Aldabbaba at the door of alshifa hospital, there is now an excavation operation inside the hospital area, and aldabbaba, when you close the door of almashoum, i will not die under fire, but you will be surrounded by this alqaeda. It is clear that we are dealing with the Israeli Occupation of children and infants, whose number of deaths is increasing in the martyr kamal adwan hospital in the north of the gaza strip due to the siege. The assumption is that the malnourishment suffered by the mothers who gave birth to their children in this period, we are now in alshaheed kamal adwan hospital in the nursery section, where in this section , the number of deaths among the children who have become a new victim of the occupation has increased recently. And the blockade of the Northern Region of the gaza strip, these children have no sin but them, and they are silent during the period of silence of the world about the injustice that is being inflicted on them. God is great. God is great. God is great. They are 40 years old, most of me is 40 years old. Let the birds of paradise rest, god willing amenwa and mihaq alkafarin, allah is great, our communication this time is in form. A phone call was made with mr. Seyed faad alabi, an expert on russian issues, regarding putins repetition of the message and the consequences, mr. Alavi. I ask my question again about the fact that some latin american countries congratulated mr. Putin on his victory in the european president ial elections with a great welcome. What do you know about the reason for this difference in reactions . To serve you and dear viewers , we must make a distinction between latin american countries and European Countries for latin american countries, we must consider the history of relations between russia and these countries. You can see that traditionally, the relationship between these countries and the soviet union, which is considered the predecessor of todays russia, is very warm. And it has been good now, whether it is due to the reasons of the fight against america or ideological reasons, which are leftist and marxist ideas , but after the collapse of the soviet union, that is, from 1991 to 2000, when mr. Putin came to power, these relations became very cold, but with power taking mr. Putin and implementing his ideas in the russian governing body, the relations between the countries and russia are very strong and since 2000, we have seen that these countries have a very Good Relationship with russia, and it is natural that mr. Putins new dream, which means the continuation of the same policies , will face a positive reaction from these countries, also because of the competition that these countries sometimes have. In the political issues regarding their independence with the western countries, this congratulations has a political aspect, but in the case of European Countries , the reelection of mr. Putin means the continuation of the ukraine crisis. The continuation of controversy for the europeans in africa and that the europeans still have to maintain this pressure on russia, now what is the pressure of sanctions . The pressure to buy Expensive Energy instead of cheap Russian Energy , and this means the cost, and European Countries always react negatively to the referendums held by russia and the elections held in russia for a kind of discrediting of they are the ones, although according to western researchers and think tanks of these countries, the results obtained in these elections are in line with reality, but anyway , these are the politics of discrediting these issues. They are reacting negatively, one of the aspects is because of this, mr. Alvi, you mentioned the issue of war ukraine, this was the first president ial election in russia after the war in ukraine. I saw some experts presenting the analysis that the reelection of mr. Putin with more than 80 votes means that russia will continue the war in ukraine more firmly. You influence. See what this reelection is about the war in ukraine. You have to separate these two issues from each other, whether russia will show intensity in the near future, i. E. A year or a year and a half from now. The answer is yes, but it has nothing to do with the election. In the discussion of ukraine, in the war in ukraine, yes, yes yes, in the discussion of ukraine itself. The answer is yes, but it has nothing to do with this issue. The root of this goes back to the issues before the elections , that is, in terms of actually making decisions about the ukraine crisis, the decisions that will lead to the severity of the actions of the russians in the near future before the elections. Let me show you two examples. Now i will mention to you the recruitment of 400,000 contract forces by the ministry of defense in the spring of last year. Well, these are going to be sent to the front lines in the near future, or for example , the increase in the Russian Military budget in the Budget Approved for 2024 to 2026 shares the military sector is considered 3040 , which means that even before the elections, russia wanted to enter ukraines military issue more seriously, and mr. Putins victory will not have much effect on this process, but the most important thing is this. Because mr. Putin is old anyway and he cannot participate again in the elections of 2030 according to the existing laws , it seems that russia will not have a crisis or the issue of mr. Putins succession and transfer of power until that year. Ok, you want to bring the ukraine crisis to one stage regarding the Russian Election law and mr. Putins age , is it not possible to change the age conditions by amending the election law . They should actually change the constitution, which requires a referendum. In terms of possibility, yes, it is possible. This does not seem to happen. Lets go, mr. Alavi, to a next question, you also talked about negotiation. I want to know if it can be said that the possibility of negotiating with mr. Putin in the new period has become more difficult for the westerners, and if there is to be a negotiation, mr. Putin may get more points from the westerners , see the negotiations after this election. For example, elections in the next few months, the united states, or in the next few months, there will be an election in ak. If it is accepted, or if mr. Zelinsky wants to cancel the elections and stay in power himself, or if the military plans of the russians for the next year and a half will come to fruition or not , or if it comes to fruition, to what extent it will come to fruition, and basically, a very positive outlook for negotiations. It doesnt exist, that is, at least for the next year and a half, most researchers believe that there will be no negotiations or no effective negotiations, the timing of the negotiations is also important. How will you manage if the negotiations are in the next two years, and if they actually reach their goals, yes , they can get a very good score from the european or western side, but for example, suppose that the elections, that is, the negotiations, will take place in the next 5 years. Dont let the last year of mr. Putins presidency happen at that time , he doesnt have the upper hand , that is, he spoke about the negotiations too soon, especially when i said that there is no prospect of the negotiations. Thank you very much. The media is still reading about the negotiations keep the door open, the negotiations between the west and russia are suspected to confirm what you are saying. Yes, the media is talking about it, but there is no serious determination to do so. Thank you very much. You mentioned that after these elections and of course we cannot say that the cause of this debate is the elections, but the conflict in ukraine is intensifying and negotiations are not available in the near future. Thank you very much, mr. Seyyed faad alavi, an expert on russian materials, for being with the world today. But lets go to the third case of tonights program. But before that one see the related report. Jafar lishan king, a media activist , became a muslim under the influence of the resistance of the people of gaza. Previously, a group of 30 people. Some of the israeli women were influenced by the resistance of the people of gaza, which was caused by their religious teachings. Shocking crimes. 6 months of continuous bombing. Of the children who stayed asleep under the rubble. Up to the babies who were victims of the weapons of hunger. And 31,000 martyrs who became a strong document for the rapacity of the zionists. What is happening in the gaza strip is not a war but a genocide. What happens to the Palestinian People in the gaza strip in no period the date did not happen. But this equation has another side. The resistance of the people, all of whom are tarat. Hasbna allah naam alwakil. This is our destiny and destiny and we should be satisfied with it anyway , we hope that god will be satisfied with us and place us among the patient ones. As much as the savagery of the zionists has surprised the people of the world , the resistance of the palestinians has been more surprising. The events in gaza caused a revolution in me to change my belief. I want to get closer to god and islam. Some women in gaza have lost each and every one of their children and are still prostrating before god they are steadfast in their own faith. How can i not be influenced . How can i not know islam . I saw women kissing the faces of their martyred children, and now i thank god that this made me read the quran. The wave of reading the quran and becoming a muslim. The trend of young people in the west has become so widespread that the Guardian Newspaper published a report about it. They turn to the quran. Bring them to understand the resilience of faith, moral strength and incredible character they see in muslim palestinians. I am talking about this with mr. Hamid reza gharibreza, an expert on the issues of the islamic world we have a picture with us. Mr. Gharib reza , hello, welcome. As a first question, i would like to ask what are the characteristics of the resistance in gaza, which in the eyes of nonmuslims has created this attraction to go to the religion that the people of gaza believe in. Peace be upon you. Peace and mercy of god. In the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, what the free people of the world see today in the face of the resistance of the people of gaza and the people of palestine, seeing the embodiment of perseverance and faith in god, trusting in god and contentment with the truth of gods will and the surrender of resistance resistance in the face of this. The faith of these people was the faith of the people their deep love for god anas above these muslim people and dear to the quran showed the people of the world that even in the height of difficulties, a person can be stable in his true beliefs, and such religious teachings trust in god and bear hardships in the way of god in the heart and soul. These have infiltrated that in these hardships, not only do they not complain to god against god, not only do they seek refuge in god, they do not utter blasphemy, but they say that it is gods will, the work of gods agent is enough for us. From human industrial civilization. The negator has awakened the west and attracted it towards them. In fact, that thing today happened in gaza, we can name the Third Generation of islamic awakening. If the victory of the Islamic Revolution was an inspiration for the people of the world, especially the muslims of the islamic world, it showed them that a muslim nation relying on faith in god can transform a Strong Political system and its political will based on divine orders to the field of sovereignty. Come on, if the victories of the resistance in lebanon, which we can call the Second Generation of islamic awakening, could gather the islamic ummah around the axis of the ashura resistance and following the hussein movement of lebanons hezbollah, in fact the peoples resistance ghaz it had two characteristics together, that is , both the awakening that was created by the Islamic Revolution and the awakening that was created by the armed jihad against the occupation of the zionist regime in lebanon. These two characteristics are together, that is, it was able to express itself, not by expression, but in reality. Lectures and introduction of the theory of islam , but also by their own actions, which is the best kind of propaganda. This trust in god with this difficulty and clinging to the religion of islam , by their own actions, attract the eyes towards the truth of islam , the lightness of islam, the influence of islam , and bring about this transformation and revolution of knowledge in the world. Come on, mr. Gharibreza, we can say that this discussion is about the tendency to grow towards the religion of islam. The world is one of the results of the storm of alaqsa, which was not even predicted, that is, no one imagined that it would reach here. You will definitely see it this way. In order to control the waves of tendencies towards islam, the waves of tendencies towards resistance are managed by the media projects. Political and anticultural itself. Used against islam in the western world and against this revolutionary line of ashuraism and shiism in the islamic world, it created resistance in the islamic world, that is, with the project of islamophobia, it tried to show the ugly face of islam with creating takfiri and terrorist groups and showing islam as violent, showing islam as a terrorist tried to stop the wave of islamism , so you can see that they are trying to insult the holy quran, which has become the source of knowledge and transformation in the world. Burning the quran or before that insulting the honorable person, the honorable character and the person of the Great Prophet muhammad, may god bless him and grant him peace , drawing insulting cartoons and writing books of satanic verses and these numerous projects to actually promote islamophobia. In order to have this model in the islamic world good luck to the Islamic Republic for this successful model. Resistance in lebanons hezbollah, no one should be inclined to incite war and religious differences between shiites and sunnis as much as they could and use all their media power and finances in this field. Allah is making some victories happen for the people of gaza, the eyes are towards islam. It is attracted towards this luminous line, hearts wake up, the sleep of neglect goes away and towards the source of belief, towards the theoretical support and beliefs that make this performance in the field of politics in the field of jihad. People are drawn towards it and become interested in studying it. Really, the free people of the world have this question what has the quran given to these people to be resistant, that in these hardships, the verses of the quran do not fall from their mouths, and for sure the quran is the savior of mankind, who attack the quran so much, and from the opposite side, we see that muslims come alive with the quran and revive the world. Islamophobia was held in pakistan, countries of iran and turkey. In this the round table announced that the introduction of the International Day against islamophobia by the United Nations is recognized as a turning point in the efforts of islamic societies to fight this phenomenon. Islamophobia is a bitter truth. Islamophobia is a bitter truth that goes against islamic nations. But we have to deal with this problem legally instead of emotions. The diplomats present in this meeting declared that the organized and planned use of the phenomenon of islamophobia against the Muslim Population has turned it into a type of racist behavior that we are witnessing in the genocide of the people of gaza. Symbol today, islamophobia is the issue of palestine, and the massacre that happened in gaza is genocide. That is, islamophobia is higher than this, which is not going to happen. It is happening against palestinian muslims and it is the duty of every muslim to stop these crimes. In his video message to the participants of this roundtable, the secretary general of the organization of islamic cooperation emphasized the commitment of the members of the organization of islamic cooperation to address the phenomenon of islamism in western societies. Participants in this round table. He called for the unity of islamic countries to overcome the islamic challenge and stop the killing of the oppressed muslims of palestine Majid Hashemi of islamabad radio and Television News agency. Have a good night. For the development of azadegan joint oil field in the province on the anniversary of the nationalization of the oil industry with the presence of the first Vice President in order to increase the countrys crude Oil Production capacity with exploration and production companies. Domestic and investment of iranian banks, 6 Oil Contracts were signed. These six contracts, which were worth 13 billion dollars, include the joint fields of azadegan and azar, and the oil fields of somar, saman, delavaran and masjid suleiman. In the same month of march, nearly 33 billion dollars worth of contracts were signed. Both financiers and contractors and builders of all where are you . National oil Company Officials believe that this is the biggest contract in the history of the countrys oil industry. In general, the square, for example, azadegan square, is a completely developed fabric. It will be 8 years, but since the whole contract is combined with production and exploitation , we will have a 20year contract with investors and production exploration companies. The first Vice President said in this ceremony investment in oil and gas is one of the most important links in the countrys independence chain. If we could, this year 4002 , our inflation situation and our unemployment situation would be reduced to one point. Minimum acceptable and especially to the goals that it was already predicted that we reached 402. It was a big event and it was caused by investment. After all, the downside of the country is the issue of oil. Now, whether we like it or not, now there will be a good investment in the industry. In the country, he pointed out and emphasized that the government was able to reach its economic goals by reducing the annual inflation by about 5 percent in bahman this year, and an important part of these achievements was due to investment, especially in the oil industry. With the Oil Contracts that were signed in the presence of the first Vice President , our countrys daily Oil Production 600,000 jobs will increase and about 60,000 direct and indirect Job Opportunities will be created in the country. Plysafar tv news agency. Ladies and gentlemen, now its time to go to the city of household goods, put it on the floor, i dont have a check, bye everyone, bye. Congratulations on your new home. 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