Poonam Dhillon has starred with Rishi Kapoor in quite a few films but says that she would rather start off by talking about him from the recent past, rather than when she was cast as his leading lady for the first time. "You know what, Chintu (as Rishi was fondly called) and I had a common friend and we happened to visit her birthday party after Chintu returned (from his treatment) from the US. I was surprised to see that he broke into a song there: 'Main Shayyar Toh Nahin' (from 'Bobby'). And, he sang it with immense confidence and style. In my 30 years of knowing him, I was unaware of this hidden talent of singing; you see, actors, in those days never sang and maybe that's why I didn't know".

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Vienna ,Wien ,Austria ,Biwio Biwi ,Poonam Dhillon ,Raj Kapoor ,Hema Malini ,Rajiv Kapoor ,Smita Patil ,Yeh Vaada Raha ,Padmini Kolhapure ,Jugg Jeeyo ,Rishi Kapoor ,Kabhi Kabhie ,Prem Rog ,Meena Kumari ,Zahreela Insaan , ,Main Shayyar Toh Nahin ,Bachchan Diwali ,Jug Jugg Jeeyo ,Kapoor Amp Sons ,Co Vid ,Lobby ,வியன்னா ,வீந் ,ஆஸ்ட்ரியா ,பூனம் தில்லான் ,ராஜ் கபூர் ,ஹேமா மாலினி ,ராஜீவ் கபூர் ,ஸ்மிதா பாட்டீல் ,குடம் ஜீயோ ,ரிஷி கபூர் ,பிரேம் முரட்டுத்தனம் ,மீனா குமாரி ,பச்சன் தீபாவளி ,குடம் குடம் ஜீயோ ,கபூர் ஆம்ப் மகன்கள் ,இணை வித் ,

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