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A man who protects his people Constitutional Order and territorial integrity. Had to recount the colorful 1st day of the Republican National convention as it officially nominates donald trump for a 2nd term and owners the couple who pointed guns and lives matter of protest. Plus reporting on this is what the previously covert free italian city claims of Migrant Center now for what the health of infections as it jumps from 0 to hundreds of new virus cases. Morning just turned 9 am here now the shoes say 25th of august life martis will be as h. Q. Mosco is kevin owen here the latest round up for you. First the russian doctor says hes received online threats treating the problem an opposition activist alexina valmy the politician supporters claim he was poisoned however russian medics note they found no talks again agents and his blood. With me my family and my children have received dozens of physical threats moreover im not hiding my personal life but of course it didnt affect anything god will judge those people we treated me and it wasnt his fault. So novelle me whos still in a coma is now being treated in a burning clinic doctors there say theyve identified the group of substance behind this condition of finding simulated odds than with their russian colleagues. The clinical findings indicate intoxication by substance from the group of actives substances called to raise inhibitors the outcome of the disease remains uncertain and long term effects especially in the area of the nervous system cannot be ruled out at this point in time while the statement was put out by shutting hospital here and said that they have found a toxic substance in alexy in the system that this substance of being verified by several different laboratories they couldnt identify exactly what it was but if the long to a family of toxins that could attack the nervous system now this is very different to the news we had coming out of the russian city of square lex in the valley was 1st treated after his flight from siberia to moscow was forced to make an Emergency Landing with him in great distress they said that theyre willing to share all of the details from the tests that were carried out in almost with the medical staff here. That say that they carried out numerous tests and found no such toxins the tests on the well known for a wide spectrum of synthetic substances including inhibitors were negative also on admission to the hospital there was no clinical picture specific to the calling mysterys inhibitor Group Following the release of the statements we also heard from german chancellor Angela Merkel and foreign minister heiko must they issued a joint statement in which they wished alexina vilely a swift recovery but also called for a full investigation to find out what happened to him in view of mr numberless prominent role in the political opposition in russia where it is we call upon the authorities there to investigate every single detail of this incident and do so in full transparency those responsible must be done to fight and how to countable while the german chancellor of foreign minister were calling for investigations to determine the facts it does seem that trial by media has already. Pointed the finger of blame directly at the kremlin so. Does a lot of showing. Particularly likes you dont need a security clearance to know that the kremlin has a track record of poisoning its critics alexei mithali remains in a serious but stable condition here in central pearlman while the the statement that was released says that there is no acute risk to his life at the moment it does say that there could be Long Term Health effects for him so the substance in question is found in the family of cholesterol his inhibitors that a group of chemicals that affect the nervous system they used in drugs for treating illnesses such as health simas and other forms of dementia as american and the c theologists John Dombroski explain to us a bit more detail these agents are used all the time in an operating room you know for a 1st normal patient care what happens with some patients is what it does discreate just a large amount of pseudo coli as you know colon is a normal acting medication that we havent neurotransmitter aware of its too high everything in balance in life it can cause death to patients are in obviously if theres a cloistering you know its very specific thats why the russian government may not be looking for it maybe the germans were looking for this thats why they found the amount of coli was exceptionally high in the species obviously the war time that passes for when the intervention happened at this point the heart of storage respect or what substances were used clearly they have identified it now that they have identified it could give support of care for the station to bring them along and then after that it becomes more of a forensic you know purpose george some really Senior Research fellow at the Global Policy institute in london told us that of all these case may end up to replicate in the script or in terms of nondisclosure of any soul in fact. The germans have jumped the gun and instead of waiting for a full. Investigation into. His medical condition what may have happened. Rushed in and said oh there was a poison attack and the russian authorities must investigate the question is are the germans prepared to share their findings all of the Little Laboratory findings there pull all the medical tests that they undertook on the bali are they prepared to share them with the russian doctors if theyre now if they tried to do what to reason made did with discrete piles and offer no cooperation whatsoever with the russian authorities so the russians could make an independent assessment as what the german scientists of found then its hard to see where the russians or any are under any obligation to conduct the full investigation or say look we dont know that he was poisoned ah doctors say that he wasnt so why should we just accept what the germans say when the germans refused to provide us with any scientific basis to assess their findings. So some of the headlines this morning protesters have been arrested this up to a 1000 people gathered in their couple of better roast to rally against the disputed president ial election then straight as a minsk Independence Square with mostly peaceful waving flags phones and torches while singing and dancing rallies also took place in cities across the country an Opposition Leader says that sooner or later the government will have to listen. Absolutely not youve lost of lot absolutely altie a city authorities are very frayed of their own nation and the majority subpoena and who are absolutely sure sooner or later they will have to give into the situation and accept their own citizens it can carry on like this and hold the asli belorussians homepage out with a peace and injustice taking place at the moment but for all part were preparing all the necessary instruments the. Might help the authorities listen to the will of the majority. But Security Forces do not agree with the oppositions point of view of fauresmith officials been widely criticized over excessive violence but they say there are 2 sides to the story he goes down off spoke to them. When it comes to protests in belarus you must have seen footage like this all like this or like this and if youre half interested in whats happening here well you must have seen this picture that was an infamous day as news junkies around the world stooge shocked by the brutality of belarus police. With the. Book that. The picture went viral at 1st many assumed wrongly the man on the ground was dead so what happened that day but well we found the officer who is in this picture and he told us his version of events. It turned out later he had a severe alcohol and Drug Overdose we had the guy when he felt really bad but no matter how badly he behaved that evening we tried to get him to the ambulance which was 100 meters from us he was unconscious he just lay down i tried to wake him up and once people standing not far from me started screaming let him go let him go i told him that i was trying to provide medical assistance but they didnt hear me and screamed let him go i stood up showed my hand saying i let him go so what and he still on the ground and they dont know what to say my colleague brought medics they helped him right there and took him to the hospital. Command turned out to be ok and went on to become a Media Favorite dishing out interviews pretty much that i dont know probably 3 maybe 4 people surrounded me my brother was there with me too it all happened so fast they just drag me into the paddy wagon one photograph 2 very different accounts at 1st glance it may look like a mean. Something being made light of online but in reality its a metaphor for how polarized the media war over the protests in belarus has become Anti Government demonstrators enjoy the support most of outlets from every continent in many languages offices from the Security Forces are telling me they feel that the world is deaf to their words like when their families and children are getting death threats. We were facing how parents in kindergarten taught their children such phrases your father is a murderer your father beach people and the children come home and ask their mother a question is it true that our father is a murderer how can you say this about a man who protects his people Constitutional Order and territorial integrity. I ask them about all the videos showing the men in full riot gear severely beating Peaceful Protesters they say they arent proud of but insists that the big picture matters. Is the use of force doesnt make us look good especially if we use forced you to emotions we shouldnt do it but it was that time when people came at us with sticks and rocks and we had to end that mess. That people did not come to peaceful rallies with molotov cocktails with sticks and stones and they dont try to run over military and internal Affairs Officers with their cars last sunday suit tens of thousands of antigovernment protesters making their voices heard peacefully from the sleeve no one was arrested or detained it seems theres finally a truce between loon fools mint and protesters but a fragile one im being told it seems both sides will need to keep their emotions in check and weve done of reporting from minsk in belarus r. T. Migrant center in the italian city of treves so is being blamed for a spike in covert infections the sensor in a former military barracks is being criticized after more than 200. 00 people fell victim to corona virus in just 2 weeks travelling so had been considered a covert free city the mayor himself has dubbed the situation there now health bob. What happened inside the serene exmilitary barracks a structure directly managed by the ministry of interior is a paradox destruction didnt work fine in normal conditions and it showed all its gaps during this Health Emergency we call it health form because there are 256 people confined into the same structure and they dont want to separate between covert 1000 positive cases and negative ones well prosecutors this month launched a probe after the 1st positive cases were discovered in the Migrant Center and public anger at the situation over it all growing. And. Too many migrants together it was inevitable now the danger is young people who do not distance themselves but viral or just say that the virus has weakened. The problem is not just inside the barracks it seems to me that the situation is out of control more serious and correct measures in the needed but right now they dont know how to deal with it. And there is some concern its a shame that our politicians have left is in disarray without solution i thought i would go back but younger people are migrants arent taking it seriously we all need to be conscientious and be more careful. Its better not to talk about the surrender it was bad management it continues to be bad the root of the problem must be solved move the migrants and give them a chance to leave a decent life. And very worried were free from corbett and now there are all this new cases the fault lies with those let in the migrants in they should be sent back home. It comes as 4 migrants were also arrested in august for allegedly starting a revolt there and have been reports that some refugees escaped quarantine which may data contributed to the covert crisis plus immigrants have been accused of attacking Health Workers which is what triggered the following response from politicians. The virus must not leave the barracks for me the barracks remain a red zone from a health point of view and guests must comply with rules established by law if someone who test positive leaves quarantine they must be fined and criminally charged in this arena barracks and traverse so the route 133. 00 covert positive migrants out of 293. 00 its a major outbreak the guests are rioting theyre refusing to stay in quarantine and destroying the infirmary it has cost incalculable damage to the image of the travel area to tourism to businesses those who commit acts of violence must not go unpunished i support the decision to jail for guests of the former serina barracks who attacked Health Workers and vandalized the rooms if youre watching with 60 minutes past the hour you without International Law choose their head families of u. K. Health workers who lost their lives on the frontlines of the battle against kobe made out lose benefits and compensation trap aroud preventable tell you about it. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy confrontation let it be an arms race in his own spearing Dramatic Development only really im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. Show seemed wrong why dont we just dont all. Get to see palin this day become active. And engaged but it was betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. By good morning donald trump has been formally nominated to run for a 2nd term as president of the Republican National convention. A man who puts america 1st and will keep America Great president donald john truck i come from the great state of montana we are affectionately calling it tana we believe in trama says made and promises kept louisiana probably casts its 46 votes for president double j. Truck and we know that the best is yet to come well there are more than a few parallels them from the Opening Night to the Republican National convention with trumps glamorous former reality t. V. Career. He is the man who fired people on reality t. V. And now and donald trump is setting up a reality t. V. Show to make sure that he wont be fired from the white house by the American People this november each episode during the Republican National convention features donald trump and members of his family its all called honoring the Great American story. Land of heroes. Great. To see over the next 4 nights who like the next chapter. Share our vision is the greatest country with the greatest citizens taint the greatest change. So with each day having a theme and nightly surprises the donald is looking to trump joe bidens performance with the Democrats Convention but over the last week the democrats held the darkest and angriest and gloomiest convention in American History it will be the most boring repetitive dull mean spirited convention in history and of course we all get a heavy dose of hatred and rage and cult like madness psychosis has stereo against all things donald trump this years convention of the Republican Party has been dubbed the Peoples Convention and the people have chosen 1st speakers at their convention on the Opening Night the couple who pointed their guns at black lives matter protesters as they walked outside their mansion now that 1st taste of media spotlight has gotten this couple felony charges donald trump calls it a disk rates and the couple says theyre thirsty for more at this moment in history if you stand up for yourself and for the values our country was founded on the mob spurred on by their allies and the media will try to destroy you President Trump will defend their god given right of every american to protect their home. And there for more years the themes are coming thick and fast tuesday is the land of opportunity wednesday is the land of heroes and thursday it is the land of greatness yes you heard that right thats the night when donald trump will be accepting the nomination of the Republican Party at the white house surrounded by supporters now many people are lapping it up but not all of them for the same details for example c. N. N. Says that its already over the details and that it will cut away from the reality t. V. Show if it strays too far from reality and the Television Networks going to be interesting choices to make interesting decisions to make about whether to cut away if theres this stream of december mation happening live seeing as they did not do this at the democratic National Convention outrage about cnns announcement is certainly not hard to find on the internet. 3 episodes of this reality t. V. Show convention are left no doubt theyll be moments of pure cringe drama and high comedy but republicans are really hoping that this is a reality t. V. Show that wont prove to be a turnoff it will mop and artsy new york well Communications Manager of the Us Green Party michael mele told us how mainstream coverage of events like the Republican Convention he thinks is skewed and biased. I think that each. Corporate Cable News Network has their own constituency and their own marketing demographic that they are catering to and so you will have fox news which will be very aggressive about reporting on allegedly wrongdoings on the part of the Democratic Party and then youll have m s n b c or c. N. N. Which will be very aggressive about providing documentation on the wrongdoings of donald trump and the republicans meanwhile c. N. N. And b c will ignore the rank injustices and undemocratic practices of the Democratic Party so theyre not really engaging in news they just have a market that theyve identified that they are catering to and the idea of a complete objectivity i dont think is useful but also the idea of just tailoring your News Coverage specifically to make your particular slice of the American People feel good is also a negative trend. Which is a row brewing relatives of the u. K. Health workers who lost their lives to cove it a bit more theyre going to lose their Welfare Benefits if they accept compensation from the government its been called another slap on the face than for a National Health service already led authorities mishandling of the pandemic seems if families take the 60000. 00 pound lump sum itll be treated as capital means tested benefits of that could leave them ineligible for payments such as universal credit and housing or pension benefit opposition m. P. s say thats deeply unfair than to loved ones of those whove made what they called the ultimate sacrifice and pointed out that historically other compensation schemes have not had such restrictions. The government was right to say we must honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice so its shocking that families are being forced to choose between accessing Social Security theyre entitled to all the compensation they need and the u. K. Government insists though that such benefits have always been calculated in the same way the principle is that only those who cannot meet basic needs get payment but a Senior Health consultant says such an approach they encourage is n. H. S. Workers to put their lives on the line. Thats very unfortunate it took a long time for the present bodies of all the Health Care Workers to negotiate this with the government and then to subsequently find that it is going to be treated as capital is a step backwards it should just be a payment and we must remember people die as a result of being in the front line saving lives and often in circumstances where they are working with inadequate p. P. So they are really truly honestly but in very much in the front line in danger and the yellow ones should not be also been allies just because they received 860000 bombs payment 60000 pounds does not go very far in our current war and therefore it is a payment for somebody who has put their lives in the front line it should not there before that penalized it youve got capital were not going to do you if this comes to be what will happen is then Health Care Workers may make a choice to say you know what come to think about it i dont want to put myself in the front line that would be also a negative backward step. The u. S. Secretary of state arrived in israel on monday on a 5 day tour of the region to try to help the country normalize relations with arab states this month israel and the United Arab Emirates already announced normalization of ties and more countries appear ready to do the same. Economic relationship between the emirates opportunities for innovation and science travel between these 2 places will now be open thats important its important to create between israel and this arab state this opportunity i think the worlds a new europe we are we could have. Joined by a very hopeful that we will see other arab nations join in the hope of good news in the future in the near future. The u. S. Sponsored deal between israel and the u. A. E. Should open cooperation and Health Care Education and energy its set to open embassies and direct flights between the countries but differences remain the claims israel for instance is greed to suspend declaring sovereignty over the west bank while israels Prime Minister says theyve agreed only on a delay the fan some political commentator says sits a disagreement though. The whole deal was really an announcement regarding some gradual process at the end of which there will be a normalization the exchange of ambassadors and so on and solve for no real substance in it because there where are security relations economic relations even people of mattick relations but not official ones and the whole idea was to give both. And. Something to glorify themselves seen and right now it doesnt seem as if theyre a gamble is working meanwhile the u. S. Reportedly canceled a meeting with israeli and american officials over Benjamin Netanyahu opposition to washington selling f. 35 fighter jets to the emirates reportedly tried to repeatedly by the jets but American Foreign policy gives Israeli Military priority in the region leaving washington split between 2 allies. We have a 20 plus year security relationship with the United Arab Emirates as well where we have provided them with Technical Assistance and military assistance we will now continue to review their process to continue to make sure that were delivering them with the equipment that they need to secure and defend their own people from this same threat and will do in a way that preserves our commitment to israel as well im confident the both of these objectives can be achieved the proposed of the f. 35. 00 we. Teach fighter. Wanted by both the emirates the saudis and others this was the hed been called in the socalled peace deal for donald trump. Thats the way things look at it so far this morning thanks for watching r. T. International. In the troubled 19 seventies a group of killers rampage through parts of Northern Ireland that was coordinated loyalist attacks to take the only population of belfast tens of thousands were forced to flee their homes come up with strike and put these attacks was a p. R. You see the Police Actually took part in the attacks so instead of preventing it they were active participants in the burning of full streets in belfast at the time more than a 100 innocent civilians were unloaded as the review can seniors and we found out more i was surprised about the extent and its occurrence which the collusion was involved in some of those cases they killers would later be named into then and were getting i think it went to the very very top i think it is for all the water where all the taste since you thought was going on and give the go ahead. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe from. Isolation full community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. Directly. What is truth what is faith. In a world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or a maid in the shallows

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