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Carolina along with 10 federal Search And Rescue teams and 200 federal ambulances. 1. 6 million people are still without power, but that number is steadily coming down. Today, Vice President Kamala Harris canceleD Campaign stops in Las Vegas to fly back to d. C. For a Fema Briefing and the White House announced President Biden will visit North Carolina on wednesday. Today, trump was in parts of georgia that were hit by The Storm. While he was there, he got in front of crowds and spread lies about how the federal government is responding. He falsely claimed that governor Brian Kemp had not been able to get a hold of President Biden for help even though Governor Kemp told reporters last night that he had, in fact, spoken to the president. My Colleague Garrett Haake is a closer look at how the campaigns are responding to this disaster. Reporter tonight, former President Trump visiting the Storm Zone in valdosta, coming with franklin grahams aid group, bringing trucks loaded with supplies and fuel. We are here to stand in solidarity with the people of georgia. Reporter and hammering Vice President Kamala Harris for not being there herself. Of course, the Vice President , she said someplace campaigning. Reporter the quality of the federal Storm Response could have a major political impact on the Vice President was hoping to repeat President Bidens nero 2020 georgia wins. She was briefed aboard Air Force two cutting short in Las Vegas to return to washington, meeting with fema officials. We will do everything in our power to help communities respond and recover. I plan to be on the ground as soon as possible. As soon as possible without disrupting an Emergency Response operations. Reporter trump accusing the White House and the democratic governor in North Carolina, quote, going out of their way to not help people in republican areas. Without providing evidence. What was that in reference to . Do you have any evidence of that . This afternoon President Biden responded to trumps lie about his contact with Governor Kemp. Let me get this straight. He is lying. The governor told him he was lying. The governor told him he was like. I have spoken to the governor and ive spoken to him. I dont know why he does this. I dont care about what he says about me. I care but he communicates to the people that are in need. With that, lets get smarter with the help of arleta panel. Jeff mason joins us, white House Correspondent for reuters. Susan glasser and stamm sign. Med it editor for the bulwark anD Contributor. Susan, this is something weve seen before. Campaigns responding to a national disaster during an election. What is different about how this is playing out this time . Look, theres nothing that Donald Trump cannot politicize. One of the main chapters in his playbook. Of course, he will go in that direction, especially because georgia and North Carolina are such hotly competitive states this year. They are crucial for Donald Trump, for his electoral college map. The road to reelection for him definitely runs through georgia and North Carolina. You know, he is looking to divide. One thing that was consistent in Trumps Presidency that we are seeing in his response right now is a view that there is Blue America and Red America. He conceived himself to be a president for Red America and now is a candidate for Red America. It was revealing that his accusation of the North Carolina governor would be, you are only serving your own areas. That is how he categorizes the world, and i thought it was revealing that he is seeking to plant this doubt. I think of Donald Trump Disaster Relief President , puerto rico, throwing the paper towels. Its not exactly his strong suit, organizing a government response. Yes, these seeds hes planting are lies and my question is, will they take root and grow . Todays Split Screen showed Vp Harris Meeting with fema, helping coordinate a federal response. On the other screen, youve got Donald Trump In Georgia which was devastated by The Storm and hes lying to people about the response. We think everyone will see the Split Screen and see what a liar he is and its terrible for his campaign. But is it . Those people In Georgia he is speaking to, do they know where Kamala Harris was and what she was doing today . Or will he be successful in saying look what im doing i am here for you. To the people he is telling the lie to In Georgia, do they even know it . I dont know. Its impossible To Say. To susans point, he is quick to politicize and theres something to the idea that he knows Theres History here. Presidents can get blamed for national disaster. He himself was blamed for what happened in puerto rico. I think he is trying to turn the page and make biden and Kamala Harris for it. At the same time, and i dont know if that is true. I think the obviousness of the lies, the ability to so quickly point out how grotesque they are, really defeats the purpose of what he is trying to do. If he says that Brian Kemp is trouble, reaching the president and in two seconds you can locate video Brian Kemp saying i got a hold of the president yesterday. The story doesnt become, biden is doing a poor job. Its why his Donald Trump making up stories in the midst of a national tragedy . Why is he drawing attention away from the people who are suffering. Yes, in the short term, there might be game but it doesnt come without risk. Jeff, North Carolina zoo crucial swing state. Election officials there are saying that The Storm could affect voting when you think of mail disruptions, destroy polling places, people of lost all the belongings. No Ids Voting might be the last thing on their mind and a Few Biggs weeks. How big of a problem . I think were just learning how big of a problem he could be. It is a problem and you are right to mention that. We are just a few weeks away from the election. Its a beginning of october and the election is november 5, and the disaster and the tragedy the people in these states have faced, and Infrastructure Loss means that not only are they dealing with returning and repairing their lives, but basic things like going to the Voting Booth and or receiving ballots in the mail and putting them in the mail are up for grabs. That is something i think that is on the radar now. Could end up having an impact in the election. I would add as well to some of the clips you were playing, i was in the Pool Today at the White House so i was in the Oval Office when President Biden was asked about former President Trumps comments and the anger he displayed is pretty real. I think it is frustrating to him to have to at the same time he is trying to navigate this major disaster for these states, also have to deal with these misstatements from his former opponent and his predecessor. Of course, what with the federal response be if Donald Trump got his wish a few weeks ago when he wanted the federal government to shut them. Imagine of the government was shutdown and a disaster like this it. I want to talk not about Donald Trump In Georgia but Donald Trump over the weekend and some of his comments at a rally. Here is a look starting with what he had To Say about shoplifters and how he thinks they could be stopped. You know, these are smart, smart people. They are not so stupid. But they have to be taught. If you had one violent day like a guy like Mike Kelly put him in charge, congressman kelly, put him in charge for one day. Mike, would you say, right here, he is a great congressman. Would you say if you were in charge he would say, please, dont touch them. Let them rob your store. These stores go out of business. The city its a chain of events that so bad. One rob fowler, and i mean real rough, the word will get out, and it will end immediately. End immediately. You know . It will end immediately. Kamala is mentally impaired. Joe biden became mentally impaired. Kamala was born that way. She was born that way. I could have been, i couldve been sunbathing on the beach. Youve never seen a body so beautiful. Much better, much better than sleepy joe. That is the republican nominee for president after talking about his beautiful body. Thats his choice. He called the Vice President mentally impaired. Why doesnt she get up on Stage Today and say if i mentally impaired, debate me, big boy. Should that be her response, susan . Its not an original observation for me To Say if she is mentally impaired, then it doesnt make Donald Trump look so good that he lost to her. According to many republican commentators as well as independent observers of that debate in september. I will be interested to see whether trump can persist demanding another shot at the Debate Stage. His ego would seem to demand it. He has operated under the principle in politics that if theres a spotlight, you should run to it. Not just politics but his entire life. Tomorrow night will be the debate between aspirants tim Walz And J. D. Vance, and i dont know that trump is capable of staying out of the spotlight if one is offered like that. We will see there. His rhetoric, as you pointed out, is escalatory. The next 36 days will go up and up and up. As always, its a palpable threat of violence that trump tends to wield the closer to the election. That is the line for me, the, the idea that violence will cleanse our society. When Donald Trump himself is calling his remarks dark, you know that we are in a pretty scary place. Lets stay dark. Trump and his fellow republicans have these new talking points. 13,000 migrant murderers who they say are currently at large, who were led into the country by the biden harris administration. Lets tell you the truth. The people on this list are not all at large. They are not in i. C. E. Custody. Many of them are in federal or state prisons, and most of them did not enter the country during the biden administration. They entered the country in the past 40, not four, 40 years including the trump administration. Here is my question, sam. Immigration is a problem. Illegal immigration is a problem and a vulnerability for democrats. Many americans on both sides of the aisle are unhappy. Why doesnt Donald Trump just tell the truth and make a gooD Case . I dont think he can help himself, honestly. I am with susan on this one. He ties violence toward electoral benefit. Its kind of shocking, honestly, to step back and think he went on stage and a called for a national day of violence. That is what he did. He called for a national day of violence. Now its the tip of the iceberg. The stuff about immigration, to borrow a word, far darker. He talked about migrants coming into your kitchen and slitting your throat. The imagery is beyond the pale. I was thinking back to 2016 and 2020, nativism, and type Immigration Rhetoric has been throughout his rise in politics. This run is the most nativist, most Xena Phobic, run for the presidency in modern american history. I think journalistically. We owe it to the public to call it out for what it is. Historically Xena Phobic campaign. I dont think he has the Ability Or Temperament to temper it. I think he is thinks it is a winning issue. Even if you wanted to put Xenophobia Or Humanity aside, and i realize thats absurd, jeff, immigration doesnt have to be a weak point for democrats. Our economy grows through legal immigration. Donald trumps resolve is build a Wall And Mass deportation. What we need, the answer we need, is an efficient processing system. Why dont democrats lead with that . You are asking, why dont people vote on policies . In this case, why doesnt the democratic party come up with a different policy like the one you are suggesting . I cant answer the latter question. The first question is a longer answer too. Policy has played a role in this campaign, but the Policy Issue of immigration has been a vulnerability for the democrats. For Vice President harris, for President Biden when he was a candidate. She tried to address that a little visiting the border this week, by suggesting a stronger order policy. They are benefiting from the present Executive Order President Biden put out which is impacting the number of people coming across the border. Back to your initial question. Do voters look at these policies and do they judge the Candidates Taste on the policies, or do they remember buzzwords or insults . Do they remember mistruths . I think the broad answer to that question is its a little of all of the above. Its one reason why the former president uses the tactics that he does because they do help them. Its one reason that Vice President Kamala Harris is using a different tactic or strategy. It is to come out with policies and to talk about them and see if they resonate. But they have to resonate with somebody as they go to the ballot box. Whether or not people do that is the question. Trump accurately identifies issues that the american people care about. But he has yet to offer a coherent policy that solves any of these things. We did get a new policy alert, guess you could say, today, in a new interview. Vice president Kamala Harris said she supports legalizing weed. Its the first time we have heard her say this is a democratic president ial nominee. I think its the first time in a major president ial candidate has said this. Susan, what do you think about this . I think we are in the phase of the election that both candidates are handing out, essentially, dazzling little trinkets for subgroups of voters whether marijuana or Donald Trump with the no taxes on tips. Its easy to make promises like this and then you may go back and say, you know, i would like to put this into effect, but congress is divided and i cant get it through. I think these guys are in election that so close that we may see a lot of premises in the next few weeks. It also reflects, i think, a cultural shift in the country is different states experimented and localities with liberalizing their Marijuana Laws around the country. Its less radical of a step for a national candidate to back it when its the case in many states. I was in the airport recently and i noticed, i think it was ohare airport, they have these big Marijuana Amnesty boxes. People are flying all over the country. Theres a patchwork of different state laws. In some its legal in some its not. I think on some level, this is how the advocates nationalizing this wanted it to go. That it would become accepted price practice. Theres boxes at Chicago Airport that you drop your joints in . I just saw this. Yeah. I want to meet the people who emptied those boxes and i want to new what they do after they do. Thats amazing. I will join you on that one. Im glad i said something new. I need someone to take a picture those boxes at ohare and i want to see you standing next to them. We have to leave it there because avenues to get to. Bb harris may be winning over the latino vote but the margins are slim, slim, slim. We will get into why. We are counting down to the vp debate. What we can expect as tim Walz And J. D. Vance faceoff in person for the first time. The first time. Lets say youre deep in a show or a game or the game. On a train, at home, at work. Okay, maybe not at work. Point is at xfinity. Were constantly engineering new ways to get the entertainment you love to you faster and easier than ever. Thats what i do. Is that Love Island . Tonight weve got new information about a key voting group. According to an nbc telemundo survey, Kamala Harris leads trump among latino voters but its the narrowest margin for democratic candidate in many years. Steve kornacki breaks it down for us. This is what the trend looks like. I think its something. In 2020, Joe Biden b Donald Trump by 33 points among latino voters. That was an improvement relevant to 2016 and 2012. Four years later, 14 and where it fits in. Much tighter than we are used to seeing. Its a group, latino voters, fastgrowing. One in six will be latino in the selection. We see a gender gap. We see a with hispanic voters. The race is tied among men and women, harris with a 26 point advantage. We see an age gap. Under 50, its almost dead even. Harris by three points. Over 50 is where harris has the heart of her support. At spring and in a the, cofounder of Risk Reversal and host of the on the tape podcast. Cnbc senior economics reporter, break it down for us. What does a Survey Show when it comes to whats motivating latino voters . The economy. Harris leads in so many different aspects. She leads in character, it would be best to address the latino community, concerns of the latino community. She leads in the abortion issue. Every other issue, the two most important issues to the latino community, costofliving and the economy. Trump leads on those, Plus 4 and 9 on inflation as well as on border and immigration. The latino voters looks more like the average voter when it comes to securing the border. To those voters realize his number 1 plan, Mass Deportation, would blow up the economy . I dont know the. I dont think they do and its hard to look at the Trump Plan and see something that would reduce inflation, if you think of his tariff plan. If you think of the deportation of many workers, that would, certainly raise wages anD Cause a huge inflation spiral. Donald trump is a 13 Point Lead over Kamala Harris when it comes to securing the border. This is my question. It goes to what steve said, and Mass Deportation crashes the economy. We need money for security to build a wall. The wall doesnt help the country. What we need is an efficient processing system. If you want the economy to grow, that we have to not have the labor shortage. We need to fill jobs and once airfilled, those people will be contributing to the economy. Do democrats need to make this more clear. Its stunning that trump could pull so well on the economy is offering no inflation solved for and the wall doesnt solve the problem. Remember the caravans, the migrants they disappeared after the midterms. Kamala harris has made some distinctions between the policies of Joe Biden and shes tacking more toward the center and have more aggressive Asylum Policies and that. When i think of the main point here is security, what you said, and i think she will have tougher regulation in that regard. At least thats what she signaling. The thing about immigration and how it relates to the economy, we have this demographic issue. Were doing better than other developeD Countries when you think of German And China nobody thinks of germany when theyre renting an apartment. Of those issues were trump is beating her on the economy and inflation, thats across every voting block. When i think of the fact that latinos, think of where they are. In a lot of reliable democratic states. I dont think its that important. They are the fastest group when it comes entrepreneurship in the country. This idea that trump is out there, i will cut all regulation is enticing for them. Vp harris and democrats can talk about that in more detail. I think thats important. Vice president harris is the first candidate, democratic candidate, to talk about Small Business. Think of the people who work in Small Businesses who rely on it, who shop there, and you say, okay, Hillary Clinton almost never use the Word Entrepreneurship are talked about the free market. Democrats have felt like they have trouble saying those words and the fact that harris is saying it is a good thing. She is for Small Business Owners Panic when they hear about the economy. We want to be amaury inclusive economy get people jobs with dignity. We went to pay people more who have hourly jobs and offer benefits and unemployment. When we do that the economy costs money. We have to make choices as a country. Should Kamala Harris say, in order to be the smart inclusive economy were Small Businesses will thrive and individuals can support themselves, guess what . We want have 5 meals and Pizza Isnt going to cost 18. It might cost 28 because of vortex we are in is, the data shows we have agreed economy, but why isnt Kamala Harris poll better . Its because stuff is expensive but if we explained the straight up, maybe it will start to solve the issue. If you think of what republicans are offering, theres no safety net. When i think of what fed Chair Powell did and what he said two weeks ago when they lowered Interest Rates, they want to support employment. When you think of what he said, they will be measured on how they lower Interest Rates. If they see a fall off in employment, and is something you track closely, then they will lower Interest Rates again. They have done a nice job of threading the needle when it relates to tamping down inflation. Unemployment at 4. 3 is at the lowest levels of what came up from 3. 6 , its at 40 year lows. Theres a lot of things going on in the economy that are pretty good, and the administration when they talk of capitalism for the middle class, this is something you do not hear republicans talk about. They dont put capitalism in too many things. When i think shes tacking toward the center, shes coming at a lot of policies that trump, some people find pretty attractive right now. People keep saying, my life cost less when trump was in office. That does not make sense. Prices were lower but theyre not coming down if trump is a president again. Doesnt that argument its only going to get worse . Prices are not going to come down and theres no fix to the american public about inflation. All there is is time. Is price gouging. I talked to manny about this issue. We cannot run a policy of bringing prices down. If prices come down, your income comes down along with that. You dont want to have deflation. The only cure is having a job, getting a raise and potentially running it tight Labor Market so wages can rise along with productivity. I dont think theres an explanation. People are angry and they say who is at fault . They say the biden harris admin. If you think about it, what they did is they spend a lot of money in the middle of the pandemic, and they did it for a good reason, you could say. We were looking at Unemployment Rates that mightve equaled the great depression. We avoided their. That hes an economic rope and we paid a price. We paid a price in inflation and we paid a price with the russian invasion of ukraine. By every measure, we have a strong economy but in The Sun and an hour we could have a major port strike. This could derail some of the progress we have seen in the economy. How bad you think this could be . I dont think it will be right away but over time it would be bad. Costing 4 billion. These are related issues that we were talking about. Theres catchup to be had in workers wages. I look, the Union Hasnt had a rise raisins 2017. They would like a 77 raise in the company is offering 50 . There will be meeting in the middle and out quickly, we dont know. Its potentially costly over time and reigniting some of the shocks we had to the economy. And add that to the tariffs and one thing about the biden administration, theyve been a friend of labor. The idea they could fix this sometime soon, you used october surprise, it could be a headwind to some of the progress that the administration has made toward the industry. When you think of manufacturing, thats the other area these tariffs are not good for that. When you think of the issues, if we have a strike, they will lay people off. You will see the Unemployment Rate go higher than what the feds suggested. That may cause further Rate Cuts in the nearterm. We will see. Get ready for a midwestern showdown. Tim Walz And J. D. Vance hit the Debate Stage hours from now. We will get into it. It. Only Purples Gel flex grid passes the raw egg test. No other mattress cradles your body and simultaneously supports your spine. Memory foam doesnt come close. Get your best sleep guaranteed. Buy more, save more. Up to 600 off. Visit purple. Com or a store near you. Tim Walz Record is a joke. Hes been one of the most far left radicals in the entire united states government. Like all regular people i grew up with, jd studied at yale. Had his career funded by Silicon Valley billionaires. Then wrote a best seller trashing the community. Kamala harris, she selected Tim Walz. I cant wait to debate the guy that is if hes willing to get off the couch and show up. Senator j. D. Vance and governor Tim Walz have been taking shots at Each Other from afar. Tomorrow, they Face Off for the first time during the Vice President ial debate. Unlike the president ial debate, this one will feature hot microphones. I want to bring in msnbc and Alyssa Columbia University professor and hes a democratic strategist and former director of the state Democratic Department Tim Miller is here. Former Communications Director for republican jeb bush. One playing out is the battle for young male voters. Donald trump is going for them, and we havent seen that same seal from democrats. Is Tomorrow Night the night for Tim Walz To Say, Young Man, i am your coach. Theyve got to try. He has to start by engaging the conversation. The democrats havent been trying to try. They havent been doing politics for this demographic. There is the is thought that we have the young boat. And thats not true. The Harvard Poll theres a massive gender gap. Theres doing well and young women and their winning Young Man narrowly. You dont have an effort to talk to them. Mark cuban when on the podcast earlier this week. Its these propodcasts, young men who are not political. We are not talking charlie kirk. The nonpolitical and they are bro wishon reverend. And democrats havent been trying to talk to them. He made the case for Kamala Harris. Trim Tim Walz should watch there. Think of how he can speak to that. Its not the main goal during the debate, but it would help if they felt that somebody talking to them. I do think the democrats are talking but i will take what you said and reframe it a little. I think the outcome is the same. Theres young voters who dont feel connected to what they are saying. I dont know if its because of them of this general trend, its a global trend. A lot of young people who dont trust institutions anymore. If i am Kamala Harris or Tim Walz and i say you have to trust us because will bring the country back, there was a time when i used to think even though the institutions were flawed, as long as there was the right person leading them, things will be better. I dont think young people believe that anymore. Institutions need to be scrap so how can you come from the institution and turn around. They are not buying that. Isnt this crazy . Donald trump still wins their fair because they dont view him as a politician. They view him as an outsider. That is right. They view him as someone willing to tear it down and start over. The challenge is getting them to think of the other stuff he has done and the problems with tearing it down. Theres always a backlash. Theres a great research to suggest that successive generations get more liberal than their parents. We are dealing with a generation that is not more liberal than the last generation. I have a better idea now that we have been talking. Tim walz should disqualify j. D. Vance. That might be more useful way to spend your time. J. D. Vance is a phony. He doesnt care about them either. J. D. Vance is not a bro. Hes not comfortable in his skin. When he was asked what do you do for fun . He was like, thats a Gotcha Question for the mainstream. Hes not a guy you want to have a beer with. Maybe creating a contrast were Tim Walz shows a avuncular personality and pointing out how weird j. D. Vance is the best way. This is a great point. Beat him on policy. Whether talking about trumper j. D. Vance, theyre not talking policy. J. D. Vance wrap his bring back the strongman if you expose them to not be the strongman, which he is not, and discuss policy. How we will make your life better, could they solve it . Just a version of what Donald Trump harris Donald Trump in the debate. Just dismissing. Yeah, whatever. Lets talk whats happening out there. Tim walz is good on policy. Schools and all the Childcare Work he has done, he is really good at that. If he pivots away and practical. AnD Can speak it plainly. If he says, i dont know what you are talking about, jd, but lets have this conversation in turn to people and have a direct conversation with the vote. If Tomorrow Night doesnt go well with j. D. Vance, and you know trump will be watching, do you think trump change his mind on a second debate . I keep thinking he will change his mind because his manhood would demand it. He couldnt even look at Kamala Harris in the first debate. Now he scared of doing it again . He is maintaining this posture is because hes in a cloistereD Circle that maybe he has deluded himself into thinking he wont go. I dont know. Im like the only person he thinks Donald Trump will debate. It is his ego. He will run home like a little toddler after she wiped the floor with him . Hes not going to stand up to her again . I hope he is watching. I want to talk about something else. Democratic Senator Jon Tester in montana. The outcome of his race could decide control of the senate. The amount of money pouring into this race is nothing short of a gazillion dollars. You have Wall Street, the heaviest of Wall Street heavyweights pouring money into his republican rivals campaign. I want to talk about this because, Wall Street, isnt the reason theyre dumping this money in is because if you are rich and powerful, you love the Status Quo. You love the gridlock. What do they want . They want to keep things exactly they want to keep things broken so there is in progress or change. Why would they want change . Montana, the 51st senate seat. If you have Kamala Harris is reposted she can to any of the things your word about. She wont tax or unrealized gains or whatever their nightmare is. Which is not going to do anyway. If youre a democratic big money person, theres diminishing returns and you should take a shot at Colin Allred to offset it. Im disappointed the democrats havent put more money there. Colin allred will probably lose but its worth a chance. Hes only down by two points. They have put money there and that D C is put millions of dollars in each state party. It helps the infrastructure. The tester see, the senate hangs on that, frankly. Did Trump Win that by 16 points . The wealthy folks have moved to the state during covid. They are constituents and have a specific stake in this. Tying it to the point from earlier, theres always backlash with progress. Always. What you are seeing in terms of wanting the Status Quo was all this progress, some economic progress even, and we need to come up but even unionization is growing, particularly among people of color. All this progress, you will get backlash. That is what we are seeing particularly with some of the younger generation saying i dont trust anybody. It becomes incumbent upon democrats To Say there is trust here. If you are on top, you will pay tuesday there. Thank you very much. Great to have you in person. Escalation in israels fight against hezbollah militants. The latest on the newly launched ground offensive. Laun. Tonight, the White House is watching closely as israel escalates its work as the is ronnie and terrorist group hezbollah. Their troops have begun targeting Ground Operations inside lebanon. The move comes days after israel killed the longtime leader, Richard Engel is in beirut with more. Reporter u. S. Officials tell nbc News Tonight that israeli troops appear to have crossed the border into lebanon to attack hezbollah. Israeli officials say the goal is to deliver a Knockout Blow to what has long been considered the most fearsome, best armed militia in the middle east. Asked if he was aware. I am more aware than you might know and uncomfortable of them stopping it. Reporter a u. S. Official tells nbc news, israel inform the united states ahead of time, describing the operations is brief, days, not weeks, with a limited geographic reach. The official said israel had planned a broader campaign. The us pushed to scale it back. Tonight, american officials were that over time the mission could expand. Hezbollah claims to have 100,000 fighters, independent analysts estimate the real number is about half of that. Still, a sizable, dedicated force fighting on its home turf. This is the deaD Center Beirut Called Martyrs square and its filling up with displeased people. People here have come from Southern Beirut and southern lebanon. Areas under attack by israel, and they are sleeping outside because they dont know whats coming. They dont know if there will be an israeli invasion of lebanon perhaps tonight, eminently, or the next several hours. Israel said the mission is to push Hezbollah North of the river, creating a Buffer Zone along the israeli border. Hezbollah says they are ready for a long guerrilla war. Thank you to Richard Engel for that report. The Sports World has lost two legends. We remember the Life And Legacy and Nba Hall of famer and Baseballs P rose when the 11th Hour continues. Hour continues. It is inevitable. They will grow up. discover who they are what they want from this world. And how they will make it better. And while parenting has changed, how much you care has not. Thats why instagram is introducing teen accounts. Automatic protections for who can contact them and the content they can see. the greatest player in the history of baseball, pete rose. Pete rose shows why they call him charlie muscle. Pete rose and buddy harrelson. You got to try to win. There it is. Lots of raise a coke to pete rose. The last thing before we go tonight, remembering two sports legends. Pete rose, baseballs alltime hits leader banned from the sport for gambling, died at the age of 83. Known as charlie hustle, he was a 70 time allstar and three time World Series Champion and retired from playing up to the 1986 season with 4256 hits. A record that stands to the state. In basketball, Dikembe Mutombo died today after a two your battle with brain cancer. He was just 58 years old. He was named Nba Defensive Player Of The Year four times in his 18 Year Career and was known for his humanitarian work and was the nbas first global ambassador. Lots of people knew him for his famous line, not today. On that sad note, i wish you all a safe night. Kiss your kids and hug your family. Be grateful for this day. For now, i am signing up. From all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thank you for staying up late. We will see you again tomorrow. Okay. I know it seems like every single day, we are talking about some incredibly wild Split Screen between the two candidates running for president. Boy, did we get another one today. On one side, Donald Trump fumbled and lied his way through Storm Damage In Georgia. On the other, Kamala Harris said things gh

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