it crereates a a protective barrierer, and nonow they getet to feel l , 'oh, this i is a producuct thatat actually y works. ♪ ♪ i h have type 2 2 diabete, but i mamanage it wewell. ♪ ♪♪ jardiancece ♪ ♪ i h have type 2 2 diabete, but i mamanage it wewell. ♪ ♪ it's s a little p pill withth a big stotory to tell♪ ♪ i h have type 2 2 diabete, but i mamanage it wewell. ♪ ♪ i i take oncece-daily jajardiance, ♪ ♪♪ at each d day's staaaaar♪ ♪♪ as timeme went on i it was eaeasy to seeeee. ♪ ♪♪ i'm lowerering my a1c♪ jajardiance woworks 24/7 in y your body toto flush outut some sugag! and fofor adults w with tytype 2 diabebetes and knknown heart t disease, and fofor adults w with tytype 2 diabebetes jajardiance cacan lower ththek of carardiovasculalar death, t. jajardiance mamay cause sesers side e effects jajardiance cacan lower ththek of carardiovasculalar death, t. inincluding keketoacidosiss ththat may be e fatal, jajardiance cacan lower ththek of carardiovasculalar death, t. dehydrdration, thahat can lead t to sudden jajardiance cacan lower ththek of carardiovasculalar death, t. worsenening of kidney fununction, jajardiance cacan lower ththek of carardiovasculalar death, t. and geninital yeast t or ury trtract infectctions. jajardiance cacan lower ththek of carardiovasculalar death, t. a rare, , life-threaeatening bactererial infectction in t the skin ofof the perinim could ococcur. stop takining jardiancnce andl yoyour doctor r right awayy if you h have symptotoms of this ininfection, stop takining jardiancnce andl yoyour doctor r right awayy ketoacididosis, or an allelergic reactction, and don't t take it if y you're on d dialysis. ketoacididosis, or an allelergic reactction, taking jarardiance with a a sulfonylulurea