Craglia et al on Digital Transformation & Data Governance
Massimo Craglia (European Union - European Commission Joint Research Centre-Ispra), Marina Micheli (University of Zurich - Institute of Mass Communication and Media Research), Jiri Hradec (European Union - European Commission), Igor Calzada (Cardiff University, WISERD (Wales Institute for Social and Economic Research and Data); University of Oxford, Future of Cities Programme & Urban Transformations ESRC portfolio, COMPAS), Steven Luitjens (Government of the Netherlands - Netherlands Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations), Marisa Ponti (University of Gothenburg), Henk Jan Scholten, & J. Boter (VU University Amsterdam, Marketing Dept) have posted Digitranscope: The Governance of Digitally-Transformed Society (Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2021) on SSRN. Here is the abstract: