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This is bbc world news america reporting from washington. A show of force in support ofht gun r thousands rally in richmond, virginia,rotesting against new gun control law the case for the defense. President trumps lyers call impeachment a charade as the senate trial is about to get under way. The protest in iraq turn deadly. Three more people are killed as authorities clash with demonstrators. The Security Forces are now coming down the oramps it. Looks like theyre just using tear gas for now. Laura plus, finding the key to happiness in a london pub. How a single glass of wellbeing could improve your life. Who knew . La a those watching on pbs and around the globe, welcome to world news america. Thousands of gun right supporters rallied in richmond, virginia, on monday. Some of them heavily armed. They were opposing new gun control laws in the state. The governor ordered a state of emergency and banned guns from the Capitol Square after threats from armed militia groups. Many marchers came from outside the state. Our correspondent was on the scene and has this report. U. S. A. u. S. A. reporter they came from all over the country. Bearing arms. After this state, virginia decided its going to try to push through what are very limited gun control measures. Were just on the regular street in downtown richmond,ni vir and yet almost everyone around us is carrying a handgun or a rifle. And thats all perfectly legal. Wont allow that right to ever be taken away from them. No ones even talking about that happening,hough. Politicians here just want to introduce rules that would, for example, only p allowple to buy oneth weapon a mon and allow guns to be banned at some Public Events. Thats too much for everyone here. If itif saves one is it worth it . I mean, not if it going to impede on my right to defend me and my family. That person who los their life should have had a gun in their ilnd and should have tooken their responsy and had their Second Amendment, exercised it, and it would have saved their lives. I think Mass Shootings account for less than. 01 of the population. Were going to make repoer tens of thousands die as a result of gun violence. Hundreds of thousands die of heart failure. Come on. Heporter with all the arms on the streets and fears of violence, the protest did pass off peacefully. But with the promise that if any r states try to introduce curb gun ownership easures to we have only begun to fight. Reporter more shows of strength are to come. In richmond, virginia, bbc news. Laura for more on the issue surrounding this gun raly, im ined by a professor at American University who specializes in farright extremism and author of the upcoming book hate in the homeland. Armed militia groups said they would attend this rally. Why did they see gun control as such a threat . I think the first thing thats really important to understand about a rally like this is that it drew a spectrum of groups. So theres also a spectrum of reasons why people came. Some militia groups were talkinu you know, their rights being taken away, or just reallo wantin position this as a kind of polarized, you know, theyre going it take our rights and infringe on our Second Amendment rights. But there were groups from the more violent fringe who saw this as an opportunity to insight violence and to potentially even spark kind of a race war or civil war. So thats why there was such a Strong Police presence, why there was such a strong potential for violence there. Laura the f. B a. Ually arrested members of a neonazi group last week who were planning on attending this rally. Is support for those groups growing and it is it being fueled by gun control in some wa i think were seeing across the spectrum theres no question that there is rising white supremacist extremism and farright extremism in the u. S. We have seen several hearings before u. S. Congresste demonst that on every measure we have available, from white supremacist propaganda to actual haterimes, plots foiled by the f. B. I. On every measure that this is growing. What happens is that its d intersect with the gun control debate around this questionf rights around Second Amendment rights, around the right to beas so its more that these groups are using that asl an additio justification for kind of antigovernment sentiment or even antiite sentime when it gets posed as other people taking away ourrights. Laura to that point, when President Trump tweets, as he did today, democrats are working hard to takeway your Second Amendment rights, how do the more extreme groups read that . I think its really ierortant to uand language from elected officials, including the administration, for being read as i this further polarized climate, for being read as very much a way of taking away those rights and very much a frame around potential for additional violence. Context at is in a when weve also had language that says there are invasions, there are incsions of immigrants, language that says your rights are going to be taken away to bear arms continues to this sense of threat that these groups fl at present. Laura given our polarized environment, how do you think the growth of these groups can be curbed . I think its really important to acknowledge, first of all, ld that i w say what happened in virginia today we see very much from the federal response, as as well as from local Law Enforcement and the governors decision to declare a state ofg emy, those were all really model responses. I think we could potentially see these kinds liof r show up in other states and so on the law enforcemen t side,nk they had a model response. But i think its important to know that law enforce ant surveillance is always a bandaid solution. Were already at a point where people are so far down a pathway toward radicalization that it fin be very dlt to turn them back. I think we must see additional investment in prevention and intervention a Early Education work to prevent that kind of radicalization from even gntting to the p where we see sose kinds of threats of violence. Laura thank you for being with thank you for having me. Laura President Trumps legals team se impeachment case against him is flimsy and a constitutional travesty. Mr. Trumps lawyers released a legal brief running to 110 pages today ahead of the senate tri which begins tomorrow. The house impeached the president forbusing his power and obstructing congress over his dealings with ukraine. For more, i spoke earlier with a former federal prosecutor. I know that youve been looking at that 110page brief by the president s lawyers. What do you mak of it . So, it is heavy on attacking the pro ass of impeachment now the trial. Its light on attacking the case itself. Heres what i mean by that. The president s lawyers have set this argument to say, look, before we even get into whether what the president did with respect to ukraine waspe this case is constitutionally defective. He makes basically got points. One, he says, on the abuse of that deals with the ukraine, they say, cause no crime was alleged by the democrats in the house, the pace cannot proceed. Now, thats not exactly correct and it requires a bit of deep ve to get to the bottom of it. But its an opening saleofrom thresidents lawyers and it givesepublicans something to latch on to if theyre inclined to dismiss the charge or vote against a basicallyinst convicting the president and removing him. On the second point, the obstruction of congrs, basically what the president s defenders are saying is, look, you should have gone to court and you, the democrats, because you didnt andou rushed this e rough, it is also a defect charge. Because the executive branch and the president has the right to puk against a congressional subpoena. And just because he does, that does not mean hes done something wrong and cerinly not impeachable and removable. We can pick apart both of these arguments, but they are certainly thats the opening salvo were seeing fm the president s defenseeam. Laura indeed. And the Actual Senate trial gets under way in earnest t aorrow. Wh you expecting . I think, first off, tti qu is, what are the rules going to be that govern the trtl . We still d really know that. Leader Mitch Mcconnell has been keeping those prett closely held. Most likely they will resemble the same rules of the senate trial thatac governed b in 1998, when president bill clinton faced a senate trial for his impeachment. But we dont knohat for sure. And of course the big questionf emanatom there is, will livene wites be permitted . Most likely the rules that are releas will kickhat down a few days, allow for trial breefs to be fully filed, opening stbeements to given, basically the case laid out by the prosecution, and then the decision about witnesses will be made. Most likely several days from now. Laura what do you make of the president s show pony, madefortv lawyers . Its an interesting combinion. You have cipollone and secretary low, the lawyers who are is he culeo, the lawyers who are really going to roll up theiree s and argue the guts of the case in the senate. But then you also have your media lawyers, your pam bondi and he which its, your ken starr. Lawyershat feel very comfortable on television and before a microphone, pleading the president s case. And this is a president that really does value talent that can hanele thes in the media. So its definitely a twopronged apoach here. You have your workhorse lawyers and you have your showhorseer la it will be interesting to see how they Work Together in defending the president s position. Laura thank you so much for joining us. Now, its going to be auggling act for the senators who are both jurors in tha impeachment trial and running for president. Elizabet warren, a klobuchar, Bernie Sanders and Michael Bennett are all contenders for th democratic nomination. So theyll have to be at the president s trial here in washington and out on t campaign trail. The bbcs jane obrien reports from New Hampshire on how mr. Saunders is coping sanders is copiat. I know ould be the front page story. Reporter a recent heart attack hasnt stopped Bernie Sandersth and n has New Hampshires winter weather. But the start of the impeachmens trial inngton is an obstacle even he cant avoid. Frankly, with caucus coming up in iowa in two weeks and a primary here in New Hampshire in campaigning aroun here, doing a lot of town meetings and things we had planned to do. Thats not going to be the case. Reporter does the impeachment trial give joe biden an unfair advantage over you, because he n keep on campaigning . Is it a disadvantage . Absolutely. Were going to do our best to compensate for tet. Well b out on weekends, we do the best that we can. Reporter Bernie Sanders may be pping the polls in New Hampshire and iowa, but former Vice President joe biden remains ahead in national polls. The early voting states wont decide who wins the nomination, but they can add momentum to a campaign orll st. This is one of the last Public Events that Bernie Sanders will hold here in New Hampshire before he heads back to washington for the senate peachment trial. But he won the primary here in 2016 a its this Grassroots Campaign that hes banking on to carry him over the finishing line again this year. Bernie sanders is a strong candidate and being a senator is an importantob and he also we also as citizens recognize thate has to do both. Negatively impactnie and elizabeth warren. But i also think its vitally important for cooutitution. Because i believe what trump has done is a violation of the constitution. Reporter do you think its going to make any difference to how people think . No. Not at all. Some people have their mind made up already about the impeachment results. And some dont. I dont think thats going to chan. Reporter four senators are leading the campaign trail for the impeachment trial, including sanders leftwing rival, elizabeth warren. At the last debate, their nonaggression pact shoigns of strain. Both have loyal supporters, but as the stakes gigher, democrats are also stresng the need for party unity. They can only hope the candidates leave the toxic politics behind in washington. Laura those multitasking senators. In other,ews n the extradition hearings for a chinese huawei boss who was arrested in canada more than a year ago began tay in vancouver. Meng wanzhou was arrested on suspiciond of fraud breaking sanctions on iran. Shes w wanted in the United States. A virus reported in china is causing worries around the globe. Thats bau the new strain of coronavirus can be transmitted person. Son to the number of cases in china than 200 and three people have died. The virus has been t to a seafood market. Singer and songwriter has died onstage duringce a performt a festival in florida. Olney, who w 71, w in the middle of a song when he apologized, closed his eyes and fell silent. He apparently suffered a heart attack. Youre watching bb wor news america. Still to come on tonights program the death toll continu to rise iraqs ptests. Three more were killed as young iraqis called for new elections. The bbc believes that prince harry isn route to canada. Hes understood to be joining his wife, meghan, who is already there with theirnft son. This comes after harry said the pair had no other option but to pull back from their royal duties. The very latest on this story er us now. Reporter still on official duty. This morning harry was the royal presence at a British Government summit on africa. A continente cares deeply about. He had a meeting with the british Prime Minister and several afric leaders. It seemed likeus biness as usual. But of course itasnt. Last night at a private dinner for the h. I. V. Charity hef nded in southern africa, he relaxed with friends and explained the decisions hes made about his future. It was very personal, it was very harry. I want to you hear the truth from me. As much as i can share, not as a prince or a duke, but as harry. The same person that many of you have watched grow up over the last5 3 years, but now with a clearer perspective. The u. K. Is my home. And a place that i love. That will never change. Reporter he recalled that at the time w theiredding, he and meghan were eited, hopeful and ready to serve. But the pressure of public scrutiny had been too much. Fhe wanted tod a way toco ine continued service with f greaterreedom and it was a matter he said of Great Sadness that it had come to this. Our hope was to continue serving the queen, the commonwealth and my military associations, but without public funding. Unfortunately that wasn possible. Ive accepted this knowing that it doesnt change who i am or how committed i am. But i hop that helps you understand what it had come to. That i would step my family back from all i have everto known. Ake a step forward into what i hope can be a more peacel life. Laura in irahree more protesters were killed today a demonstrators called for newel tions and for an end to corruption. Overall, more than 500 peoe have die during the protests. Many of them young iraqis who just want aend to a american and iranian interference in their country. Our middle east corrpondent d cameraman have been following the protesters in baghdad. Reporter iraq is both a count in gridlock and coming apart at the seams. Sor months young iraqis have been on the strentent on sweeping away the old guard. They say their government isnt listening so these young iraqis are piling on the pressure here in bag dand in cities across in baghdad and in cities across iraq. They say their demands will be forgotten and their prosts wont end. Dy theyve alrea brought down the last government, butts not nough. In a country of fierce division, theyre united. Sunni, shia, christian, rich anpoor. E want a life like the life others have in europe, america and elsewhere. We want politicians who are of the people, not men who are supported by iran, saudir the United States. Reporter but old iraq hasnt vanished. Nearly 500 protesters have died, killed by secity forces andia proir militia since october. Militia, since october. Todays push is to bring iraq to a standstill. They want a new Prime Minister and fresh elections. And they might just get their way. But not without a fight. After a lofg stand with Security Forcesre nowoming down the offramps it. Looks like theyre just using tear g for now. Theyre also sick of in and the United States fightingir battles on iraqi soil. Oth be damned, ty cht. Three more young protesters were killed today. Mo names for a crowded l memorial wal, this revolutiony alread has too many martyrs. This is one of them. He wanted an iraq without corruption and sectarianism. An idealist and a revolutionary, his face is now everywhere. He was shot on this brie, unarmed, his brother says, and clutching only the iraqi flag. He was a painter. A poet. He loved iraq very much and sacrificed his life for it. We were not surprised by his martyr dom a we are martyrdome and we are all willing to sacrifi for iraq. Reporter their struggle now is to stop the movement by i had jack by those hijacked by those they oppose. In iraq, religious political and foreign lie in the shadows. These protests my look fam but theyre not familiar, but theyre not. They transnd social class and religious sect. That makes it unprecedented in iraq. The odds are stacked against these young people buthey say they have no choice. Their lives and future will depend on what happens in these streets. So tonight theyre back at the barricades, resisting and waiting for the new iraq. Laura wereng that blasts have been reported in baghdads green zone near the u. S. Mb eassy there. Local reports say three rockets have landed near t facility. No casualties have been reported. Now, its the dead of winter here in washington, d. C. The temperature is ice cold anda the politic far too hot to touch. Add a bit of b postholidayes and your credit card bill and its no surprise if youre feeling a bit down. But academics in the u. K. Say theyve found the answer it. Turns o happiness can be achieved by simply taking a wellbeing class that meets at a local pub. Oue bbc explains. Reporter if ye searching for the secret of happiness, you might look upstairs at the norbertson. Because this pub in southwest london hosts eveninglaes which an academic study reckons really do boost your wlbeing. Quite aot. Pl ing what matters is an eightweek course run by the Charity Action forss happind based on scientific principles. Just connectingith the room that were in. Connecting with the space that were in. Reporter more than 175,000 people have now taken part, t learning 10 keys to a happyier life. Scientists wanted to test if urse really does make people happier. So they ran a randomized control trial. Two simil e groups werected selected, one which tookhe classes and one that did not. Asked about their life satisfaction, people who completed the course saw on average a onepoint increase in a 10point scale, a huge effect, greater than finding a partner or getting a job. Those who didnt participat experienced no change. But when the control group did the course later, they too experiend the rise. The results amazeded experts Oxford Universitys wellbeing research center. People who start the course, see that rise, really rathe incredible. The results are really staggering in a sense that even more t en i would haveected. This is one of the ways to really work with communities directly to trynd raise wellbeing across our society. Reporter its too early to say how long the effects of the course last. But for the class at the for this burton, its at least enough to keep you cheerful when its pouring with rain on a cold january night. Laura the keyo happiness. Before we go tonight, todaysrt luther king jr. Day here in the u. S. Its a federal holiday in remembrance of the lat civil rights leader. At the base of dr. Kings monument in washington this morning, there was a wreathlaying ceremony followed by a moment of silence. Later, in the d President Trump paid his respects as he has in previous years. He was accompanied by Vice President mike pence. In columbia, south carolina, seven Democratic Candidates for president put aside differences and marched arm in dr. Kings legacy. Reets t on part of their walk they sang, we shall overcome in unison. Remember you can find much more on all the days news on our absite, plus to see what were working ot any time, do check us out on twitter. Thanks for watching world news america. Narrator funding for this presentation is made possible by. Babbel, an Online Program designed by language specialists teaching spanish, french and more. Narrator funding was also provided by. The freeman tion. By judy and peter blumkovler foundation. Pursuing solutions for americas neglected needs. And by contributions to this pbs station from ewers like you, thank you. Bs narrator be more, captioning sponsor by newshour productions, llc woodruff good evenin im judy woodruff. On the newshour tonight, the impeachment trial of predent trump. What you need to know at the start of this historic week. Then, guns drawn but no violence. Protests in virginia target new moves to limit firearms. Plus, on the ground as austral is burning. Miles obrien explores the threats of a fute of widespread wildfires. Its difficult to s were in recovery while we still have a fire that could burst out anywhere over the next six wks and actually cause a similar devastation where its not burned now. Woodruff and, our politics monday team is here to break down the upcoming impeachment trial and the latest from the 2020 campaign trail. All that and more on tonights

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