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Look at Jd Vance which is like less than two years as a senator, never held public office before that other than his time in public service, all he has done his work for the sky, peter teal. And then, you also just dive in and look at the stuff he said on tape and who he says he gets his political ideas from and what his political ideas are and you realize he brings nothing to the table really i mean, aside from sheer political skill, he brings nothing to the table other than his commitment to some deeply weird stuff that is completeness to the american people, and totally off the charts bizarre in terms of modern politics and radicalism and i just have not known what to do with that for a very long time. I still dont know what to do with it, but its there. And, i appreciate, by the way, you stated when you were talking about it, reluctance to even bring it up because do we want to give this Stuff Air . Do we want to make that Guy Famous was actually guiding Jd Vances thinking, which is also stunningly weird that his nutty stuff is it better that his nutty stuff is original is that better . Has you got it from your guru who wants a ceo which he admits is a dictator and then you use all this weird terminology, oh, were in a late republican period knowing that everybody who is clued into this guy will know exactly what youre talking about if that means you are rooting for caesar the dictator to come . I mean, its so weird, so buried in the Youtube Comments like deep Clinics Chat Room nonsense and its apparently really close to getting into the white house. When that segment gets posted online on Social Media, im going to retweet it and cycle it as best i can, and when i got home tonight, im going to watch it again because really, i was not taking notes. I was standing in the hallway. You know, there is that tv at the corner near the elevators. I was just standing there at that Elevator Staring at you reporting this stuff to me. I will dump all of my tabs. I will send you all of my tabs on the stuff so you can check my work. Quick question, if you had like a wickedfamous uncle who was certifiably insane and dangerous, would you become a clinical psychologist . Oh, as defense for your soul . Maybe, yeah. Because, that is what Mary Trump did and she is going to join us later in this hour with a new book about her family, where i learned so much new stuff about her grandfather, Donald Trumps father and how Donald Trump more about how Donald Trump became Donald Trump and shes going to join us with that later in the hour. Thank you, lawrence. Looking forward to it. The Stock Market closed at another record alltime high today, four years after Donald Trump said this in a president ial debate, a debate that he lost to Joe Biden. If he is elected, the Stock Market will crash. Now, normally we dont adjudicate predictions to be lies, but that prediction was so ridiculous on its face at that time that it really can be scored as a lie. Donald trump knew he was lying when he made up that crazy statement, the Stock Market will crash. There will be lies. There will be lies in tomorrow Nights Vice President ial debate in Cbs News, the host of the debate, has decided to guarantee that those lies are delivered directly to you at home without any interference at all from Cbs News. Cbs news has ordered the moderators not to fact check anything Jd Vance says. And you know, that no Fact Checking rule which comes from no journalistic principles whatsoever, was put in place by Cbs News to place the Republican Party in the republican campaign because the republican campaign lies everyday nonstop. When one of the people on the Trumpvance Ticket is speaking, lies are always flowing. Even now, when it comes to disaster relief, hurricane relief, which used to be a completely nonpartisan subject that No One ever lied about, Donald Trump even lies about that. Donald trump lied about the republican governor of georgia not been able to get help from President Biden after the hurricane passing through florida, georgia, tennessee, virginia in the car lies told hundred and 32 people and spread severe Property Damage and flooding to six states. We do need some help from the federal government. They have to get together ideally with the governor. That governor needs to. Hes been trying to get them and im sure theyre going to come through but he has been calling the president , has not been able to get him but they will come through im sure. Usually when Donald Trump is lying about the republican governor of georgia Brian Kemp, he is attacking Brian Kemp for not helping him overturn the president ial election in georgia. Here is what georgias governor, Brian Kemp, said publicly to everyone, including Donald Trumps campaign staff. Everybody heard this before Donald Trump started lying about him today. The president just called me yesterday afternoon. I missed him and called him right back and he just said hey, what do you need and i told him, you know, we got what we need. We will work through the federal process. He offered that if there are other things we need just to call him directly, which i appreciate that. Here is what President Biden had to say about Donald Trump lying about how helpful President Biden has been to the governors dealing with this crisis. Reporter mr. President, Donald Trump has accused you of ignoring [ inaudible ] hes lying. Let me get this straight. He is lying in the governor told you he was lying. Ive spoken to the governor, spent time with him and he told me he is lying. I dont know why he does this and the reason i get so angry about it i dont care what he says about me, but i care what he communicates to the people. I spoke to the republican governor of georgia. I assume you heard him talk about that he was on the phone with me more than once so its simply not true, and it is irresponsible. President biden explained to people in the region that he would not visit the scene until later this week because he does not want resources diverted away from helping people in order to provide security for his visit. Im going to North Carolina on wednesday as the plan now. Were going to be landing in raleigh for a briefing with the emergency Operations Center and then do an aerial tour. Its too much for me in terms of interrupting to help there, to land to survey the damage other than through the air. It is my plan to travel to georgia and florida as soon as possible after that. Vice president harris canceled her campaign in nevada to rush back to washington and she said this at Femas Headquarters in washington this afternoon. Over the last couple of days , i have received regular briefings on the impact of Hurricane Helene including from Administrator Criswell and over the past 24 hours i have spoken with Governor Kemp of georgia, Governor Cooper of North Carolina and many local officials. I have shared with them that we will do everything in our power to help communities respond and recover, and i have shared with them that i plan to be on the ground as soon as possible, but as soon as possible without disrupting any Emergency Response operations because that must be the highest priority in the first order of business. So far, more than 3300 federal personnel are on the ground to assist with recovery efforts. They are deploying food, water, and generators. We continue to work with teams on the ground to restore Water And Power as quickly as possible. You will do that work around the clock as though these are your Family Members. I know how you work and i know how hard you work, so i am here mostly to thank you all for all that you do. To all of those of you who are rightly feeling overwhelmed by the destruction and the loss, our nation is with you. President biden and i and all of the folks behind me are with you. We will continue to do everything we can to help you recover and to help you rebuild, no matter how long it takes. Harris picked up some important endorsements for her candidacy from the New York Times and the new Yorker Magazine and another republican endorsement, this time from former Arizona Republican Senator Jeff flake. Im a conservative republican who had the honor to serve my Home State of arizona in the united States House of representatives and in the senate for nearly two decades. I believe america is a great country. I believe that our best days lie ahead. I want to support a candidate for president who believes the same. I believe we dont have to agree on every issue or policy, but that we should use the political process created by our founders to debate and to persuade, not disparage or devalue. I want to support a candidate who understands that political opponents are fellow citizens, a loyal opposition, as our parties once knew each other, not the enemy. Having spent the past three years overseas as a united states ambassador, i have seen up close that we have very real enemies abroad. We also have vital and indispensable allies. I want to support a president ial candidate who understands and appreciates the difference. I believe that our constitutional system and in the role of law, i want to support a candidate who respects the will of the voters and who would never attempt to use the powers of the presidency to overturn an election after having been turned down by the voters. Finally, i want to support a president ial candidate who seeks to unite our country, rather than one who divides us, one who represents the ideals of new Generation Leadership based not upon grievances of the past, but hope for the future. For all of these reasons i will be supporting Kamala Harris for president and Tim Walz for Vice President. I served with, and the united states senate. Ive served with tim in the united States House of representatives. I know them. I know firsthand of their fine character and their love of country. I would encourage all republicans who feel this way to do the same. After all, in times like these, there is nothing more conservative than putting country over party. This weeks New Yorker presents Kamala Harris on the cover and delivers the Magazines Endorsement of her candidacy by first making the negative case against Donald Trump. The threat to the countrys future, to its Rule Of Law and its democratic institutions, its security and its character resides not in a foreign capital but in a 20 Acre Xanadu on the florida coast. For nine years, Donald Trump is represented in ongoing assault on the stability, the nerves, and the nature of the united states. His narcissism and casual cruelty, his contempt for the truth have contaminated public life. The New Yorker chronicled Trumps Madness from the criminal attempt to overthrow an election to the Social Media ramp, i hate taylor swift. In the New Yorker says quote, trump is a menacing presence in american life, and most of his former associates know it now, of his 42 former cabinet secretaries, only half have endorsed him. More than 200 staffers for four previous republican President S and president ial candidates have endorsed the democratic ticket. The New Yorker says, the choice is stark. The united states simply cannot endure another four years of Donald Trump, he is an agent of chaos, an enemy of democracy and a threat to moral standing in the world. Kamala harris, who has shown herself to be sensible, humane, and liberal minded, is our choice for the presidency. The New York Times editorial endorsing Kamala Harris is titled, the only patriotic choice for president. The editorial begins quote, it is hard to imagine a candidate more unworthy to serve as president of the united states and Donald Trump. He has proved himself morally unfit for an office that asks his occupant to put the good of the nation above selfinterest. He has proved himself temperamentally unfit for a role that requires the very qualities wisdom, honesty, empathy, courage, restraint, humility, discipline that he must act lacks. Those disqualifying characteristics are compounded by Everything Else that limits his ability to fulfill the duties of the president , his many criminal charges, his advancing age, his fundamental lack of interest in policy and his increasingly bizarre cast of associates. This unequivocal dispiriting truth, Donald Trump is not fit to be president , should be enough for any voter who cares about the health of our country and the stability of our democracy to deny him re election. For this reason regardless of any political disagreements voters might have with her, Kamala Harris is the only patriotic choice for president. The times editorial endorsing, harris says that the number of republicans, including from Donald Trumps own president ial administration, who have turned against him, his quote, a record of denunciation without precedent in the nations long history. The times editorial makes the positive case for the Vice President saint Is Harris is clearly the better choice. She is committed to using the power of her office to help americans better afford the things they need, to make it easier to own a home, support small businesses and help workers. Beyond the economy, ms. Harris promises to continue working to expand access to healthcare and reduce its cost. She has a long record of fighting to protect Womens Health and reproductive freedom. Globally, ms. Harris would work to maintain and strengthen the alliances with likeminded nations that have long advanced american interests abroad and maintained the nations security. The times editorial ends with this. A second Truck Term would be much more damaging and divisive than the first. Kamala harris is the only choice. Yesterday in Las Vegas before leaving the Campaign Trail to return to washington, Vice President harris said this. I know we will cheer on Coach Walz when he debates Jd Vance. Yeah. But listen, also, their debate should not be the last word. Im trying to debate Donald Trump again, and i think he should debate again. The american people have a right to hear us discuss the issues, and as you say here in Las Vegas, im all in. Im all in. Even if my opponent is ready to fold, so there you go. But, you will remember in our first debate, i talked about issues like bringing down the cost of living. Investing in small businesses, protecting reproductive freedom, and keeping our nation secure. But, from Donald Trump well, it was the same old tired playbook. Same old tired playbook. With no plan on how he would address the needs of the american people. Well, folks, its time to turn the page. Its time to turn the page. America is ready to chart a new way forward. Ready for a new and optimistic generation of leadership. Which is why democrats, republicans and independents are supporting our campaign, because we know we need a president who works for all the american people. Enough of the divisions, enough of the hate. We are all in this together. Look, we need a president who cares more about solving problems than playing political games and demeaning people full time. We are tired of that. We are done with that. So, nevada, ours is a fight for the future, and it is a fight for freedom. Like the fundamental freedom of a woman to be able to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do. You know, im traveling all over our country. Across our nation we are witnessing a full on assault on other hardwon freedoms and rights, like the freedom to vote, the freedom to join a union, the freedom to breathe clean air and bring clean water , the freedom to love who you love openly and with pride. And, the freedom to be safe from gun violence. Which, after one october, nevada proves that smart Gun Safety laws are just common sense. So look, generations before us, generations of america led the fight for freedom, and the baton , well, it is now in our hands. It is now in our hands. Our first Guest Tonight will be quinton folks, principal Campaign Manager for the harris walz campaign. He will join us after this quick break. After this quick break. Indeed everyone 45 at average risk should screen for Colon Cancer. These folks are getting it done at home with me, cologuard. Cologuard is a oneofakind way to screen for Colon Cancer thats effective and noninvasive. Its for people 45 at average risk, not high risk. False positive and negative results may occur. Ask your provider for cologuard. I did it my way. Can neuriva support your Brain Health . Mary. Janet. Hey eddie. No fraser. Frank. Frank. Fred. How are you . Support up to seven Brain Health indicators, including memory. When you need to remember, remember neuriva. Leo [whistling] ever since we introduced him to the farmers dog, its changed his quality of life. Leos number 2s are really getting better. 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And take us back to when Insurance Companies could deny people with preexisting conditions . Do you remember what that was like . Well, we are not going back. Joining us now is quentin fulks, principal deputy Campaign Manager for the harris walz campaign. Thank you very much for joining us tonight. So, what was your personal reaction when you heard that Cbs News is forbidding the moderators of tomorrow Nights Debate from doing any Fact Checking . Well, look, unfortunately, cbs is in a tough spot because if they allowed that, it would mean that there moderators were Fact Checking all night, given Jd Vance and the lies that hes going to spew on stage so what i was going to say is that it is unfortunate that we have to have conversations of this because of the type of Lighting And Discord the channel that the Donald Trump and Jd Vance bring to our system but i think Governor Vance Gomer walz is going to be prepared to counter the lies. Hes also going to be prepared to talk about his vision for this country alongside a Vice President harris to find a new way forward that all americans cannot just get by, but get ahead, so Governor Walz will be ready. If Jd Vance was simply to say, we have a plan for healthcare, that is actually a lie. According to Donald Trump, it is a lie. Donald trump said in the last debate, he said they have a concept of a plan which of course we have no idea what that is. I think what Governor Walz is going to be prepared to say and likely will say is that theyve been telling us what theyre going to do when it comes to healthcare and today, our campaign put out exactly what that means and that is continuing to cut medicare, to medicaid, to ban abortion nationwide, to continue the assault on overturning the affordable Care Act that would rip away coverage for millions of americans and deny people with preexisting conditions. I urge all americans at home listening to this to really pay attention to what were talking about here. We are talking about real things that impact our life every single day and when it comes to healthcare and the type of Coverage Americans will be able to get, the type of Insurance Americans will be able to have, this is Serious Business and Donald Trump and Jd Vance continue to tell us what they are going to double down and continue to take away from us while continuing to sell americans to Big Pharmaceutical Companies for campaign contributions, for spots in Government Cabinet positions. That is what trump does. So, walz is going to hold Jd Vance accountable when healthcare comes up. The conventional wisdom is a Vice President ial debate doesnt make any difference. What do you think voters should be looking for in this debate and you think it is possible for this debate to have an effect . Look, i think everything is important with the timeframe weve had in this unprecedented cycle and what i will say is that Vice President ial debates do matter, especially when these Vice President ial candidates are one heartbeat away from being the president of the united states and we see exactly how dangerous Jd Vance is. He and Donald Trump are cut from the same cloth so i think americans should absolutely pay attention to this debate. They should hear how dangerous Jd Vances. They should hear how he doubles down on project 2025 and wants to give Donald Trump uncheck political power with no guardrails and how if, god forbid, anything did happen to former president trump, he would step in. Its hard to say this and hard to believe it sometimes but it would be even more dangerous and extreme than Donald Trump so americans should pay attention on this actually does really matter. Jd vance had one job as a Vice President ial candidate, and that is appear normal because he is running with the craziest person in the history of president ial politics and campaigning, and hes not seemed able to do that. Have you been surprised at how erratic the candidate Jd Vance has turned out to be . I dont know what to expect, especially after americans have seen who Donald Trump is and how he governed for four years. I didnt know what to expect from somebody who agreed to be on a ticket with him but i think Jd Vance surpasses My Wildest Imaginations at the time. I think he is in this for himself, again a Character Trait of Donald Trump or he will put aside all your values and morals to get something but make no mistake, as i said before, he and Donald Trump are cut from the same cloth and he will follow Donald Trump over the edge. He said he would not and certify the election results, something that Mike Pence did and Donald Trump has cast him out like a dog on the street and Jd Vance willingly stepped into that shadow. Quentin fulks, thank you very much for joining us tonight. Coming up, the democratic senator who is not running for reelection this year has been given the job of making sure republican Ted Cruz is not re elected to the senate. That democratic senator, the one republican senators fear the most, will join us next. M. Moat the. Library. S right. For a better clean with less. Its got to be tide. I was stuck. Unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. I needed more from my antidepressant. Vraylar helped give it a lift. Adding vraylar to an antidepressant is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms better than an antidepressant alone. And in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. Elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. 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Common Side Effects include eye irritation, discomfort, blurred vision, and unusual taste sensation. Dont touch Container Tip to your eye or any surface. Before using xiidra, Remove Contact Lenses and wait fifteen minutes before reinserting. Dry eye over and over . Its time for xiidra. The most important but you will pass this year after you cast your vote for president will be your vote for united states senator. Summer working harder to win the senate now than to win the white house. The Wall Street Journal reports a group aligned with Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell is planning to pour tens of millions of dollars into an effort to crack democrats blue wall. And working to flip seats currently held by democrats, the Senate Leadership funds plans to spend 67. 5 million on tv, radio and digital and ads. In the democratic senatorial campaign committee, a major Spending Pushes announce to include florida and texas and in attempt to take senate seats away from Rick Scott in florida and crews in texas. I am calling all red and i approve this message. She wouldve been our first baby. Our baby would never survive. The care we needed was denied because of Ted Cruz and the extremist Abortion Ban, been with no exception for , incest, or our health. If you are experiencing Pregnancy Complications in texas, you are in danger. It is that simple and it is Ted Cruz and the antiabortion extremist fault. Training or discussion now is democratic senator Gary Peters of michigan. He is the chair of the democratic senatorial campaign committee, the guy who has the job of taking senate seats away from republicans. What is it like in the chamber when republicans know youre running on a committee. Senator chris sees you. Senator scott sees you coming down the hall. They know youre spending pretty much every free minute you have trying to figure out how to take their senate seats away. Well, its business. That is my job, but it is critical that we win and that is what i do. As you said, every single day. We did last cycle. We are going to do it again but clearly we have a real challenge. I just put my head down and work day in and day out. Ive got an amazing team around me and as long as we have the resources, we are going to hold the senate and expand it. I think the ad we just showed for all red in texas, member of Text Congress now running against crews sounds of vulnerability that Senator Cruz has never had before because he has never had to run for election to the senate and have reproductive freedoms and possibly problematic pregnancies be an actual voting issue. Hearing those women in texas saying, if you have a problematic pregnancy in texas, you may not be able to get the medical care you absolutely need, and that is the fault of Senator Cruz and the republicans. There is no question and you are right. It is a reality right now for women in texas as a result of Ted Cruz and his works to overturn Roe V wade. After that ruling came out he said this is a great day. A celebration that Roe V. Wade was overturned and that the rights of women were taken away and that is what we are seeing in texas. These are couples that want children, but things go wrong and that pregnancy and you need to have immediate medical attention. The health of the woman can be endangered and sometimes her life and we know Ted Cruz doesnt believe any exceptions. He has said that and has voted that way in the past, no exceptions for worse for incest , for the health of the mother and it puts people in an incredibly difficult situation and he has called for a national Abortion Ban so women in texas as they hear the stories and as they have friends and others that are going through this horrible change in the law, they need to know Ted Cruz is responsible and they have to elect all red is the senator from texas and he is showing the momentum that youre looking at the polling right now that he has a net margin of error, its going to come down to the work that we do in the coming weeks so we need resources. As you mentioned, i am putting money into texas right now. We hope individual contributors will also contribute to call in as well as powell in florida. This plays a key role in going on the offense for we see opportunities and that is why our defend the senate. Org is so important right now because as money is coming and we are now making sure we are using that money efficiently and strategically to not only hold the senate but to go on the offense so i certainly hope folks will look to defend the senate. Org as an opportunity to get into this fight. It is a real fight. We can win, we will win but its going to take all hands on deck. Democratic voters who have had their hopes up before about winning and i should say winning back senate seats in texas and florida because democrats used to hold those seats if you look back a few more cycles, and those hopes with some strong candidates in the past, what is different this time, as you see it, in texas and florida . I think we have some different dynamics. You mentioned reproductive freedom certainly is a major dynamic. The first time for Ted Cruz is when he had to deal with this issue with voters who now understand the consequences of his actions, the consequences of his vote, and when he ran last time you know, he won by roughly two points. That is not much and we can close that. all red is running an incredibly strong campaign. If you look at Debbie Powell in florida running against rick stop scott, even when he has had the wind at his back is never won by more than one point. He does not win by much and we have an Abortion Referendum on the ballot in florida. People in florida are also facing a draconian law, basically a sixweek Abortion Ban, no exceptions for or incest and right now, the polling shows that referendum has the support of 68 of the people in the state of florida, 68 and Rick Scott says hes going to vote against that referendum. He says he supports a Sixweek Ban and hes on the wrong side of 68 of the people so if we have the resources and can get that message out we can win. Thank you very much for joining us once again tonight. Coming up, if you really famous uncle was certifiably insane and dangerous, would you become a clinical psychiatrist . Well, Mary Trump did and she will join us to discuss her new book, which is entitled, who could ever love you. That is next. Discover caplyta. Unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta is proven to deliver significant Symptom Relief from both bipolar i ii depression. And in clinical trials, Movement Disorders and Weight Gain were not common. Caplyta can cause serious Side Effects. Call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts right away. Antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. Elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. Caplyta is not approved for dementiarelated psychosis. Report fever, confusion, or stiff muscles, which may be life threatening, or uncontrolled Muscle Movements which may be permanent. 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But vaccines help keep you from getting really sick. And that, is huge. Here is a 78yearold, to use his words, crooked, Mentally Impaired, lying, stupid man talking about himself. Crooked Joe Biden became Mentally Impaired said that lying Kamala Harris honestly i believe she was born that way. There is something wrong with come all of, joining us now is Mary Trump with the new York Book who could ever love you, now a New York Times best seller. When you hear your crazy uncle talking about someone being crooked, Mentally Impaired, line, stupid, what do you think . I have the same reaction you have, lawrence, and thank you so much for having me on tonight. Its like hes looking in the mirror every time he opens his mouth now. We have long known that donald uses it very frequently, a Defense Mechanism known as projection in which he takes things that he unconsciously knows about himself but cant bear, and projects them onto other people, but that has been happening with increasing frequency over the last lets see, when did that happen . When Vice President harris became his opponent for the presidency. It has really made him unravel the way we havent seen before so clearly its not that shes getting under his skin because he couldnt figure out how to adjust to a new strategy in the new opponent. It is because she pushes his buttons in a way very few people ever have. Did he drive you to it . Did your crazy uncle drive you to becoming a clinical psychologist . And i dont know why i havent wondered about this before, but it hit me today and i just thought, i think i might have to do that if i had an uncle who is that crazy. Well, unfortunately, he was not the only one. I have said this before but it bears repeating because hopefully it will make people think about the choices they make in their lives. Donald was one of five children. My grandparents had five children and every single one of them including donald, is and was a destroyed human being, so as shocking as it may seem, donald actually was not the worst person in my family. Hes the worst one now because he has unfortunately power that continues to be bestowed on him by a bankrupt Republican Party and tens of millions of americans but the whole Family System was so broken from the very beginning. Thats what im finding in this book, which takes a wider lens on it all. You say this about your uncle. You say nobody liked donald when he was growing up, not even his parents. As he got older, those Personality Traits hardened, the hostile indifference and aggressive disrespect that he had developed as a toddler to help them withstand the neglect he suffered at his parents hands. You say fred trump, his father, was incapable of loving anybody. Yes, and it shows, doesnt it. I think it is fair to say that my Fathers Generation obviously suffered the most because they were closest to the sociopathy and severe psychological distress. My Grandfather Sociopathy in my grandmothers own psychological and emotional issues, but it definitely felt her down. Clearly none of us has escaped unscathed and i think when you look at it from the perspective of not just being relatives, but being americans, we know, Donald Trump has been in a position to have an impact on everybodys daily life for almost eight years now and if you add into that the Family Dysfunction and the scars that have been inflicted by being a member of this family, it really does begin to take a toll. This is a book i know is written for contemporary readers in the New York Times best Sellers List is proving that but im sure the book im holding in my hands right now will be held in the hands of historians 100 years from now, who are contemplating this man and it is such a valuable asset. I say that as someone who has done a lot of study of president franklin roosevelt, and if there could have been a Family Member writing a volume like this about that family at that time, and the branches of that family, it would just be invaluable, as this is going to be to history. Do you feel that pressure as you are writing this, that historians are going to be reading this for a couple hundred years . That is extraordinarily kind of you to say. I actually have never thought about it that way, but i do hope that my first book, which i consider a psychological history of our family, and this one which is absolutely a very personal memoir together, will give People Insight into how donald became how he is, and how we, as a country, found this acceptable, but also hopefully it will give us insight into or, i should say validate our own experiences over the last eight years. We are not going crazy. We should feel heard and harmed by everything that has happened at this mans hand and to be able to share how he became this way and the impact it has had on me and others, i consider it a privilege, actually. The new book, which will be in libraries forever, is called who could ever love you, a family memoir. Mary trump, thank you very much for joining us again tonight. Tomorrow for the first time in history, a former american president will turn 100 years old. That is next. [child laughing] [child giggling with delight] come on you two. Dinner time. San franciscos been through tough times. London breed led us through the pandemic, declaring an emergency before anyone else, Saving Thousands of lives. From growing up in the western Addition Housing projects to becoming mayor, london has never given up on the city that raised her. London is getting people off the streets and into care. London never gave up on me. I found a home, and my life is on the right track. London made it super easy for me to open my small business, by cutting city fees. And shes reinventing downtown to make our City Vibrant again. Shes building 82,000 new homes and helping first time homebuyers, just like us. And londons Hiring Hundreds of police officers, and arresting drug dealers. San francisco has been through difficult times, but our hard work is paying off. Working together, were building a better future for the city we all love. Ad paid for by reelect mayor London Breed 2024. Financial disclosures are available at sfethics. Org. Tomorrow Jimmy Carter will become the first president in history to become 100 years old. Good evening, mr. President. I want to send to you and your incredible family our love. May god continue to bless you, mr. President. Youve been a good friend. President biden gets tonights last word to president cardin carter. The 11th Hour with Stephanie Ruhle starts now. The former President Spreads lies about the federal response. Tomorrows vp showdown. Willoughby the final debate in the 2024 campaign . The Strike Threat looming in the economy. Will the President Step in to stop it is the 11th Hour gets underway. Good evening once again. I am Stephanie Ruhle. With 36 days until the election, the president ial campaigns are shifting their focus to the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. At least 125 people are dead across six states and the search is on for hundred to remain missing. The highest Death Toll is in North Carolina where entire communities are still underwater. Fema

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