Abc 7 special correspondent dr. Patel. Good to see you virtually. Lets focus on the bay area. How are you doing here, what is your take to how the bay area is doing . The bay area is actually doing okay, and we, california as a state, one of states that has a steady flow. Cases are not spiking out of control. They are not dropping as fast as we want them to. But seven out of nine counties in the bay area are showing a decrease. We are at 2. 5 as a case positivity rate. Bay area residents are doing their job. This is good thing when we look at it. And hospitalizations move forward. That is very encouraging, the case race particularly so, which has continued to decline. As we now move well into the fall, inching closer to winter and flu season. Are you concerned the numbers may change . Absolutely concerned. Theres ways to look at this. You know, we can influence the numbers. Its in our hands. That is very empowering. But we have to worry about quarantine fatigue. Unemployment rates, peoples mental health. And people are afraid to go to the Doctors Office and we need to make sure the Preventative Health steps are followed. And people need to get a flu shot. Because if we see a second wave like they are seeing in europe now. In addition to cold and flu season, it could be hospitalizations and a lot of illness. Theres no reason to assume, and direct me if im wrong there is no reason to assume we wont follow a similar pattern in europe. They have seen case patterns go up again. There is no reason to assume it wouldnt goup here . I wouldnt say my banter is wrong. Friendly dialogue. I think swhe look at europe and look at his store cal joult breaks and we should be aware it can happen. If we see a second wave this winter, i dont think anyone will be surprised to be prepared for a second wave. Be ready to wear masks, and a long period of time. That is just part of the reality, and that is why, as we start to reopen businesses, schools, restaurants, people can understand that we can trigger outbreaks if we are not careful. Bracing for both scenarios, good and bad s a good thing to do. And be mindful of the risk. And be vigilant. People get fatigue from all of this, and being on guard constantly. There are hot spots like in wisconsin and other places that are also cautionary tales. What is your take on why its happening like that . I dont want so speculate on all the hot spots. Buff it does make sense if you look at a different attitude towards reopening, masks, physical distanssinces. There are areas that opened a little too quickly. You can see hot spots in coastal cities, starting to move inward. And you can seeing outbreaks in places that didnt have outbreaks in spring. And all of a sudden, the middle of america, starts to slow their cases and reopening happen again. So i think people can look at the communities and see the safety precautions they have in place. There is something to be said about increased testing. Its a lot of factors. Its important to understand, as we grew up, and colleges, the outbreaks can happen and they can spread. Quickly, where are we in terms of available of ppe and testing . Is are we where we need to be now on those two fronts . I think as far as Health Care Professionals go, we are where we need to be with ppe. This could change if we see things in fall and winter. And there still is an issue in getting testing back in time. And you know, im hearing it in hospitals where some hospitals may have a rapid test. Some have a test that takes two or three days for the test to come back. We dont have a consistent test across the board. That is something i wish we had seven months ago. Lets turn quickly to the white house. President trump and the outbreak among the white house staff after the president tested positive for coronavirus. We obviously wish him well and we hope that is the case for everyone involved in the house. He is crediting regeneroneronerr antibody cocktail as a cure. What do you think about this regeneron antibody cocktail . The first thing i have to tell you, i saw a headline that the white house had more cases of coronavirus than all of taiwan. So i think they can be doing a better job about their case control. So regarding regeneron, it doesnt matter what the president said. It is not a cure. There is no fda approved cure for coronavirus. The antibody is a therapy. Its a treatment. It was in early phase Clinical Trials and it was shown to possibly reduce the amount of the virus in the body and the symptoms. That is a therapy. So calling it a cure is not factual. And saying its accessible, that is not true. Because its not even fda approved yet. The president got it through use. You or i cannot run down to the nearest hospital, that is not how it works. Okay. So its clearly not a cure at this point. It may be a successful therapy. We still dont know. Lets turn quickly as we turn to the race to the finish line to get a vaccine. Several Companies Moving forward. Even a couple they havent really finished clinical trial, moving forward rapidly. Are you still encouraged we will have a vaccine in the relatively near future . Im encouraged. And widespread distribution. And they would like to see two months of safety data. That is really important to build trust in the people, and a vaccine will be safe and effective. And quickly going back to the early year point, i want to bring up the president got sef rat medical occasions for his covid19 treatment. So its hard to say what one made the biggest difference. You cant just pin it down on the antibody. The reason why we need studies, we need to know who exactly it helps, what age, all that, so we have specify treatment. Okay. But are you encouraged we are moving forward. Absolutely. The issue, if a vaccine is announced today, its still many, many months before significant portion of the American Public could be vaccinated. Am i right . Correct. I think that is why the distribution time line has to be laid off by operation warp speed, whoever the Distribution Party is. If a vaccine came out tomorrow morning, people need to be able to get it. Theres also plans to roll it out in phases, possibly are Health Care Workers getting it first, high risk getting it second and so forth. And if the vaccine was available, it will take several months for enough of doses to be throughout to build up herd immunity. You have heard that a vaccine is not a silver bullet. Once a vaccine is available, there is a long distribution. Stand by. We are going to take a quick break on air. I want to talk more about president trump, the public event he is planning for the white house and more on the messages across the country from the white house about the continuing risk of coronavirus. Stay with us for that. And the veterans that never quit on their team. When being a fan gets tough, and stretching your budget gets even tougher. Our agents put in the time and legwork for you,. So saving on Auto Insurance is easy. Because saving a little extra goes a long way. Usaa. What youre made of, were made for. Really takes. Thanks. Here we go. And welcome back, youre watching getting answers here. Were on abc 7 and facebook live. We are speaking with special abc correspondent dr. Patel about the coronavirus pandemic and the latest developments. Lets turn, dr. Patel, quickly back to the white house. Is it possible that the president can distribute regi regeneron to the hospitals . Is it realistic or just talk . I think its talk. I dont see how its realistic. Region ron said if they get fda approval, they might be able to distribute 50,000 doses. Eli lilly said made 100,000. Call it 200,000. We have 50,000 new cases every day on average. So to get the doses tout all americans is a tall order. We dont even know which americans would benefit from the antibody. The trump is one data point. We dont know if the antibody is the magical drug that helped him. And we have 30 million to 40 million uninsured americans. Are they going to be act to access the medication, and presumably requires an iv, a hospitalization stay and its really expensive. I dont see a a a a distribute it. And right now i dont see it. Loets talk about president trump. 74 years old. He is overweight to some degree, there are risk factors and he has seemingly done extremely well. Its still unclear how serious his symptoms are but he has bounced back strongly. We continue to wish him and everyone at the white house well, of course, and everyone with the virus. But it could have tipped very easily the other way given the rif risk factors. But as we reported, some people have no effects whatsoever. He could have been fortunate. But he also was on a dexamethazone. And it can create a euphoric effect. And things change rapidly. Is there a possibility that the steroid is masking the serious symptoms . With and its possible its given the president boost in his mood. Smisms the boost goes too far and people can get psychosis and haver ration have irrational thinking from it. And we dont have a clear time line. What stage was he gets the treatment, with remdesivir, and we dont really know right now. Is he ten days after his diagnosis, how many days is he after he had symptoms and what part did it make the most difference . We are trying to figure out the time line, how many people can he infect of his entourage infect . That leads me to the next question. The penalty is talking about having hundreds of people at the white house tomorrow for a public event, and he is giving interviews nonstop, and we dont know whether or not people at the house, or this event, if history is our guide, not necessarily. There could be some exhibiting more risty behavior. Your concern for the people at that event, for the messaging that it sends the rest of the country . And im holding my i pull my hair out right now. But i dont think it sends a message. A lot of people around him did as well, and headlines are saying in florida about president saying dont be afraid of covid19 and sending this message of false security to a lot of the people who look to National Leadership on guidance about the pandemic. We have seen so many reports that the rose garden event can be a superspreader event. We dont know how many people that. I would thit see it happening from people going to the white house event, and a rally in florida, and people who say the president was fine, i will be fine and i say to them, you dont have a 24 7 medical unit in your house and marine one to take you to the hospital. Everyones risk is different. I hope there are different Safety Strategies with gathers that happen from now on to the white house. And largely, the image it sends the rest of the country and the world as you point out so well. Let me bring it back home. And we begin with the restaurants, having indoor ding, 25 capacity at the most. Are we still on the right track when it comes to response . I think were on the right track. I think given the fact that bay area is reopening plan, there is a lot of Public Health officials working on it. Its based on positive tests, and new cases coming up and we tend to have a slightly more respogesibr responsible demographic in the bay area and again, if you see someone out there who is not following guidelines, taking a mask off, that is the reason that things can go backyards. You walk around the bay area, and you see a lot of people Wearing Masks and doing the right thing. As long as people are responsible, we will get a taste for life that seems like it was ten years ago. It seems like another lifetime when we could act normally. I want to echo what you said, a few, five, six, seven weeks ago i noticed a bit of a slacking off. Maybe people just being a little weary, and i saw more people outdoors not Wearing Masks. I have noticed the last few days and weeks as you suggest, most everyone wearing a mask. Even outdoors with no one else around. Walking by themselves, out on my street in any neighborhood, people walking and Wearing Masks. I feel like were at a pretty good sport in terms of how we are cooperating. I feel we are as well and i think it came from an unfortunate source. We went through summer, i dont remember what happened in summer and it went by quickly. We you an outbreaks with holidays, celebrations, and all of the sudden, we had an outbreak at the white house. So Safety Measures dropped, sure enough there is an outbreak and the virus proved if you dont follow instructions, here is another outbreak, and here we are seeing a second wave. There is definitely a cause and effect. Youre right, summer flew by in an instant. It felt like we lost our summer in many respects and that will probably happen for the holidays, halloween, th thanksgiving, christmas, the challenge of flu season with holidays and gathering and shopping and everyone else that goes on . 30 seconds. The first thing is we dont know how the virus will react in colder air. We know that across the country, people tend to Congress Gate indoors. A lot of holidays, and a potential for family gathering. I think people have to be careful able staying home if theyre sick, and quarantining if you have to. And make sure you follow before you go out for thanksgiving dinner, and it can absolutely happen this winter. Thanks very much. Dr. Patel, as always, great insight, great information. Wonderful to be on with you. Holidays are coming up. It will go by fast. Thanks very much. Stay with us. We will take a break. Up next, we will talk about proposition 19 as you get your ballots ready. We are taking a all right, welcome back, youre watching getting answers. Propositions, today we want to focus on prop 19. The property tax transfers, trs exemptions. It would change the rules for tax assessment transfers. The proposition would allow homeowners who are 55. Or older, or whose homes were destroyed by wildfire or daser to transfer their property residence to a replacement residence of any value any where in the state. Joining me supporting the no side is the Vice President of the communication for Howard Jarvis taxpayer association, susan shelly. Thanks for coming on. Its a pleasure. We did get confirmation on the yes side last week, but they did not show up. We will continue to susan. You get to play both sides of the fence. Just kidding, i will do that. What is the big problem with proposition 19 . So many people have lost their homes because of wildfire and now we are in a situation where they could have property taxes arise when they row locate. What is the problem with it . It has little to do with wildfire survivors. This has to do with a giant tax increase that has been added to a measure that voters rejected two years ago. Two years ago n 2018, the voters rejected it by a margin of 6040. It would have expanded the tax value. The current law, you can do it once in the county in which you live or a county that accepts the transfers to a home that is less value. And the voters said no, we like it the way it is. Here it is back again. People would be able to move three times and take their tax base with them. But attached to it is a giant tax increase on transfers of property between parents and children. This was proposition 58 in 1956 and 75 of voters approved it, and this measure, prop 19, repeals that, so property transfer would reassessed to market value and the kids would owe 1 of the new value every year in taxes as a condition of keeping the property in the family. Unless they moved into it, in one year. Quickly, devils advocate. They say it provides tax savings for seniors and people are disability shl disabilities to, and the tax loopholes and its framed very well and it sounds reasonable. Your concern, you have about 30 seconds. Is the tax increase. Is that correct . Massive tax increase. It functions like an estate tax. When somebody passes away and the property is inherited by the kids, the kids would owe on the new Property Value of the property. Under current law, no, under this, it goes up. Okay, susan, thanks very much. We will take a all right, thank you so much for joining us on this interactive show getting answers. We hope we did it for you today. We got a lot of answers from abc 7 special correspondent dr. Patel. He told us the bay area is doing well, and more than 350,000, daily figure around the world. We talked about the outbreak in the white house and the latest with president trump. Dr. Patel warned about quarantine fatigue and stressed to get your flu shot. We heard from the no side of proposition 19. The yes side didnt show up. We tonight, breaking news as we come on the air. Hurricane delta slamming into the u. S. Tonight. Winds up to 100 miles per hour. Heavy win and dangerous floodin to texas, fears of a storm surge up to 11 feet. Thousands of families evacuating. Traffic backed up. A twohour trip taking ten hours. Ginger zbee rob marciano both life from the storm done with the new track tonight. Where and when this hits going into the evening. Also, breaking developments in the alleged terror plot to kidnap the governor of michigan. The images emerging confirming some of those 13 suspects were among the armed demonstrators storming the capital, angry over the governors

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