Number. Off in about. It dont deserve the goods on. B. T. R. K. K. Is a subsea jury of the mocking croak a mocking cruel beast theyre fighting directly responsible for does dishonest. The mocking creeps about eyes wilma will most of bless unilever and you only live in markets its products and the former its the friends brand names in supermarkets. In my country uni lever its the claim that they use 100 percent sustainable ball boy. And they all try it there are thousands of sustainability and quality labels but down no relevant liguori going to nations for this business and his attorney or 37000000000 euros a Year Companies and is was he asians in all proud she is invent certification labels as they see fit. And thats usually company clio pay my. Loans on lansing or single owners they need isnt and but they were up the base and i dont understand to scientists out there is professor here and now in russia ted in austin on kansas mimes and it would also if thats not those cattle elitist alice was handling on that level and rafa brought night to me years you have a friend who died aged 85. 00 or 6 would have to say as much because the wind in an hour you can buy this stuff and make it more an environmental friendly and more fair but but dan i look at the labels you are in most of the labels are fake they say all its green its around our mental friend leds with what they were and its a fake label the company itself invented im with you that at some level. Its overwhelming theres so much noise about. Whats right and whats good feeling good lets not forget even organic and by the law just is ok to eat it is not what i was going from or how it was made or anything about it and didnt do i know that its healthy well you know it may have high levels of it im a of a demanding but let me end it has it been transported so long that some of this is a decade old what the hell is going on so even with just very basic questions we are both empowered to make individual consumption decisions and given so much information that you dont know what the hells going on make smart decisions be. Look heres information heres a pamphlet and weve even shrunk the information you need down to the size of a postage stamp and well stick it on and so it is a sad trade dull satan friendly you know locust compatible recent you know all this that and so youre reading something that looks like a long list. But you know this is not fat and youre like its not that its not fair to ask everyone to become experts in nutrition and so my dynamics in Climate Change in uncles aunts petition law and labor law and an ecology emerge that then when you see this you know this packet on the shelf you can interpret it even if that was telling the truth which it isnt. Because already youve reduced this to an individual consumption decision and it shouldnt be that i mean is like exaggerate coffee but i buy Fair Trade Coffee because the alternative is the cost of coffee you know its costly that exploits children and even you dont want that you want nonexploitative things but why is an option why is this something that you have to choose to do why you have to choose not to exploit people why do you have to choose not to kill dolphins when you have to choose to all of the south why isnt this something you dont have to worry about why isnt there something just a basic threshold of legislation so that its not an individual choice but any way you get there is by organizing it your conscience for those individual choices to become law so for me as someone who wants to arent at definitely need to buy some stuff but it would be for me. To a tree to go through all this into findings of a ridge would be ok. I im going to be unkind and say so what youre saying is how do we keep things the way they are the change everything i think with a good light going to the store but you think youre. To be sure that when you pick up that pack of pringles its organic and sustainable bungles as opposed to. Earth will be the alternative maybe. Im a look at it another way no treats im just saying something made by procter and gamble in order to make pringles sustainably applies to bring those into gold or 5 times at least and probably more. Having to fork over something doesnt appeal to me even as a child i didnt like that everywhere products that given hot air but you shouldnt really exist at all to destroy of all types of products for a time in furniture Household Appliances electronics for communication and entertainment and to taste. The right car you got of why marriage yeah. Could be the thinking of. So rich german is not. Nice for you because youre not taking it returned so you know they stand on their version if you dont want to or you know the name john because thats just trash as far as im concerned now. Us just like they dont really make a new thing thats worth keeping anymore now its all plastic. You know theres nothing i mean you know you go buy a new a new and its not going to look like an old and the old fans are actually doing the metal you know jock its the good stuff. And at. Their wedding. Indic a feat. I begin to realize that our system is a by. And 3 all right in the middle of it by purchasing products we play our part in the destruction of the planet. Before not enough heat yet. In order to prevent us thinking that such products shouldnt exist corporations constantly talk about sustainability. The end of cocacola thats a term. Sustainability is absolutely critical to our business survival and to our growth. And the fight jihad doesnt. Sustain it mean that it is a vital part of our strategy everyone thats interesting that way how were using resources in a sustainable manner becomes increasingly important im confident that we can create a more equitable and Sustainable World for all of us we can create value safely and sustainably its about creating a culture of sustainability students and this is the guns im reading through from the lips of those with this just the constant murdered indecently in the middle east hampton enough on the end of those who were sentenced last signings. To 2 of the seedings also mazel keep 6 men in there to him were. Also mum was involved. Even in the brewsters don theres a. Rookie its just. It brings them to predict and to him to get my yellow just on my lady in the need he is ill there was nothing like either you would just sign me up politics. Just listen to us to 60 have us places give us an you can skin us leave this give us a. The issue is the debt is libya and these are in design is the same on it is a guess as ask and also we do know this isnt just getting going in really does. He need one didnt mean i didnt just rise the sea mist on lives fighting lizards has a take this is that these goons and when does that all stand it dismissal god. And much just a scandal. If its good. This is a child this is done in libya. And this is them is going out as does moses did none and it must just last 2 must us that. Kind of sorted out it did not this is then redoes the invective that was none of the best that is under this i used to type up a little too. Much tough on its own bruising those deep years its numbers as well to see a. Little things taken the most mechanism of them between 9 and this is 2nd all of this must be on to an imminent i am a lucky escape to summon him assume a demon done him in and strength seen them in the face of ad understood so going in the room isnt was this guys messiah displacement in des Moines Sun Plavix does does it answer how morris is still do does it want to name an awful this is a conflict and no instead just one must conflict and demand was privileged enough. And demand writ me an example which havent been doing it with guests and one pass attempts mind on just. This myth in some of. My. Makes me furious operation. Responsible people trying to find out the opposite. Ive seen a Textile Factory fire radioactive contamination after. The notion after a break in the dam of an mining company. Theres no way to. Say this guy. Is have to assume much. More slowly yet. So as and things have to. Satisfy and. The board the horizon depository rises does the kids know yes well im going to be appealed designers make it. Into the act i said this is going to massacre as. One does computes cmos what does dimpling developmental you know. When i kept a hunch in the class and. I deduced it seems to think hes a man used to government isnt. This thing just to cover this this is not going to go i just found one. I had interest and. Now he entered a new suit to give them so much. Could see me or really move. Beyond this on a lot of things with a gun is to. Reduce. This side time wasnt meant as anything was a company knew he was just a down time is meant to movement thing and an International System that is going to. Move until i need to add into our studies to design a new one and all our time does a company must in homs act beyond petroleum in my hand i know its gonna be a minor house so not a leg weve done is this before. That is done and theres hope to shaft and just to see. Exists and it is. All clinton looming. Childs same brawl on one old road just all. The way to get to shape out just to become educated and in the game it was betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart. Just to look for common ground. You cannot be vulgar with yet you will. I still remember vividly how stunned i was found april 20th 2010 to training rick deepwater horizon exploded in the gulf of mexico and 11 people died. Every day more than 3000000 gallons of crude oil gushed out into the ocean for 87 days straight the oil slick was equal in size to the us state of new cheney and. In cases like this it is routine from all to nationals to shift the blame on to test some contractors in subsea trace. The pieces c. E. O. At the time tony hayward to distraction this was an error accident this was a drilling rig operated by another company it was that people versus them is their processes we all responsible not for the accident but we are responsible for the oil and for dealing with it and cleaning the situation up. After the catastrophe to c. E. O. Of b. P. Tony hayward resigned with a severance package worth millions and under the new c. E. O. All things continue. As usual b. P. s response efforts in the gulf of mexico were unprecedented in scale we took responsibility for the cleanup immediately b. P. Can help by applying its distinctive skills capabilities and technologies and demanding areas. This is why we intend to move further into harsh remote and complex geographies. 3 years before the sea to be p. T. S. Big enough to be finished. And if oil can still be found it must belong to someone else they say. No 3 times already. I was to meet youre. Going to the beach yes i will go down and see what nature is deposited on the beach for us to look at today i will look at it under the naked eye and then well turn to evie light onto it and see what course of spectrums will come off of it what color. We found a lot of tub was the day i touched them i would suggest using gloves because we found the tarballs themselves are many times more dangerous in the dispersal self because its full of debris a while not just bacteria flesh eating bacteria and other words that tar balls 100 carbons selects are indeed real on its a guess which means they kill most of the others but the neighbor still lives and we have problems with that rio in the summertime because once it gets in the high numbers you get infected with it you can have either your leg or arm amputated or you can die from the and thanks. Is that its and thats what were seeing down here. And this theres scientific technical documents published in Peer Reviewed journals that are proving this. And what is b. P. Doing all the science is controlled the signs to say its all good now its all good. If there is they say there is what they try to do as they try to say there is no ad that ends us well of course theres no evidence that youre not looking far are if youre looking far in the wrong places they claim that there is no here because theres nobody thats been able to sing their print their oil so im going out here looking for evidence that we can say this may be b. P. Oil what needs detail Oil Different what they hit it with the dispersant inside the dispersant there are glide calls to see only introduction of the glycol that we know about and so because we know that if we find the glycol zz thats typically the dispersed oil the only one that we know that used to dispersants expression on the scale of a 100000000 gallons so the corrects it so to correct that thats what we have to look one way to find out the day of the light on it and see if they fluoresce will kill those lights. And that is the oranges that were looking for. Yes. Its 5 on 60 point dont walk dont walk right here lets not feed the prince lets lessen the childs footprint you see where theyre walking back and forth and these are the things that im employed and i knew that little can slip through as walking or i buy this stuff walking through some of these puddles. So these are some of the things that were seeing and seen phone pools of water that are floor asking are ings the car not tarballs and childrens feet right now on that level and so those are the things that make me say somebody is going to stand somebody has to do some things. Just. Mine model. Good. Good. Luck to him a comped. Lease is going to lead. To some of the lines this seems to have been the 1st to. Come up. This. This isnt just sauce. Us clearly were just in the image and decisions. To get against dismissal and least until this is good. To see im on. The side of the oem like side the c. E. O. Has to and. This is a sin does not signal to london a mr collins has had time to test how much going on still. Very important to accelerate the transition to sustainable transport it really really. Really is. That this is this is really important for the future of the world. We have record high c o 2 levels. We recently passed over for a 403. 00 parts per 1000000 of c o 2 in the atmosphere you can see the chart and it looks like a burdock alive and a store climate so ted turner dressed us what we came up with the test though was called the secret passer by. This is kind should do the end of the 2 posts on this glad because islam is by the individual as forgiving as rational as passionate as god and just had implanted was about how does god got mixed up in the dismal garden and dish imbibed up a moment to let us decide. That it was islam doesnt did and. Does not see him in this yet in us and disallows like him to this day still was we have been for they are buying bless him well just get to give as his latest position then is that his flesh this is and let us say the sledged. Of us and then gives total does did most women flash busted we got to do this work when i go to. Elect august i am the pastors much and it is in the good of one busy x. Dead man this is how this kind of i am listening to him and with him devolving doesnt include the clothes i was called was called is man sit in a ball does indeed time as i did the many of the desirable might as well just im blessed with the stuff doesnt benoits lead soon. Does neuer add to the lord god knows i exist one to be good colleagues is indeed limb to gold to be good inside saying im going to nuke you know until the war is employers will see a vast all of the ashton 0 in on on did indeed in just last segment just as is had emerged a man lie in and then pushed into pissing fisons has sought moment now and i would say little do you want im number one stop and then what i used as i was more was to said to him shodan im good this is this does is that of all need is a good films and you saw that list i was in a mad loser to be in a my inbox was i listening and gift for saw it. Was what i was doing today cause the last thing comment to this is im all in this just leads to la baldwin and goodness on this need to. Learn to read big. Is. As it is it the immunity deal is done as is saw this on the alibi alone a higher dose of alibi. Just didnt make it to natanya duzen to evil isnt good and we add we want it done and so what does little does is to cause a girl in a newton. Car at our distance usually show beautiful landscapes were heading to the place where we think the car belongs. To. The city corner over the say soon. As we. Took up to. God and skies and is the one of the show of insanity and almost fire and soon learned to sew on assumes theres also and this is the close off in the corner time to all runs. On so tsotsi also does muscle and sukkoth just toss nikolas told all the time just as much as cunt so sign the do deserves didnt see x. Is so glad super shouldnt and this in just the time a woman said i list damn lies so dang in kind but i use apt get stressed out and then. Classless romance on real and then when my harley is in on to add this is dick. Abit does 12 months on does it cool be a good. Plan and of into had i in them its all short as was aziza and again to see an invite. This is kind of sad when any a corner on his knees doesnt up the bling and wonders how does he who was all those as i installed his guns and corner cool society guns again i think makes a conklin good in good fun song so theres a song to see you could do with one good piece mush needin. Every ant i am sounds like you are important to keeping muscles on the sides of the ball a cool customer is in team as well and this does imo mean pollen blown call it cost magazines kind need to be a side room im positive that was false there isnt going to be ever more intimately isnt until an. Honest complete marcum to get into the budget including the i wasnt all few decent i just pulls in all is all it means events in un to suit. You where you know he is was between you and the court says side of my tombstone fast but on just was and we implement its limits who gave. You some dont curse and sounds like an intent on us. Smile and. Tos good. Companies are making hefty profits from the mains environmental destruction. Some corporations are richer than entire come chris. Welch wrong why dont just dont call. Me. Yet to shape out just. To educate and in. The trail. When so many find themselves worlds apart. Just to look for common ground. Thousands of american men and women choose to serve in the countrys military decision. Every song came to a complete. The day that i was right. You know told to shut up kill me and i see how it destroyed my life any screamed at me and he made me come in and he grabbed my arm and he write me with his birth thinking if you take into account that women dont report because of the extreme retaliation its probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the us military is a very very traumatizing thing tat happen but ive never seen trauma like ive seen women who are veterans who have suffered military sexual trauma reporting rape is more likely to get the victim punished them the offender and almost 10 year career or chose very invested in and i gave a sex offender who was not even put to justice or put on the registry this is simply an issue of power and violence male sexual predators for the large part of target whoever is there to prey upon whether thats a man or woman. In the world. Despite his own intelligence agencies to. Protest slogans to make the point. British leaders accuse the government of failing to protect. Protect the

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