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Americans are being told to avoid nonessential travel to not gather in groups of more than 10 until the end of april now this is interesting because its an update from the latest comment from President Trump where he seemed as many of you know if youve been following this very optimistic that things would be back to normal by april 12th while the United States government is making official recommendations in other parts of the World Governments are being much much more forceful spain is telling citizens that they must go into quote heres the word theyre using hibernation hibernation but by far the largest lockdown anywhere in the world is taking place in india this is where 1300000000 people are being told to stay in their homes this video that youre seeing right there has gone viral now. You can see just how seriously indian authorities are forcing this curfew with Police Officers actually giving residents a not so gentle. Nudge with sticks and but tongues interestingly enough and now theres yet another crisis developing in india regarding a mass and very crowded migration situation as poor. In some cases very poor day laborers attempt to leave the city to head back to their remote villages where most of them live but there crowding in areas in the city were going to were going to drill down on that for you ok look at some of that video also the death toll over the weekend has risen across England Wales scotland and Northern Ireland and residents are now being told there that the restrictions could last up to 6 months in those places theres also developments in germany and across europe while on the economic front the president s of both the United States and russia are having a conversation about the price of oil which continues to plummet in part because nobody is using it right now there really is a lot to get to this is the news with rick sanchez on the air and on portable t. V. Or its always time to do news again. Lets start off with the questions we think youll be asking tomorrow after watching our newscast today what will india do about the 10s of thousands of day workers crowding to just desperately try to get home has another member of Prime Minister Boris Johnsons team come down with the virus why is the war in syria continuing during this global coronavirus epidemic. All right all this week we want you to know that were going to be bringing you this special coverage of the coronavirus with updates from around the world and everything you need to know. All right heres how were going to begin were going to give this newscast this hour in india this is where something quite unfortunate is taking place the Prime Minister is apologizing to the poor of india because of what theyre going through right now because the nation is in a lockdown and this is what has precipitated this the citys day laborers have no work and no food so theyre desperately trying to get home which means get out of the cities so theyre essentially crowding the mass transit sites and other places and that is causing obviously enough potential mass infestations this is a very important story its a bit of a mess and that is where we begin with r t correspondent alex mahela bit use going to be manning our asia desk all this week to bring us the latest lets start there in india alex break this down for us how did we get to this point and whats going on. Well you know the lockdown happened on march 24th thats when the Prime Minister modi imposed and since then theres been absolute havoc in india we are hearing this mass migration happening that as you mentioned these are day laborers leaving centers like delhi the Nations Capital as well as other big cities in the thousands so theyre walking home theyre trying to get on buses and this is exactly for the reason that you also mentioned not only do they not have jobs now many of them day laborers some Office Workers the companies have shut down they dont have money which means they dont have food so if you talk to these people and reporters have on the street there the thing is theyll say im more afraid of starving than i am of catching the virus hence you see this mass migration of people moving the Government Commission buses to pick them up to drive them to their villages but these buses themselves are jam packed and of course when people heard that these budget buses are there waiting for them they again came in the 10s of thousands of these masses is the fear when you have a mass of people together and you have somebody with a coronavirus it can spread quickly so this is the fear that from the cities this corona virus will reach the villages and provinces like you tar pradesh where were ready seeing a backlash one of the or couple of the buses that came from one of the big cities to theyre supposed to be sprayed down by Health Officials while the Health Officials got a little bit rambunctious and started spraying down the workers as well the government has reacted to that say its completely unacceptable to spray people chemicals because that could affect their Health Villages also turning people back saying we cant have you here because were afraid of getting the corona virus in our villages as you mentioned 1300000000 population right now the count sits at 11100 positive cases of corona virus in india with 29 deaths but people are saying there has not been enough testing the numbers are probably much higher and that surge that surge that is happening in so many countries has not yet happened india that is the greatest fear we are ready have a weak health care. That might get overwhelmed and once the surge happens we could see it just explode the coronavirus throughout the whole entire country of course fingers crossed that this does not happen but as it stands right now the country is in fear and its in dire need of doing something the law down as much of this post to help it has helped in other countries could actually backfire what a horrible unfortunate situation im looking at those pictures that were we were just watching together so many people massed in one area its almost impossible as look at this its almost impossible for this not to lead to mass infestations given what we know alex. Oh absolutely we know what thats what were doing social isolating here in north america you know whats happening in new york city here in terrio canada as well in toronto were in a state of emergency people are isolating themselves but when you have these kinds of nonsense this is when trouble happens well its one hell of a following that story for us hes going to manning our aged desk and bringing us the latest as it happens thank you so much alex in the United States the nations top expert on Infectious Diseases saying that he would not be surprised if the death toll here in the United States hits 100000 within the next few months nowhere is that more evident that a new york and especially new york city this is were going around to cuomo is now saying that quote thousands will pass away those are his words here now with the latest r t correspondent Trinity Chavez. Today the u. S. Navy ship comfort finally arriving in new york equipped at the 1000 hospital beds and 1200 medical personnel the vessel is sorely needed to help aid the Coronavirus Fight in new york as the city remains the epicenter of the outbreak in the u. S. The idea here with the corps of engineers with fema. And with the state and local officials is to work in collaboration so that we can provide skilled medical professionals. To take some pressure off the local and state health care system. Without with our army professionals. The situation in new york worsening by the hour the state accounting for more than a 3rd of coronavirus cases in the country hospitals being pushed to the brink ive never felt so. Easy clean and emotionally burdened in my life ive never felt so deeply sad and distraught with more than 59000 confirmed cases in new york and more than 8500 hospitalized officials are scrambling to deal with the influx of patients at the hospital and so theyre overrun with patients you know your message last night. Wreckage we handle 6500 calls central park now a Field Hospital with 68 hospital beds but Officials Say the worst is yet to come take a look at this video it shows teams setting up a makeshift morgue outside of Bellevue Hospital elmhurst hospital in queens the bureau with the most coronavirus cases in the city possibly hit the hardest well known hurst hospital has hit capacity and theres about 545 beds in here and theyre all filled with cold with patients as the contagion continues to strain the capacities of hospitals and brick and mortar facilities new york remains on lockdown but we put in place the new york pause d program today i am going to extend it to april 15th the directive that nonessential state workforce continue to work from home the c. D. C. Also issuing a travel advisory for new York New Jersey and connecticut Rhode Island National guard was door knocking homes mandating all new york visitors south korean teen this is not a lock there it is a travel advisory to be implemented by the states meantime President Trump has extended social distancing guidelines through april 30th reporting in new york Trinity Chavez r. T. That situation in new york this is the news with rick sanchez you are watching our special coverage on the air on our t. America or perhaps youre watching us using the portable t. V. Either way we are glad that you are there every want to assure you that you can depend on us for the very latest spin free coverage of this coronavirus up to. Leg. Length. Leg. Length. Financial survival. Housing bubble. Oh you mean theres a downside to artificially low mortgage through dont get carried away thats cause report. Microgram slights against you know whites for example theres their sites against women or nonwhites so its always you know the idea is that statements that directed toward a Privileged Group are interpreted differently than a statement directed toward an oppressed group and so thats kind of the whole framework and its its a political framework thats used the result is of course focusing at least on certain kinds of minor slights and saying well rather than ignored more than we need to call attention to them but its not so its a very political in this country. Much of what comes into us regarding the coronavirus coverage is. Comes to us with a sense of urgency like breaking news. So from time to time were going to stop what were doing and go over to our correspondent john hardy he is manning our update desk regarding all things coronavirus lets go there now to see what john has to bring us up to date on john what you got what you knew. Well 1st of all and this just came out a little while ago rick Maryland Governor larry hogan issued a mandatory stay in place order for the entire state of maryland today it requires all maryland residents to stay at home to basically shelter in place unless they have to go out for essential things like groceries getting medication or jobs that are deemed essential now this is Florida Governor Rhonda Santas urged everyone here in south florida to stay at home issuing that mandatory shelter in place order as well until he says at least mid may when it will be a reevaluated again floridas number of corona virus cases has shot up in the past 2 weeks now to more than 5400. 00 and rising the bulk of the cases are right here in Miami Dade County going to santa this also said that with that being the case hes against a cruise ship which is passing through the panama canal right now as we speak and heading towards florida to dock in Fort Lauderdale and passengers alternately to be evacuated to local hospitals saying now is not the right time here and this rick as of course we know the new u. S. Navy is floating off spittal the u. S. N. S. Comfort arrived today is treating it was talking about earlier and docked in new york harbor to help with the massive number of cases there it has 1000. 00 beds 12 operating rooms and it will be up and running in the next 24 hours and quickly turning to world news on the coronavirus front israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is in self isolation after one of his staffers tested positive for covert 19 the Prime Minister is expected to be tested again if not today and by tuesday he tested negative by the way in a previous test back on march 15th those are the latest headlines rick. Amazing stuff. Its amazing to think that there are still cruise ships out there with people on board given what we know about the situation were so glad you brought us up to date on about john how the following are update desk all things go. Virus for us i think a job there really is a lot to get to but what i want to do now is i want to take you to the u. K. Where one of the Prime Minister Boris Johnsons closest aides is showing symptoms of having the corona virus so joining us now from london is our chief correspondent paula boyko polly what can you assure. High that wreck well yes the Prime Minister of course is in self isolation in 11 downing street that the flat next door has penned downing street where he normally woks and the Health Secretary is also in south in southwest elation the chief medical officer Chris Christie he did a lot of the press conferences that Boris Johnson hes going to file self isolation off the displaying some symptoms every weekend and now today we got the news that Boris Johnsons most senior most trusted advisor Dominic Cummings has also displayed them and has also gone into self isolation some people questioning whether the founding st and westminster in general has been able to follow the advice that theyve been giving the rest of the country and that is to say she distance themselves from one another and to self isolate as much as possible but seeing these costs as a case is now in sort of the very heart of the British Government so obviously no one is immune to to provide the virus as we see. You know its amazing to watch a government doing i suppose its its level best to try and deal with a situation well within its own core its losing some of its members because some of these folks they cant meet anymore they have to work from home it must make it very difficult over there for this government doesnt polly. Well im sure youve seen some of the pictures in the footage coming out for stones whos very keen to update everyone on 23 videos that hes been posting that hes still. Holding Video Conferences this very much that everyones doing all of the watching online as well so Many Industries now just working remotely and the government is trying to show that its all hands on deck right now theyve got these daily briefings that they carry out every single evening now updating people and even though the chief medical officer isnt able to do the briefings weve got the deputy chief medical officer doing it now and all the senior ministers there yes theyre struggling just like everybody else but theyre trying to keep going i think got the message anyway yeah paula boyko great job yeomans work reporting for us there from all of them we appreciate it and joining us now staying on this topic shop was former british m. P. George galloway is probably one of the best persons to talk to as i always like to say about george as a straight shooter so george i well i just want to get to you now to try and get a sense of your assessment of what is being done wrong and what is being done right not to certainly just with the u. K. But from what youre assessing throughout europe. By the way rick those us thing here called celebrity a resurrection Boris Johnson has just declared himself in the clear after just 3 days with the coronavirus Prince Charles has declared himself in the clear after just 4 days so these chops are not just disobeying the our own rules that theyre setting out for the rest of us that are recovering from the virus with record quickness i suppose it is after all but the good news of course across europe continues including he in britain a steep rise in the death toll doubling every couple of days and of course spain rapidly catching up with china as the wars the affected place in the world italys death toll beginning slightly to fall spains still rising very steeply grim grim grim all over rick you know im just wondering. Going back to what you said at the very beginning there that some of these officials including Boris Johnson are saying that theyre fine theyre over our had they tested and are they showing the media the tests showing that they are no longer infected or are they just saying it. Well maybe they never had it maybe they were just down with seasonal flu but in this time everyone says theyve got the coronavirus if theyre feeling unwell the reality is our testing levels are almost the worlds lowest we said we would be testing 25000 people a day we claim to be testing 10000 a day in fact we tested 7000 yesterday we can it would up to get tests anyway even though the. 1 Delivery System here called oh god will they manage to get 40000 tests the British Government cannot get enough we cant get enough ventilators we have 8 times few are ventilators than germany and so its so patchy everyone but 72 percent of the british people approve of the job of the johnsons government is doing so on the principle that 40000. 00 frenchmen cant be wrong i suppose people are giving them the benefit of the doubt George Galloway as usual our good stuff thanks so much for joining us george and bringing us up to date as i always tell our viewers its always good to its always good to get the straight skinny from you thats why we have you on as much as we do thank you george appreciate it meanwhile today the United Nations is trying to get all sides in syria to stop fighting to quote of void a further catastrophe thats what theyre saying with more cases of coronavirus now detected in a country thats been rocked by what 9 almost 10 years of war now why should they even have to be told to do this right joining us now former us pentagon official Michael Maloof michael thanks for joining us when i saw this story that the United Nations is actually having to tell people in syria please stop fighting at least do a ceasefire during this particular time its amazing to think they even have to say that right. Well yeah its but you know theyre ignoring the theyre theyre totally into their own little petty squabbles i mean they should be looking upon this pandemic as the number one problem but i think what the government is concerned about is that the militants will then take advantage of any level in the fighting and reposition themselves but meantime this pandemic is just now entering into these claves a highly Populated Areas in syria itself as well as in starkey as well as in lebanon and where you have these have these high concentrations of people and refugees if the coronavirus starts sweeping those areas in an already broken down Health System it will be catastrophic it will be just disastrous a Catastrophic Oil you know its similar we start of the newscast today talking about the situation in india i dont know if you are tune in at the time but what is happening and they didnt do it on purpose obviously and as we mentioned Prime Minister modi is apologizing to all the poor people of india for putting them in this situation not saying he did it on purpose but by declaring a lockdown this is been one of the unintended consequences that people are amassing and when people are mass they tend to spread the virus much more easily well same thing can happen in syria when you cause people to seek refuge they gather in places where they will once again spread the virus correct well thats well thats whats happening right now and on top of that get it trying to get the the p. P. S. The personal Protection Equipment into those areas has been highly challenging and its highly deficient and whats going to happen is that these refugees will continue flowing toward turkey turkey will be overwhelmed and then turkeys release valve will start releasing these people went to europe and you know if theyre carrying the virus as we said one of once upon a time if that happens europe is going to. Witness a 2nd wave. Of of of over 1000 and and their pandemic will begin all over again right now the region itself in middle east is highly contagious people are because they have Inadequate Services we can see a disaster but ready to be felled them in addition to continuing a civil war i mean we see we see civil wars going on continuously in libya afghanistan saudi arabia just bomb yemen again its its a cell it in their mind list when it comes to not understanding the potential consequences of what this pandemic represents and if we and just as weve declared a war on on the on this virus and home thats going to wipe out could potentially wipe out millions of people because of the lack of basic services and needs and the high concentration that theyre getting themselves into with these with these clusters of people michael weve got about another block and a half left about another minute i have to have this conversation i do want to ask you what would you recommend as a former pentagon official for not just our country the United States but for all major countries to do right now to try and create some kind of time out from some of these aggressions including our own country who yesterday you know seem to be going after venezuela at a very emphatically or time. You know this is a time to put politics aside even the new york governor said this is not a this is not a time for playing politics this is a very serious problem that we have encountered with this virus and it and it doesnt no. Distinctions various groups that its just sweeping everybody and i think that the United Nations Security Council needs to get people together they need to get these leaders they decided that g 20 on Video Conference they need to reconvene that and get these leaders to Start Talking to one another and and start imposing. Directives of some kind and just really hold them to it and make people become aware that this is a crisis i dont know how you get people to stop bombing somebody else but its got to be done and people have got to be able to receive the basic services for for basic survival as human being so i get your passion on this story and i appreciate it very much Michael Maloof former u. S. Pentagon official michael thank you so much for making yourself available to us on this very important topic we hope to be able to talk to you again hope you and your family are doing well heres a programming note on what were going to be doing for you throughout the rest of the day were going to be coming back at 3 oclock washington d. C. Time 2 things to talk about there one theres this new drug its called hydroxy chloroquine in its being manifested here in the United States as a possible not cure or mind you but a possible remedy for some of the symptoms that people are dealing with with coronavirus were going to bring you an update a very important update on that also on the economic side were going to be joined by our own christiane to bring us up to date on whether a stimulus can save the economy thats our news im rick sanchez place stay safe stay connected with us on portable t. V. You can download the app and you. Stay with the very latest on. The Atlantic Alliance the bedrock of the post world war 2 Global Security order is slowly but surely unraveling more and more often washington in brussels by virtue of them for the Foreign Policy issues today europe has a choice to defend its interests or fade into oblivion. I cant show you my face but im going to get my story in 9093 this man was sentenced to death. They could charged with capital murder even though he didnt have the gun didnt pull the trigger didnt intend to kill anybody imagine living in your bathroom for that week with the scent of a 23. 00. Confined within 4 gray walls hed find it seems. To help him to leave this room. The world is driven by shaped by. The day or thinks. We dare to ask. Hey folks Dennis Miller here next up on plus one dana carvey what are we going to talk about im going to say hi im going to hang on for 30 minutes and then im going to say bye is the best talk show guest on the planet. Hey welcome to Dennis Miller plus one happy to welcome my dear friend former

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