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Good evening thanks for joining us here on r. T. And. Breaking news to start this hour from the netherlands where dutch police say 3 people have been injured in a stabbing on the main shopping street in the hague the incident sparked panic among the shoppers. I. I. I. Start off scurrying this covering this story for us so what details do we know at this point. Well 1st and foremost we do know that the police are still looking for the suspect we have seen a video of dutch police a pretty handing some man but we have not had any confirmation yet whether or not that person is indeed the suspect wanted in connection with this attack on the main street now 3 people have been injured and yes indeed it is the main street the main shopping street in the hague now this is a friday night so it was bound to be packed with the shoppers but at the same time remember that it is the black friday night as well which. The scale of the whole thing which has led even more people out in the streets seeking for a good deal also adding to that is its christmas time already in europe and for instance here in france theres plenty of Christmas Markets all Christmas Markets have been open and operational for quite a while now and its the same in the netherlands so that being the main shopping street and being called a mark to which means the market well it was again it was bound to be packed with people and weve heard some reports that the attacker apparently it looked like that he he had wanted to injure as many people as possible now initially the dutch police the issued the issued a statement saying that they had been looking on for a suspect between 40 and 50 years old and wearing a gray jogging suit now again no one has been officially confirmed to be taken into custody yet in connection with that also at the same time there was a bit of a scare here in paris when god you nor would the main Railway Station of the french capital was briefly evacuated because of a suspicious bag over suspicious of a suspicious bag found there now there have been some pictures circulating. Online showing a blue barrel with what looked like a whole mortar round in sided but that scare was off within an hour people were allowed back in thing bad happen here in paris but again there was a bit of a scare adding up to what happened in london tonight as well will be staying across the story and the things hes done off with the latest for us. Now as mentioned by our correspondent only a matter of hours earlier a stabbing attack occurred in Central London police have class that as a terrorist attack 2 members of the public were killed we can show you eyewitness videos taken in the area a busy thoroughfare in london and as you can see people were witness wrestling it seemed with the suspect trying to pin him to the ground one man manages to get the knife off the attacker an armed officer is seen with his weapon drawn a short time later shot Police Confirm that the attacker was shot dead at the scene our correspondent shadier daschle has more. Mass evacuations happening from the Office Building surrounding the London Bridge vicinity it was indeed a Major Incident earlier this afternoon the assistant Police Commissioner who confirmed it was terrorist related as you would expect due to the nature of the incident we responded as though this was terrorist related are now in a position that it has been declared a terrorist incident it is with the heaviest of hearts that i have to inform you that as well as the suspect who was shot dead by police. 2 of those injured in this attack. In the London Bridge area have tragically lost lives the suspect who was also. A hoax explosives attached to him he was shot down at the scene on London Bridge is understood that before he was shot down dead there are members of the public that were pinning him down that was video footage that emerged not reportedly at this moment in time as i say the incident broke out some 3 hours ago and since then there were convoys of Emergency Services flooding into the scene descending onto London Bridge including counterterrorism offices at the time it was a precautionary measure of course now its been confirmed as terrorist related but accompanying them was also special forces offices to as well as the Ambulance Services and indeed the fire brigade we understand that many victims are now being treated at hospitals for their injuries some of which are a serious level the place is still offering statements saying that the public must remain vigilant and stay calm at this moment in time as they say the incidents over its no longer ongoing but of course earlier this afternoon there were scenes of absolute pandemonium and chaos rushing people. Talking. About i was. Thinking about it yes its a big slog. I think. Theres a lot of movement going on in a panic. Like. Like a wave of something going on. And then suddenly everybody said go down into the basement and we are taken down into the basement until such time with now weve been evacuated well we have had some reaction then from the Prime Minister Boris Johnson clearly my thoughts 1st might. Fall to 1st with the Emergency Services with the police the bravery they showed in going towards danger as they do i also want to pay tribute to the extraordinary bravery of those members of the public who physically intervened nice crime there when the captain of london is at a record highs at the moment people are understandably very worried and. London has been at the center of a knife crime epidemic with 132 fatal stabbings this year thats after last year saw a surge in the number of killings in the capital to 130 there but demick is not close to being the highest for a decade former u. K. Police officer peter kirk and things sr fickle to prevent such incidents. A big part of the problem with this type of terrorism is there is no Big Organization behind it. For the police and Security Forces to infiltrate to carry out surveillance on and so forth. And so youve got the self starters if you like individuals often with petty Crime Mental Health another problems in their background who self radicalize on the internet and they may not of even talk to anybody and certainly they rarely talk to many people around them or any people around them. The mayor of a small town in bolivia who was brutally assaulted by protesters amid unrest triggered by the countrys political crisis is refusing to resign it is here are said has now left hospital images of the attack on her emerged on social media revealing the violence towards politicians of the party of ousted leader ever more on this warning you may find the following scenes upsetting the start of november after setting the town hall on fire and antiviral as mob paraded the mayor barefoot cutter her in public and sprayed it read during the 4 hour ordeal she was made to kneel and sign a Resignation Letter she told us she still being treated for kidney damage sustained from the blow she received. The final what happened was disgusting i am now recovering from renal damage that i suffered during the assault and i am still in pain the also cut off my hair they beat me up but they can change my views everything was so confusing at that moment many of them covered their faces but we recognize some of them it was sad to see all those people attacking me its been a difficult time for my children to see their mother in such a condition i dont want this to happen again. Bolivia is now facing Political Uncertainty the selfappointed right wing government of senator johnny 9 years as already been accused of abuses ever more as resigned after the countrys military suggested he. Was on the back of a wave of protests that followed up tobys election and allegations of vote fraud his supporters protest what they see is a coup in the countrys postelection unrest 34 people were killed and more than 800 injured but i shall say again says that the violence must stop. You know what that is going to be i cant betray my people those who believe in me i would like to express my gratitude to the staff who have stayed with me and are dedicated to improving the city we will keep working to achieve all our goals it was very difficult to return here after everything they did to me and it was terrible to see this city hall in such a state after all the work that was done to improve it after everything thats happened how can it get any worse people need to reflect and stop harming each other we need to restore unity ive never hurt anybody ive always worked for my city and i want people to take a step back and think they believe in people cannot live like this. The iraqi Prime Minister abdul mahdi says that he will resign to allow lawmakers to form a new government iraqis been celebrating the news these are the latest pictures from the capital the Prime Ministers announcement follows weeks of violent protests across the country people demanding a change of government theyve been angered over poor service is unemployment in chronic corruption when 300. 00 people being killed and thousands more been injured since the rallies began last month unless the gulf state analytics alison to bruno believes the p. M. s resignation one solve iraqs problems. I dont think that the situation will change considerably in fact they think this is a year what they call a pyrrhic victory yes theyve got the agreement for the Prime Minister to resign but what will actually change for iraqis particularly under streets i dont think anything will change. Given the structural problems infrastructure is feeling there is not enough money to pay public salaries 2 their economy has changed at all in the past since the American Invasion until. Serious reconstruction. Program begins i dont think the socalled democracy do anything to fix the real problems facing iraqis. European union has made much in recent years on the issue of Climate Change but its not is evangelise obsessive in finding out they dont appear to practice what they preach is the people have gathered behind me in the large numbers to participate in a protest called fridays for future its aim to bring more awareness on Climate Change the topic is becoming ever more popular with a lot of people getting in on the acting fluting hollywood stars activists politicians and European Union lawmakers recently the European Union even when i went as far to the clay or a state of climate and environmental emergency if theres one area the world needs our leadership it is on protecting our climate. This is an it and exists tensional issue for europe and fold the world here is something you might find very interesting the scene lawmakers that advocate for the environment take part into a caravan between brussels and strauss work they convene in shrouds work for one week and then for the rest of the months the go back to brussels this cost taxpayers about a 114000000 euros and its not that its only costly but its very bad for the environment as well disappoint claiming to be a company neutral institution the 12 trips to strasburg each year and system etudes to emit between 11900000. 00 tons of c o 2 emissions per year all this back and forth is like putting 4000. 00 additional vehicles on the streets every year driving nonstop including the ones on the streets so how is this reducing seal to emissions well a german politician says he felt the way to stop this costly practice according to the treaty of amsterdam the parliament has to have a seat in stroudsburg not specifically in the city of strasburg he went as far as making a you tube video to prove his point he got a champagne bottle smashed it in the seat of parliament in brussels and he called it strauss work so it seems like the problem is solved so from this day on this planet. Shall be known as. We asked people what they think about the e. U. Lawmakers schedule i think its. Their lives they should travel every month like for one week i think it will change because france wants to have this so its not going to change. The one European Parliament and this will be one place where its located its really bad they said just decide to stay in one place i dont care if its soft book of presses but day soaps take a decision about it. Place in hong kong invented a campus siege at a university that story and more after the break. Financial Survival Guide by a im on a future. Some of my eggs from the future trucker watch kaiser. Police in hong kong have moved in and ended a 2 Week University campus siege by practices. If if you entered a campus yesterday and this morning to remove a large amount of Dangerous Items and collect evidence for crimes. Ill cordon was used and the campus was handed over to the University Management abundant this case is really alarming for on call it shows. And its policy if you have been following to the hands of young students. Lets take a closer look now what police found on campus it seems the protesters were storing thousands of petrol bombs and explosives hundreds of bottles filled with corrosive liquids the University Campus became a central battlefield between activists and police during the fiery standoff protesters bill barricades to protect themselves they used bricks and petrol bombs along with bows and arrows Police Responded with tear gas and arrested more than a 1000 activists International Independent china especially sandra long believes the situation is come to a head. Well this is different this is definitely decisive chapter of 6 months of antigovernment protests and now all the campuses. Weve been turning into factories of producing petrol bombs and the University Administration simply were powerless a whole generation been brought up in a system which has not given them any sense of chinese nationhood most of them do not feel themselves all of consider themselves as chinese any more beijing would act and they reacted quite high strongly as perceived to be intervention in hong kong internal affairs. Huge new bridge between russia and china has been completed the 1st of its kind between the 2 states. Palestinian journalist has been shot in the reportedly by Israeli Forces that it happened while he was covering clashes in the west bank might find this video now disturbing. But he was still there spoke to r. T. About what happened. We covered a demonstration by people from serif against the confiscation of their land by israel the rally was suppressed and there was some clashes. While we were covering the clashes i was shot in the eye by an israeli sniper i was wearing a reporters uniform and anyone can identify me as a journalist from far away thank god i only lost my eye and not my life when i was shot i thought i was about to die i fell on my head was going to explode i thought i was breathing my last and then my colleagues came to carry me away. And they has received a wave of support after the story went viral palestinian activists and journalists held demonstrations in bethlehem in solidarity with their injured colleague a couple of days after the incident some of them joined a flash mob and social media posing photos of themselves with one eye covered in one of the Palestinian Journalist Syndicate 60 journalists have been hit by live ammunition just this year the majority of them in gaza. Israeli police however claim they used only nonlethal force which was not directed at the photographer they also say that his injury could have been caused by rioters mirth among they think that what happened to him was no accident. That the israeli occupiers do not want the rest of the world to see the repression palestinian journalists are showing the world what the occupation is doing to our people the disregard for human rights palestinian journalists are exposing these crimes palestinian journalists are being killed summers have muslims your patient does not care or respect any of the contrary the suppression of journalism with the collusion of some of the countries is enabling israel to escalate its crimes against the palestinians. The black friday shopping extravaganza has been underway in shops all around the world and lists a americans alone will spend around 87000000000. 00 this style chasing the best deals but there is a darker side to this retail 1st of all what hes done quarter has the details. Black friday is coming up big box retailers are gearing up for their annual mega sales super profits and consumer stampedes that will probably result in more than a few injuries in a georgia walmart to have been fighting over pots and pans one refusing to let go was. That wasnt brutal enough for you there is an even darker shade of black friday the kind that takes place on the darker shade of the internet called the dark web its a place where black marketeers pursue huge profits with alluringly low prices just as much as the legitimate guys probably more so and there are plenty of consumers looking to buy those contraband Goods Society has become more digital and own without so his crime despite their activities being on rule from an illegal criminal is already turned into prizes in a sense im not looking to maximize the opportunities its no small enterprise either last week the European Union published a report about online narcotics sales in the u. K. It said 24000000 pounds sterling worth of the stuff was sold in 20172018 alone and on black friday everything from credit cards Fake Passports and Illegal Drugs are for sale at bargain bin prices and marketplaces that are specifically designed to be completely untraceable and while buying illegal items puts you at risk with the law you should also be aware of the very vendors youre buying from Security Experts are sounding the alarm and how you can avoid a black friday. As we head into the Holiday Shopping season notice there is a new online scam that involves fake retail websites that look real but they are not scams come in many forms one popping up more and more is fraudulent websites that look exactly like the real thing no doubt the a thorough. Yes will be hard at work trying to stop these dark web deals but what about the consequences that come with legal black friday consumerism for so long d the overproduction and overconsumption that characterizes the holiday have been cordially accepted as the norm no matter the frenzy that overtakes many or the damage it wreaks on the environment the latter has become so bad the french government is debating on banning black friday altogether but for now expect the usual frenzy for anybody who takes part in a black friday so who wants to be part of this when ever there is a chance of fraudulent activities especially with what we know about the dark web in certain facets of the internet and with all of the hacking capabilities firewall breakings and all this other stuff we need to be taking personal responsibility individual responsibility and being sure that we are in charge of what happens to our finances and where we are putting our finances that it really takes advantage of the narrative that people have to shop on black friday that that is the only time you can get presents for your children for your family for your loved ones and your friends and so it really gives the some of these hackers or these dark web or some of these false sites an opportunity really to to prey on these on these shopping sentiments and to try to find people who are going to be likely to give in to any deal that looks too good to be true b. And because we dont take the time to look into that especially on black friday when it went in and so its not only a frenzy but theres a time constraint we have one hour we have a certain amount of time or its going to be over and youll miss it forever and thats what gets people in these modes where theyre not going to look it up theyre not going to research to see which sites are legitimate which sites arent and thats where they might be able to be taken advantage of. Thing with me here on monte this evening to stick around if you can my colleagues on the law will have a lot of stories just over 30 minutes time. Im. I. I. Says. Im. Right. A nato military alliance is a relic from the cold war back then it was relevant and even necessary today it is an alliance in search of a mission thats as we hailed eastern expansion towards russia but a lingering question remains is the average american and western european interested in a war over the sovereign. This is a story about what happens austria stray bullets kills a young in the streets. What happens to her family. No mother and daughter is. What happens to the community the public was screaming for a scapegoat the Police Needed a scapegoat so why not choose a 19 year old black kid with a criminal record who better to pin this on him and what happens in court. Shot as far. As. We dont know just for. The end of this trial fortunately you. Will still not. Oh shell just. Young elephants have come to us soft. Especially brutal putting incidents because said the best you can soften to see their mothers. Killed but also be caught up unfortunately. I do believe the elephant smile i see its a nice little once they all say so next person changes. The. Accusations of conspiracy about ukraine and russia and fallout from 2 weeks of public impeachment hearings political and legal analysis on this edition. Of politicking on larry king we start with a Political Panel covering some key news developments including that controversial germination at the pentagon fallout from 2 weeks of public impeachment hearings as conspiracy accusations about ukraine and russia alex vogel is in washington he previously served as chief counsel. To the 1st and foremost general counsel for the National Republican Senatorial Committee and then Atlanta Robin Birol democratic strategist former Obama Campaign regional field director hes also retired u. S. Army ranger well start with alex ford to talk about the impeachment what do you make of the germination of the Navy Secretary and that whole story alex well i think its unfortunate any time that you have this kind of turmoil in an Important Agency like the navy

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