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, alborz province has the first place, while qom province has the second place tehran province is the third and ardabil province is the fourth province and Chaharmahal Bakhtiari province is the fifth province. Talaban will begin. After the completion of this process , i. E. One week, when there is a chance to register , the executive boards actually start their work. The deadline for examining the executive boards is 15 days and the deadline for the provincial supervision is 50 days. After that , there is the Guardian Council stage as a stage confirmation of the final opinion that, god willing, the guard will announce his definitive and final opinion in it, god willing, regarding the candidates. The electoral activities of Political Parties and groups are becoming more serious. In recent days , the general meeting of the Coalition Partys General Assembly of moderation and Development Party was held. Today, the construction brokers party congress. Mr. Zarif, who was the special guest of this congress, pointed out the importance of peoples participation in the elections and said not participating in the elections does not help to solve the problems and peoples participation in the elections protects the system and the country against dangers. According to the secretary general the Coalition Party of this party is looking for the most qualified and does not accept shareholding for parliament elections. The chairman of the Central Council of the sustainability front also said just as we invited good and worthy people to preregister for the elections, these people were invited to register publicly and privately for the final registration. Mr. Agha tehrani also said that we will include armed people in the final list. The final registration deadline for the parliamentary elections is until the 3rd of obama and this opportunity will not be extended. Akbarzadeh sada and saim reporter. Importance of essential goods decreased in dirham , according to the deputy minister of trade. Diversification materials imported into basic goods have caused the pressure on a certain width to decrease and these goods are not procured from companies aligned with the sanctions. The growth process does not stop until it does a fundamental job in the macro economy. Mr. Darabi talks about diversifying the countries from which we buy basic goods. The variety of imported materials covers several issues together. Well , this is why our currency resources are under the most pressure now, according to the general policies of the economy a resistance should reduce dependence on limited and specific countries. Also, experts say that 3540 of the countrys imports are related to basic goods. More than our needs in the field of Human Resources are imported from abroad. We import about 10 million tons of corn annually. We also import barley. We import between 800,000 and 1,000,000 tons of barley every year. We also import oilseeds such as soybean meal , which meets almost 100 of our needs. American companies were in line with the sanctions, in fact we offer to the American Company to give us food and medicine as long as they can talk to you on this channel and control the limits of your behavior with the amount of your hand in something. I will not talk to you about anything else. Limiting the countrys imports to a few specific sources will limit the countrys required width for imports to a few specific widths , so that according to experts, more than 50 of the countrys imports are made with dirham sources. It is possible that we value our resources in yuan, but our expenses in dirhams. This causes a mismatch between our sources of expenses. According to the deputy trade official of the ministry of agricultural jihad, to some extent, its implementation has made more than 90 of Agricultural Products to be supplied from nonorganic sources. Reyer was in turkey, yohan was in china, now we are using medical resources according to the agreements that have been made and these resources that i visited in qatar and amman, most of them are for consumption in the field of food and medicine. The next month until the end of the year, there is no need for additional resources. As mr. Peyman pak says, diversifying the import of basic goods is being pursued and is being done to some extent. During a month ago, the purchasing council held a meeting in moscow with 25 main Supplier Companies , signed an agreement, and even bought the prices 10 to 20 percent below the market price. Also, the experts suggested that with the continuation of selfsufficiency and the domestication of some basic goods, the import of these goods should decrease by 30 this year. Sara fazli, sedav sima news, one of the needs of diabetic patients is insulin pens, which imposes a large burden on the country. The researchers of a company the scientists succeeded in localizing the Technical Knowledge of designing and manufacturing the new generation of enslin pens in the country do the incidence of diabetes is increasing in all countries of the world. There are more than 8 million diabetics living in iran who need medicine. A company of scientists based in science and Technology Park of Tehran University has succeeded in producing the insulin pen needed by this group of patients. The purpose of these pens is to act like a multiuse syringe for the disease, and the patient can inject himself with a set amount of medicine much more easily than a simple syringe. The use of this pen is not only for diabetic patients. These pens are available in different color designs it is being produced for different types of drugs, as well as growth hormones for children and teenagers , as well as infertility drugs, etc. Well, these pens are produced in three parts, and the pharmaceutical part is produced by darosa. The technical complexity is in this part. This pen that you see like this is like a magic marker. It is actually 16 pieces, and the pieces are made of different types of engineering polymers and composites. It has Different Properties and all of them together act like a boxing grip that can provide the patient with a very High Accuracy of microliters. It has extremely strict tests that the pen must be able to deliver the performance in different conditions, the right dose, easy injection, ease in choosing a certain amount of medicine, minimizing the risk of slipping, among the advantages of this iranian pen are the pens that are used in iran. And basically, there are European Countries like france and denmark in the world, and let me tell you, there is china , there is america, the pen that we produce, the finished price is almost 70 of the price of the pen that is imported. The solution is very simple instead of allocating the Government Support to the importer who is bringing the pen from abroad , it should be allocated to the final handful of people at the end of the chain. For more information, those interested can refer to the pinj database, afrooz islami khabarari. Seda and sima leibt taqvi, an iranian female researcher, received the islamic World Environmental Management Award. In the third edition of the islamic World Environmental Management Award in jeddah, saudi arabia, mrs. Leibt taqvi from the Islamic Republic of iran won the womens award for Research Achievements and successful performances. Mrs. Loubet taqvi student. The department of environment and energy of Azad University is a Research Unit in the third period of the Environmental Management Award Ceremony in the islamic world on the sidelines of the meeting of world environment ministers. Islam had participated in jeddah, saudi arabia. Ayatollah fazel golpayegani, the representative of the people of tehran in the assembly of leadership experts, bid farewell to his death. Ayatollah mohammad zali, known as fazel golpayegani, was born in 1327 in golpayegan and was a representative of the people of tehran province in the assembly of leadership experts. He has about five years of education and teaching experience in qom seminary, tehran universities, altehran and Tarbiat Modares had among the works of the deceased are velayat alfaqih from the perspective of sheikh ansari, the nature of love and peaceful coexistence from the perspective of transcendental wisdom. He was the head of the leadership representative body at the islamic Azad University of qom and the Vice President of education at the qom seminary. The body of mojtaba alizadeh, a martyr who defended the shrine of lashkar fatemiyoun, after cleaning and circumambulating the shrine. Razavi was buried in golzara behesht rezai, mashhad. This martyr was in the investigative operation that was carried out in syria. After 7 years, his identity was discovered. Shahid alizadeh was born in the year 136 of an afghan mother in roza sarasiab, khorasan, razavi and was martyred in khantoman region in 1395. This martyr is survived by two daughters. Shahrada is a symbol of zeal, a symbol of defending the quran and the provinces. Shahrada means that islam is alive, it means that the quran is still alive and it has a message, we must hear this message. Be a friend of the revolution and our leader. Lets be proud of the blood of the city, dont follow their blood. We came to follow the path of the martyrs. Hello, dear viewers, have a good friday night. The victory of esteghlal against hovadar in the premier Football League continued in the sixth week of this competition , esteghlal won 32 against hovadar at azadi stadium. First, these students of Mahmoud Fekri were the ones who took the lead with the goals of saheb mohibi and golba iman salimi, but then kibinin yaamaga scored once or twice for the blues. With this win, javad nkunams students got 15 points in esteghlal, like press police saad nashin, and because of the less goal difference, they were placed in the second place. In the other game today, foolad and Esteghlal Khuzestan played against ahvaz shahr, where foolad ended the match with one goal. Godmin scored foolads only goal. Saad neshins stop and egypts victory in the Futsal Premier League in the tenth week of this competition , the leading team of geti pasand isfahan against its host. Ana sanat pasarrgad qom won by 1 draw and was at the top of the table with 28 points. The Second Place Team , masongun , won with two goals in the municipal field and reduced its distance from the top of the table to two points. In other games, iran alco iraq 5 lost to senish sabe, foulad zarand iranian 2 one out of 100 crops, alborz resistance ambassador gave 1 draw and goherzmin 2. He took a sari garment. Goodbye, in the name of god, greetings to you, today we witnessed the continuation of rains in the northern part of the country , it covered parts of the northeast and east of the country for tonight. Also , the concentration of rain will be more concentrated in the northeastern and eastern parts of our country, parts of razavi khorasan, in the afternoon we will have the growth of heavy rains from zahidan, in the same way , we can refer to rask in kerman province, kohnuj and masarid in hormozgan province. He had the same condition. Tomorrow afternoon, this rain will intensify in the southeast of our country. We have issued an orange level warning for it, it can cause temporary and limited flooding in the southern parts of sisistan baluchistan or areas of the southeast of kerman province and the east of hormozgan province. This is not far off if the conditions happen to them, then tomorrow afternoon, the rains will continue to advance in parts of the southeast of our country, but for tomorrow , the central alborz highlands will have weaker rains than today, and parts of the northeast of our country, so it can be mentioned that the concentration of tolls tomorrow will be more than it will be the rose of khorasan in its eastern parts and up to the central areas where temporary and limited rainfall can cause flooding, other parts of our country will have a clear and sunny sky at the end of the day , it will only be a dominant phenomenon that will affect the eastern part of the country. He puts it in the air quality north of sistan and balchestan, the eastern parts of south khorasan, have a good night tomorrow, 29 mehr 5th and 21 october, midnight tonight at 11 10 p. M. Azan for tomorrow morning in tehran at 4 52 a. M. And sunrise at 6 6 a. M. It will be minutes. Thank you very much for your support. In the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, in the name of god, the beneficent, the merciful, my dear compatriots, i greet you, the viewers of the khabar network, welcome to tonights talk program, as you have seen and heard in the news, checking the details of the seventh program is on the agenda of the Islamic Council these days. And it was supposed that in the next meeting, tomorrow, the topic of chapter 15, titled public culture and media, will be discussed and examined by the representatives of the house of nation. In tonights news talk, we will discuss this chapter, that is, chapter 15 , articles 74 to 78, the guests of this program will be introduced to you. Dear mr. Dr. Nababe, member of parliament, deputy chairman of the Cultural Commission, and mr. Hashemi, Deputy Director of the ministry of culture and guidance, legal deputy of this program, please allow us to present a report in your presence, according to the routine of the special news discussion, and let us return to tonights discussion and program. About the 15th season of the seventh program with you lets come together, an important issue of the 7th plan is that now you have to prepare the 7th plan. The 7th plan means to determine the task of the country for the next five years. I dont agree, but now, finally, the term generalization is useless , sometimes it is possible to generalize in these development programs. That any action with any taste can be included in it, this file does not exist , the program must show the way clearly and put it at the feet of the executive bodies of the country, before everyone. The leaders of the country should be left in their own hands. In our opinion, the way is to make the 7th plan problem oriented, that is, one of the things that is important in the 7th plan is to make it problemoriented. Governments, you should also Pay Attention to the issue of being a scientific issue, this document should also be based on the purpose of the land and the countrys facilities, this is one of the ways to make the fiveyear plan useful. Khabar special conversation studio, thank you very much, in the name of allah, the most high alrahim, to you and my dear colleagues, i say hello. I am happy and grateful that you invited me, just as you said in the introduction. God willing, from tomorrow it is time for the 15th chapter, which is the culture and media section, to be turned on in the parliament. God willing, i am happy that we we have this opportunity to talk with my dear representatives and to discuss the details of this program for the people. Very well, mr. Dr. Hashemi , welcome to your honorable studio. Have a useful and effective conversation this is you, mr. Dr. Nababeh. Chapter 15 is the culture and media chapter. First, lets take a general look at the cultural situation and cultural needs of our country with regard to the partners we are currently. The point that the Supreme Leader emphasized about the seventh plan is a central issue. In the seventh program, how many cultural issues and also the issue of media are included in chapter 15 with the perspective of a central problem. I welcome your presence. I dont like to start my speech with a complaint. I am a parliamentarian, i cannot claim that every year is better than the year we have accepted this claim, it is a hard claim, at the same time that every year we need more educated culture and these issues, but we did not have any growth and development in the matter of our culture, at least in terms of our sovereign point of view, i know this as a blessing. That is, as a fundamental problem for my country, i would like to give you a small statistic. People know very well that perhaps some concrete economic issues, even political issues, will come to a conclusion much sooner in our country, but in the case of cultural issues, unfortunately, this the sensitivity in our country is low. You look at the countrys industrial budget, it is usually soft the budget from the general budget of the country in the soft culture sector among the countries of the world, about 7 developing countries do not have less than five of these budgets. Now, countries like the united states, whose official budgets have 11 of their public budgets and hidden budgets, and their secret budgets are probably as much as let this be their basic and clear budget. In our country, i want to say that maybe during the government of mr. Ahmadinejad , when the financial situation of the government was somewhat better , it reached about 30. Now its about 20, a little up and down. This shows that we dont pay enough and full attention to culture while we are vulnerable through culture we see too much now, especially you who are media, this is your cartoon. Ok. Now with this situation that we are seeing now, the enemy has actually come and concentrated all his activities in order to change the beliefs of the people in our country, especially since we are the youngest country in the world, and we see you in these developments. In the last few years, you can see the results of this, for example, regarding the hijab , when a 1516yearold girl comes, she is not shy, but in a way, it is better to not be hijab than to wear a hijab, this is exactly what she does. When i was a journalist in america, after the september 11 incident, mr. George bush said, give me a chance, then you will give me a chance. The media, through the issues and devices they have, have we really come in these two or three decades to make at least one stop , for example, to confront, now let it be the advancement of our own plans. You see, we are not in a good cultural situation now, neither in terms of planning, nor in terms of hardware, nor in terms of facilities intellectual development software, new ideologies, we have a problem in different parts of the media, well, now you look, now the talks that you broadcast from the Supreme Leader made our duty equal, what does that mean, i was in your sixth program , well, its a very Different Program there were several socalled rulings. Now, when you see the leader telling you to be programoriented, it means that you cant say sit down and discuss the same issues again, and many are now saying, for example, 30 works of the sixth plan have been implemented, we dont want to go like this, we have come. Now, with this view, of course, this was the beginning of our program, the talks we had at the service of his holiness, and the enthusiasm and excitement and our sense of responsibility increased. Hopefully, you will ask questions, i will say that we made a point exactly, that is, we came, if today, for example, we have a problem with the internet, we produce, for example, various Television Programs , for example, books, music, art, culture , everything in which pathology has taken place, we are exactly these are our priorities so that we can continue in the next programs, so the need has been assessed and based on that, the problem has been defined and planned, and you have actually strategized that which may have been less implemented in the past, with your support and contribution, god willing, you will see us during the explanation. You will understand that we have done this, and the result is very good, mr. Dr. Hashemi, the most important needs of the society in terms of culture and media that should be taken into consideration in the seventh program , i will tell you in a problemoriented manner that first of all, there is a place for me. I would like to thank bara khoob and honorable colleagues in the assembly of the Islamic Council to be honest, in these two years that this government has been established, with a sympathetic view, both towards the program, in fact, the annual budget, and towards this program, in fact, the 7th, to be fair , and especially our good friends in the Cultural Commission , now that they are busy this is the seventh program, all the nobles of the commission, especially these three nobles who were members of the Integration Commission , especially your brothers, mr. Nabawe, mr. Rastineh, mr. Ezikhah , in short, they had all kinds of brotherhood and help and sympathy because, god willing, this department will change the culture with one infrastructure rules, in fact, one glory be to you, then from your point of view, as a representative of the ministry of guidance , what is at this stage can be a response to the countrys cultural needs in the form of the cases that mr. Doctor points out the challenges and needs . Let me tell you, well, we are also in the government, the ministry, well, naturally, at one stage these words went back and forth with the cooperation of the secretariat of the cultural revolution council, again at another stage in the government , there were discussions several times and these statements of yours became halaji, then you came to the parliament again. With this approach, in fact, additions and refinements have been made, and our collection has reached the totality of this thing which has been prepared, in fact, we are believers and we are optimistic that it will lead to fruit and results , god willing. The share of the budget, the share of culture from the summary of the budget, now we have a phrase, we say that since the first day, shater has taken the culture in a small summary, and this problem of culture has always been there in the past years, well , now we see that in this one year, that is, in the past , before this government. And now, from one and two tenths, it has reached 2 percent of the share of culture, and god willing, it will continue like this in fact, it will go further, god willing, it will reach an acceptable share, of course, the seventh plan is not very budgetoriented, there are bigger plans, and there the plan is actually a plan, not a budget, but at the same time, i want to say that these things have happened. Now that we get to the details, we will try to have the best conversation there, so that it is clear that it is really moving and growing, both in that part of the government and in the parliament, a lot of effort has been done there. We had interactions that led to this summary of the text, god willing , which will be summarized tomorrow and the day after tomorrow this week the friends in the parliament are working hard. God willing, it will be approved, mr. Doctor. The seventh program has new characteristics that are the current state of the countrys culture. It would be good if you could give us an example that creates transformation and compared to what you said , the contribution of culture is small but its vulnerability can be high. I just remembered that my first goal was to thank my colleagues in the islamic shura majlis, first of all the representatives. Actually, we have been working for several months now, especially the Cultural Commission and the Integration Commission. For four months, they really dont have day and night, that is , they work from midmorning until 8 or 9 at night, and its very hard work, and maybe this experience is too much for us, for myself, who 12 in the year i have been in the parliament, i have not had such a good experience. After this, mr. Doctor, all these institutions , especially the ministry of guidance , have been with us since the first day. All their departments, honorable deputy, even held several meetings with us, mr. Minister. We came with 3 or 4 home ministries. We have a direct relationship with the ministry of culture, there is heritage , and the ministry of sports, and this is very important it is that exactly the Research Work that they are doing, the pathology that they are doing and the need to do it well will be transferred to us. We will come and plan according to our duty. The planning that we did, i can say that maybe it was the ultimate cooperation between the government and the parliament. I dont know about other departments like my department, but what comes out from the socalled results of this work of the committees shows that all of our committees, all of our committees , carry out this work with the close cooperation of the government. So, the change of views that you said will be achieved. I hope that this is really a very, very rare event. What did you say

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