopening of schools and universities. Today we had the success of 200 students. And dear students , being present at the launch site and working hard to get there is really the reason why the pictures are being broadcast. Sorry, our time is up. I apologize. I also thank you for being with us in tonights special news interview. Good night , in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen. Greetings, alireza. Hashemgan, i am with you today. We will start tonights program with a report from canada. Hundreds of canadian families protested against the education of homosexuality in schools and demanded the cessation of these educations. Of course, this type of training

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