Yesterday, Msgr Charles Kasibante, the Vicar General of Kampala Archdiocese, read the last speech of the Archbishop of Kampala, Dr Cyprian Kizito Lwanga, during the 10am Mass at Rubaga Cathedral. Dr Lwanga was expected as the main celebrant and was going to read the speech. Sadly, he was found dead in his house a day before. Here is the speech.
“ Dear people of God, Christ is risen. He is risen indeed, alleluia! This is our traditional Easter greeting in which we express our joy and faith in the risen Lord.
The fifth article of our creed says; he descended into hell and on the third day, he rose from the dead. Christ who suffered died and was buried is now risen. Death no longer has the last word. Evil is defeated. The tables are turned and Christ our light is the true victor in the fight against forces of darkness.