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State of michigan saying, quote, make them riot. The Question Today beyond the Damming Narrative is whos listening. Joining us now, nbc News Correspondent Garrett haake whos in university center, michigan, for us, and nbc News Justice Reporter ryan reilly. I know the former president will be where you are, garrett, in a moment. Im going to start with ryan. As i said, ryan, the story here is not new. We know what Donald Trump tried to do around the 2020 election. We saw it happen in realtime. We had the January 6th hearings. There have been filings up until this point, a lot of them. But this new 165 Court Filing from Jack Smith gives us some more detail, more color, more insight into Donald Trumps State Of Mind in particular. What stood out to you, was there anything that was particularly damming . Personally, i think the volume of evidence of spreading lies stood out to me. That was going to be the challenge of this case. In 2020, i jokingly referred to this as the question of bad Faith Or Brain worms. Did he believe the ridiculous lies or was he saying this to undermine the election, and it was always really tough as garrett knows to get inside Donald Trumps Head And Figure out what he actually believed, but i think what they did in this memo is lay out a really pretty strong case that there were just so many Warning Signs that were given, so much specific evidence from different players that he had actually lost. Especially, you know, Mike Pence who was doing this slowly growing and sort of increasingly Pressure Campaign to sort of gently telling the president , no, they lost, up until January 6th. That was one thing that really stood out. And also, you have to remember that Mike Pence was also doing a little bit of a rhetorical dance in 2020. After the election, he was saying this thing publicly, and telling all of the trump supporters were going to fight to the end. He wasnt saying that the election was stolen. He was careful about how he did that. What this indictment or what this Court Filing Lays Out is that Mike Pence was saying behind the scenes, and telling Donald Trump that, no, they lost, and trying to gently bring this up. That ended disastrous for Mike Pence, having to run from a crowd who was chanting hang Mike Pence because they thought he betrayed the country because of Donald Trumps lies. And the filing talks about how Donald Trump is watching fox news, Hearing People outside of the capitol saying this is all Mike Pences fault, and being told by his staff that Mike Pences life was in danger, and Donald Trumps response, according to the filing, was so what. What about this, quote, make them riot from a Campaign Operative in michigan . What is the context surrounding that, ryan . So its this little known event. It was actually a little bit of a preview of what happened on January 6th itself because essentially what you had is a lot of really ill informed people who got worked up on facebook, heard calls from michigan republicans, from The Rnc, from the michigan Republican Party, from conservative operatives to get down to the tcf center. Big picture, if Theres Anything i could instantly inform every american in the united states about is that Donald Trump did better in detroit in 2020 than he did in 2016. It makes zero logical sense whatsoever, that detroit is the reason that he lost michigan because if he had uphold the rest of the state, if he had done as well as he did in 2016, he would have won michigan. He lost a lot of suburban women in the suburbs, and thats exactly what this Indictment Sort of Lays Out, that people told him that. Detroit is not the reason he lost, but of course theres been this long Standing Thing within The Rnc going back to the 80s where they previously had these restrictions about poll watching, in particular, in quote, Unquote Urban Areas or what Donald Trump back in 2016, called certain areas. Garrett, Donald Trump is going to be in michigan, speaking of the state of michigan today. He has called this release of this filing election interference. Why is he so worried about this . Because, again, this has been out there for so long now. Reporter yeah, look, its a good question, katy. I think the details in this filing probably dont balance out with the angry reaction we saw from Donald Trump to it. Most voters who are, you know, particularly motivated to vote on January 6th or, you know, 2020 electionrelated issues have probably long since made up their mind, but for Donald Trump, every time this happens, he gets more and more serious. We saw in on an interview in news nation. Listen to what he did there, well talk about whats next on the other side . They should have never allowed the information to come before the public. But they did that because they want to hurt you with the election. Its pure election interference. Reporter katy, he sees this as an effort to muddy the waters here, particularly in a state like michigan which is already voting, Absentee Ballots went out last week. But, you know, in the primaries he was able to use these indictments, arraignments, moments of sort of introspection, inflection on legal issues, to rally his base, to force republicans whether you were with him or with the Department Of Justice. Im very curious to see when he takes the stage behind me in the next few minutes, whether he tries to do the same thing now, and enlists a common enemy or whether hes just angry. Katy. Well see about that. Garrett haake, thank you very much. Ryan reilly, thank you as well. Joining us now, new York Law School Professor and assistant director attorney, rebecca roiphe, and barbara mcquade. Barbara, im going to start with you. Part of the complaint thats out there right now is that the doj has a long Standing Policy not to get involved in anything that could sway the outcome of an election this close to the election. How do you square that with what Judge Chutkan decided to do with this Filing Yesterday . These are two different things, katy. The Department Of Justice has a practice that ordinarily new cases should not be filed or investigative steps undertaken within 60 days or 90 days of an election. Dont start something when theres not going to be an opportunity to resolve it before the election on short notice. This case, of course, was begun years ago. The reason we find ourselves at this point now is because of efforts to delay the case by Donald Trump himself. The unsealing of this document comes because of litigation and the directive of the Supreme Court that the District Court Judge in this case examined all of the facts to decide what is protected by immunity, and what is not. They are simply following that directive. And so to keep this under seal at this point would violate the publics right to a speedy trial, and the ordinary rules about transparency, theres no Sealing Order about protecting information that might harm a candidate for political office. Elie honig, who you know well, former federal prosecutor is arguing in writing today that this is malfeasance by Jack Smith to file this so close to the election. Barbara, i want to get you on that as well. The judge directed this be filed. This isnt the Department Of Justice deciding they want to file something just to get it out there in the ether. The reason we have an independent counsel is to avoid these kinds of political accusations. Jack smith is complying with an order of the court to move the case along and do The Next Step in the case. Not only can they not do this, they should not do this because a judge has ordered them to file this. All right. Lets talk about the substance of what we saw in there. There were so many times in the filing that Jack Smith Details Conversations that Mike Pence had with Donald Trump where he was saying to him, you didnt win the election. Theres no more room to navigate this. Theres time to move on. I think at least nine separate conversations. The Supreme Court said theres a presumption of immunity around the conversations that a president can have with their Vice President. Do they get around that presumption . Are they able to rebut that presumption with all of the instances that they lay out with Mike Pence telling Donald Trump that he lost . Maybe. So, you know, we have to wait to see whether or not the judge is going to adopt these arguments or not, but basically what the argument was is that he was acting in his personal capacity as a candidate. He was being spoken to by all of these advisers in his personal candidate as a candidate, and therefore these are not official acts subject to that immunity but rather the acts of a private citizen. Even if he was speaking to his Vice President , those instances were instances in which he was being spoken to as a private citizen. The presumption ought to be rebutted, and instead these acts should be prosecuted. They also include Donald Trumps still not accepting the results of the 2020 election. Continuing to say that it was stolen from him, calling the January 6th rioters who are imprisoned patriots or that theyre being politically persecuted, they are victims, the January 6 choice, why bring that into this . What legal argument does that lend to . That is, again, i mean, i think part of this is that this is part of his campaign rhetoric, and combine that so theyre saying hes doing it now like he did then. Hes a private citizen now. He was acting as a private citizen then. Its in his personal selfinterest to say these things, and thats why he was saying it then and saying it now. If theres no Mike Pence that survives this, again, this is going to get appealed. It will end up at the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court will decide whether the conversations and interactions that Donald Trump had with his Vice President are immune or not, if that doesnt survive, does Jack Smiths case survive . I think it does, katy, thats because the Mike Pence portion of the case is only one of several schemes. Originally there were five. We know that the Supreme Court has removed the doj scheme, saying that that is absolutely protected official conduct. The Mike Pence scheme is another. But there still remains pressuring the state legislatures, the false slates of electors, and utilizing the chaos in the capital after the attack to continue to pressure members of congress to block certification of the election. Those three schemes would remain even if the courts would disagree that the schemes relating to Mike Pence are private and not official conduct. But i think the Mike Pence case makes it a lot stronger. Those individual conversations, having Mike Pence testify, clearly at one time Donald Trumps closest ally, to testify against him i think is a very powerful part of the case. Its stronger with the Mike Pence allegations in. Also the callousness that Donald Trump had toward Mike Pence, and they lay it out in detail in this filing saying that he was watching television, he saw a supporter who was outside of the capitol, potentially a rioters, saying this was Mike Pences fault, and mentioned the hang Mike Pence stuff, and Donald Trump is tweeting about Mike Pence after seeing that, he didnt have the courage to do the right thing, and also as were putting up on the screen, wasnt of the aides came in and said Mike Pences safety is on the line, and Donald Trumps response was so what. Legal little speaking what is the relevance to Donald Trump not caring about his Vice President . Legally speaking broadly, first of all, this is part of the narrative. This adds Detail And Texture to what we already knew. It goes legally to intend. What was he intending to do here, and that callousness adds to both that this was a personal act to advance his personal interests, and second that he had no loyalty to the office itself and to his subordinates but rather to himself and what he wanted to accomplish which was to, you know, have the presidency regardless of what the outcome of the election was. Rebecca roiphe, thank you very much. Barbara mcquade, thank you as well. And what the political impact might be from the special counsels filing with just 33 days now until the election, and the idf launched more strikes on lebanon, but its still not responded to irans attack. What will israel do next . Plus, the Vice President takes an unlikely trip with an unlikely ally, why Vp Harris is in the birthplace of the gop today, and what the campaign thinks it will get out of a teamup with Liz Cheney, we are back in 90 seconds. 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So, call the number on your screen now, and ask about a Humana Medicare Advantage dualeligible Special Needs plan. And remember, annual enrollment ends on december 7th. Humana. A more Human Way to healthcare. There is a lot in the 165page Brief from Jack Smiths team, but perhaps no portion more relevant to this next 33 days that a conversation a white House Aide told investigators he overheard between Donald Trump and his Family Members where the former president said the election doesnt matter, the votes dont matter. Quote, it doesnt matter if you win or lost the election. You have to fight like hell. Joining us now, former Rnc Chairman and msnbc political analyst, michael steele, whos also cohost of msnbcs the weekend. Also with us, former Campaign Manager for Hillary Clinton, robby mook. He says it doesnt matter, you got to fight like hell, what does that mean for 33 days from now, the next election . It means buckle up. Youre going to get a reprise of what we saw after the election in 2020. But theyre going to be better prepared for it. They have more people in place than they did then. They know where the hot buttons are, where to step and not step. They have a legal team spread out across the country, including the Battleground States, so, you know, Everyone has kind of been Sleep Walking since that time, thinking, well, it wont happen, he was not serious. No, Donald Trump wants the presidency, he wants the presidency for power because he wants to be a dictator. He told us that. And he wants the presidency to protect him because of all the things you were talking about before coming into the segment. So unless people really understand that and appreciate what it means to elect him again in november, yeah, hes prepared to throw down and throw down hard. He wants it back, and he wants it back for a reason. It has nothing to do with his followers. Hes already told them, i dont need you to vote for me. Dont worry about voting for me because he knows hes fixing the system. He knows hes putting in place what he needs to disrupt the process and to create enough Tension And Confusion that youll have people on the streets protecting and defending him and coming to his aid while the lawyers and folks like us on tv be sitting here going what happened. There are those out there who are republicans and Donald Trump allies, mostly, who are likening this to what James Comey did to the Hillary Clinton campaign in the leadup to the election. Do you see it as the same, robby . Well, first and foremost on the clinton campaign, comey was making an announcement that he was closing an investigation and was choosing not to press charges. In this case, we have a prosecutor who has pressed charges, was sent back by the judge to reexamine those charges based on Donald Trumps supreme Court Ruling in his favor, and now hes come back with even more information. So the two arent really alike. And i would say if Trumps Team had wanted to hurry up and get this over with before the election, im not a lawyer, but they certainly at no juncture have ever taken steps to speed any of this up. I think he likes this. I think he wants this to keep going. He wants to keep this fight alive, and i think Chairman Steele is right, not that we needed more evidence but this is definitely more evidence that this is all about him. This is not about our democracy. This is not about the voters. This is not about the people. This is about him winning an election, and taking power. Let me put up some polling, Nbc News Polling on what the most important issues are to voters, and youll see inflation, Cost Of Living tops everything. 19 of voters say threats to democracy matters. Do you see this filing as convincing anybody that they should not vote for Donald Trump or the people who are saying that threats to democracy matter, are they already baked in as voters for Kamala Harris . Yeah, i think they probably the people who do care most about this probably have made up their mind. You know, this is year eight of us hearing about him undermining our democracy. So i dont think Theres Anything new here. I do think that this is an ample reminder to anybody who might think harris is doing fine, maybe i wont vote, or how important is this election, this is a great reminder that its incredibly important. And i think ultimately, harriss path to victory runs through what she can do to improve peoples economic situations to lower the Cost Of Living, and i think thats why youve seen the Campaign Lean into that side of the argument, rather than litigate what happened on January 6th. I think one of the most surprising things about this election, perhaps telling, is the absence of Mike Pence. You know, hes not Donald Trumps Running Mate again. Mike pence has not come out and said you should vote for Donald Trump, in fact, the opposite. Mike pences life was in danger on January 6th, 2021. Donald trump, we have in this filing, didnt really care about that, according to prosecutors. I wonder, michael, why that hasnt been a singular issue in this campaign . Why that hasnt been a bigger issue for voters who were deciding between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris . Because i think in large measure you have minds that go, well, Donald Trump wanted to see him hang, so he is of no relevance in that Regard Skprk and then you have those who are saying or advising him in some way to position himself for 2028 because i dont know why, Everyone seems to think that 2028 is going to be a brand new landscape for the Republican Party if Donald Trump is not in the White House. Id hate to disabuse you of that notion, but thats not how thats going to play out. So, yeah, i mean, you would think that pence, given all that hes been involved in with Donald Trump and all thats happened to him would be more vocal, would be more out there in the public, would be standing with a Liz Cheney, you know, metaphorically speaking if not accurate, but hasnt. There are other calculations being made by him and others about what the next four years will look like and what the fifth year of the next four years will look like for them potentially being the nominee of the Republican Party. They still want to be that standard bearer from a party that no longer exists, and thats going to be the Rude Awakening for the lot of these folks, whether Donald Trump wins or loses, maga runs this thing, so the battle begins inside the Party Forwhat that looks like going forward. And guys like pence, they dont want to get their hands dirty. And theyre not. It makes you wonder what j. D. Vance might be willing to do if put in the same position, j. D. Vance who on the Debate Stage just a couple of nights ago Anything And Everything. Hes willing to do Anything And Everything if it gets him closer to the power he wants. He wouldnt even say that Donald Trump lost the election. Wouldnt even say that defin defintively, even though thats what happened. Robby mook, michael steele, thank you very much. 33 days. Still ahead, what Kamala Harris is doing today to try to appeal to republicans, where she is, and who shes talking to in a moment. What is happening in the Middle East to bring the region even closer to the edge . Were going to talk about whats happening right now on the ground in lebanon and also what could happen in iran. Dont go anywhere. Ere. Use tide. Do i need to pretreat guacamole . Not with tide. Why do we even buy napkins . Thankfully, tides the answer to almost all of them. Do crabs have eyebrows . Except that one. For all of lifes laundry questions. Its got to be tide. My name is brayden. 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Meanwhile, israel is continuing to bombard lebanon, striking 200 targets in quote, Precision Strikes across the country. Looking for hezbollah. Including an overnight strike in central beirut just walking distance from lebanese parliament. Today, the israeli military is telling lebanese residents of more than 20 towns and villages in the south to leave, in a sign that the idfs limited Ground Invasion could be expanding. Joining us now, Nbc News international correspondent raf sanchez, the northern most israeli city near the border with lebanon, and Nbc News chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel in tire, lebanon. Ill start with you, whats happening there . Reporter you talk about these Evacuation Orders, and they have been coming every day. More than 20 villages were told to evacuate today, not just tiny villages, but large population centers. Every day, more and more. It is trying to clear out the whole area in Southern Lebanon because it says it wants to go to war with hezbollah, it is already at war with hezbollah, and it wants to have a war that dislodges hezbollah from all of Southern Lebanon, and in the process, many people have left. Hezbollah has not left, however, hezbollah is still here, remains in force. It still has an army. Every day, even just a few minutes ago, we heard outgoing fire, Headed Toward Where Rafah is in northern israel. Even though the leader has been killed, the Command And Control structure, the communications have been badly damaged. Its capable with Tens Of Thousands of fighters, still able daily to launch Rocket Attacks into israel. Still able to attack israeli troops who are on the ground, with these strikes in beirut and these Evacuation Orders and strikes in Southern Lebanon, it is clear that israel is trying to escalate this war, clear out this area of hezbollah, and it could be a very long ground war. But i think the main news today, and its very evoking of our position here, i was in this position 48 hours ago, raf was not far from where he was in northern israel when the iranian Missile Bombardment happened over our heads, him in northern israel, us in Southern Lebanon, and now Today Iran is saying as it braces for Israels Retaliation that if the u. S. Gets involved, iran might target the united states as well, saying that anyone who helps the aggressor, israel in this case would be an accomplice and legitimate target. The stakes are getting higher and higher by the day. One other question for you, richard. Two senior lebanese officials have said hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah agreed to the 21day Cease Fire before he was killed in the israeli attack. Thats number one. And number two, the Lebanese Army has gotten involved with the israeli, gotten into a confrontation, conflict with the israelis in lebanon. It had been just hezbollah. What does it mean to have the Lebanese Army now fight something. Reporter the entire goal of this war, which is now an open war between israel and iran, and irans proxies or irans allies, hezbollah being the most powerful of them, has been to separate these militias from the communities that they live in, to separate them from the government. Prime Minister Netanyahu has said time and time again that he is trying to liberate the people of gaza from hamas, by destroying all of gaza. He is trying to liberate the people of lebanon from hezbollah by ordering mass evacuations from the south and carrying out strikes in beirut. But the fact that the Lebanese Army, which is not tied to hezbollah, it is an institution of the very weak state here, is a sign that the people here in this country, and many of them dont support hezbollah, dont want an israeli invasion to convince them that they dont need to like hezbollah. There is a sense, of many people here, that they are not turning against hezbollah as israel would want them to. They are turning against israel, feeling that this entire country is under attack. Raf, lets talk about the israeli side of things. What do we know about the plans for a retaliation against iran . Interestingly, what we know about the timing is coming from President Biden, as you mentioned, at the South Lawn of the White House, stopped to talk to reporters, and he said the attack will not come today. It is very unusual for an american president to give a details time line about an allys military plans. But the fact that the president said it seems to indicate that he sought and received some kind of reassurances that the Attack Wasnt happening tonight. In some ways thats not a response. Its rosh hashanah, a major Hol Iday in israel, trying not to ramp up tensions in the middle of the holiday where families are gathering. I can tell you, every indication is israels Ground Offensive into Southern Lebanon, two miles that way on the other side of the Mountain Ridge is expanding. I can give you some data and anecdote. Data, this operation started on monday. Israeli saying these were small scale local raids with one Idf Division involved. There are now two involved. We are seeing israeli tanks on the other side of the border in lebanon. Anecdote, katy, you might be able to hear that. That is the sound of outgoing israeli artillery fire. It has really been stepped up tonight, and as we drive around the empty roads of northern israel, people not driving because of the holiday, we are seeing tanks, armor carriers, Troop Carriers everywhere. Every indication we have is that this is a largescale offensive in the making. And it is not an israeli offensive that is coming without costs. As richard talked about, hezbollah might be battling, reeling from the pager attacks, the intense air strikes, the assassination of its leaders, but still probably the most powerful nonstate actor in the world, and nine israeli soldiers have been killed so far fighting in Southern Lebanon, and theres a feeling here in israel that there will be more military funerals in the days and weeks ahead, katy. Raf and richard, thank you very much. Joining us now, President And Founder of Eurasia Group and g zero media, aaron bremer. I want to ask you about what richard mentioned a moment ago, if iran is backing israel in a retaliation against iran, it would target the united states. Do you take them at their word . We have now seen a couple of times in the past few years the iranians take really big hits. The first being when the Trump Administration ordered the assassination of the head of the military, kasim, and when the israelis retaliated after the drone strikes. In both cases, it was heated rhetoric from the iranian regime. In both cases they did virtually nothing, because of the huge Military Asymmetries at play between iran and the u. S. And israel. Katy, i was with the iranian Vice President last week when he was here in New York for the united nations general assembly, and what he said to me consistently, and what i heard from others who met with the president , the heads of state, they do not want to, as they describe, fall into the israeli trap of iranian retaliation that, then gives the americans and israelis reason to get involved in a bigger war, that the iranians would lose and lose badly. Theres a level of risk aversion, and a level of rationality that is playing out with the iranian leadership right now, and which i think has reduced the level of expected escalation. What do you expect the israelis to do . Weve seen nothing so far. Theres been talk, rumors that they might want to target the iranian nuclear sites. President biden said, no, that is not a good idea. The u. S. Would not support that. Do we have an idea of where the israelis are at right now . You would have expected they would target nuclear sites. Again, back in april, what the israelis targeted was an iranian Radar Station that was involved in defending iranian nuclear site. So, katy, you couldnt have had a more direct sign that the israelis were telling iran and the world, okay, next time were hitting your nuclear sites, and i think thats why you saw the statement from biden that you did. Now, the israelis have ignored bidens admonishments consistently over the course of this war. This time i expect theres more coordination because the israelis would need american support both because irans nuclear program is disbursed and also because its underground and hardened in a ways that would be very hard for the israelis to get at it. I think what were much more likely to see, and this is on the back of a level of coordination between the u. S. And israel, would be more targeted strikes, probably military targets and some critical infrastructure, not civilian targets, and not government targets, not directly trying to, if any, way decapitate their leadership, and as that happens, a message from the u. S. And israel saying, okay, we just hit you, dont dare do anything else or youre going to be this a lot of pain. The iranians are the ones in the far more difficult strategic position than either the israelis or the united states. What about the jordanian Foreign Minister who came out and said that, listen, the Arab States, if you want it, benjamin netanyahu, the Arab States can guarantee Israels Safety if you come to an agreement on palestinian State Hood . Benjamin Netanyahu Hasnt responded to that. Is that viable . Of course its viable, but its not like the israelis feel like they need it. I mean, what weve seen over the last two weeks is just how badly the Prime Minister of israel and his military was asleep at the switch back on october 7th. They have World Class Gold standard border security, surveillance, technological capabilities, espionage capabilities, intelligence capabilities and training for the defense force. The fact is that Israels Ability to defend itself supported mightily by the united states, which has been continuing to provide enormous amounts of Military Support all the way through this war, irrespective of What Biden may say to the israeli Prime Minister makes the israelis feel like they can escalate this war, not just in gaza but also in lebanon, and potentially against iran as well without facing a lot of damage. I heard from your correspondent, israel is taking hits, you have seen soldiers get killed, and thats true, but less than ten israelis have been killed. Over A Thousand lebanese, you know. A lot of those fighters, the entire hezbollah leadership, if there were an All Out War between hezbollah and israel, the impact on defense forces would be negligible, but the lebanese economy would be shattered, the government shattered, the people shattered, 1 Million lebanese have been displaced, compared to 60,000 israelis that have been displaced for nearly a year now. You Cant Look at this conflict without understanding just how much stronger the israelis actually are militarily in this region. I understand that, but theres a level of mental anguish and mental hurt to Everyone in the region, and instability, and theres a desire, i would imagine theres a desire for things to calm down, and if offered an Off Ramp to calm things down, i think its a good question to ask, why would you not take that Off Ramp . I have to say, one quick point here. About 80 of all israeli citizens polled say they strongly support netanyahus war in lebanon right now. Thats true. And 90 of israeli jews. Im not sure how many would take an Off Ramp, given how much they have felt that there have been these external threats around their country. Fair. But im talking to a leader of a country that is in pain. Anyway, ian bremmer, thank you so much for joining us as always. My pleasure. Coming up, the Port Strike enters its Third Day with no end in sight. What workers are asking for, and why negotiations are at a standstill. Plus, what has Kamala Harris and Donald Trump Critic Liz Hay Liz Cheney teaming up in the birthplace of the Republican Party today. And were watching saginaw, michigan, where Donald Trump is rallying for the first time since the Bomb Shell Filing from Jack Smith. Hes calling the last election rigged again. Whats he saying about the filing, though . Dont go anywhere. Gh dont go anywhere. Now i have skyrizi. Ive got places to go and im feeling free control of my crohns means everything to me control is everything to me and now im back in the picture. 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But when you get your tools from Harbor Freight Something about the job feels a little different your wallet. Because we believe no matter what youre working on you need high quality tools at a great price. And thats what were all about. Whatever you do, do it for less, at harbor freight. Tonight for the first time, former Republican Congresswoman Liz Cheney will join Vice President Kamala Harris on the campaign trail. Osteotomy will share the stage at an event in rippon, wisconsin, known for being the birthplace of the Republican Party. And coinciding with the launch of wisconsin republicans for harris walz, as the campaign seeks more high Profile Republican endorsements. Joining us now, democratic strategist, Pollster And Msnbc political analyst, cornell belcher. All right, Liz Cheney in rippon, wisconsin, how much does it matter . Look, katy, i think it matters a lot because it gives, one, it gives Permission Structure to a lot of conservatives, right, mainstream conservatives, not trumpers, who are uncomfortable with the Direction Trump is taking the party because it doesnt seem like true conservatism. We see that, and it gives Permission Structure to move that way. I think its bigger than that. It speaks to a lot of moderate voters in the middle of the electorate who look at politics and say theres too much division, theres too much fighting. We need to bring people together. Why cant republicans and democrats get together on things . And when they look across, and they see how not only have cheneys embraced her, but look at all the bush officials and people around Mitt Romney who are also on board. I think this gives a lot of comfort to moderate, middleoftheroad voters as well, and brings them along also. Let me play a little bit of sound that my colleague, yamiche alcindor, was able to gather in wisconsin. Lets listen. I think trump has destroyed the Republican Party. Reporter how so . Because its gone. You have the Maga Party now. Even the republicans are leaving the Republican Party. Reporter because you just dont recognize this party . No, i dont recognize it anymore. But i was a republican for years. Reporter do you think youd ever go back . I could if they changed stuff up, yes. Reporter what would need to change . The whole maga movement, i think, would have to be gone. I mean, thats certainly telling, at least one republican voter that yamiche spoke to. Obviously we cant make a poll out of one voter. I wish we could. When youre looking at the numbers, do you see this race as moving in any significant way . Do you see it as still as tight as its been so far . Thats a really good question, and let me emphasize, underline what that gentleman was saying because it does speak to what i was saying earlier about these mainstream republicans, but its also the uniqueness, i think, of harris. Harris is going to have a coalition, katy, that has both Bernie Sanders in it, senator sanders, and Vice President dick cheney. Thats never happened in the history of American Politics that you had a coalition with those two people in it, right . Its a coalition that looks like all parts of america. I think when you look at the momentum, right, and the polls will go back and forth, as you know, katy, and the Battleground States will be tight because theyre Battleground States, right . Theyre always going to be a point or two. But i think Vice President harris clearly has the momentum. If you look at sort of her phase or unfazed, if you look at how dramatically shes changed the Battleground States and actually now even looking at a Tie Race in north carolina, looking at a tie or being ahead in georgia, and looking at either a tie or being a point behind or so in arizona, she is expanding the map. Look, im not being partisan here. Im she is expanding the map. Im not being partisan here. Im calling balls and strikes. I would much rather be the Harris Campaign than the Trump Campaign because shes expanding the Playing Field and more ways to get to an electoral College Victory than he does. I would much rather be at November 6th so we know where its going. The anticipation is a lot to handle. You assume well know November 6th. Jimmy kimmel would say that and the mets in the playoffs, he doesnt know if his hearts can handle it. Dont worry. The mets will be done tonight and it will be all over. Dont shush me. Im getting shushed in the studio. Im trying to set expectations so you dont get heart broken. Up next, from rising prices to Panic Buying, what to expect of the people who ship the goods you need if they cant come to an agreement to pay. Well talk about this Port Strike. Dont go anywhere. Dont go anywhere. Wow, so many choices. Yeah. Like schwab. I can get fullservice wealth management, advice, invest on my own, and trade on thinkorswim. You know carl is the only frontman you need. Oh i gotta take this carl, its schwab. Schwaaaab have a choice in how you invest with schwab. Philip when your kid is hurting and theres nothing you can do about it, thats the worst feeling in the world. Kristen i dont think anybody ever expects to hear that their child has cancer. Its always one of those things that happens to somebody else, but its definitely feels like your soul is sucked out of your body when they tell you that its your baby. And you would do anything to get them to the best place that they can be for their treatment. 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You have saved so many kids. Announcer lets cure Childhood Cancer together. Heres to getting better with age. Heres to beating these two every thursday. Help Fuel Today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need, and the flavor you love. So, heres to now. Now available Boost Max have you ever considered getting a walkin tub . Well, look no further so, heres to now. Safe steps best offer, just got better now, when you purchase your brand new Safe Step walkin tub, youll receive a free Shower Package. Yes, a free Shower Package and if you call today, youll also receive 15 off your entire order. Now you can enjoy the best of both worlds the therapeutic benefits of a warm, soothing bath that can help increase mobility, relieve pain, boost energy, and even improve sleep or, if you prefer, you can take a refreshing shower. Allinone Product Call now to receive a free Shower Package Plus 15 off your brand new Safe Step walkin tub. Hurricane helenes Death Toll has surpassed 200. There are still almost 1 Million right now without power in georgia and the carolinas. Its not good. President biden is continuing his tour of those affected states. He was in tallahassee today. Florida earlier today as well and georgia just a few minutes ago. For the Third Day in a Row Thousands of Dock Workers at ports up and down the East Coast are on strike. For every day theyre closed it could take a full week to catch up. Joining us now Laurie Ann to talk to us about that. How is the global Supply Chain . Reporter the Supply Chain is okay but its the Panic Buying of americans thats going to put it in a bailiwick here. Im sure Youve Seen Shelves picked clean of paper goods. Im here to tell the american consumer particularly on the East Coast that 99 of our Toilet Paper is made in america. We dont have to go Hog Wild buying it. Were looking at the fresh produce. We have over 2,000 containers katy, of fresh produce on the water. About 75 of the countrys bananas enter through these ports. People are shifting their shopping where the cost of bananas is possibly going to double according to the ceo of stew leonards. Instead of putting in a banana in your childs lunch box, youll probably do an apple. I spoke with the biden administration. As you know, theyve come out over the last several days saying the Supply Chain is resilient. We have critical medical supplies out on the water that are stranded off the coast because of this strike and those are items that could be needed for Hurricane Helene and the individuals from that aftermath. Lets hope these companies come to an agreement with the port workers, that each side believes to be fair. Laurie ann, thank you very much. Thank you for the advice on bananas. Ill stick with apples for the fall season. Thats going to do it for me today. Deadline White House starts after this quick break. 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