Welcome james burnett, he is the managing director of the chase. A nonpartisan reporting on gun issues. How is it that one can be nonpartisan these days on guns . Certainly, it is an issue with strong opinions on both sides. We are journalists that is just a fundamental thing. We do think there is an objective truth there. Since las vegas, looking at the numbers from the gun violence archives, they have a team of researchers, create something of a real time count of gun violence in american. 800 people shot since las vegas. 800 more shootings since vegas, like a week ago . Like a week ago. Not all fatal. 250 fatal. That is not going to count suicides, those dont show up in media accounts and other places. That is a big number. That is a lot of shootings. That is a big number. As horrified as Something Like las vegas is to the country, it is one piece. It is like looking the front part of the forest fire, it is so much bigger. I am not naive in asking the first. Why do we seem to only Pay Attention when it is sensational like in vegas. That is something that we wrestle with. It can feel routine or accepted. We have become accustomed to it. In some ways the numbers are lower, the homicide rate for the nation has dipped. We try to look at the communities from the neighborhoods where the number hasnt come down. Where the effects are so much higher than they are in other places. Let me ask this another way. Do you think that accept for and unless and until Something Like a vegas happens, that we become anesthetized in this country . We might be. Look, it is not fun for lack of a better word. This is an upsetting subject. I think there is a natural tendency to tune it out after a while. Some would argue, not upsetting enough to do anything about it. Thats right. I think that there hasnt been consensus around a particular solution. We would probably say, norshould there be. It is a complicated issue. The interventions, there will be a bunch of things you would try. So far, you havent seen that kind of movement or Tipping Point federally, if the question is, why havent we done something. I want to take that word consensus and unpack that james. I can appreciate the fact that on this issue that is so controversial, there are different opinions, we may never reach a consensus. We just need 50 plus one in one body of congress. Why cant we get to that threshold . If we never get the consensus, we cant get to 51 . So far. I mean, that hasnt been the case. If you look back, the last time that we had a big national, federal moment. After the Sandy Hook School shooting, that was a time there was a big introduced, if would have expanded the number of scenarios someone would have to go through a background check. Right now, licensed yes, private sale or unlicensed at a gun show, no. They would expand that. That didnt pass. Didnt have the numbers you need to get that through. If american doesnt get serious about gun violence with white babies shot at school. It will never happen. It appears, i mabe wrong, appears is the key word. It appears i may be wrong about that assessment. If i believe what i read, the nra may have taken a step backward or forward, depending on how one looks at it. Bump stocks, we have seen, of course, coming into debate since the vegas shooting. Am i right or wrong, something may be about to happen . Something will matter. The delve is in the details, what the nra said, after these bump stock devices, they let a semiautomatic rifle shoot like an automatic rifle, what we think of as a machine gun, those are restricted. Semiautomatics, you can buy in box stores, they are widely available. You take a thing not regulated and turn it into something concern. 58 dead. Or these devices, the bump stocks, they dont have there isnt a Big Community behind them. There are people who like to use them, they dont have the self defense application, you say, this is something that is part of routine self defense gun ownership. They dont have a strong consistency behind them. It is hard to defend them. We see what happened in las vegas. A. T. F. , that regulates guns in america. They classify this. This is a gun or a gun accessory, the a. T. F. Decided, it is not our jurisdiction. Take another look. Congress, dont vote. We dont want you to vote on that. What we want you to vote on is a separate peez of legislation, a different piece of legislation, the technical term is concealed carry reciprocity. If you have a gun permit in arizona it should be good in california. Whether california wants it to be or not. So on down the line. Basically, removing the authority for states to decide which permits they can accept. I am a country boy, it sounds like bait and switch to me. They put out this statement about bump stocks to get our attention that the nra is doing the ring thing now. What i thought i heard you say, what they Want Congress to vote on is different, that would expand not reduce or schink access to guns. Thats right. A use of guns. Exactly right. You know. It is not as straight forward as a big grand bargain around this one product or category. In fact, puntding it back to the a. T. F. , you deal with it. And democrats who want laws, say, we need a new statue. We need to make it clear. It is a role of congress to pass a new law here. It is technical. The bigger question s should we have a big debate about regulating these products . I am all for regulating bump stocks, it sounds to me, uch ado about nothing. It is the right thing to do, if you are talking about 10, 12 people, we dont Want Congress to look at it, but the a. T. F. , and the a. T. F. Is saying, it is not our perview. If it is the a. T. F. , it is a regularatory review process. There are things they can do, the reinterpretation, this is not swift public debate in congress. This diffuses attention, came back to what we talked about at the beginning of the conversation. Is the country engaged with this issue . Some people are. On a daytoday basis, many people are not. So, that is the cycle we may see play out here. It will sort of the temperature will come down a bit. It becomes a regulatory issue. Then we move on. Exactly. You said something that is powerful to me, james, i think. Which is that we can point the finger at congress or leaders in washington for not doing anything. Ultimately, it sounds to me like what you are saying is that a lot of this responsibility falls on the American Public. We do have the agency to do something about it. The cooling off period is not just a cooling off period in washington, but the nra, of those who support access to guns, full well, it is a matter of news cycles before the American Public moves on to something else, and no longer holtds them accountable. That may be the strategy or the play here. After sandy hook, you were pro gun rights or pro reform. Pro gun men, the most vocal. Expressing. Progun, they were the most active on the gun question. That voice was loudest and most energized. And there wasnt new legislation passed. Since then, there have been efforts i would say, momentum, i would say is a fair categorization. On the prevention side, to have more of a grass roots presence. You know, for people who are very strongly pro gun, a lot of times it is an identity question. It becomes core to their being, the gun is their means for protection. A smart book about this is called citizen protection. Spending time with men, a protector provider role. It is a very strongly held feeling, maybe we dont have the intensity of feeling on the pro reform side. Where it becomes your identity. You will go to the matt for that one question. For them, it is about identity. For me, it is about humanity. As long as the folks who hold their identity, think their identity is wrapped around their guns, as long as they are the loudest, and active. To your point, the loudest and most 80ive, and those who care about humanity, this question will never get answered. Goods to have you on the program. Up next. John hu, on what we should do about north korea. Stay with us. His latestest tech, power, how we dont always agree, there are things you did in the bush years we disagreed before. In part, you have points to make about how we best engage north korea. This is starting to frighten all of us President Trump suggesting over the weekend, that only one thing will work with north korea. You are wasting your time with rocket man. The u. N. Speech. Before i get too deep into it. What do you make of the president basically, pulling the rug from underneath his own secretary of state . Thank you for having me back. I think it is a terrible idea what he is doing, to undercut his own secretary of state. We are negotiates with a regime that has icbms, and tested successfully, high range missile. They are in their own way rational, trying to reach a deal with us. They are like a neighbor who says, i am going to burn both of our neighbors down unless you give me something. They are saying, we have a threat, we can use it to try to destroy the united states. We know you can destroy north korea. President s have done that bribed them to dial back their programs. They have gone again to developed Nuclear Weapons anyway. Icbms anyway. We have to try to reach a bargain with them. We need to build up our Missile Defenses, which is what the technology in this book talks about. In their own way it is rational, unpack that for me. We think, in the media, we see them as crazy. In the world that they are in, they have a Million People who oppress the other 20 million and oppress them. They need power, resources. We can threaten you, the united states, reach a deal with us. They dont want an nuclear exchange. Behind negotiations, you always have the threat of force behind it. Us, too it preresident trump is out there, general maddox is out there saying, we could wipe out north korea, if we wanted to. That is a prelude to negotiations, behind negotiations you have to have the threat of force. The North Koreans want to reach a bargain, for us to give them resources, hook back into the world economy, as they used to be. Access to the banking system. They have to blufter and make threats. For us to get good deal, we have to not be pushed around. Rational for negotiation to the thing that is trump is saying and doing, would he then say to his secretary of state, you are wasting your time. To general the back door channels. It sounds more like a prelude to war. I am worried that something will happen in north korea now. As two bone heads they wont take counseling or advice from people. The statements are generally coming from the president. They are not filtered by rhetoric of diplomacy, can you see it spiraling out of control. You hope that adults in the white house, and the Defense Department are calming things down, opening channellins to no korea. It is not just kim jongun. They dont want to die. If there was a nuclear exchange, millions in south korea will die. Hundreds of thousands, in america that could die. One missile may make it through our defense it is. You hope that back channels are at work, at play, hope is at your word. How hopefully are you . If President Trump wasnt twreeting out there is only one solution, you expect that there would be. You see reports there are back channel discussions going on. Rex tiller said there are two, three ways we are trying to talk to the North Koreans, at the same time, there are other things we could be doing to make it less threatening for us. We should be i think, building better Missile Defense. We should be deploying Missile Defense around north korea, drones, seabase antimitchell defense, that would give us defense. It is another thing to see the Defense Department receiving more for military build up. We have been cutting because of the sequestration, not just Missile Defense, but missiles on paper. I am not sure if that is reality. You get the this is what is going to have to happen. I am not sure, i dont think most americans know we are cutting our missiles. Shifting, spending for things like ground combat, afghanistan, iraq. Missile defense got cut because of that iran is bigger, powerful, richer, they have missile technology, already. We will have all the questions again, with a much bigger adversary. If donald trump has his way, that will end sooner than later. The here is the deal that we are n everybody around him his own military, staff, and his own afratus, said, this is a good deal. He said, we are getting out this deal. It is a prelude of what happens in iran. The president is saying we are getting out of this. I dont know if this reality makes any of us feel safer. What is go ago in the world of diplomacy should worry people. The argument for this book, at least it may help to build a gap. Build our defenses, even if we cant rely on traditional allies, i worry, about it, many republicans, feel that President Trump was too impulsive. May be it would appeal to him, the people in the military. And the state department. Start to use new technology to make america safer. Provide that sense of security. I feel like a lot of American People are becoming extremely worried. They see, destabilization all around the world. Chaos. I dont blame them. I dont know f our future is about using drones here, there, everywhere, that that makes us safer. All you do is create more enemies, when you continue to kill innocent women and children. It is inescapable. At least what weapons do, they reduce the killing from technologies we used to use. At least we have no americans at risk. We are killing less members of the enemy. Less buildings are destroyed. In the future, for example, if you wanted to pressure russia or china. Instead of launching drones, why not take their stock market off line for a day. Prevent them from interacting with the World Trading system. Pinpoint, strike important parts of networks or military, without killing people. We should be worried about civilians and civilian deaths, iraq and afghanistan. The technologist are more and more precise. Killing more and more people. More indiscriminately. Reverse that trend. When i know that the world has no idea who to listen to, when america speaks. Is trump the final arbiter or is he not . Not embarrassing just on the north korea front. Any other place around the globe, who to take seriously, when they speak on behalf of america. I would say, one thing that bothered a lot of people, republican and democrat before Trump Took Office was the chaotic nature of the way he ran thing. It seems like a reality show. A lot of chaos and drama. You cant run Foreign Policy that way. Other countries need to know who is in charge. What our message is. We have this idea there is a sole voice for the country. We tried to get away from States Running separate policies. I take your point. Get rid of the people who worked on the campaign, put adult leadership in charge. New chief of staff. Traditional republicans come in, and run things, hopefully, they will restore order. We need some order in the white house. So you dont have officials like a mattis or tillson going out there, having their legs cut out from under them. You have people like bannon, do whatever they can to wipe occupy the establishment you want to run the white house. How cyber, robots and weapons change war. By john hu. Thank you. That is our show tonight. Thanks for watching, always, keep faith. I am tafis smiley. Join us next time, we will see you then. Today, on americas test kitchen, julia and bridget cook up the ultimate ground beef chili, adam shows bridget his top Food Processor picks, and erin wows julia with a red lentil soup with north african spices. Its all coming up, right here on americas test kitchen. Americas test kitchen is brought to you by the following Fisher Paykel. Since 1934, Fisher Paykel has been designing

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