More troops in the. School. To. Look at. Those years to finally be able to teach you. The littlest thing soon if it isnt too soon. Fish. Cool blister good idea good the good news for those of us those are those are groups where usually used when youre used to your Good Good Good Good Good Good to you was good on the board of the Village School the boss of each of the. It was a. Pleasure for. Me to. Be. Sure. To watch. Oh. Push the thoughts of the of the muslim who puts it because that is something that you did with the. First. Church. That. If the she took. Her. And now crossing the threshold to your cheek and making his 5th wife into space also now on board the International Space. For security very far from here for the purpose. Of her her her her. Her. Her her her her her. Her. Her. Here everything is very different than back on they have to float rather than and its not that easy to get used to they have to sleep standing up in a sleeping bag making sure to zip up so that their arms dont flail about in syria gravity thats a station you have to learn how to get alone or ways there are too many threats here to waste time quarrelling. That are similar but i did you mean when youre. In the. This is new get this new be. Needed to help us this but you know. I love the fact that on the International Space station we are just. Depend on each other every day with our lives and its a its such a great example for everyone politicians and just everyone all over the world of how we can Work Together to achieve great things everything thats important to us its really important to us is pretty much the same and if you know i started seeing something that he doesnt agree with or he says something that i dont agree with then well start chuckling and theres a strong russian bear what are you doing jack we can joke about it and understand that topic were talking about isnt as important as our friendship and the values that we share so its not that its not that big of a deal one of the cool things thats in the russian segment is the russian cosmonauts like our commander in the russian segment we have tons of great windows these are really high quality windows so we can take pictures we also have a lot of systems that keep the station going and we have another cargo vehicle at the very into the station and the last thing i want to show you is my favorite space picture because of what it represents business with the dove because space to speak is a peaceful exploration where we Work Together if you noticed i got a russian shirt ive got american Socks International thats what this place is about working together as one team that speech and this week have a good day. But theres a good so good for you to cause a boost to. This news. You. Should. Reduce the. Good news this is. Good news for you to do its. Good but where do you. Need to go it is good for you who are you close because to this group im with her shes. Just. Supposed. To bruise be just zillion but hes going to do something. And this isnt what you choose when you go. To school see your. Stall. At least you know the crew change. Return to earth. The station. In the russian segment youll have to carry out dozens of experiments and maintain the station hes got so much to do that it doesnt even have time to make. His american colleagues helping out faster nor Peggy Whitson stay here was extended so now shell be working together with jack. To ensure. Good. News or good news was good news groups. Fortunately. This experiment is the most delicious 1. 0 gravity and then of course eaten they carry out biological and physics experiments study the performance of stem cells and develop medicines to cure cancer this experiment is the most important one for jack fisher as his daughter had cancer. But space also guinea pigs Mission Control constantly monitors their health and watches closely to see if they exercise enough. We have a special 1st off. Its all that we have to work out physical exercise. 2 to 2 and a half hours a day because if you dont have good exercise your muscles and your bones just just go away and you come back as a 90 year old man and then you meet your hot wife like youre more. Complete thats the answer. To this cause a book on this in the book you know the Syrian People immersed with the poor me but id leave them both my own which assume you know what the nature of this chain can put you both of you since you would at least know there was there were which many meters through and we did sure you couldnt study because there was a boon to the produce to stoop to do most machines i think. Is youll be a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. By. What is true whats his face. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or a maybe in the shallows. In this community there are people who believe that its ok to suffer actually its really hard there are no jobs and you see that ive got kids that ask and as a parent. I can come up with lots of arguments and theres a lot of conflict within the game and between the 2 teams most of the conflict i would say overall is around money and most of them money is made. Close one on each other mostly know each other is Good Business the state of california alone makes 6000000000. 00 a year of the prison complex just to get some 20 alive where. You dont care and one of my cares about you so your care might anything. Humanity is on the edge of a precipice thanks to continuing destruction of the natural world. We just seem laid out a lot of bills lots of. Losing much of a later period. Let them everything you can hold up. The bill you. Got over the war. Or the. Only dealing in the muslim world as a rule book you sit around and stuff it and ship them see that disables the. Human activity has brought us to the brink of the worlds 6th major extinction of it and the people in this film just come to get anymore. Cut you should get your. Feet. To push to. 40. Probable cause to take you to your sneakers the altitude of the guy wanted to keep that. Picture so its a cudgel huge. But its a cure for the cancer which. Could push the bullet had to split. The goals but the fish can finally get the ball if its one of my declared but its not that you can put it. Cute. But the simplest of egypt you can follow such empathy and compassion we have the discipline of double something. That. Anybody can teach ethics is good but its a good looking girl. You get if to continue to follow your thoughts on the ball. Now point. To kim kim. Who. Is the public is not going. To. Google schumacher you to do so to choose those who believe the slopes are new was not. Crawling. Through the pursuit of those who spoke with the student too close. One time a Honolulu International no longer got a couple 10020101 lesson 100 percent not telling it a critic immune to its good to give it to Family Therapy place learning on a general list of adenike when youre going to switch to regret because thats the kind of work one or one. Term to do things move very into moves to close in with his name. Into too much nation change in the scope of the degree to a sense of ones movements consumes the bluefin. In the water in this instance whoms nifty new moons to. Submission abundance to consume engine room so when students in. Boston. Or ur on the. Bomb. All right. Old. Man or a bad person. When youve been. In a. Church for congress or on our mortgage or interfere in our nations time your brain can measure the entertainment here but it depends on your. Network and then i did not read the web of interest because. Are you. Going to want to. Then. Sit around. And. Do what. This was just good. You know to test not just just you know its the most brilliant was the most emotional you float the boat or she can visualize you they mashed all. The stuff that they took him into and you want them to you know its something to look at to disclose to you and whats trash and can you see. For yourself and we can affirm separation. A we see that the message from the fans what docking an internal transfer system moment has been completed him in syria and you have the 1st. At. All. The limitation its going to go to. Someone who could be officious because this would put our heads to snoop im looking at because that is the cousin with you so you feel passion station should. Be in the studio of yourself most people spoke to you should go through for the woman whos deal would be the ripples through. That is. What a little. Bit of a pick up. Of her in you should accept the forgiveness for damages or give us one good perfect technical assisted of lawyer of the minority and you really of. A. Good number. Of. The. The mission is for local. Lawyer sibylla muesli who is sure we need you still to use fuel loads working this know the new places to move to the future when you pull a chance. She loved to. Go in there plus with some hosts of the war a good job which of course. The song or the korean scholars or the store contest because such couple for me. My free money its unique and its my last place in space. I am like when school say in the us a little bit. Close i ask that quote. And you dont know don so meet me yet about this. This is a story of women and women with troubled histories and complex cold cases we know some of us deadly believe opera lives out there but were not. The person that fared a cheesiness and b. They are considered the most dangerous of criminals shes in a cell phone. Falling off 23 hours of the day tell me that its not in a condition to. Well the women on death row. I dont trust medical authority at all ever and the reason for that is i had this horrible autoimmune disorder growing up and it turns out it was completely alleviated with very drastic dietary measures and i went to a number of doctors to discuss what happened to me and i was basically laughed at like diet has nothing to do with our immune disorders so my suggestion to people who have Health Issues they cant figure out if theyre going to see a medical professional and theyve been going for 10 years and theyre still in the same place and they should probably take it upon themselves to Start Testing things out testing out diet testing out exercise and try and figure out things on their own. If you know. How. And when to go been in faeces know you thought it sunk in so they dont know if. The. Moment because we dont drink its time will tell me. There are some. Certain. Things. Welcome the baby had a fever of 38 so point 30 were hoping that. That it will all be ok. Thinking of getting a new plumbing once we got in here she was as he didnt know until he was trapped in this tiny little wired how much we dont need a crate with him he will stir reaching out and she wont let us bring him anywhere near. Breeding dogs or caged in in human conditions on puppy farm i mean 67 years you know theyve been locked up in a cage outside you see no protection from the weather the heat you know the cold air the rain the snow the thunder nothing they have no protection. Particularly you. Know its 2 kids. Across the u. S. Cruel puppy mills are supported by dog shows and pet stores most of the puppies are coming from this large Scale Factory farming kind of operations are being sold in stores even joined a Group Businesses are involved like cargill among santa there has been a shocking amount of organized opposition to efforts to increase the standards of care for dogs bred in commercial breeding for so many most of that opposition is coming from huge agricultural groups and industries that have nothing to do with dogs dont buy dog. Or a headline stories residence in moscow well from next week a new digital per mission to travel around the city. To many people are still complying with self isolation medical workers have been speaking to r t a. Efforts to stay on top. Are you scared of working here and why whats the point of things can change anything should a just come into work when i go home i start thinking i should have stayed longer. Infections take a devastating toll on care homes across europe with residents dying without treatment or their families able to say goodbye the director of a retirement home in italy describes the dire conditions

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