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Well, how could the criminals get into the garage . You already asked me about this, but i dont know how. There is one move. Signaling on the city console inside can get only their hello well glory. On sunday, it means that the owner of the stolen car will drive up now, talk to him, wait, this hunchback is a big bump recently transferred from moscow from the office of the president of the pogodi and, by the way , is a member of the Permanent Commission on law and order. Seryozha stop the captain we have arrived it was nice to meet you. Killed a man. Im just doing my job. Cool or work. At night i was at home wife witness. There are more questions. No thanks, lets go then. No, im on the subway, goodbye. If the car is found, it is strictly forbidden to open the diplomat by the high authorities. Andrey petrovich tell me how many salaries you need to buy such a car for work there are no wise men, georgievich hunchback, it obviously has nothing to do with it, i am absolutely sure. Well , firstly, he has an alibi, and secondly, his car is not insured, that he will paint it himself, or what . This is unprofitable if a man has an expensive car, which means that she replaces his wife. Thats why classic said, really an excellent student, please. The captain of the wolves, uh, on a mission of National Importance , georgievich is pursuing. Listen, excellent student, do you have a name . Thats it, you can seva village ugu i entrust you responsible task. Got it, do it. Goodbye. Hello hello no well, you see how these hello comrades live 2125 smoking area. As a result, they turned out to be unsuitable for further use. Thank you. It was written down from my words and read by me. Please sign here. Well, of course you will be escorted. Thank you, thank you. Goodbye. Guys, dark history such cars just dont steal the order should be. Well, there was no order. How do you know . Yes, i already know and another car from the city 90 percent did not leave. Well, guys, well, how many yards in the garage in st. Petersburg, i also have car parks, car dealerships, markets. The captain is strangling us in time. Please advise where to start. And this, guys, is your problem , you dont concern me. Here it seems for free no one and fingers. Thanks for your help. Lies no, guys stolen cars. In principle, i dont have yanovich in the car market , of course, you cant check everyone, well, i would know this. All right, all right. Lets go goodbye. Thank you bye. You do not want . Bad business no endings. Maybe me and kira home, but its good to have a meeting tomorrow at 8 00 thats all. And the intern, well, that he took first to the market and then home. Then he drank tea with her. Thats good, but comrade major. Yes, i know, i know not for that, you studied for 4 years. Do you want real crime cracked down . By the way, so that you know, she lived through the entire blockade as a girl and worked at a turning plant. Got bombed. Yes, i can, just in case. Goodbye, goodbye. Oh, how good, im just waiting for you, rita, i have absolutely no time to talk business. Sorry for being late. Thank you hi here. You just, by the way, meet sergeeva margarita olegovna very nice very correspondent. Writes articles on crime topics. Gusev is our trainee. Actually, everything is an excellent marksman champion and is now investigating the important case of the best hero for the article, you wont find a second. Sorry whatever. I start on the phone, the beach has eaten every 10 minutes they call. This is how we sit sparsely up to the tray comfortably. Comrade who are you . How did you get here . This is the injured comrade colonel. Allow me to go. Meeting is over brainstorming and strategizing are free. Is crime on the rise . There is no time to fight with it, because the meeting is held by an excellent leadership , the colonel, instead of looking for a car that is not enough. Im not afraid, not very well deserved. Hello zdarova, they told me that you wanted to see me, you will have tea. No thanks time. No, whats the case on the case . I asked my people to check, just in case, if your lexus is involved in an accident, but, unfortunately, in none of the recorded accidents the car of interest to us did not participate, but there is some information, so to speak, unofficial. I think she will interest you. Im listening, you wait, listen here yesterday the lieutenant came with you. He hinted that we are all corrupt in the Traffic Police. Hmm, if my friend offended you, then i am ready to apologize on behalf of the department. How much do you want for information . Uhhuh looked at other little men. Not just childrens drawings looked exactly at the code. And here is another one from one new russian. There lived two sisters of a fashion model and one of the sisters mysteriously dies and calls our major solovets major solovets arrives on a mission and takes with him a service weapon. And another such special whip. Thats how everything is clear in the repertoire. No, i still have the honor and aha everything is gone. You understand my last chance, the newspaper needs real scandals of the incident, and not these stories of yours. Well, to be honest, im only on my second day in the department. But what about this investigation youre doing . It hasnt been that important for a long time. Yesterday i was engaged in an old woman repina. This is unlikely to interest you. Thanks captain information is really interesting. Not at all, but tell your lieutenant that the werewolf in uniform with hazelnuts. Sending him a hello. Good happy i still dont understand why you surrendered this river, i myself dont know why yet, but i feel it might turn out to be interesting material. Here i am, readers, the connection between the times of the past and the present. Why did you stop . Hello comrade major, this is geese , you know where he recommended to hide the species so that no one would find it. Yeah, on the night that the lexus was stolen, his oka had an accident, a foreign car passed on a red light and kissed him on the side. Well, he called the traffic cops. But when they came to you, he said that the conflict had already been settled, in a loving way. So no protocol is needed. Yeah, and i think it was lexus black lexus here ivan semyonovich hello opa stepanenko was shot in the back of the head. Presumably an hour before the arrival of our employees, no one saw a fresh dent in the killer. Experts found. Black paint particles, presumably after a collision with a lexus in the garage. Everything was turned upside down, most likely the killer was looking for this. Judging by the monogram, it all belonged to gorbuntsovs owner of ugnalixus. Do not open the diplomat, so we did not open it. Andrey petrovich yes, he was hidden, no documents of the Second Degree of secrecy. There was no hiding place under the floorboards. I have everything. Documents of the Second Degree of secrecy continue, report major. But there are two versions. According to the first, stepanenko himself blackmailed the hijackers, for which he suffered. And according to the second version of the objects of blackmail . He himself became a hunchback. Who is a hunchback how many days have passed . And the result is one corpse. And none. Well, heres what. The boss gives us. Another day if the criminals are not, big problems. And i promise them. And the last one above is an article signed by m sergeyeva, here. Police lawlessness in a prestigious casino cadet, gusev stand up for the scandal scientist in the office of the director of the casino arbitrariness and abuse of power i declare you a reprimand to the solovets i put in sight. There is no second version for insufficient educational work with youth. You didnt say it, i didnt hear it. Repeat so there is definitely no second version. Listen, i think it was the hunchback who blackmailed him, and he hired killer, by the way, about killer, have you ever met killer with a 913 logan, and the expert claims that the old man was killed with this particular weapon. On the one hand hurry open. Lets open it, yes, not that, but for us , its a rotten thing, because the car was stolen during the hijacking, someone would definitely see it, it would be good to know. Hello pizzeria hello hello hello yes its me not you. Now one second on the night of 17 to 18. May i call you back then . Yes . Thank you bye. Hello yes let me write it down. What time does the strip bar close . Yeah, well, then let him come to us in the slaughterhouse tomorrow morning by ten. Thanks georgievich there at the fifth miner from the bakery. Yeah citizen to dawn, you are sure that you saw the emblem of the car, but it was dark, of course, im sure. What is blind or something, okay . Thank you, too, with taxi drivers deaf. So you are saying that the sign was such a circle. So no, there was a tick in the middle. I drew a bird, i told you a tick flying sideways. Sorry. Heres a tick. She exactly, then speak marine yes at the entrance to the dolphin bar. In which about hours 25 minutes past three i have already undressed for the third time. In what sense does a citizen work as a stripper, and you, comrade cadet, need to study not only semyonovna but also the brands of modern cars. Clearly the best the morning starts with the best breakfast. Well, maybe its better to take only fresh products. A spoonful of useful tips, we tested several options a drop of someone elses experience, as i personally have. There was a case of a little thrill flying at full speed many sweet memories. The case when you can lick your finger and taste delicious details here has changed the mood very much, do not forget about healthy habits. 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Kamchatka is still rainy there a little above 15 and yakutia plunged into autumn coolness in the capital of the republic of only 17 and it rains, but this summer will definitely return here for a very short time, and in the polar regions of siberia, summer is in full swing in norilsk just resort 26 bright sun cloudless sky, against this background, the Southern Region looks a little dull there, too, it is warm, but with rains , loads will rattle from time to time. The strongest closer to the center of the cyclone from the khantymansiysk in the urals is also a thunderstorm in yekaterinburg 24 in the european territory the stormy cyclone filled the frontal sections, ran out of steam and moved to the east. Closer to the urals, short rains will take place in kirov and izhevsk. And in nizhny novgorod, it will already be without precipitation and plus 25 will be slightly above 25 degrees today in the center, but further. The temperature will continue to rise gradually from time to time there will be short rains in the south, almost not a drop of rain only in mountainous areas, and in sochi in sevastopol without precipitation and 28 in the lower reaches of the volga and don, the air will heat up to 35 in st. Petersburg 25 27 and short rain in moscow, too, 2527 and no precipitation. So august begins with good summer weather that lasts at least until the end of the week, two people confirm that the lexus was on the sea dolphin at night. This is a citizen. Before dawn and barmenovanovsky it was he who drew attention to car when he went out for a smoke, but there were no people in the car. Now the cadet is on duty. Geese. Hello, the Traffic Police sent thanks for the help in finding the car of the deputy of the European Parliament dzhorjabov stolen 2 years ago in amsterdam. There was a scandal in the casino. Thanks from us, that is. So, at this table, five caucasians were sitting drinking, not behaving impudently, but within the framework of the caucasians , what they were talking about, you dont remember that i lay down, or something, they bazaared in their own way. So further here, here, hemingway was sitting, who yes, one grandfather comes every night and such nantah pour me an accent on 2 dollars with ice, then he takes a mug of beer and appreciates it until the morning, but with his grandfather. Its clear who else was here here , a couple, a guy of about 16 years old and a girl with him were sitting. So a guy of short stature is dark, but i saw a girl from the back. Well, here it is. Assuming that the car was stolen by caucasians, what we get in a perfectly guarded garage is stealing cars for 100,000 dollars, killing them too, and then they go to the nearest cafe to celebrate the success of general attention. Yes, nonsense, well, then who is hemingway or schoolchildren . As far as i remember, the injured hunchback has a son, konstantin , 16 years old . Blue jacket bone bone you are the troops of chemistry, it is necessary to prepare, and the mood is fig. I want to be with you. Well, you are so frozen, how everything is running here with us. What are you worried about . Yes, but you dont. Im asking you, who are you captain, dymov Homicide Department of the petrograd District Department of internal affairs Gennady Nikolaevich kostya car your son is suspected by his son. I ll figure it out on my own somehow. And you think, what will you do when you are fired for abuse of authority. What did he want from you . I dont know. No dad, truth. I understand, comrade prosecutor. Those lieutenant, comrade colonel, well, the kid is involved, well, he is involved, i warned that the prosecutor would refuse to listen to the apartment. You didnt believe me, i called and i repeat the prosecutors, comrade, colonel Andrey Petrovich well, maybe, damn well, as if without your knowledge themselves, and you seem to be forbidden to listen to phones any questions . Well, understand , we repeat listening to the hunchbacks apartment is officially prohibited clear clear so what, you brought me here . I say go overboard. What have i banned . Come on, he said i officially ban listening. What does it mean if he officially singled out . Here dear, they asked for a range of 500 meters. Listen, a reliable thing will not fail the right moment of our acquaintance. So lets say. Thank you, no connection. Man, what are you . Nothing crazy . At least you know, all the entrance collapsed. So im afraid today the cops near the gymnasium pressed me. I m scared, im afraid. I know what ive decided. I think maybe me. Go and confess everything yourself, well, like a confession. Dont be afraid, i wont give you up. Ill take over and car and security guard, do you hear . Why are you silent, calm down, its just panic. They will never find us. You just have to deny everything, you know, and then everything will be fine. And then we get married and all that. You yourself go to what you say. Where is my car . Where is my dice machine . Im asking you. Here is Andrey Petrovich. Of course, you cannot present direct evidence to the court, but everything is clear, as in the palm of your hand. Sorry for the homemade so lets say the winners are not judged. Here, in fact, with these evidence you can directly and arrest. The Evidence Base was taken away from us. Didnt understand what . Handed over to the Central Internal Affairs directorate listen to the left, but you did not throw your gun away. Hes greatgrandfather, whats the problem again. Dont go out. Kostya i need you, i have a pitchfork, you understand . Where are you . Wait, yes, wait, yes, talk, need a guest. Milana milana milana my father overheard our conversation. Dont worry, i took care of everything. I didnt say i didnt say you were with me. Kostya are you alive alive . Tolya well, let it go, are you crazy, or what . Tolyan will not ride anymore, yes, we will sit warmer. Well, tolyan, what are you, not man, right . Well, where else can i take it . Please, where else can he change . Not for long, agreed. In short, he let us in. Yes, and owns this wisdom of a woman. Look at the greatgrandfathers grandfathers name, would krasnoarmeetschenko know what his greatgrandson would do two murders one attempt, what two in kind . From what oak are two pensioners stepanenko and security guards in the garage. Milana says, you were driving, i was not there, not a fig to yourself, who was driving . She is milana how do you know . Is she honest . How do you know . She well, do you want super . Stop, stop, come out. What are you doing . She did it on purpose. Where is the car . She then came up with it, when we were sitting in a bar, that lexus was stolen. Then you militia will think they are hijackers. Tell me about the accident. Jumped out. He is right grandfather. I didnt have time to slow down. He started yelling at us and called the Traffic Police. Milana wanted to negotiate with him. So that without the Traffic Police she gave her fathers case, such as a pledge, well , then we met with him and brought it. Guys, you see, the situation has changed, there are suitcases with very interesting contents. It turned out. And this is a completely different story. How much then tell me will ill show you. As i see it, this is no longer your concern , colonel. Why the case was solved the criminals were detained from a minor hunchback konstantin gennadievich was of great help. It was found elsewhere. Well, thank you kostya, get in my car. Dont you hear . Are you crazy . I order you to stop. Kostya stop. To france guys, lets order another beer, please. Normal practice will finish a better diploma. Lets practice so we got what we need the real disclosure of the guys on the course, they will die of envy, no, by the way, there was no disclosure, the case will not come to court. Dad will smack his daughter, yes, a lawyer. I already took it. So after all, the proof of which is the proof, do not be sad cop, what the classics say. What happened comrade colonel according to your order , all materials on the lexus have been sent. Colonel you understand, andryusha you are some kind of sorcerer. So you left for the whole week not a single bite. Yes, because you are a miser, it is absolutely impossible to use Sunflower Oil for bait categorically all right, bye. There are more questions. And what about Andrey Petrovich instead of Sunflower Oil . In the whole family of cyprinids, they even feel the smell of tobacco over the water if rybak smokes. See next morning. The best thing is to clarify the details of the emergency, we replace the windshield wipers along with the first gear. The blogger syroedzhana darta has died, her family cannot take the body home already by the people and the legend at first there was such an agreement with the local authorities, they cremate the body and send the ashes to relatives. Now the body of a woman for some reason forget mined not extradite his wifes relatives. Doubts have been raised about the

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