Karen is home-schooling her son, Charlie (9), who attends Bunscoil Rís.
She said: 'I was under the assumption that he'd be back on February 11. I told him and his teacher came on Dojo to say it would be February 22. He would always have been saying: "Mammy, how many more sleeps till we get back." I barely got through January.'
Karen said the days have been swinging between meltdowns and tablet time.
'He thrives on routine. I tell him: "get up, get dressed". He does a Zoom class and some schoolwork and a walk. The Zoom is helping. The teacher would be on for around 20 minutes. I work at home in admin and took time off because of this Covid. During the first lockdown that was the hardest because I had to go into work, and trying to get someone to mind him. He could have a meltdown at any time.'