Re information for your vacation planning is available at aruba. Com. And nowbbc world news. Jane this is bbc world news america. Reporting from washington, im jane obrien. On the eve of the winter rtolympics, nokorea shows off its military might, while the own president plays his part in the propaganda war. Vice president pence we will meet any usenvf nuclear or tional weapons with a overwhelming, and effective. Jane the Dow Jones Industrial dives another thousand points, the latest swi in a week of highs and bruisg lows. And they are the latest superheroes to hit the big screen, but online, the mainly black cast of black panther is creating t biggest buzz. Welcome to our viewers on Public Television in america and around the globe. North korea has staged a huge military parade on the eve of the Winter Olympics in south korea. The event took place in the capital, pyongyang, to mark the 70th anniversary of the countrys armed forces. Le showcased ballistic mis which the regime claims could hit the united states. Meanwhile, u. S. Vice president mike pence has arrived in south korea for the games and is threatened new sanctions against the north. Laura bicker reports. Laura all hail to the general, they shout in numbers , tens of thousands of loyay soldiers disheir adulation, and they are reported with rare words from their leader. Kim jongun at a time like omthiswhen the u. S. And its followers are making such a fuss around the korean peninsula, our atlitary should be on high alert and step up prepns for a fight. Laura speaking from behind a pillar is kim jongunsnt infll sister. Th she will bfirst ever member of the kim dynasty to travel south and represent the regime at the Winter Olympics. On display were missiles that kim jongun claims can the u. S. It is bound to heighten tenons on the eve of the winter games that south korea hoped would be known as the peace olympics. Just a few hundred miles away in seoul, the u. S. Vice president is meeting the south Korean Leader with a messagis own. The u. S. Wants president moon to keep up pressure on the north, creaseve announced an in sanctions. Roopser, as he addressed in japan, he warned pyongyang that u. S. Warships and squadrons stand ready. Vi president pence let the world to know that we will defeat any attack and meet any use of conventional or nuclears weapth a response that is pid, overwhelming, and effective. Laura this small village 50 lailes from the north kor border will see thst chapter in a tense 70yearold drama. As the athletes parade into the onstadium, all eyes will bhe politicians in the grandstand. The sporting events have yet to start, but the propaganda games are well underway. North koas Charm Offensive has arrived in t form of what is known as an army of beauties, chosen for their looks, intelligence, and loyalty to the regime. They are the pinups of pyongyang. A former member was part of an elite group that performed for kim jonguns father. W were supposed to promote the north korean ideology. No we weronly to cheer, but we were to go into combat at the heart of our enemy and show off tnour pride and the correcs of our country. Laura in the battle for Public Opinion in south korea, this display is far more powerful than any missile. It has raised hope whatever the norths future intentions, the olympics have provided a unique opportunity, and they found it too tempting to turn down. Laura bicker, bbc news, pyeongchang. Jane wa ianother day which had those on wall street searching for the painkillers. The Dow Jones Industrial has taken another dive, losing more than 1000 points. It comes after a wild week, and analysts are again pointing to concerns about the bond market and inflation. For the rest of us can it is giving new meaning to the word volatility. The bbcs correspondent yogita lamaye joined us a short time ago from neieyork. How woare traders . Yogita i spoke to one this week, and he told me on tuesday to buckle up and be prepared for thride. I think they were expecting the volatility to last at least a week. I dont think they will be surprised. Of course there are worries and concer, just given how much it is falling. More than a thousand points down again today, 4 down today. The other big indices well, around 4 down, anyway. I think they have been anticipating t volatility, but the severity of it has been taking them by surprise. T it stems really back to the same thing we saw on monday, which is fears that Interest Rates will rise rapidly. Todays trigger seems to have been market and the bond market. Throughout been llis push and etween the stock market and the bond market. The yield from the bond market touched a fouryear high briefly tiday. Bonds, plarly those issued by the u. S. Government, are considered a safer investment than equities and stock markets. That is why you are seeing is why you are seeing this push and pull. That seemso have been the trigger today. Jane does it signal trouble in the broader economy that donald trump has put so much stake in . Yogita not really. In a sense equity markets are not a good barometer o strong or not the economy is. All of this was triggered friday by a report that was pretty good for the economy. It showed that jobs are growing, faster than walthough still only moderately rising,fa buer than what was expected by people on wall street. What the white house as well asn the preshave been pointing out is not untrue. N fundamentallhing has changed for the u. S. Economy. I think the surprisenday was if you were taking credit for the stock market rising to record highs, then you should be coming out and saying something when it is also going down the slide. Of coue, we did see that tweet from the president yesterday where he said that in the old days when it was good economic news, stocmarkets used to rise. And now they fall and it is bad. Jane yogita lamaye, thanks very much for joini us. White house staff secretary rob porter announced his resignation over reports that he physicall abused his two former wives. In a statement, chief of staff john kelly said he was shockedhe byllegations, which some officials for some time. Known for more on the administrations response, i spoke a brief time ago with jeff mason of r tters. Just hubling is this for the white house . Jeff it is troubling for the white house because this is somebody who was very important in the inner circle. He was essentially depy chief of staff to chief of staff john kelly. A righthand man to president trump, there all the time, and his role astaff secretary was to be gatekeeper of paper for the things that make it to the president s sk. So that is a very key role, and he was an important filore, and of people in the white house were shaken by these reports, and that is one rean why it sounds like they are saying now that they didntrh s react quite as quickly to the allegations from his exwives. Jane thats right, they seemed to be defending him right until the 11th hour, particularly chief of staff john kelly. What changed jeff what changed is the photograph came out one of his former wives showe picture of her having a black eye, saying he had hit her. The otographic evidence, rightly or wrongly, was enough to change e tune or the message that came specifically from john kelly,ho released a statement pretty late last night saying that he had seen the latest information about rob porter. At todays white house briefing, they said his resignation had en accepted, and after having said initially that he wouldar sticnd for a transition, they said he was now gone. Jane you were at the press briefing where this was discussed. Was it clear to you at wcit point offials were aware of the broad allegations . It jeff wellounds like certainly this week, tuesday or so, is when they started getting information about it, and yesterday when the photographic evence came out but the has been a background inveigation going into him f some time, because that is required to get security clearance. That happe for anyone who is working at the white house and requires a security clearance like that. He hadnt goen his final clearance becauset t Background Investigation was still ongoing. Jane does that raise issues of Security Breaches . Because, as you w say, handling documents and presumably some of them were classified that he was heading th handing tpresident. Jeff im not sure it raises questions about breaches. Ta it cly does put more of a spotlight on how things work at the white house when you dont have the final clearance, because it sounds like he was t working onporary clearance and had been for some time, because he has been a member ofo the white staff since the beginning. P it will no dou a spotlight on how that process works, and d en raj shah, the Deputy Press Secretary who brieday, said, look, we dont normally talk about this issue, we dont talk about clearance, but we want to provide context. That was unusual for them, and the reason they had to do that and will continue to have to do that in the coming days is because of how rob porter has been operating up until now. Jane jeff mason, thanks for joining me. Jeff my pleasure. Jane as syriaccused the u. S. Led collision of war crimes after a series of air and killed 100trikes progovernment fighters. The american said advisers came in came under unprovoked assault and has the right to selfdefense. Moscow said it would raise the matter at the un security council. Brish mps gathered in washington today to grl tech giants about interference in the brexit campaign. Representatives from youtube, ditter, and facebook, pus against the idea that their platforms were widely used by russia to sway results. Aleem maqbool was at todays there and he joined us a short time ago. Fake news is a broad umbrella. What was the actual focus . Aleem it is unhelpful, considering what they were looking at. They were looking at the dissemination of any infmation that was either incorrect or rmful, talking about things like googles autofill function on the searches from where it fills in the rest of the search. They questioned why that was directing people to hate. Websit they talked about youtubes upw next featurre the ngcommendation for the next video or keeps plaand sometimes it displays farright videos. There were lots of things being looked at. Most of the day was spent with , Tech Companies saying, y care, we are responsible, and the mps saying we dont believe you, what you are ally about is all of us spending more time on your platforms so you can make more money. Jane here in the u. S. It is the emphasis on fake news disseminated by the russians to inrfere in the 2016 election. How do mps think it impacted brexit . Aleem this was a fake news inquiry. That is what they are calling it. But a lot of the focus during the day was about the potential cause of some of the what they see as the disinformation spread by russia through thetf social pms. They think it happened and theyi want to know hhappened, how much it happened, and all of these Tech Companies say we do have evidence that russia interfered with our platforms when it came to the u. S. Elections. We just dont have the kind of evidence you are talking about when it comes to brexit. But they promise to look into it more. Again, the mps were not convinced they would do that. Jane what can they do . Well, that is the i spoke point. To the mps afterwards andt said it is all very well that you are unhappy with them, even as they are telling you that as far as theyia know ruas not interfered, but until there is something enshrined in law which says these platforms are legally responsible for what s thw, the information they put out there, then there isnt much that these mps can do. Y but they say tll go back and make recommendations that they do become law. Jane aleem maqbool, thank you for joining me. Onmbman helped create the a and another survived its demonstration. Destination. More than 70 years later, their grandsons are cocreators on an art piece which commemorates thi tragedy of hir. The installation after image requiem includes 108 humanscale photographs on those who lost their lives. The exhibit comes at a time of heightened Nuclear Tensions around the globe. The name of the work is after image requiem. We hope in the title to evoke at sense ths is an event which happened in the past, but the piece is very much about our current situation. We are right now in the midst of a crisis, a nuclear crisis, the likes of which, and the severity of which, we have not experienced in my lifetime. As an artist who lives in america but has japanese heritage, i make artwork about g imb, but the one th afraid is that people think i only make artwork about history. The nuclear issue, the tension between all the countries, are real, and it is happening right now. When school began at the Maryland Institute college ofdn art, wet get a chance to talk about our backgrounds for a while. It was pretty busy. So when and half or two weeks into School Starting we were discussg about art. And i mentioned about my grandfather. He said his grandfather was at hiroshima, i asked, was he there when the bomb was dropped . He said yes. He survived, but he died from cancer. The whole room went quiet. Look, i have got to tell you something. My grandfather was an engineer who worked on thmanhattan project. So i use color darkroom paper. It is a dying culture. Not many people use it anymore. But i use that and use sunlight to create artwork. There is something beyond my control, just like abomb. So we went out to new mexico, where i did field recordings outside los alamos, and down near the trinity test site, where they tested the first weapon. You hear a lotf the sounds of the plants rustling in the breeze, the insects, and then i used a variety of techniquesnd audio engineer tricks to create sounds that are meant to evoke the processes that led to building the bomb. A i wually quite surprised when the baltimore war memorial people were excited to do this show. After developing a friendship with them, they told me this could never happened 10 years ago. The fact we can actually do this show in this space is a significant portrait of change, changing the people, changing the generation, leanging the ps mindset. Good israys somethin happening in the world. Jane the artwork looks stunning, but so doesd he building, is in baltimore so it is not too far for me to visit. You are watching bbc world news america. On still to come onights program, parade time in philadelphia as fa t get a chanceo celebrate the eagles super bowl victory. Last june, grenville tower were in london was engulfed by flames. Firefighters worked through the night to save as many people as possible. Now nine of them have decided to run the londonarathon to raise money for the victims of their families. Marathon runner herself, she went to meet them. That is on the night the roads were clear, literally two to three minutes before we got we you, tried to get people out. Reporter 71 people died that night. The fire crews who reputedly cued up to go into the burning tower managto save the lives of the five others. Has affected everyone. It is a major disaster in the center of london in 2017. It is going to affect a large amount of people. Reporter what happened that night affected them also deeply that nine of the Grenfell Tower firefighters are trainlog to run the ndon marathon to raise money for families. And their and they are not making it easy for themselves. You are going to run 26. 2 miles oh, my god. How much does this weigh . 30ilos. That is like carrying a small kid not a small kid, like a nineyearold child. The money raised will be split between three charities, one to help firefighters, and two others at the heart of the grenfell community. We are not doing it for any personal gain. We are trying to make as much money for them as possible. Jane dethe cold temperatures, Philadelphia Eagles fans were out in force today, celebrating their team winning the super bowl. Thousands at the players held the trophy aloft. Laura podesta from cbs news is there and i spoke to aer a short ti. Laura, wn i was there on nday, i was told that this would be the biggest parade ever seen in philelphia. Did it live up to expectations . Laa hi, jane. Well, the numbers are coming in, but they expected 2 million to 3 million eagles fans to come out, so that would make it the biggest rade if it suppresses 3 million. It was a sea of green behind me here for most of the afternoon as spectators came out alo the parade route five miles long and it commenced at the Philadelphia Museum of art, which you mayre mber from the movie rocky, a classic underdog story. It is fitting that the eagles ended up at the museum of art to tell the story and address the crowd, because they were the underdogs against the patriots on super bowl sunday. Jane sometimes eagles fans dont have the bes reputation. Were there any disturbing enes . Laura we know that on super bowl sunday there were fires, cars that were flipped, light poles that came down but so far we are hearing that nople are well behaved. We a hearing of any fights that broke out or any real disturbances. Jane looking at the fans behind you, it looks like they are still celebrating. Any signs that the euphoria has worn off yet . Laura oh, i dont think it will wear off until 2019 and the next super bowl. They are the reigning world champions. Philadelphia is super excited right now. The entire city basically turned shutdown for this parade today. All government offices were closed. Schools in the philadelphia area were closed. Many businesses shut down. Really, everyone has come out here to celebrate and ep celebrating until next years super bowl. Jane laura podesta, you need to go and join the celebration. Thank you for joining. Yep, fly, eagles, fly. From the super bowl to superheroes, the latest film from marvel had its european premiere in london tonight. T what makes this action adventure stand apart is it stfeatures an allblack social media is buzzing about black panther, and in the uts. , tickets are selling fast ahead of the rolext week. Our entertainment correspondent reports. Rerter a precinema trip a free cinema trip would have been welcome enough for these school children. Their sheer joy is because the movie is black panther. Such is th,films significance people around the world are crowdsourcing ney to give black children in particular the opportunity to watch it on the big screen. People like this actress from london. She has sod far rai00 pounds. I think it is a film you dont really see. You dont really see blacksu rheroes in a big blockbuster. The representation of that is g reald for people growing up in this area but all over the world. We are home. Reporter black panther is being seen as a cultural milestone. A predominantly black cast leading a bigbudget zeockbuster. Dont fr i never freeze. D for folks to see it, the idea of people making it a reality for kids may be would not be able to go to the movies and experience it, i think it is beautiful, man. Lets go porerter it is a comicbook film many have been waitin decades for hollywood to make, not only black role models, but Strong Female characters at its heart. Black panther is a moveme and hopefully is one that it will obviously exist longeththan particular moment. What we want is for that moment to keep going. I dont think it is black panthers responsibilany to the world. Reporter how important was itma for yong sure this is primarily a piece of e entertainmenn with this huge social responsibility that was inevitably going to come into the equation . I mean, that is what it is. That is what it is. It is not a political lecture, you know what i mean . Its a movie. It has got to work as that. Reporter and at is a movie expected to have o of the biggest openings ever, and more importantly, show otrs in the film world how lucrative diversity on screen can be n the 21st century. Jane and i will have more on black panther next week as i , so join us then, and you can find rest of the days news online, so check out facebook. I am jane obrien. Thanks for joining us. Ith the bbc news app, ou vertical videos are designed to work around your lifestyle, so you can swipe your way through the news of the day and stay up to date with the latest headlines you can trust. Download now from selected app stores. Funding of this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation, and kovler foundation, pursuing solutions for amerteas neglneeds. Planning a vacation escapth at is relaxing, inviting, and exciting is a lot easier than you think. You can find it here in aruba. Families, couples, and friends can all find their escape on the island with warm, sunny days,tr cooline winds, and the crystal blue caribbean sea. Ht nonstop flare available from most major airports. G re information for your vacation plannin available at aruba. Com. Bbc world news was presented by kcet, los angeles. Captioning sponsored by newshour productns, llc woodruff good evening, im judy woodruff. On the newshour tonight, congress rushes to make a deal to keep the federal government open before a midnight deadline. Then, another flashpoint in the syria conflict as American Forces attack progovernment fighters in a rare offensive. And, makvog sense of the tility on wall street howro long will the er coaster last, and what the wild swings mean for main street. Optimists have a seemingly strong case, with data to back them up the u. S. And global economies appear to be doing just fine. Woodruff plus, on the ground in south korea the 2018 Winter Olympics get underway amid the

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