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Tonight ettu franken, plus stephen welcomes ben affleck, greta gerwig and musical guest dead company featuring jon batiste and stay human. And now live on tape from the ed sullivan theater in new york city, its Stephen Colbert cheers and applause stephen whooo how are you . Hey, everybody. applause . Stephen hey, everybody, how are you . Thank you. Please sit down, everybody. Welcome to the late show, im your host Stephen Colbert. Folks applause . Stephen every day it seems like we find out about another highprofile sexual harasser. And today is no exception. Brace yourself, because it is senator al franken. Hes been accused of kissing and groping a woman without her consent. Come on, franken i guess there are no good people left so lets just get it over with. Just tell us whatever you did, jimmy carter, barack obama, tom hanks, malala. laughter . Jon oh my. Stephen as a fellow comedian i long admired al franken but i got to say this does not bode well for louis c. K. s senate hopes. laughter here are the details. Strap in. While touring with the uso in 2006 franken yet a sketch where he got to kiss the female emcee leann tweed en, according to tweeden during rehearsal he came at her, put his hand on the back of her head, mashed his lips against hers and aggressively stuck his tongue in her mouth. Now for those of you not in showbiz, actors call that technique, sexual harassment. And it didnt stop therement on the way home from the tour, she fell asleep on the plane and franken decided to take this goofy pic. Oh boy. That is admissible evidence. So this is bad. Franken has responded saying i certainly dont remember the rehearsal for the skit in the same way but i send my sincerest apologies to leann. As to the photo, it was clearly intended to be funny but wasnt. I shouldnt have done it. Okay, intended to be funny but wasnt. No. Your Movie Institute saves his family was intended to be funny but wasnt. That photo was intended to embarrass her. Thats why he did it while she was asleep. Nobody goes up to their buddy when is he awake and says hey, can i draw a penis on your forehead. Franken later released a more complete apology in which he said im asking that an ethics investigation be undertaken. And i will gladly cooperate. Well, thats nice. It would be wrong in if an ethics investigation was done without his consent. Of course, franken is just the latest politician accused of sexual harassment. All week weve been talking about Alabama Senate candidate and man without buys his wardrobe at party city, roy moore. laughter yesterday, you remember, yesterday four, four, count them, four more women accused him of Sexual Misconduct bringing the grand total to way too many. laughter and good news for moore, one of yesterdays accusers was not a minor. Whooo . I did not expect that. This woman was 28 when she hired moore to handle a custody petition and when she went to his office to sign the papers he asked questions about her young daughters. And if they were as pretty as she was. Well thats just family values. And that eval us dating your entire family. Another new accuser says that moore hit on her when she was 17. And working as a hostess at red lobster. Uh. That is disgusting. Red lobster. laughter god intended shrimp to be limited. Apparently, no one has the unlimited shrimp . All right. Apparently moore asked the teen out and she said do you know how old i am. To which he responded, yeah, i go out with girls your age all the time. To which i respond, aggh remember, monday we learned that moore had been banned from his local mall and apparently his behavior was so bad that sears had a whole roy moore protocol. One store manager told new hires to watch out for this guy. And moores behavior caused women to hide from him when he came in the sears. Okay. Okay. Welcome to training, couple thing to the remember, always wear your name badge on the floor, okay. You got to cash out before you punch out. And if you see roy moore, pretend to be a mannequin. laughter dont blink or he will know you are a real girl. Jon oh my. Stephen and of course because were talking about roy moore, these sears employees were in high school. One of the women says that moore asked her where she went to school and then for her phone number. Which she says she declined to give telling him that her father was a Southern Baptist preacher, would never approve. But that did not stop moore. A few days later its girl was sum mondayed to the Principals Office over the intercome in her classroom. She had a phone call. Phsshht, please report to the Principals Office, an unidentified weirdo is calling for a highschool student. I have no problem making this happen because im terrible at my job. That is all. And the call applause thank you, thank you. Thank you. And the call didnt go so great. She answered the phone and the male on the other line said gena, this is roy moore. I was like what. He said what are you doing . I said im in trig class. laughter thats impressive. Roy moore actually made trigonometry the more appealing option. laughter applause all these allegations have put republicans in a tough position. They want to hold on to the senate but they dont want to back a perv. Thats why Senate Majority leader and inspiration for the sad face emoji mitch mcconnell, he thinks attorney general Jeff Sessions should run against moore as a writein candidate. He fits the mold of somebody who might be able to pull off a writein. The alabaman who would, you know, fit that standard would be the attorney general, who is totally wellknown and extremely popular in alabama. Stephen yes, wellknown and extremely popular in alabama are the only criteria. In that case your other choices are forrest gump, a statue of bear bryant or a jug of sweet tea with sunglasses. But it is going to be sweet tea. I like forrest. Stephen but moore isnt afraid of the Washington Republicans tweeting dear mitch mcconnell, bring it on. A strong sentiments leading the head of the National Republican Senatorial Committee to tweet bring it on is a movie about high school cheerleaders. laughter . Jon no, oh. applause . Jon a little too close for comfort there. Stephen to which roy moore replied, and . Well, moore is fighting back. Yesterday one of his attorneys held a press conference intending to put all of this behind them. Ive been with him in probably over a hundred different meetings and been around probably in excess of 10,000 different ladies in judges moore presence and not once, not one time have i ever seen him act even remotely inappropriate against any woman. Stephen of course you didnt see it you werent in their trigonometry class. But the main the main applause . Stephen thrust, the main thrust of yesterdays press conference was moores attorney trying to discredit a key piece of evidence. One of the accusers High School Year book which moore signed. Release the year book so that we can determine is it genuine or is it a fraud. Stephen yeah, it could be a fraud. Lets compare roy moores known signatures, okay, up here, known signatures with that in the year book, see . Three totally different signatures by the same guy. applause now the woman, the womans Attorney Says they might let independent handwriting experts look at the year book but you know what, i took a College Course in handwriting analysis. And i think i could help, now lets see, like right now if you look up here, turn this on its side, here is the signature i found here. If you look at the wide loop of the r up here, that is a classic forensic indicator that the accused might be hiding something plus the elongated y loop down here, this stem down here tells us he has no problem encroaching on the space of others. Now theres another very small indicator, and this is extremely technical but if you look really closely, its written in a girls High School Year book. Hes a prevert. applause today roy moore held another press conference and began with a story about some advice a seasoned judge gave him in is early days in politics. What you need to did is have, eyeglasses that shows people that you study a lot and read a lot. Then he said and then you have to have one other thing, he said well you have to have hemorrhoids. I said why. He said well trk gives you a concerned look. laughter applause stephen like this . laughter are you holding a press conference about your butt hole . And moore blasted the media for focusing on him. Today we got a call from one big magazine, that yall recognize if i say the name. I dont want to say it. Stephen i will say it, its barely legal and theyre looking for a new editor in chief. But moore was defiant. Theres been comments about me taking a stand. Yes, i have taken a stand in the past. I will take a stand in the future. And i will quit standing when they lay me in that box and put me in the ground. Stephen you can take my teenage sales clerk when you pry her from my cold dead hands. applause we gt a great show for you tonight. Ben affleck is here. Right over there. Stick around, everybody. Iasom sorry im late. I overswept. [ laughter ] yes, even the awkward among us deserve some laughter. And while its okay to nibble in public, a lady only dines in private. Try the name your price tool from progressive. It gives you options based on your budget. Uhoh. Discussing finances is a big nono. What, im helping her save money shh men are talking. Thats it, im out. Taking the meatballs. [ ]. Thats it, im out. [ ] hurry in to old navy and get forty percent off your entire purchase or fifty percent off when you use or open an Old Navy Card through sunday at old navy. All smartphones are more or less the same, right . But this is the moto z. [hello moto] can your phone turn into a projector . Because a 70 inch projection beats any phone screen. And they might be bragging about portrait mode. But can your phone go beyond and transform into a real 360 camera . Its time to reinvent your smartphone. Its time to move on. Moto mods on the new moto z, from motorola. Stephen hey, everybody. Welcome back. Jon batiste, stay human, right over there. I dont have to tell yall. I hope i dont have to tell you, i know i dont have to tell these people how much i wish this was friday right now. Jon feeling good, real good. Stephen you know what, weve got great stuff to hold us over to friday because later on in this show were going to have dead company, the grateful dead and john mayer playing here. Theyre here tonight and theyre here tomorrow night, you will not going to want to miss a minute of any one of these shows. Jon its going to kill. Stephen you dont want to miss the next two acts here, my first is an oscar winner you foa from argo, gone girl and now as batman in Justice League. What are we under right now . Gotham harbor. Stephen please welcome ben affleck. applause hey. Nice to have you on the show. Thank you very much, this is very exciting. Stephen i understand you have never been in the ed sullivan theater before. I never did letterman and i am pretty sure i would remember if i had done your show before. Stephen nope, weve met before, last coup of times last time you were at the afterparty at the emmys. It was nice. This is a banal thing to say to a guest but you are yeah taller than i thought you would be. Do you get that a lot or am i just dumb about ben affleck . Yes, i get that a lot. I get that all the time. My exwife jennifer also used to babysit for you. Stephen exactly. So we have a family connection. Stephen used to babysit pie daughter. Good to see you again. Good to see you too. Stephen congratulations for the Justice League movie. The thing is, the movie is not out yet. applause im really looking forward to it. Movie is not out yet but youve already got years ago, you already got the best possible review. Any actor could ever get. This is from september of 2013. This must have made you so excited. Yes. Stephen donald trump, everyone should calm down ben affleck is going to do a great job as batman. applause thank you. Stephen come on. Have i to say, it really made me reconsider everything i have ever thought about the man. You know, he could be on to something here, he could be a genius. He could be. That guy should be the commander in chief. He should certainly do casting, after, you know, get in the casting business. Stephen have you ever talked to him, ever met him. No. Stephen come on. I passed by. Stephen are you a big famous guy out in the world and for years could you still talk to donald offer and not go. I passed him at a couple of parties and i heard that in order to get permission to film at his properties, he insisted on being put in the movie as an extra. Stephen wow. So you had to go through this ritual of pretending, okay, now is the scene, donald, action. Stephen really. Yeah, and then and then they would say cut and he would go home, you know. And never ended up in any of the movies. I think actually there is one movie. Stephen home alone 2. Is that what it is. Stephen home alone 2, yeah, the kid asked where the bathroom is. He goes down the hall to the left. There you go. Stephen it is not believable but he says down the hall and to the left. Okay. So were you a superhero . Because you are playing a superhero now. That is a cultural touchstone now, like all movies have superheroes at this point. All of them. It seems that way, doesnt it. Stephen you were also. You want to have a movie release you should vay cape on. Stephen exactly. You cut that part out of argo. At a certain point you did have laser visionment so but you were a superhero fan as a child. I was am i did a high school movie, like i was really into the av club, i was that i goo, pushing the vcrs around the school, you know. And we did, we made a little superman movie where i played superman. So i dont to brag but i was. Stephen did you have any. I showed it to him. I just thought it might be interesting for him, a few pointers. And you know, didnt go over well. Stephen now you and jen have a son sam. Yes. Stephen five. Yes, five. Stephen good age, good age for superhero movies. Spectacular age. My daughters are to the al ally over me and couldnt think im any possible less cool but my son still is, you know, thinks im a superhero. Stephen how old are your daughter are they twins. No, 11 and 8. Stephen they will think are you kal again in about 15 years. Something to look forward to. Stephen to look forward to. What about sam, baltman must be his favorite now that are you batman you must be his favorite superhero. He was, you know, thrilled that i was playing batman and starting the publicity thing again. And it was coinsiding with halloween. He came to me and said dad, i have a costume that i want more than anything. And i said i have some connections. And he said i want to be flash so there you go. Turned out it wasnt worth it. Stephen yeah. The whole thing. Areas of pie life, wasted. Stephen maybe flash can pay for your college. Yeah. applause . Stephen im sure you two will be very happy together. Ill charge you. Stephen do you get to keep, as batman hes got, got to get those toys as the joker says. Do you get to keep any of the cool toys, keep the bat mobile. I didnt get to keep the bat they kept track of the bat mobile. Stephen oh, they did. There were some other tough that fell off the truck like the i get getting these phone calls from the prop Department Like you sure you havent found any of that stuff. No, son of a gun, i just cant i dont. Stephen did you actually steal something. I did, yeah. You cant exact leigh have been, you know, stealing it if you got billed for it which is what happened to me. Stephen what did they watch you with. Warner brothers, sturns out bata ranges arent cheap. Stephen the bata rang. Does it do the thing or it just prop. It will hit guys. If you heave it at somebody. Stephen so it has mass and weight. Yes. Stephen we will take a little commercial break break. Well be right back with ben affleck, everybody. Stick around. 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Healthy, beautiful smiles for life. tis the season to buy one get one free. Stephen hey, everybody, he tried to get away. Were back with our friend ben affleck. Ben, now listen, before you scurry away, this is the 20th anniversary of good will hunting this year. Yeah. Stephen extraordinary movie. applause i was completely blown away and i was a younger performer. Sure, sure. Stephen you guys were like in it and written it and you produced it also. Defacto. Stephen defacto, like im not working hard enough. These guys did all of this themselves. How long did you work on this fill snm. Years. I mean we wrote it, it took us about four years to write and then we rewrote it and rewrote it and then we had it in development and no one would make it and shopped it around and finally we got someone to make the movie. Stephen and you always wrote it with yourself in mind, this would be our. Matt damon and i. The idea wasnt really to, press ourselves as writers but to write something that we would look cool in as actors so we could get acting. Stephen so ego first. Absolutely. Stephen did you have other people in mind for the different parts, like in my dreams, cuz nobody knew who you were. You both worked but you werent. We were like hustling around hollywood doing little parts and we thought it waz easier for us to write it doing imitations of famous actors that we imagined might one day be in the movie. And then we would record these improvisations and write down. Stephen like who would you improadvice. I do remember for awhile we had de niro and Morgan Freeman in the movie, you know what i mean. Stephen shoot right for the top. We were pretty sure that that was probably going to happen, at least one of the two. Stephen who did de niro play. De niro was the Robin Williams character and Morgan Freeman was playing the scarsguards the more successful mathematician. Stephen did you do de niro. I do the ternl de niro. I just do the face. Stephen i do a pretty good de niro. I know some of those lanes. You do. Stephen yeah, do you want to mary hee. I would love to. Stephen do you want to hear me do some de niro, all right, this is when matt damons character, will, is breaking down. Okay, yeah. Stephen its not your fault see, im bobby de niro see, its not your fault. Great. Stephen thank you. Wonderful. Stephen did i have the line right, its not your fault. Basically nailed it. Stephen you didnt do it. I wouldnt nitpick. Stephen it is your script, you should probably nitpick. Wonderful stuff. Stephen now the person who made that film for you, the person who started your career was Harvey Weinstein. Now. A comedy show, correct. Stephen this is a comedy show right now but we also talk about subject of moment, with the National Conversation about. Absolutely. Stephen and after the revelations, disturbing and truly horrifying revelations about what Harvey Weinstein did, did you feel because you had such a Close Association with him at the beginning of your career that you had to do more than simply distance yourself from Harvey Weinstein . Because everybody ran for the exit. Yes. And understandably so. You know, for me it was a little bit, i mean it was awful to see the extent of these terrible crimes and it was hideous. I hadnt worked for harvey for more than 15 years. But none the less i felt this attachment to movies like good will hunting and shakespeare am love and early movies that i really loved doing when i still was totally brand new. And so it sort of tainted that a little bit to realize while we were having these experiences and making theetion movie there were people who were suffering and dealing with awful experiences. So i didnt really know what to do with that. You know, its hard to know. But i decided to give back the residuals that im getting from the mir amax movies and give them to rain and film independent who you can also donate to just because i didnt want to sort of cash a check from the guy. And i thought well maybe here, you know, can i still feel okay about it if its going to a good cause. Stephen well, after that there have been multiple accusations and revelations about various people especially in hollywood has been focused for the most part until recently. And you yourself have been accused of a few things, sexual impropriety, you have apologized for some of that. And do you feel like there is more that you or all men, especially in hollywood have to do to make sure that this isnt a passing thing. Where women are. I think so. I think we have to, what i was accused of by a woman was of touching her breast while i gave her a hug. I dont remember it. But i absolutely apologized for it i certainly dont think shes lying or making it up. This is just the kind of thing that we have to, as men, i think, in this, as we become more aware of this, be really, really mindful of our behavior and hold ourselves accountable and say if i was ever part of the problem, i want to change. I want to be part of the solution and to not shy away from, you know, these uncomfortable or awkward or strange encounters that we might have had where we were sort of navigating and not knowing. I just did an interview where somebody asked pea a question and i kind of, you know, it was a serious question. And i kind of felt uncomfortable and didnt know what to say and laugh awkwardly it is just a tricky thing to try to handle. I think the most important thing to do is to supported the voices that are coming forward. Believe them and create a business where more women are empowered and in place so that less of this happens and so that there is a way of reporting this stuff that people can feal safe doing, you know applause . Stephen i completely agree. And also might be nice if we had like a Justice League out there. That wab nice. Stephen bring a little justice down on top of the people who. It would be nice to have a Justice League. Stephen who run away from the accusationsment because eventually everything comes out. I think so. It certainly is now. You know, i mean it didnt, clearly it didnt before. I thought i had a sense of the scope of the problem. And i thought i understood it. And the truth is i really didnt. I didnt understand what it is like to be groped, to be harassed, to be interrupted, talked over, paid less, you know, pushed around, belittled all the things that women deal with that for me as a man i had the privilege of not having to deal with. And part of this for me has been listening to people i really care about and love as they tell me stories of stuff that has happened to them. This is men and women. And you know, recognizing that its a real thing. Im not a spokesman. Im not a superhero. I cant change it by myself. I can just be accountable for myself and for my actions. Stephen i think all men especially need to examine their own conscience to be aware of what they may ve done in the past and how in the future they can treat women with greater respect and it starts with believing the people who make the accusations. Absolutely. Stephen well socker nice to have you here. Thank you so much. Stephen Justice League is in theaters tomorrow. Ben affleck, everybody. Well be right back with greta gerwig. To find my next vacation. Rome, show me something. Im having breakfast at the pantheon. What an amazing view. Of your finger. Look at this view. Your finger isnt that incredible. Your finger and check this one out oh its so amazing move your finger three times points on travel and restaurants on every continent. Sapphire reserve, from chase. Make more of whats yours. Of thoughts and wdreams that scatter k you pull them all together and how, i cant explain oh yeah, well well well youuuu you make my dreams come true well, well, well youuuu topped steak twisted potatoes at applebees. Eatin good in the neighborhood. Stephen hey, everybody. Welcome back. My next guest tonight is an actor and a screen writer known for frances ha and 20th century women, shes now making her directorial debut with lady bird. I want to go where culture is. Mow did i raise such a snob. At least connecticut or New Hampshire where writers live in the woods. How do you get in those schools anyway. Cant even pass your drivers test. You didnt let me practice enough. Why did you work, the way you dont work, you are not even worth state tuition. My name is lady bird. Well, actually its not and it is ridiculous. Call me lady bird like you said you would. You should just go to city collegek with your work ethic go to city college, back to jail and then back to city college and then man would you learn to pull yourself up and not expect everybody to. Stephen please welcome greta gerwig. Plaws plaws. Stephen hi. Hi. Stephen nice to meet i. Nice to meet you. Stephen now we dont have a lot of directedders on this show. Oh. Stephen because i dont know, no, because people just dont know who directors are. And director really belong behind the camera. Right, they dont bring us out very often. Stephen but you are also an accomplished actress in your own right and a screen writer as i said before. And i understand and i would love to know the story behind this. You were almost on a cbs sitcom, we were almost coworkers. Yes, we were almost in the same cbs family theres with a show called how i met your mother. Stephen i remember that. Im familiar, im familiar. Its he a great show. I loved it. Everyone loves it. And they were going to make another one called how i met your dad, starring me. And we shot the pilot and it was so much fun and i loved working on it. And then they take the pilot to las vegas. And they. Stephen focus group. They test it. And the audience, theyre given nobodies and they turn the nobodies to the right if they like it and the left if they dont. And apparently they trned the nobodies to the left every time i came on. Stephen oh no. So yeah, they didnt it didnt they didnt like it. At all. Stephen now now youve got lady bird. Thats right. Stephen which is directorial debut and it is getting amazing notices. It was call perfection by the new york times. Its got a 100 on roten tomatoes. applause yes, yes. Stephen was it, we saw that great clip there, is it based on your childhood, your teenage years. Its inspired by parts of my childhood, but it is not literal leigh. Stephen tell people the story. Lady bird about a girl named christine mcfearson without makes everyone call her lady bird and takes place over the senior year of high school and it is kind of a love story between her and her mom, how like hard it is to say goodbye and how one person is coming of age is another persons letting go. And its really funny but it will also make you cry and call your mom. Stephen did you cry and call your mom. Yeah, yeah and then my mom cried and called me when i showed it to her. Stephen so but she recognized some of your relationship in this movie. Yes, she recognized some of it i men she knows more than anyone what is not real and whats real. Stephen did she say like why did you put that in. Nobody needs to know that about us, any of it too personal. No, no, she was very flat erred by it. She has seen it six times. Stephen did you at any point jump out of your mothers car. Not a moving car. Stephen at a stop light. It was idling, yes. But i i exited. Stephen now i understand that you went to an allgirls Catholic School. Thats right, yes. Stephen like typical like knee socks and plaid skirts. Yeah. Stephen with nuns measuring the length of the skirt. We had skirt check. Jon that. Stephen that what it is called skirt check. If it goes below your finger or above your finger tips t is bad. Stephen wow. But are you not a catholic. No, im not a catholic but i actually loved Catholic School and everything in it because i i mean to be totally honest because i was kind of a theatrical kid i feel like they had really good outfits and really good musical numbers. Stephen stagecraft. Yeah. Stephen of the Catholic Church is i was an altar boy and that was my experience of being on stage, im on stage, everybody is looking at me. And the smoke and all the stuff. Stephen the incense. Yeah, yeah. Stephen incense on the chain ball, the bells. Exactly. And it felt. Stephen the nuns are witches. It felt very close to like sound of music or, it felt. Stephen very close to sound of mus eck. Except the nuns dont run off with the baron. Thats right, they didnt, they dont. Stephen they dont do that. But we had nurns, we had plettee groovy nuns. Stephen like folk mass like those kind of nuns, singing. Sort of ukulele playing nuns musical nuns. But they didnt, like we would do shall. Stephen ive never played musical nuns. Its a great game. But we would do like, we would have like you know, i book theology for four years. Stephen of course. Because it was part of it. And the school i went to was st. Francis and based on st. Francis of assisi so we watched the brother sun sister moon. Stephen about discovering his st. Hood. Become st. Francis and the way he does is it pretty dramatic. He takes off all of his clothes in the town square and its like, i dont need your money, father. And i always identified with the father being like oh no. My son just heard from god and now hes taking off his clothes. But i remember its a beautiful film. Stephen the act certificate cute. So cute. Hes a beautiful guy. But the nuns put post it notes over the place where she knew his butt would be. Not today, ladies. laughter . Stephen yeah, well, missed out on a convert. It would have, that, the costumes, i was like im in. Stephen well, lovely to meet you, thank you. So nice to meet you. applause . Stephen lady bird is in theaters now. Greta gerwig, everybody. Stephen well be back with a performance by dead company, stick around. Pre crowd cheering presents for them, kohls cash for you announcer kohls. Give joy. Get joy. Guyyou know whatals arethat means. Et. Coming through, coming through, coming through this saturday only save 25 on toys. Save big with weekend deals, only at target. Music playing bye scout where is it you wanna go . Where is it you wanna go . Check it out oh, dude. What did your mom say . Where is it you wanna go . Where is it you wanna go . Where is it you wanna go . Where is it you wanna go . Thank you. 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Take the olay 28 day challenge to ageless skin . See visible results day 1. By day 28 . Years off your skin age. But dont take it from us, take it from one of the millions of real women already in the know its not often you can say, you know i saw results right away visible results or your money back olay. Ageless there is not a friend that i have that will not own this product stephen my next guest kicked off their fall toured at Madison Square garden earlier this week. Here now performing jack straw please welcome dead company. We can share the women we can share the wine we can share what we got of yours cause we done shared all of mine keep on rolling just a mile to go keep on rolling, my old buddy youre moving much too slow i just jumped the watchman right outside the fence took his ring four bucks in change now aint that heavensent . Hurts my ears to listen Shannon Burns my eyes to see cut down a man in cold blood shannon might as well be me we used to play for silver now we play for life ones for sport and ones for blood at the point of a knife now the die is shaken now the die must fall there aint a winner in this game who dont go home with all not with all leaving texas fourth day of july sun so hot, clouds so low the eagles filled the sky from sea to shining sea. Got to go. Got to. Aint no place can hide you. Keep you from the sun. You keep the sun. One man gone and another to go we can share the women we can share the wine. applause ive gotta hit the loo. We cant stay here why . Terrible toilet paper ill never get clean way ahead of you, big daddy. Aww. Charmin ultra strong. Its washclothlike texture helps clean better. Its four times stronger and you can use less. Beautiful view. Thanks to charmin. And you, honeybear. Awwwww. We all go. Why not enjoy the go with charmin . Stephen thats it for the late show, tune in tomorrow, nor rah norah odonnell, now stay tuned for james corden with deborah messing, taran killam and sam rockwell. Good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org are you ready yall to have some fun feel the love tonight dont you worry bout where it is you come from itll be all right its the late, late show reg

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