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The freeman foundation. By judy and Peter Blum Kovler foundation; pursuing solutions for americas neglected needs. And by contributions to this pbs station from viewers like you thank you. Welcome to outside source. T the u. S transition has begun at the nextde pre is introducing his appointees in foreign affairs. It i a team that reflects americas back, ready to lead the world, notetat from it. We have to proceed in equal measures with hnfility and ence. Humility, because we cant solve all the worlds problems alone. Ros and the state of pennsylvania has formally certified joe biden as winner of the election. European countries are managing plans for covid19 for christmas. Ministers in the u. K. Have allowed families to cross borders to celebrat together. In france, president macron announced easing of the lockdown is weekend so shocked show so at shops and restaurants n reopen for the festive period. Welcome to those of you watching on pbs i america, and everyone else watching on bbc bbc world news. President elect joe biden just said his admistration would roco americas adversaries and not reject allies. Heas speaking before introducing key members ohis cabinet that will be part of his National Security am. Is a team that reflects the fact that america is back, ready to lead the world, not retreat from it, it once again sit at the head of the table, ready to confront our adversaries and not reject our allies, ready to stand up for our values. In fact, in calls from World Leaders that i have had, 18 or so far, i am not sure of the number in the week since we have won the election, i have been struck by how much they are looking forward to the united role as a global leader,oth in the pacific, atlantic, and across the world. Ros weeard from the nominee for secretary of state, anthony blinken. Pr we have teedith confidence. Ures of humily and humility, because as the president elect said, we can alone. is problems we need to be working with other countries. We need their cooperation. We need their partnership but also confidence,au b america ability than any other country on earth to bring others together to meet the challenges of our time. Ros Juliet Manchester of the hill was watching the event and this is what she made of it. We are these nominations were coming but i have heard a lot of washington strategists say this is a ret to normal, something we saw typically in washington before tio trump administr remember, number of these appointed officials still have to go through senminations to officially serve on the biden ,administrati but a lot of them served in the obama administration, so they are familiar creatures of washington, if you will come a trump appointees, many of whom came from outside the beltway, as we like to call it, so definitely a bit of a return to normalcy, maybe even a return to obama era days. Ros it is a tonal shift, for better or worse depending on your polical persuasion, but in practical terms,hich Foreign Policy strands is this likely to impact immediately . We are going to see that the u. S. Climate plan, the u. S. Stance on climate, is going tobe impacted very quickly. President elect joe biden has saidhe u. S. Will rejoin ee paris clim recors soon as he takes office. John kerry, the secretary of state during the obama administraon, which hp shape thos climate accords, is itching get that started back again. So that climate in particular is going toma be r issue to look at. I would also say that in general, you are gng to see more local partnership with the u. S. And other nations. President trump very much tempted this americairst agenda also isolationist, focusi on what is happening inside america. You are going to see joe biden cop where former president obama left off, joining accords like the paris climate record and really looking to strengthen a lot of u. S. Partnershipssu, as u. S. Involvement in organizations such as nato. Ros joe bidens Transition Team can get to work more effectively now because of what donald trump tweeted last night. He said that of the department that facilittes transition is being threatened, for the sake of her wellbeing, he said i am recommending what emily enter team do with regard to additional protocols and have told my team to do the same. Nit is clear what that means. According to senioremocrat chuck schumer, iis as close to a concession of defeat as we are likely to get. There may be consequences of donald trumpelaying of the transition. This is a member of the obama 2008 Transition Team. It is not something that cant the overcome by the professionalism and expertise of the members of the bidenharris Transition Team, but it is significant. I remember in 20082009 when i was part of the Transition Team, literally we were starting to go into the departments and agencies to better understand what happened duringhe george w. Bush administration. Administration within days of the election. To lose three weeks when you only have 7080 days is quite important. Ro joe biden has made it clear his numbeone priority is the pandemic. Statistics in america are stark, sometimes that figure gets close covert advisor told bbc the spread will take weeks to reverse antiwarned we mig see 2000 deaths a day. Lets hesr from julia manr again on what joe biden will do differently with reference to the pandemic. He is already pushing for a national m,k manda something a lot of republicans are very unsure about, they see a it government overreach, if you will. So you are going to see that. I think you are going to see president elect biden very much try to get involvedor from a federal level than President Trump. President mp tfor example, very much left coronavirus responses up to individual states. Ere i am inlorida, there arent many coronavirus restrictions rightow. No state mask mandate, for example. Hower, a week ago when i was in washington dc, you have to wear a mask whever you go, there are strict social distancing rules, rules in terms of where you can eat, inside or outsid so i think you are going to see president elect biden play a much more active role. Ros donald trump delayed the w transitihile making the unsubstantiated claim that the election was rigged. Thisni m, the president returned to that theme, tweeting 20 20 was theelost corrupt tion in president ial history and we are moving full ahead and will never concede. There is no evidence of widespread fraud, but joe biden is taking over whether donald trump concedes or not. This is the u. S. Electoral college, j biden well past the 270 he needs to win. He will become president on january 20 year january 20 year next year next year. Donald t have failed to provide legal evidence to back up their challenges. Today, pennsylvania certified a biden victory. Yesterday, michigan did the same. Also yesterday, a judge in pennsylvania dismissed a Trump Campaign lawsuit, ausing it of making speculative accusations in an attempt toisenfranchise almost 7 million voters. T all of that is to add up the end of the road for the Trump Campaign legal challenges. Here is manchester once again. Theremu isn else president can go with thesele legal ches, because we are seeing the results certified in pennsylvania, certified in eschigan. The general serv administration got a directive from President Trump himself on the iansition. Soseems right now it wouldnt make much sense for prident trumpeso continue legal challenges. It will be interesting to see, like said, this all goes back to georgia, we still have thosei two senate racgeorgia. That said, the Republican Party is very split in that state be yuse have the secretary of state in georgia saying there is no evidence of fraud,es but ent trump and other politicians in georgia are saying there wasraud. So there seems to be this big Division Within the Republican Party over whether to acknowledge, or whether to claim there is widespread voter fraud. There is no evidence of that. Ros next on the program, updating plans to ease coronavirus restrictions for the festive season. Wales and northern ireland, have agreed on broad u. K. Rules to allow families together. Nick young has more. Nicki he governments of the four nations have come up they with something they think will be proportionate to relax the rules, but this not going to be a normal ristmas the message is still to be very cautious. As we know, it is five days over christmas from the 23rd to the 27th. For northern ireland, there will be a day extra, particularly because of travel. And it will be three households now, in england, that means if you are already in a social bubble withomebody, that counts as one household, and you can join with two others. At rule will have differences across the four nations. The bubble must be fixed for the whole time. You cant change the bubble from and again, crucially, you can gather in private homes, outdoor public spaces and places of worship within that christmas bubble, but you cannot go together toty hospitaenues. As i said, it is not going to be a normal christmas. The message very mh is to really use your own judgment to be careful, particularly around vulnerable. And also important to, s there are exceptions. If you think about students, a children who are students they will all allowed will all be allowed to come backome for this. It for ts and children whose parents are divorce a they will bowed to be into bubbles. Ros french president manuel mccrone manual macron h r allowed sotrictions to be eased shops and cinemas will be opened and people will be allowed to snd holiday with the rest of their family. It seems to be saying that out loud like it is ave positive pment, but in the context of covid, it is. There is easing, butvery word that was good ne that esident mccrone art macron ticulated this evening and his tv address, he encouraged people to kp up their guard. It is not going to be a christmas just like any other. It is going to be different. There is no rule here in france about the numbers around the table, they dont go into that whatever. Tyle six at a table or but there is generally encouragement to keep the numbers dow a Christmas Tree but what he did doas say that because the figures are good, they are going down, there will now be a threestage d confinement that will take us deconfinement that wiug take us thjanuary if the trend continues. On saturday, shops will be able to open and people would label to travel a little further from their homes, but still need a piece of paper to show the police, or a declaration on their phone. A key date is in december, when we will e a breath air or sort of across the country, because we will be able to mov arou the country freely in order to get to where we want to be at christmas. That is when cinemas and theaters will reopen. That will be the case over the christmas period, but withcu a ew still in place at 9 00 except on Christmas Eve and new years eve. In the third stage, which is what cou usher in th end of lockdown as we know it, will be in midjanuary, when the government has a chance to look back and see what happened during the festivities. The fear is, as t prime mi put it, new years eve is a factory for covidne if evertarts going out and celebrating if as ifroothing is. They will wait to see if that happens. If it doesnt, midjanry we should start to see the end of lockdown proper. A vaccines t among general population should also be kicking in. Ros al next, also planning to plenty for christmas. The Prime Minister giuseppe fnte has said he considered having shops ope 10 days ahead of christmas, but only in lowerinfection areas. Family gatherings willte be liin size. Bear in mind, italy reported almost 1. 5 million covid cases in the death toll there is above ifnd the 1000, close to 850 people lost their lives in the last fou hours. I have been speaking to an Italian Journalist based in milan. Communication from the government over the pas weeks and days has been quite contradictory. Initially, it seed the government was intending to really loosen restrictions in a substantive way. But then, scientists have been calling for maintenance of these restrictions because we still have very high death tolls, and contagiois still going up fast. So thee tom the government has changed over the past few days. It does look like it is going to be a more quiet christmas compared to what we are used to in italy. Enjoy large gatherings with family and so on,nd it really does look like it is going to be a very different one. But this misco from the government is indeed problematic, because it confuses citizens. New decree to come from the a government, and tell us how many people exactly we lle going to beed to meet, and where we are going to be aowed to go and where we are not. But overal the confusion is still running high. Ros in a few minutes on outside source, we turn to the ethiopian crisis, particularly focused on tigra, and a reported massacre of 600 civilians. Ros mondays announcement that the Astrazeneca University h covid19 vacci developed to be highly effective. Itesaised hn india, the secondmost infected country. Tens of millions of doses are in production there. Our correspondent has details. T correspondompared to the pfizer vaccine, this one is cheaper and can be stored at regular refrigerator ures, which means so fa is the only usable option for a country as vasand populist as india. 40 million doses have been made. The company says it aims toward 100 million doses by the end of this year and after that, it is trying t make 100 million every month. The boss of the company says india will get a p tority as far vaccine is concerned. Andt t million doses will be given to bangladesh. And by july here, 100 million doses will be distributed to under developing countries through the global vaccine alliance. Ros im ros atkins with outside source, here in the bbc newsroom. Our lead stories from the u. S. , president elect joe biden introducing members of his senior cabinet, saying it will be a team to lead america and the world, not retreat. In eiopia, the top human arights body has released harrowing report about the massacre in tigre. 600 civilians were killed in the attack on the ethiopian human rights commissio says it has evidence the victims were bludtaoned,ed, and burned to death. Here is more from the commission. On november 9, the local Gray Assembly aided by the local police and the militia, which is actually part of the Government Security apparatus, took horrible actions, starting from 3 00 p. M. On november 9 all through the night and into the morning of november 10, where they went house to house in areas which an ethnic group is known to live, and carried o atrocities. Ros emmy Amnesty International highlighted reports of the massacre but was unable to say who was behind it or how many people died. Here is the commission again tn where it g evidence. Myself and three other human rights experts traveled to the town, as well as surrounding cities or towns, including five others, and we worked dectly the Security Apparatus currently in the Tigray Region which facilitated our access. I doubt Amnesty International was allowed to enter the region. Op who are visited by families or members of the community who bring themood or water are secure. The local administration is providing security to the people. T more support is required for the people in the camp, and generally the city and the inhabitants of the city as well. It is quite when we visited, people did not have enough to eat, and sanitation was also a concern because the city had a very strong scent from bodies which still remain. Ros the tblf t is force that controls this region and is denying being responsible for inthe killings and is refto surrender to the ethiopian rnment. The conflict appears to be at the government says tanks are willing to attack regional capital which the tblf controls. It has given the group until wednesday to drop their weapons or else the govnment will move into a 500,000 people live near the city and there are grave ncerns. We are extremely concerned with the rhetoric, about the fate of civilians. On both sides, we ve seen someone come outnd say there will be no mercy. On other side, the tblf h leadersh come out and said they are prepared to die. This rhetoric is extremely worrying and may provoke and niad to serious violations of international hurian law. Ros ethiopias Prime Minister stepped up his rhetoric pnd warned ofnt of no return. Gi also have these latest pictures of the. These are Government Troops firing artillery guns inside tigray. Aid workers report Emergency Relief Supplies in the region are running out of they have been blocked from sending relief and supplies into the region. A spokesperson spo to thebc earlier and issued a plea, saying help is urgently needed. Now, 5 Million People live in tigray. 40,000 people have crossed into neighboring suzan neighborin sudan. People that are seeking safety, they are calling on them to be able to leave. It is urgent to allow free reach t area and assess the situation and support people who need assistance there. Ros that is the plea coming from the u. N. We also know that crossings into suzanne have been busy, aidyi workers they are registering thousands of new arrivalsvery day. The Un Security Council is holding its first meeting over the conflict behind closed doors. We have been told it was igally canceled after several african nations pulled out because their envoys d not traveled to ethiopia. According to a european diplomat, they meeting is back b after pressure the meeting isk on after pressure from European Countries including the u. K. , france and germany. A reporter for the economist based in london has assessed how the International Community is reacting to the situation in ethiopia. Is significant the meeting ia going fast despite but at the time, it is rather late, just hours before the conclusion of this deadline rthe Prime Minister gave surrender and dispensable he, the attack. Gavfor surrender. We have to also acknowledge the International Community is divided. We hope en countries pushing for a negotiated solution and dialogue, but we havehe African Union, which really should be taking the lead, its headquarters is i addis ababa, should be taking the lead on this. And yet, the Prime Minister seems to be running rings around them. Three fmer president s of african states are coming but he says he wont meet them as a single delegatn, he will meet them one by one and wont allow them to mediate. M he really does s be running rings around them, and thec isse in his mind at least, he has the initial advantage. Ros wn you say he is running rings around them, is it partly because there is no epic tight among senior members of the African Union to exert more there is a longstanding issu within the African Union about not coming out firmly on issues that are seen as internal to countries. We see the africany often turning a blind eye to rigged elections. And once again, this is meant to be a tican unions silencing of the guns. We are not seeinthem coming out with really strong statements saying there will be sanctions on members and thatope d will face some sort of at and ethiopia will face some sort of reprisal from the Broader Community if itha continues withappears to be these threats to commit war crimes. Ros if you want more information on theetituation in opia, you can get it at bbc. Com news. Before i say goodbye, let me switch back to. , the u because President Trump has not conceded defeat in the election. But he has been p. Doning a turk this was the moment at the white house earlier. Bring them out. Look at that beautiful, beautiful bird. So lucky. That is a beautiful bird. Ros this is a president ial ritual that takes place ahead of the thanksgiving holiday. More than 35 million turkeys are ten in the u. S. , but not this bird called cobb, which has been pardoned after a poll on twitter no less. We will be backng. Narrator funding for this presentation of this program is provided by. Language specialists teaching spanish, french and more. Rajames. The freeman foundation. By judy and Peter Blum Kovler foundation; pursuing solutions for americas neglected needs. An tby contributions s pbs station from viewers like you. Thank you. Nic the height of the conflted into vietnam he became a single parent of two young children. We moved a lot. We slept in rest areas. We slept in our car. I dnt realize that we were actually homeless. It makes your world really small. If we happened to stay in a motethat happened to ha a tv, it was really special. We loved nova. 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