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California. First, an update on the numbers. More than 31,000 americans have now tested positive for covid19. Thats the third most cases of 1500 confirmed cases. Some of todays key the week. Vice president mike pence said the government hopes to clear a backlog of tests waiting to be processed by wednesday or thursday. The president said that fema funds will pay for the cost of deploying state National Guard troops, including those in the california National Guard. Meanwhile, the u. S. Navy hospital ship mercy is on its way to los angeles. And President Trump is working on approving governor newsoms request of a president ial major disaster declaration, freeing up a wealth of resources and funds. The requests from the state of california was just received, and we will have it approved very quickly. Well be working. I told that to gavin newsom. And we are were working on getting that done very quickly. It will be done maybe tonight. The white house is still encouraging those without symptoms to not seek testing. There are a limited number of tests and personal protective equipment supplies for Health Care Workers running out in many areas. The president also mau of kentu. He is the first senator to test positive for the virus. He said he did not have symptoms and tested out of an abundance of caution. The senator is now in quarantine and reportedly feeling well. He says he decided to get tested after attending an event where two people later tested positive. Rand says he does not believe he had direct contact with either of them. Here at home, the coronavirus continues to spread. Tonight all nine bay area counties have confirmed cases. Napa county announced its first case tonight. The county isnt saying much about the patient other than the person is in quarantine at home. A spokesperson for the county says the development does not change anything for residents of napa as they were already covered by local and state stayathome orders. There are now more than 600 cases in the bay area. Santa clara county continues to be the hardest hit, surpassing 300 cases today. Two more people died as well, coronavirus testing remains a major concern across the country. But starting tomorrow, a new option for people in the bay area. A Testing Center is set to open in hayward to test sick people, First Responders and Health Care Workers. The facility will be at haywards fire station number 7 on huntwood avenue. The center will hopefully take pressure off hospital emergency rooms. It will be open every day from 9 00 a. M. To 6 00 p. M. And will be staffed by Hayward Fire Department paramedics. It is free to the public, and it doesnt matter where you live or your immigration status. Workers plan to test up to 370 people a day. Well have a live report on the new Testing Center coming up on the 5 00 news. A Virtual Meeting of the minds in the south bay today. Santa clara county supervisor cindy chavez just wrapped up a teleconference to discuss how to meet the growing demand from coronavirus patients. Health and Civic Leaders ranged from ways to find more room from hospital beds and distributable resources. Well have a live report coming up at 5 00. Following up now on a story we first brought you last night at 11 00, the message is clear. Stay in your community. Some coastal city, though, say theyve been overrun by people trying to enjoy nature during the stayathome order. Nbc bay areas Christie Smith joins us live in marin county. Christie, what did you see out there today . Well, you know, within the last 20 minutes or so, it started raining, so it certainly doesnt feel like a day to go hiking right now, but much earlier, we did see people heading to hiking trails and to the beach as folks who live in those areas say its somewhat frustrating, though the crowds are a lot lighter today. Now on the way in, some of the roads now have signs up sort of advicing people of the situation. Now this is the parking lot at muir beach earlier today. There were a lot of cars, but people who live here say yesterday was much busier. Now on the sand, people did keep that minimum sixfoot social distance space, but we ran into some from other parts of the bay area who say they came here specifically to get some exercise or fresh air after being inside this week for the shelter at home order. Marin county Sheriffs Department tweeted a photo of a line of cars heading to the coast and they advised folks to stay closer to their communities. A man who runs two businesses near citizen beach says there were fewer visitors today, but it already feels like a busy season. Theres just too many people. They were too close. I understand that people are social animals, and by nature are just going get too close to each other. We need to realize our limitations and stay inside the house. Now we saw several of these signs posted near Stinson Beach basically saying if you dont live here, head on home. Youre putting us in danger. These are folks worried about the spread of the coronavirus. Another county tweeted that they advise against traveling from home to enjoy the scenery. You want to exercise oreck crea or recreate closer to home and Sonoma County closed some of their gates today after what they called unprecedented visitation. Christie smith, nbc bay area news. Thank you very much, christie. This is an issue not just along the coast. East bay parks seeing huge crowds. Joining us dave mason. Dave, thanks for taking the time to talk with us. Christie was just saying on the coast, things were a much less crowded today than yesterday. What you folks seeing in the parks today . Yeah, in the parks weve definitely seen high usage. So it is a challenge, as much as a holiday weekend. And folks are definitely out, trying to get their fresh air. So it really brings up the point that we need the publics help really to follow that social distancing, also have no groups or gatherings. And for us, with limited staffing, really packing in and packing out their trash. So what can you do with the Park District . Obviously if people are not social distancing when they get into the parks, and weve heard anecdotally that the hiking trails are very crowded, is there discussion about closing trails or closing parks as a response . Right now there is no real plan to close parks. Were really monitoring the park use very closely. Knowing it puts demands on our staff that are there and also parking. Weve had to close a number of parking lots and entrances because they filled up to capacity and reopened them. It does create some challenge theres when basically Public Health is paramount. So we are watching things closely and hope that ourselves or no has to come down from the state or local agencies about closing parks. Great. Dave mason with the east bay parks district, thank you very much for joining us this evening. The warnings are over in san jose. This week officers are expected to start citing Business Owners who are supposed to be closing up shop. Before now, teams of officers have been hitting the streets, warning shops that they need to close. So far more than 50 stores receive a warning. That includes a pool hall, 14 hair salon, a car wash and three gyms. Italy reported another sharp increase in coronavirus deaths today. Another 650 deaths were recorded there as the pandemic spreads across europe and the rest of the world. Also today, one of the worlds most famous Opera Singers tested positive for the virus. Nbcs matt bradley reports from rome. Reporter yeah, as you can see, im here on the absolutely deserted streets of rome, right in the heart of the italian capitals tourist district. Its been this way for more than a week. And thats because there has been actually new rules imposed on this lockdown. Last night the italian Prime Minister Guiseppe Conti came out and said all nonessential businesses and industries nationwide would now be shuttered, at least for the time being there would be further restrictions in the northern Italian Region of lombardy where twothirds of the coronavirus cases have been reported. Also in spain, which is really rising very fast, their numbers are accelerating. They saw nearly 400 deaths in one day. So this is really spilling over into other parts of europe, as europe as already become the epicenter of this massive crisis. Now one last thing. Placido domingo, the famous opera singer reported he tested positive for this disease. But like so many people, he said that he hasnt been experiencing very harsh symptoms at all. So many people are Walking Around without that many symptoms. And thats one on the reasons why this disease is so pernicious and spreading so quickly. Matt bradley, nbc news, rome. There are a lot of myths circulating about covid19. Tonight in our Coronavirus Crisis center, we want to help dispel one of them. Does a pneumonia vaccine help guard against some of the effects of covid19 . Many are recognizing that some patients are developing pneumonia. And now advertising that pneumonia vaccines are free through most providers. A pneumonia vaccine will not help if you get covid19, however. The virus comes with its own form of viral pneumonia. Still, many doctors recommend people get the vaccine to guard against respiratory illnesses. Those over 65 are especially encouraged to get the shot. Stay up to date with the very latest on the coronavirus with our daily newsletter. Youll get top headlines right in your inbox. Go to klgandhoda. Cweb nbcbayare. We are in a microclimate weather alert. Looking live now at the san mateo bridge where were seeing some thunder and hail storms in different pars of the bay area. Rob mayeda joins us now from the dublin weather center, his house, with all the information. He is tracking it. Rob . Im sorry, the danville. Yeah, youre right there, garvin. And, you know, its something to watch this afternoon. The weather giving you a little more entertainment as we look outside the windows here. Not too busy here in danville, but a different story around the bay area. San francisco you have showers up towards marin county. But a very different view right now in the Santa Clara Valley we see a lot of rain coming down. As we take a look at the radar view, see how the showers blossomed like clockwork right at two income the afternoon. Were seeing heavier showers still moving out of the southeast into san jose and santa clara within the next 30 minutes. A few more on the peninsula. Not as much right now in san francisco. But look at these showers. Santa rosa, approaching rohnert park, and more around sunol. So isolated but intense thunderstorms will be a part of the trend over the next couple of hours. And thats in our futurecast. Things start to calm down towards 11 00 tonight. Coming up, well tally up how much rain we expect out of the pattern and how much is more in the sevenday forecast, coming up in a few minutes. Rob, thank you very much. Up next, an east bay city is coming together online to support people affected by the coronavirus outbreak. The big name author who is also supporting the relief fund. Plus will the virus force the olympics to be called off . What the International Olympic committee is saying today. We made usaa insurance for members like martin. An air force veteran made of doing whats right, not whats easy. So when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. Thats how you do it right. Usaa insurance is made just the way martins family needs it with hasslefree claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. Because doing right by our members, thats whats right. Usaa. What youre made of, were made for. Usaa a lot of artists, especially musicians, have been turning to virtual concerts and fundraisers to make ends meet. Today the city of berkeley kicked off one big relief fund for its businesses, artists and struggling tenants. The host is Michael Lewis who has written the big short and money ba money ball. A number of leaders made an appearance including uc berkeley chancellor carol chris, who says the move to online only classes is going relatively smoothly. This was like throwing some of our faculty and i imagine some of our students into the deep end of the swimming pool. But weve now been operating remotely for two weeks and discovering things every day. Its really been great. Berkeleys mayor has set aside 3 million in public funding to support the initiative. Todays online fundraiser is seeking to match that amount. So will the olympics go on . The International Olympic committee is considering postponing the games in tokyo. The ioc says it will make an announcement in four weeks. This is the first time the ioc has set a deadline to make a decision about a possible delay. It comes after global athletes and u. S. Track and field called for the games to be postponed because of the pandemic. The games are set to begin july 24th and air right here on nbc bay area. Coming up, lots of things are changing because of coronavirus, including siri. The updates apple has made to help users identify virus symptoms. My money should work as hard as i do. So i use my freedom unlimited card to buy all the latest tech stuff. Today, im earning on a charger. So, just the charger then . Ummm. Yeah sarcastically fantastic. Earn 1. 5 cash back on everything you buy with freedom unlimited. Chase. Make more of whats yours. How you watch it does too. Tv just keeps getting better. This is xfinity x1. Featuring the Emmy Awardwinning voice remote. Streaming Services Without changing passwords and input. Live sports with realtime stats and scores. Access to the most 4k content. And your movies and shows to go. The best tv experience is the best tv value. Xfinity x1. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Xfinity. The future of awesome. Siri, do i have the coronavirus . Its a question you can now ask her on your iphone or watch. Apple updated siri to provide users with a step by step questionnaire to answer their covid19related questions. Siri will ask the user if theyre exhibiting symptoms and then advise people to call 911 if they have extreme or lifethreatening symptoms. If its a mild case, siri will instruct people to stay home, avoid contact with others. We saw some changes in our weather today, including the return of rain across many parts of the bay area. Came down pretty heavy, rob, here in the south bay just a couple hours ago. Yeah, and when weve been talking about the term isolated thunderstorms, were getting a really good example of what thats like right now. Show you some of the city camera views around the bay area. Very photo general temperatures in the low 60s. Its pretty warm where you dont have a few showers. In san jose, thats the view across the Santa Clara Valley. And clearly youve got some downpours and hail under way. So we zoom in first, taking you into the south bay. You see the progression of the thunderstorms. This next line now moving away from the almaden valley, south san jose moving to campbell. Sunnyvale within the next 10 to 15 minutes. A few more showers across the lower peninsula, palo alto along the coast near half moon bay. A few more around sunol. Very interesting, though. Once you head north to pleasanton up to concord or even here in danville, not seeing a whole lot. Though a different story right now where the strongest thunderstorm weve seen over the last 30 minutes has been this storm solely moving away from santa rosa, approaching rohnert park. It has the history of producing frequent hail, lightning and ponding on the roads. Very slow movement to the south and west. So the core of whats going on here is an area of low pressure, which is just off the coast, spinning towards southern california. So thats the reason why. Its really the south bay one of the spots thats closest to the storm that is likely to get the most rainfall from here on out. We could see another quarter inch of rain near sunnyvale, palo alto, areas south of san jose. But other than santa rosa, probably not seeing all that much except for that one thunderstorm locally outperforming the models there. Seeing pretty significant rain around santa rosa this evening. As we go through the rest of the evening will be the focus of the showers. Once the sunsets will lose some of the power. Well see the rain start to decrease in intensity overnight. Transitioning to a cooler northwest wind tomorrow and very likely a few more showers in the forecast. So for the morning, thunderstorms are out of the forecast. Were back in the 40s. But it will be blustery and noticeably cooler. We had highs today close to 70 in a few spots. Tomorrow low 60s would be considered w bay area will be seeing upper 50s for highs. So moving forward, we had another storm coming in for tuesday. Generally some light rain. This will mean snow for the sierras. Thats good news as we go through the second half of the week. There is now change in the weekend forecast. It is trending dryer. Once we get towards next saturday and sunday, temperatures are actually going to start to go back up. As you notice, you got the showers through the middle part of the week. Saturday a few clouds, warming temperatures. And whats left of the thunderstorms were seeing right now. We suspect should begin to shut down once we pass sunset tonight. So we can still see the mixed bag of hail, thunder, sunshine, rain, breezy conditions, downpour, everything on the weather map for you over the next two to three hours. Things do trend calmer and warmer for the second half of the week. Back to you, garvin. Thanks for the update. Up next, a sweet moment during so much uncertainty. The way an opera singer can comfort her quarantined patient. An israeli opera singer tried bringing a few moments of comfort to her quarantined father by singing to him outside his apartment. She sang an improvised performance of habanero from bizets carmen. The performance delighted her father and brought some of the neighbors to tear. I was driving by with my son on the bicycle, and then i said to him lets say hello to grandma and grandpa who were in quarantine. And then i said why wont we just sing a serenade to them like grandpa sang to grandma when they were young. Israel now has more than one thousand confirmed cases of coronavirus. Up next at 5 00, coronavirus testing continues to be a big concern. The new option here in the bay area and how it hopes to relieve pressure from hospitals. And coastal communities overwhelmed by people trying to get out and about instead of sheltering at home. Their message to visitors tonight. When we face adversity, we find a way through it. Its about taking care of each other. Its the small parts that make a big difference. At chevy, we promise to do ours. Were offering chevy owners complimentary onstar crisis assist services and wifi data. If you need a new chevy, interestfree financing for 84 months with deferred payments for 120 days on many of our most popular models. You may even shop online and take delivery at home. Its just our way of doing our part. A former army medic, made of the we maflexibility to handle members like kate. Whatever monday has in store and tackle four things at once. So when her car got hit, she didnt worry. She simply filed a claim on her usaa app and said. I got this. Usaa insurance is made the way kate needs it easy. She can even pick her payment plan so its easy on her budget and her life. Usaa. What youre made of, were made for. Usaa right now at 5 00, shut down. All marin county parks closed because of coronavirus. The news at 5 00 starts right now. Thank you so much for joining us. Im Garvin Thomas in this evening for terry mcsweeney. First the crowds, now the closures. As weve been reporting all weekend, people in coastal communities are frustrated a the number of people heading to their communities to enjoy nature. Well, moments ago, marin county is taking action and closing parks. Lets check in with nbc bay areas Christie Smith with this breaking news. Reporter well, thats right. Were just getting this information. But what i can tell you is that the county is saying now that all marin parks will be closed. And theyre saying this is from the Golden Gate National rec area all the way to the smallest town parks. And of course it comes after people showed up to coastal towns and people were told about others not maintaining that social distance among others. And they really are asking that people really honor this shelter at home order as much as possible. I also spoke with the neighbors, and they say they couldnt believe what they were seeing. A group stood with signs urging those who dont live here to head back home. There are people from all over the bay area coming here. And its putting everyone at risk. Reporkarmen kendall lives in the marin coastal town. She wore equipment to protect herself. She is concerned about the spread of the coronavirus and said they saw too many visitors wanting to hit the beaches yesterday under the shelter at home order. No one is safe from this thing. We all have to assume that we are asymptomatic carriers. And it is completely unfair for people to come here to get away from their quarantine. Reporter in nearby Stinson Beach, someone posted these flyers, if you dont live here, go home. Youre putting us in danger. Sam runs two businesses in town, and he says its quieter today. People have a right to navigate. So i dont feel like have i the right to say that. But i would just say think of your neighbor, you know. The less we interact with each other, the better the likelihood that one of our grandparents survives this. The Sheriffs Department tweeted these photos yesterday. Point reyes said they had unprecedented visitation and closed some gates today. The Public County Health department in a statement said theyre urging people not to travel to beaches, to recreate and get fresh air closer to home. At muir beach had quite a few cars but on the beach people seemed to keep distance. Trying to take advantage of the weather and still keeping distance and enjoying the ocean. Reporter now again, were still gathering information about this, but theyre basically saying that it would be best if people enjoy the Natural Beauty in their own yards or their own neighborhoods if they have to get out. At this point, were told this affects more than 18,000 acres managed by marin county parks. Reporting live in marin county, Christie Smith, nbc bay area news. Thank you very much, christie. Now coronavirus cases continue to spread tonight. All nine bay area counties have confirmed cases. Napa county announced its first case today. There are now more than 600 cases in the bay area. Santa clara continues to be the hardest hit, surpassing 300 cases. Two more people died in that county as well

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