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Have experienced the fact that the supervisions have never been strong supervisions. I will give an concrete example, but regarding bread, well, many countries in the world are subsidizing bread , that is, bread and milk are now being subsidized even in europe. Bread not tick products and. Guche, sweets, macaroni , bread and milk directly, and only the milk itself, not dairy, that is, these two goods are low in almost the format of the countries of the world, according to my work and service experience, i am telling you that in many countries of the world, only two products , bread and milk , are fully subsidized by the government, and the governments do not. My question is, for example, not for them, they get value added tax, tax figure , full subsidy, they have a full support rate, they buy, in fact, it means that the support purchase by the people is formed for bread. Or, like now, buy a guarantee that we we have about wheat in our country, well, this purchase is to support the people, now you can see the flour issue , is there real monitoring of our bakeries, why are we in this situation now, can you put two control officers in charge of each bread can you only use your system regarding the executive debates , i am telling you, well, in the case of bread, we have to apply a general support, that is, these differences, if the government comes to apply a general support in the field of bread , it can say, i am from bread and milk in general , i will support fully, i will buy support, but in regarding many other issues, our systems should be transparent. The experiences of the world, we now have a law. My law is a bit more concrete. Look, we have a law on store terminals. In this parliament , our problem is mainly in the implementation. All the stores in our country should be registered. I came to ghazizadeh and bought a bottle of mineral water from zero border. Connecting it to our store system our store is subject to the tax payer system and after that it is actually a matter of law. The commercial society that we have, the legal system of the commercial society means the compatibility of the systems, then about the compatibility of the systems, the tithes, now we have different systems in ours, i should mention this , what is the model of the world in the world, specifically because lets formulate our discussion, my question for example was that, for example, now we are referring to the producer of the chicken, the law is that we are the data of all iranians first. It should be given the property, the property, the property, the land, the house he has a house, he doesnt have one, how much is it, the amount of salary of the head of the household and all the members of the household, please tell me, sir, what is the income basket and sources of income of this family, in what category does it fall , is it subject to support or not . When shopping with a bank and money card, in fact , show your own bank card and your own bank account and go to the last terminal of the store to match. If we complete this chain , that person. Why not against the lower classes of society . Go get a loaf of bread at a subsidized price, ilo with a higher support rate, so you believe that it should be paid to the end of the chain, on the condition that yes, that chicken is for that ten , now its okay, its about electronic goods, not now, this is the government. What is the government saying, for example, for some goods . The government is not perfect, it doesnt know who is in what real decile, what is their source of income , is it subject to this support absolutely or not, the problem is in the previous preparations and layers , we have always come to solve the problem, we said, now come , for example, two kilos two kilos of rice, oil, 2 kilos of chicken for example, lets let the importer go and use his own rent, and let that happen. Now we have a blue washing environment, the same conditions as you see now, and how it is. The free market follows its own price. Meat, what else . Thank you, mr. Abbasi. Yes , look, i will emphasize the previous topic again, now , sir. Hashemi almost agrees with you. No, we registered from the beginning, no, we have an expert discussion that we do not agree or disagree, but we should actually go and talk about how we can provide the best service with the same view of justice. Social media should reach the people, which in your opinion was not paid to the first of the chain or in the chain as a whole. It should reach the consumer with transparency. And protecting the consumer at the same time. Let me give you an example. We passed a law in the 11th parliament. Except for the good laws , the Agriculture Commission and the friends of the parliament helped. The reform of the agricultural product pricing council was approved. I will tell you in this part. At your service , we used to offer 420t for wheat and we buy wheat from, for example, argentina, we buy it from ukraine , we buy it from russia, now places like australia we bought for 300 dollars per ton. Well, when we buy 300 dollars per ton, when our manager calculates this , the price for 420 is 1200 tomans. After asking our own producer, he says 1500. Toman buys if this is happening, what happened to him, he felt that in the last year the government is subsidizing him, he is a foreigner, the production here was destroyed. In the last year of the last government, our Wheat Production reached four and a half million tons , we imported 7 million tons of wheat, but with this correction we made, we said, sir, you want to make this purchase, so to speak, the purchase must be at the real price. Ok, see the global price, see the domestic price, see the inflation, see all this, and the price reached, for example, the price. Which was equivalent to the foreign price and support our production here, let us give subsidies, but now what is the result, the result is that last year , the purchase of 1. 5 million tons of wheat from the farmer was 1. 5 million, 4. 5 million tons, and 1. 5 million tons and 1 million tons were imported. We didnt reach two million, less than 2 million or now one or half a million. See, this is support for production. Right here, we want to give fertilizer to our chemical fertilizer producer. Chemical fertilizer that we expect to produce what happened . We need about four and a half million tons of fertilizer every year, of which 3 million tons are socalled nitrogen fertilizers. Then we will import wheat, he says, well, this wheat we want to import , we will give a subsidy to the producer of chemical fertilizer, and the producer will give it to his land , so that the production will increase, and our import will decrease. He went to mazareh, where they are selling their wheat, and our wheat dropped. Well, when this happens, we will come and tell you, sir, for what was done last year, the price of wheat, for example, is 11,500 tomans, 1,000 tomans for each delivery. We give a kilo of wheat for semakod to the producer, which means we gave it to the producer again, but the last production link is to deliver the wheat and take it, not that you give him the fertilizer, dont take delivery of my wheat, every time he delivered the wheat in the silo, for each kilo , now here is the decision. Lets take 2,000 tomans per kilo, 3,000 tomans, however much we want to help, lets give this here to support my production, and the government is buying this wheat, and the government is selling it to the people in the bakeries with a socalled guaranteed price. The price is not rising, the government is giving that subsidy there, but it is not wasted here so we have to go to this side to make plans. The number he gave to the people is not to remove the bag of flour from the consumption cycle of the people. You see , we export a billion dollars of sweets every year. Lets give preferential treatment to our sweets, the flour is subsidized, the sugar is subsidized, the oil is subsidized, the cream is also subsidized , so what do we mean, are we subsidizing the foreigner, or the oil that we import several billion dollars a year , now with the measures that have been it has come to the country , it has come to oil factories my oil has not arrived. Well, the uae has socalled agricultural oil. To produce oil, he goes to the United Arab Emirates and buys oilseeds from argentina and brazil, but with the same price, for example , he gets 500 dollars per oil. The uae buys, we also buy, but with a width of 420t, then we bring the oil into our country, we give some of it to the people , some of it to our neighboring countries , we export oil to a depth of 300 kilometers, where we dont have anything to europe, no , i dont want to say that now the price difference is because there is a difference in price. 28,500 is almost the same thing. Right now, there is a difference. We say that if we can minimize this difference , give it to the people or tell the final producer, sir, that one kilo of chicken that you delivered to the slaughterhouse is so called. Guys , you get delivery, not in the chain process. Lets create a duality in the country, this is not a duality , this is an expert work, we should come to a conclusion for the benefit of the people, mr. Ghazizadeh hashemi, now you agree with the model that mr. Abbasi refers to , that is, a place, for example, like our ardonan. Lets talk about the producer, i told the people about us for basic goods and products , like bread and milk, well, this is a completely conventional matter, not subsidizing, not giving, no, one is subsidizing. Yes, a public support policy is actually a social support policy, which in my opinion was about public support regarding many other goods and our other products until we create that transparency in full. For example, now we have subsidies for our fuel. We are importing gasoline right now and we have gasoline at a cheap rate now. Like at the same time, we can say that the price of gasoline is calculated as a free rate, what will happen, who is even willing to accept the responsibility regarding many issues, you can now compare the price of gasoline with the price of mineral water , compare the price of diesel, just like the same debate. Quadrilateral removal of quadrilateral width. It was supposed to have an effect only on the discussion of basic hats or in the field of food , to say its effect in a specific way, but you can see that it had an effect on other goods , it had an effect on construction goods, it had an effect on clothes and clothing , we have a domino economy, we cannot make a verdict. Lets say one sentence for everything and make it a verdict, so if we want, we can talk about the price. Fuel, the price of various goods, these have effects on all other basic goods , and right now, we have more than 100 billion dollars a year, why if the question is really this, now it is the industry, yes , hidden subsidies to our oil and gas industry, why should mr. The oil minister should say that we need new investments of 80 billion dollars , this industry should turn around on its own feet. It should be from rupees that can produce and maintain the same amount, otherwise it will be depreciated in the context of time, is there anyone who can accept the responsibility of removing the subsidies and say, i m going to remove all of these, hidden subsidies are all given to the final consumer. Now, if its true , if not, if its true, thats also an example. Thats it, now, are you going to remove the width of four and two hundred . Now , mr. Abbasi , we are referring to wheat, because wheat is domestically produced. Well, we have a lot of livestock institutions. You are referring to soybeans. How much barley do we import . We import livestock. Can we answer the question of fertilizer that we are referring to now as Production Units . Sometimes our fertilizer doesnt work because there is a lot of profit in importing fertilizer. I am here to serve you with our reference regarding this matter at the same time, at the same time , the events that happened if they were properly managed, because when you dont have transparency, when you put it in , it fell into the hands of the herdsman, you have a problem with the distribution mechanism. In our own province in khorasan , food files were created for these Distribution Companies and Different Networks of Distribution Companies in the villages for the distribution of livestock institutions. It doesnt exist, i think, from the ranks to the ranks, from the rural pinks to the very ranks, everyone is looking for this , sir, get a point, the livestock statistics were not clear, they said the medical livestock statistics, the medical livestock statistics, then it was violated , the number of livestock, the number of livestock, the number of livestock owned, 500 , sir said this for example, there are only 50 live animals. There are many rumors and stories. Well, when you receive a point as rent, it comes from that source and goes to that livestock village. You said that you want to be explained, there is time, how to explain it is not managed and this explanation is not managed properly, then you say, well , to whom did this rent go, to what layers did it go . Then you say that we should remove all of this and give consumers the final price of livestock. Did that institution follow the price of a subsidy, not the price of meat . The price of chicken adjusts itself with the free market, that is, the market is not in the same way as we are doing it now. When we can, yes, when we can give to the producer that all these systems have transparency and financial circulation, the producer is not only a big producer , we can say our cattle farmers, for example, High Industrial cattle farms, for example lets say 500 rasi, i dont know, say 1000 rasi, this is the amount, this amount is more. The person who has 50 light livestock in his home should benefit. Well, you can see that this whole support organization has reached our Livestock Farmers in the villages. Believe me, more than 80 of them say that we did not benefit, that is, what we in not only that , but think about the issue between now and 6 months ago, a year ago, and how many years ago. It was decided that a fixed width of 423 was applied to a series of inputs, which was the first of all. Then it decreased by 5 items. Now i will tell them from there that it is 5 items. Look at the price of chicken in 2017 when this happened it was about 5 thousand tomans. Within 3 years of this implementation, the price of chicken increased to 21,950 tomans. Look, we are paying 420, but the price of my chicken has quadrupled , so we are saying that if we offer this price, the price will not change. It is not because we we have to make this clear to the people , see the goods, but everything has become more expensive, all that inflation is 3040 fixed in the country, which we did not calculate. We say that the oil that i give as an example, the oil that people buy a bottle of, for example, became 15,000 tomans, what happened to 60,000 tomans . Hey, it was 60,000 tomans, how many times , now everywhere they say that the price of oil has gone up by 400, yes it went, but in the heart of that 300,000 tomans that was given to the people, or 400,000 tomans, 45,000 tomans was for oil, now this happened, you go and see the oil , how much has the price changed in these 2 years after the policy of removing the width of preference. We didnt do that much, we had a fix here, we should go in this direction, look at this, tell the people the truth , lets explain, lets say that it was so much the product, for example, the annual inflation, but for example , we were able to stop the socalled inflation in petrochemicals, the price increase. These 3 years before the preferential rate and after the preferential rate are an inflation. Now, i am not an expert in economics i am not involved in many of these things, but the number of figures that come out is an average of 40 of our inflation before the preferential rate during the preferred rate. After that, we were not going to say that everything became more expensive in these 34 years. Everything did not become more expensive. Those things that were included in the socalled preferential width, like the oil that came out of it completely, have been proven. Somewhere like chicken, 30 of it is other than that. Another thing has happened to you and the rest is the annual inflation. Clarify this for the people. Lets seek a correct policy to support both the people and the people and our consumers. Sometimes the issue of dedollarization is brought up. It is a good policy. We should not depend on the dollar. So, if we are looking for dedollarization , we must first strengthen our Domestic Production. I gave the example of wheat for you. 7. 5 million is the price policy, but let me explain about me. 7. You him if we come to increase the productivity in the other part, increase the productivity and release some of the land under wheat cultivation, or take the socalled vegetables and saf that we are producing. Gulkhone, lets free up some land , we can supply it, we can use our rain, we can travel, so here you can go to the dollar exchange. Dedollarization on the condition that we strengthen our domestic economy , strengthen Domestic Production , i will monitor if we have done it completely. But on the condition that we observe this from the beginning to the end, so that it reaches the peoples table , i will tell you the last point of this part. It is the final year of the year 1400, the year 1400, when death came to me and the previous government established the margh camp, although it was 42 in width. We talked to basij children in alborz province. The terminal where this chicken arrives is stored there. Even the socalled coldstorage car that goes there wants a basij child to go with it until the end of the explanation. The dependence of the countrys agriculture and food sector on the dollar has increased, which means that you are in the field of Wheat Production. Completely internal production, purchase support and guaranteed purchase, but have the dependencies decreased, not more why did it increase, because the policy happened to Pay Attention to the ability . Why did not the same amount come for the development of greenhouse cultivation . Why for the development of agricultural ponds . Why has note 18, which should go to the production of the agricultural sector, not been paid now . Why should the support for greenhouse cultivation and the modernization of pipeline policy. Irrigation water and soil under pressure, lowpressure irrigation has not been done, why has it all gone to boldly import barley and soybeans, even you , my other products, all these, my dear mr. Dr. Abbasi , look at all these, because we went to the market, in the jihad section, and agriculture is the sweet part of you the field of commerce and how much width should be allocated to you, sir . In the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may allah bless him and grant him peace. Greetings and good time to you, dear and respected viewers. Welcome to the sports news the premier league will be followed tonight with 8 games from the 20th week. In the most sensitive meeting of the capital city, the magpies go to the distance. In this weeks games from 18 and 45 minutes, zubhan isfahan and Esteghlal Khuzestan pikan

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