But if he wants to feel sick sure if he wants to head into this election with a better than 5050 shot. Reelection he really needs an Approval Rating of about 50 percent and he does not have that now. To your credit when you were last here in late february you said the Donald Trumps reelection chances were good unless the coronavirus epidemic became larger and more disruptive they just see that coming. I saw it coming i still see it coming and i still believe that this election in the end is going to turn out on a its a horrible thing to say but its going to turn on how many people die. Its your turn on whether the perception is that it is trumps fault or chinas fault that we had this crisis and its going to turn on joe biden because we may not have conventions this summer its still possible that they will be like this interview is done online but we are most certainly going to have debate and in that debate biden is going to have to show that he has a capability not only to lead the country and i dont not only to be the joe biden of the past but that joe biden of the president it is not just going to be a referendum on donald trump when the 2 men sit down to debate each other i am going to have to prove that hes ready to step in if he is drum and experience standpoint but hes going to have to prove that hes ready and capable im a communications standpoint to take over from this president and we dont know now in april the way things are going to be in october frank no is better at this than you in all the years ive known you do you think biden can meet the challenge i do and that will surprise a lot of people that i say that but that is a mean that he does donald trump has the capability to impress but he doesnt seem to have a sense of humility to know when to step back. And i think that both candidates are going to enter this election and to me the election really starts on labor day theyre going to enter with more people thinking badly of each candidate then well then were going to have a higher percentage of americans that disapprove of both individuals and in the end its going to be decided by those people right now its about 6 percent of the vote that have a negative perception of donald trump a negative perception of joe biden but believe that they absolutely positively must vote and we dont know where those people are going to go does that mean frank that bidens Vice President ial choice is very very empowering mom in this race. I think its going to be even more important to john mccains v. P. Nominee in 2008 i think that among that 6 percent and thats all it is 94 percent of americans have already decided who theyre going to vote for and frankly there are only 11 states that are really in play i think that the Vice President nominee for biden will be important for about 5 or 6 days until the republican vengeance happens and then dose youre going to have a debate and i got to tell you watching my pants debate against a big genius senator i guess Hillary Clintons choice tim kaine showed the power of what a Vice President ial nominee can do mike pence is one of the best debaters in american Politics Today and what do you like him or dont is very skilled at that are we going to have a Vice President ial debate it is going to matter this time and im convinced that joe biden is going to choose carefully are we going to have conventions. Donald trump absolutely wants one i dont know whether the democrats do we will be open for business in august but how many people are going to be willing to be in a room in a Convention Hall with thousands and thousands of people youre willing wearing an l. A. Dodgers hat and you and i share a love of baseball i wonder how quickly were going to go to a stadium and join that game again were not going to have a vaccination by then we are going to be all over this. Virus but were not going to have that vaccination and i question whether americans in august will still be doing the same things or actions they still will be doing the same things we were doing last august we may have no supports at all the rest of the year. I mean that to me is i love. Even more than politics i love sports and the idea that were not going to have a baseball season the idea that were not going to have a football season this tells me that its going to take a while for us to come back that those who say that may 1st or may 15th is going to open the doors were not going to im a pulse or and my job is to understand Public Opinion and i know that a significant percentage of the American People are afraid or anxious not to day oppose donald trump its not that they want the economy to get started slowly theyre simply nervous about engaging in traditional public activities restaurants are going to start. Out only sports malls or a star so the hotels in or start slowly airlines are going to start so and so even when we open up were not going back to the way things were for many months or even years i really believe this in the polling that we have that the american psyche is different today than it was 90 days ago over the weekend trumpery tweeted a call to fire dot defiled g f to found she said in an interview that a stronger earlier response could have saved lives everyone seems to agree with that we abolish the pandemic machine that we had going in november while i was or as felt she being held to blame for this. Hes not and i think that was simply tap down to a tweet that trump was responding to and that the phrase it was hash tag fire fatty i seen a little bit of that and its primarily come from those on the far right i dont believe that that was not the part of the tree to trump was focused on i dont believe thats going to happen anthony found he has the highest favor ability rating of any individual an american today even though we are just finishing up with easter and passover anthony found shes more piper id be careful dont be john lennon here but anthony found shes more popular than the pope he has a Higher Credibility level than anyone in America Today that any politician any sports star any entertainment star anthony found what he says people listen to and donald trump is smart to have him around and i actually say metaphysically bear hug him because people trust felt cheated that hes going to give them the right kind of guidance and even have some support youre going to be much more popular and much more credible and the at the head and donald trump isnt he a little bit jealous of that he should be a maybe but he shouldnt be that the role of a leader is search around yourself with people who are even better than you are who are more expert in your profession so his Economic Council as soon clued people who understand what it is to run a business with 10 people or a 100 people or 1000 or 10000 people even under a 1000 people. The health. Counselor hes got and and mike pence has been getting good marks so far but dr blix and the people from the c. D. C. And the people from and i. H. Donald trump is as he says not a doctor is not a scientist hes not a researcher so his responsibility is surrounding himself with people up on that platform and giving them the chance to be heard so in reality this is a very good thing for the country and i just wish someone would tell the president that give them even more time to be heard and it would be good for you give them less time to be heard and while you may be center stage it doesnt work as well new expect president obama to take a very active role in the obama. Not only president obama because he is the 2nd most popular democrat i expect Michelle Obama to be in the campaign trail she is tremendous shes not just respected shes loved and she has tremendous influence and those independent undecided voters a significant percentage of them are women and i would actually rather have barack obama brings both positive and negative Michelle Obama only brings positive and if i were the Biden Campaign i would ask her specifically give me 3 days michigan wisconsin pennsylvania north carolina. Florida particularly northern florida i would ask for 3 Straight Days with her because shes going to have even more influence than barat and larry if i can i need to do this because theres one elected official that ive not spoken about in my twitter or any into the interviews like this and that is the governor of california who has done an outstanding dot job i believe youre in california i know im here in l. A. And the fact that we have not gone through it the yorkers went through. Enter cormo does an excellent job at presenting the facts and his briefings have been incredibly informative but its actually the governor of california who to his early action when people thought it was unnecessary Gavin Newsome deserves a tremendous shout out for doing such a great job the state and for cooperation with america say in l. A. Which is a lot better than what cuomo and the mayor of new york have down. A name not mention im going to bring a mob frank right after the break and see if hes going to get involved at all its george w. Bush will be right back. Better if long russian headlines. Im a journalist its all i know being a truth teller people say i make among come from good news is like a jackhammer good drill down to find the true news with rick sanchez because its time to do news again and question more and. Better of flaunting russian headlines. The world is driven by a dreamer shaped by thinker sen spread. The dares thinks. We dare to ask. Ok Frank Luntz George w. Bush you cant like donald trump very much as a republican does he campaign for him i dont believe he does i dont believe the bush family gets involved i think the blood was so bad between them in 2016 and its very difficult for the president to get a sensually to get on his knees and ask for his support or ask for mitt romney support i think trump is going to hes become the leader of the Republican Party hes become the most. The most sought after spokesman his rallies up until when he couldnt do them anymore was still very very well attended and was still very intense i think from goes it alone and that may be a mistake on his part but i cant see him standing on stage with w. And i can see him standing on stage in the most recent nominee mitt romney well thats going to hurt him badly isnt it because they certainly mean votes well i know that. I look at Michelle Obama and i know that she means votes among women i know that i am a see can be very helpful to joe biden among voters on the left who supported Bernie Sanders and feel a little bit lost that that binds not their cup of tea on the republican side i expect there to be Significant Church involvement. That need born again the Christian Community will be active in jewish vote because the president s strong support for israel has never been up for grabs in a president ial race it could be this time and in a state like florida it really does matter but i think when when all is said and done it is simply down trumped doses joe biden and all these other aspects may help a few 1000 votes where it hasnt its there but its really not significant it really is trump biden for for this election and what woman do you think is in the lead in trump in bidens mind well if again a fire him and obviously im not i be looking at a governor i would not be going with senator club or sharp because the democrats are in one minnesota it is a swing state it is up for grabs but i do looking for governor like whitmer drum michigan and the fact that she has taken on trump pretty vocally in the last few weeks tells me that she herself wants to be considered i think shes the front runner i think trump needs someone whos dealt with a virus shes going to have to prove that detroit was an anomaly because we know that city is suffering right now but id really put her as the most likely choice. And finally frank since suppose theres like to go on the pest and you have nothing to go on because it is never going to be an election like this one what are you forecasting ill come back to you before is over but right now want to fork. I can call it and the fact is youre d one of the few entities that i do because your larry king and i dont want to be in this situation were going to have the most negative campaign weve ever had is going to have the most negative ads made ever had these debates are going to be highly destructive whatever stance of coming together that we have because of this virus im afraid is going to get torn apart by politics and theyre very sure a few shows like yours very few house like you that really want to get at the truth and arent trying to bang the gavel on one side or the other i am very sorry for this country that were about to go through it very sorry for what were going through right now with so many people sick and it breaks my heart id like to give you a prediction but i cant its too close to call and so much can happen between now and then i just pray pray i pray that we dont get to 60000 deaths in america and i pray that these 2 nominees will treat each other with dignity respect and civility because thats what the American People need right now as always frank to quote dickens Great Expectations great having you with us as always frank luntz thank you insights from the front lines of the fight against covert 19 as i love them not to read pesca to our emergency medicine expert he joins me from delaware we lead the world in this your assessment how do we stand. Well i received a lot of change over the past few weeks and every day is much different than the one before were in the fight of our lives really no getting around it but ive been buoyed by what ive seen over the past few days dedication and passion of Health Care Workers who are fighting the fight of their lives and beginning to turn the tide do we need a National Strategy or is this state by state i think that we have had some success with a lot of state by state approaches but theres really no question at this point that a coordinated nationwide strategy that leverage is that heterogeneity and the ability of different states to add different parameters to this fight is absolutely critical and leveraging the power of the federal government leveraging their powers of all the states combined is certainly what we need right now whats a situation where you are in new jersey i just returned from a string of ships up in north jersey right over the river from new york city and ill tell you its like nothing ive ever seen in my life rows and rows of into baby patients with on the breathing tube on the ventilator patients who are critically ill everywhere all over the hospital doctors nurses techs and therapists who are running all over doing everything they can for patients with disease that ill tell you defies paradigms of medicine and is truly challenging everything we know about medicine and emergency doctor being the state of what it is he has to be pretty well versed in almost every area doesnt he. Was a very serious actions we have the honor and the privilege of seeing the 1st 15 minutes of all specialties of medicine seeing people with strokes and seeing people with heart attacks seen people with minor injuries and illnesses its important to have a breadth of knowledge as well as depth of knowledge and we have male female physicians all over the country who are tremendous at what they do and i think making tremendous advances against the disease. What do you make of the idea of a nanny malaria drug. You know how to dress a clerk when the drug thats been talked about a lot has bench Theoretical Research to suggest it may be effective theres certainly nothing compelling to suggest that its a drug thats going to be a miracle nothing that says it alone will turn the tide ive seen patients on hijacks a clerk and most of my patients with coke in 1000 have been on a drunks a clear record and while i know there are stories out there that talk about it as a Game Changing miracle drug has not been my experience we dont have clinical ecuadors right now we need data we need Clinical Trials and we need to move forward in the evidence based paradigm thats defined medicine for the past several decades or professionally what does it do we know about professionally what is old is done do you personally. You know are fortunate enough to have had some tremendous training both at the Naval Academy in the navy and at medical school and residency ive seen a lot of things as an emergency physician certainly nothing like what i see now but you know theres bad stuff out there i dont know what to tell you theres people dying and theres people dying that blow you away but i keep returning back to what i see Health Care Providers Critical Infrastructure workers everywhere doing and i think it provides not a bounce but at least a way to look toward the positive in mid march you wrote an online piece for emergency medicine news saying youre scared of getting it and you expected to get it why. Were were in it mary i mean we are exposed to patient after patient with the disease and we can do everything that we know with personal protective equipment but when it comes down to it its hard to be 100 percent perfect when youre on our 12 of a 12 hour shifts and youre sweating because youre putting in another central line or intimidating another patient there are going to be slips theres going to be movement of people easy but youre going to everything you can to protect your patient every year i get the flu every year i get another virus from another child in my Emergency Department and i wouldnt be surprised if this is going to happen is me as well your wife is a doctor right my wifes an o. B. G. Y. N. Sees patients every day just like me and she sees them what would typically be the happiest time of their life and certainly its a different time for her right now as well and or has been a call for doctors around the country to help out in this if your o. B. G. Y. N. Or a pediatrician come help you agree with that. I think that doctors have a baseline training a baseline knowledge that can be extremely helpful across the spectrum of disease that being said there are specialists intensives internal medicine doctors Emergency Physicians who have specialized training and specialized experience in critical honesty and thats important as well the fight is everywhere and we need people at every point of that flight and i will get them to think well have a shake hands again. Im hopeful for whats to come i say i see a lot of work both in emergency medicine and Public Health i see the front lines as well as the rear guard and when i look at the data i do see us emerging from this dark hole i see us emerging to some sense of normalcy again and were going to learn a lot of lessons i think it will fundamentally change our way of life but i dont think it will fundamentally change who you are. So you are confident then we will get through this we will we get through a lot weve been through a lot as a nation as a world weve been through a lot more get through this i have all the confidence in the world that our industrial might and our pharmaceutical research and development and the incredible efforts of our Health Care Professionals will succeed and i think i know that were beginning to see that tight turn. Finally what confounds you the most about this virus. This virus acts like none other we see typically respiratory viruses that respond as respiratory viruses they impact the loans maybe the heart the patients that ive seen in the hospital have had a life threatening respiratory disease theyve had Heart Failure in my approach theyve had liver failure kidney failure theyve had evidence of insult to the brain they have physiology thats not responding to things that we typically employ in similar situations and that is what has started us a little bit behind the 8 ball in taking care of these patients but every single day we learn more we have new paradigms of pathophysiology new ideas in treatment and we employ them we use what we know from medical school we use what we know from years in years taking care of patients and synthesize it with what were seeing now and we are truly beginning to see patients discharged from the hospital patients discharged who are for coverage who are able to donate blood for additional treatments and using all of that and seeing all that im very confident that were going to begin to emerge from this dr rick pesca to our thanks so much one to vote thanks and really appreciate it thanks there thank you by the way if im joining me on this edition of politicking remember you can join the conversation on my Facebook Page or tweet me at kings things not to get use politicking hash tag and solve for this edition of politicking. Aeroflot russian airlines. Im a journalist its all i know being a truth teller people say i make among comparable good uses like a jackhammer to drill down and think find the truth Nugent Rick Sanchez because its time to do news again and question more. Aeroflot russian airlines. That is just every small cycle dont listen. To me lately please see they can be so easy jurgen klinsmann. To take the safe rule shucks walk to sit next you dont. Get a solution 60 feet search mobile she clearly. Surprise the Unemployment Rate is not protected to reach 30 percent in america higher than the Great Depression the stock markets up 30 percent from recent lows and the size of the Central Bank Balance sheet has expanded by trillions so the question is which came 1st the expansion of the Central Bank Balance sheet or unemployment what is the cause and what is the effect as weve been saying on the show for 10 years Central Bank Balance sheet expansion causes the unemployment because it causes the deflation that causes the economic duress that creates the unemployment. Live from the World Headquarters of the r. T. America our Nations Capital this is. Rick sanchez. Everybody im rick sanchez i want to welcome those of you who are watching us on portable t. V. Or on your regular providers all over the world all right india is in the news today the countrys 1300000000 people are being told that their economic lockdown is going to be extended because the coronavirus numbers there are getting much worse much worse with each passing day were going to be all over this story for you and were going to be covering it throughout the course today but we want to start

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