Islamic state group. Angry french farmers back out, blocking roads in protest of falling incomes. The french president speaking out about their plight in dijon. Looking at this with our french politics editor. 1 00 p. M. In the french capital. 7 00 a. M. In washington, d. C. Coming up over the next hour, analysis in business, the french government is selling the family silver. Looking at plans to sell off airports in lyon and nice. And some holiday reading in our press review. Marilyn monroe on the cover of this weeks french vanity fair. And uncovered on the inside pages. More coming up later on. It is not enough to securea new bailout yet, but the latest vote in the Greek Parliament means athens can Start Talking to europe about billions of euros in emergency loans. Talks should begin tomorrow in athens and end by august 20 according to a government announcement in the last hour. Overnight, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras saw a rebellion from his party to push through reforms agreed with brussels as preconditions of new bailout negotiations. Thomas waterhouse reports. Thomas lawmakers burnt a midnight oil in athens and eight bid in a bid to avoid greece burning bridges with creditors. The second bill was easily passed with support of 230 mps in a 300 seat parliament. 36 f syrizas deputies voted against the bill or abstained slightly less than the 39 who rebelled last week. We are not in favor of the measures. We do not support the syriza government. We support our homeland and so we vote yes to secure our countrys place in the euro. We vote yes to restore trust lost because of your actions. Thomas the veil covers rules for dealing with banks and the justice system. More conditions set by greeces creditors to pave the way for talks on an. 86 billion euro bailout failure to pass the measures could spark fears over greeces future in the eurozone or have undermined Alexis Tsipras coalition. He said he would continue his fight for the greek people to the end. Alexis tsipras i do not plan on voluntarily leaving. We will not be cowardly. We will not throw our shields down. Nor will we be apologists for lost battles. Thomas more battles ahead and contentious reforms including the phasing out of early retirement and tax hikes farmers. Catherine in turkey, kurdish militants say they killed two Police Officers on wednesday. The Kurdistan Workers Party describing the attack as revenge against the state for in their words collaborating with the Islamic State group. On monday a suspected Islamic State group suzette bomber killed 32 people and mainly kurdish town of suruc, 10 miles from the syrian border. Explaining why many kurds do not think the authorities are doing enough to protect them. Forensic Police Search the apartments where the two officers had been living. Turkish authorities already know who killed them, the armed wing of the pkk kurdish Peoples Defense forces claim responsibility for what it called a punitive action against two Police Officers at believed were cooperating with the Islamic State group in ceylanpinar. The i. S. Group has deteriorated fragile relations between the pll the pkk and ankara. On monday, dozens were killed when a suicide bomber blew himself up in suruc a kurdish town 10 kilometers from the syrian border. Most victims were students. They are about to head to syria to rebuild kobane. A town devastated by fighting between isn Kurdish Forces as well as u. S. Led coalition airstrikes. Promising to tighten security along its border with syria. We need to stop terrorists and foreign fighters crossing the border. As we see the Islamic State group as a danger we will start security work, especially targeting them. On wednesday, turkeys president spoke to his u. S. Counterpart on the phone to discuss how to prevent the conflict in syria spilling across the border. Turkey is in the u. S. Led coalition against the i. S. Group but has refused to take part on a military level. Catherine the u. S. Defense secretary Ashton Carter is in baghdad this thursday for talks with political and military official about iraqs war against the Islamic State group. This is carters first visit to iraq since taking the job. Hes reading the Prime Minister al abadi as well as sunni leaders from anbar province, where much of the current fighting is taking place. New details could emerge today of exactly what is in the deal between iran and six world powers over tehrans nuclear program. John kerry is getting ready to have a grilling at a Senate Hearing later on. The deal is intended to allow iran to keep developing Nuclear Energy for nonmilitary purposes. In exchange, the community will scale back sanctions. Its controversial on capitol hill. Many leading Republican Party figures vowing to block it. As we report lobby groups are getting ready for a fight. The gloves are off in the u. S. Over a deal between iran and the world powers. And the standoff is not just on the streets. The most influence proisrael lobby group aipac waging a campaign to convince lawmakers they should reject the accord. Liberal camps like jay street urging supporters to persuade congress. Good for america, good for israel. Joining them in their campaign the Sister Organization of the National Iranian american council. According to a recent poll, a majority of americans support the pact. For now, the u. S. Secretary of state john kerry, who led negotiations, has a tough job selling the iran nuclear deal. John kerry we are convinced that the agreement that we have arrived at with world powers is an agreement that will prevent iran from the potential of securing a nuclear weapon. It will make the region our friends and allies safer. It will make the world safer. The longer this deal is reviewed by the American People and they learn details, the American People are going to weigh in. Congress is going to reflect their opinion. We are going to kill the deal. The accord was unanimously passed by the Un Security Council monday. It does not need congressional approval to take affect. Republicans are expected to try and sink it with legislation that would block barack obama from lifting sanctions. Catherine in nigeria, rescue workers in gombe fear a series of bombings wednesday could have killed more than 40 people. In neighboring cameroon, a call for vigilance after 11 people were killed wednesday in twin suicide bombings in the north. Boko haram militants are suspected of being behind the attacks. Lets get more on the story with Philip Hazelwood in nigeria. Details of the attack in gombe were slow to come out. What is the latest . Philip the first attack happened in maroua in northern cameroon. Two girls, teenagers under the age of 15, Bombay Central market bombed a central market. They were begging at the time and then the explosives they were wearing blue up at about 3 00 p. M. Across the border, a series of explosions at two bus stations. 12 People Killed in the first blast, about 30 in the second. The rescue workers were at the scene, which has been cordoned off. Catherine the islamist boko haram militants are suspected of being behind this attack. Has there been a claim of responsibility in either case . Phillip no claim of responsibility, but they are rarely as with boko haram. Certainly both attacks they are the hallmarks of the group. Increasingly, they have been attacking soft targets, soft, civilian targets such as bus stations and markets, mosques and churches as they have been pushed out of captured territory by a 4nation Coalition Since the start of the year. Catherine thank you very much for bringing us those updates from lagos in nigeria. Back in france, farmers are once again blocking roads and mounting protests against falling incomes. This despite the government announcing 600 euros 600 Million Euros of help wednesday. Two roads leading to the Mont Saintmichel World Heritage site in normandy were blocked. A measure announced to boost incomes. The president is into john to in dijon to meet rural workers. Take a listen. We must take immediate measures we must undertake structural reforms. As of september, we will hold more negotiations to improve the competitiveness of our farming world. We will ease the administrative constraints and theres much bureaucracy and it is unbearable for farmers. Catherine will hollandes commantes in comments in dijon cut the mustard with farmers . Weve had the Prime Minister, the agriculture minister, lots of people talking about various aspects of this predicament for farmers. The president himself trying to convince farmers that the government is on their side. And this is a sign of worry in the government. They announced this emergency plan at the behest of the president himself. He decided monday morning without initially telling the Prime Minister and the minister of agriculture there was a need to come up with a plan. We had yesterday a very unusual scene. There was a press conference with the Prime Minister and several ministers announcing this round of measures hoping they would convince the farmers. They reacted in a diverse way. There were still blockaded as you mentioned in some key transportation hubs in france. They are worried it could expand. We see the president stepping up to the plate himself. Ok, we need to do more. The farmers need to be heard. Retailers need to make an effort. What comes next . There is no higher level than the president. It is a risk for the president to try to convince farmers. If they do not listen, he has a big problem. Catherine just a play advocate are these the kind of measures, they are not the kind of thing that are going to make a difference overnight. The government has given sympathy to the farmers. Is there a chance that the relationship could sour . Marc it could the farmers realize that the government is reacting in a more forceful way as we just saw the president symbolically addressing them. They probably feel they can get more from the government. They are not satisfied now because they say we are sold that 600 Million Euros, it is 100 million new euros. The rest will be from all programs that have been recycled. They also want guarantees that the prices will increase. They are waiting for a gesture by the government to impose price increases in supermarkets or other places where they are selling their products. This will be the key. Will the government be able to convince the private sector to make an effort . This is a key question. It is taurus season right now in france. We do not want tourists to be afraid to come to france because they see blockaded by angry farmers. Catherine thank you for some analysis on the story. Our french politics editor at france 24. It has gone quarter past 1 00 in the afternoon in the french capital. A reminder of our top stories. Greece is getting ready to talk bailout with europe again. That is the latest from athens. The government saying it is ready to get back around the table with eurozone lenders as of tomorrow. This after the Prime Minister saw off rebels in his own party to pass key reports key reforms demanded by creditors. Kurdish militants have claimed responsibly for killing two turkish policeman in turkey wednesday. The pkk saying it is revenge on the state for not protecting kurds from the Islamic State group militants. Lets get an update on some of todays Top Business News stories with our Business Editor. We are going to start with something very close to home, the tv industry. Not france 24, an investigation i the European Union that is taking some bigname companies. Those include the british Broadcasting Group sky and six hollywood studios. The European Commission has accused them of limiting european access to paytv services. The hollywood film studios are disney sony, nbcuniversal paramount pictures, 20th century fox and warner bros. Peered the statement from the Commission Says they have signed deals with sky that block consumers from accessing ondemand tv services that Company Provides in the u. K. In ireland if you are not based in those two countries. It argues that is should be success it argues that should be accessible the matter where consumers live. The eu says it is unfair limits on competition. Sky has an opportunity to respond. It could be the start of a long process. Catherine lets turn our attention to the markets. What is the latest on the stock market . Pretty flat in the midpoint of the trading day in europe. Seeing some gains in paris and london. Frankfurt just below the line. London shares in the Publishing Group pearson up 2 after the news they are in talks to sell the Financial Times newspaper. No indication as to who they are talking about selling it to. Credit suisse shares up over 6 in zurich after results came in betterthanexpected. Catherine news from france next. What do you want to do when you need spare cash . Maybe have a car boot sale. French government is doing the same. With airports. The government in paris is trying to sell its stake in two major airports in lyon and nice and part of a plan to raise 10 billion euros from the sale of state assets. The latest proposal proved controversial among those who fear outside influence in the running of the airports. A look at the numbers. Two of the countrys busiest transport hubs. The government is planning to sell its 60 stake in the airports of \llyon and nice, arguing it will bring the state more money. 8. 5 million passagengers pass through the the on airport each year. The chamber of commerce is in favor of the privatization which it says would allow for expansion. Weve decided to move ahead with this privatization so we can finally have an airport that lives up to the reputation of our region. The nice airport is a bigger prize. With nearly 12 million passengers in transit a year, the airport contributes about 5 Million Euros to state coffers. Nearly 200 times that could be raised if the government sells the majority state. Other airport shareholders are worried about what is in store for the future. If it is a financial operation, theres a risk. We want a stable investor for the next 1015 years. Concerns were raised last year when the government sold its 49. 9 percent stake in toulouse airport to a chinese consortium. The toulouse sale raised 308 Million Euros more than 300 times the states annual profit from the airport. The u. S. Is next, new york state is to raise the minimum wage to 15 an hour. A70 1 increase in the current basic wage of 8. 25. Catherine a big change. Final story in the business world. For the missed opportunities. One particularly painful example. Blockbuster closed its doors last year. Back in 2000, the then chief executive passed up the chance to buy netflix. According to netflix, they approached blockbuster about a takeover for 50 million. The ceo past, thinking netflix was a small niche business. Now worth almost 33 billion and with 53 lead consumers. Catherine thank you very much for that. Our Business Editor at france 24. Lets move on with our press review. Time to take a look at what is grabbing the headlines in the weekly news magazines with flo. We are going to start off with a french magazine, lexpress. An interview with Salman Rushdie. Flo getting a lot of attention across the world. Lets take a look at the front page. Lexpress why i am speaking out. More than a quartercentury after Salman Rushdie was slapped with a fatwa for his satanic verses. He says the world is going about freedom of expression in the wrong way. He says writers have become too apologetic for poking fun at islam. Why . He says people are afraid. Fear is being disguised as respect. He has a very interesting point in his interview. He says extremism continues an attack against the western world. More so against the muslim world. Keeping silent does not help muslims, according to Salman Rushdie. He says fighting extremism is a way to defend islam. Catherine this is just a little over six months since the Charlie Hebdo attacks in paris. A few days after Charlie Hebdo came out and said they are not going to publish anymore cartoons of mohammed. Flo they are continuing to poke fun at the Islamic State group. If we take a look at the cover of Charlie Hebdo this week, questionable humor that is the trademark. You can see here. not even afraid. This person saying im not going to let the Islamic State group ruin my summer vacation. Catherine is that poking fun at Islamic State are people going on holiday to places they might operate . We will have a look at another newspaper. Flo pretty impressive front page. King kong fighting the radio tower. They are going on about the fact that some internet giants are becoming stronger than countries. Stronger than the states themselves. Who are they talking about . Google, apple, facebook and amazon. Big internet giants like those have taken control of whole sectors of the society and the economy. Sectors that go way beyond borders. This is the case according to this newspaper in developing countries. They are quite alarmed by the power that the internet giants have especially in developing countries. Internet giants do not have the same requirements of transparency in government that democratically elected governments do. Catherine and certain developing countries are facing a challenge from elected leaders. This is a topic in another paper. Flo very interesting, are our leaders too old. In terms of age and longevity . Out of the five oldest president s on the planet, 3 are african. There are some very interesting things. If you add up the years that the president of Equatorial Guinea has been president , the angolan and cameroon president have been president , over 100 years. The president zimbabwe is almost 100. Hes 91 now. In tunisia the president is pushing 90. That being said, Jeune Afrique says do not fall into the trap of the age of african leaders. 63 years old is not much higher than the average for the world 61 years old. Catherine people want their leaders to have experience as well. It is a balance. We are going to move on. A little hot and sweaty. Flo lets take a look. It talks about hashtag sex. The new revolution. A crash course in sexuality 2. 0. What is that . It is essentially the place where it gives you all the juice, dating sites that use gps on your phone to sex toys that help you make love at a distance, animated dolls. Check out lobs. This was a trend for a lot of french magazines during the summer. They tend to have special issues on sex. Perhaps it is good beach reading. If you want other beach reading vanity fair french this week. It is a little soft. You can see Marilyn Monroe on the front page. An interesting issue. They talk about a crazy story of a photo that could have changed everything. What is interesting, this is a nude photo of Marilyn Monroe taken on the step up the set of her last film somethings got to give by larry schiller. He told playbook he could get her to pose nude. It was too late, she never got the letter and ended up dying before she could get her green light. Vanity fair has the photo of her and publishes it for the first time. You can check that out in vanity fair. Catherine ethically a little compensated. Flo exactly. A little bit more good beach reading. You can see the princess caroline of monaco. She is often on the front page. This week, she is with an unhappy looking grandkid. Catherine overheated, i think. Flo according ton÷p÷

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