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As a podcast for absolutely free point just grab your phone and scan the Qr Code the bottom of your screen. If watching the Show Wasnt enough for you, you can listen, too. For now, we are signing off from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up late with me, i will see you at The End of tomorrow. Tonight on all in. You know, it doesnt have to be this way. It doesnt have to be this way. Shock and outrage after another deadly Mass Shooting at a school in georgia. Plus, 62 days to Election Day Liz Cheney endorses the democratic nominee not only am i not voting for Donald Trump, but i will be voting for Kamala Harris. Tonight, the republicans who want their own candidates to lose in order for their party to win. Then, a russian Shell Companies paying american conservative pundits to support Donald Trump the stunning new indictment from the department of Justice Storm and what we are learning about a Tidal Wave of disinformation from Elon Musk. Im a big fan of elon. Eli gave me tremendous endorsement. Went all in starts right now. That evening, i am chris hayes. Is the first week of school for much of the country, tragically and unfortunately no surprisingly there has already been a School Shooting. Four people were killed at a High School in georgia today, two students and two teachers. A 14yearold Suspect is now in custody. When this kind of thing happens it is harder to feel like nothing can be done because Mass Shootings have unfortunately become a kind of national periodic ritual. But because we are in president ial election this year, things can be done. There are glaring policy differences on this issue between the two president ial campaigns. They are very very far apart. One wants to do something about it, the other definitively does not. Ready to discuss those differences later on in the program with Colorado Governor Jared Polis who has seen a Nut Number of Mass Shootings and is trying to do something about it. Of course, the issue of Gun Violence for many voters, especially young voters point check me out, pull recently, released today and found that 85 of genji voters are concerned about experiencing Gun Violence in public. 59 say they are very concerned. Republicans dont have a lot of incentive to do anything about it. In fact, republican parties actually do anything at all to persuade those last few persuadable voters to win an election. The current Republican Party with Donald Trump as the nominee for the third consecutive election. 78 years old, degrading before our eyes. You may wonder like i do, like we all do i think, how we got here. And i think the answer is kind of staring us in the face. The way americas elections and political institutions are structured provides a massive advantage for opponents. The senate, of course, which is not a representative Body Tilts massively towards republicans the way the current parties are sorted. The roughly 580,000 americans who live in wyoming, for instance, are represented by effect the same number of senators as a 39 Million people who live in california. And, of course, the Electoral College functions in a similar fashion, right . Actually build off the senate itself, even it appears that Kamala Harris is right now, i would say, a pretty clear favorite to win the Popular Vote. The actual president ial race in terms of the electoral count is extremly close. Harris holding narrow one. Lead in the polling advantage, pulling average of pennsylvania which we see as the tipping. State. In the election as a tossup, right . So when you have these two advantages and they are enormous, right . One house of congress, the senate, and the Lectoral College which elects the president plus an extremely polarized electorate you wind up with i like to call the kind of Trust Fund Repcan pty. It is like Rich Kids who never have to actually get off and work for a living, right . Republicans dont need to get off the couch and do the hard work of persuading voters to get on. Because the constitution is effectively subsidizing their Lifestyle Trolling and golfing. And that is how you wind up with Donald Trump at the top of the ticket. Again, the republicans of the clear favorite to win the senate despite fielding some truly awful candidates. In the Republican Party can run terrible candidates and they can lose the Popular Vote by 3 Million as Donald Trump did in 2016 which is not a small amount. Over a percentage and still stumble backwards into powerpoint and if theres any sort of Silver Lining here at all, this is a dysfunction has caused republican some otherwise very winnable Down Ballot Races in cycle after cycle after cycle. And Electoral College, right . A statewide race in a senate race, for instance. Arizona Republican Party, for example, has effectively collapsed over the last Half Decade and probably. In large part due to Candidate Quality issues. I lake who lost two years ago refuses to concede that she has not currently the governor, which she is very much not. Seems bent to continue that trend as she runs for the senate this november. North carolinas upcoming, much less competitive than you might expect, next to this man, Mark Robinson, he has already been elected statewide, by the way. We covered it, republican Lieutenant Governor of the state of North Carolina he might just be the worst nominee his party has put forth in recent memory and that is really saying something. In 2018, robinson posted at this foolishness about Hitler Disarming Millions of and marching them off to Concentration Camps is a bunch of hogwash. He also said the movie black panther, was, quote, created by an agnostic everybody knows that abortion in this country is not about protecting the lives of mothers point it is about killing a child because you werent responsible enough to keep your skirt down or your pants up. There is no Reason Anybody anywhere in america to be telling any time about transgender is him, homosexuality and any of that filth and yes i called it health. 2 that guy, the guy talking about pulling the shackles out of your pocket, that guy, he is currently one of two men who will run the state of North Carolina. Only two people on the ballot, right . His whole Back Story is that he found jesus in the 1980s and slowly but surely reformed to simple ways. He is now an agent of Avowedly Christian nationalist movement trying to create a rightwing theocracy in america. This week we did a gules more inside news past. According to a new report from the assembly North Carolina which has not been concerned confirmed. Six men to be us, six men, six sources say robinson was a Glar Cuomer of multiple Adult Audio Stores often pay to view or purchase pornography as frequently as five nights a week. Robinsons campaign denies these allegations strenuously. A spokesman called the allegations a word we cannot repeat. He called the journalist degenerate. But multiple named sources on the record, men who either worked out or frequented those stores, including the owner tell a different story. One guy named Dave Dan Livingston who went on the record with his actual name said he used to see robinson frequent a shop called the grove. Robinson usually came in with a pizza, purchased a preview of an adult Film And Weninto a private booth to watch it and eat. Now, hey, its a free country, okay point we should know, of course. Consenting adults have the right to purchase some pizza and then go and produce or purchase that kind of material, pornography, at least for now. Although i should say project 2025 actually want to change that. Pornography should be outlawed, the people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Now i dont think it is super likely that Mark Robinson who, again, in this article with six sources including a named sources said that he would go frequent this shop five nights a week, often with pizza, that he will win his election but this is an example, again, of the republican instinct to nominate these kinds of guys, the most extreme antisocial candidates and they have to be defeated at the Ballot Box over and over and over and over again because the only way it will disappear, they keep trying it. As Jonathan Martin put it in politico this week, if republicans want to win they need trump to lose big Point Trump will never concede defeat no matter how thorough his loss. More decisively Vice President Kamala Harris when the Doppler Vote in the elect oral college elects political oxygen he will have to reprise his 2020 antics. The faster republicans can build a posttrump party. Again, of course, that comes far from given, right . Think of it this way, Donald Trump could utterly disappear from public, never appear in public once again from now until Election Day, still have a pretty good shot of winning the White House and republicans flipping the senate. Like a queen, maybe. Nd th makes it all the more important that, again, the Country Prodemocracy Coalition does the hard work of preventing that outcome. Because the reality is winning a clear majority is not enough. Listen to this. The Republican Party of the united states, one of two major parties, The Party has won the Popular Vote one time since the fall of the berlin wall. Say it again. Only one time since the collapse of the Iron Curtain have republicans managed a national majority in a president ial election. So it is incumbent on democrats to win by such a large margin that overcomes the structural advantages against them. Even some republicans know this is the case, like former congresswoman Liz Cheney who spoke in North Carolina. As a conservative, someone who believes in and cares about the constitution, i have thought deeply about this and because of the danger that Donald Trump poses not only am i not voting for Donald Trump but i will be voting for Kamala Harris. The Maga Movement needs to lose over and over and over again point democracy will not be on secure footing in this country until republicans thE Lesson happens, understandably because happens, understandably because we focused the Electoral College. Because that is the way the system works. Is to ignore how much the gravity of that pulls on everything in politics, particularly Republican Party which is essentially subsidized by this constitutional structure. I think it a really good way of putting it. There is just no incentive for the Republican Party to really try to pursue national majoritys in order to hold power because, as you have stated, more or less the trump troll features The American system gives republicans, really gives the guys the kind of constituencies that republicans have, give them control of the senate, of them a minor advantage in the house and then a real advantage in the electoral College Point i think if you want, if you want not just a Post Trump Republican Party but they Republican Party folks have to do something about the structural features. The thing that is so while to me, too, is that you and i lived through the bush years. America is not something, america is not a country incapable of producing natural majority. It is clearly a country that is capable of doing that point it is not some outlandish, Crazy Idea A Universe where some version of the Republican Party went to the polls on Election Day and president ial election and got 5 Million more votes. That is a plausible world. It is just not the world of the Trump Era Party in any way, shape or form. I do have a permanent majority of the whole thinking behind george bush moderation, right . Bring in enough latino voters to get out of the national majority. That didnt worut heres the problem, though, that the people that would try to put in a durable national Majority Arent really in charge. Like these guys that are talking to Politico And Background that Donald Trump should lose and a Bank Shot Victory sometime in the future but too shameful and cowardly to say on the record, these guys arent running The Party. The voters are running The Party and the voters want, the republican primary voters what the crazy and the taste of it in the Trump Era and they are not going back for Kamala Harris and that is why they put up these guys like a Mark Robinson who i feel like owned a pizza franchise, would not hire him to be the manager of the franchise, just based on what he did with pizza and Social Media posting, and bankruptcies. Like that is who the voters are putting forth point it is not like the North Carolina party didnt author more normal people the voters wanted the craziest guy. Thats true peer yeah, i think it is an interesting. Because i do think that the rational party should pursue victory and it should move median voter theorem. It should move to maximize its chances. Tims. Here is tons of opportunities for li the mcconnell primary basis. Like please, please, dont nominate the cycle. The crowd, give us that. Got to have the Cycle Point we want to call we want that cycle, please give us the cycle on the ballot. E and you wonder if like enough er losses just grind it out of the base is really the question at t this. That is a really good Question E the demand for this. It seems that the demand for this reflects this underlying psychology. I think a lot of republican based voters sincerely believe that there is no world in which they really can be the majority. And so why not just go, why not just do a hail mary, right . Why dont i just go with the most extreme candidates on the ballot who flatter your sensibilities and also speak to your since x essential dread. I want to add to tims point. I want to know the big the election of and youngkin in 2021 and the State Party had to engineer a process to cut out t of voters to make that happen. Very successful basically been Backroom Deal to make sure that guy was the nominee because they were like we cant, if we give the come you see what om these people do. You cant let them. And there is a question, too of like, a Decoder Writing in the new York Magazines saying that,h you know, republican politicians have already been burned once by conceded 2020. All of them come flying back is there any chance they will toss him out of The Party if he predictably loses election to dial in november, no. I do wonder at onepoint is there apoint at which the E Lesson could possibly be learned or is this every two to four years having to keep doing this sure. I think decades. Sorry, go ahead. Is going to say i think it is going to be around. Theres a point that could happen really should have happened with they had a chance to convict in january of 2021, that was like the am i think. Sorry, jamaal. That is okay. I was just saying, i think trump doesnt go away until he is either in jail, if you loses or he, you know, meets the fate that meets us all Point Jamaal Bowman and tim miller, Thanyou Al thank you both, appreciate it. Coming up, stunning revelation from the Justice Department. A multimillion dollar russian investment in pro Donald Trump e influencers point that is next. Will will will will will dealdash. Com right now and see how much you can save. Two two resident Vladimir Putins Inner Circle directed russian public relation companies to promote this Information And State sponsored as part of a threat to influence the 2024 u. S. Presidential election. An internal Planning Document created by the kremlin states that as a goal of the campaign is securing russias preferred outcome in the election. Today Justice Department took action and the latest attempt by Vladimir Putin to help Donald Trump and to the white House Point the doj seized 32 russian Web Domains Masquerading as real news sites. Russian state Media Company. According to the indictment, the pair deployed nearly 10 Million former shell entities to covertly fund and direct a tennessee based company that publishes englishlanguage videos on multiple Social Media channels including tiktok, instagram, x and youtube. Although the indictment is e the company, did quote directly from the companies mission statement. The eap point that it describes it as a tennessee based Content Creation Firm with six commentators and the website identified itself as a network of commentators that focus on western medical and cultural issues point that description exactly matches Tenant Media, an online company that host videos made by wellknown conservative influencers Tim Poole, Betty Johnson, and others. We now is cohost of the Msnbc Podcast prosecu Donald Trump. Who serves as the acting Assistant Attorney General for national security and the department of Justice Point this is a quite an indictment to go through. Lets talk about the Tenant Part of it. There are a few different parts but the Tenant Part to me is the most revealing and fascinating just gettipeek behind the curtain of how this Influence Operation according to the Justice Department. Right, well it is a direct effort to, you know, be able to influence through use of americanbased Social Media websites, platforms, The American population. That is what, that is classic two Russias Intent here is to influence not only are policies, policies toward ukraine and also our election this year. And in doing that what they did is use personas created fake people to engage with the founders of Tenant Media who have been also identified in other Journalism Today of the Reporting Today and to have them higher commentators who are well known right Wing Extremist commentators with heavy Social Media followings, hire those as commentators and then use the decorated individuals in this particular indictment who are raised in russia to really direct the sourcing of particular types of content on the Tenant Media platform. Content would then be driven by these commentators and would post themselves, creating videos, sometimes multiple videos a weekbad on these directions coming straight from russia. And from Russia Today, in particular point so that content that, of course, gets picked up in the Social Mediacircles who follow those commentators and it gets spread by americans forgetting that is the key here, chris. Russias intent with this operation as well as the Doppelgdnger Operation also announced today to the affidavit where domains were seized by the u. S. Government. The way to get american to do this to americans, right . Unknowingly point and we should say that the times, has reported that the u. S. Intelligence community assesses that the Direction Apparatus favors Donald Trump in the selection which i dont think, i dont even think you need an Intelligence Apparatus to come to that assessment. Obviously it is and occams rorsituation because of ukraine, because Donald Trump says there will be peace there and it will be more favorable towards him. The eyepopping for me was these folks, like Tim Poole and Betty Johnson who are, these are not the brightest most sophisticated individuals you will ever encounter but they are getting enormous amounts of money from hese le foreign, they get a context to be like we will pay you 100,000 for one monthly video a month for five months. Just 500 K from a European Businessman and they put out a Statement Today saying we are the victims here point we just had no idea that this happened. But they are throwing a lot of money around 100,000 a video is not bad point a lot of my, and even the second founder, at one point in the indictment notes that in communications again, with this persona, one is supposed to b the investor who is bankrolling all of this and others are supposed to be content producers. That there is even a warning you know with a budget of like 2 Million for these commentatort is going to be hard to actually pay for that through Add Revenue and Website Traffic and the response was doesnt matter it is also amazing when the indictment, i have to point out which is at one point one of the executives of this Media Company sends an email to the European Business person, right . The fictitious entity that is created to be the client for all this none of this is disclosed on the website, we should note. No one is ever disclosing any of that stuff. And they dont get a response back there like We Th money and they google what time is it in moscow . Which put in the indictments that we know that they know that the people who are working in the Media Company maybe had a little bit of an inkling of where the money was coming pick no Question Point and the founders, i mean, the indictment is specific, the founders were aware and basically participated in this coverup they previously worked for Russia Today and referred always to the russians, they were talking about his personas which were supposedly, like you said, European Investors and others. So, you know, im a little bit perplexed about why the founders have not been indicted. But they here in the u. S. Could be that they are cooperating. But they are certainly on notice now. Normally you would think that you would return the indictment first against those who you would tend to then take custody of and prosecute and not going to be able to get custody of the two people that are in russia. So i might have thought this came out, it would have come out in the reverse which is why i am anxious to learn what is going to happen with these two founders because the government is clear on the indictment that they, others, at least ostensibly were not winning but like you say, the money involved here really sort of was a red Flag Point yeah, when a random european was to pay 100,000 bucks per video as a journalist you dont ask russians and you make the money. Thank you very much. Ahead, it is not coming from overseas, the Election Interference coming from inside the house thanks to the worlds richest man, next. For interference in american elections have been the lookout since 2016 bu there is also like a really disturbing Information Environment in america right now, domestically in this campaign here, it has nothing to do with illegal foreign interference. In fact, it is american as Apple Pie along with the tradition of extremely rich, real rightwing cranks from henry ford. The worlds richest man, Elon Musk is trying to control american politics. Talked with Donald Trump several times a month. Trump has expressed interest in offering a role in government agencies. And musk enthusiastic embrace just Yesterday Point because Elon Musk is one of the most influential on twitter, and he essentially turned that platform into a pro trump pro authoritarian Disinformation Machine where he just post vile Bigotry And Disinformation that millions of people see. Despite his sights on policy that you may not share synthetic manipulated or out of Context Media that may deceive or confuse People Musk does that basically all day long. On monday he posted this weird ai generated image of what is supposed to be Vice President Kamala Harris but as we look like her in a soviet uniform commenting kamala else to be a communistic dictator on day one. Can you believe she wears that outfit . In fact, i can, she doesnt, its ai. 81 Billion times according to twitters metrics which, you know, who knows if you can trust . Then there is this from just yesterday, musk boosted an hours long interview between tucker carlson, remember that guy . And a six apologist. Saying very interesting, worth watching point later in that interview the six apologist said the Nazis Werent ready for all the detainees they had that just died in the camps. Later musk deleted the post but not before at least 8 Million people thought so if you got to twitter you can see it yourself because since he took over, the algorithm has been tweaked to make sure every post by Elon Musk is seen by everyone. Tech Newsletter Platform received document last year showing that musk improved his engineers to build a system promoting his posts to everyone on the platform regardless are not whether they follow him point witches, lets be honest, probably the real reason he bought the thing in the first place. Technology reporter for the New York times and appearing in an article on how Elon Musk. Author of the forthcoming book, character limit. How a book im very excited to see and he joins me now. Ryan, i think that Musks Presence on the platform is one of those things where it is will like Donald Trump social Media Presence where if youre not exposed to it all the time you just dont, you cant really appreciate like how extreme it is. How constant it is. How many just blatantly untrue things ares beauty. It is, it almost rivals trump. It is also like a fire hose. He tweets more than 75 es a day. It is really hard to keep track of everything that he is doing at any given time. It really creates a kind of own affect where again, if youre not going to pay attention to everything he is saying it is easy to dismiss what is going on. You know, this Weekend And Yesterday there are some pretty insane tweets. A treat over this weekend say, you know, he thinks that women shouldnt vote, essentially. Yesterdays tweet endorsing the six apologist. These are out of bounds kind of thing said he is kind of mainstreaming now with his followers. It also seems like in two ways the entire platform seems more and more engineered toward that kind of sort of troll is right wing politics also other people on the platform and the people he interacts with. Theres a lot of someone posting something like clearly untrue or something gross Conspiracy Theory or you know, Nancy Pelosis Husband was not actually attacked by some random , was engaged in some extramarital affair that went bad and interacting with that such that it boosts the signal and this is also something happening just all the time. Yeah, it feels like people who have engaged with the kind of content are emboldened to do so. They have also bought the Check Marks through the Verification Program that he is now selling for Eight Dollars a month. But you know, this is what Elon Musk is now. Why he took over the platform. Again, he tweeted that Conspiracy Theory about Paul Pelosi being attacked by a suppose It Lover which, of course, wasnt true at the time. That has kind of informed, you know, kind of showed the path that he was on in terms of his radicalization. What is, i dont think his interior States Matter that much to me but what is the deal here . Like he is now given, has pledged tens of millions of dollars to trump. He really is close to them, they talk a lot he is using the platform. Now how symbiotic is this relationship i mean, it is unclear what he wants out of this point i think he has a lot of things he values. He is worried about immigration, for example. He is worried about voter security, for example. But there is, you know, it is unclear what he is going to get out of this. Especially with trump being wishywashy on electric vehicles, for example. But you know they have talked about creating a position for him in the government, and the Trump Administration when it happens. So we talked about the willingness to do that. That is probably a start. Yeah, we should note that one of his obsessions, in my lifetime, most significant lies that have sort of pinged around Social Media are about Vaccine Efficacy and their dangers and about the election being stolen in 2020. These are the two most consequential and on the Election Stuff he is just like, this is maybe the thing he talks about. Arizona is refusing to remove from voter rolls, theyre doing everything they can and swing states, absolutely point researchers from a center that studies this, says this year when he posted election claims that have been debunked by independent fact checkers are posted widely on the app. Context calling into question the effectiveness of xs the systems. Something to keep your eyes on obviously as we get closer to the election. Im going to be checking out Ryan Max new book. Character limit. R, thanks a lot. Thank you point coming up, with 62 days until the election, all it took was president Bidens Approval ratings to finally soar was him dropping out of the Race Point that is next. Folks, folks, ive got one more job to do together. Let me ask you, are you ready to fight . Are you ready to win . Are you ready to elect Kamala Harris, our next President Of The United States . [ applause ] president Joe Biden on the Campaign Trail Today in pennsylvania energizing democratic voters even when he is not running. The decision he made back in july that seemed sensible when you look at Poll Numbers. He was in tough shape, bottoming out point those low Approval Numbers were frustrating for the president and i would say mystifying to a lot including myself because residential approval with Joe Biden as president never really jibed with the economy biden Haveeen Point it is in the best american Economics Worship of my lifetime. Inflation is down, right . Wages, salaries, manufacturing investment, growth, all up. And equality, down, as Well Point Biden did that after handling a pandemic but it was never really a eff did in his Approval Numbers. Now that he is out of the race, Guess What . President Bidens Approval rating is as high as it has ever been at least 10 years. According to a new Suffolk University Poll taken in August Right after he dropped out of the race, 48 of voters approve of Joe Biden point that is his highest Approval Rating in that poll since his inauguration. That is especially stunning when you compare it to the last poll in june when biden was still running for reelection he was underwater by like 17 points. Now he Bidens Approvals are up in polls from quinnipiac and the wall street journal. What changed . Did everyone suddenly realize how good the economy is . Did they see on how Border Crossings are way down . Probably not they just havent. So did biden . His Poll Numbers are out the year that whatever they thought of his agenda, a significant version of voters thought he was too old to run for reelection, they hold it against them and many reevaluated their feelings about the president when he did that remarkable thing and stepped aside and endorsed Kamala Harris. It is a bitter irony for the president , now that he is not running, Joe Bidens numbers are good. Not just good but much more in line with the actual state of the country and the economy on his watch. And maybe follow personally. Might be even tougher to run for Donald Trump. After all, trumps campaigns main line of attack against Kamala Harris is to try and tie her to bidens record which made sense back when biden was underwater by 15 point but now that he is as popular as ever, it kind of sounds like malarkey. Or visit leaffilter. Com today. Across across the country, millionof children are going back to school. The time of year that has been stained by another frequently increasingly frequent american ritual. Authorities say an armed teen went on a Shooting Spree this morning in apalachee High School in wonder, georgia. Four were killed at least nine are entered and the suspected shooter, a 14yearold, is in custody. This evening the fbi confirmed they interviewed the suspect and his father back in 2023 about reported online threats of a School Shooting that contained photos of the guns they say that at that time there was no probable cause for arrest or additional law enforcement action. It is at this point, i guess, a fixture of american life it is unique, doesnt happen anywhere else. There wemore than 400 School Shootings in the united states and the columbine High School killing the 1999. More than three and a tooth thousand students have exerienced Gun Violence in that time. When it comes to how to deal with School Shootings there are glaring policy differences between the two different political coalitions in america. They want to start doing something about the problem. It is just outrageous that every day in our country in the united states of america that parents have to send their children to school worried about whether or not they are child will come home alive. Its senseless. We have got to stop it. And we have to to end this epidemic of Gun Violence in our country once and for all. Meanwhile, republicans and Donald Trump want to do nothing that is literally, literally what he told an Nra President ial forum earlier this year. 2 during my four years, nothing happened. There was great rusher on me having to do with guns. We did nothing. We didnt yield. And once you yield a little bit that is just the Beginning Point that is avalanche begins. Colorado governor Jared Polis hails from a purple state that has seen its share of Mass Shootings. Signing six Gun Safety bills into law this Year Point also from the Harriswalz Campaign and he joins me now point governor, its good to have you on obviously awful news out of the State Of Georgia today. Given the fact that this is an Election Year and they really are Policy Contrast your reaction as the governor and as a democrat . Well, first, my condolences to the families of the four equal who were lost, the nine who are in Hospital Care Point just a horrific, horrific tragedy and while, you know, we cant illuminate Gun Violence you can absolutely take steps at the state level, federally to reduce it. One thing in colorado you have to be 21 to buy a gun, you cant go as a 16yearold and buy a gun just like you can buy alcohol or cigarettes. The way that families that a worried about a kids Mental Health can temporarily remove any guns they might have access to. These are just examples. We encourage working with nationally, the federal government to approve Gun Safety point we have got to do more point at the same time. Colorado is a state of hunters, people who have owned guns for Home Defense and it is entirely consistent with our Second Amendment rights to take Commonsense Steps to make Colorado And America safer. 2, to follow with that because corado is a state that is in interesting state politically point i think the terrain shifted a little bit but it is something where because it is a western state and folks are outdoors a lot and because people do use guns as recreation , have the politics over there, are they still what they have been . Is it still sort of l brutal fight every time you try to sign legislation on this . You know, most Gun Owners agree with these Commonsense Measures. 1 thing, for instance, we passed a law is safe storage in a Vehicle Point you cant just leave your gun out on a Car Seat when you leave your car and encourage someone to break in the windows and the gun goes off and can be used illegally point so these commonsense things. And the responsible Gun Owners always secure their weapons and frankly, responsible Gun Owners are often disappointed by those who dont and understand that we need more responsibility for those who choose to own a gun either for Self Protection or sports and many coloradans do and we need to do better and keep these Commonsense Measures that again, wont and every problem our country has with Gun Violence but absolutely will reduce crime and make our country safer. The Harris Campaign obviously shot out of a cannon because of the conditions under which it came to be, right . This was announced by Joe Biden stepping down. In the, i guess it is now five weeks, i guess, there has been a rollout of a bunch of policy agendas. One of the things i have been talking about this week during their tour is a Small Business, even economic stuff. I thought it was pretty interesting and quite striking. 50,000 Tax Deduction for Small Business start up expenses which would be, i think, that is a really large expansion of an existing Tax Deduction and i wonder as someone who started as a Small Business before you got into politics, what do you think . I think it is absolutely incredible point she said the goal of 25 Million businesses as part of her opportunity agenda, i mean, 5000, for anybody who has started a business, they know that is almost a joke. What can you do for 5000 these days . To start a business can easily take Tens Of Thousands of dollars or more. To be able to deduct up to 50,000 in the first year, if it rolls over to the second year, that is a big deal and it sends a message to encourage entrepreneurs to take that chance and start a new business. And she also is proposing really breaking down barriers to government contracting, make sure it is not just controlled by the big guys and that somebody started a new business can also bid and providing a deal and all types of things that we need for the Military Point before we came on i was talking a little bit about the Approval Ratings for president Joe Biden and the fact that to my mind, his personal Approval Rating didnt quite sync up with the kind of macro economic. Good evening, my friend. I got to say, first, there is a lot of serious enough to talk about. There are some not so serious and i mean in particular, Jd Vance and Donald Trump stuff to talk about and then there is the uniquely american horror that we have to talk about all too often on newscasts like this one and when you are just ending. Too much. Bad Stuff Point that stuff. Thank you

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