We have exhausted our planets Natural Resources for the year. I will speak to the founder of the Global Footprint Network about earth overshoot day. Hello and welcome back to the newsroom. We start with China Holding a protests inng on hong kong. Beijing said it would continue to support the leader of the terrrritory and china harshly criticized violence by protesters. This after another weekend of clashes between police and prodemocracy demonstrators. On all people to unequivocally oppose and boycott violence. Recent developments, especially violence by radical elements have undermined the broad interest of hong kong and its prosperity and stability. They pose a challenge to the principle of one country and my boss and must by no means be tolerated. Clara joining me is armen georgian. What do you make of chinas reaction . En this Media Briefing comes a week after a Chinese Defense Ministry Statement which said china could legally intervene in hong kong militarily could intervene. It said it had the right to do that. , hehis later statement seemed to be playing down the possibility of military intervention and was talking suppose, hei probably causes of these protests because he was talking about housing employment and things like that and saying there was a need to address those issues. There was a softer tone when it came to i suppose the deeper or broader context to what is happening. There was also an accusation leveled at the outside world with a spokesperson blaming foreign powers for stoking turbulence in hong kong. He did not provide evidence of that or mention any specific countries. That kind of phrase is aimed at audience. Mainland this idea that foreigners are causing trouble plays to nationalist narratives and the protests does not fit in with a worldview of the chinese government. Clara tell us more about the latest round of protests. Were veryarly things tense with rubber bullets and tear gas. There were a number of people wasred in a protest that unauthorized as you would expect firedbe and the police rubber bullets at this group of people who refused to disperse and these tensions really reflect the fury of the protest movement, not just over the involvement, but also police and criminal gangs and i think essenentially was these events showed protest movement is not just going to let this alleged triad it wants ango by inquiry or and it will keep up the pressure until they see movement on thatat. In terms of where we are overall since demonstrations s began, te government has suspended the controversial bill that would have allowed extras to mainland china. However, protesters want that bill to be completely withdrawn and they want an independent inquiry into Police Actions before they want the territorys leader to resign and they want democratic reform. Given all those demand i outlined have not been met, we can expect protesters to keep up pressure in the street as we approach what is at the beginning of the third month of mass protests. Clara thank you for your analysis. Cyber dissident whose website reported on sensitive topics including Human Rights Violations and corruption has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for leaking state secrets. It is one of the harshest sentences hired down since the president came to power in 2012. He will be deprived of Political Rights for 12 years. The russian opposition leaders doctor s says he is heading back to jail from hospital. She opposes his release having said he may have been injured by a chemical substance. Officially, he was treated for a reaction. Ergic he was arrested because he was protests. R for more, i spoke to our chief foreign editor, rob parsons. Rob that is the most that have been other arrested been arrested at any other demonstration in moscow this decade. Some huge demonstrations with up shows,000 or more it the level to which the authorities in moscow and toewhere are prepared to go stamp out what they seem to feel is a growing surge of opposition to president putin at a time popularity ratings have begun to fall. It wasnt so big this weekend despite the high number of arrests. Those images of the police protesters, one of five policemen standing on the legs of a woman lying on the street, the sort of things that could inspire more people to demonstrate. Another demonstration is planned for august 3, next weekend. Clara moving on to sundays shooting at the gilroy garlic festival in california. The gunman shot three people before being gunned down himself. Police responded incredibly fast. Julia kim has the details. What is going on . What is going on . Julia this festival goer watches asas people flee in terr and quickly realizes why. He is shooting. Julia this took place after 5 41 local time. Many initially mistook the gunshots for fireworks. At the same time, the music started for the c concert live. It was like an opening act for the concert. Iere were so many shots and saw people falling down, kids falling down. Witnesses describe a young man in his 30s with a rififle opening fire at random. Police say the response was rapid. Officers were in that area and engaged the suspect in less than a minute. Killed. Ect was shot andd julia in spite of bag checks and metal detectors, the gunman managed to bypass security and enter the 50 acre festival site by cutting through a perimeter fence. According to witness accounts, ththe g gunman did not work a a. Authororities arere actively searching for a second suspect although they are uncertain how the individual was involved. The garlic festival is one of the largest food festivals in the country, drawing in over 100,000 visitors. Sunday was the final day of the event. Is earth overshoot day, that means we have reached the point where we have cocoumed our n natural resourcrces than planet has the capacity to best and worstst test qatar is the worst. The best is earlier and earlier each year. October. It fell in now we can speak to the founder of the Global Footprint Network who joins us from madrid. Thank you very much for your time. What needs to be done to reverse this trend . How do we push the date act . Back five push the date years every five days every year, we will be back to one planet by 2050. If we cut co2 emissions 50 , which is possible, we would move the date 93 days into the future. The question is do we want . Clara how much will is there for this, do you think . How much what is . Clara how much political will . How hopeful are you that we can push the date back . Have you seen encouraging signs . Devoted arere countries to cutting out co2. Movingfrom fofossil fuels, usising more hydropower and wind enenergy, it p possible. The question is whetheher we see it as a necessity. The big proboblem is we seee climate actition or s sustainaby is somethingng noble, bubut if u call something noble, we do itit on sunday afternrnoons, if ever. We need to recognize that understandnding ourr resource situation is necessary, not just mobile, it is as impoportant as managing Financial Resources or more imporortant because in the end, we cannot eat money, we can only eat resources. Resource security is far more important for the longterm success of countries. Clara we just heard gratitude in b bg, the young swedidish activist is going stateside b by boat. Is that what we should a all be doing . It gets good attention and it is importantnt. I am glad greta promoted earth overershoot day. That is wonderful. It is basically to tell us a story and say we need to take thisis seriously. The youngeger generation, everybody born after 1985 will be in the workforce by 2050 just under r 65. For them, it t is aboutut their ability too operate. The younger generationon feels much more they have skin in the game, it is something that affects their life and i think the older generation is moving too slow. Clara what more can we do on an ininvidual levevel . Would you encouragege things lie eating less meat . Using cars less . What i think is the most important thing that is may be easy to do and has huge implications, never say again one should. You alreaeady indicate you dont want, that you dont think it is going to happen. Say i want if you really want and if there is a will, there is a way. Clara as i mentioned before as well as looking at the overall situation, you look to individual countriries. Why is it that indononesia is sh a good student, so to speak . We dont call countries Good Students or bad students, we are just bookkeepers. We show how much they use and have. They have different amounts and resource demand is strongly correlated to incocome as welll, but doesnt have t to be. If we e buy electricity from sor power, we e ve a much h lower footprint than if we buy electricity from coal power. There is a lot of choice what we can do and there is a big difference. If everybody lived like people in qatar, i it woululd take abo8 planets toto support of suppt us. If e everybody lived like people inin india, itit would take aboa third to h half of a planet. T. That iss probably not the e goas we wanant to have,e, it is about having great lives for eveverybody. How w can we e do that given the is only one planet . We need innovation and needed to transform the way we use resources if we want tbebe successful. Clara i hope y your messssage l be heard far and wide. Thank you for takingng the timeo speak to us. Thank you for telling us about earth overshoot day. Thanks for watching. Please stay tuned. He avoids all contact beyond the room he has barely left in the last decade. Seeksa person w who isolation and never leavaves ho. A tv,eed the sound of ototherwise i dodont feel w we. The s silence reminds me i am alone. I often stay in my futon all day and stare at the ceiling. He hahad a normal childhood, but at a university, he was bullied by one of his professors and other students. The trauma turned him against people and since then, time has stood still. He is 32, but his room looks like it belongs to a teenager. He struggles to find the words, as if he is struggling to find a direction in life. It is as if i forget, nothing is clear cut read all i know is my body feels heavy. I am afraid of the world. Even a phone call or email stressed me out. A form of depression or other Mental Health problem, whatever the diagnosis, these people are united by an inability to cocomy with japans strict rules of social interaction. On the other side of the break, his mother is preparing a meal for him. Most of them prepare on their parents to survive. Of a lost generation in a society that places a premium on work. I stood outside his bedroom door many times and begged him to come out, to go to the park or the bird shop because he likes birds. I dont know what to do. I have consulted doctors and been to seminars. It is hard, really hard. He is not interested in anything. I have tried to get him interested in things, but he doesnt want to go out. It is making me depressed, too. This phenomenon was identified in the late 1990s when japans postbubble economic troubles hit young people particularly hard. Today, the generation is not made up of a specific age group or people from a certain social background. Most of them are men, but an increasing number are women. The ability to order just about everything they need online means they never have to leave their room. Alice lived a reclusive life for a total of 5 years. I went through my first phase when i was young, but i managed to come out of it. Then i went to university, found boyfriend. I thought i i had been spared dd finally i i had a relapse. It is as if the light had been turned off. I have no willpower. No desire to do anything. There is nothing inside anymore. Alice ended up leaving her job and her husband. These days, she feels more comfortable talking to people. Fortunate. Not so every year, an estimated 30,000 reclusive people die alone in japan. They are not suicides, but solitary silent ends. This room was once home to a 68yearold man. Keep all the documents organized, Social Security slips, taxpayers, and bank cards. Neighbors alerted the authorities after noticing the smell two months after his death. These are the belongings of a. Erson who died alone several Companies Specialize in cleaning apartments once occupied by tenants who died alone. His legs were here and his head there. He must have had a fall. The mysterious life of the former occupant is slowly unraveling. After working as an accountant for 40 years he, like an increasing number of japanese, stopped communicating with the outside world after he retired. Beans, bedding meals, these are typical of the foods eaten by people who live alone. I go about my cleanining methodically and try not to think about the circumstances or delve too deeply into the lives of the people whose places i am cleaning. All the same, i cannot avoid seeing their possessions so i tell myself i am going to get married and not end up alone. Socieiety ages, so do day. The older they are, the lonelier they become. They simply fade from view, ignored by the rest of society. More these people had contact with their neighbors, we could avoid these solitary deaths. People should pay more attention to others and try to build a community spirit. With proper communication between neighbors. Man did have someone, his niece, who had come to collect his possessions and pay the cleaning bill. Do you want to keep these documents . Yes, i have put aside all the important ones. I would call him and he did not answer. Call or, uncle send a message, that is all. I tried to get him out like lets go to a dinner or something, he did not want to. He refused. He was very lonely. He liked it that way. He lived alone and he died alone. Determined to hang onto their solitude, yet many dream of a different life. To address the problem, the japanese government conducted its First Nationwide study of those aged over 40. Published a book and said modern Japanese Society is to blame. Unlike European Countries which value the importance of the individual, the japanese emphasize e common rules. In that sense, an individuals value is dependent on his ability toto conform to ththe rs set by the group. They are people who are unable to do that and as a result, they feel complpletely useless. They are ashamed, they a are incapable of following the rules of society and suffer from feelings of guilt as a result. Some nongovernmental orgagazations have job traiaing for those willing to leave their room for a few hours. This is how you create an excel file. Teaches thep basics, composing an invoicice, emailing a senenior colleague, speaking in public or laughing and relaxing among other people. I would like to ask a question, but i dont know how. To come, we ask them only twice a month. Initially, the aim is to persuade them to leave their homes. We startrt slowly, we dont have sessions every day. We cannot ask too much of them. Jobs working alongside the ngo. It took this man three years to recover. In. Efore, i was i am not scared anymore. I can communicate with my colleagues and work as part of a team. I think that is what i really learned, to collaborate and communicate. Again. Tart my life i have more confidence now. Employernd other knows about her past and allows her some freedom. Most importantly, she is no longer afraid of going out and meeting other people. In the beginning, my eyes were so used to the darkness of my room, the sunlight was blinding, i could not bear it. I suffered with that for a long time. Month she goes to an editorial meeting at a magazine. Everyone working for the years on have spent time living in isolation. Today, they are eageger to share their experiences. In the beginning, it was a voyage of discovery. I finally feltlt comfortable wih people, and could hear everybodys experience of what i live through. I dont like being in places where there are a lot of people. We man the islamic states brutal reign of terror in raqqa may be at an end. Woman raqqa is now almost fully under the control of coalition forces. Man the liberation of the syrian city is celebrated in the streets. A shadow of the group remains. Man 2 hi. Im Stuart Ramsay in raqqa and this is hotspots. Tonight, were gonna take you behind the scenes of the worlds biggest and hardesthitting stories. We come face to face with cops playing for keeps. From americas south, the teenagers being sold for sex. Woman women are being trafficked. Children are being trafficked. Ramsay and we meet the

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