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Even relevant anymore as a forum for addressing issues like war, poverty, islamophobia and multipolarity. Heres a brief look at the key events from this years summit in new york. Ladies and gentlemen, were interrupting the normal course of programming to go live now where uh a live address is being made by Islamic Jihad of official on the occasion. The anniversary of the Palestinian Resistance movement lets listen it also the battle of jin in 2002 which continues to be and bear the fact that our movement, Islamic Jihad, we continue to fight shoulder to shoulder with the fighters, resistance fighters of our people, our heroic people of palestine, and this is precedented courage, heroic stance and fighting, in addition to other occasions, and today as we celebrate the occasion of the founding of of this organization, this movement in all the spheres, we remember all of these occasions as well and these events in order for them to be an honor for our fighters. To wat their path towards, towards palestine, and also to be a dignety and nobility and an honor for our people and we show that we are proud of of them, we show our pride, we show our loding, our praise to these murders since they are well alive, they look at us and they see us and they come and make sure that we are present and that we celebrate their martyrdom and those who moved away from this attendance and this presence has lost the joy that they would give their brothers, the marters. It is the right of our brothers, the martyrs, to come and preserve them and remember them, to remember their names, to remember their memory, to keep their memory alive and to keep their existence and their will. To know that they remain our idols and our model and exemplary figures towards palestine, this movement and our dear people who are celebrating today the martyrs and this very blessed and honorable day, the day when the Islamic Jihad, on the day of Islamic Jihad, we stress that everything we see around us, that our martyrs are alive in our daily. Life in our hearts, in our minds and in our paths and that we will continue to follow their path, no matter what the sacrifices, and they will remain the glory, and they they continue to forshadow our victory, god willing, dear brothers and sisters, our dear people, our heroic sacrificing people in this occasion, i feel that it is my responsibility and my. Duty to come and clarify some issues that our stances though on various issues. I begin with the global developments, which has very significant role on what is happening in our of region, and our cause, the palestinian cause specifically, we can see that there remains to be bias towards the zionist entity from the first day of. The establishment of this regime on the land of palestine and the main factors of strength are the ones that are of controlling this the policies of the world and america and its allies continue to stand supportive and backing the enemy on all levels based on their vision of what we are on all various aspects and various levels and how they look at us, we differ from them in everything, and we are different from how what they are in everything as well, in religion. In culture and ethics and the zionist enemy is part of them and is their counterpart in their culture and their history and their also their their manners, their morals, but our culture, our morals our religion are is different, therefore we find them always biased towards our enemy, supporting. And backing and assisting our enemy in everything, theyre also giving all sorts of aid and military assistance, political assistance and moral assistance, and at the same time, they are working on disintegrating us, dividing us and even trying to make our regimes to come and our governments to come to them, sometimes with economic wars, sometimes with rewards and sometimes by making those who are weak of the leaders in our country, and even those who are supposed to be elites and cultured and generals of our military, they try to make them conceed, but unfortunately they have succeeded to a certain level, and the many miseries that are following us, many sufferings in palestine and the arab and muslim worlds. This is not coincidental, this is a result of work which is continuous and continuous here in our region, this has not stopped for one single minute, and this the example of the Palestinian Authority and its apparatus which are also monitored by the us generals with the continuous even training and funding and budgettary. Is also in a small example of everything that is happening in our region, arab region, and israel is killing us with us arms, with us weapons and the socalled Security Apparatus, are following us, arresting us with through us and israeli decisions, and recently the presence of the israelis is very. Here after the socalled peace accords and the wave of normalization with the israeli enemy with man several of the arab apparatus the Security Apparatus and therefore also they they continue to sell to us only dreams and illusions that they are standing actually by the side of our enemies and we will continue to pay the price in our lands and our nations and the blood of our people if we ignore these facts or we close our eyes and turn a blind eye to what is really happening and therefore we need to know and understand the nature of our battle, the extent, the form and shape of our battle and the extent of our responsibilities that we need to work on together, we need to based on these issues we need to Work Together and shoulder of responsibilities, we should not turn a blind eye, we should not only speak with a continuous political rhythms that would mix right and wrong, that would mix good and evil, but the arab situation, it is not a secret of what has become of it, of our countries, our governments and it has become a very miserable situation, sad situation which where we see that the result of this issue has led to a general situation and open the doors for the zionist regime and the socalled state of israel to come to the rest the arab world. This socalled state which has been founded on our land, on the land of the palestins after they killed thousands of our people and displaced hundreds of thousands and they killed hundreds of thousands of people from arab countries, and they have also recognized these crimes, the the enemy itself has recognized that they have and they have committed all these crimes. And the number of the residence of the jews now is not more than six million in all the geography, we see the arabs and those who are owners of the history and this heritage, they are saying that they want peace, there are hundreds of millions of people. Has history, which has geography by its side, which has enough by its side in order to make it capable of being resilient, of being able to challenge this zionist project in a scene which is very grievous scene which is unprecedented in history, but we continue to say that the fighters and the marters only alone. Can stop this ridiculous continuous situation and that the fact that we stand on this path the whole time what the arab regimes are doing of the continuous succoming and normalization of ties and the fact that they continue by to be by the side the enemy and in its face off with our people with our heroic people and instance, we should not, remain on the battlefield and we will not turn down, we will not move away from the battlefield and our people, continue to fight and resist, they continue to demolish homes and they continue to kill our people. Their right, their right, the right of the people to support the resistance, and it is the right of the people also to get the support the resistance as well, they have stood and on our bottles, it is our right, it is the right of our people also to support us and it is also our right as well for them not to enforce sanctions on us, but however they will not enforce anything, of course they went these regimes, they went with all without any humility, they stepped on our marters, they stepped on our bloods and they won. And and embraced the enemies, it is our responsibility today, and more than any time in the past, to come and shout out and confront and face, and if we do not do that, then those who are lowly, they will say that the Palestinian People want this stance, it is they who want normalization, no, those who run to normalize ties with. They should know and they know very well that this is something that they have done to say that palestine is not ours that alquds with its mask is not for us but we stress today more than any time in the past that we are not no only against only against normalization, but we are against all of this path of talks which began with the cam david accord and everything that was resulted that resulted from the camp david court and araba and the oslaw court and all the socalled declarations of the arab summit which gave the socalled Arab Peace Initiative whereas on the. Phase, we all know everything that the palestinian cause has passed through from the day of until the day of oslow, 1948 until that. First accord of oslo, which was accepted by the illusion of what was left of it, only to say that the plo represents the Palestinian People, also the the mother whose son they killed, and they gave her doll in the place of her baby, of her infant. Then they have this this mother has lost its mind, her mind and she has thought that the doll is her own infant, this is the comparison of whats happened to palestine, and this is something we continue to pay the price for today, 30 years later, 30 years on we continue to walk in the same cycle, and we continue to differ on one definition for. On the name of israel itself, whether it is an enemy or neighbor, and those who had the plo, and others as well, believed that the doll is the infant, what does the the socalled pl men or the Palestinian Authority . When the authority itself is embracing the. These are facts that people see a daily basis, but the lies, and the socalled illusions and illusionary and illusional decisions continue to be taken. Israel says, there is no palestinian state, and even those reported say theres no palestinian state and everything that is happening on the ground and on the field is a witness to this, they need to stop deceiving the people, this deception needs to stop, and we need to face reality, as it is, we need to shoulder responsibilities, and we need to rise all together, united, since our people are capable of confronting, and they have continued. Our people want their freedom and the movements of resistance need to live to the level of this challenge and to live up to the level of the peoples aspirations, not at the level of only the secretary generals to fill the gaps of time. And even declare certain statements which contradict with the essence of the aspirations of our people, whether the general or the specific, we need to hold to hope, and we need to believe that this nation. Which is resisting, that victory will be by the side of the resisting nation, not the nation which is delusional and weak, our demand is great, and our responsibilities are also great, and our people, our men, only can continue this path, we will not be choked in the middle of the way, we paid high prices and we will continue to pay a price, and we need to always remember that we are not a people who have just passed in this geography, geographic area, and those who were born here on the land of palestine, they need to preserve and learn by heart, hesitation that we are the ones to hold the eternal message and we will not leave our land, we will not leave our holy sites and we will continue to confront those invaders, those killers and we will not allow them to kill us without us fighting till the end, and we will not allow them to vanquish us and we live in humility, we will not bow down under any circumstances. Or any pretext, and those who continue to call and say the verses day the quran, day and night, they should not say we can. Not fight, yes, we understand that we are paying a price of our lives and our sons and our children at the forefront and at the battlefield and we will be paying very high price, however, does not alquds deserve all these sacrifices, doesnt this path towards palestine deserve these sacrifices that . Not the history, which we are also writing with our blood, does it not to be written how we write it, this confront confrontation has not ended on this geographic area, and the enemies continue to plot and plan and to kill us every time they feel that this is necessary in order to take control of our lands and therefore, why do we not fight . Why do we not fight them and kill them on our own way . Since killing is a reality, let us fight, let us fight until we are victorious, and no one has been victorious without killing without fighting, those who do not come and fight on this land, then they will be killed, eventually, they will be killed with humility if they not not killed with something else, they will be killed with humility and following dictates. This enemy which has come to step on our name parts, on our marters, they do not come and and their arrogance and their vanity, they want to transform caves to come and build their homes for them, to come and build their settlements for them, to on the land which is being stolen from us, dear brothers and sisters, dear people, great people of palestine, on the occasion of the founding of Islamic Jihad, stress that our resistance will continue and that the movement of Islamic Jihad which was established with the spirit of islam continues also in its path. It also has not conceded and it has not surrender to these illusions and it celebrates today with its leaders and its members and its fighters and its also celebrates with its supportive grounds and the Palestinian People on all fields, and they are being honored by the souls of the martyrs and since this occasion has to do with our movement and the role of its marters, and since the beginning of its founding, we stand all praise and honor. To honor the marters of the shajayah battle in the prison of gazza, the central ghaza prison, which whom opened up and began this fight with their martyrdom and with their conflict, with their struggle, for the path of our movement to continue to show more and more from the first in 198. The last century until we began with also greater operations until the year 2000 and its marters with the exceptional operations military operations which was also even concluded by the shinin battle, the great jeneen battle of 2002 where our movement with its fighters and it was at the forefront of that battle and the most significant part of that battle and our people and their fighters, by on the other hand, also we had gazza that was also already with its resistance and its marters as well, and it forced the enemy to withdraw and to dismantle the settlements until ghazah. Brought its resistance to new equation with the enemy and it launched great marvelous battles and thousands of marters from our people and their fighters, the heroic fighters. We saw also that our movement was movement that fought shoulder to shoulder with all the resistance factions in palestine and also went from one battle to another, whether from the call of fajr until the sword of alquds battle, which was also a very. Significant point of transformation in the path of resistance of our people until the tunnel of liberty where we saw that the heroic and courageous men also conducted very significant and unprecedented operation which also led to the quds also and how they were present Even Stronger, their presence was Even Stronger in the west bank, and the resistance reached a new point and new era which made the enemy launch very massive war and the islamic shihad in the unity of france in 2020 and therefore it also, merters fell in 2023, also the enemy launched another war in the battle of the vengeence of the free, which was one of the most significant battles that was caught by our movement for five days continuous where we saw that the cities of the enemy and the settlements of the enemy under the the subject to our rockets and we lost even some of our most close brothers, most beloved brothers in the movement, but we have come out of this battle, stronger and more courageous and the arms are in our hands and the great military show which was done by Saraya Al Quds in gaza shows and is proof of the strength of the resistance. Jinin has become has continued to exist with its people and its fighters, which also faced the battle the of jinin as well where we saw that the enemy withdrew and the continue to remain and they fight and defend the Palestinian People throughout the west bank. Brigades, which also faced a massive aggression against it to the nables brigades as well, which also was present when they were launch aggressions against it, they continued their resistance, they continued their fight, and in other areas as well, all of these brigades

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