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Including open mayor libby shaft and san jose mayor sam he cardo. Bay area jurisdictions are now demanding to see data from everyone who has been tested so far at any lab, medical facility l popup site. The order comes from alameda, contra costa, marin, san francisco, san mateo and santa clara counties along with the city of berkeley which has its own Public Health department. And now our original series project home. It started with san francisco, and then the governor ordered all of crew cto shelter in place. But what happens when youre at risk of losing your home . We show you who is being hit the hardest by the pandemic, in so difficult to slow down. Reporter exactly one week ago the region received an order to coexist with the families in the comfort of our own home, which for many has been rather uncomfortable, especially if youre now worried about how to pay for where youre supposed to stay put. And im pretty nerve racked right now. Reporter Richard Reynolds lost his roofing job. He was work on the new facebook bidding in santa clara county, but the work has been deemed nonespecially and he was sent home. Because of the pandemic, the covid19, were not able to return to work until april th. That is too many of a days of a gap to receive any kind of a money or leniency to pay rent. We would really like to see a full rent and mortgage. And we have some breaking news now. Governor gavin newsom is giving an update on the states fight of the coronavirus. Lets listen. Young, men, women, how extraordinarily blessed we are. The u. S. Navy and those that are working to get the u. S. S. Mercy here in to california have done a remarkable job to turn it around in a very short period of time. 1,100 crew on that ship. And were now in the process of determining exactly which type of decompression strategies that will work, and what i mean by that is to decompress the rest of the system by providing support on board that ship so that we can alternately advance our protocols and procedures to get people in more appropriate care and more appropriate settings, and so that is the purpose of the conversation we just had and the conversations that are occurring quite literally in real time behind me, but were very, very enthusiastic that that ship will be coming to port as early as this friday. Accordingly, we advanced a number of actions today, particularly on the issues of prisons in the state. I did an executive order today as it relates to the intake processing, both at our california state Corrections System and d. J. J. , our juvenile division. In order to address the legitimate anxieties and concerns related to prisoners and to make sure that we have our procedures and protocols in place to protect staff as well as inmates from covid19. As you know we have one official tested positive inmate and we have five Staff Members currently. We are going to restrict intake process in the system, and we are putting together new protocols and procedures throughout that system, 35 prisons, to make sure that were isolating people, were not mixing our prison populations as we tend to do transfers and the like on a typical basis so the exec teff order reinforced the guidelines and the procedures and protocols that were not advancing for both d. J. J. And the prisons. In addition to that, i review personally the recommendations of our parole board for people that are eligible for parole. In each and every circumstance when people are made eligible, they go through a very formal process of interviews and reviews that is done in person. Because of the nature of this say russ, the nature of this moment, were going to be changing the procedures an protocols. And in the executive order we lay out strategy to begin the process to start doing video conferences. This will be a temporary advancement, but under the circumstances in terms of our isolation strategies and in order to continue the prosissing of people processing of people that are eligible for parole to make sure that process happens at the scale it has been happening in the past. We think it is appropriate to move forward with those teleconferences and that executive order lays out strategies to do just that. And so those orders will be in effect. They are in effect immediately, and the protocols and procedures are in effect in real time and well talk more about that in the coming days as we look not just to the state prison population, but the county jail population as well. And in addition to that, we have a remarkable day of conversations with our army corps of engineers. They are now stationed just right outside our Emergency Operation centers. We have three divisions throughout the state of california. They have been working with our state line, national guard, others within our respective organizations to cite, to through a survey process the appropriate locations for potential support of our army corps. In addition to sites that we have identified through our federal medical program that we announced yesterday and the fact that we have two sites coming up, one in riverside and santa clara, were looking at additional sites in ways that the army corps can come pallet the work to get those sites fully operational, and so that is convention facilities, that is the facilities large and small up and down the state fairgrounds and the like, but we went think more detailed protocols and sharing expectations so that we can lay out exactly our expectations moving forward. The army corps of engineers moved quickly and were very enthusiastic that that partnership has really taken shape over the course of the laos week and been advanced over the course of the last few hours in more meaningful ways. In addition to that, we had wonderful news, Sir Richard Branson of virgin now partnering as tim cook did and elon musk did at tesla and space x, just another individual that stepped up, virgin is stepping up, bringing a 747 in to the bay area and to oakland, and we worked on the logistics related to that for personal protective gear. Well have more details on that in the next day or two. It is just another pint of emphasis and another example, on indication of people that are stepping up in heroic ways, bringing that from asia into the bay area to help support our efforts and to help support one of our Largest Health care systems, keizer, in that process. We had the tragic loss of a young life in california, which underscores the enormity of the challenge in front of us. This Health Crises and how it be impact anyone and everybody, and i know it is sobering when you read the headlines and some of the headlines said a child, but to be more precise, a teenager lost their lives, and we are dog the investigation, trying to understand more about exactly auto curred, but covid related, a tragic loss of life. As of 10 00 a. M. This morning, we have lost 40 lives in the state of california related to covid19. We have lost over 2 rather we have 2,100 positives in the state of california, 2,102, which is 17. 5 higher than the previous day. Again, that is a 10 00 a. M. Number. The numbers change in real time. The 17. 5 increase, and now a loss of a Young Persons life. I want to just make a point to emphasize this and send my heart felt sympathies to the family, the community, that have lost their roofed one, but also their loved one, but also make this point, young people can and will be impacted by this virus. In fact, young people disproportionately are the ones testing positive in the state of california. 50 of the 2,102 individuals that have tested positive, 50 are between the age of 18 and 49. Ill repeat that. Half of those that have tested positive to date in the state of california are 18 to 49 years old. This disease impacts everybody. The question is the acuity and the hospitalization rate that, yes, does skew on the side of older populations, but with this tragic now death, it is a reminder too everybody to take this seriously. It is a Health Crises and it needs to be met first and foremost head on as such. And that is why it is incumbent upon all californians to continue to take our stayatat heap order seriously. To continue to do the kind of social distancing that common sense dictates an heed the warn that is we advanced yesterday, to stay out of settings like beaches a parks where youre coming into close contact with others. Practice social distancing and we had too step up our enforcement yesterday as it relates to shutting down those parking facilities, the consequence of reopen forcing and reminding people of the seriousness of the moment. But what more evidence do you need of the loss of a Young Persons life so i just cannot impress upon the young people out there more the seriouss of this moment, and how critical they are to ultimately getting us on the other side by practicing that social distancing that we all are accustom to hearing but not in every case advancing coyedly. For those who are curious, 26 of individuals 50 to 64 are represented in the 2,102 individuals that have been tested positive, 23 of all of the other cases are represented in individuals north of 65 years old. The hospitalization rates tend to skew higher than those cohorts, go number of positives, again recollection mains half 18 to 49. So Broad Strokes, that has been most of the day as it relates to operationalizing a lot of the work that we have been talking about the last number of days. I had a number of conversations with governors coabout proo toe and procedures to better work collaboratively on procurement strategies. We actually are lining up and linking together our procurement teams with other states to make sure that were not competing with one another. Were making sure were price conscious and dealing with the issue of price gouging, comparing best practices with state attorney generals, not just the work that the federal government is doing, william barr and others, that were pleased to hear announced yesterday. So those are good conversations and those conversations we hope will be made real in terms of organizing in a more strategic and delicioustive way and procurement of the hundreds of millions of individual items that we need to procure in shields and gloves and gowns and cover alls and face maskers and swabs and the like. We have testing numbers. The testing has significantly increased across this country, but also in the state of california. Tomorrow we will be laying out the new numbers that we have received that will significant jump . The numbers we made public as we brought together all of these one off Collection Sites and all of the hospitals, Research Universities that are participating as well as the private labs and well have a new process to collect those numbers in real time to make bring to light i think more comforting numbers on this scale. The testing is still not close to where we need to be. We still need more swabs. We still need more reagents. These are the extraction kits, but were seeing new technologies coming to bare with testing work with fda, the Trump Administration to get on the market. One were meeting with folks today that have a 45minute test because the issue now is not just swabs and extracks and reagents, it is about turning around the tests, which are in some cases taking days and days and days. Some cases, as many as seven, eight, nine days. And so were going to have to address the timeliness of the diagnosic and the test results as well. Again, you constantly have to it rate in this space as we moved from jaw public labs to the commercial quest and lab corps, now labcorp, and to now making sure we turn around these tests in a much quicker time. More on that tomorrow. We also, in closing, have done a lot on the ventilator side of things. I mentioned yesterday the heroic work of elon musk who came through on this promise to deliver over 1,000 ventilators, and that was announced yesterday. We have brought in ourselves, we just got another 1,010 ventlators from the private sector. Were working with energy and others to convert that cash of 514 ventslators we had to refurbish them and get them fully operational. We have received from the federal government no direct ventilators from the national stockpile. Los angeles county did receive 170. They have a unique relationship to the national stockpile, but that is all we received within the state of california proper. But were not discouraged by that. We are encould recollecting the federal encouraging the federal government and we have direct oh ords and asks in to do more on the ventilators, but we are doing everything we can to operate our efforts around the world to get more ventilators in the state. About 3,000 we have been able to bring online, Community College system i was talking to the head of the Community College system, which also have been heroic in this. They provided, just as one example, 60 ventilators and theyre also keeping, by the way, all of us safe because Community College system is the backbone of our training in the state of california. By some estimates, 70 of our first responders, however one would define them rtrained through Community College system, and theyre doing heroic work in this state is why i only offer that is because of the conversations we had today. They deserve to be highlighted. Protocols continue to make sure that we have safe low guess sticks and supply chain. Were working with our ago community. Were working with those who are warehousing our food, making sure the supermarket shelves are stocked. People are calling in not just concerned about toilet paper and bread and the like. I have had some very comforting conversations from grocers, their representatives and the community that they feel like theyre up to the task to meet this moment. There are some protocols shifting away from in some cases, choice to quantity as purchasing habits are changing and some of the procedures and protocols around the Distribution Channels are also changing. The supply chains are changing in real time. But as you know, we are supplementing our work force in that respect and making sure the people know that there are over 10,000 Jobs Available for our grarea theyre hiring. I know people want to hear that because our Unemployment Insurance system is being overwhelmed and i want folks to know we have made some real shifts on staffing today. We will be doing a lot more in the coming days to meet the demands. It has now averaged over the last seven days because of a huge increase even yesterday of 1 14,000. It is the sevenday rolling average of the number of Unemployment Insurance claims that have been request inned the state before this crises, about 2,500. So we had a very robust conversation today with our team to make sure that we are repurposing our work force and making sure were moving things around to make sure we adequately are addressing the u. I. Requests that are coming in. So that is Broad Strokes and an a lot more about economic issues, mortgagerelated issues, foreclosurerelated slews and well update on the testing and, of course, im here for our facebook friends to answer any questions you have this evening as well. Governor, a lot of people asking will california also open in april . The question is whether california will open in april. Let me be sober about that. Im not pollry anneish about any of polyannish about toledos things. I talked about the fact that our testing protocols have significantly increased, but i also mentioned that not all of those tests are back. Thousands and thousands of people have been tested and are waiting for their results, and we clearly, based on the curve, have a lot more work to do. If californians continue to do more and do better as they have, and im really proud. Look, this state started on this journey working originally with the federal government on the rebatation flights from overseas, and we started a socialized covid i. D. In the state of california before any other state because of that strategy. It was highlighted during the grand princess efforts, and im very proud of those efforts. We didnt have a diamond princess issue, the grand princess we were able to work as well to highlight this issue in the region. We went forward with those stay athome orders for our seniors, very earlier on in this process, and, of course, california moved formally with the cities and regions leading first and then as a state at scale with the stayathome orders. So were trying to bend that curve, so we havent bent it. The question is april, early april, i think that would be misleading to represent, at least for california, that that will be the case. I have said this very honestly and objectively based upon all of the expertise and experts that are here assembled and those we contact and work with that the next six to eight weeks will be pivotal and will be determinative in terms of being able to make adjustments and be able to sort of reset expectations. I have said eight to 12 weeks because soberly we look out over the course of eight to 12 weeks, and i think we continue to do what we have done if we do that, hopefully then we will be in a very different place than we are today, but i think april for california would be sooner than any of the experts that i have talked to would believe is possible. Governor, what is your message to people buying my message to people buying toilet paper is get what you need, not more than you need. Ive got a family of four and we have scurried around a few Different Grocery Stores and they were out and we finally found toilet paper. Well just say this. No reason to hoard the toilet paper. All of the folks i taked to, i had deep conversations, not just passing conversations, causal conversations with the grocers, with all of our supply chain, and i am confident in our capacity to deliver toilet paper, but if youre going to do massive hooding, it jaw makes it more challenging in certain locations in this state. So just be thoughtful not just about your own needs, but also be thoughtful about the needs of others. What is the rate of infection . Were getting the direct stats. In fact, the hospitalization number, those stats were going to have more formal stats on that tomorrow. And where do i go to find out [ inaudible. [ we have a very detailed site that lays out what is essential and nonessential. We have put together a very comprehensive list working with Health Directors throughout the state of california, working with counties, working with city leaders throughout the state. In fact, i was talking to one other governor today that had a recent stayathome order comparing, contrasting notes, what worked, what didnt, what was most controversial, what wasnt. So it is a she, and that is available, a list, and a comprehensive list that is available and i encourage people to go to covid19ca dot go web site go to your county Health Department that has also those Resources Available that will localize them in a way that also i think can guide a more direct answer to that question so that is anytime a nutshell. Well be back tomorrow to more formally update everybody on where we are. Everybody stay safe. Most importantly, stay healthy and lets continue to meet this moment as californias leading in terms of these efforts. Let us continue to lead and us continue to lean forward to recognize our responsibility. Let us not have to once again announce that a teenager lost their lives because we didnt take this moment seriously. Let us take this moment seriously and soberly. Lets live our lives, and lets do it by being thoughtful about how we meet this moment. Take care, everybody. And governor gavin newsom there giving a recap talking about some very shocking numbers. The 2,102 positive tests have shown up so far in california, but a lot more needs to be done. 50 of those positive tests are people who are 18 and 49 years old. Liz, as you heard him point out, one was a teenager in lancaster. To highlight the fact that covid19 can affect people of all ages and, yes, 50 of the 8 and 49, and, betweeag peep are hospitalized, that demographic skew as little older. One of the questions from one of the reporters will california open in april, as President Trump was alluding to, that being a very likely possibility. He said that for six to eight week also be pivotal, but eight to 12 weeks. Easter is just a few minutes before 6 00 p. M. , we do have a few showers in the bay area, including the rain looking towards the godden gate that rain is not heavy enough to cause any significant problems on the roads. Mostly because traffic is so light. Still, if you have to make your way out and about, give yourself some extra time, and extra stopping distance once youre on the roads. Ill show you another view just in one second. Ly show you where the rain is falling most heavily now and it is scattered. You go farther into the north bay and things are largely drying out. But there are still some heavy downpours embedded in this. The bay bridge into oakland. More heavy downpours making their way farther and farther inland, including some heavier rain father down 680. This activity isnt going to last all evening. It is moving to the east and the northeast. Were talking about some locally heavy downpours, but were not seeing any cloudto ground lightning and were not hearing any rumbles of thunder either. So just plain old rain, which ght as that may be. This activity is going to continue working its way farther and farther inland. Well show you how things progress the rest of the evening and it really anticipates things quieting down once the sun goes down this evening that is going to allow us to have that rain soak in. As we head farther into re rpossibly developing. Before the sun comes up tomorrow morning, well see another round of showers, maybe a couple of rumbles of thunder tomorrow afternoon. The shower also be fewer and farther between, but just enough juice in the atmosphere that it cant rule out the possibility. Youll hear some thunder outside your window, dont be startled if that happens. That will head into tomorrow evening as it fades off the radar. To the east, a lint of a rainbow there. It was speck took lar about 15 to 250 minutes ago. I put that picture up on social media. It was vivid rainbow. The sun shining through that rain and it is making its way farther and farther east. Temperatures only in the low to mid 50s. Tomorrow will be another cool day with highs in the 50s across the board. It doesnt matter if youre inland, a steady warmup does kick in. More shower chances down the line, especially for the first half of the weekend and then we dry out and warm up early next week that saul for weather for now. Kpix news at 6 00 with Elizabeth Cook starts right now. Now at 6 00, Top Health Officials say the worst is yet to come. Our bay area hospitals, are they ready for the surge of coronavirus patients . And there has been the addition of a lot of anxiety that comes with this and a lot of uncertainty. On the frontlines of the coronavirus outbreak, what Bay Area Health care workers are dealing with now. Grocery delivery, take out food delivery, amazon, insta cart, door dash, you name it, the gig economy was not built for this pandemic. It is not of can you do it, it is you better get it done. Our top story on kpix 5 and streaming on cbsn bay area, getting ready for the surge of coronavirus patients at local hospitals. Good evening. Im Elizabeth Cook. And here are the latest cases around the bay area. There are now more than 1,000 cases in the region with 20 reported deaths. Santa clara Sheriffs Department announcing four of its deputies have tested positive for the virus, and Authorities Say three are jail deputies, one is a patrol deputy, three of those deputies are at home in self isolation, the other receiving treatment at a hospital and is in stable condition. South florida we are taking precautionary measures to try to reduce the exposure, so specifically focusing our jail, all folks who are being brought to our jail from the streets are being screened. It is unclear how the deputies got infected with the virus. Meanwhile in the north bay,

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