Letters: 'We need housing in Whanganui more than the velodrome'
8 Apr, 2021 05:00 PM
3 minutes to read
Whanganui Chronicle
It's time, councillors. I share Trevor Stratton's misgivings (Letters, April 7) about the district council's preferred option for a $20 million velodrome roofing project.
I suspect many councillors were uneasy about giving that
option the tick but chose what they saw as the line of least resistance, after enduring years of fierce lobbying by what became the Regional Velodrome Development Trust.
The squeakiest wheel of all has been councillor Philippa Baker-Hogan who, after years of velodrome lobbying, went all out in her 2019 campaign for a fifth term as the sole bearer of the "Velodrome Events Centre" banner.